. - ' V ' 7.: . . . ' '- i ? ' DAIty. GAZETTE. S.1H Btni,N. c. vMQHDAY, DECEMBER IS, 186S. J. 8. HAMPTON", k CO., FCBUsHjms, I) II. W. II. COLE, Fbito. . . . AGE NTS. AH Pestresaters are' i;e. nested to act ft Agknts for Uie'fUzKrrx itoluc lni; 2' per een' fur Ihet" . troul.'Wnr nl' tubri !p'-t'-i- thiy obtain.' We will fir' an extra c f.v to every club ef ten. Prl of ..UcrU 'I' ii fc -"r J six uu-tiMia, H ; AGKIiTS. I l. J. Hidden, Ninberi.e, N. ft .' lr 0. Mckn-Itu'lii;rf rd'County. ' I ... CL. J. Onrwlt;, lU'hrnorid Va,. .'. : ' Bi iil-rord; M.er-- & Co.," '." .,-8- M. Petting II Co., N. Y. ( ' , ' Ca t Wm. Couki'.Yii li Jliiclicll, Oliver & C ., ."81 Irwe. " . , e.en.Yi.T. Ardrsn. Ht-anta.-Pa.' - .."tV. ll:.B.'trn.(8. lst. Aul-ii a. U;i: . - -. , .Tji8T,l ckryi'Jf I . v 'jl : t'r.'-i'i p'."" ... ' ."-.' ;' - rBftTlwm Arlli-os.. Ifc-ilelg'. N- C-' - ' .v ' ML... r ,, ; ;":.nOV,JI.VTTi:BS LOOK. . Matters, at -present lo-'k grand," gloomy ..ji.rhi peculiar for, the people of tlif South, and there is no correct conclusion as to what the future con' tan s of evil to ur, Tlie Cen;'ie-s of the Unite.!' States, jut vlioo IianJs tho. .mlfr-Mivftf 1iarJffdQ-pr .d?stinie, have been organ izevl on .a " platform elfcitlctlly aiitaoni-tic to the recognition of our. rL'lt- in the- - Union. "We era srttp.fi e as soon , ns we read Schuyler Col'nx's speech, .. that' our -representatives haj no cha nee oXjvJinjssiotLiokeJ risen U,- and the period, lime and character of tnose remarks were peculiarly signif ii:?.nt. ... .J'u-t before tliasniiiling of niiht l;e Fpna l by tlie res p.nd t.-legiam... tliroughout. tlio . country, '"wn'J bu'ijdgpffd'a'iiina) (hjTCi' pie of ' the Pibpuldicui fiii-di. They were .'o adopted, and but few of -ih o IVss ndjuuaaUeM. ot'-lhat party -'-but Jont to Ir, ColfaJhejrieavnest Mr. McPhci'-iOn, a man whose, name was almost unknown to us, snran from his seat, tlpcMeel iliat the Unun had not ben restore el and established '" by n inere eler'toy dica'.'oi, tint the ' : gentlemen wl wero the reprcsc'nta tivta of a bravo unfortunate, but how loyal people,.. were not entided to tncir st.a!d as representative of those .... people, ,. ' . . .. y if; H? Thai.' Steven, finery, .no tloub, fit th'e-' burning of his iron mills- ilea only house, by tl that we can rcmcm leStrorln ivtoi tierson. lie re- le way. were that vre can remember t 11 "' i " I i 'In in ' fused to place upon the record the names of tho.;e who -represented tho Southern State's. alth'.tiglj.thir cre deirtin's were iira pivper .a firm. as those fro.il any t tber State. The -mere d'cttuii ot'liie clerk beca'tno tli" law of the land, mid llie Me ci'sicn ' f an ii'res;.ionsibb;pei:s(;in,.bai:keiJ'iy the ...r Biick Republican, beoani., by i s jiieiv u,7:;-the winflhe coutT ""fry;- '"Tlio-piatT6TjFr" i'" sidetif to -,-.recu;4i res -tnrdb, '.tmrl our rep'reKeit fa ti'V-ifs'hci n g , refused aJwwsiort-j with "pr"pjr" spitit returned to tlieir eonsiru-'nc wlio I.ad sent tlieni .there. They ate '" ' 7 lw"myiio w"l'lic'Jed'c,gates'"'. peo ple They ore s-t;t in good faith and wei ej willii'n'lo devote t.heins'.-lves '.' to th p-iciticVtion of the '-anta'Tiii-tic . '.. elements thU' bui'ouii.iled ' thi-m.' Tiicy went iMt in no properspirit Bnel-tbey- t'otiuin -d. . - . Tiio truth U, in tho Ila'ls of our ' Xat ion al Li-gislattiro,-f ecUpnalMii. i rampmt -only those who walk in .'"'.tlu strict sect of the l'harisees are jV-hi'iissildo within th-i solemn con chive. It' is all wroni?, a'l w rong. Committets have been .appointed, resolutions .have, been introduced : -1 lie sink, Sninr.cr.i.n the Senate an-b the irate. Stevens in the ltoue ar.e in their element. Their theories w hich in tho limo of (.'lay' im I Veltt r ...they- dare not utter are tho themes '': now upon-'which 'they hourly speak Tlio comuiittco fo. wlio'ii. was r- l'eiijed , the '(iiies'ipn hi dee'oliiig the status of those. States 1 dcly embraced in the . Confederate' govt riirnent are iii ses- is'on what tbeir action will w.e 'think is aforegone conclusion, ' Th-y; w LI 'decide iii contrary -to the irTsicTi t si'TeaTatnS lTattT"e -i-"fa for iWuX'iAj;iiUwJ.Ifeif.MgU iStates. of. "the Rep.ubiie, and furtheii, 1 they will also decide that wo caunot bo admitted until the black have tho ' - right to vote lhe.lii alism is ti iumpliant, hut how long will it be so. is tocro not enough of the old -love of .'' kiiidnei-s ... left in the bjisom .of cur No'ithi'in IV, ie nils to cicite a. .reaction -in favor . of our'suffcfiilg 'peojilerrAVe have' suffered enough iiumind, wealth and body, and our only desire now is to get back to the place? wo reached hi 1861. " ' INAtOVU ITION OF GOVEHAOK WOUTH. On Friday last, Governor "Woith took the oatli of office, in the pres ence ofQov.'lIolden andhoih hon-ts of tho Legilitiiro. Juice Towle administered thi oath. Tk; Covet nor wjtl-n" enter upon tho di charge of hi duties uiril tlio tennitouiim of thr Provisio'ij-i! (lovernmcnt. Wes.e th iVovishula! Governor of (leoi-a has been making p r s f i it 1 n't- to be relieved "an-I have ii.ie'(.iovt'iruor elect instalfed into lds'dutiiv'Tliu la tent accounts state Unt the ttloit has ben Bucoesi-fiil.. and that (jiovernor Jenkins will be allowed to:ro-.nine die .tuthqwtr n f dj- He jt will bo the danirirr?ov.tli'. 'CnTubnV- , . From the l!nr', h Shiliv.l. NORTH CAROLINA LEGILAIUR?. ; - S E N A T K. 1 ' Thmsday. T): 14th, 18G5. Journal of previous day read, and lhoe.nat.alioceede:d-.ta--tlLa-.tra.usat tion of business" Mr A J Jones from the committee t whom was referred the .subject of the S'ay Law;, a-ked thrtt the eom nri'tfe be discharj;ed from the fivth er consideration of the snbject till the 1st Monday in February next " Mr llarris of-Rtitheiford, from the, S'bt 4oiiiir-H i eeo-whrrmaT refer red bu'k the scaieJ. t.f Confcdeiatp inonov, strain reported the sealfc, uf depreciation, with a bill legalizing the aiue. '. . " Oii: motion "of : Nrr' v ? L Vbb bad, tli e bill wai ordered to. 'be pMiited.' Mr 1'yiium. horn the C'-mniittec to trTrrrT''ns-frTrdr to the burning ol lVbhe llecords,. ri-s ported ihe same hw.i to the Senate, and recommended ihit it do p-ss -Tli o hdl i ncuipof a titig J)ii ihani . Ap;iilv!iiV .io the (..'I'iimy of Orange, p a sed its-t h l f l read ! w ,. vir Warren, fioin the committee to whom . n feired a resolutii n in !avor of Guatiii itH, rej irte-d die s tine back, and a-ked to be diseharg ed from its fyrilii-r-consnh-ration.-. On m'oi h)Titif NtrBy ntitn,' the riileT vre rc s u spend rn! , a nd t In 4 b ill Te 1 a t ' i eg to the' burning of l ublic Record?, wa- pas-ed its spvir.d rfadinus. Mr VY D Jones introduced a reso- luti'in in la.or of-I5niggs and Do blJ which was referred to the committee on 'lainis. ' ' ' " The bili concerning' Advancements and the bd! revoking certain bil's. passed their. several radings. the. ie time for ,-; w.rt h an aineniK nont extending Ili.e timet to tluve, ins st' ad of two, years which was con cunvdin. Mr Howard, from the Comrnit'eo .on tlie Judiciarv, iep"'":r!eil bitdc the bill, relat'vo to cerk ami sher ti'i rtn ce'-t'y elected, with aim udin n's, -'and recommended that it a-s. " The rub s were suspended, and the bill passed i's sevenil i earling-'. . . . . ' Ms;ige '"reeeiVd. fi-om " the f."-i'tinS"u in'i-ting upon, t'o ir. .it'll er.oJriH lit to : he Seliat-V bill . i.boli-hi'eg the office of A udi or of Pub!i( '"Accounts, and eking bT a cu'Mi'uttoe tt C' nlc'i-nee. I! cj-H-S ctrrettTTrJcJ i 1 1- n 1 1-A I ir F.rKo'i. (ia'iier iird (i.-rrclkippoii'it- "(1 O'l' t eaTTOTTt TrfeScTTitT PV Tile bid ineoi'i o a'.ing Kno hodge' as r ad liit time. 'riift-l-iil -jl er -tlio - relief.tif- h..' dders. of ,.St i-j;.ltotiils . hsu. el. in 18'1, be' i , i . -... i i ' i. '".'': y.V:..l' cai'cci e'l, iioi new iniiHot tic i-mi'-o ttietifor. The londs in "q'u.'st:oii issued by a'nhurity of n act a-scd iviou- to iho w;ir, an I one' fir tlie beiielit' of tlie Wiln'i.iiietuii road. . ' ..i, TluT ciiiftni-tdi" on the Deaf,' Dumb , It . ' I and iiniei institution inane a icpon, rw'tTifi'-olution, reijuestiiig'a resump-. tlon ot mis m."s oy mo iin-i i"ia ui paid iulittinn in January next ' Mr ilsotj 1 1 qui i lie" cotinuittoe to i niure wh;it laws are, in lorce, asieu ih it tho Inf tTieT eon-i loiatioii thoreof b" po t, o e d to 1st Fobruaiy next. The hour ot twelve o clock having . ..;..,l tU ',m..l.- mm, eni.ii ir.Gninr.il Iv lna'r.el will Ka I f ir I loll L. ,l I..,, il,,. ,.e '.l.n r'V,,,' n'l.Luu ueiui tup l) J"l b et liiv v. nntt-'c 011 bed-ral Kelations. '.'.,. ; The repott, of-the cominittee bes rng- reatlfMr V niitu offere,el' the fols low"'ng 'ani'iri-dinent ; . .. . lu.Holved by t'tc Oenr-Kil Ass 'iiib'y of v ihe - Stoltt of North- Carolina.-' That tho amendments .to the constk . . i' .1-,-T , , ri j tuto n of tneL lined 'S a'esy .ad tpie and ramicd by the General Assemb ly; at its pie--'' nt session in the follow - ing''WOtdTA?iZ":,':"''"''"' """"" -"f-See:' 1. Neidier slavoi'v nor' ih'vofsi ntary ''servitude, oxecpt as a "jittnjsli - 111 inent tor crime, wnertot tlie- jurly Trrw i b "hitfefwit-TlTH-iioirviw rreisrAvitlitn the ttub-'d Stab'.- 6V"a"7 place suliji-ct to. their iuiis-lietioli. rc.c. I, W-uiigiv.-s hl.iall iave power to etil'oiee this ''article, bv ap'propfi ate legis'ation." inelldlUi"lt.J, Il.-ts'bcOII lldiipted atni ratlU-il,iiiiti.e s-ts- f;iv n to it y l.lie tl.oii w in 11 w ard, N-ere-'; taiy ot Male ot .the Ltitfeil States, viz: "That, it do's npt enlarge the powers of Congress to hgi-late on the subject of ti'cedmen with.in''lh States..' J7 7 Mr Warren opposed tho- ado 'tion of the resolution ar us'jU'is, accTcaN - curat cd to do riiv good, but he was "of opinion that i t would bei; productive' of inuch JiHiin. " ' -MMcl.eau 'tiddrewed tho ena'e at length in defeuce -of the nsjlu t;on. -Pending tha tlebato, a 'me sat'e was received from the House propiiinr to vote at- 1 o'clock for a Ooinptrolh-r of Stile. .Concurred in, and the -'further cuisidera'ion- of the above svil ject was suspended. V '1 ho Senate then prom (led. to vote for dunpti o'le'r, Mr A C rowles,' Mr W F Collins and Mr C II Ihoden bningjn noihi lion. Mr L'ov.-s receivi d 21 vols. Mr Collins 12 ami Mr liroudcti 12. . . '-. The SoJia.ie the'n 'resumed the con sideritii)U of the resolution .'.on. Feds iT'd li-datuiiis, when, . - On met o:i of .Mr Morehead, the resolution was laid en the tihle, and made tho order, of the day -for to- iiiovawut 1 1 n'l-uj.-k . ; - A loessago-.waa.'rpcfived .from -the "Iloase at. Commons 'tranmitung' : "t'fO'jtratiHiiejfiir the. eionymvud ifiinisterjno; theo.vth ofi fuve, to-inor row. tndav at 12 o'clock,-which was concurred in hv the -Senate. ' A nicss'agu was feeeiv'ed from the 'Holism prop'ing to oo into an elec tion for coiujitro.lcr, which was con curred in, and ihe Senate voted as follows : ' The following voted for Mr Cowles v'z : Messrs Speaker, Arendell, l'dount, og!i-, BoiKjr, Hoyd, lynum. Coward, Dunaho, t iamer, Gash d'orrell, Ilat ris. of .llutheiford, Isbe I,. Jones of Columbus, Keenc", Leach" -of Ijavid-. son, .Mo.reh cad, Morgan, ..bhober, S n eth-W-a rr'eimmt.-W-Tiii fin s 2S7 The following vo:cd 1'or Mr Brog ekn, viz : -.Mesr4.-.-Aycock, Idack, Covvper, Euro, Fni.-oii, rerebce, liall, Harris' f-'FraftklttrHmwiThjaTh'aln''fMF Cleose, ..MeKricKern, -MeL-ian, St in fn.rd, WJii foiel, Wilsou and Wins The following voted for Mr Collins, viz : " ' . . " Messrs Hull .-k, Covington, Le-itcli if Uoksou, l'TtelitbTd and Viggirrsf' ijj.'fjej'it! 70 pre vent h'oii tea1in1 was icad a second time, '-and tUt.it -d. a lunni.ng d b t.e of im hour's lur'V- tion, in w hhh Mrs Mon Ip-ad V or n lloward, h'at h and Cj.ish pait'i'ipa'dd. Tlio debate aris ng on fT'p riiplfsl't iofT t ri 1 1 1 i ) '1 ! ; tty 1 1 ij-' j i ia 1 VT A-')tot ion to -hay- i lie "bill on the table 4a s made, hu ! did not prevail. Mr Ifk-vciid then moved to refer to the eoilm'tteo on tho Judicial, fiiioJotioti did n it prevjjil. The amendment was then rejected. Mr Watren then moved. to lay tlfe bill on tho table, and tho' yeas and nays being culled, was decided, yeas o nayv Mr llowa'd then moved to amend ''ill ' ii" .tr fly' in r-im Amtt' r i ' ml seeoiul "tJeiifi! ; ami on this mtuioii. .-Mr.ibjrohea.1 .(:.alitiLj'orlheJiu;--is:.aitil nays which' resn!t"d, yeas 33: nays 12. Tlien on nioth'n i f lr More head the bid was tabled. 'Senate 'adjourned -till to-moiiow at HU o'clock. '- GENERAL NEWS. Cm ,!i- i!, n his o d"-rd ten Clref Q ., .rterin in r l-i isoift a I ire qa tier V i, . v-t'd to tfit'p jeT -Ot the eby of X:w Oi l- r-p1-p- ran' n'( M s - .lii'ef the 2l. fur ' nilien ua w't'i- t'se . lowjii; it- in of news : A "riiinor pri v.M ed en our s'rMi yra'e' diy. th -tR' (-r;ada t'c ' th li'aryhi't c niit'iii'o rollisi.io- with the it'tlit'o, loe!' -rt--t) I -;- - li -i ,- U j I 'os u-. a ml w- u nd i u t'. . ;, I n-'o eig'it i.-r -i rri'iii We ''re e'nt! to 4--rf(.. i)a.,'-"ii'-at-I-iaiiij; J'u't o? had given a c-v x-'C'-rao d i-re-iim I f it, ri'.'d 'hat i' was-.h'a -nii.il siHVr by ween n e t uvn p i ol a ul a 1 w t r ..'d-er?, 'tt'c' ro ful ed in he uadiaa 1 f. o o ef tl c for iiv r. - ; ,. - . '7---B;ytrir-(ete,-r:..'Bli?.CQpaL.DjO, cc.-e i iWifsisip ii. pu'ilislie" n rep'irt f f tli.'la- c en veil i f: ii- S n hern Icmm a .A uL'U't', Georci.i. niat i.piove- ' I its rc iio -, r'w-i'.' r e'i !.( ,-K" iit.l-b-r y' m unite willi tt.e. iV'or iu-rn Ci ic pra or i ot. fie, however, Ihiek's tlo.t 'he will n 1 lilii nirVy d to. He din ct his hiuches to . r- 'niiuie nr'-vine f r iho -V e-tdeiit i f th'." Uai ed Kore and all tn ate hority. ' '" A n w French' rcligieus pppef, " Ar renn Mt- 'If, ha? i'it hern elalilit-h' d in Ti. vFVoiir JT.i Mima'od ttiat ilii'e epe 1ou - p i-ioi in il at ei'y 'and vicinky numh r notles.s iho 40,oon. : . ,1r. "h'nfc-v it A Dei'ew. 8 er-etarvo' State ( f New Y Vh, haj? de'lito d. the p i i f .1 iiV'c to Jui-i'v"" whieli he was cm-' lin.c nijn ni'p'-i'i el by ihe I'refidi'ni. The Ni wark A tlw'li'r flntrs ihat All I to i"C'i ciihi ho. 'Jim -been a po.nu d Alinis er.en ilie 21st I'M'tanl. C,o e n! J WniBi.a W'ibH. nl New York', L'niteit .State -".t-iWr n Hr'z:l h is re. hi ' jrJ h;'.i i" s and 'ia im-wvh hia w:y hon.o. Una J h M. To rv loo-li ? e nt '.MH td TYeftili lit 1 I llownn! t' e1, di.i'j in 1 , a 11 t a 'V y . 1 VO Oi'O a ) i 'f . '. . . . ' - . . . 1 - . I ' T . I .. Sirs-. J."),' "."'li ,.W I at ' .) ' I l1"'-'!' .01 H. h , R ; r . ,sy , t e ' 0 ; ' l.u I i.o , l i oa I'u- j r';.n: .'.ulun, '. j '! ii, vio't'-o. n ;i 'i,.-. Ci.'4!C-i.!.'.h.-Jl.Urj. rt a-: So e.i a i po ' ri:J; ' C -';e'dit'v feiei;i..d,; .on. -the 1 '"' b '' " 1 "'"' : " Aiew ise or ( '"'" l: '"' ooim v h 'B (we. !', d . I it y ' ii . r,i -nT. ! a Lira worm ol I . 1 -ii nl y , Vu., Cell im' e I Ml e'd-v I ocdn V. ,01'ian'1 wil l;, iy b ioo. uni liioiLcl'l in, ihe 'mo'eii. ,' " Go 'era' Vidirm, Mayor e'oel if M,i I liile. I.jih b. eii 1 o ilitil. ten he. ni n. te j r.iU.wed lo (. tomtn , .r.baial hy'thc in-iaao. O' d'r hive b-en ff'vi d at F "rtr'es? .'Mirr ni to di c.'-n-K" a't t o et, era held aa 'l' i.-.a.ers in V iii.ia. Abiin five I ifiihill at d iledny pri-oner ilavv in c.ii.lii.ene-ai a' il c D.y 'I'oriu a . Fen J.)lirtdin"k iiM' w "fa';l to le'"!n ti-e harf.i a p,-.vi'V imf v'd 1 .1 in -Wa'M' t oen l he said. 'Farewell. rM Iripnd your t Qxe none tne ueii ; uut we gum ' many an ug'itr maa in your place." 1 hey are foi kin,, for a young man in I " K", -wrtvtd H . i w.l'y, ho hm fftllri e'r "one hiindicd iln.imai.d rfollars "by H e death r fan undo in Eng'a: d. .. The New York M?rnry is about pub iMiirg, jrnm n,Vnncc e-i?, the last lrgh P'i' '' nove' y Af.8 Uiaitd-in. It in cokd' Rupert Godwin,- or die eiorct of Wilmington Hall." '' , . The gita4M on ibfl r f rni" ()ietion is inci-i-.iiai?JfWff'aii(l. J ihri I lod.'re8 aipfonn ti e lina; cr!y i i fje cemhrr Ve .(,it ks li n it e (I ,ver,:meiit is ' li d;)..trtl lw.'nr'Js t;i(iim.- Thv Sin F n'if 'si;-v qi; rnt-Kta'n iliat " . ' lot Vt. t'li'i'i r. v e piwivir - ,t the .t.''!loriiifij,.f.ri. toul w.at'uje rimii' i aa, ociaii d,iih the firsi diseovrry ( mI,i ti, tfin' .V ote, a!.m to leave fur .'h t.ti in S -'i'tz! rl'ni.d" ' tl" i.i ,.n.'r, :hrving- lst ifll tia pK-ssioi). b riw'el-r.!ii:i c. iuri y-n;no couolerfu or" or- i:i ji-l in C'l e. nnni. . . . . .- Tfir, nainLor i.".o-.l'ine i?: i f r ;eps ' !-,Oii0,','.;v? ' mra e-id crt Oiiiircpy Vt- t s f i ik V x 1 .'''! Inly f letKs . in iho 'I reanury at U'li finiiAavn dined f.jr ad iilienul pay. UcujlrtV. Hollows has .taknh the ediioitil tfc Liftlie Clfift-hn Ex miner. A mm itiTri y ae fined $i and jJ.-. cd to l--!i ve tl e ci y l:.r s'e-a nii ho utiiLr' I a. , I u'tnna nurno as fiv. f ar.c pii con arq the stylo Wi:h tiie New Y re ladies. ft ;b rrpolj) i)ai tlm , 1' c 'dent ia op i-osed to ai'yriiitc':!" to c-j ui' AK-xicnii l f'iir." i . -.,-' - Mr S marr '-v cites ini'lt. a- d molaa aer j uifh- ha f .vhi e nv.d I a t b'ai k. X )' a lawyer Stan 're i i lectcd to thy Lwer Housool:ho Wwt .Virginia ley' iala'.uie: . . - . ' ' ' A little borfo i-cbtiell, Co ,n , was L- 4 tally brrrFrr by a .'Tfo.-su a fmv Saya s:i;ca. The M '.ryWrd oyg.cr Irae'e is " oa!y S.lO.teo i caseii .',.' - Gran's tea. r fi' ptr ..ia said to have miu-tn ilie-W ivarr t J;cu with liis heainy. inioii and Georgetown. ' Tap II 'i hi-i'er Fiv'if.i aya that latriy in tliai re. y. biennis riiid ij to deliver a course o( ec-nrrs in Mi.uihis,..e inmcneirg on tho ld'.h ms ant. ..."i?!C3?t''"?'' "' A-iilard" coun'v, O. i-r , has hi in. made Si Oi'O r icli't r by the -a Hilton k mi her awvcti.eart. B I ' n re to iC into due d i.oo fjonpfrt. tl i IV- ue 'f.iiii alt w'!'.- Ii.i ve in ken an oa h f ilrt'a c. to Hit- C i t d'jrt-e Goviin tr.e 't r T!o ri' ate no.- two Fi i i in Gover'-rnaeta i. or .'!' ia -V Y "ik. ui the I'.eu "itnta ciaim ij rule the uri'cr. . - I i ltot). rhi c i irt'r e ri of the f i ed a i. b was vaju cd at one arx'ct-iiltl ef all iliti produe'ioi a 1' ilie country. A ii.i" i f l!or cea nonmer.--, rjeid:rg in roolur d V'o., weighs 305 p u .d', ai.U ia UjiiiiiC tiiie'y, - itt l!n ush,! that 'he V e-iden' wil! ap p nit lb race Maynant 'to the .S iprniie B-i ch a mc.;8iur to Jude-e Catron. G)n Hi nio end k i" spoken ( f s a p- mi ah e ev d-d "e i r. United S nt' -i OlfC .'i on ia Vvnr1',"r('ca;re Thai;I;s,;iviiig night, . nd.ia.jli2 i'rt;eis a bo.. .... ... Tt e "JT" tr ;nri iWiTiodis' divineMbc Rev 0!-. lion", ol Ntishvii'e-. p o c'mJio an inunei.-e B"di nee at die Cooper InMi tute, in X -w y ak on Sunday. - .. . Gea K'!ptriek is ibiij'd to aband n h s er'ti t crain nv-n't fir "he winter aid --ail ft Va'i ariiso, with, inoii ueiiuns him tt C (r"Vll Till' I'f. ' - ' S'epl'fn n 1'aike. ( f A".any, put a ha-uik- rc! i I a wi'h ( hi riliirm to h:s n- He 10 u'" f e p. whileei (Fo ini? with nn ridKia, and nejt morning was found ded In I tie tiidifno S nte Consti'iiiinn ihere-i-i 11 ""ciaiiVe priiliiliitiii!' "ii"firrea.froni enter ji (t the H'a e. Tne d ana Jennie has ' ius d o rii'y 'an amendment repealing tiiul cluee. Tft'bt.' ol ihe War '! piri ui"tt isNefy;iin lia l.-en suro'eo'. nuet.be mm b f ro llio .clnsif ti t-' p-o- rvt'-fiM'al yeani .4 t- " ' - . " ( f word growers ard-m-mu fhTrri hnH been ealhd n- mei t a t-yf iriifi; .New l'erk, on the 13 le. et D mher.nox'. .- . ' -' 11IK is 1 1, 1 II I'll V M'ARKET Re poried Daily for tlie Gazette by SPKiGUE i-ROTHERj V ' ' DocetnlC! 15,lsf5.'-, :;. ,' Ariil gnei ir 1. 1 fol " unpealril . S 175.. . l.'OU'er Ujer, r.e n " "1 OOt-i !""! t'nle 10 11 .i-i 11 liee r- tin I 0 vv -C.s infj " Hum A Sika 20 ' iH " Mieat rrs IS ' H" e- rr.'B '.' . m 4! C'T 11 pit b'-slv ; 7J " 'ft h N-ols M, la.'-a sorg per gal. 40 to ML ' . 1 v. 0. W..75. m ''svr'up -t 0(i- 1 y ui 1, HI Co 11- its p r ib 10 '-. 01 It 11s pr nusti iuu i.ov Ci't'i.ti, :tj 1 V. I' ,,lt' s "'Y,i i.pr. la-ndi Jill i"" "r1"18''"'; 4, . : !-l!).-r!l r-, Wll. IS " -. Cat Me- t.il. t-r 'h 2.1 " "a ''-.l're.stie.,1 :j0 ' 5 . '..'lamanllne 4-1 ' '. t (""r' v' E.'K per iluz 20 ' vft ;"' I' '' s ,cK , Feaiher 'an Ji ' Myi.ri aid 7 to 8 K nnr per i'i .,' 6 ;' '' 'la'-l " Fi?h r ucV irl no 1. retiai'C-a leaf no 8 . ' . " kVt n.i 12 3' I nw-kmif lrl iciK,i ai'j.lei pta'.oli . . - to ?. ; I. A-el.il-.MH , 90 .60 "a . in, r. iar 1 taches 1 eal. 18 tnl FPvAHK LESLIE'S ILL U S T K A T E 0 Comic Almanac, This amjtinrr Almaiiflo. the only oho ol iho hied p rbti-l cd in America, contains 1 I'limnreiM tlinmn'i"'" - New man. B 'll' w .VeLciian, J'lhn Leech, II 'ward Tennell, FiMio, So thene, Uranl. Keene, .Cre-ion." &.O., besi'les comic liieraru'C j kes ai d asironomhal linowUdgc made easy, 6W For Sale at the (ijito'.tc OHi-- 3 BY BARUY GRAT. - ' Ihaveahlpaihatweutlosea, Wore than fi ty ye rt a 0 ; . 'one I ave jet come home lo ait, 11 tit are salllrg to nj f.-o. 1 liav aeen Ihem In my s'eep, Pltn'iiiK tlirwuuli the thoreliss deep, With tatter mils an 1 laitered hulls, While around tliun scrc iu theiullt, 'IjlliS IjW, Bylng low. I have wondereil why t1 cy stayed fsioru ine,aifir round lh world ; -And I've said, "I'm liair afraid T!ia' their salts w ll never I e furled," ll'-efH .tlie Ireasnii-s that they h)lil, Si!ks,4o,d.pluuies ai bars of g'uld j. While the spice-, tha' thty bear, rifl w Ui'fiAirrs-ii' e all th al-, . ' - As Uiey sail, at ihcy 'sa". . .'"--' ' . " - 1 A'li ! t'Heli fa:lor in th-purt 1 Knime that h v, ih ptra,. Xf tile wavvs and win, 'a the sport,. . Ate I rlu; sail' rs ply' me. - f.iif ti, j- (ii.iiie arid w.th me walk, -y "Cj rr px 11 e YtiUi hop lul ta k, Ti-.fJ jrit ley ftars tslde, -. - ,x '-Anl. i.or.te ,tedj watch the lia'o - Be and tali, ns; and faiT. I lave waited on iho piers, Gazing for them down the bay, s . Pays and nights tor uiny years, -Till I turned hrart-slck away,' Eat the pilots, when they land, " EUp and s ske 11 e by the baud, Hrjlng, "You will die to see Your proud vesjtU come from lea, Ona and aU.'one and all." ' - " ". f 0 I ne. ver q ilte di spair, ,N'r let hnjie o- courape fall ; -r And s me day, when skies are fair,- L'.p the bay my fchips will sail, I sliall '. uy then all I need 1'iiutj tu luok at books to read, ltoises, wines, and works tf art JverylbTng e'xeept .'a&e'artt " Thai Is lost, that la lost. Once when I wa pu-c anl yorf, lticher, too. than I am now, E,e a elou-l wis o'er me flune;, 1"'wrfnkle"1!ri4e'tTny broir, .r...a-it.it.v.v Thre was ouenhose heart was mine ; Bui s'lt's S3mcth!nj; flow divine, They ran bring no heart tb'me F. erniori". evermore ! . , . WESTEBN N PAROUS"4. K K - . SALISBURY, N CABOMSA. -I; Oecemb r, 14, Y5 rHl"0?K persnns who haw V thci p session Ji prop rT- be nnri- ?J tills r- d re lieri by recourse 'o cxtrem- measures, t rcmiicl tlifm to do so. Many pers' n have carried fn-ni ihe wreck ef Oe". Stiinernan's'H id pertl--n of Car , li ons. ; Ai1., ani ine sre tnefneiin mi"", iihh rmeeio par-ic'ilarly d'rei t. d. As we can tdniti y otr ii ( p rty, t u an I xp nse wi I b saved if it is re'urned at ence to ttie Uepoi bere. (; KIKKMND. : "" :''""" """" "Ci.ivf Kny". A Sup't.'.'.. - W. N. C. it. R. Ball bury, Dec, 16, 'C5. Ctd. 1 oii ui . ruvoit, J.V t'OCN- LOI AT LAW. No. 3 irycu 11', Hoi" Nn. 1, City lis.ll fgu ir-. New N,,rk. Do-. 16, '65 ff - ;SM3SraT-;"' DRUG STORE, y . "r A- y f1'" . oi tf IV '& ; ' 9 n . s .i i st in: r 1 v. t 11 1: k I. I.OWIX; AK'IKJjLIvK. Mhkh will besu'd I r C'asli a: ncaily the ssuie price as t t-foi e tiu ar. MUSTANG LIXXMKNT, AYI P. 3 CnERRY TEC TORIAL, AYEU8 AGt.'ECURE, FrSOJI SALT, CASTOR OIL, SriHITS OF MTRV, DAVrs PAIS KILIER, . THOAJ1'SON'F EYE WATER, COl'PE'tS, SODA, FSlfF, CIGAR?, TOIlACrr1, ' AYER8 pills-, -" :s DrEM'3 TILLS, LAUDANUM, 40. .'"' T 1 ALSO . An nss rtment of DliVGS, DVES, VEDl 'ISES -..-' 1 . . If you doat bcliev, just ral' an 1 sr e at JOHN IL ENNISS' " Drug; Stoic, lriTrrjrry?fJrrr',,S;tf'"' PRIVATE S' HOOL FOR YOUNG MDUvS - Miss Margaret M or he II and Mrs. K .N Granupropone reeeivint' 'nl" th'ir Injnil.y, a pnpi's, a fewt y u: g Ii tdu e'. T. rma mad" know n on aimiiea ioir by letter or ulheriviV'e Cl ape! ttill N C . N-'V 27th '65 13;n. MarbleHonuments jt.sl' .A'! - IV Ml tl 1 S I I l',S niVKDat the .SALISliUltY. MA RULE YAttU a So.ek ft" Ma-blei wliero-tho S .b-otiher will be.l otr.d at all times, to ii n! np' ii any iliat may want WoniiiiienlB, Teiiib Sior.f s. 'tte ;"a( every dercrjpiion. ,VU r's ol Ceuinry Froduee received in psyment. . . ,; - . At. KEbl.OGG. -' fi iposi'e the Lri'h-ran Church, Ma'n St. N 'vmW 27 h 'Of, 3ml 1 D. "Bencinrs, orrt).sii'E v.uRrnY:s drick ,. ' ROW, ' .' FAItllLV B rltlFS, ii-.ii.""i. tcUlr'iB'TroTSI'gn't'l.. ' ; ' FIMO LIQCOOS, And otner Groceries ol e.very Kind, and Description ' OYSTERS... served up at aU limirs i ; d ll'erent ways. Silisbiirv, Nov. ?7, 18U5..- tf. ' BETTLE UP. RRSO'S indeSted to rho will call at once ai d tc'.ile as I am in no'd ol ihe mi-nrv. . , . . .... . ... - - i ,i No yiore r.rcdif will be gijsn at- my cs 1KV27 - v" I A '. HIPS AT SEA. FINE CHANCE .. , FOR - . - " L.' A tlBCE AND PROFITABLE '' ' , . BUSINESS. - m 3i: H AVISO COME TO THE CONCLUSION TO cliMiise my busliisas, I have detcrminS'l to sell eny ituck of METALLIC, ROSKWOOD and ither COFFIN'S, with a Fine Lot of Material and TrimniinKS. AiLSO,,' All of the MAPIIISFRY in my Shop, consisting of 2 Laithe's, faw''a o- yari u kinds, lioreinK a'af chine , I' ainsSh iters and Pulleys, all uuturslu I good turning ir4er, aud i . ill. . . '.".. ALSO. I.' Kii-t ry Furnl nnv IiooniS.. two 20 by 40; Shop, ISfiy.so-'- AL0;the Miic'dne Pirn Jj'uiiinV, 1- by do very siib taniiiil and (nin.ted 10 any k n ! of ioliiliiiii-.iLl.Jla lunery or Mixhai.icut w.iik.. J henai'l build .oiJ win renfcfpr omtmnioyvnrt fro " J nuHFv, lst. l-tu. - T. f i;ttuj accouimodaili.g and easy." Apply a on Ha I.- -v - -' - . v " P. R. HAPR'S IV. Tt-e Furiiuu e Man. Salisbury, Deo. 12, 'CO. dl5t L. J. IIOLDE, ' WITH S. POAYEKS & CO., . : WHOLESALE -GllOUERS, AND DEALERS I WIIISKEYS,BRASDIE J, WINES, AI E3, CIG-ARg etc., etc., cte. Corner South Front Street, ' NEWBEKS, N. C, T AM ALSO A GKNKRAL nUSINTSS AO EST l.a:i.d-order3-entru?tml to my car Vr-Ui reej-ivc prompt attentiiin. 8ubscriptio' s nnd advertise uierts received for the Daily Gazette, Salisbury, N. C. - It. J. IIOLDES.- 12-331. " S E L L I N-G 0 F-F AT COST. BOOTS 4 nors. - " t A LICOKS, Tfl FN' V" ' "TS. Plill VAR1V "'"" """ AM. KISDd OF " 7 '; : APU llvtOKriti - ai-. .zv. -w JEDS0NS W'SIIIN'C G- OI'S ' T Ia W' It ATE e J at n,at t' ey c st iho'u'd give us a c 1 1 at the will Imwii itar d at JEXKTXS' CORSFR fallsbury, N. C, Ve-: 11, Hoi. e :lj MM am no u s 1: . f jk ktfr.I - iSOl'R, InwMch th 3. .'feficri'.ei "at 1 1't'nriii ie i.iuB.ron'ftineiK'it Kti'iuis, ViuU v. & '. im1 FixtureatlinmU the .lluua-Hutl will aUyuacot witUlLilifi OIL CLOTHS, nnd CARPET?, vt the option of the Puri lias'-r, or tlie premises cno be heu. hl nithout. Tlie Property Is eligibly situated, H.alth- and iu pirfe.t order. Apply to .8. FP.-ANKFORD, ,. ALSO, " A livtStRtlUK DWFLUXH IIOL'Mli Muiite.1 on Harrison fctr-e Coiitniiiiiig Four Itoeuis J Garden Lut, 4c, Ap ply lo . ' S. FRASKFOKD. .-Fallsbury, Dec. t, G tf '".' . V .-..-L . J Uaun'er will please copy." . Valuable Property rou O.N DECK.MII' It 22ND, 13-5.- rfllH iideri.lL'neil wl'l fell at hl Farm'1!!' F mil, 3 Wo t of Salisbury, near Third V etk Stall n. nonii s ini'LKs, rows sum r, HOWS. W 1 1 1? A T, I OKV, SOME I'ISli MILCH ( OWS N1 FAT IIKF CAT I'I E OMil'IMi JAfKAJiD " i ONE FIVE IU il HAM BI LL. FAIMIINU ITTENSILS. , , Pa. J. W HALL. Salisbury, Dee. 13, ,1365. tds ' Eschunge Hotel, t . ' IllLLSUORq' STREET, ' It ALT mil. N. C. THIS heruhr Hotel, ei'iiatod on 'be fin- est s pel. in Hi oeainnui uiyui u.isj, - has ii'rt ady earned In repooi.ien, iir-der ihe manai rni'int or n i-xpnr.e. u pri, 'o-8, el beinR lie beat Hotel in ths Son U 1' is locaied w'nliiii a few yards ol ihe SJ-aio Caprol, aild is near, the buai lie oanVirihe Ciiy,. ' . ' It pleasant and clean bed?, a ljbQ'al ta ble, and respeciable and aneniive servan 8 will make Uuests comforiable, the6'Can be counted On al ih Kxrhange Hotel. RANDALL &. CO! , yov 57ib, '65. ". . . ' Uf. U K OWN , & CO. tl A V V. en hnnrl m il are ri'Ceivlriu wi e1- 1 v tro iDLhrli;.m'ituJ.UJKi niorimviii ') Dru (ipoils, lints A- Shi cs, I Iri t r 1 e s n ir iI 5n!WirrWl(7T-ITT-T"wr. fii,nri lor ensh or liar ( - Bit adshaw, rmovvy & c.q No 3 G anile 11 w. ' no. 07 '6.V rnl3 . Vtll'tTss pfl(.mi Cfi r AL'N I ON. Sectntor,' S aujUon, Va-y" Che Siecia'or," publislied in Siaiinion Va , ia the brat advertising me. (hum in 'Ie' interior ol th" .State. IWor ehan k. vadof mou and others, who whir to eal! iho atiemi m ot ihe people .ol this Stp-.o to tin ir business. -would promote tin ir inierot i v adop'irfr "The Spicla. T7ijJJ'"aieTlieir rr rdin m t fT.cim m urn oaj mn , Advcrtieeiucnie -will be inserted -:M-.low aies, A copy i f iho paper sent whbfi qiiested. Address, '.Siauuton Spec'ator, . S aun'en, Va, ' . .(.:-:" . ' ""'' : - ' '; iGold and Silver WATCIlfiS. SETS SILVER WARE, . . DIAMOND SETS 4 RINGS, ENG. SIL. Cruet Stand, . , BCTTEIl COOLEltSf, DINNER AND TEA SERVICE, SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS, VEST CHAINS, . v - - BRACELETS, LOCKETS SETS OF JEWELRY". . ' GOLD PFNCI1S, 4c, o. 1 '3 ..-Jf . - ' :..v,.' .'.'. :-. ' ..'' : ',.-';' ':';:. ' MOUTH ONB MIItlON DOj'lAEL a - ' . ' To ht told :at fine Dollar E'ci': milhnut -. Retard to Value, and not la. If patd for until you know whjit yonrrto receive. - SAHIL C. RICHARDS 4 Co. 1 .ESTABL'SIIED, 1857. . , Thearit's Manufacturers and "Origlnatori of the Ois rlliut'nn, enndueted for four yiar. on strict y honurabl J priuc pies and tie- entire satisfaction of at who pjoruiuie us, offer the usual CATALOGUE OF FICtT AND VALUABLE AR TICLES AT ONE DOLIAR KACII. Piano Fortes; farh ', . fjno '0 $7(10 1f0 8elng Msc' ine-, ea-li, UK) to 1,"0 3IHI Fine (in d Chn n ,n, ler Wat lies-, vac't -iioO i8 0 F n- (to dEinilisb.iev.i-r iVatch. s, , , . V,',9- i.au Ladiis' Gold Ena"i led Ilaj. Watcln-s. 15. iini -onu mi. liu' in g ,evcr watches; J.I to SO 2(Hl Silver Din n st ts, . .. i-ii in -rn 1MI Silver 'I ea seta ...v : . liKito'fO 8.0110 E g Silv. Cru-l Stands, vo to PO 8,000 ilverF uit Urns,.. 15 t0 :!0 .. .All tli!-. above list of goods will be fold for one t'ollar each. Ceniflcntes of ad the various arti-cSi,,tjvtikg.wliaej-ach !an-liitre,--nre Itrat'pot into envel pes, sea ed up, and n Ixed ; and, ben or er, d, are t'ken out withm t r gard to hoice, and ent by mftl1, Urns civing all a fair chance On roc dpi of f e Ctrlifica'e vou can see what vou e a n., di are r-rmjrwrrrtrm"'e,-ift1 oifWff f rTstrnf on d- liar and take the rtlcle or no. eni certtrcate ::iy obtain you a Gold Walch, iie of Sll.er Plate, or any otlie- valuable ar- ' id . TJ1KRE WILL BE NO IJL VNKS. One seale l enveb pi" cnntain'np an, or'ler f r one efrJht-- yalual-le ariicies on euei-gt tit- b arn-'t-r - any addles on leceipt t-f Si5 ei'nta.o f,ir fl 13 -for. fc-'L-itjeillltgiHiiiunHftit :a, llO'-httmiwia. feild -ilvi rTui'ilfnir case ivalcl , 15. Pe. feet-sat-isfai-t on uai ante d n all. ens s. G ods n t li,-aliig the tasl- s or fancv o'l our cus o- ers wilt be i xcliiini ed free o' cost Ag nts rd i tlierti w' 1 Vie alluwe I 10 cents on each oert Dcate o-der-td y lh, hi.'provld d not less t an six are onle--ulaiatin-e. Agents will cll'ct 5 cents for ea.h ci rt lii-nte an t reni t 5 cm s eaeh to us. ' A.idfess-ttltori4ers to - r- - y:r r . - -SAM'-L. C. HICn.lRPS A CO., .... - 120 Nas-au S reel, New York. P. O. Box, f53TS. T - ' On at chance to make money. -Afrits aj,ted ' eveiywh-re. dell dim COPARTNERSHIPr Ne ji k r n . N. C. . ) . Nov. Is-, 1865. J WE have this day formed a Co Partners' ship under tl.e name and style of Wfcitford, Bill, & Co f. ihe tran-Mi-ilou Mn,,it GENERAL COMMISSION BXT3IN7S3 in tills Ti wnv V.i'r Side Cravn t'tMet,' on O'd County Wharf.- To'heSa'e.ol rotion, N-val Storss, Tol a to. L'lrHbei-, S'aves, Shinelos Corn, a id alt kio la of Pri'.dnce a: d Mercbsriti-, and also to iho sale and piuehserof REI, ESTATE AND STATE AND OTHER S fOCKS, wo will give our personal at tent vn -' ' . V-are Ae-'s for VURRV'S NORTH CAROLINA .SE'I VVEEiil.Y' . LIN K OF STEA-M'UIPS,.- b l mm N wbe-n and Kew York, " and for Sn.ng Vessels lor BiUimwr-V Philadeiphia, and oilier Porta in trie United Slates, ard for difTt-r-ent Porta in the West lnd;ei. Thus it will be seen that we are lunu.-hcd by our own vessels with . thesmples!s laeililics (or lie speedy., transpor;ation erf Freight and " Passengers. But in addition to those, there ia a Weekly line ol Ocean Steamships on iho same route, and a tri weekly line of Steamers by inland route through Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal to Noriolk, Bahinoroj Philadelphia and N.w York ; h 'rcMercl'arits and Ship pers enirus ing the traiif ponion of .their freight to ua, cante'.y with confidence cn its -apt erty transit. JS)"- V'e. will make liberal advances on cotisinnmcnia. '., All letters addressed to na on tho rub. joct of f'ight, or on any other business, will be pfomp'ly anawerrd.- ---JirynN--D''W'nTPilRb, "' GEORGE W. DILL, 1 VVM. C". WIlirFORDri Nov 27, 1865 Eurbank,. Gallagher AND MORRIS, . HAVE a large and pelec' strrk of ' ' . . DIIU0S Sc. MEDICINES, at their S'oro Main btredt, ofposilo MuT' phv's P.lock. ALSO, a sMeet nsRortmefit of article ' tor the TOILE V, Cenmetiqiio and perluir- ety- Ex'nic's, Eau do Colugne. Drunbts and Com ba. ana treat variety other things (or ornament and use. hovembcr 27th, 'C5 . ' . 3ml .- It I'll E A U OF RELIEF, (To relieve Clericnl dittrcu e'piciuVy in m'-1he.orkem--Diocte$)-'-,'"- ' ; ' r UNDFR the advice of liislmps Talbot,Atkinsn and.li y Addre-s cunirili'-tlons o' srrv sort ' , ami a pli ations, t- 'lit? hev. W. E, Doane, becre- . . tary, II irOor l, O nnecucut. TI1H KelfVYoTIc"AlM6n. Ttio otditsf Liierary and Foreign Week ly in Amerioa 's p lblialicd at No. ?9 Park Row. New Y rk. Terms. ( per Annum. NeiV Sub'C'i bers tor ISlIC, Terni'iing rl r c' t' ihe otfico by Posteflne Order, will be entit'el 'o a plioire Irom ihe twemy fiveannuaj Albion Engravings, tree - Address YU'NG & f. fORRELL, . Pri prielor.?. I,OTTFRV!'I.OTTVY! SECURE A FORTUNE! I iu uva v Iti' I j vl FROM . W to;MMM-.. B ., ,lp u-i. mill I,., ci.ru l i In jl ami ev-ry t.or ; - " a ..rise, as llure siVifMilar a' be drawn. Ca I .. and Kt som'ttt.ia. Irlv5 C- ' r ails at U .... DA LY UAZWfl QIHC. :4 . I 1" i -