SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, JULY 13, i807 VOL. 2. NO 26i LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY RARER IN SALISBURY. OLDEST DAILY RARER IN THE CITY JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor, IN AND ABOUT TOWN. W. H. WOODSON, CITY EDITOR - R. J. Holmes jr. spent yes terday at Concord. m Miss Sophie Kluttz is visit ing relatives in Cleveland. -S. W. Harry returned from Connelly Springs last night. rcord, was m tne city last nignt. Ed Hutchinson, of Lexing ton, is in Ihe city to-day on bus iness. 8 ecretary Turner, of the Y. M. C. A., was in the city last night. --Chas. Hen derlite came in on 7W ' the South bound train this -Mr, T. K. Bruner, of Ral eigh, passed through the city this morning. L. D. Porter, the popular shoe drummer of Richmond, is in the city to-day. i-L. W. Sifferd, who has been attending Roanoke College, re turn.d home yesterday. J. C. Caddell. traveling agent of the Biblical Recoider, was in the city last night. J.D. Heath man went down t: Concord Hiil last night on a visit to Mr. J as. L. Watson . i Mr. J. P. Allison, of Con cord, passed through the city last night 00 his way home. I D. BJ Roseboro an d F. h. Thompson, cf Cleveland, . were in the city yesterday afternoon; -7-Miss Bellamy, of Wilming . ton; is expected, to arrive in the city to-night on a to Mrs Les Overman. . ' Dr. A. J'. Crowell. of , Chica Grove,. returned home last nigKr, Miss Estelle Randle return ed last night from Connelly Springs, where she has been for the past three days. Mr. J ames P. Moore, : road foreman oc engines, left last night for Asheville, to attend court there this week. The regular meeting of the Eury dice Club will take place' on Tuesday, 20th inst, instead of Thursday of this week. R. B. Hamrick, the clever representative of sthe Augusta Brewing Company, was m tne city last night on his way from Morehead City to Charlotte. , Mrs J. F. McCubbins and little child, returned ; home last night. Mrs. McCubbins has been on a visit in Morehead tJity for the past three weeks. Messrs. N. C. and Jake Long, of; Chapel Hill, passed through the city last night on their way to Brys'on City, where they will spend several days fishing for trout. Mrs. Clement and daughter, of Mocksville, who have been visiting Mrs. W. L. Kluttz for the past few days, left this morning for Cievelaud on a visit to relatives.: They were accompanied by Miss Sadie Kluttz. PRESIDENT McNEILL HERE IIE SAYS THE TOURNAMENT WILL BE BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVES. President J. D. McNeill, of the State Firemen's Association, is in the city to-day looking after Salisbury's interests in the . coming annual tournament , at Fayetteville. Among other things that brought Mr. McNeill to Salis bury is a question that has been perplexing the H. and L. Co. They wish to race at Fayette ville and they want to know if they can use Greensboro's truck, with the latter's - permission. Mr. McNeill has decided that they ca,n and the boys will go down. A, firemen's excursion train will be" run from Greens boro to Fayett3Tille and Salis bury's firemen will go on this train. Mr. McNeill says it will be the biggest tournament ever held. Icatli on tlie 1 rac w IV. ANOTHER VICTIM OF ... THE IRON HORSE LAST NIG11T. DISMEMI3KRKD AND MANGLED, Of CUERED XEAR SUMNER'S AIDING THE DEAD WOMAN'S NEGLIGENCE. ' Last night at 1 o'clock, when A the excursion train from Winston to Chajlotte passed through Salisbury on its return trip! to JWinston Car Ingppctor Bernhardt observed a mass of bloody clothes and saall particles of flesh clinging to the brake rod of the train.. ; . , When the engineer on Nb. 8, the early morning train j-passed Sumner Siding this morning he observed fragments of a- human body lying by the roadside. . It appeared to him to be the mangled remains of a wo man and subsequent events proved this to be the case. This morning Henry Wilson, colored, came to town and reported that the scattered 1 emains of a negro woman had been -found near and on the track just this side of Sumner ySiding. The . " woman's identity is thus far a mystery. is generally supposed that she was one of the excursionists return ing to, Winston last night and that tin leaning, forward she had been thrown from the train and ground into atoms. MR. CRAIG ELECTED. HIS ASSISTENT TO BE CHOSEN LATER DATE. A.T A The Board of Trustees of Church Street High School met yesterday nu eiecwu and elected Mr. Burton Craigepnn school for the' ensuing year The election for an assistant to Mr. Craige was postponed until a later day. : i The selection of Mr, Craige was an excellent one. He was. graduated from the Umversitv of North Caro lina lasu June, carrying off the honorof his class, . He is esteemed by Prof. Aldermen, one of the most thorough and painstaking students the University hast ever had, and he is in every way qualified to keep the school up to its former standard under Prof. J. M. Hill. Mr. Craige has already inaugurated his canvass for students and has mt with most gratifying success so far. Excursion to ThomaivilIe An excursion from Morganto.n to Thoraasville will pass through .Sal isbury Wednesday. The excursion will be run by the Baptists and the net proceeds will be donated to the Baptist orphanage at Thomas ville. The fare from Salisbury will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. The train will pass through Salisbury at 9:40 Wednes day morning. Bnildlnz Repaired. ' Mr. ,C. W." Pool is having the long end of the March House re paired aul will shortly open up a ten pin alley in the building This room had been condemned by the town and Mr. Pool is making the repairs on it required by the com missioners. Dr. Ansell Here. Dr. A. Ansell, an optician of Raleigh , is in the city to-day andjWill probablyt remain here for several weeks. He is an opti cian of considerable reputation and is skilled in his profession. Wanted Board and lodging on West Inniss street by four young men. Can furnish recommendations as to character. Address Box 181. Lost A key ring with foar keys attached. Finder will please return to J. JE. Hennessey. - Nothing ever run like Market Square for something to eat. Lawn remnants for waists., 7 cts. a yd, at the Carolina Rac ket, v.-,. An inexhaustible supply of all kind of fresh meats at Jackson's. Four expert white barbers at the Climax. j Send your order to Market Square, where everything's kept. THE COMMISSIONERS MEET. THEY KEV1SE THE TAX LIST, APPOINT COMMITTEES AND DOUBLE TAX ALL WHO FAILED TO GIVE IN THEIR TAXES. The board of county commission ers met in extra gessiori yesterday fr the purpose of revising the tax lists and valuation reported to them and for hearing complaints in regard to over-valued 'property. As usual at such meetings there were a number of complaints and. a great many changes made in the dif ferent tax lists over the county. It ivas also Ordered by the board that all persons who had failed to list their taxes in the time .'allowed by law, should be double taxed. It was further ordered by the board that Ihomas M. Kerns, one of the com missioners, be appointed a committee of one to examine the tax list of Salisbury township with J F. Mc Cubbins, the list taker for this town ship, for the purpose of ascertaining whether all property had been listed for taxes, and also for the purpose of seeing whether the improvements recently put upon property in the township had been properly returned and valued by the list taker. Smperintendent Mahalej-, cf the county chain gang, was instructed by the board to double shackle all thDse convicts whom he thought were liable to attempt to escape, and that the chain not exceed three feist in length. The cotton mills of Salisbury were all changed in value, by the board. The Salisbury Cotton Mills was reduced to $166,600; the Vance reduced in value from $100,000 to $66,600, while the Kesler Manufac turing Company was raised from $20,000 to $35,000. The business transacted by the board .otherwise than previously stated consisted in changing the tax? able value of various tracts of land throughout the county, and at this thejlcommi88ioners, were Kept busy until late in the aftevnoosV'for "many filed complaints. Railroad. Says this morning's Charlotte Observer Capt T. S. Clarkson, of the. Charlotte, Clumbia & Augusta, went to Spencer Sunday to learn the track. . It is said that the object of having the C. C. & A men learn the track is that in case of emergency, if it were necessary, they could take a train over the track; in other words, simply to have them qualified. ! I . " ' ' New Stor For Spencer. Mr. A. N. Hall went down the Yadkin road yesterday afternoon to puichase lumber. Mr. Hall will erect a two story stor room at Spencer just as soon as he ' can get the lumber on the grounds. Mr. Hall will not run the store himself but the rent the building. Judge Dick On A Pleasure Trip, Judge Dick, of Greensboro, passed through the city last aight on his way to Cincinnatti, Ohio, and other western cities, where he will spend a few weeks on a pleasure trip. He was accompanied by Clerk of the Courv Trogden. Eugen McCubbins Improying. Young Eugene, son of Mr. T. J. McCubbins, who was threatened several weeks since with the loss of both' eyes, is now gradually improv ing and will be out in a few days. Both of the little fellow's eyes will be unimpaired. Dr. Trantham has been attending him. A Mis-step. Mr. D. O. Osmond made a mis step at the depot last night and in consequence 11 m urging a sprained ankle to-day. Mr. Osmond stepped into a hole near the depot and took a tumble. He is able .to navigate to-day with the aid of a cane. xSOAEDERS WANTED 1 Can take eight boarders room and table at my home in East Salis bury. Conveniently situated for railroad men. Mrs. J. A. Locke. Center pieces and wash em broidery silk at Reid & Harry's. 109 pounds of bologna and 50 pounds of winnie sausage just made at Jackson's. ' Fob Rent Two rooms in a de sirable part of the town. Apply at this office. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. 1 AN INTERESTING PAPER READ - OF- 1 . FICKRS ELECTED FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. The rega'ar quarterly meeting of the Jig wan Medical Society was held yesterday'in the mayor's office-at" 12 o'clock. The attendance, was not so large as usual, but the meeting was a very interesting one nevertheless. A very valuable aDd interesting paper was read by Dr. J G. Ram say, of Salisbury. The subject of this paper was . Remimsceuces of the Medical fraternity of Rowan County." This is the third and con cluding paper on this subject, th& others having been read by the dbc torat previous meetings. He thor oughly investigated the old records, and in the three papers gave a com plete and correct history of the med ical fraternity from its earliest or ganization down to the present time. Other short papers were read and discussed at the meeting, after which they took up the business of electing officers for the next year. The result of this election was as follows: Dr. J. G. Ramsay, of Salisbury, president. Dr. McNairy,;of Faith, first vice president. Dr. A. J. Crowell, of China Grove, recording secretary. Dr. P. Shim pock, of Gold Hill, corresponding secretary. After the election of officers the society adjourned, to meet subject to the call of the president. SOUTHERN ON ITS GUARD. v ' . .. IS NOW LAYING IN A SUPPLY COAL AGAINST FAMINE. OF The Southern Railway is on its guard and will not be caught cap ping during the 'coal famine that is now threatened The World is told by a gentle man who- knoVs,' that the -Southern is now having all the coal hauled from its Virginia mines to different points along the; line. The strike has assumed sueh pro portions and the coal famine is so general that it j is thought several Western roads will be compelled to suspend running this week. Rev. Cox's Summer Work, The Woeld is in receipt of a folder announcing series of lectures in Calvary Lutheran church of Bal timore, Md., by j the pastor.assisted by Rev. C; Brown Cox, of this count. The .series will continue during July August and September. Mr. Cox has , has been prosecuting his studies in Gettysbury Theological Seminary for the year. For A Pardon. A petition is being circulated and signed praying Governor Russell for the pardon of Fred Bostian, a young white- boy of this city, who was sent to the penitentiary seven months ago for larceny. He was only sent up for twelve months and has now served over half his time. The petition has a large number of sigma tares. AH Their Way To Toronto. . Last night attached to No. 12, the north bound train, was a Pull man car filled with people on their way to Toronto, Canada, to be present at the annual convention of the Ep worth League at that place. 1 hey were from (Jleorgia and had cnarterea tne car lor their party aione. j His Last Round. Deputy Collector Thompson be gan his last round of official visits to-day. He went down to Pinney wove tnis aternoon on the lad kin train and will probably continue his tour of visits during ihe remainder of the month. Mokkt Fouxd - A purse con taining money was left on our counter yesterday morninff can be obtained by proper indentifi- cation and paying for this ad. .Victor Wallace. Veal, mutton and good old tough Deer at Jackson s. Do you buy your laundry and toilet soap at the Carolina Rac ket? Market "Sqare headquarters for country produce. Pocket Kinetoscopes," 10 cent?, at Marsh's. IN REVENUE CIRCLES. MR. BIESECKER IS SLATED FOR . ' CLERKSHIP IX THE OFFICE, Mr. R. II. Biesecker, of Lexing ton, was in the city this morning on his way home from Asheville. 7 Mr. Biesecker tells us that he has the promise of a place in the col lector's office. XNearly all the con templated changes in the collector's office and under his supervision will go into effect on August 1st, and the irork of decapitation will con tinue until all the Democratic heads have fallen from the block. Apropos these changes we learn from a perfectly reliable source that Mr. Gilmer Brenizer, who flopped to ihe Republican side the last campaign, will not be retained as cashier. VVe learn that a Mr. Walser, of Atheville. has been slated for tn is position. It is safe to venture that by the 1st of September there will hot be a Democratic deputy in the entire district. Prof. Craige To Leave. Prof. Burton Craige of the Salis bury High School, will leave in the moriiing for Chapel Hill,' where he will spend the restof the summer Prof. Craige goes for ntudy and will take a special couie iu scliool teach ing. On his return he will open up the Salisbury high Chest nut Hill and the people could do no better than to send their boys to this learned, and efficient instructor flr. lddingt Very Lew. Mr. J. H. Iddings left this morning for Gieensboro, where his aged mother, Mrs. Nalfe Iddings, is very low with heatt trouble. Mrs. Iddings is now 81 years old an d he, r age compli cated with heart, trouble ren ders her reCove, extremely doubtful, Mr. Iddings family' has been in Greensboro for some time. Stole Hii Hat. A white man was walking: the streets of Salisbury this morning bareheaded. He nad been to Char lotte on the,, Winston excursion and when the train was getting ready to pull out from Charlotte a darkey stepped up to him and jerked his hat from his head. The man only had money enough to get to States ville and conLequently had to go without a hat. To Reorganize. It is earnestly desired by the members that a re-organization of the debating club be effected. A meeting has therefore been called for next Monday night at J. L. Rendlemah's office for this purpose. It is hoped that every member will be present at this meeting. K. of P. Notice. There will be a regular meet ing of the K, of P. to-night at 8 o'clock sharp. Installation of officers will take place and there will be work in the 3rd Rank. All members are re quested to attend. noonliglit . Music. lve and flowers at the lawn party Thursday evening. Fortunes told and made all for a dime the "Lass O1 Gowrie.?' Don't fail t see the General in his head quarters at Mrs. Luke Blackmer's. The Ceol Wave Hr. The cool wave which the weather bureau predicted yes terday has struck Salisbury to the delight of those who cannot summer at the resorts. lne weather makers at Raleigh pre diet that the cool wave will be with us for several days. , For .Sale. f A double-barrel breach-loading shot gun. Cost $60 and as good as new. Will be sold at- a bargain Apply at this office. Wantid A wife, by a young man 25 years old, with a good situa tion. Brunette preferred. ( Address A, care of World, Salisbury, N. C. Follow the throng and shave at the Climax. " i There will be hot time in the old town when W. M. Ruth's sewing machine fans are gone. Can be at: tached to any machine, for $1. On exhibition at T. F. Young's. Crash, linen and serge suite, extra serge, alpaca suits, coats cheap at Brown Clothing Co. MR: GRAHAM RESIGNS. HE GIVES UP HIS -POSITIOX WITlI SUPERINTEND T.M-EK AN K "WILL PROBABLY 'TRAVEL Mr. J. L. Graham, an account of ; whose trial appeared in yesterday V ,' World, and who passed through the city yesterday morning, returned from Kaleigh last night and went up to Newton on the Chattanooga train. - - . . Mr. Graham said to the World : "I have Ven down to Raleigh1, and tendered my resignation to Super intendent Mebane as his chief clerk in order to relieve him of any em barrassment. I u ill bring my wife . to Salisbury, where she will ppend the summer and I wi probably travel for a New -York crockery house from which I have received a proposition." y Mr. Graham's attorney, W. H. Day, received a letter from Idebane asking 'for - Graham's resignation. The latter tendered it arid says in his letter of resignation: j :" 'V-:, ; "Notwithstanding thegreat in jrtstitfo that has been attempted' and j so fan perpetrated against me in the prose-, cution in which I was charged with , hurning the Presbyterian Manse at , . won, 10 reiiHvt- y:u oij emoar- rassu.enL 1 hcrehy teuutfl liiy rfcisig- nation as clerk in your office. . I have appealed my case, and ' shall . no doubt obtain a re-heannff ; and I hpe inAhe end to obtain what alone wiJLbe'a' just acquittal. , It ir -not proper, however, that pending, liti gation, when the issue apparently at- east is still uncertain, that I should . retain my position in office, the 'in cumbency f which might be harsh- y criticised on that account. I . , therefore re 'ire, thanking you for kindness shown' me . and will con- inue the fight againCMmy slander ers and persecutors. . 1. T ' : - . - : 1 jpf for the flounUin. " Mr. J. Allen JrownleTt thia morn- ing for Tate Springs, East . Tenner- j see. '.This and Connelly Springs . seem to. be tho f ax,orite fsummering . places for Salisburians. Miss l'earle .Thompson left this morning for Hickory on a . visit to friends. Later she will go out to Catawba Spriugs and spend some time. I ; Mss Louise Neave is spending the week with her friend,1 Miss Irene McCanlass, aX Dunn's Mountain. Among the Firemen, The colored reel team took a run last night their first this seagon and got water in 42 seconds. The white reel tearn will run to-night and an effort will be made to do some record breaking. The boys have al ready come within three seconds of meeting the State record.' . Off for Virginia. Mrs. R. G. Kizer and Miss Mauda Smithdeal left this morn ing for an extended visit to rel atives and friends in Virginia. They go from here to Salem and from this place will . visit a number of neighboring towns before r3turning. Change of Polling Place South Ward. Notice is hereby given that the polling place for South ward pre cinct, Salisbury township will be at the city hall, instead of at or near S. J. Swjcegood's as heretofore es tablished, j v l . ' W. G. Watson, Clerk Superior Court. July 3rd, 1897. j j (For other local see fouith page.) For Rent. ); , A two story seven room house nn Thomas street. Annlv to: A; rrv - 1 S. Heilig. T?tTrn At A ntnAnr TTlot rnnl at Arfl We plate or replate anything with gold, silver, nickei or copper. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Lee Girardeau, General Agent. Fresh pine apples, banannas anti lemons and Mrs. Straight's sum mer cheese juat in at Marsh's. A corker the best all wool suits in Salisbury for $5, at Brown Cloth ing Co.'s. Fine Mutton and Beef at R. W. Price's dailv. The summer girl is here with a profusion of. fihirt waists and linen collars and she sends them regularly . to the Salisbury Steam Laundry. Negligee shirts all styles and col ors, attached and detached collars at Brown Clothing Co.'s." " Sodi water at Kluttz & Co.

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