The Salisbury Press. ISSPED EVEBY F RIO AY. C W.CUTHBERTSON, Editor. Th Filisbi'SY Pases is published very Friday morning st One Hollar per year or c-evenly-nve Ceut lor six mouths, struxiy m a6ALISBCRY. N. C, JULY SOUu NaUohaI Democratle Ticket GBQVtt CLKVKLAUD, of New York. FOB VICt ntSWWT. ALLEN ti. TUUliiJUN, of Ohio. ton cosobcs 7tm. m.tbmt, JOUii 8- HENDIUWO', Pf JtoWSB.! , - Democratic Xoininec. rB aiTUXIt. lion. DAN1KL G. FOWLE. of Wake. VPS LIBTTtNAWT OOTCBHOB: T1J03 M HOLT, ut Alamance roB AJmciiTi justice (triKu oocrr. HON JOS J DAVIS, of Frmnklia. roitcpaiMi din jcnir . HON JAM hiS R bUKfUEBD, of nashinirtoa. HON ALTIIONSO 0 AVERT, 1 ufBurk. STATE NEWS. Col. L. L Plk, secrolare ol '. tlie SlsU) Farmes 'a Alliance, reporu a now organised and ie workingorder USD sub-alliancea. The gem Will Ilonstrtn who murdered KuteCroabr at Winston on I be 211 ol May and eonvtuled to be. hanged the aame week, but was respited until th 19, waa bung pub, lickly Thursday, about fit tbous and people wort present, ' Ml Olive Telegram; Mr. Jotisthan Jones, living near here, 91 ) r of ae, ays that be baa ate greeu Corn tor the last Ihrca weoka cultivated bw biir.aolf. alno that b was a Skera- bor of one of the first Suuday Schools ever organiied in the Uuiwd Slates, at rbil.deli.bia. The Aahevill GtLisn says Wm W Cameron, 19 year old, left ui home at Grief's Station, . C, on the Z7lb of J uue, aaii hue not sincetbesa beard from. lis M eiasMly, moral and etudiooa young nian,ind ihoonly j way hia father and friend account Tor rw action ia that be ha been read in jiiflit, trashy b 9 vols, aud boa gone crasy. The State docket at tbia term tf oon rt makee a bad record for Calaw ULMKAL NEWS. Bockhill waa visited by a Tory dislruotiv fire Wednesday tnoruiug which burned twenty-two houses. A collision en the Louisville and Nasbvill lluilroad near Ox mora, Ala., two lno were killed aud sev era! injured. United State Conaul Steven, at Victoria, British Columbia, statee that 2,824 Chines bar arrived there within six week. A violent volcani eruption bat ocourred in Japan, by which four hundred persons were killed and ton ihousapd injured. A negro boy who wai la jail at Faietleville. Ga lor rape, made bis escape from a mob who bad gone to the juil to bang birau The powder woiks of Lad in and Kanda, near (.'reason, ' rs,, blew up rrio-rr. -.-KUlipa two man. . intir bodies ware Mow two hundred yard front the place, ".. Destructive storms are etill roporp. d frtm West Virginia, and the loan of property ia estimated at a quarter million dollar. The railroad have been seriously damaged, crops bava been entirely awept away, and many WtaUicr aud Cropn. CLOSING OUT SALE Washington, July 15. The weath er and erp bulletin, issued by the Siual Offioo, aaya: Heporl from the eoru and wbeal Slate of the central vallev of the Northwest In tlicat that the weather during- the past wek ha been favorable lor tha growing crops, especially corn, pola tor and grai, which bav doubtlca been generally improved by the re oon l ruin. Report from Kentucky and Ten nee-see iodinate that the weather diirinct the puat week ba eeneraly improved the condition of com and everahn tobacco . Tbe vtaple crop In the Southern Sthto ha been very mot h improvod the fuvorablo weather during the ibt week, and the late condition I have on aa.'ojth Qneat.Iin of WATCUE3, CQAINS, CIIAUMS, KECKLACE3, PINS, EAC-B0B3, ANO ESPEClALY IUNG3, TKOSrECTl'S. TBI SALIiBURY PRESS jroin. X030. n in thl hjarltdt. which 1 1 TvTn iTra homm thn nil r. baUoUor nam at nri iivr k.,t..r. I " "t? " f giveu in hulubory, C. P. Abbot a a.i r . I.. O . W r".. . " ,?l a m " ?T ; Wakhmnker, Jeweler and Optican. ui.i.h, o-ov...- y Second door above the roat uuiee. lor cane ana nee in ijoasiana. ' Tbe rains in 4h Middle Atlantic State during tbe put weik sliifhlly J.-laycJ harvest work, sod greatly' improve the the-oonditione of , the growing crops, expacully oom and potatooa. . . In New England the rainfall and temperature below the normal dur ing the week, and tbe uOclenoy in the ramfull will doubilea reduce the yield in tbe bay crop. Ill lenneseoe and Arkansas local REEDft . RHEUMATIC REMEDY. BSTST EJLST XS2IA B2ZSIZ3 a soaa ccas roa KEURALQU,LVilBAQGm& . KINDRED VISEASES. ba county. Judge Idellae in bis 'mi"es have oeen driven irom toeir I alorota and heuvy raios Injured the I which Uan entire new componnd, and charge to the grand jnry raid eBTBtTART or BTATK WAI L SAUNDEIiS, of Orange. ' lie i discouraging. 1'hi conduiun of things ia duo to 'he recent wet canon, followed by dry and cool weather. Tbe oat crop ia poor and farmer assert tbey will not get their teed back and ibis Is partid larly true a lo spring oaU. William E. afulone, - Jack Ponder- irra and L)ean iJorrin, were FOB TRlAKfRM: DONALD W BAIN, ' of Wake. VOB f CPBBJMTBNDBIIT Of PCBUC 19 rrtrcTiB: SIDNEY M FINGER, r Celawba. FOB ATTOSBT Of'HRAL: T11EODOKE K DAVlDfeNN, ol liuncomhe: Fob ArniTna: BEY G W SANDEGL1N, of Wayne Contrset labor, to Comoet with AmerioaD workinrmea, it now pourlcurioitie oa record. It ia ia eorn On vniWB In a nl..n wl....k I i B w wiv ia bill " cm" 'r a coo ventioa or tbe Dem- acl euBBlerpirt uf a child band that Iio tbe weat, crime waa decreasing so much that now it wa no trouble to bold oourl, and considering this when became down lo Catawba .it waa discouraging to see snob a large number of criminal ease in tbe I oouri of one of tbe boet counties of lbs Slate. SUck execution of the laws seemed lo be the cause. New ton Enterprite, Winston JUpvhlkan: Abner Bus- Isell, a cit'nou of lluouvillo, Yadkin oouoty, aged 80 years, cut bis throat Uirowned at Louiarillo Kv. on the with bis rsi r bunUwr evening luM I I7ih of July. Saven drunken men so severely that recovery i impos. ad a ke of Leer were crowded in ilblev Report from Iavie small skiff, about tea o'clock, lor i-oonty give the lobacoo oullooK ia ride, lie nezi thing be.trd was not very promising, lb plant a cry fur bolu. The lifo aasing is small and pretty generally BuderN orew started out and nnlled four of going i he buuouiug process. An lite men aibore. The other three insane white woman tearing the I war drowued. name of rannie Urock waa tried in Mockavillc, Uavie county, last week, fn lienor coontr. Vs.. on Sundav ciiarru n.uu p)eiHr. iv puisuu it uumoer ot men indulged in ,a the keeper of tbe Poor House, bis drenken frolic, durin which there family, and all tbe inmates, by civ- I wsa a qnarrel, when one of ibem ingtbeiu a doae of rough on rats. I drew a pistol and killed lw of bis tib was lommilted to jail lo await I eompaiiionf; be tben hiade bis escape l be action of Court. I and the excitemnni is so great thai it ia ihoni'be be will be Ivncbed il llaieign Attn ana ut$erver: Mr. cantored. The corner-stone T. C. Harris baa jast added o the I uf a colored Baptist seminary waa siaie ucmohi ou 01 lue greatest laid in L,vnchburif. Vs.. home by tbe invading walcra, I crops In some seoiiona. A di,natch from Petersburg V... L Tb" Wvesting of oals and flailn say ; Tbe outlook for the corn and I peanut croi in tbe adjoining conn the most etTeetual remelv for Hheuma- tism in all its form and staties ever yet disenvetedj the treatuient ia new and aii.M..Lflfiil ina.1 ii,iki. la rint nn in em Uichijsn, and of bay in south i-miiire bottles, whh h are numbered I, ern Minse-tola, bos gensrally boon I 2, 8, 4, etc.. and are taken one after the ns, wheat in Illinois sud south- other in their order till the number is reached whieh computes ihe cure. NO MIUIU rilV or other obje rinn dniits are used. T" system ia deunsed of all Injiid, lionable ilrars previously takeaxa left in a free and natural state. , & P.-ABCCT, Aosjrr. 8luihury, 5. C. wioi"y iur irrzws Koaj. 1 raiic dub of Norih Carolina lo The snd oftb cob branches inlo five juri oiaie Aesociaiioo or DamooldistiiK t prongs, each one of which tra-icciuoa, baa bete nned,to meet I orreHiods eaaclly to the fir fin. iLw i l'J," Aoguai J5ih gersol an intant'a band, even to the ' to draw all inumo, wbicb branches out on one iemocraU clusor logiiber so tbal eide prcvieely in tbe location of tbe .v,. pa more syalemalic buman ibanib. The cob is just lb j I . haie and lengi h of a liny arm, OOm OBa Wnlina- In ikull I and It l.reeOlltSa annaL r.tmarkMl.1. - f Aim, II ,1 ' L' 1i''okjih,nbernM that bui.r dtnkog hkotieea lo the baud I be negro Sunday ;aorainir ia I2a bd ru " ubT. r.rwnj; BUa iney ware ib negroes and others to keen ih-i. they will be badly dealt with, thev A Harder ill XitchcIL ay that they see that teller I Bakersville Dcmociat. woer m kept tbaa ba boea in the 1'su ja ounaay evening Julr 8ib at about T o'livck Jesse Ptterson.w hul f - ; i it -wnnwii cmsse or liruvocalion Chic. eeem. to be ll,, den of the U.tbed Frank Bc-nneit i.. thJ T A IaI J : . I . . - . ujumnuim was de btiween the bip bone -and th gv woicn tower rib. Tbe wound was about blOV ID Uivur. 1 I t. 1 i i i . ra. Lo.Ui,.. k.,t .k. .1..:: . " ""en. i oere w. 0o ... . ." on or difDcully between the nar. lie. . Tne deed wss simolv culd anarcbisi discovered a few was intended to to tbe plot before i. w csu-ned in to execation. It seem that ibe an. antieu have gained strength since we usymarket snaaacre. At tbsl ume it was known that tiicy had 5wl,were fully armed and well c'ml rd, their rai.k ha ineraaacd 100 ier ....t VV'k.. r'i . . " . " wuicago neea now is gereial cloauing oat ot that popu- bhodeil murder, without -a We live and learn. The Germans are an ingenious people. They hare invented hnre shoes for had 'road. This ia how they do it. The black amitb, when fini. hinga horns' shoe, punches a hole in the two ends When tbi shoo I cold be laps in a screw thread and orew in to the hoe, when on tho horse' (001 . sharp pointeu atud if an inch in length. With shoes thus fitted tbe horse travels seen rely over the worst pofnible rosds. Bolb ridinir. diivin snd draught horse are shod in the same wj-, n nen tne norss come to the stable the groom anaerew tbe pointed stud and screw In a button o I bat n& damage can happen l0 1 1 a t,fWM - l. - . i t u... pnu in purew noiea are prevented from filling. When ib horse ie goins- out the eroom tjlr- out tbe button and screws in the pointed t ad. Thore is no fesr o( he horse comics- bark wiik ki... knees or strained -innw. ant ik. single puniio are spared the siht of hrirt uown or almoine in all ilinitn.. iAindon Tina. attended by favorable weather. i'eediu? a Yricty. . . Charlotte Democrat " Ia feeding your poultry, from the kitcheu ocnie many of the very choicest tij bit which find their way into the capucJou craw of tbe c jicks and it not only recoive th motiolo-. ey of grain food but it turns In pmbS la bio account what would others wise be thrown out and lost. Bits, of bread and meat, Ihe oruinhs from tbe table cloth, Ibe . bits of celery and scraps of cabbsge, all ars relish ed by the fowl. While th fowl will greedily take th com irom llio kitchen, there are many other thing which could be profitably used as chicken food, if but a little care and time be bestow a poo its prepaiatioo. There are po. tato paring-; these can readily be utilized by boiling Ibem a few minutes, and while still bot mixing a few handful of fine corn rooui wiib lliem, after which they can be selasjr p kieaa. Wtisn they are cool, the mass can be fed lo the eWy-prkuilo.' Tuey cun also b used wi' hout the corn meal, 'fur nip pari (s can be similary treated and is cot this far butter than p ;r mil tin ir Ibem In , ik.... . "i a,-..,...!, n. r j : . .1 U .7 yrt'til buifha whlok Wis abort It ; l" rllliirira"o. Ucation of THE SALIS- i I BURY PRESS. A LIVE DEMOCRATIC NEWS PAPER at only V, SI A YEAR . W pledg ourselves to give tbe people of Uowan, and surrounding counties a live, wide awake, reliable family newspaper. We promise that our efforts to please the public and make Tni Pbbxs. second to no other lamily newspaper in tbe Slate, shall be tin remitting. Our. exertions to muke it a welcome visitor to ihe fireside of ibe people of this and adjoining couu lies will not be rciusod. Local Slate, and General, which will be carefully compiled auJ con doused fur ita columns. PMjIOiJTHH IM RCUTE. Richmond & Danville-.Railroad. C0XDKNSED SCHEDULE .In etfeet June 24th 1888 Trains run by JUr Merridiun Time. - SOUTH BOUN D BA1LY. Ku.60. io.fc!. Lv. New Yo'rkl2"l5 A. f4 30 P. M l'luludel 7 20 A U 6 67 P M Baltimore V " 43 - -U' ashing- 11 5-1 " UO0 Wm Ihsrlotts- Sift E.M. 3 00 A. M. Vlll Lyueh'.r'd 8 50 " . 6M Kiclnnond 3 11' " Jt 30 liurkesvl's 6 17 s 24 ' Keysville 467 " 6 05 Ursks s 6 13 6 id -. Branch Jhinvills ISO " $05 Uiecns- 10 io ".. V ii bnro field .bore J. W " 8 10 P. M. . : UsieiKli - " fl 46 A. M. liurlisio t 04 3 12 Ar. Cbspelhill fo 0 " Hiiisboro e 37 " 4 OS " Kuleni f8 15 0 80 high Point 11.15 - 10 16 Balwburv IzOI Af.ll IK - Hutexvil.e 1 61 6 12 12 P. If. Axhtiville 7 28 4 31" Hot Kpr'gs 9 15 10 Lv. Concord 110 12 01 I'hurlotte 2 53 " 12 40 rjitaubi's4 40 " " . 3 37 " Greenville 550 " 4 48 M . Atlanta 11 00 P.M. 9 40" NORTHBOUND 1AU.Y No. 51. 'No. 53, 43 WEiflSS. AGaiCUWDBAL ITEMS Tho POLICE GAZETTE will he mailed, securely wrapped, 'to any address lo the United State lor -justs ihey I three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount aliowo I to post muster agent and clubs. Sum. pie copies mailed free. Address all orders to -IUC'UARD K. FOX, Franklin Sqosr N. f. We w ill make a special effort to give farmer each week such pracli cal rod useful information as wo may be able to gkan from our best agricultural exchanges, .and .will Irom lime to lime, as they ars re ceived, publish article on Ihe best methods dt lariaing, etc Lv. Atlanta 0t P.M. Ar. Greenville 1 00 A.M. ripsrtHuhr'g i 13 " Charlotte 4 AO Concord 5 4.1 Halilniry 0 23 High Point 733 .-h-esiisboro 8 M Kulein . ll 40 " Hiiisboro . 11 55 P. M Burhsm 12 3-" " Chttfrl hill fi ll) Uiileitfli 1 55 tioldsooro 4 10 " - IMUVIIItt Drake's Blanch Keyaville Bnksville Uich niond 7I0A M. 1 61 P.M. 2 63 " 630 " 30 " roa 14 " 8 40 " t!2 M A. if. . f 10 " t30 " r3 65 145 0 47 A M 10 20 PM 12 25 l il 1 23 A.M Mining- NeWsL. I 00 1 44 lit 2 SO 3 30 Sou Lyiichburif 12 40 P. M.12 54 C'liarli.ttsv'le 2 55 " 3 05 Washington 7 35 " 7 01 Bsltimore 8 50 " 3 20 Philmlelphla i PO A. Af. 10 7 PM. Jliew Vok 20 " 1 20 X . ptffOWiJWtUii e MaW J MW W Ml '-a- ELtwrW MiMtty hvA ZatOuii . U .w :.! f.,o.4 w j ' ' Lain l ' itril-m bod, whom dayfl 1 -t?d ty ,T.;it a.aav-, row, aiiarue ttssa or roar tarust 'jot rdf lW my-lt MAN-wwL mnmm is issir-s 1.1114 ibMod ibsit I Vhlttk th, n.iu hooiOaUfoors, Tamibtot all thta it ihfil .lw .ic rmtnirvoo. I trl-hlm ht tw ttfl. lo m l- The ralmy Days ofMInistrelsy. The S; ringfield RytU'icau says; The Kansas law in relation to cap. i:al pumsbmcnli a moat pecular and dangersou enactment, and iboohj ot be allowed in it present tat loiemsiu on the statute book. A person convicted of nurdor in lb nrai xlei njiingcireumsianre ao far as bas come to lij-ht. The circum slancvs, o far as we tare been able to learn them, wbicb preceded lha killing are a follow; Young Ben nett bad purchased some Jamaica I .. . H T I . S"' r. reversou a suire and I .. i , i . .... I ""It"' ,r " ssvs: i wis biiu iviihi x eierson bal drank it I n. n ih.c ik. :r. r i , ' , - , ..... .iiivi jh iiaven . v.u.n,,i bs was ly, toe once wollkoo negro min l , , , . , I . "ft", unit l' icive - - "7 -"r u dpt iw evory night out of Ibe , v...a H. vwcu uun. uonnett I eeinta or lha ahna. .ii..i .1. . wUU.u 1. mm anon a ne wen'. Into hsnkrnnier s goi tue money, t elersoo tbca ask I a fortnns of a boat 130.000. nurDnttiuui wss not aliTid off ired llAP Irt larA t k . . .. 1 '7 -w,".WM mror in tbs Uwu (isrl.n.l H V. ". I V ' ."'"""J. ' aogrre la bow SeolTo Tb pcni1 ti,.i ha mm. 7 IT. i . '"" i" i ". r-'-i oim.naj. ujmImi Ji4 ti.ryf.,r.,ear,.nd may .r- r!V .rlT'L '.'."L e"m"'tW? " hf1 ward be banned at a.,r time when IZ Z ". "L. . .meT lo .1 - .. I " ' " wniBii rro uq k m not ti. . n .1 il L: l . l 1 u' '"J ",' and torn to wa.k . '.. 7171'' , 8 aw.y, when PienB inflicted tbe TJk'Z0?: ,'tf'U' -k'c. -adelim a w.ndJrt noouratremeei o lyocning; nr ibe tiveror eever sigos the warrant. There ar bow nny-iour murders under sentence uf death in tbe State prison, and not only is crime increasing in lha S;aU, f ut lynching parties are getting m riuiogty irerjner.t. no loss tbaa l-Hir mordere wet lynched last ejk in tbe Suie. Through Two Mirrors. 1 be Vt insloe n-publiea says; Col. ncaery wj ia italeigh last week trying to arrange a joint canvas wiih Air. Fowle. Up lo the present riling be bas been sosucceawful hul l upwrmined to force bin into il. Wade in, Mr. Fowle, aud get picked. J.'a hard, doubtless, yoa will b.Ve lo siand it. , 1 Tbe Rale ga News and O'wsiver ( leuij ).- Cot. Dockcry wiil nut Niase the lour nf th fi'.e this sum- . BiHr wilh Juilfre Fuwle if he cca tio'p it- II couwder it oi't utlv h-aitbier to only cem to wjoi to o with him while in roniiy Lt -)i;' iura : ing murleier anon the face ol th eana ana plunged lb and r.anu.1. Af I. . . W I M. w.a w,u 111 iu fouvrumg. A Dijr.TPiM-e. "It's a can ion bow lime fie, isn't ill ..a. ... uu: 1 ooi l know. It aeoms lo mstbal it drs: ali na" with leaden feet. Yo see I expect considerable eceaey next month, and now s d.y wai naea weeK. "Ab, 1 see. Welt, time flies like rbmiog wiib me. I have lo Pv ouiagreatdcal ol money next month. Huuratka tiuuc Journal. is-Subecribe now for the S.lti- rar Pbb and cet ail tbe news Toe campa go is bow -open and w will gire all of 1L0 new that ill c of 0 7 interest to oar realrs. bo ooa along with jro-ir tal -cri( liaii. Oc!y SO cent frvua bow snlil In of Jannajjr. 1 ITS. As hour or two afterwaH I met Bill Poole, who waa a hoomor for Hav erty wben that sky-rocket of a man. ager waa bih in the Foots now run a tvjerding-hnnse in this eity. ard is Ihe custodian of Dock trfr' Threatre daring lh absence of Docksttder'a Minstrel on a tonr. "Oh yes; thise were 'halcyon' dy," said be. "There was a time when ... .....,-, , minvrei company had lo do hardly anything else than deioaiid.'nr every living low! at all sean. jof ihe year. Tho. who have not '"VC" culul to sopply ereri' peo ot lowls wii b gr- en food in some lorni. bsvs no idea ol tue ainuu.ii Uinr will conN.ime. With lv.onty.flre fowl irl a yard or pen, yon may in anmmor mow and gir them a bushel ba.-keiful of 1 be short, lender grass f.oin a laws every day, and a I that they do not oat of it tiiey will ao thoroughly destroy that xoa cannot fl.i it Imin diy to ilsy. 11 ii i not ooLveiiieut ogiveta-im the hort cut grass, give them daily every refuse ereeu thloi's irom ins aitcoeu garden, from the niarsei garaeq, I root every soatoc, and they will telect what they like best and sef ferociously tbalyoo will wonder bow ihoy can consume so much. Ard these healthy bona wi "shell int the dividends to yoo wnico win par lor ins trouble. We b;.ve a-werted a'most an in numerable) number of limes Ibst corn stone is not suitab e food for laying her.s, for it wi'l make them loo fat lobe beaUhy a season through Tbe nattiro of lb tjw grain i hcaiing d drying 10 both bloo l and tissue. lien ted thiee lime a day upon wboto, anconked corn, lor tbe greater part of their diet, will not he rwssed luT JO lb lJ'in!f " 00. UrbTg W''1 Uw P1"""" .w .1 in a mi. vii uiiier son may be lb variety bred, I bat tbo wrrl.wBrwtii-ftT-TPw v-fJ tbI- tematety noon SjaUed meal and boiled pota-oea in the morning, green lo of some nutritious kiud with toran from tbe table at Boon, and dry oracked exsrn, wheal and oals at ttigbt. O .'if: W hi. IhI;... 1- ,i..r . . T . . urlf Irom s dt. a lo ward mftioM ImpoalUos. H A!?rl3 REMEOY CO. MrOBMltsiSTJ, MirketamlDtsiOta. BT. Lr.uic, K3. .We have made arrangements by rhicb w ran give our reader the latest news and infoi mulion Irom the mints of tLis and a'tjoming counties. Revinuo Notes A Hideous Spectacle. Jer7Cty,N. J, Jnly 18 Hen ry ConrsJ Lbert as ha nerd in Ihs open the door of a ball aft! .j n. I coouty jail at 13 mir.uie past 10 pi py lo come in. The five or ait years after the war were ewnecially profitable. NeB lsn of three 10 flvs thousand inhabitants wers con. stantly being discovered br wide wste ajonls, and place of that aort were dead snre lo yield fine au li ences for anyibing in tbe way of minietrelsy. Bat il isn't ei now. The meal i all gone oat of that corrmnnl. and the man who can make a neirn mie rel coupanr pay'bas lo basils for il. Mrs. IMU Creole (wen-iVi ' I know tverrtbirg we eat is adulter sisd, hoi wfcsttan w do, i.'-vir.s;.!? n mu'l trust our grocer Mr. Krginatd Crern ( ircarily ) "A h, yes, le;l, very troe; sii I il -oh, if o-ir pmccr wolM ouiy limi us''' thi morning, Wbe tbslrapsprug lbs knot slipped aroand onifer bis jaw and disarranged the cap so that t-oeri a lace wo exposed lo view ai he dowiy trang!ed to death. Whea ihe boy was cal duwa it via turns d over to his brother snd this fter- eoon will bo taken toKl.0.ivcl and cremstcd,- A Son I'etion Lit Fufher end Iiriiol iiu r ar Ihe UIiow. Bjngfiri Jfe J j!r 15. Th kleil dereiof-rnenu in t!io Staio-Crum-wei! t-,. a.'.j'.g, and "sm lo establish, beyon i any doubt, ".hit yoanjS aiii nuiin1. turei out ol Who' e'oth lio tn ! n-u wbicb ha nearly Lnxiht Ins l.ibnr atid C'ro:it well lo tb g liion s. HurUct; llrport. (Corrected weekly by D. R. Julian) . 57 Wheat ..-.....75 to 8i lVss. sn ,,, A. t lur..... U...-32.15 lo 12.50 B""r - 15 to 20 ' Cbicken Ooung). itla.u,i..8 lo 16 ' Chickens (oldj........,jo to g5 Kira..... .8 to 10 1'otaUs)) Orisb).. 40 to 50 Tobacco Market ' (Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller.) Bales for last week were fairly rod. AW irrade are In active demand. ee peeptlly common and medium filler. We quote : . Iuits dark and green... 320 4.10 Lugs Itood -.......$.-SIO " 800 Smokers common j)ii0"10 00 :od .,...'H0 "12sJ F'ne. $12,00 "18,00 Common . sjn 00 in 00 "ooa I500 90 0(1 We ars also .prepnrsd to give our readers lbs lutes, snti uc- uouiita of all events t f interest thul . ccur throughout this itevemi Uittnol, Willi all aplioiiiliiiciiid audits. U tstia lemoval. ' ' Daily fDsily, except Sunday. Sleeping-Car Service. On trsiu No. 60 and 51. Pullman it..r. let Sleepers Imtweeit AtliioU and N. V, tinms Ail nitil .1 Pull...... u bleeper bet ween VVahi nifUni and Mont, gouien; Washington .d Austa. Fl. mail nksrlH-r bataeen, ..,.1 liilriirb. I'll! In, mm ParlnriVr lta.n ' bulii-lmryatnl Iwunxville, IbriiUh'li tieketa for sals at nrin.-li.L stiitiins, to all points. ror iu,e ami iiilurinrtion. sunlv to s i j k i.t ,i tLe 1 uh iww) . sr to eVUUa , .. Jros Aniasjw J- 8. Pom i:, A. Picniioxn V. W. A. TlHK ilJV' Kai.b:om N.4JL Cm rum Atf LITERATURE Our Literary selections will be mad with car, and will be interest- ng and of a high order of inorit. WIT & HUMOR.. We intend to publish humorous election from our best writers. ALTOGETHER RICHMOND & DAN VLLLE R.R. CO. W. N. C. Division. Gii Poieager Ieiot Ashrvillb. N. C, Sep. 2 18-!7 Schedule trains. Effeotive Sen. B2th lfifir E.istern V 75.h MeriJion J. time used, when not .otherwise socuitied of Pasenger' "i no . ism" uoue olfeied. ...-43 o0 mix LiAr : Common..., (iood liuo,.... -...f300 8JT0 00 1ft 00 .......10 001250 BRIGHT LSjtr: Common.. tJ'KKi .t Flue .'. WKArraas 1 Common. tiood .....M......, fine Fanynone offered. -fa 00 oo 51 PO'IL'00 ..6100 18 00 ..fl200 1500 ..flHIKI 2ilJ ...tSOO 40 OJ Salisbury Bottling J R BRANNOCK, PRCRITOH, Manuf.tcturer of Ginger Ale, Soda Water & Saraaparila. Mltil Btr a Specialty. Our motto "Clunn bottles and first class boveratros." We' also deal in It L of the best quality and ran sell any quantities either wholesale or retail. Ordot by mail receive prompt aitenlior.. AdJresa ail or ders to J. Ii. rrannock Sa j et r, N. C. ruo Jufopj. C;iAl:LOTT,N.C. SiniliTratr fiipTiifcTial and I in llie v,t. UMt-bv The mna, eisTipre'.e h train throorh."it. l.ienrie light and r'H, pjr and Bi'liard Kxm. U.irlr Mio; sni every coijTsnienre iur eotnfor yf guntfts, NAinpie llmnns on f't rliiur K.M. liil.I.l.)'.. I rfi.r,. i-r. Co-eib f r-.-Hi t!,3 i4iur ii- . , . " e propose to make J bi fx ess in 11 .1 . an 11 uepariiueuta accond to no other country newspaper iu the Statb. Terms; var tcrma are sibictlt Cao is Aovancb. We will place no name upon our subscription books unless aueumptMtied by the snsaay, ... Tho subscription prion of Tn Pais i ' On year- . ' . 1.00 Six months . , .75 We pay t he post ag t. Address C. W. CulhberUon. Balishury, N. C. FIXE JOB WOEK. Fin Job Work a Spociulty. Ho 'Botch Work" turnod out uflhis of fic. oir us your orders (or what yoo wish and il will be done with Xtdtnttt and Dispatch, and as Cbcsp as it ci .1 b dons iu lb South. Bring us io your work and we will guarantee you iisfactioo. ITEHT'SOUXD. Urt ,FW, yrk 30 p m Philadelphia 6 67 Bsllittiure 9 43 Washington.... ij 00 n Kichnioud j 30 , m Haleitfli...... j jjn ' Arrive Salisbury btatesville ... HHMtorv...., Connelly riprings.. MorHiiUm. Mnrimi , . ; Asheviile . 11 'H hprins. t Morristuwn ' t Kuoxville .... . 11 23" .....12 20 p m 1 26 t - 1 4H 2 34 " ...... J 18 5 08 " ..rt.-7 05 " 8.45 - .....10 00" EASTI!OUXD. Leave f Kuoa ille..... ..irriston..... llot r-priii'T A:die iiie Konnd Knob..,., Marimi Wu'giiton. ei,ni ' taleavi)!.,.,,,.., :slibllrv ....7 00 a ni ,.8 In -....! I 25 " -.1 2 p m .. .3 no " - ...4 0 -... 5 17 " -7 20- Arriv Kleigh.. ,... 35 m Richmond ,..... g jg Wsihiugton 1... 8 10 Paltiiniire 10O3- 1 hilunsli.liia . . I"-, New Vurk. . 3 Alp m 'Pinner sttions. fOntrsI rttr meridian tune. Pnllmsi, Psrlni t llwsn Bd.Mmry and Knoivil!. I uil.nsn S PHirg crou sll Irsuis Jsa L. Tayij h, m . WAWivsrRH i' A s Ii P A'V v,.,r.' ttil U proved "Ft ; . "VLr.ZLll i'j ir t. ii v ji r . J

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