- .- ' - - t " ' f i ' - . 1 , , ' ' . : ' " A. ' - -- .'- . . " ": . " j ; - M ' ri - ; - . J. - . , - - ' ., ;; ... .. ,.h' " L-'r " ' . if '"' . ' 1' .- ' ' I j '. j f : .', i ' . i" . :;'-. -l i - -I - -- '! . J ' v - i' . ! . . A t - . -.- t " ' .. ' . ' . v . ' : ! - . !. i '.'. ; ,1 . : . 4. -! J ft ' - - a - V i 'I- I. 1 --s I. DEPOT 1 - - - . j Foil ' - ,: : mm, MEDICINES, (jllEMICAISj &c: SILL tc SILL; DruIst4 and Practical ClicmistM, opooitc.tlie 3IaimIon Hotel, I " SAiLISBUItY, N. Q, Ix addition to their "stf ock. alread v .anifjng the lwgcst iiid most complete in the State, contiuoe make daily additions if alinosUev ry tting in.their line 6t bnsiuess : cnifcracing ' f Dru; , v . Pcrisiiicrj-, Dye 1 : I' I i They cannot but be sensible of, th flattering evidences of the ajiiTt-ciation of their et . tablish in Western North arolin4 a treat Depot fur "Medicines,' &c., where the I'h oiinfli a treat DeDot - " i a r-. BTEIWIS CASH. If HO ! FOR SOUTH TROY AND EAUjLK MILjjLS A IHjCVE OF WEALjTII ! . A little more hetyttnd Us riches' thak be developed to the astonishment of the icorld. and' to the enrich- Merchant, the Planter anil all othtk-s, piay always be sura of finding a full supply Of very article in their line ; and at prices vastly flower than ever before known in this part of the country; and which will compare most favorkbjf with the prices of- Clooda.of similar quality, in aiiv part of the United Stateffc ; -: . i' J ." ' " ..;.!':""" " f . Both Partners being regularGt-Muales in Jledicine; and having .had lorig experience in their business and devoting theinselvesidiligently to their duties, will guarantee perfect satisfaction to all purchasers, as well in the quality of their goods, the neatness and care with which they are put up and packed, as in! the very flijwiprices at which they will be sold. . . ' I lit f ; i i i - , '- U ent of the South. . j - 1 rpiIE proprfetora of Eagle Mills a t - I - South Troy il C it ; -v I JL (tue most - important real et - - mil mnKJ -w. t- a. value. 1 ONWARD i EaVaWUf '1XWIQU been hiindaomely rewarded. .$4,00otkJiiJJitirin elev en months, is not to he sneezed at. ndif this sum can be realized by a limited investnlentiof capital, ; what could not be done by a liberal n r.d tiill handed : company ! And will not money mei give their at tention to this locality aiid its gre: t itklucements : for the investment oT capital? Its inlirinsie and , prospective value- has been estiiua4id kt S2.700, 000!!! Very cftuiforialtle suia, thatrfanJoughtnot, the subscriber think?, to be deeincl uiiworthy at 1 tentiyn of millioimrii . At one timei it vas within i the reach of men of small means tKose' who toast I of their 20, 30,. and .00 thousand Jlolhjrs. They -1 mast be satisfied, now, with simply jseeiihg.thcland' of promise. . They are invited to eciue hnd take-a lnk ; and perhaps they may be gratified ijith abriif tdk -about trading for interests. Bpt lileral men, i with handsome means, are those wio wiill receive . attention : Come- -forward -geiitl'enn, Jiere is the j place for your money, and the. place; that? will ri-.pay you double for evert dollar expendedi f 1,00 a. year for 2 j years, art $100.1)00 tp.r-i-over and . above expenses. Honey will malke noney. It Btrangely multiplies itself, and th:i it veii- rapidlyi w hen properly used. Will vou comd Ooyie if you wiu. If not, why.! we'll so on asiwe have -done , AV'e'lldothe best we can f ' ' We'll (eontiiue to im- pre W( rove this valuable property. slowW and surely. iTe'U introduce one thing after aiiitherf until the ground is occupied. We will not ody lve by it, , but make motiey. Poor men who hrantjwork shall . find here eons.tant employment and goiod wages. To difl5culty about it. Eagle Mills and outh Troy are bound to goahead, just us. sure jisthejSuH shines and that the rain falls to water the ejirth. The Southern country shall feel itjf luigni influence, -and rejoice in its protiperity. and when we have done with it, all men shall call us Wcseil. AXDltEW BAG G A TILT. f IS autagjes of South Jan. 27, 1S54,- - P. S. The locatii"n and other ad . Troy and Eagle Mills." property ud lerstujod and ap- preeiated, would hardly fail of arresting the serious Attention of the friends of the Western (Rail Road extension. It is our intention tolcollecjt informa tion on this subject, with a view o ' urgirig upon the public and the Legislature, the cl dins o5' this sec tion : aud have but little doubt thif if facts of sufB cient importance shall be adduced, South Troy and Eagle Mills, will be speedily com ected With Salis bury by railroad a it ought to be anil thence with the markets of the world. To thi end, a survey oi the route between the two places shall be made- in due time. 'South. Troy will, ere lo lg became a man , ufacturing" city ; and hence the ne essity'of increas ing transporting and travelling fAilities. The nd- : vantages of such a road would tell Kwerfally upon i the merchantile uxt aMehimind- faiareMta- bury; Ducturs, Jiw-yers and DiviAes, are also con cerned, and would all be bcnefittil. i A. B. GOLD IIILt HOTEL J. P. GOW&N 7"OULD respectfully inform his fi-iendiS aiid the public, that he lms 1 tely opened the Hotel at Gold Hill, Rowan Cour ty, Nwth'CarcH ina, where he will be happy boarders and travellers. No e 10 accommodate eruons'oi linn self and family will be spared tl render all vl may tavor him with their company iiyreeable ana comtortabte ; ami lie hopesj his. inclination and experience will enable liii to giKe general satisfaction. He will endeavor to make his rer- J".-. i- -1 1 , 1 . loriuuuce cijuai, 11 11 aoes not imrpass nis'pro iessions. Gold HiH, Nj C, Jan. 204 18- 1. mil: PAT. K NT 1AHB()I,A The undersigned is agent for th j Patent Parabo la Specbicles, and is prepared t" furnish pect.-i cles and glasses to suit all age:.. The' highest testimonials can be given fron persons of ac knowledged reputation, who all agree in saying that the glasses are Tar superio: to any mow In. use. They are constructed upr 11 the best estab lished and understood; principle of Oipties,' and their adaptation to the human ejj-einits'vfilTerent conditions of vision, is so pefiljt, as ;to render sight easy without effort. Xoersons .who have weak eyes, tlicse sptttaele.vik4ommend them selves particularly. Call and examine for yotir- l selves. Spectacles of all kiudsal ways on hand. I I also continue, to tkeep d larger assortment of 1 Watches, ie"welry ind Fancv.anticles, . r j W. 11. WILSON, I Proprietor of the Watch and JesWelry store, Sal isbury. " Sept. ; 2 50 ! WO W'S THE TIR2E! PRINTING ! 'I WWfpHE PROPR IE t O R S O P T II E Tr! I " Whiz and Advocate." resDectful- ly iiiformrthe pub!ie that having just received an additioHal supply of . 5., of the very best quality, whifh, added to their former stock, f4r surpassing, any other ih this sec tion, they are now prepared to do - 1 i BOOK ANJ) JOB ERI jNTI KG "in all its various styles, and at at a small advance on Korthern-priccs. Our materials for large Bills fire nnsurxassed.j: Those haviD printing to do either in 1 . j I J - j" PlAlX t)R FjbsCY: '.$tL& r re invited to call. jd pains spared to give sat-; Macwou. un nana a iftrjge suriuxy - of satin enam- cueu iioarus lor large Cards. : , I MILLER A JAMES . Salisbury, July 29, 1853. ! COVRT ULrAAfdS ! i We.are prepared to furnish -Clef-ks, Sheriffs: and Constables, with Blanks of every Variety, printed on ihe best of paier, at fair prices. I -, j - j. 1 f' L Travellers' ttest StatesyiUe, Iredell Coimty, N. C. undersigned haviig purchased the . vaboTe named Hotel, ! of J. R. Harbin wold infohn the Public, thabthev 'r. io w pr-pareu wyecejve and; accommodate board Are and trayejlers,1 No exertions will be spared io satisfy tiiae who may ' favo us with their r . . . 1 1 . - , patronage, - i t I 'JAMES Af SCROGGS, 'A. M. WAtKER. f Marck 17tii 1853-1;- J - , JAMES W, DICK, Forwarding jand oumissiou . MKWCIIJVT, , FAYETTEyiHEJiy. Jan. 27. 18;4. , c. n - Stulls, arnislies, 1'aiiits, Iti iisltes. ;iass. &.C..J '&... &.r; elforts to es- for Medicines.' &c. where the Physician, the . - - '- - y .. - 7 Sept. 30::::48 , ! DR. STRONG'S C0HP0OD SANATIVE PILLS. nnilE.SE Pills are entirely Vegetable, and are I most superior meilicin in the cUire of all bilious 'Complaints, Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Costive ness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Sick Jleadiiche, Scrofula, fait Bhcum, Fevers of all kinds, loss of Appetite, Obstructodand painful Menstruation, and all lingering diseases. I As a Eemale medicine they aft like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to ure the worst eases of Piles,; after all other remedies fail. i- . . j i-tai'tf . They purify the blood, equalize thf.ciiculatioh, re-4 nit; lvivcr, ji.iuneys, anu otner Decreiory vr gans to a healthy tona and action ; and as an Anti Bilious Family Medicine they have no equaL Price 25 cents jer, box; Also, - & ... ! DR. STRONG'S PECTORAL ' STOMACH PILLS. j A remedy Tor-Coughs, Colds, "Catarrh, Bronchitis, i Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Consumption, j Xcrvous Diseases, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Erysipe las, Disease of the Heart, jnflauiation and Pain in j the Chest, Baefc and Side, land all 'diseases arising frOiu a deranged state of "the Stoiuiich, and to re j lieve the distress and bad lecling from eating too 1 hearty food, ia weak and dyspeptic habits. I Warranted to be purely Vegetable. These Pills act as an expectorant, tonic, and Aperi ent' One 25 cent box possesses three times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottleof tiie Syrups, f Balsams, or Sapsiparillas; that was ever liiailc and a simple trial ot "only one box will prove this hnpnrtaut truth. , -..; ; ; . ," They promote Expectoration, loosen the Phlegm, and clear the Lungs and other Secretory Organs of alFuiorldd matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Meteria Mealca t-apable of fmparting such healing properties to; the Lungs and Vital Or gans as. thcie Pills. Theyicure Costiveness, produce a god, regular Appeti'fc'JaJnd strengthen the System. Price 2 j cents per box; containing 25 doses of medicine. Call on the' Agents who sell the Pills, and get the Planter's iAlmanac gratis, giving full particulars and certificates of euresi , ' ' ;v . . ! jl Both kinds of the above named Pills are for sale in Salisbury, by SILL fc SILL; in Concord by J. II. IlOIXiENS A CO.. who. also keep a supply of Dr. Spencer's Vegetable, Pills, and lr. Hulls cele brated Pillswhich stop-the Chills; and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomsieh or operate on the hiwsls. Autr. 5, '52::ly tl MEMO V A L ! ! ! Wew goods Alp.)! 1.DD KESrECTFULLY ANNOUNCE T T t the public, that thev have reinoved to Xo. 3 in Hie (2KAMTK BUIiDIXG,.- where tihey have a very IiAP.GE AND HAND SOMELY. FITTED ITP'STCiR fi ROOM, and are f' 'iwntJtg aui.-ae lork and Philadelphia, their i " ' pi-., j' '; , . : SPRING and tSUMMEK STOCK ORiGOOBS,; which i the most VARIED and COMPLiriE Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRV (JOODS. .).. .have ever Offered to the public. Whe "have tl.c greatest! variety of "LADIES- DRESS GOODS and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR of tfj'e best and most fash -I ionable styles. Olir stlK-k is ln(l llllliv.u,.- i ;,-a ; ' detail ; we invite the attention of the Indies to Mir stock of i j DRESS SILKS, Crnpe de Vnrig. Shallys, EhibKii.leries, .-Mantillas, Ribbinds, Bonm'ts. Shots, Emluoi.tered Pocket llandktnrhiel's. W Iso ite the" (lentleiiun's atter.'tini- t our Stock -of 1-iOIIlS, fas.ri,uieres. Vesthiu's, Sr. k lravajs, Shirts aiid Collars. -. : ; Fine J' inp se Boots niid'Shocs, Hats, THEf INEST LOT' OF READY MADE CLOTHING, in the market.. We hope all who want G O 0 D S ' will give on a, fall, as we will spare no pains' t show g..od., an, nei-er get offended if they do not suit. We woid liere temler our .thanks to the public iur the very ..fif.ieral. patronage, that we lnive reeeiv j ed since we Have been in business, and we hope la continue t iilerit the confidence of our customers, j All we.waat is a trial so give , us a call, and you w in ieascu. . . - ... . . j i t -' I ; J- . DROWN A LEMLY. . Salisbury,. April 15. 1854. . ! tt2i-, 1 S. I U c have a remnant of Hardware, sucti as rnvejs;ana J iocs,' and also Crockery, which we will selllowfr tlyift they can be bought elsewhere, as we waift to set out of the trade, mill ffivp nnr of t.-ntlATi entirely' (o thej Dry Goods. . J. D. BROWN & LEMLY. f2A!ySIOW HOTEL j SALISBURY, N. C. rriHE undersigned having taken charge Of this loIIS established HOTEL,; situated on the North Corner ?f the Court HoUse,' respectfully lniorms, tlie ti-avelnng public th it will be her) aim to Keep up to the fullest extent, the reputa tion wlijcli tills House has heretofore sustained for its,- comfortable accommodations abroad. No pains or emease tpared to rendor siitiKfior! all who may fayor her with a call. ; From her long experience, she is confident none will have cause to complain. . . . The House will, at all times, be supplied witli a sufficient number of well trained and attentive servants, and the furniture kepi in the best or der. ; 1 ! . . . ' - j , TII E TAB tiE shall constantly be supplied with the very best the market can command. ' TIIE STAGE OFFICE i a11 e PrinciPal St:1Se tones is kept at this Hotel. The great Xorttitrn and Southern .Mail Liu-k arrive anil depart Daily f also, the Western via-Lincolnton to AshviUe, Triiweehly, ' V - . i . TIIE STAR EES - ' ' i A. A 1 1, -lttacneu to the Hotel are .large, comfortable, and attended by, the very best Ostlers in ,the: country ' - j - ' - - Trusting that by strict attention to the; wants of the public, nt only to retain the -liberal pa tronage heretofore bestowed on the Hotel, but to merit an increase.- ' '! ANN BROWN. Salisbnry, Dec, 16, 1853. i iff 8 MOB.ING & CALDCLEUGH, House, Sign and Ornamental ! PAINTERS, r LEXINGTON, 'WORTH CAROLINA, TT70IJLD make known to the public that they -1 1 are now carrying on .the above business in all its various branches, and are prepared to do work in either branch at short notice, and on as accoViniodaf&ig termff as it can be done in the Country; and iu: good style. '-- C. S. MORING, - i ; AND.. CALDCLEUGH. Jan. 27, 18-34: ,'; , " tfl3 A T THE FACTORY in this place, two good XL Families, or five or six respectable young Women as spinners and weavers, ami one or two young men. 'Apply to 1 J. G. CAIRNS. 3t2!) Salisbury, 5Iay 15, 1854, ' .: 1 . AND ; ! . Rowan Ho use. SALISBURY, N. C. j B Y H. I.. ROBARDS. TIIIS House has acquired a reputatloa which ve ry properly places itaraongthe first class IJotelj of the State. There may be fouudhere U that per tains to the real comfort and enjoyment of its guests. ; Before its enlargement, the Rowan Houpe was re nowned for its quiet, its good managemchtand neat ness, and more so now since the extensivejimprove ment"made by the! present proprietor.- who is the real owner and not le.-see,) rendering it 0nc of the j birgest, and in all other essentials, among the j uest Houses I11 the Southern Country, j The House, most of the servants, vegetable garden, iwith a farm well Bn estensive wooded, in mile of Town, all the property of the indomitable proprietor. The-public 'will, fflew sh. idl mniX here first rate rooms, carpets on the floors, clean and soft beds, nice white walls, ( J j ; j A Table j bountifully spread with every variety of creature comforj:s.I The pro prietor's personal, attention being bestiwed upon the comfort and convenience of its guests!, i J " f t His success, and the continuous increase of his jeustom justifies! the belief that the proprietor pos sesses the qualities and accomplishments 6f a good Jandlor'd. ' In f:ict, if the traveller oi! soiourner in jSalisbury wishes to feel at home, justjlet him call at j . " Slaughters Old Point Comfort," ' and state his wants to RoBAnns, and he wiiist might "way find himself in the enjoyment of as much com-' Jort as can fall to the lot of man away from his own lire-side. - j : The House, it is true, has been for weeks over sowing, and still they continue increasing.' Come on ladies and gentlemen, the second enlargement of the House is now under way, and the bac k yard fill ed with lumber, thnd a sufficient number of hands employed W complete in A short time, a large and splendid three story addition to the old Rowan The accommodation for horses already much ert- ilarged. '..' r .4 V -':. .. . ; - : ; - Twice the number of excellentservantsliaye been iprocurcd for another year, and most stipet lor Ostlers atteifding the stables j. the barns keptfilletLwith the yery nest 01 ail kinds 01 provender, ; . " ! ' i H. L. T0BARDS. I SaUsbury, December 2S, 1S52, STAGE OFFICE, j i f From and after the first day of January, 1S53, the Rowan will be the Stage House, ayd thepropri etor the agent ': - " : ' ; j ; . I For Waddell's line of mail coachcj direct Ifrom Salisbury to Raleigh. . i ' j For Warlick'e mail line of coaches fromi Salisbury ito Morgantonj which is continued by IChUnn direct to Asheville. " .' j . If.. I For C. Lucas & Co.'s splendid line Jof four horse Ipost ooaches, from Salisbury to Charlotte ! . And for their line 'of four horse po?t coaches from :Salisbnry to Danville, via Lexington, Jimestown, and Greensboro', and on to Richmond, Va., in 48 hours. ); - ( ' j . NEW COMBINATION ! i . t i. i Wm. Plmnmei:, Saddle, Harnesi Bok AND SHOE. . TMT A "VTTT' A fTTTU TT""!? T lAKES this method of informing his custom ers and the public generally, that having recently visited the cities of ''Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York, (where be purchased all the necessary materials to carry on the Harness, Sad-, die, Hoot and Shoe business,' at thej .lowest cash prices, he is now fully prepared tolmajnufacture all articles in the various branched of j his busi ness, as good as tli e best, and to sell them as low as the lowest. i He would say to the public that 1l s material fur Boots and Shoes is of the very bestnnJ Ins work men unsurpassed for mechanical skill." He is de termined to give satisfaction to all in want of Hoots and Shoes. , , '. - His Harness will compare with any nvde North or South, for either beauty or durability.' On hand and tor sale a large lot of M01NTINGS of every kind, which! he will sell low tJ those de- I eirous to purchase to work up or tp p.l again ue returns nis tnanivs to those 1 have so 'or the fu- liberally sustained him, awl promibes tui-e to leave nothing undone to nwJrit not only a continuance bnt an increase. Salisbury, Dec. 23, liteS? -. ,ly9 SOMETHING EW-BE IT KNOWN, , AND let it go forth upon the win to every individual in the State ;s of the wind of North Car olina, that Pulvermacher's Hydro Electfie Voltaic lhains, arc the only truly scientific reAiedy by w hich an nervous I'l.-eases iiermaiieiitlv cured. an be quicklyj -relieved i.nd Rheumatism, ninf'ul; nnd swelled Joints, Paralysis, Sciatica, Neuralgia Of the Face, Palpitation of the Heart, Periodical Nervous Headache. I tonne Fains, Dyspepsia, P litis between the Shoulders, Indigehtion, Flatuleneh,- MenerilDe- bihtv, Asthma . HISTORY. . ltie ilyitro r.lectnt oltAic Chains were first in tro.duc.ed into trance pliree years sin celebrated French Professor Pulvci entirely new and novel mode of am by the far mariner, as an ying Electro- uiagueti: tier bci-n; 111 in the curel 01 riervous uist-ajf ah d af- subjected to! the most thoi Ougii trial,; by every hospital the first medical men an that city, in they wore pronounce lo be the most) effijeacious of ahv remeuiai a'irent v t discovered, fj f Hie rapid rc- lief and.permanent cure of the above hientioned dis eases, nurLwej'e also wcominended to thi favor of the French government, who granted a patent in the year 1810. Daring the years 15?30 and 'oi they were introduced into Austria, Germany, BelgiiAn and En gland, and also patented in those count fies, where they not only met with, the sauetion df nlinost everv ji ct-. . 1.1. itriiiiieu man or curope, nut were tirougut into gen era'l use in every hospital .on' the Ea.-iernjcoiitinc-nt, and the beneficial rcsiflts produced jjn the cure of nervous diseases, found to he astonishing aAd strange. The (Chains were first introduced.in this country one year since, in the city1, of N.; York, wliere their fame nad already preceded tjhem. They weire a : once sub mitted to a trial in the hospitals of thiat city, by the eelebratetl Professors Yalentine MottJl'ost,"Yan Bu ren, Camochan, who Readily discoeired that they possessed extraordinary power in fhejtreiitment and' cure of Nervous Diseases, and at ouce advised thoir general use throughput this country, by jkiblishiug their opinions in a pamphlet which'nlijiy be'obtained (gratis) of any of the advertised agenta i'ri the State. The sale and demand has been unparalleled since their first introduction; and not' one person can be found that has expressed himself dissatisfied with their use, and in no instance have they failed to per form what they claim to.'' Theyare sjo constructed' as to be worn next to jthe skin, upon the part dis eased, and by simply moistening themiwitji common j vinegar, a constant current of uninterr jipttj J. Electro-1 Magnetism is produced, which supplies tlib exhaust ed Xm-vous Syirtum withtlmt 'eswrntia! timid which is the source of so much pain and sufivrin"-. i . .In female diseases, they are rapidly tjaking the I place of all Nostrums taken intothe stoniach, for they j neither sicken nor disgust, and ciin be ilsed at all ! times with. the most perfect safety. TJieylare equal- iy applicable to adults and children, aiid will last for ! two vpiira Si-illi nk,. .. .'.: " i , . J v u... vi gemug out 01 repair, and can be sent by mail to anv nnrt. a.r k r;tA States. Price of Chains $.1 ft. Till nsiAfiiVH..n;A.l l. a pamphlet of 5b pages, givimg a cleai- and full ac count of Lie mode of use. The chains mlj be seen on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, Ni York, where they attract great attention from the learned and scientific. Caution to Ladies. Ladies who are en, ioite are reqnestd not io use them, for by so doiuir unbleasant nhlt !,,. follow. The Electric principal cities in th? U.S. SILL' & SlL, Agents, Salisbury; J. Stcmert, Gen. Agent. Us Broadway A- v- . Jan. 6, ISot lylQ ' GOOD BUGGIES ! , rpiIE undersigned, most respectfully 'calls the X attention of the 'citizens of Rowan and the surrounding counties,' to his extensive Buggy and Carriage Establishment, nearly opposite to the sUre of W. turpllv & to. He will keep always! tin hand ready made Buggies of the fineskind, and manufactured of the very best materials. Those wishing to sup ply themselves with this almost Indispensable ar ticle of ease and comfort iii riding, are incited to call, as he is determined toj sell twenty per ocnt cheaper than any other establishment in Salis bury or surroundimr country OtvWqU,,.,,,.,..! w tf r '"l uunuiii' --. . . . JOHNSTON, NEEDLES I NEEDLES The' best quality of James Smith & !Sons drilled eyed Needles, English, for sale by I ) 48 . . i W. R. WILSON. Administrators Bonds . ' -FOR SALE HERE m i ' X 1ST Of? tETTERS remaining in ihe JLJ iost M SansTsttry, N,C.;My2, 1854. I James Anderson, itfosesABosuBk Birck head, Clark BrumelJ, Samuel C.Bartlet RachtSl C. Boyd, Johii Barnet, Jane E-Brown, Solomon Brown, Margaret A, Banting, Sophia Bisherer, alary A-JJrown, Richard Barnes, Allison Bard, Sarah Ann Beayer, Christina Bisherer, iJohn T. Brown, John Bosten.Tklr,-Brown, John H. .Cress 2, James CamJpbelVR. L. P. Cutting, Elizabeth Crook, R. H. owan, Alexander Caster,! Jane C. Carzine, W. If. nnerM. C. Douglas, Rev. P. Do, S. L. DaTia,AMgfituaC. Davis 2, W. A. ElKs, Ed. Eafnhart, ,Elkin .& Killinger Stokes Fraley,,D.Fari1haia2T .Yter, Mrs. M. E. Foster, fieo. parner Margaret Gallimore, E. E. Gibson, T. CGriffilfi, H.M. Goldsmith!4, Mos es Hodgen, (colored) Miss Elizabeth Harrison, Miss C. C. ir&ll, Wm.. Hoke 2, Moses Hettinger, lODiasiiUimecnt, C. G. Hix 2, J. L. Hendrii f u. iiarnsrM.. ttuey. Catharine Heilick, Caleb Josey, Capt. Jt, J. Clutz, C.J,KJn8, G. W. King, W. M. Kmcade, J. IL Limbaugh, J. J. Lee, M. KJ-Vdui Maj7 A.1Xocke, R. Wl Locke, O. Link, H. Bawson, 3. Lowry, J. Lyeiy, Chas. X,ierle, L. Lofrance, Jliss L. m: Moyer, J. Mel ton, J. A. Mifeemore, J. Moore,! Nancy Hay, S. Martin,-HenrV.Mitchell, (col.) II. Moord, J.Mc Kmght, Mary Minor Sarah AnnTSiksh, Alexan der Nash, J. A. Neely, E. A. Propsi W. R. lroc tor 2, Elizabeth riirnell, Capt. p. L. Teelor, A. reringcr, John Rendleman W. A. Robison, Ja cob Rendlemam, D. H. Rice, Cathey RiceW. It. Rough, E. Kulty, P. Revnwn.'j Russell, John Reynolds, C. iOlose,' Eliza 3. Redwine', Jesse Riter, W. J. gnath. J. Smith, Mary A. Spencer, Taul A. Seaford, A. JL Shepperd, S. Spry, W. L. Smith, Thps. Sears, pc-ter Trexler. W.ITowns- kley, C. Taylor, J. L; Thomson, !W. Yineeht, H. V augh, J0S4 llhams, - Peter. Williamson, John Whitiock, MiJlev AVjiller.v ' j - 3t27 A:--1SA WEIRMAN, P.M. Tsfefr Tickets i . on i : I BLAND & DUNN'S , DALLY. MAIL ITNE. I A AN BE OBTAINED A1J Til ETI AXSI0N HO - V..iei, oauspury, V., to ualhitorc via Wei- don and Portsmouth, for tH-'-a mt K n i To Richmond, yia Raleigh Weldon ' j and Petersburg, for : i i l OO I ARCII'D S. BROWN, Agent August .1111833 4 . NOW IS THE TIME! Willi tnttTiew of. closing up all my old buti ness, I will soil at each of onr Courts 'in May an-l August, and at liny Superior Court, a fine lot of Buggies,, Carriages, j-mall Hand Carts, ' Wa.-ona, and Carryalls, eithet privately or puhlu:lv. j Elegant Buggies tin be 'bought; for SSO-'feash. Carryalls, iroft axl4, $75. All else proportionate- ' ly low. . I will sell ho work ;tli!.l nt ,. tt. !,.,. quality of wood, irri and - - -T -r - ....... .j uui -' 1 workiuaiii-hij). I Those wishing to hujjr, can ilo so by calling at mvi shops. ana in their purchase, save the job. -; v- j March 3, ISp l. ' ' ' 10 or 15 per cent 011 J. S. JOHNSTON. I Dr. U S. PAItKER HA 1 Q ermiiently located in Mocksl fers his fcrofeiional services to the pil QanbefoundatthelllAie Hotel. Offieejustoi ille, of blie-. posite ipiei in iJiic-tioual. . r Miirch IS, 1S53 :tfi i) f DRESS SILKS! 1 ICH PLA.il6,).LAt'K, &c.,'just receijed at J.V Chambers & (limbers' . ; I- --'-;." ' j' CHEAP ST0jtE. DR S WAIST " Offers if is 1iof;sioxal SKiivici-s V to the ciUiensf f Salisbury.: : , ice i opposite thef Mansion ITote Drsllll & Sill's Drug Store, her nhd adjoining he can be foijnd un ss proj'essionally engage? i Marchl8u8. 4 tfia CySTER'S SP ANISI MIXTURE - THE GREAT Pf FIER OF TIIE BLOODi ! 1 Not scjuarii ofMercnry Drit! I .it lul'alii'le, if -uy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Jtitinata Cutaneous Ei-uiirtrm V. lvheumSuisia"; Finiples or PjBstulein the Face, Blotches, Boils. Chronic Sore Eye Kinir ivorui or Tetter. Scald Worm or letter. Head, Enlargement the "Bones and Joints, stubborn Ul bago, Spinal jcomp'i from an injudicious life, or impuity of : This vuluid.le Jh bra ted for th nunib ted through ifs agei, at; the urgentfreque? the public, wjiich tin iu its virtuesjand W' rs, Syphilitic Disorders, Luui- nts,. and all diseases arising e of riiereiiry, iniprudcnije iii cine, Which has bet-Ome icle- of e.vraordinary curcs cjft'oc , has Induced the proiiridtors o their friends, to offer- it to do wiih the utmost confidence .Icrfull curative propertiiis. The'-fc'llowing certiri te selected fi om a large num- her, are however, stii ner testimoivv than the imr. word of the propriet and are all from gentlemen' well Known ai their calititfs. and of the hiirhett re- speetability, Ibiany o I them.now residing in theji-ity ot iliclimoiKK V lrgu E. BoYDE.ij, Esq., the- Exchange Hotel, IUt-h- monii, known everv KvhoreJ savs 1 has seen Medicine ca!jcd Car tend in overija huni s Spisnish Mixture ;admibiii- u c;iML-r, in nearly ail the .1 . - 1 11 . lis- eiises lor whnth it is 1 onmitmlod, with the inos toiiishing goid rcsul as lleJ says it is the 'lniist traordinury liiedicinc iex- ne iia4. ever seen Ague and fever rent Cure. 1 hereby certafy, that for thre years 1 au Ague and Jrever. of jthe most violent Rescript took large iii&ntitics n. Xuart several rhvsicirins. i' Qiiiikiiie, Mercury,' and ifce vertweik but all without "any neve an rue aomcs a permanent raief. A Mixture ; twai bottles last A tried Carter's; Sbanksh and I am hajipy to mi t wnu-li eflectuallv cured 1 nave bad neither chilly fevc cr since.'; J coBsiiir it the best toni iii the wol or Hd aud the only mediciu that ever readied in v crfsb. '-. S I JOUN LOrODEX I'eaver Dam, nca??rJrhink)nd, A'a. . C. 15. Li ciS, Esq'miSy in the city of Ilklnnoiinly and for many'years in the plo-st office, has such eqa liuenee in the astonislJns efficacy of Carter's Humi. ish AIixture tliat he hjj-i boii-ht upwards 8f 50 Ink ties, which he has givn away to the afflicted. Itr. ljuck says liefhas uevor known it to fail wheu tak aet'ordinir to direeth.11.-. I . . ! 'Dr. Misokf a practicing physician; andf formeily 01 tne city Motel,, in the City of Richmond, says te lw witnessed: in a number j.f instaneesflie effects. k Carter's Spassh Jdixmrt wjiich were Host truly su r priKing. Heiays in -ft ease! of consumption, il"epe dent on the Iavcr, the goodi effects ircre wontierfjil indeed.' S;. - - L 1 Samukl M,,DniNKEn, of Ithe fmu of Drinker t Morris, Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of Car ter's SpanukJMixture. ;f f ' . Great cureof Serofal..k'he Editors of the Pvich mond :JttjHtAjfe,. n IwirtjcW'aatricjMployiI iu thir' press room, cure.l of vifcnt Scrofula, combined with Rheumati?m,;Which eniirely disabled him from work. Two bottle's ijf 08x1618 Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, aal the Editors, in a notice, say they " eheerfiilly'recflainiend it to all whii aie afflic ted with ny -disease of the blood." Still another cure of Scrofula. I had a very val uable boy eufed of rofulft by Corter'si Spanish . Mixture. ' I consider it a triily valuable medicine. -- i JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor on khe E..F. A P: U. R. Co., Jlichmuiid. V - ' S " ' - I '- . ' - iSalt Rh 'eiivi of 20 years standing. Cured. j.Mr. Jobx TIhompsok, residing in the city of ltich mon'S, was cuied by fhree bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture of Salt Ithenni, whijth he had nearly twenty years, and which all the physicians of the.city could not cure. ,ivi inonmson is well known merchant in the city-of;llichmond,yi., and his curels most relnarkable. if; ' . j1 . i RiCHARn El West, of Ribbmbnd, was cured of Scrofula, andiHvhat physicians oalled confirmed Con sumption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mix iure. . -i''- ' ''. '";' ' '.'.': i' . j Enwix Bcbton, Commissioner of the . Revenue, says he has seen the good eflVets of Carjter's Span ish Mixture in a .number of Syphilitic cases, and says i is a perfect cuje for that horrible disease. ! Wm. . Uaswood, of Richmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and .Ulcers, which disabled him from walk ing. "Took ft few bottles bf Carter's Spanish Mix ture, and was jmabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. i , 1 Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE A CO No. 83 Maidea Lane, Xew York. i E. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132, North 2d St Philadelphia. - , DENNETT DEERS, No, 125 Main St., Rich- mond, Va, and foisale by SLLIi (SSILL; - Salisbury, N. C. j sept, y, isoS iyo NOTICE. V r- , APPLICATION win be made at the next session of the general Assembly of North Carolina, to mcorporatefthc Scotch Ireland Lodge, No. 11 -of Ancient York -'Masons. p ' ' j April 15, ljiy l. . j 24 Land Deeds and Deeds 6f Trust, '! Mariage License, Writs of Ejectment, Witness . Tickets, &c., for sale at this office An agreeablf and Efficacious! Family Medicine, sanctioned and prescribed by THE MEDICAL FACULTY ! SILL'S COMPOUND mnnir ! ALTE1LVXT! The best aud most certain remedy lor tliecure of l.vspepsia, Indiges- r tion, Flatulency, Liyer Com plaint, Nervousness, General 11 Debility, &c, &c. j And ii especially intended and adapted to relieve . . j the affections of Females and others of se- aentary habits and pursuits. I This valuable article 'exercises a gradual and gentle, yet certain and most salutary inBnencetin the; most important organs of the human frame ; restoring in an extraolrdinary manner! their na tujul action, thereby establishing that pust.cqui libtium in all the functions.of the system, which constitutes perfefet health. ,.' . " ; j . l- " ' To those who i"esid4, or have been exposed in miasmatic regions, ;t Will be found an admirable means of preventing and even curing Intermit tent, Fever, Agu and Fever, &c, &c, as weUas mapy of that long train of tedious, distressing and dangerous affections, so often consequent up on hem, such as, enlarged Spfecn, fjbsrructed Liter, Chronic Diarrhoea, &c, kc. Itf has also been found, in many cases, to produce the most hapipy and enduring effects in many of those anomalous ahd nervous affections in females, for which, as yet, iiio satisfactory mode of treat ment has been adopted- . i: - , - Tj"he value of tUsmedicine is how no longer a matter of doubt. 1 has been fairly tested not only in this community, but in various parts of I BurrouBiamg conntivyin the town pr Char ioue auu oaiisr)ury,"nna counties 01 MecKlenburg, Rowan, Iifdell, Uavii, Cabarrus, and Davidson anu in several or the principal cities a nd towns of South Carolina. From all these, tlie irenorts hae beenof th.rnost satisfactory chajralcter, as ''"crous.'testiiisoiiials from individuals of the - . ui efrvvMiJuu eiiuiracier ainpiy iestiy. This is 110 Quack Medicine but one composed of ingredients well known to physician, and dai ly used by them: It lis from the judicious and happy combination of these, that new land valu able properties sire developed, which renders it so valuable in that - wide, range of affections in w hich it has obtained so higji a character. The pi'oprietoi-s will,! with pleasure, make known its constituent ingredients to any gentleman of the Medical Faculty, , ; , Prepared by SILL & SILL, side lroprietors, Salisbury, N. G., ami for Sale by ther Agents iu'Xorth and South Carolina, Georgia i and Ala bama. j; July 1 , 1 SoC Cmo35 - SPRING- AND I SUMMER 1' IMSiaiOXS AM) XKW ARRIVAL OF CLOTnS, CASSDIERES, TEST- 1AU5, KMJJI shM IL0T111AG, II. Ul BEAItb H AS the pleasure : of infonuinsr the fcitiipns nf fralibury and tlie imblic! in srcneral. that be naa just -.reveivea a larire assortment af-Hhe, finost j ami most fashionable j - Cloths, Cassimeres, Tt'slinss, Ready-Made . j Clothing, &c., for the Summer Wear. . Alva3s o hand, Keady-SIade Clothing' o ; Lisi own Manufacture, 1 1 .; AlsoFine HATS and CAPS. which cannot be exeellodforneatnessand durability Among his stock may be found gentlemcb's Dress and Frock Coats,!par.t.$ and vests, together with.an astoitnieut of :B..y's and Children's Clothing.' His Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vcst ings, will be sold as low as thjey can be purcha-sed' in this part of the country, and made up in the best style of the art, aiid with the best trimmings which tbelXorthern markets ean supply. I. - Sprinir and Summer jKashions for -1 Ho 1. 1 1'- JtST RECEIVED, - j . - Tailors' Shear4 Points, Thimbles, and! Needles, always on hand ior-sale. - . ";j .-.'.' ' ' ' lie repcctl'ully invites the citizens of 'Salisbury and! the public toeall- and exasnine" for themselves. livery efiort road to please btth in price fnil qiiali- tTj. gjaiicbury, 3far-h.-3I,- ISjt. tf i'o 1 - TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE jMANOFACTOEY! )pposite3lurpliy's CraiiifrToS'r WILLI AXIS .BROWN ' TJ AKES .this njethod jof" informing tlife" citizens " ; X f the sun-oitidiiig 'country, 'that hivt carry- on in "'Salisbjury, thcabovej hamedf business in all itsdiflercnit branches, .a nil will alfayskeef on hand an assi-tnio-iit of Tib, Japa-.. Copper and Sheet Iron KVare. I II ouso Roofing and (J ut tering executed Jpromptly. He w ould especially call attention to iis sheet iron STOVIvSwith cast iron tops ifnd botltom.s for parlorsordining rooms. For beauty, comfort and cheapness, thoy are un surpassed. ' - 1 - V - - . , . s . ; j . STILLS of all sizes kept for sale, and made td Order at the lowest prices. Merchants, Ped lars nnd othersare invited to arive him a call as he is deterBiincii to sell the above articjes cheap-- er man tiny otner House 111 tlie State. V Country produce, old pewter and old copper, taken in exchange for work. ' J fin li s:"I'iiiiT' N.iC, Dec. 2. 1853. r 1 tf t ; HAND XOOM ! C. Mendenhall & Kina I "t-V- HI r L-l-r .V HAND LOOM ! ! Itilented Xoieniber i, 1S52. 7 VYi IS important labor saving machine, for do I mestic mahufacturing, is destined to super cede and drive' Out of iise all other hand looms;, that have their treaddics Operated by the actiotf of the feet, and the shuttle thrown by the-hand. The Coustructionj is ' i j '' ""' Simple, Cheap andvl)urable ! From its great simplicity it is not subject to get out of order ; and the entire machine complete, can be made by j any ordinary carpenter. The advantages it possesses .over the ; old. fashioned loom, consists in all its parts being ' 1 - Self.cliang1iigj requiring 110 skill to weave, the treaddles being operated and the' shuttle" thrown, both al the same instant; by the direct action of the lay, with out . the bse of cams or gear wheels. jOn'theuld loom, it requires five awkward motions-to put one; weft thread through on this but two simple motions. . It is neat and convenient, only occu-' pying one half the space of tlie Old clumiy loomj On his loom, the weaver may make three times as much cloth wiih less labor. Any one that can put a, warp in the old loojn can; put one in this, without instruction. . The cost is no more than theldj and isfjually adapted to all kinds, of do4 mestic weavins.ii -l ; ' ' ' -V ' . j This Machine supplies a long felt want in the West and South,; where farmers grow their wool, hemp, flax and cotton, and where factories are scarce, weave their own cloth, bagging, linen, kc: BQ3tThe undersigned having bought the righ'tfor Rowan, Davie, Iredell and Mecklenburg counties, would respectfully inform the citizens of each, tha he will, just as soon as he can put up looms,' establish an agency in Salisbury, Mocksville, Statesville and Charlotte, and t5epon: hand a supply for sale. As this loom is just the very thing for plantation use, and has been so; highly recommended wherever introduced, he feels that it will be greatly to the advantage of the public to supply themselves. All orders addressed to me ai Amity Hill, Iredell county, will be prompt ly attended to". N i A. W. McIIEXRY. Jan. 27, 18-34 ly!3 POLISHED SEED, CORAL ITOR Necklaces, with or without clasps, new and beautiful, just received by f v W. B. WILSON, - March 16 20 One door above Granite Row urn i mi mum GOOD MEDICINES. 8T4IILE I1S ! DIARRHOEA CORDIAL Is a pleasant Mixture, compounded in agreement " iuicb ui x uiu liiacjf, wi uuearpcuue .agents, loig knowji and celebrated for their peculiar effica cy, in curing DIARRHOEA, and similar affections of the system, r In its action, it allays nausea nd prodnees a healthy condition of the : LIVER, thus removing the cause at the same time that it cures the disease. STABLER'S" ANODYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT. i? Isj&nfidently recommended to Invalids, as unsur passed by any known preparation, for the cure of COUGHS, HOARSENESS, and other forms of Com mon Cotns; BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA,4 CROUP, CONSUMPTION in an Early Stage, and for the RE LIEF of the Patient even in AdvancedJgtages of that Fatal Disease. - - ' It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies of loiig esteemed value, with others of more recent dis covery ; and besides its toothing and tunt'c qualities, acts through the skin gently, and with great effica cy, for the cure of this class of diseases, j - " The valuable Medicines .above, named-have' re cently been introduced, with he approval of a num ber of the Medical Pkofession in the Cty of Bal imore and elsewhere, and in practice have succeed ed most admirably in CHrine the-diRcasns for wbioh thoy are prescribed. '.sThey are offered to the Coun try Practitioner, as Medicines which he can in all respects depcndupon,ag prepared in agreementwith the experience of some of the most learned and ju dicious Physicians, and strictly in conformity with the rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving his convenience, who cannot so readily as the Citv Phy sician, Lave his own prescriptions compounded by See the descriptive Pamphlets, t be had gratis of all who have the Medicines for Sale, containing .recommendations from Doctors Matis, Baltzei.i.,: Anmsox, Payke, Haxdt, Love, te. - Doctor S. D. Martin says, "I do' not hesitate to recommend your Diarrhea Cordial and Anodyne Cherry Exjjeetorant," Ac. : ' f Doct. John Anmsos says, "It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of the extraordinary ejffUsacy of your Diarrhcea Cord iai, d:e,; and of the Espeetot ant, "1 have no hes itation in recommending it as a most valuable med icine, SC. : j J Doct R. A. Patxe says he has used the Diarrhoea Cordial in his practice "with the happiest effect, and thinks it one of the most convenient and efficient combinations ever offered to our profession." ' Doct. L. D. Hasdy writes, "I have administered your Anodyne Expectorant in .several cases of Bron chitis Affection, with the nof happy remit, and from a knowledge of its -admirable 'effects, I can1, with the greatest confidence, recommend it," Ac. . Doct. W.-S. Love writes to Us that he ;has admin istered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitiz for fourteen yearn, and that she is fast re covering from her long standing malady. It has in a few weeks done her more good than a 11 the rem, edies she has heretotore used under ablej medical counsel: ; ' i .Sixteen of the best AroTnECAniF.s and Pharma ceutists in the City of Baltimore, write, HVe are satisfied the preparations known as &tahl-r'a Ano dyne Cherry-Exjetorant and Xtabler'a Diarrhaa Cordial, are Medicine of gkeat value, and 'very efficient for the relief and cure of the diseases for which they are recommended ; they- bcar the evi dence of skill and care in their preparation and style of putting up, and we take pleasure in recommend ing them." . . j - j Twextv-Skves oi" the most respectably Meb rnAXTS, residents of Marvlaxo, Virginia and NoiiTii Carolina, who have sold and also used these medicines themselves, say, "From our own experi ence and that of our customers, we-do confidently recommend them Pro BonoPublico. Wehavenev er known any remedies used for which they are pre scribed, to be so efficient, and to give such entire satisfaction to all." " ' i.The above notices of recommendation from mem bers of the Medical Faculty, Pharmaceutists of high standing, and Merchants of the flrjjt respecta bility, 'should be sufficient to satisfy all, that these medicines are irorthy of trial by the afflicted, and that they are of a different stamp and class from the 1 "tjuackery and "Cure Alls" so much imposed up on the public. 1 . j . For sale by Druggists, Apothecaries and Country Storekeepers generally. I ' j' ''.; " E. II. STABLER A CO.. .'; '." Wholesale Druggists, . J",. 120 Patt Street, Baltimore. . Ahe.vts in Salisbury.N. C. SILL A SILL! FRASER & THOMSON, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Adger's North Wharf, j j Charleston, S. C, j H 1U attend to the sale of fiOTTOV TAT? A Pen FLOUR, and other COUNTRY PRODUCE. Frederick E. Fraser, Paul S. Thomson. August 11, 1853. ' 1V41 HarnQss ! I Harness ! Wealci s in Harness or all kinds n om $10 lo $?5 ! I Ffve doors below the Post Office, Salisbury, N. C. T is unnecessary to state that the Mountinsrs JL were brought from the North, as every per son must know that such is the fact, j ; The public are invited to call and1 examine their stock. ' GREENSBOROUGH ;- MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ,-'.-. : O l . . TPIIE cost of Insurance on the mutual plamis X .'-but a small sum, compared with a joint stock Company. This company being' located in the Western part of the State, consequently much the larger portion of the risks are in the West, Tery many of which are in the country. . I The.Company is entirely free from debt have made no assessments - and have a very large amount in cash and good bonds, and is therefore confidently recommended to the public. At the last Annual Meeting, the following Of ficers were elected for the ensuing year: . James Sloa', President. ' ..' i B. -Ck ComxjViee president.. i.'. 'H-' J ; -' fQ. P. Mesdeshaw, Attorney .r '"p I'etkii AdXws, Secretary and Jreasurer. -W:t: DIRECTORS. j I James gloan, Jt A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenuall, W(. S. Rankin, Rev. C. F. Deems, J. Mi Garrett, Jed. H. Lindsay, W. J. McConnel, of Greense boro'; E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro'; W. P. Moor, Newbern; II. II. Biirwell, Henderson; J.' L; Bridges, Tarboro; Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jamestown . W A.' Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkins, Carolina Female College ; John I. Shaver, Salis bury; Johh II. Cook, Fayetteville ; J. J. Biggs, i:neign; nooen xu. iroy, A,umberton; Dr. Bo. II. Scales, Lenox Castle.-:-.. y PETER ADAMS, Secretary. H. CUMMIXG, General Asrent. - ' WJ May 10, 18.33. . ly.pd. NEGROES WANTED ! "!"''i , . i- THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW IN MARKET for the purchase of ; ' " QUE IIODRED AD HFTY . ! NEGROES, j of all descriptions, for which he will pay the 1 Very highest Prices in Cash. Persons wishing to, dispose of any of this kind of property, wiH find it to their interest to make early application to him. ' ;MYER MYERS. Communications from a distance promptly attend ed to.. - Salisbnry, Jnly 29, 1853:39 DUE NOTICE TO ALL!! - A It persons who owe me by account or note J or contract to pay in lumber or produce, as the case may be, are notified to call at my office and pay up by the first day of May, as Caleb, Klutts, after that date will be my agent certain, with additional fees. J. S. JOHNSTON March 20, 1854. ' 20 CJ. A. JHILLll, " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SALTS nun Y, AT. C, . i WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES!! . 2 w- E WILSON f Has just returned from New York and PhiladeW ""to uiu ueauuim Btocn. OI J oun- ' ston's,' M. I. Tobias', Edwards', Cooper's, fish- er's, Kerson'8 and Bolds ' - "... Gold and Silver. Watches ! of the latest styles, aiwt at varioas prices ranfir- ling from J$8 to $150. Hunting case Freiwih Watches; silver, $8 00 " . detaclibdLeyerextra quality, 2C 00 Open face Quartiers, $8, $10, $12; . "-:'" " detachedi levers, $16, and $17; ''' Gold detached lever$, $35, 40, $45, ancl $50 ' Gold patent levers hunting case, full jewelledJi - $50, $G5, $70, $75, $8095, $100, $110, : ' ' $130 and $150; . . . . k Together with a large and well selected stock oC Jewelry, Clocks, Cutlery Pistols, Perfumery, Spectacles, Fancy Articles, Silver and Plated Ware, ( such as Tea and Table Spoons, Kckle Forks and Knives, Butter Knives, Salt Spoons, Tea -an Table Forks', Castors, &c, &c. lie invites all to give him a call and examine for themselves, arid any person in want of a good -Watch wijl da well to call 6oon, as ftljetter stock of WATCHES never was offered for sale iu Wes- tern Carolina. I - - ' - - ' W, R. WILSON. . "Salisbury, SeptJ 30,; 1853. 48 '' "Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,- Music Boxerr &c4 repaired in the best manner, and warranted. ui grorm wen. FOR the complete cure of coughs, colds, influen za, asthma, bronchitis, spitting of blood, and all other Lung complaint tending to consumption. This preparation is getting into use all over our country. The numerous letters we receive from our various agents, informing us of cures efl'eeted in their immediate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it is one of the bst, if not the very best cough medicine now before the publie. It almost invariably relieves and not unfrequently cures the very worst cases. When all other cough preparations have failed, this has relieved the patient, as Druggists, dealers in medicines, and physicians can testify. Ask the agent in your nearest town, what has been his experience f the effects of this! medicine. If he has been gell ing it for any length of time he will tell you it is the best medicine extant .- ; - ; Below w e give a few extracts from letters we have receivedkitelyregardingthe virtues of this medicine. Dr. S, S. Oslin, of Knoxville, Ga.,"says : I have been using your Liverwort and Tar very extensive in my practice for three years past, and, it is with pleasure I state my jbtli'ef in its superiority overall other articles with which I aih acquainted, for which it is recommended.": - ' L Messrs. Fitzgerald & Banners, writing from Waynesville, N. C. Says : The Livewort and Tar is becoming daily more popular in this country, and we think justly so. j All who have tried it speak in commendable tcrms-Sof it, and say it is very benefi cial in alleviating the (Complaints for which-it is re commended." , . ;j - . .. 0ur"aent in Pickens District: S. C. Mr S V Af.. Fall, assures us 'thai he uses it wjth great benefit in nis own jamuy, ami recommfts it to his neighbors.' He gives an instance of a negro woman, in his vicin ity, who had beeniPuBering with disease of the lungs for years, attende with severe cough, who was re lieved by the Liverwort and Tar." Such are the good reports we hear of this medi cine from all parts of the South. For a report or the surprising cures it has performed in the Western and Northern and Eastern . States, we would invite the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which ac companies each bottle. To-all, we say, have hope, have hope. . - ' " Try the medicine'! Be warned in season !, - And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, andinviting on thatlread disease,consnmption,when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Ir. Rogers' gyrup of liverwort and Tar. - Beware-' of Counterfeits and base imitations ! ' The genuine article is signed Andr-w Rogers, on the en- " graved wraj-pcr aroiind each bottle. 1 Priee, $1 per botjle, prsix bottles Tor $5. ' Sold' wholesale and retail by , SCO VILA MEAD, i 111 Chartres sti bet Conti and .St. LouisiN. 0.; . ...v. .1,0 mi ,uc cuuiucru ouiies, 10 wnom all or- A Sullivan, Gold Hill ; Marshall A Parker, Albe marle; R. F. Simonton A Co., Statesville ; . Rose A Crenshaw, Mocksville ; Kig A liege, Lexington. May 19, 1S54. I .; p 6m IS flow put up in the largest size bottles, and is ac knowledged to be the best irsaparilla made as is-1 certified byvthe wonderful cures it has performed,, the original'copies Of which' are in the possession of the proprietor. . Remember this is the only true and original article. Serofula, Syphilis, Mercurial com plaints, cancer, gangrene, rheumatism, and a. vast variety 'of other diseases are speedily and perfectly cured by the use of fhis medicine. . Read the follow ing certificate. .Tallapoosa, Ala., Jan, 2, 1852. Dear Sir: I send you this to certify Vp you that your Extract of Yellow J)ock and Sarsapa'rilla Las performed One of the most wonderful- cures on me "that has ever been effected on man. I have been afflicted for 40 years with eruptions on my legs and feet ; in 184S they got so bad that I had tofgo on crutches, and in 1849 I had one leg amputated aboye the knee. In about 9 months af ter my other leg broke out in large leating and run ning sores frpm my knee to my fooij and discharged a great deal of offensive matter.- Vly groin also broke out in large biles, which discharged much of fensive matter, and at the same time mj left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery that I have suffered for the last two years I cannot'describe to you.- .I.was in ucha"0 ny that. I never rpstcd day or night. j In October last my son brought me one of your bottle wrappers ; I read it, and found a record of some wonderful cures performed by your 'Extract of Yel low Doek and Sarsaparilla,' J sent and got tpo bot tles of H, and commenced taking it. In two weeks t my great astonishment my seres all became eu-y and I could sleep all night, a thing J had not done for two years. Wen I had taken six bottles, my ' sores had nearly all healed. My gores got well as if by enchantment. 1 have now used in all eight bot, tlesof your Hxtract of Yellow Doek and SargapariU la,' and 1 now consider my self well.,. -" i ' . 1 1 entreat all of thfc afflicted to try this medicine, for I believe it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, and proclaim its great worth .to suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. My case is well known in a large portion of South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if ay should doubt the above cure, I invite them to call on me and I will show them the seari. I can be found in L Tallapoosa -co., Ala., 1 mile from Stoe's ferry. RENAJAIT TTTTfiirvs ' . The Yellow Dock hnd Sarsaparilla is peculiarly -adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from irreguiaruy 01 menstrual discharge?, and fttber dis, eases peeuliir-to their sex. The proprietor hag in hia possession a great number of certificates of cures, performed of the above description. ; We assure ' the afflicted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott'a Extract of Yellow Doek and SarsapariMa will at once, regulate those dimcnlties and renew the natural en, ergies. Put up in quart bottles. Price $1 per bolv tie. . Sdld wholesale, and retail by 1 , , - --' , SCOVIL &MEAD, 111 Chartres street, New Orleans, ficneral Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders mustba addressed; and by Murphy, MeRorie A Co.;. Sill A Sill. Sadibury; Murpby A Black, Concord : Barn-' hardt A Sullivan, Gold Hill: Marshall A Parker,' Albemarle ; Rose A Crenshaw, Mocksville R, F. Simonton A Co., Statesville ; King ' A Hege, Lex, mgton. . ' May 19, 1854 6m29 WORTH 8c ELLIOTT, Successors to J. D. Williams, FORWARDING & COMDIISSIOIV lIEJlGHAiXTS, J. A. WORTH, i I Eebruary 4, 1853. W. P, ELLIOTT uers ami applications lor ageneies must be address ed. Sold by Murphy, MeRorie A Co., SillTA Sill,. Salisbury; Murphy A Black. Concord r.rl,lf EICHWINE & HARRISON, General Iry Goods, Cutlery, Hardware, Crockery, AND ' Grocery Merchants, NO. 76, SALISBURY, X. C. J April 15, 1854. -1 ' ;. 24 10 "' 4 'A n. V