nrn Th r Jw nil "3 5- I i J " ttif Hi T ho S at isbu ry Pre s s . ISSUED EVERY- FRIDAY. C, W, CUTH BERTSGNy Editor.. The Piiess is published every Friday morning at -One Dollar ypY year or Seventy-live Cents for aix months, etrlclly in advance. SXLISBUPwV, N. O., JULY 27th. Iva-t-i-ouni Democratic Ticket. " . ( FOR PBEJHENT, GPOVEU CLEVELAND, of New York. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, A L LEN G. T 11 U RM 112, of Ohio. V - P. CONGRESS 7X11. Pi-TRrCT, JOHN ?.' fTENDEUSO . of Tiowan. Democi'alrc Nominees. FOR (mVKU.Vou. Hon. DANi Efj tf. FOWLED ; of Wake. 1 FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: MMT(,.1& JKH ot Alamance jfOR ASSOCIATE. JUSTICES SUPREME COURT. HON JOS J DAVIS, of Franklin. FORPTjrrtEME CorKT JUDGED HON JAMES E SHEPHERD, of Washington. HON ALPIIONSO C AVERY, of Burke. " F-!R SECRETARY OF STATE: WM L SAUNDERS, of Orange. TO II TREASURER': . DONALD W.BAJN, , of Wixkof JoR feUPERINT E ND E NYliOF PUBLIC IN- ' STRUCTIOX: SID.nEY m finger, of 'Catawba. Fr.R ATTONEY GENERAL: jfHEODORE F DAV1DSNN, of Buricombe: for auditor: HEY G W S.NDERL1N, ; ' of W ay no It is said that there will be an in dent candidate! for the legsitature, U'lsp that there may be one forsheriff. The men havo not ma-fle their intcn ions known to the'public yet. Mr. Sandei tin says "'that there is no such thiug, as an nM fr-" Tr Nomocracy never will bo; old bo h ubottt tb.reeNthirds about thavt.' . An eld colored man speaking fof Mr. fea'-iwiderli n was heard to. say, 'dafs do mail da l I'se guine to vote for lie Dext 'lection. I likes his talk, 1 tell ou I dose an if you niggers Vote for him you will bo vo'irv for de right raaD." a- v The town of Chetopa Jvan., has passed a law prohibiting bdys under fifteon years of age to bo on the streets after eight o'clock at night. 4t would bo a good thing if "overy town and city in North Carolina would pass such a law. Now is the time for the business men to advertise, crops will soon bo laid by ahd tho farmers will b.e corns ing in to buy thoir supplies , for the jfail. This is a national and state ca-npaign year, and every ono that can, wants to rea l the papers, to get the campa?gn news;, and in. this way . the advertisements will reach more people. Cjif subscription list is in 1 . - creasing, and the business men will do well to hand in tbeir advertises ments at once and let the people' know what j'ou -have for sale; A rnan that does not advertise 'docs not have bis full share of the trade. JLov? much more will it pay him to j give the editors of his town papers ' a chance to live, and in that way geraore trado than toho!d back a few dollars and say that the people know whore to get geofU'. cheapest. That may be so, bu t if you will no lice' that the people alwas go to. the ones that are mado familiar to them through the columns of the nowspas ! per. So, business men, men "who want to build up-the town and get more trade, the best thing they can do -to accomplish it, is to sivo the papers a good, advertisement,, per sons, from abroad, w he ni they see a papey with good home advertise- . ments always say that that is a bus inoss place, and its adver-rising .mer chants do a ood paying business, and are regarded aft the euteat of H?f:ms by all. SjeraJ your Job Work ta the Pkess. GENEItAL NEWS, The famous novelist E. P. Koe, died on the 19lh ins: j Mr. Milfc? pays he does not expect favorable action oa his biil in the i .Senate. ' A blind negro, convicted of mur der, was hanged at clay ton, Au, last week.- The whiskey war continues at Harlan: Ky. Three men have been killed, and the court house vs held by armed men. i i' Tbo Republicaoy.of'Arlcanfia have decided to put rio State ticket in the field and recommend t io support oi thoUniion Labor ticket. A terrible flood is reported from West Virginia, causing the loss of twenty-five lives and a money loss of about S130,C00. It s rumored that when M. de iKisscps finishes the Panama can til, the first vessel to cross thelsthmus will be propelled by the K-cely mox tor. Life. The Labor party of Wisconsin has. made" nominations: for St-ate officers; the platform opposes fusion or ctalr-lion- with the two old parties. tTT-trrtnr;vf8"orthe new crop of cotton was sold in Savannah the 15 inst. for fifteen cents a pound; it wa. classed as strict middling. The Chicago p'olioo coutinue toj 'make arfests in connection with the: conspiracy Co murder tho law officer who were nrominenA iu the. Hay 4 market prosecution. Two duirorous counterfeiters were arrested in Pittsburg yesterday af ternoon; thy are thought to be a part of tbo gafi-g who- are flooding tho country with cCtLiitcrfeit money. A- Railroad Political Club has been oranized i at Chicago composed of railroad man. Its purpose is to use every effort to cket men to the leg islature who will make laws-far the laboring man. i Charl Ate Charlotte: Fire was dis. cov'erod Monday-niorning in a batch of cotton standing on tho platform of the R and D. railroad, caused by the saiall boy and the cigarette. 'The war departmant has receiv ed a telegram announcing the death at Nevv London,- Conn., of Lieuten ant Cclonel Walter JdcFairland, corps f engineers, from rheumatism of tho heart. i - On July 23rd;, Ike Lambert, a white man,-while intoxicated, shot and killed T. U. Ileslle and two ne groes of Mount Pleasant, Monroe county A!a. He wis arrested. The explosion of a steam pipe on board a tug: boat,' near Wrf .P"" Indiana, jjlllod seven of the, crew veVc"asieep at tho time of the acci- L dent, I St. Clairsvil'e, Ohio, andr vicinity; weio visiied by a' destructive, ."-torm Thursday evening; crops were swept away, railroads greatly damaged, and it is fiared j several, i lives -ware lost; the aggregate Ions is estimated at not less than 100,000. A V Bragg, ex-sherifT of Ouachita ccuntv, and a brother of Wal'er L. Bragg, of the Interstale Commerce Oornn.issiori, was eliot and killed Monday night at Camden, Ark.,- by S G Sevier. The row carho up over political n altors. There was a hanging at MonliceK Io, iN. x., the princpal -ac'Joi- in which cxhitnted an iron nerve; he adjusted the noose around his neck, sang and praj-ed under the gallows,' asked for a glass of whiskey, and gave the words, "let her go, Gallas gher," when the trap was sprung. ! i ,At Morley station Cal, James Mason, stage driver, committed sui cide in a horrible" manner. He bought a fifty pound box of giant powdcivsat on it and touched cxplo. sivo off. The coroner gathered up twenty pounds of body in a basket; A very brief special to t he Post- - ' a-" cn i I county ofheers of Crittenden county, L . . m m T- Ark., was nangeu oy a moo at Mas Hon Monday night; :-lhat . tho race war has broken out afresh, and that a terrible state of affair prevails. Hicks Carmichael, colored who' murdered Depuy Sheriff SJiipo on May 20Ia9t, 'was executed July 20th bv Sheriff Jones inside the jail in the pieseuce of twentj'eight "witnesses, the number required by law. The hanging caused but little excitement and only a small crowd surrounded the jail" Carmichael said he was prepared for death. The cannon ball passenger train on the i Alabama diviion of the Hast Tennessee, Virginia &i Georgia. Rail road ran through an' open switcli, thirty miles from Chattanooga. The engine turnod over, ai d the en gineer and fireman were fataUy in jured. The switch had been mis placed by two negroes, who were caught and both contVssed. They were taken to Cleveland to escape lynching. , ; It seems that there is something more than fun in the assertion that the Chinese favor the election of Harrison. The New York Star states it as a fact thatthe Chinese of that city are actively at work raising a campaign fund to assiit the itenublicans. Eight miles fi-om Lynchburg, Va., another dreadful catastrophe took place or.otbe Norfolk & Western R. R. before da' on Sunday morning last. A misundeistanaingasto right j of way between two -trains is said- to have been the' Cause ot tie' accident. A material train wag run ntng back ward, and Was dashed' into by a heavy train of freight cars gor ing at considerable speed, the' en gine, of latter actually mounting on top of the wreck of the material train, and crushing and grinding-evs erylhii g in its way. Nine cars of lb 3 freight train were torn all to piecies, and merchandise was scaU t-jred in every direction,- Eight bodies" have already been taken from the horrible :ains, and it is said tha. there tre two:--more still buried under the crashed ev.r- The Coronor's jury in the case of tho Norfolk and Western railroad wreck rendered tho following vers dltt. ' ; .'.'""?"''. ;-; ' ' . VYe fi'nd' the Norfolk atd Western Railroad Company guilty of neglect in sending complicated orders-, not easily understood by tho employes of the company, as shown by cvN denee-adduced before the jury, and for failure to desinato eogine No. 3, vrbich-WCMild have prevented this collision, and it is the opinion of this jury that the Norfolk and Western Management should be hejd respon sible for the results of the disaster. A St. Louis special says:" Infor- mat ion has been recieved from Crit tenden county, Ark., to tho effect that the grand jury, which has been investigating the! banishment of 18 negroes by an armed organization; lias m-ade its report. The remit is the return o nearly 4-0' indicments. ie gt ano jury tound that anno3' u.ous notes had boee sent to a nuni--of while men by negroes, giving the whites five days to leave the county. Upou recieving the threatning epi'3-. ties ttie whiles met, armed, and es corted outofthe country the negroes lmniicateu.- A-monir those who re 1 ccived orders lb quit the county within five days were Col. J. F. Smith, the leading merchant of Mas non; Sheriff W. F, Warner of Ci itten den county. J. 11. Stevens, a black smith;- L. P, Beriy, lawyer; and S O'. Mosby,. a tormer maistrtao of Marion. The grand jury succeeded in trac ir:g tfbe annonymbus threats to the office. ot tho County Clerk, David Ferguson, ono of the 18 megroes ban ished. Ilis office vt as opened and fragmenu ot annonvrroous notes, which evidently had not seemod to be satis:actory, were founa on the floor. Experts pronounce the hand writing as that of J. W. Ramsey, "a young South Carolina negro in em-, ploy of Ferguson us a clerk. Atinitun, Va.;i Jul' 25' On Muii da), John Grayson, .o f J f ihj?- t o w . , v4rt!ngrbn. ai J while drusiU '( r'-wi lrVrni ins pocket and turned the weapon toward his com paiiiou. Lilbu'rn Trigg, a citizen, seeing the danger laid his hand on Grayson's shoulder and expostulated with ' him. Immediately -Grayson, turned on Trigg ind shot him in thv left shoulder. Grayson i!ed,-f- Slowed by an angry crowd and wan tin u:i!!y' shot dovvn. Trigg whs in J.ho inenns time ca'rid home, and his mother, when she saw her son apparently dead, was so shocked that she died. By ten o'clock the next morning Grayson was dead'. If Gravsou had not died from his wounds he would have been lynched. : , South American Mosfiuitoes. A writer in a recent magazine article says: "Some ludricrous stories are told about adventures with the mosquitoes. I have beeu soiemly assured that very of ten wh-n they have attacked a boat and driven its captain and crow below, they have broken the windows of the cabin by plunging in sv. arnis against them, and have attempted to burst in the doors. Although this may be something of an exaggeration, it is nevertheless true that frequently horses and cattle, after the most frightful sufferings, have died from mosquito bites ou board the vessels. Not long ago' a herd of valuable cattle were being taken from the United States to a ranch upon the Magdalena River, and became so desperate under the attack of the mosquitoes that they broke' from their stalls, jumped into the water, and all were drowned.. Passengers, intend ing to: make the voyage usually provide themselves with protection iri the shape of moequito-bars, head nets, and, thick gloves, and whenLon deck are compell ed to tie their sleeves around ther wrists, and their pantaloons around J their an kles." ' ; Caution tolothers. Every mother is7 cautioned against giving her child Jaudnum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stim ulants which kills the nmid or the child Acker's Baby Soother is specially pre pared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless ami contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold ; by LE SteereDruggist Xiaii!cs on tlie If aoc Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked.upon by many with suspicion Acker's Blood" Elixir will remove all impunities and leave the Complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will -so thoroughly build .up the constitution, purify and str3U2then the the whole system Sold and; guaranteed L E Steere Dru-rijist. f Give us a trial on Jobj Work wo can complete with any firm on Job Work so let us have it.! A Novel DeticeV MiHedgeville,, Ga.- July 2&h; Virgil Wright, a young negro hailing from down about Oconee got into: a serious difficulty last night while burglarizing Mr; William Harper's store, iu Midway. Mr, Harper has sustained a consideraibe" loss recent ly from burglary and determined to put a stop to' it, Which he did nicely. He fised np a riflo and placed it on a pivot in arevolving position. Strings were tied to the trigger and run about the room in such a manner that they would jerk the muzzle of the gun in the direction they- were touched and at the same time diss change the gun. V irfil Wright was the unrortun- ate coon caugt in tins novel trap. After he had forced his entrance in to the store and began to- plunder, he i an against one of the springs, which had the desired effect. The rifid wheeled 10 waids him and diss charged its contents in his- stomach. lie was" foarid at the store'this morn ing and lodged in jail, where he is now in a dying condition. The rem edy is a simple and novel ono, but is guaranleee to cure burglary. "fotefor the Country. Owning the rfcht to vote 1 will not hand it over to a pariy. or a par ty leader, but will exorcise that right as best suits mj-self and in accor dance 'with my own views of the duty which tbo citizen owes to bis T.I '.1. .1 country. I believe that me man who voles for country before party is a patriot and that he t ho votes for party before country is a traitor, in whose hiirtds tho ballot is as dans gerous to tho country's wea,l as the dagger in the hands of the assassin is to the man against whom1 the as- sassio has a grudge. I will not vote j'for fien'iment or spite, but will vote to accomplish a result. My vote will be eaet for that party or man who will' do live most good for the city I live in, the State of which that city is a part, and the country of which that Slate is the keystone. Ii my advice would be taken all work--ingmen would vote just that way. 7. V.. Powder hj. Early Training For Boys. Boys cause great anxiety as ' i& their future. They are to be citis zensof-tho fuiure,and on their train ing much of the country's welfare depends;- Next to Christian princi pies and proper motive, labor, mens tal as well as physical, should be insisted on in the training of bovs. !,abor is, in itself, not otdy discis piine and pracli'-al urep?i ration tor an active l:;e, b;it it acc''islu:as tbe m-'ind to mlihodical habits, ives it case r.nd .alorlncsc in p.aci::-a! a- ji -iwv omen uajjil. uy pronitthio -occti-- -wittnn Oil! :U. An, .Vi-a.loVj lis you ih, the lnissj- is in. its ms't- formal ivo Mine, and, by a iav ii naiiire, it is obliged' to be '.olive either gjod o;evil. There-. 'tore, "it should t3' i t:eivgivt earlv to work long the lines ot sound prin ciples.aud ennobiing intensive Shoti Id bo hel'-i out to the -'youthful : aspu ants. Eai ;y hai-its and' improssion- are hard to change, and, ift Uiey are of tlio righi kind, make a solid foun dation for a uobie and. useful life. -fr Is It Too Late. It may be too late, quite to late, to set aright mischief qnce done to over cousequences,to stop the work ing of the evil that we have set in motion. Bui is not too late, it is nev er too late, to come to God. If you can't Jbe what you might bavo been, yet yon can still be something that Christ will love and, value a hum- ble penitent soul. If 'ou can not serve God as you miget have done nay, it you have clone harm that you can never undo yet you can still give Him what he values more than ail the service a will surrendered to his will. If it is too late for everys thing else,' it is never too late to join tho service of Christ. The Dear Little Pig. A raiser of pigs tells how to pro vent sows from eating their pigs, as some animals are prone to cV. At the suggestion of a friend the writer tried the simple preventive of feed- ing two or three pounds of bacon to the sow tho day before farrowing, and two more the next day or two ufier wards. She ate' no more pigs but proved to bo a valuable stoek bearer,- Tne evil disposition refered to is chargeable to a morbid appetite all animals have when breeding. Worrls and their Use. ; As Miss Ang.eline,who lives at the' South End, came down to breakfast the other morning, looking a trifle puhie but very happy, her mother, looking sternly toward the daughter, cleared her throat and H'e marked iu a serious tone of voice: "My dear, Edwin, staj'ed much later than usual last night, did he?'' ' Oh, no, mother!" "Be careful, my child; I am quite sure of il.rt "No, indeed, mother, he didn't stay I at all late. Woy, what makes you think he did?" j "Because" I happened to be awake when he was going out, and I heard him whisper to you at the dpor 'Just one!' . Sub3crib now for the- Press and get the news of the Campaign only 40-Jts, for 5 m nths. " QLOStttG OUT r 8AXM f ha on safelhe finest .line; of" WATCHES CHAINSi CHARMS, . - -NECKLACES, PINS EAR-BOBS, AND ESPECIALLY IvINGS,. ever shown in this "niatkett- which I snail oner how. 'at prices l.ever oeiore given in Saliebury,.; C. I. ttot. Yatchmiker; Jeweler and Optican,; Second door above the Post Office.- RHEUMATIC BBS'ST EiST INDIA SEMSSIE3 ."' A SURE CURE FOR NE UJLl L G TA, L UMBA G C and . kiaDhed diseases.- which is an entire: new coni pound, and' the moat effectual remedy for Rheuma tism in all its forms and stages es'ef yef discovered;-'the treatment is new and succefub I The medicine is pnt up in "16-ounce bottles, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.; and are taken one after the other iiv their order tH I the number is reached which completes ihe cure. KO :-MiiiRClJRY or other obje rious drugs are used. Tne system is cleansed of all injud, tionable dnts previously takenoen left in a free Sand litttu'ral state.: C. P. ABBOT, Agent. !- ' Salisbury, N. C- ; Tho POLICE GAZETTE- will be maded, securely i wrapped, to any address In the United States lor three months onreceipt of one bollar: ' Liberal discount allowed to post masters j agents and clubs. Sum pie copies mailed free. Address all orders to Ei CHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square N. Y. Sis. Herrls ile3ieQ7 Co. JcTop a, tw. iou latiLO. 'As to the su9cos of yoaV raediclno, this I kcow, wbrens it luoathBcai, 1 .iO waait, loaa ana stoop-nociceroa iL. X - f - . 1 i. 4 -. , t . . . Ka. ..Ill 1; U LIU . J itt 1 . .i tv . w . O-JUI-. hme . .Vhls T-ero eniot I.i tosairsnnvt rollinr ';pa-i eTcr5!orbll..'itl bi bjaiache. I-cay viierflf ;:t wfii the.c"" tne-. X-io-', utter ino no oi yvn mow rr-- t MOMtTi f-i :nvjeit a jtt a erect, wrcaa e!chti;5 i: t.pir's to oo 1 thai I ,wWfc.lJ8A!tSJ fVX .atua -o?na rio3 b. recom-aanalng jour roc cj, Th? ov'r'al I'ttor fron' Y'htcli tho abovf Isa; jxtv-.ct, ri'ul BffvtL-j.1 feividrt'l other? expn-9sla .-iniiiisr opinions, :n e.iimuy tijronjr mvms.nre on ai d -'-!-i 'cc fte u ij jiiiv on.i t-aUi.-.n' at our Dfi'ci who ebo-wa hi. l-5j.t---est, in ihe iiiattr arises iurt-ly frc-in a dcir i to cr.;i! il ag-iiluat ImposltJcn. K.Ki3 SS?SE3Y CO. KF'GfHEMtSTS, -rketonciEtnS;. ST. LCU;3, MO. W UssiiS 'z Irstta-it t-vo asatij 3. ttee ncniU - i (Corrected: weekly by D. II. Julian) Corn. .:..!... Wheat..... 75 to 85 .50 to 55 ...$2.15 to $2.50 15 to 20 8 to 15 20 to 25'' ......8 to 10 40 to 50- J eas.... Flour.. Butt6r. Chickens (young). Chickens (old:....., Potatoes! (irish)....., Tobacco Market. (Corrected j weekly by D. M. MilleF.) ' Sales for last week were fairly good. All gradesiare in active demand, es pecially cdmmon and medium fillers. We quote : J Lugs dark ami green Lugs good......... ......$320 450 .....500 " 800 $(i00 -10,00 ..... 900' "12,50 ...$12,00 "18,00 ...$10 00 loOO ....j;1500 20 00 ...52 i CO Smokers common Cood Fine .... Comoion.. Good...... . Fine ;.. Fancy -none offered. T3.VEK LEAF Common. Good ...... inn .....mW 800 .....f8 00 10 00 ...S;10 00-1-50 BUIGHT LEAF Common. Good....... Fine....:. ........SftOO 8 00 ......$S 00 12 00 ....1209 16 00 MTRArPEIS Common.,.;......1. Good........:..--..:. Fine.....:...!......;. ....... Fancynone- offered. ....,$12 00 15 00 $18 00 25 00 ..... 525 00 40 0;), Salisbury Bottling ; J R BRANNOCK, PROPRIETOR, ; ; Manufacturer of I Ginge? Ale, Soda Water & Sarsaparila. Bottled. Beer a Specialty. Our mottp "Clean bottles and first class beverages." We also deal "in ICE of tho best quality and can sell any quantities either wholesale or retail. Orders:, by mail (receive prompt attention. Address ail or-- ders to J. R. Brannock ;- Salisbury, N. C. T U e B uf ar d 9 " CHARLOTTE, N. C. The most handsomely furnislved and complete hotel in the State. Headed, by steam throughout. Electric light and bells, Bar and Billiard Rooms, I Barber Shop and every convenience for comfor of gustSi isample Rooms on nrst floor i WM. JOHNSTON, R.M.MILLER, i , Proprietors. Conrad Li p.-comb, Ofti Manager. ! i i I .. Aspect Til E SILIjBIIRY press . We fiaim begurttlae pub lication of THB SALIS BURY PRESS,. A LIVE DEMOORATIO NEWS- PAPER at only YEAR m a Wo pledtfp ourselves to give the people of Iowan, and surrounding counties a live, wide awake, reliable- iamuyi newspaper.- We prom ee that our1 effort's to please the public and make The Press, second to no other family i newspaper in the State, shall be un remitting. jOur exertions to make it a welcome visitor to the fireside of the people o :'ihis and adjoicinjr counv tieB will not be relaxed; Local State, ai ct (Seneral v?Uich will be carefully com-piicd and con densed for lis 0011111108-. AGRICULTURAL ITEMS We will malte a- sjxcia!1 effort to give far me i f each- week such practi-N car r nd useru! ltitornvation' as we may be able t'o r!tan fronvour best exchanges, and- will from time to tune, as they are re ceived, publish articles ou the best methods of farming, etc: Mining News We have made arrangements by which we ban give our reader the latest rows muses of th and information from the s and adjoining counties. 1 Wo are a so ii4rp:ir"fed-to gie our readers thb latest ziiid- fulusi ac- counts of a il vjnf: ff itileresl that . I . . . . -.- .. ccur thi District, wi lemovals. i - h all appointments and LITERATURE Our Literary made with care selections- will be and will bo interest- ng and of a hiixh order of merit. WIT & HUMOR. We intend to publish humorouB selections fr om our best writers. ALTOGETHER We propr se to make The Press in all its departments second to do other country newspaper iu the State. Terms;. Our terms a-re Stricte? Ca,& in Advance. We will place no name upon our subscription, books unless accompanied by the money. The subscription price of The Press is One year-- wjl.00 .75 Six mo it'bs We pay t he postage. Address 1 . 1 C. W. Culhbertson-- Sa'lisbury; C. FIATE JOB WOIUC. Fine Job Work a Specialty. JSo Botch Wor k" turned out of this of 1 ficev Give usypiir ovders for wha-t you wish and it will bo done with Neatness and Dhpatch, and as Cheap asl it c.a be done in the South. Bring us will guafau Sn your work and we j. r ee you sati.sfactiion. I ! I miiAiRrLiHiim Richmond- & Dattvi-lleJ BailrodcL CONDENSED' SGHEbU'LIy - In effect June'24th' l'SBfe. Trains run by 75' Mrriduin Time.- SOUTHDOUND DAILY". Jo. 59. -I Lv. New Ybrkllo A. Mi ?0 V: M PhiladeK. , 7' 20 A Ai 6;5? P M Baltimore 9 45 " AVabhing- 11 24- " ton' 42 (l harlotts- 3 40 PrNI. 3W AVSL villa " Lvnchr'g 5 50 " 5 10 Richmomt 3 It' ""I 2 30 Burkesvre5 1? "' 4 24 .Kcyrtville 5 57 " fif-5' l-e's 6 13 , " 5 20' Branch1 - . Danville'- 8 50 " 8 05 Greens-.''-IO 35 " 9 42- !' boro' ' Holdborc- 2 401 " 8 10 i f. Rit!eigh 50 fl 45 A, M. Dai hum 6.04 312 " Ar. Chapel hill f5 .0 "- llihsboro 6 .7 " 41.04 " Salenv f6 5 ' 6v-.l- High Point M 1-3 ' 10 16 " . Sahsbtm' 1201 A. Jf. 11 bs " Staiesvibe 151 " 12 12' P. .V. Abbeville 7 28 4 31 " Hot Spr'gs 9 15 ' tt 10 1 Lv. Concoi 1 HO" J2 0f ,: Charlotte 2 55' r K 40 ;iita!!bV'4-40 337 e . Green villa 5 50' " 448 u : Atlanta - 11 00 Pi M. 9 40 " yORTHijQUND; DAILY No. 5L- l Noi-53. Atlanta 6 o0 PI Greenville 1 0 A-.?.-Hpartanbr'g 2 l& "' Cl.arlott 4 50 Co'-.cord ii 4I SaMaburv 0 22 . High Po'int 7:-52 Ti eei)sboro 8 Of iSlein; I1 40 liillsbors- 11 55-P. Durham- P2-36 " 7 10A.M 1 51-P. M 2-53 ' 5 .30 " 6 30 " 7 05 " At. 814- 8-40 fl2tJ4 A.M.. . f3 10 " f4 30 " 1145" " Chapel hill f l l- K'.deigb 1 55 Goldsooro 4 10 Danville- 9-47 A M P M 10 20 P.M 1 23 A M' Drain's ; i.iiuich K. -" iUo li:ir k:;v: 1 : Rich:: . . v' Lvnciibui 12 25 t 00 . 144 - 1 25 2 30- 3 30 5 00' 12 40 P. M.12 54 Charlottsv'le 2 55 Wa.shi4iirton 7 35' 3 05 7 01 11 (C Baltimore 8 50 " 20 '7 Philadelphia 3 00 A. M. 10 7 P.M.. New York G 20 ' " 1 20 Daiiy j Daily, ecpt Sunday. ,- Sl88piri3,-Car' Service. On train No. 50 a'nd 51, Pullman Fuf--fr-t Slpcperc let'.reen Atl;'.-ita and N. Y.- On trains 52 and 53, Piilluiau Buffet" &'eeper between Wi Uistoii mi1 Mont.-' guiufcry; Wk.Jiii gtn , ai.d A est a. Pu! !iia)i Sie-)tr bet-wren Grepn&boro ai'd-Rl-iyli. Pnllnian Parlor Cnr between batisl,nry aai KiK-xvilie. .-Ihrou-li; tickets for sale principle- it'4titas, to nil pohltS;- Fur ra nd inforittrtion annl j ' m ja ny nt 51' the CoUipanjVoh to --. Jot. Haas Trfic Ifanigc, 3: H. Potts . X'ir. Past. Ayi. SlCllMOMj VrA-. Vv. A. Tl'kk - : Div. Pms. AgL- . Kal&iuh. N..C. ' - Jas. L. Tavlwu Gen Pats. JL-t RIGHMOiD & DAN VILLS R; R.; CX). VV. IM, C. Division. Gcu'l Pasenger Depot AsiiEViLLE. X; C, Sep. 24 1SB7' Schedule: of iPasenger trains- . Effective Sep. 52th 1887. "... Eastern - 75ih Meridion ); timn used, when not otherwise eecinb(t wekt-bound: Leave Few York...v... ...... Phiiadelphia...,."".."."." - Balti more'. NVaMhif)gton ..J....... ..4 SO ..6 57 ...9 42 .11 00 p s Richmond. .2 30 a m .:..i 00 " Raleigh. A : rri ve Sa 1 i sb u ry . . . Statesville .... ...J.. ....... Hickory ; Connelly Springs.".'." Morgauton. .1 , iiariun.... 1.. AUev'ilie-. ................. : Hot JSprings t ristown........".V., t K-oxville....-kv..... ....... -.11 23 -.12 2(p m . 1: 26 .. 1 4tf " ...2 34 M ...3 13 "" ..'5 08 7 05 " ...8 45 " -It 00" . F.AsJT Luavef Knoxiile...... ..7 ooMln, , s tifurrislown. '..-8 15 .- Ht t-jmiiir-..-. H25" - I,vii'le....:.?....... 12,(nv "lvound Knob .3 00 Mariou...... 34 Morgan ton. ... ......'.4 50.' Nftw to 5 17 ' Statovil!e....v..v.......;......l8 27 " SahsfeuTy 7 20 ArrivefBxIeigli..., '.....6,35. a iik r : . .- Richmond...... . .....G 15 " ' Washington... ...... ......8 10 ' Baltijnore...rt.....w...-.r....l0 t3 " '.' PhiadHphia......T.....C...1235" New York................ 320pm Dinner stations. fCentral 90f meridhm' tFnr.e. Pullnian Parlor Ca. between salibbnry and Knoxvilie Puiiman Sleepirg cars on all trains Jas. L. Taylor,' W A WiNBrn G PA A 1) P A orty years' trial fcas proved " CLACK. ' JRA'JGKT" the best liver ursine- i the orld- . ' ,; " . . v t r- ' - - . ..- ' .1 "--.'" ."" - i- "- 3- - . ;: ' i " i - J- I! I ii- 1 -i .

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