The Salisbury Press, ISSUED 02 VERY FRIDAY, Tin Salisbury Press is a consolidation of the Lincoln Press, established at Lincohtlon, C, in 1883, and the Gaston Current established at Dalian, N.C., in 1885. Tho Salisbury Press is published everyFriday morning at One Dollar per year or Seventy-five Cents for six months, strictly in pdvance. SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE lobt. J Democratic Nominees- FOR GOVERNOR. Hon. DANIEL, G. FOWLE. of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT- GOVERNOR: TIIOS M HOLT, of Alairanea FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES SUPREME COURT. HON JOS J DAVIS, of Franklin. FOR STJPItEME COURT JfJDGESr HON" JAMES E SII I'PHERD, of Washington. HON ALPKONSO C A VERY, of Burke. i FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WK L SAUNDERS, ! of Orange. for treasurer: -DONALD W BAIN, of Wako. : ;. for superintendent of public inv ..-'- struction; " -' SIDNEY M FINGEK, of Catawba. FOR ATTONEY GENERAL: THEODORE F DAV1DSNN, of Buncombe: FOR AUDITOR: . " ItEV G W SAND ERLIN, K of Wayne . A hill is to bo introduced in the Louisiana Legislature prohibiting, under penalty, tho manufacture, sale or use of dangerous weapons, A heavy special tax is to bo placed on those uow owned in tho State tho proceeds to go , to the public schools. A per3dn convicted of ear irying concealed weapons to bo pun, isbed by imprisonment I If North Carolina had such a law and was iiiforced there would -not bo so many murders committed in her borders. We have now a young men's Dem ocralic club, with several hundred (raeaibers, and if the Democrats of this county will only work in co-op-oration with thi& club Eowan will soon be the banner Democratic county of tho State. The young men have begun to tako an interest I in the politics of the count', for they 836 how the country has prospered under Democratic control, and the dont intend that tho Republicans shall have hold of the reins of the government, again soon, if they can prevent it. The Republican Nation Conven tion meets in Chicago next week. It is said that tho Secretary of the Na tional Committee has another letter from Mr. Bkiiuc, in which he posi. tively refuses tho use of his name for President, and expross bis pro forenee1 for Hon. Jahu Sherman. Mr. Blaine is afraid of another defeat, he wants the place worse than-any man in the Repulican party, but we dont Jhink that any of them will get it this term; tho Democrats have the strongest ticket in the field this year that was ever run, and they will bo sure to win. Salisbury One Hundred Tears Ago. We copy the following from the New Yor Weekly Post, given the diary of William Smith, congress man from South Carolina and his travels tin ough North Carolina one hundred years ago. - If Mr. Smith could como along about now he would see a great change in thp old-town of Salisbury instead of about 300 we have now a population of 4,160. Tho cour house is finished, and a good one at that, and a great many conviences of the modern times. Friday,;- May; G. Very much Tilead with Salem, and recruited by the best bed since 1 left home, and' proceeded to Salisbury by a most excellent "road and cross ed the Yadkin at Long's ferry Now known, as Philip Sowers' Less fatigued than by any day's journey I had travelled. I arrived at Sa'is bury to dinner, after which Mr. Steele attended me to the County Court which was sitting, and then showed mo the tovvc. which consis ted of about forty or fifty straggling houses in an open pretty, plain ; it looked like a poor place and had but little business. Tho . Court House is not half finished: tho town contains about 300 inhabitants among them a great mum her of children. Tho weather I this day uncommonly cool and the evening very cool. Mr. Steele informed me that people could "Bleep under a blanket almost the who!" summer; there was a white , frost this night. On Saturday I rose with the sun and found the weather extremely cold, and treveled twenty miles to breakfast, the road excellent. From -Phifer's the road' which was wide all the way from Salisbury, nur rows aud forks ; "tho left goes to Camden by the liocky river, it is most frequented by tho wagons, but is so little ! settled that there is scarce a house to be seen for forty miles ; the right hand tbrroujh Charlotte, though farther about, and purhaps a worn road being '".well, settled is most preferable. For twelve or fourteen miles the road is very disagreeable, being hilly, arid- broken by deep gullies, and pases' through several creeks,, which in wet weather must bo extremely bad.j About the Creeks tbo land is good: and I saw this day day several; beautiful wheat and rye fields. J The las,t eight or ten miles to. Charlotte, with a few interruptions of steep hills and a good many roots; across the road, is a fine, hard red clay through beautiful woods. Near Charlotte are some finely cultivated fields. This place des not deservo tho name of town, it consists only of a wretched Court House, and a few dwellings falling to ddeay. Thero is a-good tavern kept;by Mason, where, However. 1 paid the dearest biil 6n the roadi ' Stir. Stool was tho grand father of Mrs. Aohablo Henderson and the great grand lather of J S IlonJerbOn. Killed While Jokini If llorancc were alivo today ho would prooaly teel us that the mart pure of life and ', free from crime does not need to keep a pistol under his pillow or in bis pockt. At least wje think he would agree wit h us tbaj.the pistol is more dangerous than protective. A sad story comes from Chicago. , . i- Mrs. A. Colber, a bride of two weeks, was shot and killed this morning by her husband in their room, at his parents' house. Too shooting was accidental, but it was a clear case of reckless carelessness in the use of a revolver. As her hus4 band was dressing Mrs. Colbert picked up his watch from the pillow and told him jokingly that -she meant to keep it. "jSo 3-011 mean to bo a highway robber do you?; then Pll turn' highwayman,' he laughuigly said 'as he. pulled his pis tol from his pocket. ''Stand and deliver." Mrs. Colbert jumped out of bed, and as she tricdto get holtj of tho pistol Colbert attempted to keep it out of hor reach. In some way she managed to strike the weapon vith her band, an explo sion followed and Colbert, as ; he savv blood appoar on hor night dress foil in a faint to the floor. Her husband, on recovering conv sciousness, raado two attempts to .take his own life, onco with la tev volver and airain with a carving knife. Ho was disarmed by tho familj- and hejdJ untiil tho police arrived and carried him off to the station house for Safe keeping. Col bort is 21 years old and a clork for Charles Germain, a Board ofrTrade man. ,llis wifo wasa very pretty girl, and but 17 years of ago. They returned from their wedding trip just a week ago. A Series of Ratification Meetings .lobe Held. Raleigh, N.' C, June 12. Tho Donocralic State Executive Commit' tee held an important meeting here. 'to day. : Mostof'thecauidates lor the SiateofHees were present and a plan of campaign : was mapped out- It was decided to begin tho canvass regularly Augiist 1st. In July there will be a series of ratification meets; ings on an extensive scale to follow one another in succession. These are to bo hold at such important point's as llaleigh, Wilmington, Charlotte, Durham, Goldsboro, Newberne, Greensboro, Asheviilo and Fayettes ville, and,perhaps at other points ; They witl bo conducted by the Young Mens Cleveland and Fowle Clubs under the direction of the. State Executive Committee The campaign will beconducted earnestly Demoiaiis mean business, and pro pose lVJo their work thoroughly. ;, - Let's sec if Salisbury cannot have a ratification meating also. A Noble Trio. Wilson Mirror, Avery, Davis, Shepherd. What a grouping of legal attainments? What a oornfcination of worth and merit and excellence? These are the bright and radiant luminaries that are to adorn with the of bril liant service our Supreme Court Bench. The Convention indeod did .volt in pl.ion; such admirable men upon our State ticket, for they towers of strength, and will resist tho encroachments of the adversary as the roe ic bib bod coasts doth the billows 'of tbo sea. - . i The Charlotte Observer has made its appearance again with Chas. II. Jones at tho helm as editor and pro prietor. Wo wish Wis Observer much success, -ril Wilson claims to havo flung out the first Fowle Banner utter the nomination. j ; What Ails Our Politcs. A corospondent wants us to tell bim vrhl makes politics, especially in the larger cities, o corrupt. His question is not a difficult one to answer, PolitC3 has become a trade in America, and as its logimatc com pensation are not sufficient to make it worth following, those who lollow it look to corrupt sources for their gains. - i As long as the present state pf affaiaira continues, corruption will be a part of our political system. When men wh ose means place them above the necesity;of illicit gain go into politics, matters will j mend and not lid then. ' There are a few such men in office here, there and everywhere now, bat they are not prpperly sups ported by the public. The majority of the people do not trouble thems selves about politics sufficiently to sustain thejhst and upright man in bis battle against corruption. He has to fi"ht it out with the politt- cians oy trade aione ana single handed. ' This is do special encouragement for men of means to forsake tho easo and comfort of pri vate life upon. Tho prospect of being abused and Slandered during the campaign, and sbullied and browbeaten in offilce is not an inviting one, and few have the selfssacrifioe, even if they have the courage, to subject themselves to it. ; s ..-. i " . All honor to those who do. May their race increase" aud multply for the public good. Family Fiction. Hints. Be amiable in tho cow stable. Milk rapily; no gossip while milks ing.: . , Pleaso put the cow in a box stall to have her calf. i . 1 ' ; . . Tlie buttoi-maker should chcesse cows. sell his Keep salt where the hogs can get it when they want it. , Some cows are born for cheese' others for butter. Find out vvLat yours are for. Try a rubber band around tho teats whon a cow leaks her milk, or milk her three times. a day. j J i Get the little pigs out on the ground as soon as' possible. This will make them more healthy. Save the clover . stems and but ts for tho breeding mare. They aro jnst what sho wants to fit her for folding time. ; What" a blessing turnips aro ,for the sfmep in lambing time. Give the ewes a few small potatoes it" you have nothing bettor. Full cream cheese contains one and-: fiveseiifht limes as much nutri tion' as 'ord-mary beef. Moral oat more cheese . Give the little Iambs a pinch of linseed meal and brn. -They' will beirin to eat it when two weeks old. and grow much faster. While a cow has garget the milk is full of fever, : and Hhouhl not be used unloes for the calf or . the pig, atid in severe cases not for tho calf. G. A. Adams says the reason so man' horses are swoenied is because tho. collars ate. tool big. -i Tho ' collar must fit the neck; closely, and not bruise the shoulders. I If tho sow has plenty of roots or othor succulent foodi, middlings and very lettle corn (none is better), she will-not eat hor pigs. If she is -in chned that waT give her salt , pork in small bus. I - - We keep animals to get brofits, and one f the chief results should be plenty of good manure This should not be allowed to irun any with the melting snows vnd spring rains. 1 is a big hole iu the pocket. ; ;" " !- - - -; r ; The way to pay off a mortgage1 is. to get a good breeding mare and raisvj draft horses. Sow a field with millet and cut it when it blossom to provide tho winter keep. Sell the oolts when three, coming four and sell one every year, 1 It tho ewes have nothing but corn they will lack milk and be feverish. This makes bad luck," Got rid of bad -luck by feeding them a month before the lambs come with bran three parts and oil-meal one part. Oats are good but bran and oil-meal are better. The lambs stron ger, udders not so hard and there will be more milk. Farm Journal. Sores on Cattle. There aro many sores on cattle w 1 which if kept constantly washed clean with cold water and kept free from dirt would heal ofj themselves. A very careful herdsman says his practice of curing hoof rot is to thor oughly cleanse the affected parts with warm water and soap, j- and then applywarm! tar. between tho hoof. In very bad cases there : will be a large core to come outjreraovoit carefully with "the thumb and finger, cleanse tho cavity as abovo with soap and atcr, and then fill with warm water. Keep the parts thor oughly covered with tar, even if it is necessary to use a bandage. Keep the animal in a clean, dry pasture. It is no more liable to affect the whole system than any other ulcer. When ouce cured there is no danger of its return unicss from the same case. t ' Hearts may be honest, but they are al ways oa tho beat. Emperor Frederic' is reported worse, and tho end i3 Tiear at hand. Interest in politicts now is cens terod upon the Republican Nation al Convention, which meets in Chis cago next Tuesday, Indian" Commissioner Atkins has resigned, and will enter upon an ac tive canvass for election to the Uni ted States Senate from Tennessee. At Boutto station Monday night J. B. Freeman, the leading man of the community, was fired at by an unknown person with a shot gun loaded with buckshot. A negro who shbt.and seriously wouudoi a man in Florida, was ta ken to the woods and lynched by a mob, and it is reported that tha ne groes are greatly incensotf and throat en to avenga the lynching. Chief J ustice Norton, of Missouro, In the Supremo Court,. has fixed Ju ly 13 as the day for the execution of Hugh M. Brooks, alias Maxwell tbo little chloroform murderer of C. Ars thur Preller, atftho Southern iiotol of St. Louis. Frank ;P. GJerTi city editor of the Times RcetMJer Zanesville O., was. struck and i knocked senseless by Dr. James Holden, son of the mayor. The paper continod an ar ticle describing a chicken fight, and the names of Di Ho Id en and his brother appeared among those - who parcipated. Gardner is seriously injured. Swarms of grasshoppers have ap peared in Ottertail county, several largo townshsips are . alivo with them. 'They are of the liocky Mountain voriety, which did great damage homo years ago. . Several car loads of material for their extir pation havo been forwarded,; and considerifl)lo 'uneasiness exists else whero iif the State, where they are likolj to ajipcar, but have not yet swarmed out. The fivo stones erected to mark 'Mason and Dixon's line," between Maryland and Pennsylvania, have just had their annual visitation by commissioners, who report one in good condition, one lost, one bro ken, one dislobged by mining oper ations, and tno fifth, which bears on one side tho arms of Pennsylva nia, on Uhe ether those of Lord Baltimore, badly dammaged by vandal relic hunters. ' ' At Gainesville Texas, Dr. Wyloy, a prominent hysictan stripped his wife of all her clo hin and boat her, unmercifully5. She escaped from him in an entirely nude con dition. The Doctor iiursued firing . t at her several tunes.." She took re fuge in the house aneighbor. He was taken to jail Ul prevent lynch', ing. Mrs. Wylv who i a most ami able lady, will die from tho etfects of tho beating and kicks. Peter Alt, proprietor of - the.-Arlington House, near the Pitulio ruee track, was shot dead- last night by his nun, William,' aged ufteon years I he dead man-b-vd been abusing his wife, and finally he caught her and threatened to kill her. William the son, hearing his mother's criesywent to hor assistenco with a shot sun. lie told his father to de.-iht, and noi being obeyed, fired, the whole charge entering his father's head in tho rear of the right ear. Tne boy was ar rested about midnight and is now in Townson jail. A monument, dedicated to the memory of Gen, Stonewall Jackson, was dedicated at Cbancellorsvule, Va., June 13ih with imposing cere- ra 0 u i es j Se n atn r Job n W D a h i e I vv a s the orator of the occasion', and brief speeches were made by several other entlemen, three pf whom were nerabers of Gen. Jackson's staff; tho moraument marks the spot whjero the Christian horo received the wound from which ho died A consignment of ten thousand pounds of opium smuggled through Canada by a devious route, seized in Indianapolio end the (fonsignee captured. His name is Charles Labcdle, of Starnia, Outario. One principal agent of the smogglers is a smalls grocery keeper near Port H u rop , M i c h i gan , named Sau n ders lie also w;is caugut. Ine opmm had been brougnt across the river from Canada in small boats, and landed at Saunders' place and dis tributed throtrgont the country from there. 1 - - v'At Henderson,. Kv. twelve miles below EvaoBville Ind. James Foster a colored man, was taken from jail, by a mob and bung. Foster was, ar rested Thursday morning at the in stance of John Howard, charged with a cfiminal assault upon the lat ter'a little jeigttyear old daughter, a lew miles from Henderson, in the countrv. Foster, on being airosted strenuously denied his guilt, but the most conclusive evidenco was found As the quiet little city was asleep, at midnight, two hundred Kentuckians mounted on horseback and armed to the teeth to repel officers' resistance, rode into the city. Breaking down the sell door "they dragged ihe pris oner to tho scone of his crime - and hung him. jgSubscribe now for tho Salis bury Press and get all the news. The campaign is now about open and we will givo alI?of the news that will bo of any interest to our readers. So core e along with you r subscrip tions. "j;1 CLOSING OUT SALE I have on sale the finest line of WATCHES, CI1AINS, CHARMS, , ' NECKUACES, PINS, I - - j ; .r AR-BOBS, AND ! ESP ECIALY RINGS, 1 - ." -' 1, - h - r 1 ever 6hovn in this marketA which I shall offer now at 'prices never before given in bahsbury, j 1 V . - ' i" ' ; . - ! ; . i ; C.P.Abbot Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optiean, Seoond door above the Post Office. RHEUMATIC . REMEDY. BSE'ST EAST INDIA EEMEDIES A SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, LUMBAGC and ' KIKD RED DISEASES. which is an entire new compound, and the most effectual remedy for Rheuma tism in all its forms and stages ever yet diseoveied; the treatnient is new and successful. The medicine is put up in lG-ounce bottles, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and are taken one after the other in their order till the. number is reached which completes ihe cure. - JfOl MKRCUEY or other obje- rious druys are used. The system is cleansed of all ihind, tioniible drus previously takenoun left in a free and natural state. G. P. ABBOT, Agent. Salisbury, N. C. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely7 wrapjed, to any address In the United states lor three months on receipt of j ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to post masters agents and clubs. Sam ple copies mailed free. Address all orders to RI G'HARD'K. FOX, Franklin Square N. Y. Irf lmM BECAaiC WEAKSES3 AtMMTSNCYIH MS A3totbesoeoe3 ol yonrnsediclne, thla 1 know, vrbcraa :ii uioDttis do, I vrs weak, lean and iitoop-aboultieredt ' Ith aciimiions, bat no inward forco to zecBte thoir 'bem nights. w9ro epat in taming and rolling npo ligepless bod, whosa dnys wsra haimled by nf!tinad? -rer-rics tr blishtsd bj bUniinff h" adache. 1 eaj whereas - but wm ths case thoo. Now, after the use of jour moe jxcellent remedy I teol raysolf n MAN erect-, Btrocs fsiijht 175 lb sinrite bo pcod that I whistl la tha hoe x.nd out of doom. la eight c.f ell this the $5.00 slnki to irwlgiifioaace. 1 rA h 1 miijhfe be sblu to benefit toad d iudod ycuas rr.ta b rocoisciendiag jcar raadjf." The orlptnal l-!tter frora -which fcia sootc Is an jxtraot. and several hundred others oxnrcssina iia:ilir opinions, in t-sua!ly strong terms.arc on fllo v-iik do snovn to any one eainuft at our otncej who Fhorrs that bis interest in tli matter ariso purt!y from a tlosire to ffuxrd galust lmpositiou. KARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'C CHEMISTS, rSartcetiindeih -Stij. ST. LOUrS, MO. "'tis L'sall's trta!?r.l $ to swstia S3. Casa asatis f Jtltirliet ll4'p-rt. (Corrected weekly by D. R. Julian) Wheat.... Corn. ...... Pens ...... Flour..... Butter.... ............ 00 ..........57 .......55 .$2.20 to $2.50 15 to 20 12 to 20. Chickens (young). Chickens (old) 25 to 30 Eitgs... ..10 to 12 P(itatoes (sweet) ....70 Potatoes (irish).... ..75 .'to 90 Tobacco Market (Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller.) Sales for last week were fairly good. AH grades are in active demand, es pecially common and medium fillers. We quote : . - . v , Lugs dark and preen..... S"3C0 450 Lugs good 500 " 800 Smokers common $(500 "10,00 Cood t. ...S900 "12,50 Fine..... ...$12,00 "18,00 Common........... $10 00 15 00 Good:... $15-00 20 00 Fine ....f.. ........ .$2 -j UO Fancy none offered. DARK LEAF Common. Good . Fine , Common. Good....... Fine , $6 00 8 00 .....8 00 10 00 ....10 00 1250 BJilGIIT lkaf: ....$0 00 8 00' ....S8 0 0 1200; ..$12 00 1600 WRAPPERS Common. Good....... .line....... .$12 00 15 00 .$18 00 25 00 .$25 00 40 00 Fancy uone offered. Salisbury Bottling J R BRANNOCK, PROPRIETOR, Manufacturer of Ginger Ale, Soda Water &arfapari!a. Bottled Beer a Specialty. Our motto "Clean bottles and first class beverages' Wo also deal in -ICE of the best quality and can sell any quantities either wholesale or retail. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Address all, or ders to J, R. Braniiock Salisbury, N. C. U o - O ii for 1 . CHARLOTTEN. C. The most, handsomely- furnished and complete hotel in the State. Heated by steam throughout Electric Light and bells, Bar and Billiard Rooms, Barber Shop and every convenience for eonifor -of guosts. Sample Rooms on first floor i WM. JOHNSTON. R, M: MILLER, Proprietors. Conrad Lipscomb, Office Manager. PROSPECTUS. TDK ALLBORY F We have begun the pub- lication of THE SALIS BURY PRESS; A LIVE - -r; ' .;iiTi - DEMOCRATIC NEWS- PAPER at only 1 A YEAR We pledge! ourselves to give the people of Kowan , and surrounding counties a live , wide awake, reliable family, newspaper, We promise . that our efforts to please the ' public and make Thk Press, second toi no other family newspaper in the State, shall be un- remittini'. ur exertions to make it a welcome visitor to the firesido of the people of this 'J. and adjoining couirs ties will not bo relaxed. Local Sta e, at d General, which will be carefully compiled and con deuced for its columns. AGuICULTUML ITEMS Wo will make a special effort'' to give farmers each week such practi cal and useful information as we mav be able to glean from our best agncltitral exchanges, and will from! time to time,! as they are re ceived, publish articles on the best metnous oi iarmin, cic. M'ining' News n We have which ' we latest news made arrangements by can "ive our reader the and jiiifoi mation from the mine-H of thin arid adjoining counties. Reyin IT We are ipso n aiers the 1 propnr. d ti iriyo our ilesl and 1.1 csl ao- counts of allietei.ts of inteivsi thai iVcur tin oighout Ibis Ittvessiif District, w teniovals. lib all appoint incuts and LI E RATU R E Our Literary selections will be made wiihoare. and wiil be interest- "- I- !" . -!'- ng atid of a high order of raorit. vt ;f':': i r.'" r " . .. WIT & HUMOR. Wo ir.tetid to publish humorous selections frpmj our best writers. i L TO GE TI1ER We pro ose to make Tue Press in all its departments second to no other country newspaper in the State. Terms; Our terms are Strictly Cash in Advance Vfe will place no name upon our subscription bofokfi nnlesn accompa nied by the money. The subscription price of 'The Press is - " j One year- - - - $1.00 Six months - 5 - s .75 We pay t he postage. Address j C. W. Culhbcrtson. j Salisbury, N. C. tlNE JOB WOPtK. : Fine Job Work a Specialty. No 'Botch Work" turned out of Ibis ot- fice. i -i i. Give ns your orders for what you wish and it will bo done with r - ' - J "J I1-! ; JNeatness and Dispatch, I'. I j and as Cheap as it c:.i be done in the South, j I ;',''' Tr m i -nring us in i your worK ana we ' -'"!' - will guarauteo you satisfaction. EESS PIEDMONT AIRLIHE ROUTE- Richmond & Danville Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE In effect September, 4th 1887 Trains run by. 75' Merridian Time. SOUTHBOUND DAILY. " Jo. 50. I Ivo. 52. Lv. New York 12 15 A. M 4 30 P. M Pliiliidel- 7 20 A At Baltimore 9 45 - Washing- 11 24 " 6 50 P M 9 42 1100 ton t harlotts ville Lyncli'r'g Riehinond 3 35 T.M. 3 00 A.M. 5 50 3 10 5 20 " 2 3 4 23 5 05 5 21 S 05 " 9 43 ;i ' 8 10 P.M. -fl CO A. M. 37 3 32 ,4 0 30 " 10 10 Burkesvl'o 5 17 Keyiville 556 h Drake's Branch Danville Gieens- boro Goldsboro Raleigh Durham ; 6 12 '. 8 50 10 44 3 30 5 50 6 52 it Ar. Chapel hill f 15 Hilisboro 7 25 Salem f7 20 High Point 11 16 ' u ' fcaitspnry Statesvihft Abbeville Hot Spr'jjs Lv. Concord .Charlotte 1237 A. M. 11 '23 " ......1231 P. if. 1 2G 2 25 Spar ianbi'u 528 Greenville 643 Atlanta 120 NORTHBOUND DAILY. No. 51. No. 53. Lv. Atlanta 7 W P.M. 8 40 A.M.. Ar. Greenville 101 A.M. 2 34 P.M. 'Spartanbr'g 2 J3 " -3 40 " Charlotte 5 Oj f 25 " Concord 6 09 7 25 " Salisbury 6 44 8 02 ' High Point 757 9 11 ' Greensboro 8 28 9 40 " Salem 11 40 " "fl2 34 A.M. tlillsboro Durham 'Chapel hill Raleigh Goldsboro Danville Drake'a. 12 (M P. M. f2 44 " 12 45 " f8 15 " 2 10 " 4 35 44 f4 0-3 ff)35 11 45 10 10 A M M 11 2i P.M 2 44 A.M 12 44 P Branch Keysville i 00 3 03 . Burksvillei: i:40' 3 55 . ; Riclimosid 3 45 6 15 Lynchburg 115 P.M. 2 0- Charlottsv'le 3 40 " 4 10 . s Washington 8 23 " 8 10 Baltimore 11 25 44 1003 Philadelphia 3 CO A. J. 12 35 P.M. ' 'ew York 0 20 " 3 20 " Daiiy fDailj', except Sunday. Sleeping-Car Service. fet Sleejiers between Atlanta anl N. Y. yjn iraius z aim ,.v i uuman rsuiit i , ... .. . . ...... ....... w. gomer ; Washington Au-ta. , Ptil lnan Sleeper between ,' tireenxboni nl Raleiirli. PiiIImiiUi t'.Lrlt.r 1'itv beiwnrii fii!isbury iiui KiioxviHe, Ihrouifb ticselK. fur fule t i.rnii i!!n htatMiii, :o all points. rir ruu and itjforijjrtion, app'y lo 1 V 1 t . i tl.fc Llt;j'J i . J ! Sol. Haas v Tr't&t Mawt'i'T S.ToTT.-j iu. -Pu. A'jL. b'HiiuoM) Va. W. A. Tikk: Die '"Pa Ant. .7 - ll lt.u.wmi N.'C Jas. I.. Tayijuj Gen. IV-w. Ajt RICHMOND & DAN VILLE R.R. CO. W. N. C. Division." Gen'l rasenarer Doijot Ashkvillk. N. C, Sep. 24 1887 Schedule : of . Pasenger trains. Effective Sep. 52Ui 1887. Eastern. 75J Mciidion V time used, wheu uot otherwise Kuccificd WEST-BOUND. Leave w York ., Philadelphia........ Baltimore............. W.asliirtjrton ......4 30 pin- .......6 57 44 .......9 42 ' 00 4 lliejimond .... Raleitrh. .......... 30 a m .... r 1 00 44 A r ri ve Sal i sbu i y : ........ . .Statesville ........ Hickory.............. 11 23 ....12 20 pm .... 1 26 1 4U 44 2 34 .......3 18 44 . ..5 08 Connelly Springs.. Morgahton. Jarion i.TU.... Asheville. ........J.... Hot Springs............ . f Mmristown. .......... 7 0.5 44 45 44 t Ivnoxville. .........:..uu 00 " EAST-BOUND. ......... 5 38 " , 7 : 14 " 12 01 " u ICO " " 3 34 " 4 48 " P.M.- 10 40 " ; I-.eavet Knoxille...... ...... ....7 (X) a m Juriistowii...... ....... .....8 15 44 ' Hut prings -...1 1 25 44 Asheville...' .....I 25 p ta Round Knob 3 (AJ 44 ' -Marion...... .....4.. .3 4t 4 '-Moiganton...... ............ ..74 oO 44 Newton.. 517 Statesvillt...' .....6 27 44 1 Salisbury... ......7 20 Arrive Raleigli...... 6 35 a m Richmond.. .6 15 " Washington. Baltimore..... Philadelphia. New York.... .8 10 " .10 03 ' .1235" .3 20p m Dinner stations. fCentral 9rtr meridian tinje. Pullman Parlor i . between Salisbury and Knoxville Pullman Sleepirg cars on all trains Jas. L. XiYLon, W A WiNrua.v GP A A I) P A forty yearsVtriul hi proved ' BLACK DRAUGHT" the best liver the vorld. I

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