The Salisbury Press. ISSCED EVEKV FRinAV. Tli fULii-waT Psase ia published every iriday momiiiL' at On lad'ar per year or Seventy-Ova Cents fur ix nionlii, mrtcMf ta edaaaes. - BALIS BURY, K. C JUSE tn SaUooal Democratic Ticket ' ma rmwnttT, GROVKIt CLEVELAND, , ofiNcw I orb. ' IT1B TICB BKtllhlKT. ALLEN U.TUURMHN, of Ohio. rt commim 7tu. KiTmicr, JOUN 8. HKNDERSON, ' l - - i pf Jlowan. , -.- Dewocralic KowImm. vb Gov tax IB,. Hon, DANIEL . EOWLE. of Wahe. . , . i Vl-B UllTM AWT iTHUK: i TUOS M IJOLT, ; ' . Ol Alasrauear --v-. 'roa aaaaniTC atwricaa sirans cwit. HON JOS J DAY1S, - I -franklin. PMatrrUIKI OOUET JCDOB4: - HON J AM ha K Ur.PUKUD, of Waging tnw. . HON ALPIIONSO C AVERT, ' .,. of Burke. r acntrrAEr fr state: Wat LSAUNDEilS, of Orange. va nui-in: DONALD W BAIN, Of Wako, 1 , , worn acrsumiiBET of muc ! trmrcTinFi: SIDNEY 11 FINGER, of Catawba. Ml ATTOMCT QEEBAL: JilEODOKK fDAVlDSiNN, of Buncombe Foa ACDITot BEY G W 8ANDKRLIN, .of Way BO . Quit a number of paper are fa woring Itaj. glaadmaa fur U. 8. Sea - ator. Tba oaa thing aoeded hi North Carolina politic, la a mastird plae- far of great atreogib enoagb to draw oal tba fall whit Tola. The ' ' aei;r Tola ia al way out. ITUmin. torn Stir. Abotaib Urge party af aegrnes bare lufv Clrrn Coaatr for Cali fornia. The aezroca ia California . ara arming tboa bora to go fbrr - - Tbera ia a great many a boa I liarr . thet ooolj ba pa rod that doe both' 1 wg hat loaf and koep ap a diatarb BBC among thooa that will work North earulina baa a special inletv at ia Rcpablaa YicPreiuenlial online Levi P. Mortoa. Taa gea tiewiaa ia tba bead of tba firm which i tba Ban prominent figare ia tba aait agaiaal the Stale far tba pay. tueat of tba boga special lax bond. . That hi a tin reoom mendai km, ia- deed of Mr. Vortoa' to tba reorta of tfonb Carolinal JKctn sOU. Tbera ia do telliag bow many gareta war pre a ted to tba Chair- ana of tba Cbieag Convention ..with which lo pn serve order. Tel .erne policeaiaB 'a eieb Bracked all tb ' head tbat wra optic Tbaaa Bn pablieaoa ara political dyBamilarda, f anjbvw, aad bare to ba gira aam . aaary Ueaiaiant. Jadgiag froai the plat foraa reported by tba commit tee, wa aboald any tbat moat of it aaambara bad tbetr baada arackad before tbey weal to Chicago. The dyaaaula of arctwoaliaat Bid la work. - . Tba CharioUa Denoerat aaya Aboat (00 aegroM froai dowa lb Carol ma Cealxal Bailroad ae where, earn to tbia eity laat Thai. flay oa aa excaraiM train, tearing rop ia tba grata and paU;ig (in Met caaaa) erery dim tbey had withoat regard to feeding tfcem aalra aad children. Bach azcaraiona aad froiica ara bard oaf farm era, aad a rpctfally aoggeat tbat tbey pwtiUoa aQ tba railroad ia tba Biaia to atop axearaioo aatil erop ara laid by. Tb atleelioa of lb railroad acthoriliea ia called to tb Baaur. '-.' Tba trnatece of Trinity CoJIee elected lb following officer for tba enaaing year : i'reeideat, Col. J. W. Aiapaogb; 8crtary and Traaaarer, 1 rut: O. W. Carr, Kieea tie Coniniuee, Col. J. W. Al-perb Jadga W. J. Montgomery, air. i. 8 . Carr, Mr Same A Gray. Prof O W. Carr, Rer J E hf.aa aad Be Dr A Vat. Tbey .Uo iqacUd lb North Carriiaa Cuiifertnca to appoiat the following gentle al Traeiea ol tb College to 811 eacaa cie in lb Board: Mr W A II Klokea, Ber J T Pharpa, Mr If G Bark bead, Mr W R OJrll, Rer P L lH, lUr J T Urn, Jad E T lioacD, Jl J A Cuo'inggim, Rer J t Cnse, and Mr Xg liolate. W inlon, N C. m ill par Ua tarn of $2,(ilKJ ai:iiutt;y f r ihrae year to to K"cure lb rresijeni'a aalary. TLia ia a praiaworthy deed 00 lb art of WUtaion. ; , CLEVELAND KOTIFIKD OF HIS KOIIM T10N t.tbb cum arm a ArronrTED bt aa coavEXTioa-ai ea Baser axd r k - eloquent EEsroxsE. Waabineton, D. C, Jan it Tb Natioeal Dewiicratic Comaiittre and III rat iSratbiaeoainiitta appointed bj tba lata Drrancratic Convrotioa t nod ft ine Preeidea and Vice-Preaideat of Ibeir aumiaaliaa for Preaideat and Vice-Prea-ideatiet at tbe Arliatitoa Hota) lo-day. The noli neat hib enmitte aiet at 19 o'clock, with Hob P A Cullint, of Maaa achuaetta, ia therliair, and Inoinaa B Pettcte. af Kentuckr, aa aeerrtar;. Tb proceed in-rt arer conducted in fecrel araaioa. Tbe coauuitte adjournol . at It e'etork, and it a annvunced tbat it bad decided to notify tba Prideat at 1 a ' t-daf aad ahto to. leaf TVah inj ton ta-BMMraw crauiag fnr Colum Imm, Ohio, ta notify Mr. Tliuinaa. ' Tba letter of notification waa euUnitted Is tha cootatittec byWr. ; Jantb, of Ken tucky, and waa aoerpted by tbe coin aiittea. The letter waa aigntd by all thoae preeeat. The aotitu-atioa cam adttre aocawpaaied by the membcra of the Katioaal lieaiocatic Coniaiiitae n IheColuntbbt Uratncratie Club of I be District otCoJambia. met at tha Arlinff- ton Hitel at I 90 a clock Una aiteraoou and formina lata aaira, autre bad to tbe Wbitalioaa. That wara BJierel into the Baet room ami arranged tkonscivca ia a time n ilia Soaia aan ot tu rwun. faliu nil cd all ta ainitoa and alcoTe ia that purtioa of tli rooaa, aad sotted plant Uccoratrii ihenaDtela. Tb Ph-aident aa notifled af their arrival aad Urerended to the Kat rooat. Tb aiiproark aaathe ainaal lar a if era! clappina of baN oa the part ot'the y tailor ami aa aooa aa tha partv fea takaa tbeir placva General Collin ttcp- wed lurward and addrcawtl the rrcal dent aa f. Jlow.: Mb. C'LETKLaBD: We coma at tba com mittea author iard and inatrocled by the Nalioaal Drauocralic CoBent ma, recent ly brld at ot. Uiuii. ta rouvry tba for wal bkIh of )t artHHi la naaiinR ton Ut the oflii' af Pnaident of tba Coitt Stair during tb at it four iar. It would ill become tbe oertntoa of oar pretence to rxpreee at lialh tb full awaiina; and ai)0)irt aac of that treat ateemblY. lit rxurciainn will be fnnni and hrnrd elacarhere and otherwise from aow till tbat day in Kuriiuber when this tree and intelliKeat people ill re cord their approl of your great aerricea aac!iirf Magistrate, n e org to rongraf aisle Tim noon this hearty and uuani anus endorsement of your court Prmidrnt of the great kMoii party to which ia all the daja of tour manhood you have belonged, and to congratulate the country upon the asaured conlfna- ance of irour just and patriotic adminis tration. t'poa ronrluding, Mr. Collin Intm ilucrtl Chsa. D. Jacob of Kentucky, whn read the following letter of aatiDcatloe: WisnixoTow, June 2S. TV ' Ontfrr OmUmd, af Srw York 8ib-Tb rfelreat r ta tb National Democratic Coarratioa, rrprraratiac every (Hat ami Territory af aur noma Tine aaacnbwd in tlta city of Sl.uauia. aa June aih inataat, for the purrmae o aominating canrttilatea fnr the otncaa nl rraaiJeat sa.t Vice-rreaKlcat of that. e!tatea, it baa beemae tbe honorable aad pleasing duty of this committee to form all ananunee la tob, that, witbont ballot, tea arsre by aorlamatina, ehnsea aa the standard bearer of the Ueinncrat- te party for the chief exeratiret-bip of this country to he heta is Nnromlier arxL Qreat aa is am a a dinlnctioa sn- Icr any cirrnmslanrca. it Is the mnre flalteiing and profound when it ia re-memla-nrd that you bar bten aelerted aa yonr owe auccasaor in office, I ha ri li lies of which ala ays enema, bar bee rendered of an extraordinary, aensititc. ditttcalt aad delicate aatura. iwrause ol acbaatrrof polilical iartieaBd metheilt aner twcniy-ioar year of anlnteruprd aomiiace. Thla exaltation It. If laf btc. edited ta by the fart tb declaration af principle bated apna J oar last aa- aual meaaaire latheConoiaM arthe Uni teil Btatea, ralatW tea tariff redaction and a diminatioa of tba ex prase of the coremmeBt threw (Iowa tb direct aad iKaant challenge Utr aa exacting scrwiiay m ine anntinietrBiioa at IDs ex ec ul ire power which roar years bl' waa committed la IU trnst to the eio tio of Ureeer Cleedsad, President of the fai led States, aad for the wo at' tearching hsqairy Conor raing hi fdelitT and de ration to the pled era whlcl then larit. ad the suffragea of th people, Aa ea- ffrnsaea copy of tbat platform adopted withoat a dissentine roice. h herewith teavdered t yoa. IaeoaTerine. atr. to yea the responaible trait which ha beea confided to them th'ia committee beg ia diTblaaUy aad eollectirely to exprem tbe rreat pleaaar which they fiaee felt at th rets It attending the aatioaal ena- rentioa of fa Democratic party sad to offer te yoa their beat wishes for official and Beranwal sacrras tad happiness.' w t nar tb honor to be . ' Your olwUient arrTants. (Signed) by all tba awmbrra of tb committee. . Mr. Thomas Prttit. ecrrtarr af th eotifteatioa rommittce, then preseated Mr. Cteeelaad with a haudsnraetT en trom iid copy ef th platform adopted at ne nanonai uetnocratic Coarentioa. The Premdeat Uica said: -I cannot bat be nrofoosdlr Imnres. sd when I see about ma tlta nnaantri of tbe national Democracy lararins; hs atooawauty. ine poiitK-al tarty bica-I owe both allnriam-e and how. or command Blejl plarea ia my hands it pmnd standard and bids ma larar it ih at th front in the Utile which it sees bravely liecaose conscious of r it III. confidently beranae rts I routs ia in the people aad aoU-rlT Ixcanae It rom pre da the oulijtatmrie which s access im . The mcseai' h irh roa brine a- akeoa wit Kin me I he lirelicst erase of persoaal a-raiusde d aatisfscihm and tbe bomar a bicb Tow tender ate ia in it- elf so (rest thai there mic:ht well he aa room bar aar other scat latent. Aad yet cant rid myself of rra-e and arrinas tbeushra, wham I remtmlwr that party twpeempry ia Bot alone iarolred in tbe oaflict which pnasca apna aa. Imt tbat we struL-sle la secure and aase tbe Ber- iahed ir.srorinnabe welfare and the hsp- ar a nation of freemen. Tsmi:i- arity with the jrrret efflc alii, h 1 hold has hot sMed to my appcen.ion of its sarred character and tire cinerrslion demaadsd of him woo assures ifs ira- mene reo.itnlity. It is the n nnvi'o ry of the people's will sad power. With in it yiaioa slieuld b the protect io and wrlrare of the humblest citizen and wilb quick ear it should catch from tha molest eomer of th rand the plea of ILs people tor justice and lor ri lit. For the sake ol tlie people lie wnoiioMainia omee of tliem alioiilil rewst every en croachment on it lepitimaie fuiiclion". and fi r tbe sake or tlie mteerity and wefulneisi of th otBoe it abonid be aept near to tba people and be administered In fnll armpatby wild their want and needs. This occasion reminds ma must vividly af the seen when, four years a ga, I received a mesas tre from my party similar to Uiat wbiva )oa now deliver. With all that ba paaaed tine that day I ran truly any that tha feeling of aw with which I heard tha summons tli do l intensified many fuld when It i re peated now. ourytaraao I knew that our exet'iitiv otlice, if not carefully ruardod, mifrlitdnft little by little sway froui In pe'tpl to whom it beloiiod and benmu of all it oulit to be. But I did not know bow much it aaoorinv bad ai reedy been loosened. 1 knew four years airo bow well derised a er th tru principle of tr" - demon racy for the avocesefiil oiierat of tli geverumeut br tbe people and lor the iieoplo, but I did not know how bo- lutelv aecaaaary tbeir nbliratioa than waa for tb reatoralioa to the people of their safety and proareritv. 1 knew then Ibat abuaea and e; travanaciea bad crt into th manaeeuiMui ol im'-ii.- l faiia, but I did not know I heir various forms, mot the tenacity of their grasp. I knew theaaomething of the bniei of partisan obstruction, but I did not know how hitler, bow reck lessen 4 bow sjiameleaa itaooUl be. (frolonyed ap plause.) t knew, too, that the American pi-opl were patriotic and jnat, but I did not know how madly tbey awed their country nor bow noble and generous they were. I shall not dwell on tha act and lb policy of the adminMsafion now drawing to itsciore. Its record is 'pen to every rttixen of Hi bind. And yt 1 a ill not be denied the k ' ire of asserting st this tuna tbat in V cxf-r- eme of tlie high trnt s an led to m 1 nave y lekiad oomiientwoniy to the con 4 nation aud the solemn obligation of my oatb of vttica. I have done those thins which, in tb Hghtof tb under standing tod baa give me, are rued moat roucluaiv to tbe welfare ef the country and lb promotion of good gov eminent. I wonld not. If 1 eoukl, foi aiyself nor for you. avoid a fins cob aruuanee of fuir Interpretailou of my court. It bat remain foi me to my to yon and through yon to tli ilea ocracj or tna naiion mat I accept ma nomina Hon with which thev have honored me. and Unit I sill in due tun signify sui li acceptance la me aauni formal man ner. Tli Preaideat' remarka ware aiadi in i a earnest and emphatic manner and were frequently interrupted by p planse. Thia closed tha aoeecii-makitia and then all preaeut proceeded to the Htale dining room and (mrtook of the light relrev-hmenta. Anerwanu the committer became th gnest of th Col nmbia L'lub and er driven a bo at the city. J. ' ' i ' t .1 '. I . : . . Slocp-IUTIUi Falfle. Tbere art thousands af basy peop'e wno aieevsry year lor waul ol sleep. Jl may ba that loo much sleep tnjnrrt some iiersonie but In aa rxcltable people, an ia aur intense Imisiacaa habits, there b far more mischief for wai t of slep thsa from too mach of it. b spleasneae be- onme a draraaa. It ia tlw prccarsor of ally, i bva H dors l ot reach to thai aad reault. it Is still full ol peril, aa well aa of sunt ring. Thousand, of bscb have baam Indebted, for bad bar; alas, for lack efcoarage, tut incffcetiyai a,ta lost ot Men. Bleep repairs tn wasto which waking noum nave mane, ii rei anus tba ava- icm. insHigntis tb trpair aliop n tbe boily. iviry pan ol the system I silently over hauled, and all the orgsm mora and uustaacc era replenished. The maa wha alm-p litl , repair litll I he sleeps poorl he rri air poorlv. 11 he an Up in th day lea, tttsn heaccunv alsics at aight, be will gain la health aadvljar. If he ases u all that b gains at aigkl be will just hod his owe. I flit ase mnr by day tbaa k gather at aieht, be will lea. A rd if this hut pro cess ne loBgcoatiaaed.Bamast succumb A maa who would 1 a good worker mast see to It that Be a good sleeper llomaa lifa is like mill: son etiusos the stream I ae copiooa that one ncc i care bat little abeat his (apply. But often Ue stream that taiaathemillaeedttobe ecoaomuad. A dam Is built to bold a larger supply. Tbe mill nana tha pood pretty low throne tb day. trot lv shut ling down Ik gat, tb aight ntllslhe poaa asd in w heels go merrily arennd gaiBtheacxt day. Oace ia a while. whea spring rains srs copioas and fresh et averAow, tbe mill may rva aight aad day : butt his ia rare. Ordinarily the mill should raa by day, aad lbs pond fill bp by Bight. very maa moat sleep according to his temperament. But eight boert is the average. If one renuiret a little more or lea be fjwill gad it oat af himself. W borver hy wwck, pleaaare. sorrow, or by any other cease, ia recularly dimin- kshing bb sleep, is destroying bis life. A may bold out for a time. Bat So lar keeps cUrse aceoanta, aod ao man eaadodga bar seal l meats. . Tbe Trathrr. AfMrmbly. Tba Taaebara' Asaemb'y U enjoy ing a a ess ton mora prrvperou than ever before, and p to data over fif teen Hnndrid peraun bara allsnv ded Ibis eetoa. Tl a priae gold wach oa exam aal ion in XT.h Caro lina history wa won by Mr. Z. D. McWhorlsr, of Greenville. Officer were let-ud a follow, IWib enaaing term: ProcideDl, G T Winston; vie predaeii, V A bluir; aocretary, K U llsrrull Prof At,, Fry.ol Coller. tb great aalbority oa teaching geogra- phr, arrived to night. A larga crowd caraa wilb him. Tbera bar beea oryanized witbia tba Assem bly n art aad oiosicsl aaaoviatipo and departmaaU of clamical leacb' ing, o pen n Undent and lileratoie. Ererybody ia having a rplended lim and tb bctul ia packed. Tbe Assembly wi'l bv (r a trip lo New York aad Niagara Pail oa Friday. - Thj Jlickado of Japan ha rjuile rctenlly iocd an edict forbidding iri p'aying of has ball ia its empir. lie nil make tb tensity fit tba enme 1 THE UPENDING PRESIDSN- -,. TIAlVCAaPAIGN. Ai IattTestlnp; Tuba lar ?icw of t-eBitaatlon. To th Editor of th Landmark. ' On the sve of president inl canvaaa tlie svaraya auus ia soman hat likely to find tbat bh enthusiasm if be be a gno partisan-hat ot tb whip-haad ef bis intelligence. It bar therefore oc curred to me that tbe fwllowiag simple tables may serve tools asetul, or, at les-t, entertaining parpoaa. Tbey are designed to be a fair, and to far a possi ble, an impartial indication ef the pre sent political tltnation,as com pared with that of lanO, and again, with that of tMM, . .. . Th States la tbe Democratic Column have bees consistently Democrat io in presidential elections since 187. The States in tha Itcublicaa column have been eoasietently Itrptablican la. preal di-ntlui elect mas eiao IB nrst elertioi ol Mr. Lincoln, ia IHeO, with th single and rather peculiar siceptina of Oregon. w hose electoral rote, In 1868, wa cast for Mr, be valour, th DamocratM caadi date for the preeidenry, Th State in III douUiul coIubib ara those wbicb have been more are lesa inconsistent po litically, since 1800. It ia hardly ne cessary, I think, to eater farther into th CoanUlcretiona which have prompted Ike praacat -division. Various Influenoe have contributed I it, which will prob- aoiy no appanrai to Btoal wit hoot fur tner irespaa oa my part apoa year . I.. roi-iTK-AV TAtu or TUB THIBTT-EianT ST A Tat foa 48S, AKD THE Kl'sfBKB ' ' or KkBcreaAb totb waica : ' earn srirs ia vvtiths r. .'TO CAST. ' Electoral Electoral Vole. Dcm, Vote. JO ;, i i Hep. Col ara du Alabama. Arkanaaa Delewar Illinoia Iowa Kama ' Maine Masaachnaett alichigan Minnesota ' Nebraska New Hampshire Plorid r " i 4 Georgia ; r -t Kentucky If Irftuisiaiia . ; 8 Marylaad : MiwiMiipi it Missouri . It X ew Jersey . I t North Caroliaa 11 VIIIO Oregon Pennsylvania Khode Island Veimont Wiaceoaia S3 doulb Caroliaa , Tenneassce ' i Texaa x t Virginia V West Virginia - Totals, ' 'IN 171 Don lit fill. J Electaral Vote. California- Connect icat Indiana Nevada in Nsw York ' . M IT. vora or raa oocBTri-L statu ta 1880. Elsctoral Vote. Popular Majoritica Btatbs, Dem Ben. t ia i Dem. sCalilnrnia. , Connects. ait 78 Indiana, .Yevads. 8-M1 871 Sew York, sieaa Totals. s? Nora Pali fores, ia 1880. was enti tled to six 4rlnral roles, five Demo cratic electors and one Rrpiililii an'rlcc tor were chosen. Th Krpuldican eleo lor rcceiywi 80.S38 votes. The hk'hest anmlnsr of vote cast for any of the Dcm oc ratio electors was 80,428. LleiHe the majority of T8. j - ( ' Ut VOTE or TB 01 BTrtlL STATES ta 1884. . BLBCTOBAI. TOTB. Statr. Dem. Ilea. O'aTt. For, California, ' Connecticut, Indiana, -Nevada, 13 New York, 7 it I MrTUI TOT IT. Statics. Dem. r Hen. O'nTt. Pro. California, 68.8t I0S l 1.017 Connecticut, 8,1 e.1.928 1.888 ,to 1.303 3,028 Indiana, X44.M0 8,2 M Nevada, S.S73 ?.1S t New York71,04 603,001 189B4 13,8 1 With reuard to the "doubtful State." tnnie of the quest ioas lo b considered this yer are: . At to Calilornla; w hat ttTeet will tb propositioa in th Mills tariff bill to - boliah the dnty oa wool bave ia that State! California being aext to the lar gest wool.growing Hint in the Union, eitbnu round numbers )5,fXX).000 sheep. What will Mr. Tbarman a eaadaey effect tawaids counteracting th weol interest and iafloence in that 8lsfe, which gavs sound mujorit j to the licpiiblicaa pre idenlial candidate ia 18tf What aboet the duty oa sugar! As to Cnnneiticot: 'Will Mr Cleveland be able to increase or maintain hi len der plurality of 1884 in that 8late,wbit h bj natarally s advocate of th theory of protection? Wa that Slat carried, by the Democratic party ia 1884 opon 'the civil service lasotd . . As to Indiana: Wa Indiana carried by tli Democratic party in 1884 thr. nuh th candidacy of Mr. Hendricks, of that State! The lata President Arthur waa re ported te have said that it wa secured to th liepuWicaa party ia 1880 "by uorsey and snap Aid wovarnor irray 127.,?i?Z?tZZZJ- ,bat, -rami bsve a good deal to do with stirring ap enthusiasm aart making lesions workers," It is admitted by both partita that Mr. Thunnsn's candidacy II conciliate th two faction of the Democratic party ia Indiana, and that Mr. Thurnvaa is very strong in that Siste. At to Nevada: It I not In th of millionar politicians! What ia to overcome the present Republican ttrong- Boi in tnsi Ptatci Aa to New Y'ork: Mr. Cleveland ctrn- d New York apna tbe civil service re form 1st us by plurality of 1,017 voti-. is ISM. w ill tha -mugwuusiw tin k r If Uiev d what will tbe Republican party In New Trk I likely to suffer at th hands af the I'ro- hilihimhi.. o.s win ine ii'mi" mm. psriy uc uscy iu gsm ny ine sumiik e m nullcrisni? How fnr bat th death ol Mr. Conkliii" aRected tha stalsrart opiiosi tion to Mr. liiame la that rHatct If a I(epulliran ia nominated at Chicago who meets the demands nf tb -magwuuint as ciril service retnnuer, wiisl will the oingwomns" do! What flcct a poo th Canting vole ol I lis vsrious cities 111 rough out the Btsta of New York, is tbe Dem ocratic plan for reducing I be surplus, by reducing in tarm likely lo Bavd flow far are Mr. Curtis, of Harper's Weekly; Mr. Oodkin.of The Nation; Mr. Horace White, of th Evening Post; Mr. George Jones, of tbe New Yol k Times, abla to go, in indicating the tariff sentiment of the 1 1,000 civil service reformers in Iiw York who voted with them for Mr. Clevclsnd ia 1884! Hav tb mistakes which lh Hepublirsns mad ia New York in 1684 taught them a lesson - by hirh Ihry eaa pcofH this tsar! What will the "Labor Part"do! These art but a few"?est- l Iron th many that present them selves. They are all pertinent to both ies, though soma of them msy seem rivnlous. They are put ia the form In which tbey appear, aierely because tli lYeaioeratie party Is, likt all other par ties ia power, oa the defeBeiy. Tbe itcpuniicans are io assaan in work in the roming campaign, and th question ia, will tha Deusoerslt be able te repel the asaaalt! or, will th Republican be abla to carry the work! To recapitulate, then: v The State lilted a Democrats for 1888. were Democratic la 188 aad ia 1884. Those listed a Hcpul.licaa were Iteptibiicaa la 180 and 1884. Those listed a doubtful voted as lollowt: in 1880, Calilornla, being at that time entitled ta tlx slot toral vote, real Ira lor the Democratic; sad on for th lis- publican candidate: aad ia 1884. esst eight for the licpublicaa rsadidal. In ln, the electoral vote of Connecticut. Indiana and New York were esst for the Republican, while those of Nerada were east for the Democratic candidate: sad, in , in electoral votes of Connect i cot, Indiana and sw York were caat tor th Democratic, while those of Ne vada were caat for the Republican. I n total aamber of electoral votes la 1880 wav ......... 8UI A majority being. ...... 188 Ucneral Garfield, Rr publican, re- reived. , . . . . j . . -. 114 General Hancock, Dcmocrsts, re ceived. 153 Th reappointment of cimurcuional and electoral representation rons4 qucnt upon ibs census or 188V, jncreasetl Ibe total B umber ofslsttoral vote in 1884 A msloritr beino . . am MrClerelsnd. lemorraf. received, lit Mr Blaine, Republican, received . 18 Ot the increase noted ttbirtv-tw in all) ths matet i listed as Dsm,rtio, a- oove, received I a. Those listed as He - publicas received 14, and those listed at doubtful received A rrom tn foregoing tables It snocars iusi i ne lupuoticai panv.witn 171 elao rural votes assared, caa eiect its candi date for the presidency this year.liy car rying the State of New York, which casti 88 sleclornl votes; or, Intsing that State. can still elect Its csndldate by carrying the four other donbiful Btatea, w hich together rsst 88 decimal vote. With Nsw York the Republicans would bave seven mnr than a ninjority of the elec toral college. With th four oilier loulilful States that party wuuld have two rnnrs thaw a majority. Ths Dcmarratir party, with 1(8 elec toral vo'e aasnrrd.must canv New York and one other fny other. evt Nevada.) donlHfnl Kliite to. elect it candidate. With N w York ami Nevada the l m- M-rata wonld have inal a majority of tin electoral collies With New York and Indiana that party would have twelve wore than nisj.rilv. tow, 1 MB Lakdmark, althnnuli there Can lie ho iloobt alxul lis Democracy, la rt-ed ly larth DeuiiH-rsta and Republi- ana, and am aware that members st vithtr party will probablr hare no diffi culty ia finding fault with my table en titled "doubtful." Bnt I hare tried to make it op wilbont fear or faor. and I hone that they who think that addition should be and te It, or subtract inos be made from Its-will discover better rea sons for tb one or th other than I hav been sbl to And. There wa a Democrat at tba 8t Lewis eonveatioa the other day wherelaimed" Ohio because of 1 barman t candidacy. There ar ssveral Sepabl leans, still at large about th country, who here beea -'claiming" Virginia for tb past twelve veers, from various reasons equally car loe. There is th lasucrat wbo "claims" Michigan this year tad th Re publics! wbo -claims" New Jersey. Ol coarse anything may happen, bat 1 bave not presumed ta cater into tb doctriae ol co incidence. V AHA. ' Suieltering Now York. Nw York-, Jon S5. Th coa need heat i playing d havoc mong Ida children in the tenemunt ouse districL Tba '(rliBcate if dcalb ara pouring in to day and several clork are keft boiy Ubnl tng tkem for future rcmrcnoa ia tba bureaa ol statist it. Up to boob lo ay over 100 death of bbildraa I rum diarrbara canted by tha heal were recorded, and tba book stow fully 300 dealb for tba day, tba braviesl fi.r a year. Horse ara offering severely, and a number f csb and car borsee bava - droppud Uesd from iba heal lb laltor, not llbslanding lb fact that lb eoro- paiiie Lav relay at iuterral of a mils ard bospiiul slalwns all along Iba line. At Boon tba thermometer registered 93. Hot Xilk u a tStituaLinT, Of hot milk as a stimulant the Medicsl Record ssyr "Milk heated to mach abev one hundred dereea Fahrenheit ioaes for time degree ef its sweetness and den- sity. No one who, fatigued by over ex ert ins of body or mind, hit ever experi enced tbe reviving influence of stuinbler nf this beverage, lusted as hot as it can lie sipped, wiil w illingly farego a resort to it because of its being rcmlend some what less acceptable to the palats. The promptm-ss with which ill cordial influ ence is felt f Indeed surprising. Some portion of it tccrns to ba d'g"-ued and aponipriated almost iinirieuiaulv. aad many who now lncy Ihry ncd si ohol ic aiinnil;in'a when ehnislcd by fatigue a ill find iu this simp'e liraiiL'I't sn xgtii valeot that will be slnindaiitly satmly. inj snd fur more endui ir j iu iis ( ll.i.u. CLOSING OUT BALE ... I hav oo ! tba finest line of , WATCJIKSCIIAINS, CHARMS, NECKLACES, PINS, EARVB0BS, AND ESPECJALY RINGS, ererhowa la tbia wsarket, wbicb oauouar wow at prioua uavar before givsa ia baUbury, ' C.P.Ablxsc. Wakbmsker. Jeweler and ' Ontiea. i second door above tba fust Office. RHEUMATIC 1 REMEDY. BJCS'ST IAXT X5XU ZZZZ: A BOBBCOBB SOB " SEVRALGtA, IVMBAGC and I .1,1,1, la.. iir. BMI .r.,.l ... the most effectual remedy foe kbeuma tisrn iu all its form and stage aver yt discoYried; the trealment ia new and enoumatul. Tb medtciue I pot up I io-ounc ootue. wnii-ri ara namliered i. S, 4, etc. and are taken on after 'tli other in their order till the aamber reached which complete ibe care. NO HIJHtl RY or other obie- rinna omga are wseil. The system is deaeaed of all inind ttonnbie urus previously takrwsu- lelt la a free and natural alula. CP. ABBOT, -Agent... I . .-. .- Salisbary. N. C. A O " J T T" T " ! CT I ,V W erf5iit The POLICE GAZETTK will U mailed, securely wrapped, lo nj addrrsa la tba United Slate loi I lDra raoBlha on receipt of I niHuflM ID ' Libe,.! discount allcwe.l to nnst 1 ...,. ..... . nls eoniea mailed fre. r I.. .. i Address all order m , . KltllARD K. POX, Prank iiu Square N. f. Wm a tuHiW Qa. lasBtsaH UtwnUswBmFtiBmt rvf yaawr mW Mf 1 trsaMr. aa Mi Kti9 r-. I kl vaak, as-a a, sbcsd sd rssaa; asyaawtttasf a ta Ira loM, DM mo luwarrj foraal ao awentw aCsai nt4l'4 aiirm aapait in ioawiBaT ai4 raiiMss mm s-aa b.v wtv.sam A.r arwraj kauoMreJ ksr BnM.lskm.ia srtatjor Lwlahba-1 hg fBaJiMtiaiaT h-eVAau catv I ay arMraam a waa ias ohm ih a. pi.w. aitaw avw um at roaar .rcillant rwoawlr. 1 M anv f . k . -s- a. rwlg'it I G Uhb a, " it aamsnd ttaava I wt tie It- ' Iv-iBf astd.o-.t it tt tl.j.1,, fr. ai-!. i aJI tu abv ' 'wl .ao ! rtm I w.h I a-ht bw aJtl. la baaa: lHtea rtJidaaal awjissf CMO UV rjSBfamaaMt4aaaj lMat ntM' ' Th sMitti'vml itar frim vMjH abrtayr la aw n trawl, a- i w",! nnnarti trirri sbttirvvatn ilmiimr npt ilax,;n i taw l It atroat UrM.arw aa 11 Vi4 "l Lsj ftiow rt t stny sih ai )ln art r ' ritoa a wwi .a mt rr-l m fro) atswir aVIstfas JKriy nrmtTi sajir rMu i aataalNsH iiai-jtlliiiv irnr.nanio'isw. BT.LOt7IB.sso. WsicB-i'stniskto.U r-WBSUU ti. au aaUa ' Market Ite-pwrt. (Cbrres-ti-d weekly by TV K. Julian) V heat .w... l M t oru.w..,. ... ..'; P- 4 ..... ...M l-'hsir.........2 . to c'.i B'itter. ......15 to l t hickens (yonng)........l2j to !0 Chickens (old) lo SO f,asn.M.M.MM...,....10 Pots toe (wel).... Potstoe (Irish) .....74 to It -70 Ml to . Tobacco VaTket (Corraetad weekly bj D. M. Miller.) Sal for last Week war uirly good. AU gradea are ia active denaaad. am peciaPy cneaaroa aad anediam tiler. W qnot i . Legs dark aad green cTJ0 450 Lngs good SJ - 800 smoker common. .... pit) "10,00 Cood...... . .SfMi0 "1x0 me -..fl i,(KI "18,00 cmmoiv-... yiu ixi low (ood.......M.....il500 10 00 Fine. $3 . at) faocw none offered. tAE LBAr't Common..... ... 8 Of) 8 00 (mod ....... ..JM0tl lOOU rise . 81000 is so ebiob utAT : . Common ....., 00 00 fiood X (U 1200 Fio. w $IX 00 1000 ' 'WEArrEast '' Coerao T? IS) 5na tood 8 00 ilJ fin U0 40(kJ J-aacynone Ddarod, Salisbury Bottling WOKrS, ' i R BRANMOCK, fsROrsRIETOR, Manufacturer of er Ale, Soda Water A 8a ma pa til. Bottled Beer m Sptcialty. Oor motto "Clenn boltlo and first das bererago,'' We also deal in ICE of ibe best qnality aod caa tell any quantities eitbar wholesale or retail, trdcta by mail receive prompt attention. Addreea all or dor to J, B. Brmrtnork SausBt'ir, N. C CHARLOTTE, 5. C. Ths most handsomely fumilied and couplets hotel in the Stat. Heated by m thron:'. not. Klertrie liirht and bli, snd l!i liard Koomt, Hsrber shop snd every c-n wniepce for" com for of gsts. Sample riooms on t!rt floor " . KM, JnHN-Ti)N. II. M. HHI.I.KH, reopnetors, Csmib UrscCM t, s.Msnsrer. mcspmi's, TBI SALL'EtmY PIIES3 I7"r"n irtnn. 14 We have begun the pub lication of THE SALIS BURY PHES3, A LIVE DmOCSIlATld NEWS PAPER at only SI A YEAR - v W pledge oareelvce lo give Ibo' people of Kowaa, and aurrouiiJii1 countie a live, a ide awake, rdiutio family newspaper. VTe promise thai oar rfTori to plsaa the pubtie and make Tata, 1'BEms. mo?bd to no nlber fnmily wapaper in the Slate, tha II be an reniiiilag. . Our tgertioaa 10 ks!;. it a wa!eae rinilor lo lb flressd nV lb eopluf 1 hi and adjoiaing evsa tkw will aot ba rcla led. Lcal Slate, ai d ' Cenrrat, wbli fi ill I carefully compiled an! At'i. . denied for il col a at aa. AGaaICULTUaiAI items W will aiak a pecial efftirt to glv farmer rat h week aucb pmrtw csl at d eaeful iofurmalioa as ' w inny be able 10 glean from oar le t. agricllnral rxebangea, and will from lima lo lima, a ihry wr re- osived, publish article aa the lest method of laruaing, at a. 1x1 News Wa have made arrangement by wbicb wa raa give oar rvador Ilia lateeTnewe and iiiftnmation from tho mineaof tbia and ailjoining ooaitiica. Eevinue Notes Wa are abm rrrmrsd to our readers ibe laical auci ul:rl ac- con 01 ol all i t u lalereal tbat . otar Ikronghoal ibis Dbtrlct, with all ap.inlmewis abj cm ova Is. LITERATURE ,N tier Literary seturiion will ba . aade iilranra.and will be interest ngaodbfahigbordorofosariu ! WIT & HUMOR. W kteas) to publish aemnroua ' scloclioii fruat our beat writer. ALT0OBTHEM W bropnae ta maka Taa Pwaa Is. ail ila department Bemud la other country newspaper ia Iba Statb, Terms; ' . Oar term ar 8tsmcti.t Ca in Advance, We will place ao asm poo oar aaljeoripiioa bock an least accompanied ky lb money. iba aaUcribiioa price of Taa Pees ia , , One year- Six Bioiitba - - $ 1.00 o .75 WeimyibepcatBgd. ' Addreea C. W. CiithborUon Sali-ibarT, N.U FLYJB JOB WORK. Fin Job Work a Specially. No BoicU Work tarud oat bfthia of. Boa. Git as ytfur order fur what yoa wish and it will be don with hd a Cheap aa it ci.a be done in tL Sooib. Bring as ia yoer wort and wa ill gaaraoice yoa aaiieTectioB.