..-SB- THE WORLD... Givesj the Happenings of the Earth the: Day They Occur and All the Local Jews While It Is r , QV l j ' H - JNO. M. JULIAN, Editor and Propretor. SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, i807 VOL. 2. NO. 3oi hresh. LARGEST CIRCULATION' AND OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN THE CITY OF SALISBURY. THE WORLD.... Xear. I. - Its Advertising Bates r& Reasonable, and the Results AreCer tain. -j?S .- . - i -:--!4c" ' - - . - JUST FOR FUN. rt May's Telegrams KO AGREEMENT. STRIKERS AXD OPKRATORS CAXXOT AGREE. OPERATORS WILL HAVE - A MEETING THIS EVENIX. (1y Telegraph to The World.) -Pittsburg, Aug, "21. The con ference of the miners!, leaden and altoperators suddenly terminated at noon to day. Neither bide jyould yield from the positions taken con seijuently no basis of arbitration could be airanged. The strike leaders announced that the strike would continue. A meeting oi operators will be, held this aiternoon. fline Areck a Ti n. (By Telegraph to The World.) Braceville, III , Aug. 21 A train of the (JoalXity branch Alton road ditched near here list night, supposedly by striking miners. James Brehan, engineer, and G. Brown, fireman, were killed. The locorao live and nine cars were demolished- " Desired to Continue Work. . 1 (By telegraph to the lVorld.) Dritois, Pa , Aug. 24th The mineiH at the K jehestei an:L London mines at this place are quiet this 1 morning, n withstanding thej liad decided at a meeting last night to; continue work. a Flood in Ntw Jersey. i (By Telegraph to The World.) Rahway, N. , Aug. 24, A storm did great damage this morn, i "S uiiuuguvuv river is eight teet higher than the high water mark and tour feel above the point reached during the heavy storm four weeks ago. The city is almost submerged. A cloudburst drove off iarmers roots and many oathouses carrriecl., :ajvay." Others were moved from their foundation. The Pennsylvania Kailway is tied up and is compelled to run loaded care on bridges to hold them down. The water came over the embank- . ment ten feet, and rloodedN the country a cistance of half a mile The Prl H "rror. (By Cable to the World.) Paris, Aug. 24 The- trial of ihe promatei a of the charily bazar, which was burned in Alay, hat been concluded. They were charged with homicide. Baron McKay, whose wife was lost, was, found guilty ot imprudence and lined live, hundred francs. Bailac and Bagaraehof, operators of the cinematograph, who caused the trouble, were sen tenced 10 one year and eight months imprisonment and fined - three hun dred and two hundred, francs ' re spectively. Spain RetlUts. (By Telegraph to The Woi la.) Washington, Aug. 24. The Spanish ALnister, Dupuy JJeLome, lias been busy all the summer com piling material for claim against the United States because of alleged filibustering expeditions between 'this country aud Cuba. This will be "used as an offset claim of Amei i cans against Spain for loss of proper ty or unlawful imprisonment. The aggregate claims hied by State De pa tment against Spain are fifty million dollars. The Coney Island fleet. (By Telegraph to The World.) New Yokk, Aug. 24. The Coney Island Jockey Club begins its autumn meet to-day. It is a great event in futurity. It rained all last night and there were showers this morning. A large number of starters will be on even terms with the liklihood of a .Muke victory; Never was the neld so, moderate. Giaraltpr sei.ds a slight favorite The horse that gets off tirst will win. The End In 5ight. (By Telegiafh to The World.) PiUsburg, Aug , 24. Perhaps the only point jet unbilled at the con ference between the strike leaders and coal operators i that each side will agree upon arbitration provided the men eo to work hrst at its own terms. The conference resumed to day. There is hope that something dttiuite is to be decided upon be fore the decision is concluded- Train In a Hood. (By Telegraph to The World.) Paterson N.J, Aug , 24. The Erie Express for New York was stilled several hours in a flood to day caused by the over .flow of the Passaic river early this morning Finally the train pulled back out of the flood aad the imprisoned pas sengers were released. The trail, was side-tracked. Will Meet Mac. By telegraph to the World. Cleveland, O., Aug.,TLe Ohj Naval Reserves aboard the Old Revenue -Cutter Andrew Jackson will meet Mc Kinley" Friday. A Cone ted Vovement. ' i (Bj telegraph to the World ) b'iMLA, Aug. 24 Gen. Eallis will begin a concerted movement against the insurgents at Tribesment to day. MEETING OF THE G. A. R. THE PRESIDENT IS THEiiE . (! M'KIXLEY ATTEDXS THE RE-rXION VETEKASI AS EXORMOT9 ' KO A I OF (By Telegraph to The World,) Buffalo, X. Y., Aug. 24. -j-Another beautiful day dawned upon the Veterans of the Grand Army. Crowds were com ing in all night long and trains. ai rived at brief i tervals. All is bustle ind con fusion at the station this Ii n oining Thousands gather d around as early as 6 o'cloc , and the principal stets are filed with a jo tling crowd, jj The fea- tures of ihe day are the arrival o i v es a ban mbia ident McKinley at 3 o'clock and quet to be tendered him by iCo Post of . f hieago. The pa ade bf the nava veterans, for i er prisoners of war, wilP'ake place this evtnin?. The Presi dent will brt met by a reception commit te and eecoited. by the police and two hundred soldiers of the regular Tar my. There will be a meeting of aimy irrurses and a ro-uuion of the loyal home work- era I iS The railroads estimate that a hundred and frty thousand, people have andyed duriag the past twenty-four houia. ' - Gen. Alger At the Th.oltle. (By Telegraph to The World.) , Syracuse, N. Aug. 24.4-Sec-retary of War Gen. AJger, f presided a!; the throttle of the famous New York Central engine 999, which hiuled the Presidential train from" Uuca. The Secretary sent lihe ti ain alonff at a ffait a Utlle fasteri than a mile a minute. This famous en sine' ha8 smashed all records inl railroad travel maae in tne worm. Wheat Lofrer. f (By Telegraph to The World.) New York, Aug. 24. The cereal market i very active. Wheat rallied several points. December: opened nearly four "points lower, f j Jh UpShe Goes. - I . (Tgy Telegsaph to The World.) fekAs, Eng., Aug. 24 The Crn Millers' Association advanced 7 shillings per sack, making shillings advance, in tive weeks. j Rides In Chauncey's Car. " (By-Telegraph to. The World.) Utica N. Y., Aug., 24. The presidential train arrived hire at 10 o'clock this morning. president Depew's car which was occupied by the President was decorated ' with cut flowers. Gov. Black's car was attached at Troy. After breakfast President and Governor had a chat. General manager Toucey and Supt. Harrington, of the New York Cen tral, were in charge of the train. Piincess Takes The Water Cure, By Cable to The World! Munich, Aug. 24. Thej Princess of Wales and Duke of Mecklenburg have arrived at y'ceiushofen to take the water cure mide famous by the late Father Knoipp. j! RAISE ON ROWAN. STATE BOARD OF EQUlLATlON RAISE S ON HORSES, MTJLES AND SHEEP. The State Board of Equalization is evidently dissatfied with the return of horses, mules and sheep'from this county. I U j r or notice has been received here that an advance would be requirjed on the items named as follows:. on horses an advance of 20 pr cent. On mules an advance of oO per cent. ii . 1 On sheep an advance of 10 per cent. ' . ji ' ! The returns given in this county on live stock had been considered generally fair and the decision of State board is surprise to rnarry. - ' . -- !- -i Beef, Beef, Beef! When you want any kind of meat for your table call at R. W. Price's meat market on Main street.j All my me its are kept on ice j and are fresh anfi cool. I also have fresh sausage at all times. When you want beef s'give me a' call. j R.W.1 Price. A general cloud burst Mat Whitlock & Rainey's. f In low prices See th iir large barg ain counter, Zeigler Bro's fine ladies Oxford ties costing . 2 00 and $2 50 going at oOcts call early. " li . H The Nave Mnsip School wil re sume work on Monday, peptember 6th, affording the very best oppor tunities for -obtaining a life-lasting musical "education in any one or moie of all " the most j available branches, . t .. . Mb: and Mrs. W. HJ-INeaye. Announcement Miss Bettie Stallings will open sohooi in the Academy- in East Salisbury, Monday. Sept., 6, - 1897. For particulars apply to f Miss Bettie St Illinqs. ' For Sale Forty acres land 1 1 2 miles from public square. Ten acres tin per. vjoou Dunajng 6itp J. A- Thomason. Zeb,N.C, IN AND ABOUT TOWN. W. H. WOODSON. CITY EDITOR A large crowd is attending court. See Smithdeal's Buck Range a l on third page. V. Wallace returned last night from Statesville. Will Capos went to Lexing ton this morning to spend the day. " , - T. J. Rahl went over to High Point this morning on business. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will hold 1 its regular meeting, Thursday, at 5 o'clock. Prof. Burton Craige is the Salisbury correspondent of the Atlanta Journal. ' Judge Avery passed through the city last nitrht on his wav from Morganton to Raleigh. .: Mr. Robt. Gray, of Raleigh, passed through the city last night on his way to Asheville. Mrs. A. J. WTKittimore, of Concord, was. in tha city this morning on her way to Lenoir. Wm. Smithdeal returned last night from Charlotte, where he had been on a short business trip". Attorney L. H. Clement left last night for Lexington on legal business. He returned this morning. 'The Woman's Missionary Convention meets in the Luth eran church to-morrow morn ing, 11 o'clock. Will Lindsay left last night on the vestibule for Baltimore where he will spend a month at headquarters. . Dr. J. R. Scroggs and - son, James, went to Iredell county this mording on a visit to Mr. Seroggs' relatives. ' Miss Janie Watson, of New berne, passed through the city last night on her way home from Blowing: Rock. ' Mrs. W. F. Foard an J -children returned last night from an extended visit to relatives and friends in South Carolina. National Bank Examiner Burgwyn spent Sunday in the city thegues of Mr, A. H. Boy den and hri;-Sunday night for Asheville. I Miss Julia Shirey, of Mt. Ploasant, arrived in the city this morning to attend the meet ing of' the missionary society to-morrow. Rev. L. K. Probst, secretary Mission Board of ; the United Synod of the Lutheran church, will arrive this evening to take part in the Missionary Conven tion. : J. B. Sherrill, editor of the Concord Times, passed through the city last night returning from a vuit to Ashgville. He was accompanied by his wife and one child. R. L. Crawford returned last night from Blowing Rock where he has been for the past two weeks. He informs us that every placO is crowded and many are refused. Rev. W. E. Rollins, of Car in ton, Ya , was in the city last night on his way to Virginia, after spending some tirrvi in Asheville on a visit to his fath er Ma j. W. W. Collins. Ed. Myers passed through the city last night on his way from Greensboro to Morganton. Mr. Myers will visit Glen Alpin bprings, near Morganton, for the purpose of erettiner some water for analysis. Chas. Reisner left last night for New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, to purchase a new line of jewelry for the de partment of the Salisbury Hard ware and furniture Co. He" will be gone about a week. Bro" e His Cellar Bone. Says the Charlotte Observer of young Reece Harry, a son of D. R, llarry, a brother of our vownsmac, Mr. S. W. Harry; Reece, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Harry, fell Friday and broke his collar bone. Dollars , Saved are dollars earned, and there's dollars to be saved by buy ing your shoes from Monumental Shoe Store. ... .' Vim, vigor anl victory: the e ftre the characteristics of Pe Witt's Little Eaily Kis?r-, the famous little pills for constipation,"' billiousnss a 4 all stomach and liver troubles. -: James 1'hy rimer. - Your choice of any slippers or Oxford at Monumental Shoe Store for flfty cents Educate Toar Uowels With Cusearecs. Xjandy Catbartic, cure constipation forever. a0c,S5c. It a CC. fail, druggists refund money, SUPERIOR COURT. A NUMBER OF CASES DISPOSED SINCE TESTEB0AT8 NOON " RECESS, 1 - OP ! The following cases hare been disposed of by the Superior Cturt since yesterday at noon: Lewis Walton and D. M. Lefler, affrar. Lefler pleads not guilty. Both found gnilty. J udgement. "suspend ed as to Lefler upon payment of half costs. Walton fined $12 and taxed with half the costs. V " J- G. White, larceny, not guilty. White.it will be remembered, is the young, man who was charged - with stealing a sum of laon y irom T. J. W. Brown. W. E. Roseman, c. c Defeod- ent pleads guilty. Findd 15 and COSt8. ' " ' ,' William Elam, c. c. w Defend ent pleads guilty. Two "montks on county chain gang. " ' -'- J.G.White, c. c.w. -Defendent pleads - guilty. Two months on county chain gang. t R. S. Ilickson, larceny, ' Defend ent called and failed. Judgement ni si, sci fa and capias to issue. -K Joe Miller, turning out switch lights on Southern Rail way. - De- 'fendent pleads guilty and'judgement is suspended on payment of costs. Ed Williams, larceny of horse for temporary use. Guilty. Juige meLt suspended. ! W. E. Roseman, c. c. w. Judge ment suspended on payment of costs. j J; A. Caldwell, a. and bnot guil ty' ' - . John White, and Laura ' Williams. Both parties guilty. John White genttneed to the chain gang for 18 months; Laura Williams sentenced' to five months imprisonment in jail.' Parks Blackwelder and John G. Pethel, tresspass. Appeal frpm justice's court. Appeal Jitssed. Will Wallace, selling cigarettes to minor. Defendent plea Is guilty and judgement suspended l on pay ment of costs. ' Jno. M. Morgan and J. II. Masor, affray. Defendents plead guilty and adjudged that both the defend ents be fined $5 and each defendent pay half the costs. MRSJMESDJAD. MRS. W. M. JAMES, A FORMER RESI j DENT OF SALISBURY, DIES IN. .' MARION. ! Mrs. W. M James, a former resi dent of Sulisbury, whose husband was one time express agent here, died at Marion Saturday. Mrs. James had been in bad health for over a year and her death was not unexpected. ; She crossed the dark stream as placidly as she had lived through suffering, and the died resignedly. j Mrs. James was 54 years old and leaves tw6 children, Mrs. W. C. At well, of Winston, and Harvey P. James', of Marion. The funeral services took place at Marion Sun day afternoon. Concord Wants A Game. ! Mr. Preston Deaton, manager of the Concord base-ball team, tele phoned Walter Woodson to-day m reference to a game of base ball to be played in Concord to-morrow. They had arranged two games .with Qreensboro but Greensboro failftYto show up this eyenmg, consequJntly they want to play Salisbury to-morrow. They offer all expensed for ten men and guarantee good treat ment while there. Thisis a good offer and if our boys can get for a day we see no reasonwhy they should not godbwn. ii . '. . ' A Sudden Illness. i Mr. Chan . Fri 38 was taken suddenly ill yesterday afternoon at Spencer and had to be taken home. He was very sick an last night but is somewhat im proved to day. - When the sick- ness came upon mm Mr. r nes was on top of a roof. rtrs. rtcBee's Wheel Stolen. Capt. Thos. McBee tells us that Mrs. McBee had her wheel stolen at Morganton Friday. Mrs. McBee had lf t her bicycle in a repair shop when some one stepped in and ap propriated it to their own use. We invite the ladies to call and see our fall line latest styles. of shoes, the very Monumental Shoe Store. i Agents Wanted. Live men everywhere to sell twelve valu able, indispensable household articles. Send 3a cents in stamps for complete sample outfit and full particulars to C W. Peters, 33 S. Tryoa Street, Charlotte, N. C. ; Salisbury High School. Miss Josephine Coit ") D- A- lo Miss Laura Hill Coit Principals . Session begins Sept. (Hh. Send f of circular, . .Market Square on.ly place where you can get anytping you A MISSING WITNESS. ED BARBER'S CASE IS IN SUSPENSE UNTIL A WITNESS "WHO IS MISSING, RETURNS. Solicitor Holton notified the court yesterday afternoon that the case of Ed Barber could not proceed, as Cowan Barber, "a very important witness, was absent. Counsel for Mr. Barber at once began making inquiry and learned that the ' missing witness was in Wautaga county. To have post poned the case would have meant in the jail until the No Mr, barber s continued mcarcera vember term of court, as his is not a bailable offense. So they imme-' diately had a subpoena issued for Mr. Barber and Deputy Sheriff Rob ert Monroe "left this morning for Wautaga county to bring Mr. Bar ber down. He will probably return about Thursday night ., or Friday morning with his man. LIGHTNING'S WORK. DR. CHENAULTS RESIDENCE AT CLEVELAND STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. The storm of yesterday afternoon played havoc in different portions of the county yesterday. As related elese where in to-day's World, the hail storm damaged standing crops considerably in dif ferent portions of the county. . ; At Cleveland the rain and hail was not all to be feared, for there was a very violernt electrical storm. Lightning struck the residence of Dir. J. P. Chenault while all were away, from home except the cook. She was only dazed, but the plastering was knocked down from the wall and the residence otherwise de faced. ' . ' ' " Parties from the .county report a general electrical storm. An Early Breakfast. " . -1 , Mrs. E. W. Burt invited a number of friends around to her home on Fulton street to take breakfast at 7:15 o'clock this morning and meet yo irienas, misses Mamie jn or- and Bessie-Gr0y,"of lftarton, who were expected irom Waynesville on the early train. The young ladies, for some un known reason, failed to put in their appearance, consequently the party adjourned to the house unaccompa nied by the visitors. Those present were treated to an elegant breakfast at the appointed hour, notwithstand ing the disappointment. The fol lowing were present : Miss Helen Bruton, Messrs. Walter Linton, James (Jaither, Walter Woodson, C. B. Jordon and Mr. E. W. Burt. Misses Gray and Norris will proba bly arrive in the city tonight. Electric Headlights. The Charlotte News learns that "the Southern Railway will in a short while inaugurate another sys tem of headlights. The old style kerosene oil lamp is to he put aside and the new, up to-date electric flashlight is to take. its place. The elfectric headlight is something new to the South. All the big roads North have throughly tested them and find they are so far superior ta the old ones that they arenow used altogether. The Southern is to be commended for all such, enterprise." An Auction House. ' Capt. J. R. Nicholas will shortly open up a big auction house in his old stand on Main street,across from the Lutheran church, (japt. Nicho las will open up next week and such a business as he proposses to con duct will doubtless prove profitable". The Captain will personally conduct the business. New Trea urer to be Elected. Rev. Dr. J." Rumple left this morning f or Xharlotta to attend a meeting of the board of re. gents of Barium Springs Orph- anage. rne ooara wm elect a successor to their. V deceased treasurer, Mr. John E. Oates, of Charlotte. . , Cont'nues His Ad. Dr. Blue Mountain Joa continues his large ad for a week. The doctor is doing a good business ahd his remedies are giving? perfect satisfaction. Fine Mutton and Beef at R W. Price's daily. Coal! Coalp ' ' If you want want the best grades of coal guaranteed to be absolutely free 'from dirt or slate, then place your order at ouce with F. R. "Lf Shaeffer, city drayman, cpal dealer, To Car Constipation ForeTer Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 25& If C C.C fail to cure, arviggista refusd money. For sale cheap line groceries pply at this office. ; Xo not fail to visit Monumenta Shoe Store this week, is closing out shppers below cost. THE CONVENTION MEETS IN WINSTON TO-DAY AND CONTINUES FOR TWO DAYS. ; The State Sunday School Con vention meets in Winston to-day and will continue to-day and to morrow. T. P. Jphnston, J. N. Maxwell, J. A. Ramsay and Joseph Eagle went over from Salisbury this morn ing to attend the convention. L Others will probably go over to night ls a large number of Sunday Sohool lights in this county express ed their intention of attending. ; We learn that this promises to be one of the most largely attended Sunday School Conventions ever held in the State. Interest in , organization and the best methods dealing with problems pertaining to the Sunday schools are receiving much attention. HEAVY HAIL STORM. IT FALLS A PATH FROM WOODLEAP TO FRANKLIN CROPS DAMAGED. A heavy hail storm is reported in vicinities from Wodleaf to Frank lin yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gus Lemtz, who came in from Frahklin this morning, tells us that hail fell abundantly in his neighbor hood yesterday. Crops were hurt very badly in some parts of the county by this storm. Cotton and corn were both damaged more or less wherever the hail fell and particularly was this case in some localities near Franklin. No hail -foil in Salisbury, the storm of 3 esterday afternoon being confin ed to rain. - : i I f The Woather:j:-- ' V ; The weather lorecast for Salisbury and vicinity orlhf ensuing 24 hours is: fair to-night and- Wednesday. The pressure is .the lowest over the middle Atlantic States and m the upper Mississippi valley, but no very distinct storm center exists any where. High barometer now pre vails over Texas. The weather con tinues quite cloudy east of the Mis sissippi river, but ia generally clear west' of it. ohowers occurred dur ing past twenty-four hours at nume rous eastern and southern points in small amounts. The temperature remains about stationary. A4Vew Millinery Store. r - f Miss Waters, of this city, left last night for New York for the purpose of selecting and buying a new stock oL millinery. On her return she will open up a new millinery store above he New York Racket and carry a complete line of goods. She war accompanied by N. J. Career, pro prietor of the racket store. Some Wheat. Mess. Thompson, Peebles and Co., have threshed this season 8,652 bu&hels of wheat. This s probably the largest amount of wheat threshed out by any threshers in this sect'on. Their machine was purchased from the Smithdeal Hardware Com pany. ,- Farmers Mutual to Meet. We .are requested to announce that the Farmers Mutual Fire In surance Association will meat on September 9th at the Academy at Foard and Lindsay s Mill at South River. It is earnestly desired that all members of the Association at tend this meeting. Nolice. ' AH who have agreed to entertain delegates to the Missionary Conven tion are requested to be at the church by 10:30, o'clock tomorrow morningjUO receive their guestSi Committee. Just received at the Monumental Shoe Store, a line of fine ladie's shoes. Call and see them. Go to the Monumental and you will see the prettiest and best line of ladies shoes m Salisbury. To Care Constipation Forever Take Cascaffets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C. C. CMaUTo cure, druggists refund money. Crash, linen and serge suits, extra serge, Alpaca suits, coats cbeap at Brown Clothing Co. Edacate Toar llowels With Casraret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation, forever. 10c, pc. IfCCC. fail, druggists refund money. Fob Rent. brick storeroom near the standpipe. Apply to R. L. Shaver,- v ' Agent. "Fresh crop turnip seed, JWood's reliable T. .F. Kluttz &Co. ' Boat Tebacce 8tt tad Smoke Tear life w j. To qnlt tobacco easily and toi-erer, be ma oetic. fall of life, Derre and vigor, take No-T Bac, the yrnader-workfer. that makes weak mc strong. A U druggists, 60c or II. Cure guarau teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co. . Chicago or New York. Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic 35 cents a- bottle. Theo. F. Kluttz & Co. A YOUNG MAN ' TAKES A COUNTEY-. man's hokse feom the u ' - BACK LOT.- . Mr. E. Chilson, of the county, was minus a horse Saturday night; He came to Salisbury on Satur day and hitched his horse in the lot in the rearjof1Kluttz & Rendleman's store. When .he "returned in the afternoon to go home his team was missing. He called upon the officers to assist him in the search but no where could his team be found; Hethenjleft fox. home, thinking, perhaps, the horse had 'strayed home, but when he arrived there he found nohorso. - Sunday he received a note stating that the horse had been left at Foreman's; stable by a young man who had taken him out to Spencer Saturday afternoon. The .young, man treated ii all as a joke Mr. Chilson recovered his team, but the young man's joke may be . a costly a.- 1 i .' ' one ye. OUR BOYS WILL GO. LINTON AND TAYLOB WILL ATTEND LEXINGION S CYCLE TOURNA MENT. Messrs. R. Linton and Tony Taylor wil attend the bicycle tour nament at Lexington on the ' Tth of , September land will enter some of the most important races. Mr. Charlie Baughah, champion of Rowan county, will not be able to go, as he had anticipated, but the gentlemen above named as intend ing riders will do well for Salis bury and theucouniy.- It will be remembered that- both Messrs. Linton and Taylor have mach? good, records on ihe track. W rcanr.. that the Liexington - toarnament will bfra big affair. The list of prizes offered is growing and many maucements are oeing neia -out to first-class riders to enter, Prof. Thompson Here, j ' Prof. Holland Tbfc r,yson,of State- ville, passed thrC A 11 j city last night on his Vd. Prof. ThemoBonfLiXM:. ! J6l tbe;C6h-, cord HighVicKoor and goes down to get things in readiness for opening Monday, . j He has been there only one year but new has one of the best high schools in thVl State. lie is a graduate of the tJnijrersity and is a man of! ability and learning. . Chan Lee Laares. i . Chan Leej Uhe laundry man, lefi; last night for New York to spend some days on a yisit. . From New York (Jhan! will go via San Francis co, to his old home in China to visit relatives. I Chan hs not decided whether he j will ever retura to Sills-: bury. He left his business in oharge of another Chinaman or rather gold out to him.! -LI i Wheat $1.00. . !. ' Wheat has now reached the high ¬ est prico paid this year on tha Salis bury market, i It brought one dol lar per bushel on this mrket yester- day. l5othj the Salisbury mills are now running on full time and our farmers can get as good price here as anywhere for their wheat. It speaks well! for our mills. Jaryman Gets Sick. . Mr. W. C. Patterson,vof China Grove, omejef the jurymen at the present terni of Superior court, was taken suddenly ill yesterday and had . to be excused from jury duty. Mr. Patterson left on the local train la6t night for his home at China Grove. New Switch Engine. I The s Southern, pat on a new switch engine on the yard this morn ing, lieretotoro it his been using two at night and; two during the day. Nowjthe day number has been , increased to three. This will expe. dite the yard work considerably. Party To-night. ' '. Miss Georgia Kluttz will entertain at her home on East Inniss street i this evening from 8 to 11, Qmte a number, of mvitatiohs have been sent out and the reputation of the hostess presages a pleasant evening lor au. 'They don't make much fuss about it-" We are speaking of De Witt's Little Early.Kisers, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. They never gripe. James Flummer. Bargains in shirts at, Keid & Harry 's. Ladies fineshoes a snecialtv at fhe Monumental Shoe Store. It heals eve"rythinj; except a broken heart, may be said of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salves; Piles and recta i diseases, cuts, barns, braises, tetter,- eczema and all skin troubles may be cured by it quickly , ani . permanently. James Plummer. j , . 7 , 1. There will be hot time in the old: town when W. M. Ruth's sewing machine fans are gone. " Can k be at. t ached to any machine; for $1. On exhibition1 at y, F. Young's. All slippers and sandals below cost at Monumental Shoe Store. ' -7 X Q Of 9 L L La i""' 1

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