I!" The Salisbury Press. -ISSUED - EVERY FltlDAY.- Tfie 'Salisbury Press is n consJihilion-of the Lincoln 'JV, established at JJncolulon, X. C., fa 1SS3, ami the Gastm Current established at Dallas, X. C, in 1SS-3. The ' Samh-bvrv Press is puhiislsed every Friday morning at O-.e Dollar rer year or Seventy-five Cents for six months, ttricOy ia o'lntm: . j SALISBURY, N. G, JUNE, 22nd National Democratic Ticket. - FORPlt EVIDENT, (J ROVE 11 C LEV EI j A N D, of New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. , ALLEN G. T11U11ML1N, of Ohio. . FOU CONGRESS 7Til. IHsTIUCT, JOHN S." II E N D E RS O X., of Rowan. Democratic Nominees FOR GOVERNOR. t Hon. DA N LET, G. EOW L K. of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT O'VERN0K: THUS iM HOLT, of Aiatranco FOR ASSOCIATE JCSTiCKS SCPREM ErCOCRTV HON JOS J DAVIS, of Franklin. " FOR SUTTiEME COURT JUPOFX I HON JAMES,. E SI1 EPHEIID, of Washington. j HON ALPIIONSO C AVEUY, of Burke. F R SECRETARY OF" STATE: WM L SAUNDERS, of Orange. for" treasurer: DONALD W BAIN, of Wako. FCS SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: 'SIDNEY M FINGER, of Catawba. FOR ATTONEY GENERAL: eRal: THEODORE F DAVIDSON, of Buncombe: FOR auditor: -.. '.REV G W SAND ERLIX, of Wayne HENDERSON REN OM IN A TED. . We are glad to note .the fact that we Democrats of the S9iith are beirinnhv to appreciate the value to our interests , .of retaining in Congress, Representatives ,'.-"who have been faithful to ths interests of their constituents. Every year of service in Congress adds to the influence 'arid standing and consequently, to the efficiency of a Congressman. AVe - have heretofore perhaps been unaware to u considerable extent of this fact.but since the accession ot our own party to powxr, in the disposal of t!ie public patronage, we have seen how important it is to the State to have Representatives of exper ience to look after our interests. - This fact .was, perhaps, one of the im- ; portant reasons for the unanimous'- rc- nomination by the . Dcinocrats of this . District of Hon. John S. Henderson. But it was only one of the reasons. The others, and by far the mosty weighty and important, were the faithfulness en ergy and ability with wliieh Air, Hen derson has discharged his duties and guarded the interests of his District and JState and his re-nomination by aecla- matibu last Tuesday was the emphatic "W ell-done-thou-good-and-faithful-sei-vant" of an approving and appreciate constituency. ! SoaiE growlers and Republicans proclaim that somo members of the Farmers' Allianco will vote for Dockery because ho is a member. of the Allianco and Judge Fowlo is not. The Chronicle don't believe a word of such "stuff." Members of tho Farmers' Al'iancc cannot vote for """Dockery for two reasons; ls. It is r. principle cftheFarmers'' Alliance that . a Procctv"e Tariff injures; aruithey, vilt-.6adtl6?8etfro-'. a tariff ;.for royenuo. Dockery, is runniog;ofl:ja :. i 8 pledged to a ;eon tin uiic j ? o C ;tbe present high tariff.pyf; memoerH ji mu i: riiui a iiiauuu. w uci; votes. for Dockery ; repudiatosbisVprinciN - pies on: the tariff, ?-' : -':-' ; 2nd. The 'FarmrsKAllianco is - strictly a white mans organization No negroes are admitted. Dockery is nominated by a party mostly corns . posed of negroes, and the Enter-. : priso reports that ho.onco said; "I long to see tho day come when plac ing my right band on tho head of r - little white child -and my left hand on tho head of a Uttle colored child lean pass them into tho Sunday Sehool togetiteh." - The Press several Aveeks ao pre diefced that Hon. Jno. S. Henderson would bq nominated by acclamation. v0n Ayicsy tho'. prediction in 4Very detail vfas fully verified. A republican was asked the oth er da', who they ivon'.d jvit in nomi ination for Congrees in this district, lie replied that the Republienns did not have a man in their ranks that wanted lo be- beat from 2,500 to 3,000 votes, lor ho know that) lien dcrson would carry I ho district by that much or moro if the did pot up one. llight j ou are. As Salisbury, is progressing, tho next thing that she needs and ought to have is a savings bank. Where merchants, shopmen, and laborers of all classes, can mkac deposits, there would be a great deal of money saved every week that is spent, omo of it to no good, arid it would cause those that have only small wroa to save something fjr hard times and sickness. Lot us have one here and not bo behind the times. Emperor Fredrick Dead. Einpcror Fredrick III died at 11 o'clock hist Friday. , lie was surrounded by his family and passed peaci fully away ' Germany has had tliree Emperors with in ab6ut one hundred days. The bells tolled at thdCReufch of Jkhe aged William in March,, and their dull echo had hard ly died away when they were tolledca aecond time f r Frederick. The career of William I. was like a ro mance. His earliest reflections were of bloodshed an unequal struggle be tween Iru.-oia aail Napileon, flight, de feat, despair, tin empty treasury and, a crusshing debt imjvsed by the v'.-tor. He bad oUllashioued, obsolete ideas about the divine right of kings', and was convinced that his crown was the gift of the Almight7 and that he was responsi ble to the almighty rather than to the people for his use of auUiority. Brave enough t excite the unbouiuled. enthu siasm of the tJjrmaas, not wise enough to sec that t!ie drift of modern times.-is in ths direction of the masses, he, wa never in close touch with them and chafed against and resisted their de mands as unwarranted encroachments. ' Frederick, his son, on ths other hand, seemed made in a different mould. To him. 'the -populace was worth' considera tion 'and his few public acts were a prophecy that had he lived Germany would have been industrially prosperous her energies bent toward the victories of peace rather than the glories of warl., He had the old Hohenzollem obstinaey- nt to. be overcome either by the diplr inacy or ' tVio threats of Bisniaak, and certain clear convictions an Uo-public policy which promised to make his reign memorable as that of a generous ruler, not that of a soldier. Under his regime Europe would have had no war if it could Jic averted with honor.. Coin taerea would 'have recol tc1 n new im pulse, wealth increased, mill and manu factories multiplied and legislative con cessions been made' to a people who have become restive under imperial ' ro" sanctions. With William II., not yet thirty years old, it is too early to .predict the future. He is every inch a soldier, with the fire of youth and ambition in his veins', haughty, . authocrafic aud anxious to make a career. Not even Biamark's ad- in.initibns suffice to restrain him, and th opportunity which Europe just now pre' sent3 to such a man with a well equip ped army behind him is a serious temp tation. Complications may be avoided by tact or increased by the lack of it. The Iron Chancellor has his confidence and the. shrewd and foxy old diplomat may pilot his dicrple over tlie rough spots with safety. But the Hohenzallern nature is hot, its impatience when curb ed is proverbial, aud its dogged deter manation is only equalled by its courage. The signs of the times during the next few months will be watched with inter est by every nation on the Continent. ; The colored voters of North Carolina arc not expected to vote the Democratic ticket. Asa whole, they note solidly with the Republicans, but the more in telligent of them should consider - what thejRepublican party in this State has ever 'done '-tor them in return for their allegiance. Did it give them school buildings? Did it furnish them with asy lums for their affiicted or do anything to better their condition? It is a matter of history that they did none of these IhingSi but on . . the contrary, used the seTiootTwrvfr vitji whicli to pay their legislataVs.f 7 .per" day f John S.Wlsc, a Republican leader, in Virginia, hassaid that "the more you do fof the -5egro " the less grateful be. .13," and-lhe"way he votes, would scenv-'to cqrrrtlierate the statement. KerusviHe News and Farm. : V . ' . At Pittsburg," early. Wednesday morning Mrs. Josephine .MarjkB, a Po.lfsh.ladj', residing, on Sycamore street, Alleghaney, administered .a dose of strychnine to each of her three chtldron, aged respectively 8, 5 and 3 years, and took u dose ofithe prison herself. At 11:15 the. niottfir and the, l fo youngest children are dead uncLtho eldest 13 dying. The husband and lather bad left home but a. few moments before the poison was administered. He is a mill hand employed at Shoenberger's rolling milt, and can assign no cause for this terrible deed. A Pittsburger'fell io lovo with a young woman chiefly by reason of "the beauty ot her hair. This is one of the most clearly defipocl cases of capillary attraction on roeord, GENERAL NEWS. A fire in Yoikvillo, S. C, on Sun day, destroyed U03000 worth' of property. i Monday was the hottest day of the season thf mercury registered 99 in tho shade Rt Staunton Va. Tho St. Joseph orphan asylum, on the Alexandriafpiue, seven miles back of Newpark, Ivy.,btirned oh the 18th. .Loss 825,000. I " The town of Diibus in Ponnsyl- vania, has been swept out of exis tence by fire; three hundrod houses arc in- ruins and four thousand poo- pie are homeless, i There have bcii less failures this year'. so far than in any of the past five years. Tbis, says the- Detroit tree Press, shows business to bo in a much healthier con J i lion thaa it has been for some time. Ja k-iboro, Texas, Juno j 15. Sheriff John iiai'ns and Ins son were killed at this place Wednesday .bv W. W. Terrell. An old family feud caused 'the fight, Terrell wag shot in three places and may die. Tho signal office reports that the weather during the past weeu has been the most favorable of tho sea son for tho growing crops, while all croiw nave imnrovod: the N? Or.. leans call cotton prospects cx ftllirit. v' eel lent. All tho window glass factories near . i iuspurg renn., cioseU up June. 15ih, and will remain closed until September. 1st- and ..longer il the. workers do-not agree. to a re dud ion of the wages, LWhieh is from 10 to !0 per cent. J' . Gicenvillo Eittenh R'fltctQr: Thcro has been moro high water in the river during the last eix.ht" motiths than.we have ever kiown in any vear (iQ our recollection. 'And w believe the same can be said bv persons much older. Wo don't be Move a month has passed in' tho last eight but what thcro was a fresh it. - Tho Kansas city limest apropos Forakcr'i foolish remark about Judge Thurman, says: "The infer ence seems to bo t hai at in his life the old Roman must have called Mr. Forakera "durncd fool.'" VVo have no doubt of it. The ''old Roman" is a good and honest marr-but whon his. emotions are aroused ho does not hesilalo to ; Rpeak in United States language. A id Foraker docs seem to bo that kiud of an animal any h. w. .- . A pasfienger train ran in'o a f n-ight train on the Richmond, J'red erieksbui'r & Potomac Railroad, near Hungary station Juno lG'h. reunit ing in tho reeking ( a number of freight ear. Engineer Roweo, U D. Burkhimer, mail aront, froui Wil ''intngtoti, N. 0. j and Chas. Tifis'vy, colored firemao, jumped trotri . tb passenger frai.nl Mr. !VirUhinr' thigh was b;-okerjj attd Tinu'ey wa it.jurcd internally. " . The weather crop bulletin issued by the ignal tdBce .says;- Gnerally throughout tho United State, the weather during past week has been the most favorable of -the season for growning crops. While ad crp havo.improvcd iu Ncbra-ka.the con dition!? up to date have not been tho most .favorable for tho corn crop. More rain in portions of Illinois, In diana, Ohio, Kentucky and Now Jersey would doubtless improve the crop 01 small grams, grass and fruits. The re-union at Gettysburg next mo. ilb of the men who woro the Blno and their one-timo focmen who fought in tho ranks of Lee's paladins, will be a noble event, ci edi table to the heads and the hearts of those veterans of the Blue who have made it possible. The address ot of welcome will be deliverod by an eminent Norlhen orator, nnd the repponco on behalf of tho exConfcd erato veterans will bo mado by Cap tain William Gordon McCabo, of Virginia, whoso tongue is as eloquent as his pen is elegant. Our veterans have made a most happy selection and Captain McCabo will bo sure to link bis narao honorably with the celebration. Miss Millio birismore, teacher of the bublio school of Seymour Ind., is suffering from the shockk'oecasioned by a recent encounter withha 'snake. The reptile canscd a scaro among the pupils on ;the playground at ,ie- cets, and Miss iiinsmore hastened to the rescue, when tho snake turned upon her, ran up h r back and en twined itself around her neck so tightly that but for tho timely ass;s tanco of a young gentleman who was passing and. promptly respond ed to the frightened calls of tho lit tlo ones she would - have strangled. Tho snake, when killed, measured over four feet in length. It .wrfs a blapk rr.oer, a variety that is usually considered harmless, and this is the first instance in which one of its kind has been' known here to attack any person. . . Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;. lake each man's censure, but reserve thy judgmont. Shakes pere. The Printers Stiolc. Behold there on the gleaming page, Getns of genns, statesmen and sage All are printed and aped away For the Wprld to read at break of day. ' Clickety-click! Clickety -click ! v. This is a tale of the printer's stick, Sidncj T, B ih y. Good Code for Growiug Girls. It is more important to train girls to use the tooth brash five times a day at night and morning, and after each meal to give them:rosty bread, that they may' learn to eat slowly and thoroughly, to enforce ths charcoal and safe denti frices, han to classify and dissect plants or insects for the microscope. The lit tle indigestfons from eating fast,or frora reading while they eat, should be cor rected by doses of liquid - magnesia, for acidity, or the citrate pf magnesia - for bilious and torpid conditions. Banish books and papers from the table at meals, unless to read out an item or two of itercst to give zest to the general chat. Teach young folks to be entertaining at the table, and welcome jokes and fun there and everywhere out of church. Check nothing but ill nature, and let this relieve itself by a smart, snappish lit, rather than suppressed peevishness for a day. There are sound medical reas.ons for this advice, in allowing the nervous charge to pass off and a healthy reaction to take its place. It ought to be a great cause of gratitude to know" that most xf the ill humor in the world is physical, and that it passes off with rest, if over tired, or by reaction from sudden shock or stirring up, when the nerves suffer from confinement. This is why childreii are so angelically better after an outbreak and smart- slippering, and why gitis will get up after hysteric crying spells, fresh as June roses after showers. Change of interest and place might prevent the naughtiness and cry iHg in both cases. We are means to be happy, satisfied and at ease, and nature rises up for her rights when the strain goes beyond safety. Shirley Dare. Divorce Lnjrra in Persia. In Persia or Turkey, if a husband wishes a divorse from his wij'e, all ho has to do is to order her out 5l ibe house.! Tho Persians, however, have a custom which serves as a check upon this proceeding. Tho law gives all her own property to a woman -who is turned away, ami as a precaution against divorce the hus band in the inariaro contract is jon orally required to promise a con.-id-crablo sum jf money as a wedding gift. to his tuido. This money is not forthcoming at tho wedding, nor ex peeled, but it is placed to the wites credit as i a lebt owed to her by her husband. As in case of di vorce this money would h'avo to be pa'd over; the amount is usually made so lurgo ll.at. it :b Viiibn'iy bevontt tho hiisiiano; s mi-an;. ton- seqiK'ntly div-o'rcearf comparatively few io Persia. Irisioii Transcript. 11 ow to Prolo:tg Life. We all . eondi'inn 'the suk'id, but -ve fail see that tbo voUmiImi.v v Tteni ng of 1 i5 ttiitiiVal ter.n i.'i tx UuTiec is joi b-i ti ir vise than Ur.v sui 'ids. Ii.stoa 1 of fixing our minds on j rho i'lfirtnities wttieh the tfl nv ot an. ili spent iife Moaelimes ex!ii!.ils Mid for that .reason -despising and decaying old age ii '-elf, it would tc a far. more nobie and manly course to nourih the natural dvsiie of life and to strive, in all rightful' ways, to lengihtM) it as'mMQh as possible. Espe:ially i- this advisable b"catise the samo Couive which lends to pro long life also, tends to itaprovo and strcnghen it. Activity, without overwork, healthful, living, moderation, self control, tho duo tcxerci&o of ail the faculties, tbe cultivation of roason, the judgment and the will, the nur ture of kindly fjehngs, and the prac tice of doior good all things, in tact, which tonds to bujld up a no bio manhood also prepare the way to a long life anl a happy i and bles sed old ago, Home Journal, Home Mide Remedies. Try a sun bath for rheumatism. Tiy cranbery poultico f;r erysipN las. Try 8wal!owingsaUva when troub led with sour j-tomach. Try , eating fresh radishes and yellow fturnips for Gravel. - 'rhy eating onions and horseradish to lelievo dropsical swellings. Trj' hot flannel over the seat of neuralgic pain and renew frequently. Try buttermilk for the removal ofl.au and walnut $tai us and freckles. Trytho croup-." tippot when a child is likely to tfo troubled in that way. : . - j . .. Th3' a cloath wrung from ..cold water put about the neck for soro throat. Try taking cod liver oil in tomato catsup it you want to make it palata ble. Try walking witb your hands be hind you if you are becoming bent forward. - ' Try snuffing powdered borax up the nostrils lur-eatariahal cold in the head. -- Try breathing fumes of turpen. lino' or carbolic acid to relieve whooping cough. Try taking a hap in tho afternoon if you are going to be out late in tho evening. Try a silk hankercbief over the faco when obliged to go out against the cold piercing wind.' Show me the qno j-ou honor; I know by that, better than by any other .what kind of a man vou your self are. -Carlyie. , ? TIi3:':Sp::ij8 Fishery. Science lias claimed the sponge fishery "of Mediterranean. Tho na live uivers whoicould stay under J water not more than two minnts are beir g driven, out by men in regular diving armor, who can work by the hour. ; A German professor has originated a method of planting cuttings from sponges, and it is being prosecuted with success. .ew iorii ohm. A Biblicaiv Advertiser. For the benefit of those who ab hor printer's ink as the prime factor to tho advancement of their interest, we. 'will' state that Samson (tho strong party) was the first man to advertise, lie took two solid col umns to demonstrate his strengt j, and several thousand people tum bled to his scheme. He brought do.vn tho house. Covintrton (Ind.) People's pnper. The Southern bound Missouri, Kan sas and Texas was robbed on the 15th of $8,000. The train had s toped for wa ter, and as it started two men entered the express car and covered the agent with a revolver. Three shots were fir ed at the train one passing through the arm Of the mail agent, one struck tbe train butcher, "and the third struck a passenger killing hi ro instantly - A St. LouTh physician has cured a wo man of chronic nervousness by compell ing lier to spend four weeks in a boiler factory, where she couldn't hear herself talk. Yohkers Statesman. Ireland iias nearly or quite -2, 000, 000 les of inhabit tots than it bad decades ago. This has been caused by the' Victorian ? policy of coercion ajid ii.jusiice. Last year 80,000 of its inhabitants pulled .up and sought other lands, r v , Little Nettie, aged,. 41 years, was out riding one dayl While passing a ceme tery she looked up to her mother and said: Mamma, howl long after they bury any one before the ruvestones come in)?" 1 - ' : Pr,Cfidetit Cleveland will bo ofilcis ally informd of his nomination on Ti.es lay the 2Gih. . - J i i- ' ' n , ,M 'Tiie wit ty man amuses us," says Doudinot. "the ger.ius char:ns us; but it is to the honest, sincere man after all, that wo give the management ot our property land t lie cotidut 0; uu -x. . , . to hcrivi ii.-' The w hole I -science hie avoid -owing .thy seeds of regret. ''V G I ciijJa .v attd giKHl discourse are t he Vi ry -sine'v s ot' vr; tie. -It ii ivt tcr to . abii t s-iy ihao t be attic: to read Li toi. ..... -No hwrv time m r'ira'ii -i ki.-g d -ieuco of a trie? I, you "pnvo tout y.u are not a Iricti I. 1 't or-vnee is- c i r-e f i;id A hercvi.ri l I T I tVito .vitMSre tne v i 1 . : tiv- lo heavetji A nvis-lakd is (;l: a wrong way of taking somi'jiliifig; by -which you earn, to take jit'iirfht- next liuio. THE STAR A Newspaper supporting the princip es of a Demoeratic Adminiviratiou. Published in the City of Neio 1 or;. EDITOR. : ; - DAILY, WEEKLY, and SUNDAY EDITION. THE WEEKLY STAR. An Fiightspage Newspaper, issued every Wednesday. A CLEAN, PURE, BRIGHT & INTERESTING ' FAMILY PAPER. It contains tbp latest news, down-to the ; lmur jof going to press. Agricultural, Market, Fashion, j I "Household, Fi'nancipl and Commercial, Political, j j Poetical, Humorous and Fditorjal Departments, all under the direction of trained journjtlists Of i! e highest ability Its columns will bei'foimd crowded -with good thingHsfjrom Usginningto end. Original stories by distinguished A--i; erican and foreign writers of fiction. Terms of the Weekly Star to subscribers Free of postage in the United States and Canada, outside the limifs of N. Y. City ONE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR- Clubs of 10 to the nime P. O. address, with an extra copy to organizer of Club......'. ...$10.00 For three months, on trial, 2octs.- Special terms : and exi raordinary inducements to agents and canvasss crs. Send for CirCulais. THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Star contains all the news of the day in an "attractive form. Its special correspopdence rby cable from London.. Pari?, Benin, Vienna and Dub lin, is a commendable feature At Washington, Albany, ' and other news centers, the ablest correspondents, specially retrained by the Star; furnish the latest news by telegraph. Its literary features are unsuryassed. The 'iinancial and market reviews are unusually full an complete.. Terms of the Daily Star to subscribers Free of Postage in; the United States and Canada, out-side the limits of New York Citv. Every iDav, for one year includ ing Suiul;y........i............ .....$7.00 Dailv, witliotit Suntlav, 1 year, 6.X) Every Day, six mouths.. ......... Dailv, without Sundav, 0 month .. 0.0O 3.00 Sunday, without Daily, I year, , l.oQ Addrejss, TlIK STAtl, Broadwav a id Park Place, !v. Y. "1 i -1 - - : . CLOSING OUT SALE iave on sale tue iinost ime oi WATCHES,' CHAINS, CUAliMS, I NECKLACE PINS, BOBS, AND ESPECIALY .1 KINGS, ever s 10 wn 111 this m'arket, which. I shall offer nriz at brices never before given in Salisbury, C P. Allot. Watibmaker, Jewfler and Optican, Second door above the Post Office (RHEUMATIC f REMEDY. IlSS'ST EAST IJIDIA.BHMEQI33 . A SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO and K 7A 1 i:'i-J I H FA 1 . which is an entire new compound, and the most eflec oalremedj' feir Rheuma tism in all itsrorms ami stages ever yet discoveietl: the treatment is new and successful. . 'the medicine is put up in Mi 011 nee .-bottles, wh"nh are numbered 1 , z, o A; etc.. am are taitpn one after the other! in their order till the number is reached whielJ.i-omjplt.tes ibe airo. XO MERCURY or other Vjc- rious drills are useL Toe system cleansed of all injul, l tollable ' aru;s jrevi(;i.-i!y tiKeimM left in a f'-ee and natural state. C. P. AUI50T, Aoext.' Salisbury, N. C. Hi The POLiCF i AZETTI'i will lc mailed, securely-' jwmpped, to any 1 address In tiro United S'iales lor three "months on receipt of ONE I) )LLAIl. Liberal dis: oiint al'owo I to post- masters afrefnt and clubs. Sam- pie copies ma Address led free. V all orders to PJC1IASID K. FOX, Fifanklin Square N. Y. . llzrTi33JivatA?Qv. Prop's, L I-cuiaU-i 4Asto lhsncoC3 of yOHrEMd'.clne, this 1 knotr, nbr-reEt . .uuulhsaKO, I ws.ij we::k, loaa and 6toop-alioayeri i - i.ti a lirtiMoa, but co inward fores to rrecute ih&E. - .-i&Es ll!.;llt Trero bp-ot Iti tOMins Bad rolllafs up3 i-:yl?ft3 bed, -whoso a.tyawora hin&al L-- m.)tc,! Jv-Ti'-acriTUgiital I".? btlndia h. adai-be. , 1 pay wbere&t r-.t wai the case the t. Kow, after ho v of ro':: i?-t!4i"-jt ramedy, i for.l'jnjcftf a- M AJ'l-eroct, 9tr..o -.ciifht 175 lbs spirits &2rooithai t TPbitl; t tha hur.ee f.d t3at5 f doom. In stht cte.,1 this ! 46.00 ink; .to injisilfioaacfl. Irrkh lrnicbt bvrbl.- tobesofit 'itx.i JajIuJvJ. jouaa nrp hr rfecom;lisnd'Bg jOr teiic ii." Tho ortpfnal Iftfr from r.-hlch the trovs !s-.s iiira-t, a-il eaW.-ul k;i'iUrscl otlitr lire-.'.: s il:;ill.'.r opi ulor.s.lti e-ruHv ctronsr ts-rms-rro ot? 5.0 .id vlii la shov. -i t ) aavcuo -..ll'tig ait our ofiU-c !io pliowj that l.H j:itfHst In Ujo ira'.itr an?c ji::-tly from a desire to fr-iar 1 jinst ia:pccitiO!;. HAaiSRSfvlelOrOOTf'CCKrKyjTa. 1 lv ti't. ((.'oriected w .eklv by D. UJulKn) WJieut ( Vjm. i'U Flour ...... niUer'....-.. .-.-..kvtfl .....r ) to i.rvt ..15 t ...12 t. ...2) to ...10 to ...7-3 to 20 20 :;o (Jldckens flvnuu) Cliiickens (old) Potatoes (jlweetj)... .70 00. roiatfes (itih Tobacco liarket- (Corrected eekly by I). M. Miller.) week were fairly &ood. Sales for last -all 1 '- . i a n praties are in active demand, es pecially common and medium fillers. We quote : Lugs dark ai id rret-n.. 430 ...;..."00 " 800 , SfiOO "10,00 $900 "12..30 ,...$1J,(K) "18,00 .... 0 00 :m ....?1500 2 ) 00 ..S2 Logs yood . Smokers common........ . Cood Fine Common.,.. Good.,,,.. -. Fine... Franc v none oll'ei ed. I 1 BARS LCAS? Common..., Good Fine... ...... . ...C-600 8 00 ..,S00 10 00 .S10 00 12 GO BRIGHT LEAF : Common..., Good........ Fine Common.... Good.... Fine.....:.... Fancvnone 00 8 00 S8 00 12 00 $120 10 00 ....$12 00 iroo. V""' WRArjits ..Sl 8 00 23 ,.32o00 4:0.) offered. . r Salisbury Bottling wo Rise, J R BRANNOCk, PROPRIETOR, v i M anufactnrer of '. Ginger Ale, Soda Wa.tcr & Sareaparila. Bottlei 'r Beer a Specialty. Our motto "Clean bottles and first class beverae.C'j Wo also deal in ICE of tbe best quality and can sell any quantities either wholesale or retail. ,0-d(i s by mail receive prompt attention . Address all or ders 10 J, It. Urannock ' Saliiilbv, N. C. 11 1 o r i i CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tbe most, hindsomel3' furnished and fonmlote botfaHn the State. Heated bv team throughout. PZIectric. light and 1 bell?, Bar and Biliard Itootna, - JJarber Shop aim every convenience ior eomror of guests. Sample Kooirf on rirst tloor m. juiiaiu;, K. .I. MILLER, Proprietors. C'o-RAn LiPfcoiin OfQce Manager. -rriiosPKcius. THE SALISBURY PRESS We have begun the pub lication of THE SALIS BURY PRESS, A LIVE. DEMOCEATIC NEWS PAPER at only 111 A YEAR l Wo pledge ourselves to give tho people of llovvan, and t-11 1 iouiidin; coiin'ic.-a live, R ide awake, rtlirblo family newpapcr. j 'We promise that onv cfl'-rts to jileaso ibe public ami make Til K lKEs. second to io other family iievvp:iper in l he Slalt', shall be uu-', remitting. Our exertions io mako it a we'eomo visiior to iho five-ido of the people of ibis and adjoining cttiius tied will not be relaxed. -. -' 1 I i'oa I Stale, aid General, Which be -aKd'itlly comjiilcd and con. iviised I r U coin inns. 1 AGRICULTUiiAL ITEMS Wo will make a special effort l iiive fanner: each v. eek such praeti-. -af and K.sefol iMf'ornial ion as w rnav t-e able lo ilciin j'i;om tur lvt: aiicltnral eAchiMijcs, and vill from lime to lime, as they .'me vc ceived, pnb!ii articles on the bet iiu'thods .A h.- ?..! ;, t;- Mining" News We havo niatit?. ': sir raiii.'tiie!its by which W-j can "ive our rad r tho mint s id litis al adjiuin'; n ninth?, r -We act" alo pr'p-iy 1 ft iiW' CM I'j 11' UTs the' tiiU-sl ;iio tul - s' a'.--c.'iitt'S of all ever t t ititi'rt.st, that cur ihri-'ih-iui . lhi l've,!.tnt h t ic!, .li ;til appoint iiKiit: aitd i-movals. LITERATURE ! Our Literary 8e!cctins .v. ill bt nade wi-h tre. uod wid be intcresl- g and of a hili order ofmai it. WIT & HUMOR. Wc it tend to. publish hninorous selt-ciioiih IVum our bei writers. A- L TO G E TIER - . i- - - "' , '- " ' ' 'j ' ' We prfpf."c to make The Press i1 all its eb partincttlfi HccondT. to no other coaniry newspaper in- tliQ Statu Terms; Our t crir. s are Stu ctly CVfi in Advance.1 We will place no name upon bur subseriplion books unless accompanied by ihe money. The subscription pt ioo - of Tub PitEss is . One year- - - $1.00 ' Six months - - s .75 W e pay ; he postag ). Address : C. Y. Cnthbcvtson. FiNK JCi) vvofiK. Fine j Work a-Specialty-.-. Nv- 'Bolch Work" turned inu i f this of-, fice. Give us your orders for what yoii: wish and it will be done witlr.-. Neatness 'and Dispatch, - - i and as Cheao as ii c;l..1 be elone in the i - South. j '4 St Bring us in 30111 work. aiVu vo will guarantee. you hut action. . i it,,'-':- 1 1 . . f .'I-'. 4.

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