SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, AUGUST 9, i807 VOL. 2f" NO. 287 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN fSA L ISBURY: OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN THE C TY JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Proprietor. IN AND ABOUT TOWN. W H. WOODSON. CITY EDITOR J J . J. Sloop spenf yesterday in China Grove. Chan Lee left this morning for Charlotta. - Gray Barber is spending the day in the city. II. Watson, of Lexington, was in the city last night. , Rev. Bruce Owens returned last night from Cleveland. C. F. Marsh, of Knoxville, spent yesterday in the city. Ed lieares, of Linwood, spent yesterday in the city. E. H. Marsh has returned from a visit to friends in Davie county, Maj. W. A. Guthrie, of Dur ham, was in the city yesterday morning. s - Frank Miller left this morn ing on the southbound train for an extended trip. Walter Wilborn left last night for Rock Hill S. C, on a short business trip. Col. Chapman, the revenue agent, of Greensboro, was m the city Saturday night. - . Attorney A. H. Price spent yesterday at Connelly Springs, and -returned last night. -Chas. Hill, of Winston, passed through the city this moraing on his way to Asheville on busi ness. Miss Carrie Beall, of Lin wood, and Miss Mary Christian ot Virginia, are visiting at Capt. T. B. Beall's. E. G. Buchanan, of Lexing ton, passed through the city yesterday morning on his way to Lexington. STANLY MILL SOLD. THE ELDORADO TAL.LS COMPANY BTJVS THE MILL -SPIRITED. At the court house door at 12 o'clock the cotton mill belonging to the Yadkin 'Falls? Manufacturing Company, located at Milledgeville, Stanly county, was sola to satisfy a number of judgements. There 'were two bidders on the ground.; Dr. O. D King, of Stanly county, and W. A. Smith, representing a. reorgani- Torinn rrun mi t t.fe known as the Kl- .jCi.lWW V v BIG, BOLD BEGGAR. NEGRO TRAMP MAKES A LOOK FOR FOOD. LADY Yesterday evening about 8 o'clock a big negroman put in his appear ance at Kev. J. Stallings' home in Eat Salisbury. There was no one at home at the time but -Mrs. Stallings and her sis ter and when the tramp asked for something to eat Mrs. Mailings told him that she had nothing. The darkey had evidently erone there with the dorado cotton mills. The bidding j intention of getting something to -DaveJuauner staned at 10,000 and was run up to $31,000 being knocked down at this figure to Mr. Smith. The new company will take charge of the mill at once and put it in operation. The heV company is composed of the creditors of the Yadkin Falls Manufacturing Com pany and the old stockholders will net recover anything. The mdebt ness of the old company was about $40,000 while it was joniy capitalized at $73,000. The mill was put in the hands of receivers on application of the credi tors and the saie was made subject to a mortgage of $3,500. There ware a large u'umber of Stanly and other out ot town visitors in the city attending the ale. - . r . Township swuday1 School Convention. Salisbury Township Sunday School Comvention will meei in the Presbyterian Sunday school room Tesday evening, August lOih, at 4 o'clock aharp. fEvery Sunday sehool of every denoiainUion in the township is earnestly requested to elect two delegates with me pastor, who are expected tm come, or rend substitutes who will be present at the opening session ot the convention- Attend all the exercises and be prepared fer work, bringing with them complete reportp of their school. Any minister of the bos- eat and told Mrs. Stallings thai she would have te find something for him. She again replied that there was nothing in the house that she could give him but he would not be turned away. He commanded Mrs. Stallings in no unmeaning tones to get him something and realizing ner utter helplessness against such a powerful man as his trampship she finally got him something to get rid of him. There is no doubt but that the negr had resolved to have some thing at all hazards when he. applied for food, lie has not been seen sincj he left the house. ENOCHVILLE CONVENTION IRON WORKS. MR. RICHARDS BAYS WESTERN PAR TIES ARJE TO LOCATE HERE. Charlotte- From Charlotte he goes toMonroe. -Mr. and Mrs, VI. W. Barber, of Sapona, came in this morn. ing and are stopping with Mr- P. H. Thompson. -Attorney J.ewis Rendleman left this morning for China Grove to attend to some im portant legal business. - At. and Mrs. R.Lee Wright came in Saturday night ; from Connelly Springs. Mr- fight is much improved m health. JJrs Willbume and children came in' this morning and will spend ' sometime in the city visiting her mother, Mrs Smith. Mr. Qorham, one of the cnnthorn's law aerents, spent yesterday in the city and left this morning for ;Gieenville,S. C. UrC Hnwsdn, who has been ' on a lengthy "visit to friends and relatives in Virginia, re turned to the city Saturday night. Clifford Carroll, an old University man of Raleigh, passed through the city last night on his way to Connelly Springs. p.-C. Page, foreman of the World force, returned to the city lapt night after spending Saturday and Sunday with his family in Concord. nbrli a Miller left yesterday Wrtdftaboro. where he will crr in business with his brother, Homer, who is running a betf market at that place. Hargrvre Robbins, of Lex ington, sow working in Char lotte, passed through the city yesterday on his way to Greens boro, to spend the day. "Era and Annie Cheatham, of Oxford, are Tisit incr Mist Irene McCanless at Dunns Mountain. They will probably spend leveral weeks here. j t. L. Gaskill left this morn ing for Connelly Springs,where he will spend two weeks ur more. Later he will go over to Blowing Kock to spend some time. . ' . Thomas Barber and sifter m a-tt of Winston, came in rhfe niBg: on theth bound tram ana are ; Mr- P. H. Thompson's, in H,ast Salisbury. BUUUU1 J i J troraduTt -nrcrnoei J thRe8ui)Dliesiorthe s . t.,nViit i8 a member souOOl i" " r of thi8 association and being present L n, is entitled to take AW viw " O part in the same. Rt order We are informed through Mr. J. E Hatcher t lat M. V. Richards, the land and industrial agent for the Southern at Washington, D. C, has been negotiating wuh a Western company in regard to the erection ol large iron works at Spencer. The bid has been about closed and if nothing happens Spencer will have a new and profitable enterpiise at an early date which will add much to the already flourishing little town. The company will turn out all kinds nf the Townshm Sundav School Convention. . - these supplies for the shops. V e think that there Will be no irouuie auuuo the arrangement and that Spencer will ret the works soon. Spencer is more enterprises than jjaiisDury., one'6f the largest held in the COUNTY miS TEAR. FuUv 300 peoj ie gathered at Enocb.le Saiuidaj to attend the Sunday school convention of Atwell townbhip - The convvuiion wa called fo or der, by Kev. ha . After-ringing a hymn the addrees of welcome wag delivered by Kev. V II. Stickley. He was followed in a r sponse by L. Ritchie. Kev. &tirkiey thn d livered a v-ry lntereling address, admcniching reverence fer j God's houe and hpeakin of the necessity for ihcrough work in Sunday ehool matters. An inierrnission of ah hour and a quarter for dinner wag given, after which a reeitatioi. was de iv ered by Mi Nora Rodgert. She was followed by Keva. Shaw, Jame Deal and H.W.Jeff coat in addresses all of which were fall of good thought and held the undivided at tention of the auuience. The addresses were interspersed with music. At night a picnic was given at which fully 100 wsre in attendance. It was an evntful occasion in Euoch ville history. SPENCER NEWS. HOUSES ARB GOING UP ON ALL SIDES COMING AND GOING. ' Fisht At China Urove. ! Dave Dartz and Lem Overcash are here for their trial this morning and are looking for Mr. Rendleman to appear for them. Ther was a fight about four miles south ol here. George Cline and Charles Wilson were the partici pants!. Cline got the worst of it and was looking for an officer when last heard frem. m The commissioners are still at work filling the hollow, ' The wagon showing the burning of Henry bmith struck the town Saturday night and as the Mayor has a weakness in letting such things go free, he beat the town of his tax. R. L. Gibson, of the paint de partment at Speneer, went north Saturday night. Arthur Home, one of the Spencer force, left Saturday night on ahort visit to bis people at Fayetteville. Mr. Springs Steele went down to Charlotte yesterday morning to spend the dai . B. F. Moody, an employee at the fhops, returned last night from an extended noitbern trip. Contractor J. J. Sloop is now building a two story eight room house at Spencer for Mr. Matthew Bosce. . The house will be rapidly pushed to completion. Quite a large number of residences are now going up at Spencer. Most of the bouses and storerooms, contrary to the general impression at first, are going up on the east side of the railroad. It is believed that this will after all become the most prominent part of Spencer. Rev. Lina Hera. J Rev J. Linn, a resident of Rowan, now of Versailles, Ohio, ar rived in the city Saturday night and assisted in administering sacrament at the Lutheran church 3'esterday morLing. This is Rev. Linn's first visit to Rowan in four years and he id spending a few days in the county with his mother. Mr. Linn is a cousin of Mayor T. C Linn and has a host of friends ail over the county, who are, glad to see his familiar features again. . UO WAN BOV BUNCOED. HE LOANS A COLORED GENT C2,00 AND EXPECTS $5 IX It ETC K.N lurner Cowan in a preti At known while boy of thj.4 county He comes to town pretty fu-qiu-Mlv and has always borne a good lec .rd". He met with the confidence 'man in Statesville, however, . to hi ;rief. The Statesville correspondent of the 'Jharlotte Observer tells it as follows: Turner Cowan, a white boy from Riwan county, was met on Davie avenue to-day by a nero who asked him for the ue of t! foi a few minutes, offering to give hi it $5 in return. Tlutlking 150 pel cent, profit very good usuiv for hi money, the boy handed it to him, but suspecting that he was being 4done," begged the negro to give back his mney. This was refused, and Mr. W. R. Mill, who happened to see the performance, .seized the negro and started up street with him. He succeeded in getting loose from Mr. Mills', who looked up Sheriff ArycofT and the two cave chase, but lost the The ne gro's name was found to be John Knox. . . . I ' H , - Clyie Thompson Very Low. Mr. H. B. Varner, , of Lexing toD, who is spending the day in the city, tells us! that ; Clyde, the young son of Mr. V- f Thompson: of Lexington, is very low with appendecitis and but little hope is entertained for his recoveiy. An operation was : performed Friday night but the little boy isrin a very critical condition to-day. ' For Wearing Mother Hubbards. Mayor Linn is determined to pre serve appearances as well as order in Salisbury. He has recently noti fied the city officers to arrest any and all fast characters caught on the streets in "mother hnhbard " - Ant- J. H. McKeely's new coal ad. elsewhere in the paper LlosT. Between the post-office and Mrs. McNeely's a silver leaf hatpin. The finder will please return to this orace. Miss Lilly McCrary, of Win- ston, who has Deen vimi.uS Mrs. Chas: Holmes for the past week, left this afternoon for ba- pona. J tv,o Ttnrf: Shoe 'Co. are pre- orfna to have a closing out sale" ot summer iu" Z S will rival any of the New York houses in the ray of price cut ting. Miss Annie Shober, of Grtensboro, wh has been risit-i-o- Mrs. W. H. Crawford for the past week, left this morning for Charlotte to spend the day. She will return to Salisbury m the doming. Franklin Street Extended. rivil Engineer J.E. Ramsay is busy to day surveying frank lin Street for the town. This street runs by the .orth Side Holler Mills and will enter the old Mocksville road somewhere tka nPiirhborhoodofMr. Wm. 1 barker's place about one mile from the city. We gusss that this street .will be opened up at once by .. the town authorities as they are having this work done. This is a good move on the part of the town and it would add much to the appearance ot this city it all the streets were oh nr Already a number ot lots have been sold on Frank lin street and houses will prob ably be erected soon. shows should pay the tax in full as they are usually fakes and carry a lot of money out ot every commu nity. : ; . " Austin Will Enter University. Will Austin, the young Stan ly county giant of whom men tion has frequently been made . 1 . A 1 in the World, will enter ine University when it opens up this fall, at the solicitation of Mr. Warren Kluttz, manager of the University football team. Austin will go in training im mediately after going to the University and will prove a valuable addition to that team. He is now working in the black smith shop near Barter's Old shop. day who was basking in the sun shine on the sidewalk in front of her house. Five dollars is the penalty fer a disregard of this ordinance. Rey. Lingle Returns Home. - Rev. W. L. Lingle leaves to--morrow' morning for a visit to his mother in Kowan county, says the CharlotteV Observer-, From there h'effoes to j Hamp- ' things .n .ship shape for the opening of the fall' season, he will run down to Atlantic (itr for a week's rest and vacation. Mr. Lingle has endeared him self to the people! of Second church very much during his sojourn here. He will; always find a cordial welcome when- - ever he chooses way. - to come this The Colored Lutherans in Rowan Saturday's Concord Standard savs: The Rev. George Schultz will be ordained at Grace Luth eran church to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock, by-Rev. N. I. Bakke, the pastor, assisted by the Kev. John Smith, of Greensboro. Rev. Schultz will be in charge of the colored Lutheran churches in Rowan county. More Room Needed. The capacity ot not. L. 11. Miller's school building at Enoch ville is now sorely taxed. The average daily attendance of thig Dr. Councill Leaves. . I SCnoOl IS lUv, wuu 11U " Dr. Councill will leave to-morrow A large numoer oi new senmars are i i 'j it was more than likely that some kinsman of Mr. Henry Barringer would be appointed postmaster at Cleveland. This prediction (was fol lowed up by the announcement in the Sunday morning papers thtit Mr. J. L Barringer had received the ap pointment. He is, we believe, a son of Mr. Henry Barringer. j We un derstand that the appointment will be acceptable. ' Mr. Redmond Leave Saturday, Revenue Ugent Lee Redmond was in the, city this morning on his way to' Fayetteville on his final round for this State.1 Mr. Redmond will leave next Saturday for his new home on the Pacific coast, j A Worthy Cause. The Luther League of St. John's Lutheran Church has undertaken to raise funds for remodeling and ;mrinff the church building. For this purpose u v.- . 7 val will be' given to-morrow night at the Shaver V" " building near the stand pipe. Ihe , . : i..m and cake will be rprv one who attends nlpaaant time, ror tl! floU nf the cause let young and Mr., wmu .t. a Divorc. old attend. No exorbitant charge Mrs. Maggie S. Willis, mornirs for Blowing Rock to speed the rest of the summer, i ne aoc tor takes a vacation every summer and" he has decided on Blowing Rock for this trip. He shipped his horses to that place Saturday and . i - will keep them there during nis stay. ' expected in this week but there will no trou Die in finding accommodations for them. About Completed. The new Arey buildings on East Council street are about completed. The finishing touches will be put on . . i them this week. Mr. Arey tens us Round trip tick ets on I). R. Ju lian's excursion Thursday J Aug. 12th.onlv 82.50. Watch For It. mat, lie iiasuut yc, iuhcu x. t 1 1 ,:ri 5nrbnt that a gentleman will be up . rnere win De a ; ueauiuui uigui. - - - o n wV tn blooming cereus in ithe window at from Columoia S C , this jeek to 1 & ! l n f ViAm SAvrai nrosnectiT i t onH nmnanv'a rirnc Store " v"-". r---r--- - :."lrrfS -I,., ;nl renters have bid for them. vited to call around and see it. This is a flower f rare beauty and fragrance ad there are only a few 9t them in town. Prof. FUher And Un'de Return. Prnf. J. H. Fisher and bride, nee Miss Blackwelder, of - lit. Pleasant, who passed through the city last wePk on ineir way io nasuuui, " mi were here Saturday mgbt. iney Reserved seats 83. Leaves Salis bury 9:45 a. m. (For other locals see Salisbury High Schopl. Miss Josephine Coit 1 Principais T anra Hill Colt JJKIOO ' Session begins Sept. oth. bend for circular. Negligee shirts all styles and cob ors, attached arid detached collars at Brown Clothing Co .'s. For Sale. Two shares of First National Bank and one share Salisbury Cotton Mill stock. Apply to R. care of World. - Ft? T?vvt Two rooms in a de sirable part of the town. Apply at this office. nA o-onrls at reasonable prices at the Monumental Shoe Store 1" but ererv person wiU cord, wa, granted a divorceSatar- r.tarned 1. y.i.n.nv, from her hatband, W. M. morning. "c'c get inn m , w-';lln . - t. rnrtnAa f abanrlnn- br Dr. and Mrs. Miller All parlies w uo i.uo, fe.v.-. - i j - r ; l a.n 1 1 ,1" Cl ci V m I iiicii b. I f lino rt vuvm -'-'-" " I iurnmu - 5al;inro d r.n - rabint. shon Dane To-morrow Eve-m lo genu i j - - ' - . .... . j -ct t foirr,T;Q will mvo a i i-k m i m ori iivinrr in mnrnm i pm tm wi . i i. iiiuALcuiiLi t morrow evening. uc. 5 - , - x. 4th page.) at Reid Jb MosquiU netting Harry's. Goods still arrivmer, but we - L w . are not too busy to atzena to our customers. aiouumentai. She Store. - DoHt Tobteeo Spit ad Smoko Toar life Afftj To onit tobacco easily and forever, be ma; a!. t.11 a 1 1' f. norm ann tricrnr. TJLU& riG-l. . . 1 w.wl n-u thuviuidAr-worker. tbittmakes weak me dance at ner county mm, j- -"ggitts, hoc ot f l. Cnre guarau. Valuable Kins 1--". rm, Ttr rlk maat -wit 7 . ouj c...u. n.t tv. rh!uo af Ntw York.' ir. t I? - ffrorrpll loat a valuable t T-r t m j menvary u ,- - . - T ' . a. m mt. i i mm m n . . . . rru e m T ui... -m mm . mmw-mt uj... " t. Tbc Book Club. . . v.i ine Duok.vmu wm . meei wuu mentary to Miss Annie snooer, oi owning tvt yu . luaoie 1 -jrr t XT Rdmsiv Tnparlav v. i A ILTavw Tonn. xs' i 4V...: a.c.( ring yesterday and Pto t ac-1 n a .30 0,clock The aulhor . v of Wiiminffton. Thii Wnnr1' rAliable. T. F. Kluttz counts . as still amonetne mining. is BraTi(1er Matthews. .llntlv anticinated by - ; i X fjuuiaiv - Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, j sJjDDers below COSt 10c, 25cf If a CC. fail, drupsists refund money. JV0 had been in Mr. SparnellV nr fnr spvPTi vears ana ne i coaii coaii . .. L 1.:L1 I If -tmrt ttto nt nront 1 ho hct. CrrftdPS pmcu inc.; "b"V 1 , . iii r c m. n i n . A . tw mnnn Woodwork. iree irom uirt ur Mate, tucu " v:i:o. Acha tablps vour order aMonce with J?. it. i. nepairs, uunumg ' ' i Aa- etc. will be done at moderate ca8& onaeuer, citjr uim-u, w... Drices and with promptness by tne Hjor Kent. - - mm r . 9 .tJI . . nndersisrned at Mr. parser s . oiu a brick storeroom near tne stand on Lee street. J. Davis. standDiDe. Anply to ladies ties at Reid fc R. L. Shaver, J-""f3" - a X Harrv's. - Agent l ... m t t fll tn visit Monumental Groves Tasteless ChiU ionic shn this week, is closing out J 35 cents -a bottle. Theo. F. -w -w - . y iviuttz & UO. i the invited guestsL The Monumental Straw hats at your price at Reid can supply you wl fc Harry's All sliDners and sandals below cost at Monumental Shoe Store. A boarding house will be opened August 1st, 1897, at Healing Snrinss, Davidson, cqunty, orth Carolina- For terms address, Mes. K. VV. ukay, in the way of shoes a trial. Shoe St th anythi , Give thf A corker the best in Salisbury for $5, at Brown Cloth ing Co. s. Fine Mutton and Beef at R. W. I Price's daily. all wool suits- Tlin enmmormrl is fl Pr f ritri Tit Marsh, Davidson, Co. J profusion of thirt waists and linen- r;Mnr WallW is seiliner entire collars and she sends them regularly. stock clothing regardless of cost. to the Salisbury Steam Laundry.