V- LARGEST CIRCULATION OP ANY JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and To Advertizers We've got the subscribers and if you want your busi ness well advertized see us. EVEJlItfG WOIiD LOCAX, DEPARTMENT. LEROY SMPTII, Local EzroRTEi: TELEPHONE NO. 55. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. COiWriERCIAL AND MANUFACTURERS CLUB OBSERVER. p. Temperature; 7 a.m., 73; 2 p. m., 87 WEATHER FORECAST FOR TO-DAY I Continued fair and warm weather tonight and Tuesday. - : 1 . IT'S LOCAL. 4 ME OF THESE ITElS WIIL BE TEREST TO YOU. OF IN- The graded school committee of the ejty will meet this evening at 5 o'clock. . . T. J. McAdoo, of Greensboro, is in the cify and will remain here sev eral days making repairs on the tele phone line. The ladies of the Presbyterian chyrcll will give aii ice cream sup per one night during the latter part of the week. ' ; L . i R. A. -Grimes, of Triomasville, come over this morning and accept ed a position as clerk at Kluttz & Co' s. drug store. During the month of July Regis ter of Deeds Woodson issued only nine marriage licenses seven for "white and -two for colored couples. C. H. Long and W. M. 3cott, advance are!nts of Barlow Brothers minstrels, were here Saturday night. The minstrel will show here Friday night. W. N. Earnhardt is holding down the position as basrgage master while R. L. Farris is off on a few days recreation. . Capt. Thomas Murphy, one of the conductors on the Western, is off on a month's vacation. The vacant place on the road will be filled by Capt. Horton. A germah will be given at. Ashe vilU tomorrow night and, as prev iously noted in the World, theger man club of Salisbury will go up on the excursion. J. C. Manly w ent to Atlanta Sat urday night to make arrangements for bringing his family to Salisbury. They will occupy W. C. Fraley's house on east Inniss street. The whistle which will be used at the neV Southern shops was brought down from Knoxville Saturday. It has done service at the old Geor gia shops inKnoxville for a number of years. The train for D. W. Julian's .ex cursion tomorrow has arrived and is now standing on the side track here. lA large crowrd will go to Asheville from Salisbury and surrounding countrv. - ' S A protracted meeting will begin at Shiloh Methodist church, near the city, on the 3rd. Sunday of this raonth. It will be conducted by Rev. E. G. Pusey, assisted by Rev. A. L. Coburn.. The cattle pen of the Southern, which has stood near the Salisbury cemetery for some time, was torn away today. A large new pen will be erected between the coal chute at the new shops and the creek. Proprietor. I Ws The World that gives all the, latest and besc of the day. Do you take it? If not do. WEEK OR TWO Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Mowerj-, who have been living in Charlotte, arrived in the city Saturday '.night and will make this- their future home. They will live for the present with Airs. Mowery's father, Policeman Pool, y ' l , -i We understand that Esquire D. L. Bringle is in a critical condition. He is suffering from Wright's disease and dropsy. Mr. Bringle was at one time postmaster of " Salisbury and one of the most prominent citizens of the city. ' J. T. Barringer is j having a brick house erected on south Lee street to be used as a storage house for potato es with which he will supply the trade of the city during the winter. The house will have a capacity of 1000 bushels of potatoes. Mr. T. C. Enniss, of Raleigh, ar rivea in me cuy mis morning .aim is spending the day here.; Mr. Ennis who is now an engineer oh the Sea board Air Line, left Salisbury when but three years? old' and this is his first visit since that time. - t Mill Notes. - The Vance cotton! mills has sus i pended its night work temporal ially. .The. Kesler mills did its first day's work today. The mill will not run regularly for a week or two yet, the run todgy being more fyr a test The"- machuievY " is of the uiscnestl order and everything runs smoothly. The Last Issue Saturday. The last issue of the Herald was printed Saturday afternoon. Today Editor Whicbard is busy straighten ing up his affairs and as soon as this is completed his plant will be moved to Hickory. He wjll ; probably be accompanied by J. X. Roueche, who has been associated 1 with the Her ald in the capacity of foreman since it began publication. I 1 Sal.sbury Forging Ahead. I ; Under this caption yesterday's Charlotte Observer had an excellent write up descriptive of the improve ments going on in Salisbury. The Observer totals up the estimated .cost of improvements now being made here at $440,000. In these figures none of the ; new residences in course of erection are' included. These would run the figures up to nearly 500,000. ) ! The following is the list of improv ments as shown by the Observer: Methodist church j ; $ 3,000 Shaver buildings j ! 15,000 Woodson and Shaverl buildings 4,000 Kesler Mill l;' 75,000 Flour Mill rV 12,000 Opening Main Street 15,000 Southern Railway shops 300,000 Dunning store 1,000 Richard's dwelling I housss, 25 at $600 15,000 , Announcement. ' Owing to a heavy increase in my lumber business I am compelled to abandon the retail branch of r my Ice business. After Aug. 1st. I will con- duct au exclusive wholesale abd ship ping business, therefore, no Ice; will be sold at retail either from or Ice House. All Ice tickets now m the hands of my customers will be redeemed. Thanking those who have favored me withtheir patronage I am respectfully, i C. A. Rice. Delavs are - dangerous. Use Dr. Le Biun's G. & G. Cure at once. One dollar, at store or by mail. Sole agent James Plummer. "Wait for the wagon" and get your fresh bread from J. N. Solo mQn's. Baked daily. V TRY IT FOR A PAPER IN SALISBURY, THE ONLY DAILY PAPER IN THE. CITY SALISBURY. NORTH CAROLINA, HONDAY. AUGUST 3rd 1896. Job Printing s js Fometninor tint; averacre ' n iomr wmiout. vv e do it. : a . " - . . ' - . . . .' V OUR PRICES AND WORK ARE RIGHT THE JOURNEY IS O'ER. Miss Hamre Gill, after weeks of suffering, pass es lato the beyond. A lovely character. Yesterday' morning just as the sun's first ravs-were fillinc: the citv with the gladdening light of a sum mer's perfect Sabbath, a beautiful spirit was' passing froVn the abode of life and entering the portals of the great, the unknown bevond. The immortal soul of a lovely character was winginji its 1 flight through the valley pf the shadow, over the dark stream beyond the grave. ' After .weeks of suffering Mis Mamie Gill breathed her last yester day morning at 6 o'clock at the home of her mother on west Main street. ; Her death was not an en tirely unexpected one as she had been hovering between life and death for two weeks or more. Yet she hd appeared to rally in the last few days and hopes were entertained that she might continue to improve. The direct cause of Miss Gill's death was enlargement of the heart. Miss Mamie Gill was born at Gold Hill, this countjT, and was 23 years.of age, ,She.wa$ a devout member of the Catholic church. Most of her life has, been spent in Salisbury and all :who came in contact with her learned to love her foi her many ad mirable traits; She j ;vas a' young; lady of sweet disposition and gentle xiianneraadallwre: heiv friends.; ; ' Mr! II. C. Williams; went to Char- "V lotte yesterday morning where ar- ngements were made for the in- terrment, which took place this eve ning. The remains, accompanied by the family, were taken to Charlotte on the vestibule this morning. Hill Bridge Wins. A match game of ball was played at Mill Bridge Saturday evening be tween ; the home team and a nine from Grant's Creek. ! The visitors were defeated by a score of 15 to 5. A Mill Bridge "rooter" furnishes us with the names of the players The Mill Bridge nine were: F. A. Shoaf 1st b., G. F.fllouck r. f.,' G. A. Steel 2nd b., E. H. Harrison s. s., II. E. Miller c, W. J! McCorkle 3rd b., J. II. Shuping c. i. J. C. Sloan 1. f., O. O. Harrison p. The Grant Creek team was: G. G. Biackwelder r. f., E. O. Beaver s. s., John Miller 1. f., until catcher got crippled; C. E. Freeze 3rd b., Calvin Miller 1st b., J. S. Freeze p., J. D. Freeze 2nd b., C. J. Freeze c, M. A. Basinger c. f. j Frank Howard To Be Hung at Concord. Many of our citizens remember that one night several months ago a bright light was- seen against the southern sky. The next day the World published that the barn, sev eral horses and an out house of to Mr. Gillori, of Cabarrus county, had been burned. Suspicion fell upon Frank How ard, colored, and he was jailed. At one time the accused man confessed that he "meant to burn everything on the premises, Gillon and all -his family." Howard was tried at the Cabarrus term of Superior court last week and found guilty of arson. Satur day morning Judge Greene sen tenced him to be hanged on Friday, August 28th Notice All parties who intend going to Asheville on the excursion tomorrow can secure accident tickets of Ernest H. Brown. Don't forget the excursion from Concord to Wilmington Thursday, August Gth. Round trin onlv 3.00 If Local News " - ! "' . " yoiv want then you know ; where you can get it and get all. . Why in: the World. BECOILIS A SUBSCRIBER NOW. DAUG KTE R D E A D, riOTtf ER ' "V;' V' INSANE. r: t , VI. Victims, of the Chute. The Hother Fermits Her' Daughter lo Go Boating and the faughter Is Killed. A Tragic " Aftair. . On tle tragic death of the three picnicer at KnoxyiUe last Thursday hangs another tragedy, sadder and more touching in its details than the original catastrophe. It is ; well re membered how a young lady and two gentlemen rowing along Lake Ottosee were struck by a boat pre cipitated from a chute and instantly killed. In addition to these seven others vere badly injured, perhaps fatally. The subsequent events are told us by Capt. L. A. Frazier. It appears that Miss Fibbs, the young lady who was killed, was the daughter of an "engineer. She ap pealed: to her father for per missioiHto join a picnic party on the lake but he refused to give his per mission? The young jady afterwards sought her mother and obtained her consent. " . ' i: She was Only 16 years old and her father knew full well that the chute which inclinedrlrom ,a height above to the lake's brink was nothing less than a death trap. 1 She went however and as related above met a fearful death. When the news was borne JLo her mother of the sad accident the shock was so saddennd the realization of her own indirect responsibility for her daughter's death ' -i so stunning that she became deranged instantly and it is feared will never recover her mind. , It is a sad affair all around but particularly sq in the case of the mother, who with less intent than thought of danger, brought death tQ her lovely young daughter. A Reel Team from Charlotte. -, . . Said yesterday's Charlotte ser ver: "Nineteen of the best racers of the old Pioneers and Hornets will be chosen tomorrow night to com pose the racing team which goes to Salisbury to the 'firemen's tourna ment. Cheif Culpepper, a member himself of the old volunteer com pany, will train the men, and if Charlotte does not; win the prize she "will most." Judge Russell Here. ' U Judge Daniel L. Russell, the Re publican nominee for Govenor, was in the city a short while 7esterday morning on his way to Marshall where he will spend several days with Senator Pritchard. . On his j way to Marshall after leaving Salis bury Judge Russell was introduced to George Hanger!, the popular con ductor on the Western. After in quiring as to his destination Mr. Hanger asked Judge Russell if he intended making any speeches. Judge Russell replied that he might possibly make a j speech while in Madison county. X "Well after the roasting you have received from all sections of the State I would'ntmake any in another county in the State were 1 you," said Mr. Hanger. Judge Russell's reply, unfortiwiately, is not recorded. ! FOR SALE. A. paying shoe business in Salisbury. Average sales $20,000 annually. Address A in care of the World. s s Don't forget that I). W. Snider is at the Rowan House and will do all kinds of repairing on sewing - ma c'lines and organs. He famishes the best of recommendation as to work and reliability. None Pass It but all red it. The mer chant, banker, broker, law yer, mechanic and the ladies GIYE US AN AD. AND SEE "RESULT, -i Cy Watson Here. Gy Watson, the Democratic nominee to? Governor of -North Carolina, passed through the city this morning on his way to Charlotte where he will speak tonight at 8 o'clock. At the depot "Gov." Watson was surround ed by a group of admirng friends, The Conference Meets Next Year At Albemarle. Presiding elder J. R. Scroggs returned this morning from Thomasvjlle where he presided over the district conference of Salisbury district. The con ference adjourned last night and will meet next marie. year at Albe The Sunday Fight. The usual Sunday fight with the usual large crowd of spectators took place on Liberty street yesterday at noon. j. The participants were two colored women, sisters. The fight had reach ed that point where the colored rac e's favorite weapon, the razor, had been brought into action w hen the star , of an. approaching policeman was seen in the distance and the sis ters quieted down. Forcible Trespass and a i Affray. There was an interesting trial before esquire J. M. Horah this morning. Joe Miller, colored, was the def endent charged '"with" forcible trespass and an arfra,y with Gaston Carter, who was the plaintiff. R. Lee Wright represented the plaintiff and tlie defendent Avas represented by j. J. Stewart and J. L. Rendleman. Both parties were bound over to court. Wandersd Back and Was Caught. One Saturday night in April Bob Bostion, colored, was knocked in the head by Clarence Hargrave, also colored. Shortly afterward Hargrave left this part of the country and went to Boston. But his longing for He then took the Republican plat home was too great and he re-!form ancl showed how that party turned. j was trying to side-track the main ie- Saturday night he was dis-jsue, the' money question, and that covered by Policeman Pool and 1 they were trying to make issues out locked up. He will be detained j of the tariff antl otber things, which until the next term of Rowan's ! were really not issues at alL court. Bostian. who came near dying from the effect of the injur', has recovered. where The Doctor is Needed. We are glad to learn that Mr Jno. - - .- - f II. Verble, who has been ill for some I time, is still improving. 1 Mrs Jennie Johnson, whn been very low with fever, is some what improved to day. Mrs. John son s sister nas arrived irom riorida -I' " J TT-l and will remain here until Mrs. f Johnson grows stronger, when she' will be removed. We are ulad to see Jasrivennerh'.- who has been confined to his home . .. . at Zeb for some time, out again to day. ; The excursion from Concord . uiuiH-iuij v in iv in.-uui ana J.anier comjatiV s grana pieas 18 o'clock Thursday morning, ltoumi ; ure excursion from" Salisbury and trip only So.00. YV ill be gone 48 hours. Will be run by H. G. Graber, Leonard Bros, and Luther Darr. TTT . f ! t- s. ' it.il boarders. Kates moderate and sood fare. Apply to Mrs. C. E. Mills, South Inniss St. Ladies, gentlemens and childrens high grade Bicycles for sale by E. W. But fcCo. Swift's Silver Leaf is the most popular Lard on the market. VOL. 1. NO: 280. 2,000 Persons read it daily. We haven't that many subscribers, but;; o people read each" paier. : AliK 1UI UM; OF THAT NUMBER? il Concord's Advance Agent Here V . " " Henry Kitz came up from Concord' list night to make arrangements for1 the part the Concord reel team will take in the tournament here this month. He tells us Concord will . -. - " ' i send a running team of 25 to this races. A,large crpwd of speclalors will also be here from our sister town. The Boys Leave Tomorrow. The game of ball between Salis bury and Asheville will be played tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The boys w ill leave Sahsbuiy in uni form and will take the cars immedi ately on their arrival to Asheville for .lleudale Park, where the game is to be played. -. Physical Culture. The public meeting at tKe Y. M. C. A. hall yesterday evening waa conducted by Dr. J. G. Ramsay. ' Dr. Ramsay's theme was ,"physicaX culture" and he. made a plain, practi cal talk, based upon scriptural admo nitions. The doctor spoke of the evils of improper dress and diet and j the influence thev exert upon the moral nature-; of men and women., Speaking as an aged physici tn, from experience, his words were words of soundness and were listened to ai-,-tively. ' ' Mr. Kluttz at Gastonia. . ' - Hon. Theo F. Kluttz, of this city captured GasTon la with Ins ei6Vuecle Friday night. Says, the Gastonia correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server: '. Hon. Theo F. Kluttz addressed a large audience in the Lineborer Torrence hall last night in behalf of the Democratic party. It is the opinion of all who have expressed themselves to your correspondent, that Mr. Kluttz made a fine speech. He dwelt mostly on national issuer, and told how at Chicago Wm. J. Bryan captured the convention by his matchless effort, and his descrip tion of this speech and the Demo- ! cratic nominee was indted eloquent. Mr. Kluttz stands rlatfooted on the Democratic platform, and he made a strong argument for frey silver and the other declarations in the plat form. The Democratic party has -no 4 abler champion in North Carolina 1 to day than Theo F. Kluttz j , . i - j j Tickets for the excursion tombr- row will be on sale at E. II. MarehV this evening until.O o'clock. A few ladies and gentlemen's sec- ji0nd hand wheels for sale or will t rent to good riders. E. W.Bubt &COt Don't forget D; W. Julian's ex j Aville Only $2.00. i , August 4 th. The grandest opportunity of your j life time. Don't miss it but wait to fnr it. rr.bo r?r-fnfcbr rri 7 T nnl- i Greensboro to Norfolk Va., Acg. 26th. Fare for round trip ' only $3.50. Plenty of time to visit Bat- i timore and Washington. Returning the train leaves Norfolk Friday vfnirfr at. 51 rtAnr? mvinrr rnn.tTro j full dag and - hts in Xorfolk. See large and smalf posters for further fnformaticn. Our former townsman J. H. West is manager. Don't forget the excursion t Asheville tomorrow. Round trip S2.00.

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