TU Coliki ri Pfscc I ?lU OxliloUUry r rtto. ISSUED EVEBY FRIHAY.- The Salisbury , Press it a consolidation the Liwoln Press, established at Lincoluum, JT. G, f'n 18S3, and the Gaston Current established at Dallas, N. C, in 1885. The Salisbury Pkbss is published every Friday mo'rnintr at One liollar per year or Seventy-live Cents for eix months, tirictfy in advance. Advertibinu Rater will be furuiahed. on application, and will be fonntt very liberal. Notices nnder the beaPof "City Items" will be inserted at the rate of ten cents per line each insertion. Ad vertinements diwewntinned before the time contracted for expiree will be charged transient rates fcr the time pub IinLed. All announcements and recoin mwidatioiifi of candidates for office, whether in the shape of commrinfcationn or other wisp; will be charged for as ad vertiejementR. Comraunii ations giving items of new or matters of interest are solicited, and we desire a regular correspondent at every point in Rowan, Davie, Yadkin, Albemarle and Stanley counties. Arti cles intended for publication nintt be written upon one side f the paper only. , N. C, JUNE let. TO THE PUBLIC. The Salisbury Pbb9s bits now boeu in your midst for six months, li was announced last week that il would suspend for a while, but its suspension was not of a long dura- j tion as it come to iu reader this week aa usual. The pa pei is now under the. cbn trol of a young mas who will put forth all efforts to make il one ol the best papers in tue Slate, it will take work and porseveranee to put it in those ranks and keep it there but we expect that it shall be done The Pbeb will come to you each week laden with the latest news of the State aa welt as the whole world. There' will be several changes made in the future. An agricultu ral column will be Added ibat wi.l give each week tfce beat advice to the farmers of our country that we can got from our best agrioullus and horticultural exchanges of the country We alsoiuvito the farm ers to make free use of our columns each week. We also want a local correspondent in each community who will give us each week all the hews that will be of interest to our readers, We ask the support of the public in this enterprise and wo prcrfrrlse to give you the fall value of your money, a subscription Hst a any of the pa k per in this or surrounding' counties and espect to more thau double It within tbo next three or four months, so that this is the paper ft advertisers, their advortisomentfe dll be read by more people than 'where elso and it is to their ins jsL to put their advertisement-. re it will pay best.. TflM CO.V VEX TION. le State Democratic Convention in Raleigh at 12 o'clock' Weds lay. it is said to he iho largest most enthusiastic' convention ?r held in the State, lion. W. R. v was tsado pet manoiil chairman, M. Fur-man, of Asheville, and W. irkhoad, Durham, Secretaries. Hon. Danitd G. Fowle of Wake, nominated for Governor on the ballot, which was not reached il 12 o'ciook Thursday. !ho result of the vole was: Fowlo, Stodman, 435, and Alexander Before the vote was announced, result being known, Stedm&n'a ida moved that the nomination unanimous, which was done unprecedented applause motion committees were sp rinted to wait ou Messrs Sled man mlo and ask them to appear id address the convention. In a w minutes Maj. Stodman appeared, sind his presence was a signal for round after round of deafening ap He said he had come to fell what 9 unnecessary for him to tell auy one who had know him front uoyv bood, that bo was ready to cortliallj support all the nomioess of the oon vention. In. a pathctio strain he aaid: What diffcienco does it make whether this man or that man wa nominated, if our glourious govern ment was handed down intact to pbr children? He thanked those who bad supported hi ra for tiioir devos tion, and assured those who Ltd op posed him, that for them titer rankled no feeliugs of unkindness o: jroproach in bis bosoin. Ue clost J by ao eloquent appeal to lay aside ; all person rd dirTerences a"kd unite in one common effort for tbo success of the Donn cratic . party and the realixsti Q of tbo prophecies and prospects of our ancestors. . J'JJe sat uniid laundering ap- planse, of which could bo heard' now aM tben ..Sonatt)1. Steadman." Iu a short interval the name of Juiire Towl wa ijj i rt i wf 'and : Ahis oommandir.g fife appeared. The applattse of the immense crowd be camo Ibunderlike in its roar. The whole crowd arose. leaped upon ben J ohes, waved fans, and fairly shouted themselves hoarse. When a little qoiet had been restored Major Steads man stopped forward and gracfuily said: "Fellow Democrats, I stand before yon to introduce you to the next Governor of North Carolina, lion D G. Fiwlo. When the prolonged applause bad subsided Judtfe Fowlfl addressed the convention in a speech of great elo quenco and power. .Round after round of applause wont up at the conclusion of his welt rounded peri ods, and at the touch of his magnetic sentimints. He measured the extent f the oompMraent he felt bad becu paid him by a glowing tribute to his competitors, the soldier and patriot the noble son of the lower Cape Fear and the soldier, scholar legislator and descendant of one of the famed auihors yFgt he slefk lenburg Declara tion of ludepeudenco S. 13, Alexand er. S. B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg, was nominated for Lieutenant Govs eroor, by acclamatiou. lie declines it, however. J.J. Davis of Franklin, was nora inated for associate Justice of the Supreme Court by acclamation. J. R Shepherd of Beaufort, and A.. C. Arey, of Burko. were also nominal od for associate justices of the &u preme Court. Tho platform congratulates th-j people on the excellence of Demo cratic government; calls for reduc tion of taxes to avoid surplus in the Treasury: denounces the present system of taxation as iniquitous; apt proves tho action qfiorth Carolina's Repreponlative in Congress, and recommends that they support any measure that will afford partial re lief from existing burdens, demands unconditional abolition of the inter .nai revenue system; declares that itho South wiil-accept for educational purposes from the federal Treasurer its pro rata share of surplus, v'0 cd it be disbursed through- State Ma genta and is made free from ioujv'o 11041 able features; denounces effort of thi Republican party to force sec tional Uauos iu Coni'ruaa and e.Ue UjLfcro. announces monopolies, trusts and pools, endorse-) the ad ministration of President Cleveland as well as bis ability, wisdom, hon esty, patriotism, independence and fa) thfulneas, and declares that tht; boet interests of tho couutry domaud his rexelection.' CPltGRESSJONAL CQyVEN 1 JON. At '."ho Congressional convention which meets here June 20. Hon J. 3; Henderson will be nominated for Lis third ierm io Congress. Every county in the District has instruct cd fof him except Irodcll, which by a soMll majority instructed for Bing. bam, of Stateaville. It ift, however, very probable that Map Dingbain's friends appreciating the certainty of Mr. Henderson's nomination and his acceptability to tho people of Iredell, wil! join iu maUing Mr. Henderson's nomina tion by Reclamation. The number of voles in . the con vention, we loarn, will be 291, of this numbsr 237, a;e instructed for Henderson; as follows Catawba 46 Duvidsona 39, Davie, 21, Montgom ery 18, Rowan 53 and Yadkin 19 and Randolph 41. POVtLE FOR G O VERNOR. Hon. Daniel G. Fowle, the next Governor of North Caroipa, will have no moro faithful and deter mined supporters, than the friends of Stedman ad Alexander who fought so hard and 66 long for the nomination of their favorites. While thoy mny be disappointed they wiU nevertheless acquiesce cheerfully in the choice of the majority and will j j work for the election of the epnven- ; lion's nominee, and every vote with in the influence of "Stedman andM Alexander and iheir-friejids will, be cast for Fowle and thoy will in every way contribute everytLiug 'iu ihoir power to swell Lis majority. - Tpr uction of Alexander declining ibo Hominaiiofi fr tbo LioQ9ftao Governorship is "nniversally con deinod It allows that he was work !" on no loc t werc hinnuyjeet c ' i i , in the air, but ecaped soriuus iniurv. mi' for bis ow-a advancement and i. : . . i ., . juo1,JU1 b . It is esUfnatcd thai thirty persons ootiorttio interest ot h3 oUrtr'. otherwise, he would have accepted ' any place on tbo ticket at whatever j so do- j jg Be coinu st.re;iQen sue iicksl it is not likely tiial another c Hveution will ever do him a like honor ilia action has plactd him pel manantly on the sheet' eace does not reign i.o the Kadi- ciil Lamp. Green, the deieaied cau diJate foi the nomination for Tjieu tenant Governor, swears that J. C. Priubard, who received the nomi nation, hliall be taken oFrLo ticket, That iaiihlul ally of the Radicals, the Third Parly, is having trouble over its nominee lor governor, W T Walker, hose name it is said will have to co.no offtbe ticket to make way for a better man. GENEUAL NEWS. Every California county has had $1,000 voted it by tho Logiaialuie for advertising pur pones. The annual convention of the Wo mata Christain Temperance- Union of Georgia began Us sessions Tuesday morning Three of six nom'moes on the Ala bama Republican State ticket have ref used to accept tho nomina lions tendered. One of the young ImMane in the school at Carlis!e,Pa.' has sent home a description of the ear gloves" be has seen palefaces wearing. John L. Sullivan is now a circus man. Ha bough a third interest in John 13. Doris' circus and will go out on the road on Juno 1. All Europe seems impressed with the belief tbat peace can best be maintained by having everything pu', on a war footing. At the tenth annual meeting of the Woman's, Executive Committse Of homo mission held at Ptdtdplpbia at the Calvary Presbyterian church, AlrsCrover Cleveland was eiocwd? life member of the raisjiiou. The Mall Gazett says that "it be comes more and more palpable every day to the careful observer that the position of the czar iu European, pol itics is becouiciog more aim moro dominant," For two days the Missouri River 'Vsaiey from the Black Hill regiou, in south weet JJakota to Kansas oily, has been vioitod by a series of ter rific cloud bursting ruin storms, do ing may huuurcd thousands, dodats damages. . : . .: The Now York Legislature ad iouued witnout making aHy ar rangement tor continuing the Slalo . .... : . . .-.sr iw.n J labor in tue prisons, anu 5p,ouo men will be continued in enforced. - ide noss for a year on account ol the op A railroad ft reck oocured three miles from Louifrvdla Tuesday, cu the Louisvilie & .Nashville fiuilroad, In which engineer Q..iuu was killed and fit-emab Richardson ai.d brake man Furuly fatally injard. The en gine boiler exploded. Trebty-one freight oars weri demolished. Tuo first full year when the Brook iiu bridge was open to traffic there were 11,271,897, passengers carried on the bridge cars. East year in elev en months the i.ipubur carried wa 26,588.593. The iucreaso in the use made of the bridge is enormous, yet it has not interfered as much as was ex pec tod with ferry traffic, A Berlin telegram of the 26ih'sa7; Emperor Fredrick is worse to day and is obliged .to remain iu his bed room. A ir&h j.ffiaiuaiuu us ap pHj.id in the j.aits arouiid the wound iu his threat. Ko cause can bo unsigned for his new development and the physicians are in consuha lion over it. Tho patieut's general state is good. Every preparation will bo made fur a grand encampment at Sparten burg, South Carolina. Frofea sor tierndon and his twenty-live mus ciaus have been engaged to f'urnisb mustc for tbe occasion. The baseball boys, headed by Pegues as Captain will play a series of fine games during, ihe days. A church case of more than ordi nary interest, from Lexington S C was heard by - tho circuit judge The contest is between two factions of a Lutheran congregation that has separated into two bodies, one joining tbe synod of South Cai1 olitrti and the otber, synod of Ten nessee. The property in dispute is an acre of iwnd which was granted to the .Evangelical Lutheran con gregation of St John by Georgia in 17G3. Eminent Iaw3'ers ara on each side, and tho parties to the contro versy Show much feeling. The land s a tine piece of woodland, put of "no extraordinary vulue. A Montreal Marram of tho 26th, says: lne exjjrosron ot too Montreal viiin v.uuiuu a reservoirBv itv.oe Uga, ibis moruiug has been attend ed yith con i ierai loss of life. Four todies vere"takeu from the rniu.-. Most of the dead bodisa were only slight!)- bruised, and death hs sup posed to have resulted from euffoca--. t i iu.;n. The building was iindergpoing j repairs, and the n en who-wens taint .' ..i ti more or ouilding is a total ut iron pillars re 1 wrecks nothitu? main Standing. j personal inconvenience, H by ;h)2becoirftlbtre:tDon4letie 2S 'uiueeg. f;E 0"VERN R. Ho. DAi EE G. FOWLE. of Wake. JvR LIIl'TEN A NT C YHRN0R: THOS 31 HOLT, of Alamance- FOX AoaociATB jiJ.-xiCia scraifMB couai. HO JOS J DAY IS, of Franklin. FOftexrPRBMB www JUT(rs: HON JAAiiJ E SHEPHERD, of Washington. HOJf ALPUONSO CAVfiRY, of-Burko, FOB SBTRETABt Of STATES VYM LSAUNDEiiS, of Urango. ?wU TilEA-VRBit: DOMALD W BAIN, of Wuku fOU SCPSRITBXDENT OF PELIC X -B-fRUCTlOS: SiP.tEy 24 FINGER, of Catawba, THEODCmrrF HAYiDbNN, ,Of'Buucombe: . for auoitor: RgV G W SAKD &RLIN, of Wayne Repnblitan Knock-Down and drag oat WLrm, N. C. May 31. -The Remib' can Convention of tbo Second Congresional District met here j-es-terday. It was the most disoderiy and disgraceful affair eve known in this district. When the committee on credentials reported, tbe disbursing element rushed upon tbe st age over turned the tables, and forced their chairman from bis seat and took po sessioa. This created the wildest ex citement. and a - free fight ensued. Chairs and sticks were used, dela-J gates kaocked down and pitole were nourished in the air which caused men to rush froqi,the building Four or five counties bolted tbe convention and the remaining faction then be came soetewhat epiiet and -proceeded in their disordely way-to make nom inations. 11 H , Cheatham (colored). J of Yanee, was nominated for Con greeav-'J B Afarttw. of Edgecombe, elector, and L GEies, of EdjjecOmbt delegate to the C'hicago convention The boiling faction will pot in an othot ticket in the noid ! BiItndSaiL. Tbe Supremo. Court. of he United State fraVj-irtt fifed &n "opinion in iaUe cae oT-Duygfrr & Bryai vs. Mc- Ivessou A Brwnf4.r the .Jefnndahta. riio coinel ffr MIeiot A Brown were C l. P J. St,' Ujt: nt ;.-. Jlrq 5if.or A Cu'mm::g, of AsbwiMe. T-he'efriidn'i n-c(ver. cd the folio 1 pacts of land: One traot'of -59:000 ' another of 90,000. another of 22,0 )0, ano;rtr ot 8 doi. an otf. or of IU: 000 ami ft her rH oi, 000, lybi iu thw counties of Wu taaga and Hi 1 chcll. . Tbis tsvi.d cov er thu intirt? Cranberry irn mif.e. and nearly all-the mica iraeists in Mitchell county. The suit b?u been peudiut; eight yeai. Ci. J.. Evans Brown, the defendant, rt-moved iVwm the State to New lidand a number of years tjq, where he served in thu New Zealand legislature. How Mrs. TfeuTman Took' the Judgo Thurmau and wife bad jast returned from their evening wu'k whm a corripoudont catftd.' On beinij informed th;vt a staiVnient bad boeu made thai Ue-.had consented to mako the race wifch Cleveland bej said he was not surprised, but he was not a candidate for any , office on eartb and remarked: "All 1 care for is a seat in heavBu" Mrs. Thur mau. remarked: -'You won't get that Allen, unless you tako better care of yourself. file Solid Soul?j. "Can you help me to a trifle, sir?' aid tbe tramp; T fought like a hero f r the preservation of our n Wo Un ion." 'Cant do it" was tbe reply, I" sympathized with the South all through thewsr." : Why, so did 1" responded the l ramp heartttybot sjjjffiTJi)f J ' ui U going to do when he's draXtedT Now Vork Sun. ThcS'iegro on:r-rre of Havli seems ! to bo entering upon ote of its peri odical revolutions. A Washington telogram says: Secret arr of-S r e has be'n iniorme dby -thaitcVr States Consul at Au TVtnro; Hayti, that fears are entertainetf of anober rev olutionary outbrei.k on that Island. The report was of such character that it wan deemed Advisable to send J a national vcrel to the Inland for the protection of tbo lives of American eil&fens the roiind a ; telegram . was eit u rear Admiral Luce, fcom-. maniiiog ihe Jsorih Atlantic sqnad-j rcn, hc4V anchored otT Port Boyaf.tc dispatch oue vessel of bis squadioi on that mission. 'Speaking about dubs remarked Mr Luwso woo Lad just been dec- tea a member oi tae iianuaiian, i vthey are the wgn-posts of civiiiza lioa. never bear of savages Deraociatk xou . ? - . . ,, i old woman who saWweu up ui i mutai improvement ana pu-aau-e. . u.- .. Oai noneansePr renhcr Mrs. Uumsofl , . . , , . e; I BbnU-voicMexclamfionsof '-Bless tire 1 veheardot lnd,,n cius ever StuCP Lordr.u,, ilaiielujahr a!ld other i cou.d wa.k.-TAfe. 4 I j- wsstm ities. Jones I In T890 will end the term of TOO j years durjjr which ;he iicsot p-us ! ! U-nj and P-inadelphia have each en- I Lbtrd the rcV'eiiae from a Beuueet of $5,000 made by Benjt.inni Fraiikiio. ! The money wa to be loaned out to young married artificers, aud the trust has been executed, although the lapse ofaoentury re qui red a rev disposition of the frfrids. it issigni-. tieant lhit wiiiio in lionton the $5,000 ha grown to nearly 8328,000 in PyiladelKda the $5,000 has be come only 70,000. A gentleman rQ2a-.es a strange oc curreuce which transpired in Haii fax County a fovv days ago. A man who keeps a store in tbat county live about atjuartor of a mile distant and has a tolephono running from his store to his house. During a thunder storm the wire was struck by lightning and was entirely molted from one end to the other. The molten fragments dropped to the ground and wore afurwarda picked up. Three students of Harvard coU lege, bad an ouium dealer to come to their rooms with opium ami-pipes. One of them smoked a fow minutes and then said that ho ueve. felt bet ter in his life and Jeil a5e, fe-"1-nevor spoke again. The other two were discovered before they had gone bo far, the1 will probably sur vive. TheTurkN who are probibitionit by order of the Koran, are working to aboHah B;dootiQ kept by the "Cbriiains" in Cbnstantirtople. Ali drinking places within 250 i'eet from the houi-e-J' -f Turkish worship have been ordered closed, and the police are enforcing the decree, Birdn somr times do mnch darao to thefarmryot thy are his friends, fhey are tbe oaturuJ enemies of in sects and by feeding upon those in jurious tO fieid and garden become tbe farmers protector. Do not begadge them the small amount of f r u i thoy d s ' roy He wasn biwevball player, and be asked a girl to marry him. "Ont on tirsi.she Siiid, with a cold, rojee?ive 4miSe. "Don't flatter yourself," be repHed a he picked himself up; 'it's oat on thrrd. '-1 Washington Critic. At Fairfield, O. the lightning struck the parsonage of the Reform ed church, setting it on fiio, though the flames w fro extinguished. There is great damage to the railroad .tracks and crops. Tbe superiorly of man to nature is continualy illustrated. Natnrf needs an immene qnanuy of q nil Ik t makea giir with, bnt a maf can make a ifOoSfc of bin self With One. An Amoricau por makr hri!j rr "Ofifred from Hong FLojig a ne;vspape r mads of the web ol the sacred whitu spider of 'the Chinese. If you want goo!s at a bargain g to 1. BlumeutbaJ & Bro. Buis biiiid- ti TirU rp t r. " " They aiausc alwjs wnt to b!ow out Uie ga." srtiti a hot4l clerk, " b.J tbafc old. fellow," pnintlr.g to an oid gentlemau sitting U the window," was fsmart enough tc know that was not necessary. When he woks up this mora- f lug about five oclock, be opened his door find began calling for the porter. Oneoi the hell boys want to him and was told to being up a piece of rag. The boy procured it and, anxious to know what the old mait autod, h3 hung arourtd the door. There was a very faint odor of gas parvadmg 4he premir-s, and aa the boy looked tlirou&h the key-hole he saw the old man moiint a chair a.d unsrinda liome-kaU woollen socic from the traeA'Uizuer and then wmti the r?g iah- around tt4n pl iceof the sock. rerrto troabla you." he said, when became down," but the pesky thimj was leaking and I wanted to use my sock, 1 gees I'd been smothered if I hadn't kinder traced the smeli to that thing and tlren struck the idea of stop ping it by winding something around it." He was taken up-stairs and showed how the "pesky thing" warked, but was not satisfied and insisted that it was u a duraed sight safer to tie the tiling up." Patrick' Certificate of Honesty. Patrick applied fcr a situation bm porter for a wholesale store. Patrick, I'm afraid yea're not strictly hoiierst. PA an" piiy docs ye be thinkin OI'm not honest ?" "Well, I'vxhe:ird "soaae whtepsrins that yeu wsre alittie unreliable when at your last place. I must have a per fectly honest man hers." "Faith aft' CI e-an show ye a certifi cate of honesty that'll make ye change your moind mO'ghiy quick." Ha then ffarew out a piece of papov centajniTi words of the greatest praise of himself. "Whd wrote this, Patrick?" a Who wrote it ? Oi did, sor." v"Qh,chf Is a certificate of your own writ-iag a proof-of your hoiiesty f "It is, sor; because, esr, Oi know more about mete r tkln any other mon dnaJiVbejorrj, if 5i wasn't honst Oi wouldn't b uftar fcellm' ye Oi writ it meflelt' Well, I'll try yon, Patrick." ' ' '-m. : 1 Misuireetod luiiiusiasia. ! , A jenHemau who- listened to 3n j Joues tn Cin:,inuati teKs the following as illustrative of the peculiar methods of tbe revivalist: 4i Ke was delivering sn especially fervid address, and a little ront his address, and turning to the woman said: " Sister, enthusiasm ii a irood thine me of a little steamboat that used U i runup a stream down in the country where I eatae from. It had a ve.; small boiler and a very big whistle, aue every time the pilot blew the whist., tbe boat stopped. ow Let tbe boat gu ahead." Isj Wkat She Couldn't Dear. Old iirs. Tiddlewig's husband liked his toddyand the old lady was violently opposed to hibulesity. The other night Tiddlewig came in slightly aober, and his wife proceeded to talk to hira. " Now look: here, Tiddlewig, you're drinking again, and I just won't endure itc" "Why. my dear," he nsged, " little toddy don't hurt me a particle. On the contrary, it benelits me and makes another man of me altogether.' "I, know it dors, Tiddlewig1, and thaf s why I object to it so strongly. I might stand your getting druns, but whsu it makes another man of you, and still leaves me the wtt'y of both of yoa, it makes me out a bigamist, and i say right here, Tiddlewig, that 1 draw the line at bigamy, aiid you've got to quit. - - -- - - - . . . flow to Kop Them Awake, The great question that at present is agitating tho minds of Philadelphia . preachers is: u How shall wo U&ep tho congregation awake?" Pock's Sua stig geeta that each dejtcon be supplied with a largo dinner gong, such' ae are used at railroad eating-houses to call the gnoHts to meals, and whsn the congregation begins to nod let tlie deacons arise as one man and play a few scales upon those instruments of torture. A man who can sleep while an artist is dally ing with one of those gongs- is surely entitled to his snooze, and nobody will kick. Probably, though, 11 f?ds method was introduced into the PtliLactelpaia churches the next question would be: " How can we keep one deacons awake V . How He Wat Hooked. Hlrdie's Little Brether to BridegrooTn Did it hurt you much wHeb she did it? Bridegroom What hurt m ? Bride s L. B. The hook. Did ft go in your lip?. -. , "'' Bridegroom I don't know what yon mean, Johnnie. Bride's Mother Leave be tabie this instant, Johnnie, ii's L. B What er ? I only wanted to know if it -hurt him. Ton. said sis had fighd for him a tffrig time, but she'd hooked him at last, and 1 wanted to know if B's Li By is yanked out oT hie chair and hariod out ol the room acid tue bvidagroom becomes modiistive. Mb THE STAR i r at Til Rational loxel. I DlUxPSS IN L.iquor3, Cigars and Tobacco. iTiai&L TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFOKDtJ. fiS" Board by day or week on reason able teruiB, (C'orreeted weekly by D. R. JnUan) Wheat Corn I'eaa Flour .$1.00 J7 55 $2.20 to ?li.50 Butter.- 15 to 20' , 20 30 12 .,70 90 Chh-kens (young) ll! to Chickens (old) 2& to 10 to Potatoes (weet) Potatoes (irish) 75 to Tolcco Market (Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller.) Sales for last week were fairly good. All urade3 are jQ active demand, ec pecialiyjcommon and medium fillers. We quote : Lusrs dark and preen .20 (a, -i?) Limbs vood... foOO - 800 ...i6oo 44io,oo ...fiUOO I.': 00 ..fl 5 oft io Oo ..$S 25 00 Smokors common Cood Fine ' Jon;n:on Good Fine Fancy none o.ilered. DA EX LEAF Com mon.. Good Tine ....!rG00 SCO ...S00 10 00 ....$!d 00 12 50 ClilGliT I.KA? Common . Good Fine $6 00 S 00 ...0800 1200 ,.$12vj0 16 CO ..$12 (O 15 00 ..1S00 2iM ..lot'O 40 Uo Common Good Pine Eain:v!;one jfTere 1, Salisbury Bottling sr-r o :k: s 7 J R. DRANNCCK, PROPRIETOR, Mannfacturer of Ginger Alo, Soda Water & SarfcapariL. Bottled Btcr a Specialty. Our motto "Olean bottles and fitt elaH beveraro." We ulno deaU in IC K of the be?t qnality and cari Bell at;y quaotities either wholenale or retail. Order by mail receive prompt attention. AdirebS ail or dcrs fo J, R. Eranuock Salibusy, N. C. i . ' , Vl& ljfhtMtd i :l L I Kichmond & Lz.zi Rallies d. t cM'ENhED etiiimn Xu tCevt rptf ucbci 4th i Traititi inn by 75' Mridi-n UTr-i BOUND. DAILY ifo. oo. i So: Lv. Kw York 12 Jii A. M Phihult 1- 7 iiO A Si 4 S0 P. 6 I U P V -42 ' 1I-0J M I'aHimore S 4A Wafltiug- 11 24 hm 4 harli.its ville s P. W. S 00 A. T. 1 i.viK-n'ir a t 5 60 ! 5 20 3o 4 :.i b 08 e 2t y 48 kichiaond 3 10 i Burket I'e 5 17 Kyville . Jruk'a 0 1 BmHch Doiivilie 9 fid Gtes- lu boro GolcUboro 3 20 F-aleijrh l 5y lnirhi.ui H i2 Ar. Chapel hill f8 15 . J-iilitkburu 7 25 Kaleni i iO . Uvgh Ftdnv 11 10 fciJibhiirv J2 37 Stattfviht Al:evii!e Hot Hpr's, Lt. Conrttwd J 1 20 t'hr!ott 2 25 Sj.auanbrg 5 28 ti reen vi He 643 Atlanta 1 20 tl f a. . j. 32 " oO " - - 10 k'" A. JH.ll 23 ........ ! 5 J 35 J2 01 1 00 J. 4 4r IU to P. M. ORTHBOUND. DAILY. No. 51. Ko-52, Lv Ar. Atlait 7(0 P. M. tT40A M Greenville 1 til A.M. 23iPlj, Spnrti'r.br'g 2 13 3 4U u Gnarlotte 5-03 (3 25 ' -Concord COO '7 25 " ali?bury 644 M 02 ' High Point 7 57 S II ' (ireem boro 8 28 9 40 " ' 11 40 " il'2TAAM. iiiilthoro 12 06 P. M. fi 44 " iMrbnm 12 15 " f 05 " C"harel hill t 15 " a!eigh S 10 " fh 36 " Go'dsooro 4 " 11 45 '4 Danville 111 10 A M 1! Hi : M irak e's 12 44 P O. 1 44 U Krknrh K-y?v'lls i CO 3 or; BurkfvtUe 140 $,V--Riclunond 3 45 6 6 . Lyni hbnra 1 15 T.M. 2 0.1 i Chariot tufle 3 40 " . 4.j0 WaohinjUoa H 23 " B10 B.-.ltimore 1125 M 10 63 Philfidilj.hia 3 0 A. M. 35 P M. ew .Voi k 0 2U " 3 JO ,: . Daiiy f Daily, xi rpt Fnrd,y, Sleeping-Car Service: On itj-.m 'o. SO MUi 51. Puil'u.aii. Pof fct StSjieK bt-twe"n Atlanta and N. Oa.1 r$n -"2 nr..: -X FntUnan Bnfiet mart .-H-pv betvrtwn 4Trrr!rH)To Ent JijIt-ii. ti.!ii?-ii i.rlorCar bei-wvrt fcnhr-bnr an;: K.'xiile, prinnjMO ForlTartea s.r.ti i.sformrtir. , wppW.to J. S. Pona iYt.FoM. J9'. W. A. Txzjjt I;;. PiLts.Af. , Eii aioii N. C. Ias. L.. A AV1-R RICHMOND & DAN VILLE K. R- CO. W ft C. Division. Paerr Depot AevkViit.k N. C, Sp. 24 lt-A7 Schedule of Pa&engr trains; . ErTeetive ,9Pp. 52. h 1887. Eastern - 75ih Meridion ' lime UKed, when not o'aerwi oecifitd WEST-KO USD. Leave Few Ytirk 4 30 p no Philadelphia C, 57 .- Haiti m ore .- 4'- ,f VVaahii.grton 1! 00 u Richnimnl. Ralaih M a in ...J 00 " .il 23 .lump ft . i m Arrive SaUlttrj Statesvitla , liiikory Conu?iy Spring. Moi-auior. JfarKMCA Aetievllle. .....4 Hot r priori Y Mor riifUiwo t Knosvilie EAST-BOUND. Liire t Kr.os vlile... 2fiti iaU'-yti Hot jirinjju.... Ai-LeviHa r: und Kuor .. Marion Mor ai ton "ewuik 8tatyii Baltabary 7 00 b ui S 15 " ...,.112;i" ....1 -o p rn m " 3 4 4 .4 50 " ....Vi; 4 627 44 7 2 Arrive llaieii-h... ... 535 a. in Kichmond...... .. .....G 15 " Wa hingtoii ,c 10 ' Bid ti more 10 03 " PHtbdftlphia t23a New York....... 3 20rn Biher ..' ons. Knrl 90fr meridian j . nfe. Pallitiau Parlor Ca. hetweeu diibnry and Knoxvillo PuUniun Sitrep'u g cars cu h1! irnins Jna. L. Taylor, W A Wttsmmx G F A A D P A r crty years' trix! bi pro red " BLACK DRAUGHT M the best liver rcine ij,