V y . The Salisbury Prss. -Fat oar. Jilt 20. IS88 taapat-riptoai ltaUrw. I year, if paid la advance... 1 - - " " month.. 1 "not" " 6 ,..$1 00 1 25 ....1.50 ,Mr"Pouiiter overywhei are au tliorizixl to receive and reoeii fur aub- c:iptionato The Salisbdrt Fim. lafTbe office of Tu Pej bxe beea moved to the room above Wbillork A Wright' (line (tore on 'Main street where we wil' bo pleased to aee our frieuda, 'I '."'' " - ga7BEaa i minj that the price of Tn Pax is only out dtllur ore year if paid M .tdmnce. If paid within aix months, It I tl 25. If not paid in aix mouths it ! II 50. , Local News, Prof W H Jfsave ia In- Philadelphia. MM S.illie Alexander of Charlotte visiting Mra Fouat. - Mine Carrie CiawTord left Tnday to spend a few weeks in Wilmington, Mr t hai Trice lint gone to Washing' ton, D C, where she will ;eiid a week or to. The totalflipa of the m jon will oc- urmextiudnv uiglit At about 12 o t-ltck. We regret to learn that Mr Lee Wright i no belter but riuaiu about the same. , There are now even prisoner in the niity l.iil, awaiti.ig tliccext term of court. - Mr Jut Connelly or A!nvil.e, pass ed through lliis pluce Tuesday, on ber way to WchnKind. The county ronventiun will meet giromplv t 12 o'cl ck on Saturday and not 1 Miadvertised. From report all thi primariea were well attended and thtit all worked hard for their choice. The Salisbury Dia'riet conference of the Methodist clinreh will be held at Mocluville on the 20th iiiat. The Iredell Blue panted through hear last Tuesdav on tiioir way to the encampment with 32 men rank aud file. Hie Charlotte Democrat liae jut coins .pleted the Jflth year of ita useful earier and bid fair to Ust for year to come. The riin last night baa done great .deal of rood to all (rowing crop, but . .more ia needed yet a everything i dry, f Mrs ttU Tlnnainoo. of Tyro, TVivld- inn Co., spent a few day herethi week with her brother Mr Harvey Bearhardt. Sheriff K rider ha moved to the .bouse formerly occupied by Mi Johu Brookfield, turner Fisher and Bank street. . All are invited to attend tl speaking at liovdej irrove lo morn w. The ladies are especially invitoJ and seals will lie arranged fir tbjlr benofiu , Per&on wanting fioir gin haredcd wiil pleas ad dre Ha Mr. H A Flutter, Drawer 9 Salisbury, N. C. He will 4ie aliel to take In a few more job. Mr A L I-owter, our popular and oblig ing depot agent, at this place, haa re 1. 1 rued from the eastern part of the -Hint, where he ha been for pleasure. We are glail to see 6jf yoanj friend Mr Walt-r Mnrphy back again. Mr M. has been working on theCANRR where he haa been attached to the icorp of civil engineer. We want two good canvasers to can eaaa fur the Puma, on good commission. .Any one desireing to make a liitle extra money will do well to call t er write to this oiBee. The farmer report threshing early athi) year anil that the machine are feting along faster than usual, aa the wheat la turning out about on half iop, and oats about two-Uiirda, The remain of an In fa it child of Mr. A J Mowery.or Concord, K C, arrived At this plain Tneeday oa the ' evening tram, and waa conveyed y tbe family hnrUI pise about five miles above , Salisbury. On last fn?y morning Ilia contrae 4or commenced work on tbe new ad Dillon to the Salisbury graded school building. Kxperienced brick layer hajre been employed, so aa to ensure a good job and the work will be pushed on aa rapidly as possible, so that it will be fiuithed io time for the fall term. ' J-eft Iiia Trunk. There was a trangf t stopped at the hoyden Hons aonwdrne iatt week, and who skipped, leaving his trunk in pay anentof bi bill. The trunk was opened and found to contain n lot of old and very ninth toiled clothes, also a num ber of letter begiDg biu to come home ud le.id a better $ fa. Colllalon o tbe W. Ti. C A collision orrured near Aabevill junction last Sunday Morning at l.M). The engineer reversed iheir engines and jumped as aona aa they saw that there would be a collision, Henry Caruthera, a colored breaksman from Charlotte wa killed, he had run ery neirtbe full Iwgth of tb trin to inftrm the rest of the hands when the oUiaion occurej. The remainder of the orww were more or less ecratchtd and braised. Thetwo engine were badly .riamajred and fife car were destroyed . The tMlegraph operator had failed to de (kJiver the order wm the cause of lh . irouV'.o- EATIFICATIOX. Grand Democratic Ballf to- ' Morrow. At a meeting of the Dereocralio Club Ian Tuesday night, tbe lollow. com mil toe were appointed for ibe ratification meeting to-morrow. Reception Committee Loo S Over man, thairmat ; Ubaa D Crawford, 1 il Fount.. A 11 Unydea, Kerr Craio, Tbeo Y Kluitx, J W Muuney, L 11 Clement, uke B'aukmer, K B Neave, V K Shober, W C liluckmer. J J Bronir, Tbeo Bucrbaqm, J Z Shulll and T U Un. Committee of Arrangement D II Juliun, cbnirman; 11 i Ovonnuii, J U Kituia, K F Smith, EJ Cutbrt.ll, W L lUnkin, J F Uoaa, M C Quina, DrJ H Conuoill. Dr 11 T Tranihnm, S Uuffi.i, W 11 n..iiiier, G li Shuv-ir, John Board, P 1 Merouty. . Marshall i R Crawforrl, Chief. Sob : J K Culbertaon, J 1) lloili J K UcCubbina, M P Anderson, X B Brown, Cue Holmes, Geo 1111, J M Monroe, Duiij;lasa Aroy, V If Overman, . . j Imrriedintuly after tbe Ci)untv Convenlion, a irouetion will be formed at the court bnuae, and will march to I ho Ml Vernon Hotel to receive the spuakera, The process sii. n then will beforraedaa follows: Contmitloo in farrisjfoa. SjwaWer iri Carlisle. Band. Cleveland Fowle llondorson club in while bcaror and caiioa. Bund. Democrat. ; The pmceasion will march from the Ml Vornon Hotel, up Council ireol to lite Court House, thence up Main Kireel past the auuore to Ibe corner below tbe B oyden lloure, thence down Bank tmet to Boy den's Grove, lions Daniel G Fowlo. Tbeo V Davidson, S M Finger an G W Sandurlia wilt addre the peo P1 W will thank our friends in and nenr the city for information of the arrival and departure of visitor and local news of all kinds, aa tbe editor iconpari!ive lv a stranger In this tow.i, and it will make the paper more interesting. Every litlle.belpe. Owr Cl'arebea. (Service will be held In the folio ring chorche Bext Suuday.- Bervice at the Methodist church morning and evening. Eev. C W. ByrJ, No . SWT ice . Iaib9rieslijf Ulia churn. eerrioes. at 6t Luke Episropal ehurch as usual. Iter, F J. Murdoch rector. Service mnroing-and evening at the Baptist church. lUiv F T Tultle pastor. Cheated tbe Hallows. Raloiirh. July 17. W. A.. Pott bo waa u bvo bo'b banired at Waahintrlon, fli.C, for. ibe rnunler of Paul Lincke, oomuiiileJ more ihao n year ago, nod who made an alien pi on bis lite wilo poison noma days ai an 1 was reprieved, made eoond attempt ai euiome last nuni and was aucocasful. Kludini bis n nard be look a biir doe of ouloral aiid murpbine abtiul 8 o'clock . and died about 13, noiwilhstauding lb effurl of the doctor to save hi tile. Muob feeling exhisle in Washington, over the result, and Tbur axe inli tualiuus of four play. Judge Lynch. in Ashevllle At few minolen after 4 o'clock Sunday niorniiiir the ciiy of Ashe- villa wa aiarme-l by the nnirinir of tbe fi co-bell, on arriving at tbe jail waa found that mob bad takau the negro John Humphrey out and bunjr him to limb. The negro had mot the 13 year old daughter of Bsnjair.io Pal ken in the luberba of tbe town and crimU Dally aKaallcd her. She was iranj-. led and left aoiiaclcs on tbe ground. Tb police were notified and a aenrab began immediately ,m4 wat nine oVIiK-k lb negro wa fonnd and identified by the girl. About 215 Sunday morning a party i-nlrml tbe jail and took the prisoner by breaking the steel cage, and hung him about a quartet of a mile fiom tbe iuil. A atrikinu peculiarity of Scn'aor Daniel of Virginia, ia that be ia rare, ly withont a ciar. Ha ia . not all way tmoking, but there are fow momenta in the day when he doe not l ave a cigar in hi mouth. W ben be sit in tbe Senate Charm bor listening to a speech or following the busitieea of the day he lorn a cigar orer and over io bi mouth and seems to take great enjoyment from it frngraice. When not smoking bis cigar Mr. Daniel obew it. U'i ninyton Revieie, Yes, that ilia way Gen. Grant and many other caused aiicer in iho mouth and throat. - Give os trial on Job Work we can comp'cta with any firm on Joh Work so let na have it. Subscribo for the PttS- from mw octil flrel of Januray 1833 for only JOcv'Dts- Primary Conventions. All Ike Old Officer renomInatd. ALiucar TowHSRip, Oo laat Saturday at 2 o'clock a large body oi Democrat met at the courthouse. Air. Chita. D. Craw, ford, as chairman of the township execnlive commilloe called tbe con vruUoo to order, and in a la words explained tbe oljuct of the meoung, and added that as bia name had beeu put in nomination for tho legislature, be fell that duty bound him to de oliue. He oouoludud by calling J W Mauney, Em , to the chair a tains orary chsirniani Tbe wain ber of ibe prese present were asked to act as temporary aecretaries. Upon motion I tie temporary ot&uor were elected a permanent. . It was moved that 25 delegate be appointed by the chair, tj which wore to be added the Chairman and the Suoretartos,to attended Ibe oouns ty oonvulion, and that these dele gates sl I heir vote a a unit for whomsoever ilje convention recoms mended. 'J h's Wat carried The following wore then recom mended unanimously: Uoralio N. iVoodson, f r Ueijiter of DoeJt: J. Samuel McCubbius for Couuly Treas urer. B C Krvy lor Surveyor, li A Aiwoll, lor Coroner. For Sheriff, C C Krider and Ben. ton Lud iok wore placed in nomina tion. Both plodged Iheraselve to abide by the result of tbe Con Tens lion, Tho ballot resulted u follow; Krider, 139; Lodick, 43; MoCub bim, 1; J It Crawford, 1. Mr Krider waa Ibeicforo declared the ohoice of the convention. For the House of ItepreenU.iveK;J H Mc(uhhins, 142, Suinuol Uolwoii, Zt; J Li Mffcrd Crawford, 1; Overman, 1. Mr MuCubbina waa therefor da dared llio choice of tho convention Tb ebuirinan announced tb deles galas to lha Couuli Convention at follows: Luke Blaokmor, L 5 Overman, D It Julian, Bobert L Shaver, B U Marsb, J D Uuskill, 1 Si Kun.hardl Dr li T Trauibam, A 11 Boydon, A Barretlloa Uornh, C D Crawford U S Brown, C A Kioe, J M Brown J no Beurd. Poler Fulti, J C Mos CandieiM, S F Lord, John Movie, W L Hanking R Silliman,Geo W Gutes J F K., F li Shoburj J W Muuney cliuii mnti; J J Bruoer, J J Stewart, Tbeo Bucrbuuin, C W Culhbortaon, Secretaries. Tbe township exeou live cninmiitee wa next ctiosen a follows: M S Brown, H J Overman S F Lord. Tbe eonveution Ihou ad journed. f . rKANKLIII TOWItsatP. A la lire and enlntsiustW MDI enlhtsiustnr" btage f'd mofjra'.ic voters of Franks tin. met in primary eon vent ion at the auudniny al Z"h. Pi-omplly at 2 o'clook, p. m. When the mwting atoiimnieed by appointing Wilson Trott, K-0 , ai oiiairmnn, and J A Tbouinaoii and VV R Kruley a aeore tariea. The chairmnn having announced that the first business in onter wimld be tho nomiua'ion of a candidate for tiia House of ItcprsHentatives. and for tbe various county officers. the convention proceeded at once to make tbe nominations, with tbe fuL lowinir result: For Uoui-e of Bi-presontntlves J 8 McCuhliiiia, hr. For Sheriff C C Krider. Rei-ister of Deeds U N Wooden Tieasuror J S MrCubbina, jr. -r Survoyor B C Ari'y. Coroner D A Atwell. ' On motion of Dr. V. L. Cromp, it waa ordered that the chairman uDUOtnt 14 duleiratea to represent tbia Convention iu Ito County JAims ooratio Convention at Salisbury, on Saturday tbe 21st inat. - LOCKK T.'WtntP, The voters of Locke township met at Oak Forest on the 14'. la inst. Tbe meeting waa called to order by Dr. Cowan. On motion, Mr P B Cress? wa chosen chairman and F M Tarr aoeretary. The onveiiion voted by ballot. On first ballot, for Assemblyman, S Uobsnn received ? vote. J S Mc- Cubhins 7. For Shcnff, B Lndwick 83. C C Krider 3. For Bi?ister of Mkt, - L. H Botnroak I. H N Woodson S,Brnhardl 2. For Treas urer, J M McCubbin jr. 15, Hugh Jones 40. For Surveyor, J C Bern hardt. For Coroner, D A Atwell. PROVtDIMCI TOWR-OHIP. The voter of this "township met last Saturday and recommended the following persona by aeolamalinru D A Atwell, for Conner; J Sara'l McCubbina, for treasurer; B C Arey, for Surveyor. Fr Sheriff, Krider 42. Lud wick 30.- For Penresenta- live, MuCubl-tn 25, Sifferd 2, Over man 41. For Register of Deeds, Woodson 39, Cot brock 40. . UNITY TOWirsHIP. Thi meel'mg was railed to order br il A Thoiniwon. K Culbortson chairman and J 11 L Rico, secretary. Il wa moved that tba meeting express a choice of candidate for tb different offices, whioh resulted follows, via.: Forth Legislature, J 3 MoCubhins, sr.; for sheriff, C C Krider; lor U. gislerof Ujed, 11 Woods mi; for Cvroner, ) A Atwell, arid County Surveyor.BC Arey. Tbe jflelegales to tho County Conveu- tioit were tbon jalrucll to can too vote of Unity Township for the abovesoamcd cundioates, nod to Con tinue a l'ng at there ia any chance to aocitra the uomitialion, aCJTCB muu. ' Tbe Dtotoeaai of Scotch Irish towiudilp io cmveiition thi li b day nf July, 133, D B U wen bo rough presi jiiig, and N X. t'.eining acting Secy A motion to rorniuale tbe eoanty candidate by ballot was carried. The delgate wore iimlruced to Cast the vote of tha township for the nominee till they saw il was im p xieitile to have thoin nominated, i ben they would be aninairuoled' Tbe nominee were S A HotMon for the Lower li'Mi ;(' C Krider for Sheriff. II N WasiUm for Rosier of L)eJs J S SloUubbin for Treas urer B C Arey for Surveyor and D A Atwell tor Coroner. A motion to send ibe f weeding to tbICOunj ty paM-r was Carried. S M ilob.on in a short tulk thank )d tbe oonvenlion filhe trust it wished to eximmit to (Sm and luank ou il for the honor it conferoJ upon hint. t , . - ' HoaoAH. ' Acoordl ig to a oalt of the Demo eralio ExecuJl tknnfttioo of Uow an oottniy rlia Uein jeralio voter of Morgan tO''iinf) asgamblod al ibe old preaiool it'l l was culled to order tiyWAC-mi'ieil,!?, hon lha follow i.ig of.isV'rs wcrdappoiDled, viz: 7 A Campbell' K'H, cuuirman, and P C Siiuvnr, r jtary. It was unurhm icily agreed thai tbe dulegates be tnslrutao.l to cnsl the volo of said township for the fol lowing gentlemen: Fur House of Uepreauniali, ir S VloCubhina, Sr. for sheriff. OO Krider, for lteyisior of Deeds, 11 N Woodson; for County treuKurer, J Sum I McCubluns, Jr : lor Sarveyo:-, 1! 0 Arhy; lor Coro ner, D A Atwell. ' The folio' ing rcaolmion was than adopted: l:coived that o endow and approve the administration of Urovor Ctovoluiid, and that we plcdgo uim our undivided support. ' cdi.ia aavc The convomiou was attended by more citiruna than my before. C W Coi-ritter wo culled to the ebair, I F Puileraon raado Secretary. The Delegates wore, instructed to vole the lirenglh of the township for J L SitTord for tbe Lislamre, for .Sheriff 0 0 Krider fur Ke isier of Deods 11 N Woijdrton, for Surveyor J C Barnbuct fur Treasurer J S M.u Culbins, Jr, for Coroner D A Al wIL It was resolved that ia case tbe vote of tho township be changed from Krider for Sheriff, that il bo oast for P A Sloop, ., for that office. V: , To'.al vote of township fi.r the different candidates: Krider, , ' ,. ' 73 : 1 4 C3 - 28 13 !)8 6 slliiOD. Kerua, i ' Woodson", V tt.)throck,- ' Bradsbaw, Samuel J Muf 'bbbins, Jr., 11 X J one, D A Atwell. 1 ' 104 92 B O Arey. i C Bern hard l. 12 S MnCubbliuSr.. 43 J SifTcrd, X 6 S M Uobson, Overman, t ' 41 Tribute of Utwpect- A, AVa meetinr of S.ilibbnrv Lidce. No.7, K. of il.. July 16ib, 1888, tbo folio wing preamble and roso luu'onWore aliniiod:t "WbAsah. it uss r.lcascd tbo Ureal iufcir ot tho Univorso to re- I mova l'ro'our roid.st our late broth- ... r'Tt IT HhRI il it iy hut HlSt, that a I filling re' ..iiionofbis many virs Ues aboul be had. therefore be it. Keivlvefiv K vf II Lodire. No. 775, that vii wa bo with bum ble submn, ; ,UB wiii ,,r ,uo Most High, o do not tte less mourn tor oar brolbV who has been taken from oa. JUsoloed, Tit fa the' death of A. 1. Jlock.lhl ige tumeiii toe loss of a b. other sfl 1 was over ready to as proffer lha h' in uiii ana ids voice of s- nipathy he needy and diss U-eaaed of ll iiormty. A friend and couipaii ho wa dear to u II. ..r i , L l bfartfoltayms I aiaiotion. these resolution records of tbe Lodge and Jopy be transmiifed to lha family tnr deceased brot her 7' and to euch ( the. newspapom in Salisbury T) Heall. JiSRNHART, Com. Kluttz, A corres pf ont nf the Stleaville Landmark : TTo prjvent rats . I hava for 40 year elder bushes on the rom cutting used a li floor, and b era every la vex of oat a qnan of the bushes, and d the wall. If a good armful to each especially a quantity (stfi all It oad) la nnei is H not di4urb tha oate.' lust tha KlriUo. v a bottle of Acker' And always baslnth Kc in th house. Yon ion Croup may strike r a cold or a cough caruiot tell 1 your littt o may fasten upon von. One done is a prevent and a few -loses potvi- nerure. Ji rai a'Hi L.nnctroublet iid to its nent. A simple bottla is ai ven von snu me Keniexly guar-tee-fl, Druggist. auteed by L Send you IVork to tba Paess. li1" are bis family in Jf -ir "Uesol rod, f list Km MfWlisajl uni tha' For the Trxo. SheUhes from an Ilumbl. Si.2. , , "O flie tasks in imvet taken, Fur Uod alone to nee; O the patient tilth unshaken, Thro, if ti year of misery ." To-dsy Mis Poily passed aain ber tail ainucy, hardened form toil. lug beneath tbe wei 'hi of the usual week marketing; ber atout red leather shoe made rodder by Ler tramp through the daep mud and tier limp homespun bonnet more limp ui.d loppiu as (bo rain pours on it ana in tier tic. !io curries oo umbrella tb has- no band for one. for atraight at bur siJo, eueb had carrie tbo mini two-gallon bucket of milk aid to eucb bundle is lied the smaller bucket of butter or egg. Under the right arm U a sack with a peck of wee I potatoes and two large extra ono "llio lurs gest 1 could find,'' for Mim B. h- aant Mammy some tea," and ' Muio iny wanla tier to have hr veiy oost'tutrecogiiilion of the kindne: and aha- pppologte for not being Die to csrrv more. 1 unipo-e a soon possible of those things, and hurry tiacK tbrougli rain and mud, lest thi dear old mother may need so mo lding she could not uni:uipato, Or be lonolv for a few mo.uenls mora than ahst.latoly iiccesaury, is the spur l evoiy moveine'it.r.oi even to rest tho weary limb till sho isaguin al home. Thi one absorbing purpose, ibis deep and tender alTovlion, ibis unre mitting effort seem to lilt up a life, all aull'-forgetting; nil solf-i enounc ing. . Who knows wkit other love has in time filiod this lender heart, what inuiden plan and maiden hopes may bsvo claimed lha pluce now all so lull, what memory of an "Idol ciorhod and broken'' still haunts iis secret chambers. Tboso cham bers which are yel not empty till el and brimming ovor with Dllia' af- loclion 1 uave seen tt oveIow and stream ont al ruenlicu of tbe pros pect that tdir) moiber may oou be called avay and ho be left alone, alone, atone. 1 have beurd her cry out "O if she should pass away what h.ilj J dol .. She is my deaf dear mother, Oh Mi Polly she has be oomo more ihun mother If more1 than lb nt can bo. Yon aro now vir tually her mother uu l doubly be reaved would be your life, should you be left behind her. It is true ibal not much more of life can be now before you, but I believe that work done und vour purpose gone, your du would bo shortened by a biolten life, and broken beurl. "Beautiful bands are tnose that da Work that is earliest, brave and true Moment by moment the long life tluvugh Beautiful ehouldeia are those that bare Ceaneless burdens of homely care Willi jtetieui arsue aud daily prnyar." OU-ERVEB. For the Pruis, What we Think of Salisbury. If any one doubts that Salisbury is a pretty pluce we beg him to drive over it luke first tile leiiglh of Main ti-cet, and say (after leaving u.e biinnos portion.) if, in bolb di rectum it is nol more than an ordi nary picture, parliouluiiy a yon ap prouco (Ja'low! Ilrll, where nil is new and fresh and sweet, every borne in this section show taste and care and a spirit of improve niont. Inniss siioei it beautiful with Us broad avenoe almost in every psrt; Kveo the fow unsightly places lull lo break tba impression ol Doau ty one gel from Ibe gencrul view tnongh there is lest of cure bestow- ed on tha woet looking homes. Ful ton and Bank lieet, ara also loves lv .nil Ik. tinw mmi ncallw .nlla.tni on either sido, after cnwing"Brool;s I even of st ranker. Mr. Bluukmor's I Ii'n Hrnlue will oluim Ihn rtilnnlinii I handsome lesidenco and expensive -iKIT'Kwi' .nd on the other an exq isita lawn. The most attraotivsi feature of our town is ita trees. At Mr Jno Uorab's snd Mr Mauoey'a CHpeoially are.soen elegant tree as can be (roxa. At the alter nlueu a nor ect arbor ia furmed over the side walk. But ono cannot enumerate all that makes Salisburr atlraouve. Take in the not panoramma worth alt it costs, A. CliiKl Kllloa. Another cliild killed bv tha aw of P'ate Ki'en in the form of Soothing ':: J7 1 : ' T. " ' J:-': . .. .... .. v.- . j K " t i .1 wneu iney van relieve me ciiiui oi lis peculiar trouples by usiug Apker s li.ibf ooower, it couihiiis do upium or Mor phine. bold by L. K, 8 tee re, Druggist First Domestic "What a all that row ap-iaiin7" Second Itomostic "Oh, that's nothing; just tbe master scoiuiug tbe missus aooul my cooks ing. Vmana fiord. We can and I) a. Guarantee Acker's Blood Klixer for it has been fully demonstrated to the peo ple of this country that it is superior to other preparations fur binod diseases is a positive enre for syphilitic pois oning, I leers, bru'itivins anil rimples. It (.urifies toe whole system and tborouglily builds up the canstitutiou. The girl are all a fleeting show, For man'a illusion Riven. Their smiles of joy, their tears of woe, Deceitful shine, deceitful Sow, There is not eno true iu (even, Jereury. rear When a young omit sits in the pais lor tal ing nonsense to his sweet heart thai' capital. But when be to ""J" in o1' wninge after they marnca liial tauor.-, AHotlthly Growth. Aefeer Jilood Klixer baa gained a firm hold oo the American tieuple and is acku iwledl to h superior to all other tr).ir.itioj. li is a Kitive cure for all BIikxI u4 k i:i Dimmsc. The mediual fraternity indorse and prearrilte h. uuarauumu auu aou by L. t, Sleere Dnuajisl, VTa never beurd of a persietont litigant in tbeourl who was either a good farmer or a good neighbor. IIn.piin-tw and Catenlmr-nt Cannot go hand in hand if e look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Notbiog will so darken life and make it a burden as Dysjiepiiia- Acker's lyjep i Tat) lets will cure the worst form of Dyspesia, (.Aiustiputiou and Indi(estion and make life a happiness and pleasure. Hold at 83 and 60 eenta by U b. Kteere Egs can be kepi fresh aovcrul weeks by standing ihoio ou Ibe lii tle aud in suwsduHt. Anatuuoemeuta, I hereby annonoce myself a candi. d its for the olui-e of Kherilf of Uowau enunty, iioieet to the aetiou of lbs Ueuouralie Couuty Convention. B. Lousier. ' We are authorised to announce II. X. Wood no n, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Itegister of Deeds of Kowan county, subject to the aetiou of tlie tieiuocralie County Convention. We are authorized to announce C. C. Krider. as a candidate for re-election to the ottice of Mheritf of Uowun county, subject to the action of tha Keiuourulic Count Convention, We are authorited to announce C. C. Arey, as a candidate for re-election to the olliee of Surveyor of Kowan county, sulijeet to the action of the Democratic County Convention. We authorised to announce J. 8.imel McCubbius. as a enndidato for reelec tion to tho ofhee of Treasurer of Kowan Count, subject Ui the action of the democratic Uouuly I onveution. If you bavu any Job Work aend it to the Pbiis where it will be dono with noatnots and dispatch. ELECTION ! - i we have been elected by a larne major ity of our friends and enstomeri to go into larirer and more coinmlinna q mr. tors.Auguat ltst, aud to reduce our In rue stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ladies Fine Dress Goods Notions &c. We will offer for the next T2alrty XDrtyo FOR CASH toelose out the above named iroods ami many others at and below cost. Will keep on hand all the time a full line of CfroocrieH and every thing nsuuly kept iu a first enuv tiiuniry Biure. We are headquarters for chickens e?Ks, butler and all kiuds of country produce. Dont fall to give us a call when yon come to China (irove. Thankful for past favors, Very Kwpovfully, WISECOFFA EDDI.EMAM Ml We wish to inform the we have opened a large assartment of If "T i ilXUJlot I0UU1S, UIIU ' We Wish to Rtatfi thut un(ler lhQ impression that , oT,nr,nm TT.imn krmo that they have been laboring under a great mi3 take, as we only carry a well selected stock of Spick Span, Brand New '- . - . - .. - Goods tO Stlit OVGry body. Bspectfully, I. BLUMENTIIAL. Ac BRO In Buist Building, Main StreoL SANITARY CLOTHING. HEALTH WAISTS, UNION UNDERGARMENTS, SKIRT SUS PENDERS, 6T0CKINQ AU Mrs of Hesritfctal Csiswals, as aalli ss r " g - -" ' , i-'-f i "n-rr Wnga, aaal IWTwll-wgt'i stimf asanlpusa. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SANITARY SUPPLY CO., BATTLE CREEK. MICH. . , HEALTH FOODS alt cli f iMTalidka. " 'i j SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. SANITARY FOOD FOR INFANTS. Prev.su. an4 ,r Casluia lanaiawi SANITARIUM FOOD CO., . BATTIE CREEK, MICH, THE QLD liELIABLB Charter Oak HII'j lliiv Wooderful Wlr UatiM Orrti Ior. LVERY OSE TIUT1H SOLD CAUS ES TUKUXLB Of OTUER3 tu tiuoH war: They Wave St tod tbe teat foi K vearw. I -Their uiastruetiaa ia aa simple they . cannot run io openua. They, are nianuf.ietured of tbe bnat pig irjn that ii produced. They ar noted lor their ulforui baking. They have a World-wiJe Reputation . for durability. And last, hut not least. They haV " VVOiDEUFUL WTKE OAUZaDCH, Also allother kinds of OOOKIN'GJ STOVES on band, all kinds of nmir. in on stills. Copper Work, House roof ing and guttering doue ai tb lowest price. WiUiams Browrv ', 27 4 , Salisbury, K. C. J. Blumenthal&Bro." '' PIAI.IKS IS Raaiy Mida Clothing end Gents Furnishiog Goods. liar opened large aud we'f ao lecled ilcok in tbe BUIS BUILDING Price lower than any ho ia town. . '. Give us trial. T11K OLD 1 have bought out the bar of D. Hi Leonard. . Aud I will carry a full Jine of Sua Whiskey, Brandies, "Wines, Beer and Cigars. 1 respectfully ask tbe puironnga of the public and will endeavor u pleuso ull who laror mo with their call. - Yours respectfully, O JML COOli Salisbury, N. C, June 8, OH. BUTTS' rrmt -il Chronic Dihvm. aad wijo7 UB tlr;.ntatl.iri thturb tha ctirtn of orri.tt.'aUNl eaV rtuvu of lbs UIoinI, ua ur bursas, in ,uI sjtih Ma va, wlihoitt twlnfr Metrimry or I'nte-oav u MoI I. I, YOUNCW -wff-rtit. tn. tta.aWo IfHifaiili iiiiK?f1 vt d tln. coatc ita iria tr hiial'n tar mttrneura. iharTtin' at iy carw). IEHT3 TPfATED l'??V7l rVT.irb M TH9M Bad tv Haw rVwea UMfitawt) altM 4 T nil aJtiawl.'i aits to tWr 4aalap. H sm a ar-ea-? llja. MH w. W avla wih KM. L. M .avtiM aw asnirTwaaal public in ereheral that ni n rti ii UlUUrCIlS UlOllllIlff. tn t.hfiSft TXrin TiaTfl VAr we only deal in r- 3 3m SUPPORTERS. nmt nanwalla ! ssln. Tin Thi. rial ami lb aijtlaj.