V 1 THE THRIFTY FARMER. The provident and thrifty farmer adopts three rales for regulating his business, which he observes himself land enforces on those around him, viz: to do everything in the right time, convert everything to its proper use, and put everything in its prop er place. i & . . ' . He buys only the improved breeds of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, and keeps no more than he can keep well, ; either in summer or winter. He always drives on his work, and nev er lets his work drive himii "; i His animals are never under fed or over worked. ' - .. , i ' - His out-houses, wood-Bheds, poultry house, pig-pen,; wagon-house, andcorn-crib are nicely white-washed oa the outside, and 3cept clean and neat within. He has a tool-house ad a place for ev ery tool in it, which may be wanted for any ordinary farm 'purposes, such as mend ing implements, making axe or hoe or fork handles, &c.r and also forjstowing careful ly away such as will not be wanted for an other season. ' . - xie nas sneus arouuu uis uaru-jaru bu. protect his cattle " from the weather; and -young stock, and alsoa shea to protect hi3 manure .heap. . . .. He has leaves or other refuse, vegetable matter to gather with soil from his head lands, convenient to his barn-yard, to com- Dost. with his manure heap throueh -the mater. ' He does not allow the liquid manure to escape into the nearest stream, a quarter or half a mile from his barmyard. " His barn, and. sheds, and dwellings are all supplied with good spouting. JEIis fences are always n good order, and -materials for repairing or; renewal are col lected and made during the winter. His wood-shed is supplied with wood T ' ut in August, always one year ahead. His wife never scolds, (because she ncv er has occasion to. , In Her cellar and pahtry are always sup plied with the needful Taw material, which she works up into a palatable form to fill;, up vaenums at meal times.- t Heavy bread, cold buckwheat cakes, and rancid butter, are novelties which her gude I man and the children have heard tell of by '. rsome of the n'eighbors,p! but - have .' never seen. ' " p - : . He considers it a duty to promote the circulation of agricultural papers, and has saved himself some hundreds of dollars by following their advice. ; 5 - His crops are always Tequal, and often better than any in the , Neighborhood, and Are kept clear of weeds. , .. lie watches the 'market and sells his 5rops at the highest prices. !! , IIe"niakes it a rule always to fspend a lit tle less than he makes, ft - I Himself and wife are: 1 both j industrious, . the children -are brought up :in the same . way, and arc not allowed to shoot the birds, smoke segars, or chew tobacco: " He buys and sells on, the-cash principle, and thus saves himself from losses and bad .debts., r 1 . j . . He has a large fruit Orchard, well sup plied with every variety! of fruit to ripen in succession. ' He studies the theory as well as the j practice of farming, has! cleared. pff the last 100 dollars of mortgage!, and is" seriously talking of making a bid for his neighbor Sloven's farm, which isfup at Sheriffs sale. He goes to church on jthe Sabbath, minds liis. religious duties, and brings up his chil dren to do the same, lives respected, and dies regretted, as a "useful man and good Christian. Farmer's Jagazine. '. One-half of the little he raises is destroy ed by his own or his neighbors! cattle. . His plow, harrow, and other impliments lie all winter in the field where last used ; and just as he is getting in a hurry, the t next season, his plow breaks because it was not housed and properly cared for. ; Somebody's hogs break in, arid destroy his garden, because he had not stopped a hole in the fence; that he had been intend ing to stop for a week. ' He is often in a great hurry, but will stop and talk as long as he can find any one to talk with. . -" ;", .'- He has, of course little money j. and when he must raise some to pay his taxes, &c.,.he raises it at a great sacrifice, in some way or by selling his scanty crop when prices are low. ":'. He is a year behind, instead of being a year ahead of his business and always will be. When he pays a debt, it is at the end of an execution ; consequently his credit is at a low ebb. - .. . He buys entirely on credit, and, mer chants and all others with whom he deals charge him twice or thrice the profit they charge prompt paymastejs, and are unwill ing to sell him. goods at any Cost" " He has to heg and promise.aucL promise and ,beg; toT get them ,on terms. ' The merchants dread to see his wife come into their stores, and the ;poor woman feels depressed and degraded The smoke begins to come out of his chimney late of a winter's morning, while his cattle are suffering for their morning's feed.! Manure lies' in heaps in his stable ; his horses are rough and uncurried, and his harness trod under their feet. His bars and gates are broken, his build iugs unpainted, and the boards and shin gles falling off he has no time to replace them the glass. is out of the windows, and the holes stopped with rags and old hats lie is a great borrower of his thrifty neighbor's implements, but never returns the borrowed article, and when it is sent for, it can't. be found. lie is, in person, a great sloven, and never; attends public worship; or if he does occasionally do so, he comes sneaking in when the service is half out. . 1 He neglects his accounts, and when, his neighbor calls to'settle with him has some- thin'' else to attend to. ' . 's Take him all in all, ho is a poor farmer, poor husband; a poor father, a pot. r ejghbor, and a poor Christian. Farmers Mayteinc. .. , ; FOR DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &c. Druslits and Practical Chemists, opwosite'the mansion Hotel,' - SALISBURY, N. C. . Is addition to their stock, already among the largest and most complete ia the State, continue make daily additions of almost every thing in their line sof ftu3jness embracing . , Druzs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, j . , Perfumery, Dye-Si utTs, Tarnishes, Paints, !; Brushes, Glass &c, &c, &c . They cannot but be sensible of the flattering evidences of tjhe Appreciation f their efforts i ;tO e8 tahlih in Wstrn North Carolina, a. ereat. Depot for Medicines, &c.l where the Physician: the . 1 .1 . i J 3 1 ' X A.i:Aln Merchant, the llanter and all otners, may aiways ue sure j tfuumg inu supply 01 everj uum in their line ; and at prices vastly tower than ever before known in this part of the country; and which will compare most favorably with the prices of Goods of similar quality, in any part of the United States. i . I - . . . .TJnth Partners beinsr resrular Graduates in Medicine, and having had long experience in their business, and devoting themselves diligently to their duties, will guarantee perfect satisfaction to all purchasers, as well in the quality ol their gooas, the neatness ana care TitU wnicn iney are put up and packed, as in the very low prices at which they will be soltf j-, ' Rowan Hiou iiami0 mum m ii'i ijuwfm s e. SALISBURY, S. C. 1 1 1 .V BY BL L. ROBARDS. THIS House bus acquired a feputAtiou which ve ry properlv places it amoneithefirst class Hotels of the State. There mav b lojkndhere all that per- forthCCIireoriJSIepsia.IndisrCS- An asrreeable andEfac THE MEDICAL FACULTY ! SILL'S COMPOUND , WILD CMRM TONIC AND ALTEE!AisTT! , The best and most certain remedy CLAY The Bubcnher oemg now enggeai ' in n enlargement and completion of . the. Xife-s gSTTEttMS CASH. tSe?t. HO! FOR SOUTH TROY AND EAGLE MILLS1J! ' cfeffjaall ' ejjgii3jjjj ' JONES Male and Femal vil: ala'Ai ' ' 'V- LLE Academies. RI3Y W. X VAN AATOXy A.M. Miss SAUAII It; FIlOST,.,"--.J A MINE OF WEAI.TII! . A Utile more help and ilt riches shall be developed to the astonishment of the world 'ana to we enrich , r fhent of the SouthJ x , THE proprietors of Eagle Mills and South Troy (the most important real estate- in the ., South, and comprising water ' rsb inestimable jrlue,) nothing daunted by a decree ot public neglect, are pushing - forward. - Their motto is, 'ONWARD ! ONWARI) 1" and 80 fair, their labors have been handsomely rewarded, j $4,000, clean cash, in elev en months, is not to be meezed. at. And. if this sum can be realized by a 'limited investment: j)f capital, wuat could not bo done by a liberal and full handed ntnnaiiT t Anrl will nntmnnpv min trt up t.ViAl ft.t tention to thisilocaliW and its great inducements j pf our schojars, whileiat the same time a close for the investment of capital ? Its intrinsic and ! watch will fee kept 0v their moral,' as well as, Miss nOCIXWAJtllIXillERTT M, r- in charge of vet Jtatx-ji . jsepartment. .. - OUR NXT SESS10 JF- n& 'op; eV da- the-first Monday tn July. " ' ' o-H - Wei feel confident in saying that we are as well prepared tq impart a thorough, education to all who may b entrusted to our care,vas ut any si: milari institution in thjci land. No painsw.ill be onitted for-the advancement THE THRIFTLESS FARMER. : TLq thriftless farmers 'provides no shelter for his cattle during the inclemency of the winter; but permits thibm. to stand shiver Jng by the side of a fnce, or lie in the &now, as best suits them. : ' lie throws their fodder on the ground, or in the mud, and noCunfrequcntly in the highway; by which a large portion of it and all the manure, isfwaated. . .' . ; TTo fmi7P lilu mf!irlnjoa ir full and cnrmi ... o . " r f faf by which they are gradually exhausted and finally ruined. "His fences are old apd poor,' just such as to let his neighbors' cattle break into his eld, and teach his o-svn to be unruly and ppoil his crops. f He neglects to keeps the- manure from a lil. "ll j 1 - i 1 rounu lue sins or nis Darn 11 ne nas one by which they are prematurely rotted, 1 and his barn destroyed- He tills or skims oer the surfaceof-hia ; land, until it is exhausted ; but .never thinks it worth while o manure or clover H. ,For the first, be fias no time, and for the last he " is not able," . J He hag a place for nothing, and nothing q its place,'; He consequently wants a hoe or a rake, or a hammer, or an augur, but - knows not where to and them, aud thus loses much time. j - ': t He loiters away stormy days and even - iDs when he .should ibe repairing his uten pils, or improving his.miml by reading use ful books or newspapers. He epeqds much time in town, at the corner of the street, qf in the ' rum holes,' complaining of hard Jtimes, and goes. home 5n the evening, ( pretty well lore." I He has no shed fo his fire-wood ; conse que'ntly his wife is oht of humor, and his meals out of season. I ' 1 I He plants a few fruit trees, and bis cat tle forthwith destroyed them. He' ' has ro luck in raising'fruit," . ,i prospective valne has been estiinatad a-t 52,700,- 000 ! I ! Very comfortable sum, that andougutnot, the subsisriber thinks, to be deemed unworthy at tsntion of millionaries. : At one time it was wjthin the reach of men of small moans j-thosej who boast of their 20, 30, and thousand dollais. They must be satisfied, now, with simply seeing theland of promise. They are invited to pome and take a look ; and perhaps they niay be gratified with a brief talk about trading for interests. But liberal men, with handsome means, are ; those who will receive attention : Come forward gentlemen, here is the place for your money, and the place that will rapay " you double for every dollar expended!.- $4,000 a year for 25 years; are; $10.000 -deitrrf-oxer and above expenses. - Money ; will : make I'lioney. It Rtrangely multiplied itself,-and -tliat vary j rapidly, when properly used.' Willyoueoine ? .Goiiieifyou will. If not, why, wc 11 go cu.as we have uoue: ; We'll do the best -e ciin:; We'll continue to im prove this valuable' property, slowly ojnd surely. We 11 introduce one; thing alter auoUier until tne ground is occupied.; We will nottohly live .hy it, but make money. Poor men whtf want; work shall find here constant employment and good wages. No difficulty about it. Eagle Mills ami feuuth Troy are bound to- goahead, just assure as the sun shines and that the ram tails to water i tbe earth, lhe Southern country shall feel its benign influence, and rejoice in its prosperity, and when we have Moue with it, all men shall call .us blessed.. , f ion, Flatulency, Liver Com plaint, nervousness, General ; Debility, &c, &c. And is especially intended and adapted to relieve the affections of Females and otners of se i dentary habits and pursuits. : '.. o , This valuable article exercises a gradual and tains to thereal comfort and enjoymentof its guests, j xieiore ltd enlargement, tbe How an House was re nowned for its quiet, its good management and neat ness, anymore so how since the eitensive iinprove ment made by the present proprietor, (who is the real owner- and ;iot lessee,) rendering it one of the largest, and in all other essentials, among the Best Houses in the Southern Country. I he House, most of the servants, an extensive vegetable garden, with a farm well wooded, in a mile of Town, all the property! of the indomitable proprietor. The public will, Itheg nhall find here first rate rooms, carpets on the floors, clean and soft beds, nice white walls, ' i j i A Table bountifully spread with every varidty of creature; comforts. The pro prietor's personal attention being bestowed upon the comfort and convenience of its guests. Ills success, ind the continuous increase of his custom justifies jthe belief that the proprietor pos sesses the qualities and accomplishments of a good landlord. In fact, if the traveller or sojourner in Salisbury wishes to feel at home, just let him call at laughter's Old Point! Comfort," and statfc his wants to Robards, and he will straight ' happy ; and enduring effects in many of those way find himself in the enjoyment ot as much com- anomalous and nervous affections in females, for uM iao tue ioiotiuiiu away irumaisuwu as yet, no satisfactory mod of treat- ment xms oeen aaoptea. . t : flowltiff, and still they continue inereasiug. Come .7 ' J 7 t Ti r. - i a tfiTt I arii a a and (ran t loman tha Coonml an I QriATriPnt rf t uwr 'J w" . the House ismw under 'wav. and the back yard fill- ( Only in this community, but in various parts of gentle, yet certain and most salutary influence on the most important organs of the human frame ; restoring in an extraordinary manner their na tural action thereby establishing that just equi librium in all the functions of theTsystem, which constitutes perfect health. - . To those who reside, or have been exposed in miasinatic regions, it will befound an admirable means of preventing and even curing Intermit- j tent Fever, Ague and Fever, &c, &c, as well as ; many of that- long train; of tedious, distressing i and dangerous affections, so often consequent up- I on them, such as, enlarged Spleen, Obstructed Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea, &c, &c. It has also been found, in many cases, to produce the most and Times of Henrv.Clay. find on. exaroinaUont of Mr. Clay's papers and correspondence at Ashy. , lad.; that this Private Correspondence U of m-- 1 terfal importance for a complete exhibition of hi . '' chriracter anu ni story 01. uiu tuueti iui r hesnwas connected. As Mr. Llay was not in tne - . ha&it of taking copies of his, own,, letters,., they ar& now scattered over the country m tne lianas - oif.his numerous cprrespondents, and haT.e doubt- . les been preserved. No matter how private or.; . ev-en confidential the correspondence may . have been, if not of a nature to render its posthu&ou publication improper, it is a very effective mode of ;illustratingharacter, and is often important inhibtory. The subscriber therefore respectful-' 1 v3and earnestly requests, all correspondents of -l5t'f . Oay, whether 4n the earlier or latter periods ofhis Ufe in public or in private stations, who rrjry be in possession of original letters from Mr. Olay on any subject whatever, not sacred to pri vacy after death, that they will be pleased, "if" not inconsistent with their feelings, to forward. fc'uch letters to the publishers Of the work, A.; S.. ,rarnes& Co., 51 John street, New York j imd' -: 'they may be assured that tbe letters will be re-; ' turned, or subject to their order, according to th instructions that may be given. . -f Zhe subscriber will also be greatly obliged for - ,iy commumcauons relating to iur. jiay mat: - AT V A . A A J J 1 a i'JPrmcipal Teuher'an&. QcWrnet m me. Jehfei- A Xr.The llbnse, it is truerhas been for weeks over f - XJeparlmtn. be thought new or hnportant, addressed to tyb care of A. S. Barnes & Co., as above men-f-Jjoned. As the design is to publish the work iJv Jthe coming spring, it will be seen that immedi- -te attention to this request will be necessary tq feiake it available. t . ' . . ' rThe subscriber will be greatly obliged to'' all " Editors of Newspapers who may take sufficient.. Interest in this notice to give it circulation.. Jim. 21. l$ol. 13 " HE'S NOTHING BUT A FARMER." Said a little Miss, a few evenings since, n a ball-room, as she scornfully curled her pretty lip on being introduced to a fine, generous, openb.ea.rted, young fellow, wbose broad and expansive forehead was tbe sym bol of bis broad acres. " He's nothing but a-farmer.-' And who was she that looknd thus disdainfully on one of God's noble men ? She was the daughterof a broken merchant whose fortune had been ruined by the extravagance of a wife, and foolish- y proud daughter. Though her father's heart had been by misfortune and he had paid the penalty of extravagance by incar ceration in the home prepared for criminals his daughter-had bot yet learnt the def erence between pride aud worth extrava gance and wealth. ., The nobleman who eat the bread of industry, and. looEed "every man in the face, with an independence which said " I owe you nothing," was in JUOr estimation " onln a farmer. ; Did those upstart fools, who are charac terized as " codfish aristocracy " having more smell substance--ever read, even their bibles, they would find that God himself has selected his prophets,! and kings from long farmers. Noah was a husbandman, and planted a vineyard Abraham was rich in cattle, aud Lot had flocks and herds insomuch that there was not pasture enough for both, and they divided the country, Lot selecting the plains of Jordan, and Abraham taking the hilly country of Cana an.: - : ; . . . i , ! .- -r ... . Jacob was a great ; cattle grower, as he presented Esau with five! hundred- head of cattle. Moses was a wool-grower Gideon was taken from his threshing-floor. Saul was a herdsman, even while he was king. David was a shepherd, arid was. taken from tnat occupation to Jte king of Israel, and the? ancestor according to the flesh of the Messiah Uzziah was a cattle-grower, Eli- sha was, plowing with twelve yoke of oxen (probably breaking up prairies, or turning up subsoil) when Elijah cast his mantlebn him, a prophet. I 1 And yet, though God I honored the hus bandman selected his kings and prophets from-among the farmers j and even cairied on agriculture on a small scale, himself (having L" planted a garden eastward of Eden .") the small fry, codfish aristocracy, turn'up their noses, that were never wiped with "a jpaid for pocket-handkerchief " and cry out, "Oh, he is; nothing but a far- P. S. The location imdothcradvantnges ol'fcoiit.n Troy aud liable Mills, property understood and ap preciated, would bardly fail of arresting the serious attention of the friends of the Western; liaili lload extension.' It is our intention to collect informa tion on this subject, with a view of urging upon the public and the Legislature, the claims, of this sec tion.: aud have but little doubt that if facta of suffi cient importance shall be adduced, South Troy and Eagle Mills, will be speedily connectedi with Salis bury by railroad as it ought to be1, and thence with the markets of the! world. Tothis end. a survey of the route between the. two pIffcSsfshalljbei made in Jue time. South Troy will,. ere long beoome a man ufacturing city ; audi hence the necessity of increas ing transporting and travelling facilities. ; The ad vantages of such a road would tell powerfully upon the merchantile and , mechanical Interests of Salis bury; Doctors, Lawyers and Divines, are also con cerned, and would all be benefitted. i . : A. B. . their intellectual facuDies. Our schtibls are coniucted' in separate build ings, large jiand handstinely constructed, being located in a beautiful i'ovc at k suitable distance apari. 'I.--- ; j 1. W4 hav a fine i Ajkiaratus with Globes and Maps to illustrate tbe suportant sciences wvhich are sttdiedl. We also Bave a well selected Libra ry toj which all the pupls can have access. Our village is locateil in a high, healthy re ligion of country, a bouts htteen miles irom the Blue ludge), iree ti'om temptations ' to extrava gancB to which most Milages -are subject, and many ft-oiif time to'timf in delicate health, have entered our" schools anjl soon their health was restored arid their cheele tinctured with the "rose. Tl e entire expenses In our schools for board andiuitijif, with the exception of the extras, in the Femalf Department, varies from 31 25 to 38 l75, i idegrce of eleapuess unsurpassed in the history! of schools. ! All we ask is a fair trial. : EXTUaVS: . Slilsic, il. - . '- U -; - - $15 00 Painting In AVater Cdors, . .- , - -5 00 f Freneh,-.. :-; -f, .- - - 5 00 Student furnish theii own candles. Any numbcV that wi be likely to come, can obtain bo:rd at the foli wing places: Ladies at A. ri.ixonjiin -a, C. U. vKiruon s, 1'. liougti s, or others. .i.'- GeiitletSen at Dr. 'Bttham's, Hotel, with the Principal br others in tie village at the reduced price of 1 25 per weet. . . In the ihimediate vicikity," board can be had in the farnilijis of John I. jiYoodruff, F. A. Harris and otherf. j - Books and stationery will be furnished the students at customary inees. For I fur her informatiin, address the Principal at Joriesvllle, Yadlvin Cqtnty, N. C. June 16. 1854. . Sm'iS -f- MOW'S THE TIME! ' PltlNTlKG! ed with lumber; and sutficient number oflhjttadsj employed to completein a short time, a large and ; splendid three story addition to the old Rowan. - j The accommodation for horses already much. en- : larged. j :. , I . ; - Twice the number of excellent servants have been procured for another year, and most supeiior Ostlers a ttending the stables ; the barns kept tilled with the verv best of all.kinds of provender. ; . ' i t' 1 H. ;L. ROBARDS. Salisbury, December 28, 1852. i f.- 9 STAGE OFFICE. From and after the first day of January 1853, the Rowan will be the Stage House, and the propri etor the agent : i . ! ,v ' i For Waddell's line of mail coaches direct from Salisbury to Raleigh. i! j " For Warlick's mail hne of ;coaches from Salisbury to Morganton; which is continued by Chunn direct to Asheville. I : For C.-Lucas' & Co.'s splendid line' of. four ,horje post coaches, from Salisbury! to Charlotte. , And for their line of four horse post coaches from Salisbury to Danville, via Lexington, Jamestown, and Greensboro', and on to; hours. Richmond, Va., in 48 T MANSION HOTEL ! SALISBUKY, K. C. ri IIE;-underigned havi$L I 16ng jestablished HOTEt, charge of this situated on the N urth! Corner of the Court l(ouse, Respectfully lntorms tie travelling pulilujthat it will he her aim tj kefp up to the fullestjextent, the reputa tion whicli this House has heretofore sustained for its comfortable accontnodations abroad. No pains hr expense ppared(o render satisfied all who hmy favor her with h call. From her riWiHHE PBOPRIE.JCRS QF.TIIE I long xpe;ience, she is confident none will have ViS&lUfa: I ' Whiir'onrI Atlvonatfi." rpsnptfill- I Cause tfl fiomDlaih. : i ly inform the public, that having just 5 received an additumal supply ot IgTYPE, PAPER, CARDS, ic.j of the tery best quality, which, added to their former Stock, far, surpassing any other in this sec tion, they are now; prepared to do I in all its various styles, and at at a small adyance -mj-Xorthem prices.. Our materials for large Bills are unsurpassed. Those having printing to do either in . I P1AIN OR FANCY STYLE, arc invited to call. No pains spared to give sat isfaction. On hand a large supply of satiu enam elled Boards for large Cards. i . I . . ! , f MILLER & JAMES. The House will,' at all times; be supplied with a sufficient number of well tTainedand attentive servants, uuid the furniture tept in the best or der. . . J ; Til C T.4BtE shall cjnstantly be supplied withrthe yery best the market can command. BOOK AXD JOB ITvIiNWG ffortf t4epriBciStagetini.kept.tthi.- i : . i i Hotel- The great Aorlhtrn ' and Southern Mail Lines arrlvc'aud depart Daily ; also, the Western via Linoointon to .shville, Tri-weekly. j T1IU STABLES Attached to the Hotel are large, comfortable, and attenSled by the very best Ostlers in the country, jj 4 - Trusting that by strict attention to the wants of the public. not only to retain the liberal, pa tronoge heretofore bestowed on the Hutel, but to merit an inci'cuse. ! ii ' ANN BROWN. . , Salisbury, Dec. .16, 1853. tf8 I GREENSBOROUGII MTJTXTAL instjeance company. NEW COMBINATION! Win, J. Rummer, Saddle, Harness, Boot AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, TAKES this method of j informing his custom ers and! the public generally, that having recently visited the cities of Baltimore, Philaidel phia and New York, where he purchased all the necessary materials to carry on the Harness, Sad dle, Boot and. Shoe business, hit the lowest cash prices, he.is now fully preparejd to manufacture ! articles in:the various bratichcs ot las busi- 1! Ll . 1 3 !j: ..It i.1 . . 1 ncss, as goottjasitne oesx,ianu xo scu mem as low as the lowest.) ": :' f ' . -".'-: . - i. He would sky to the public that his material for Boots and Shoes is of the ; very best and his woi"k men unsurpassed for mechanical skill. ' Heisde terruined to give, satisfaction to all in want of Boots and Shoesi'i I i . His Harness will compare with any made North or South, for .either beauty or durability. On hand and for sale a. large lot of . MOIMIXGS of every kind:, which he will sell low to those de sirous to purchase to work up or to sell again. He returns his thanks I to those who have so liberally sustained him, ami promises for the fu- ture to leave nothing undone t merit not only a continuance but ah increase.- j Salisbury, Dec. 123, 1858. " ly9 IROCL.iMATIO. TO THE CITIZENS OF E0WAN. PUIAERMACIIER'S Hydrti-Iilectric Vroltaic. Chains,- ONSTRUCTEK to be worn next to the skin, the surrounding country i the towns of Char lotte and Salisbury, and counties of Mecklenburg, Rowan, Iredell, Davie, Cabarrus, and Davidson, and in several' of the principal cities and towns of South Carolina. From all these, the reports have feeen of the most satisfactory character, numerous testimonials from individuals of the most respectable character amply testify. This is n6 Quak Medicine -bujt one composed of ingredients well known to physicians, and dai ly used by them. It is from the judicious and happy combination of these, that new and valu able properties are developed which renders it so valuable in that wide range of affections in which it has obtained so hitch a character. The proprietors will", with pleasure, make known its constituent ingredients to any gentleman of the Medical Faculty, . " . Trepared by SILL & SILL, sole Proprietors, Salisbury N. C, and for sale by their Agents in'North and South Carolina, Georgia and Ala bama. . July 1' 1853 0mo35 GAZETTEER r OF NORTH CAROLINA. fllHE undersigned -is engaged in- conjunction ' I with others in the preparation of a G.ZETr TEER of the State of North Carolina, and de siring to render it as complete and satisfactory as possible,, respectfully solicits the countenance and aid of the citizens of the State "in furthering the undertaking. The miscellaneous character of the materials out of which a Gazetteer of the State must necessarily be constructed, suggests the importance of securing the cooperation Of persons in every county who' may be able to fur nish such minute and local information as could be obtained from no other source. Relying up- ; on the intelligence aud public spirit ot our citi ; zensj the undersigned takes the libcrl r Ashland, Feb. 10fc1854. C COLTDJT. j f Publishers' Notick. Jidi torg who-will opy- fbs above notice in their columns, shall be fur- - itshed with a Volume of-the Letters and Corres pondence of. Henry Clay","' as soon as published. 3-;.. A. S. BARNES & Co., .- ' 51 John street, N. 1". ' " TTOR the complete cure of coughs, eolds, infiuenl rj za, asthma, bronchitis, spitting of blood, and mil her Lung complaints tending to consumption. This preparation is gettipg into use all over our pountry. The numerous letters we receive fronmur -Various agents, informing us of eufes eflected in Uiei oiamediate neighborhoods, warrant us in saying it is one of the best, if not the very best cough medicine now before the public. It almost in variably relievea rfod not unfrequently cures the very worst Cases When all other cough preparations have failed, thia Ji4s rt-ncved the patient, as Druceists. deaW. ir. 'medicines, and physicians can testify. Ask the agent ; your nearest town, what has been hia experience : -; iaj tuev to ui Luies uicunriue. xi ne nas DeCa sell 4ag it for any length of time he will.tellyouitiathe Jiest medicine extant.' - ; ; - Below we give a few extraete from letters w have, 'jceived lately regarding the virtues gf this medicine. ul. o. o. vsiiu, oi ADox vine, a., says : I Lave c Salisbury, July 29, 1853. COURTBLiJittS! ' We are prepared to furnish Clerks Sheriffs, and Constables, with Blanks of every variety, printed on the best of paper, at fair prices, i j . Travellers'9 Rest Statesville, Iredell County, N. C. i fFIIE cost of Insurance on the mutual plan is I J i but si; sm all sum j compared with a j oint stock producing aconstant ujiiinterrupted electro mag- ' A- - I ..j? a. i-A- r : ... 11 A .. J. A netism cuecung liumeuiate reuei, irom an urine pains and permanent eur4 of all Neuralgic Diseases. PulvermiLcher's Electric Chains, were first used in France, three years siacej for the cure of nervous diseases, and after being (submitted, to rough trial, in every Hospital in Paris, learned Professors in that city, they mended to the Governnientof France j Tntn. for tbft li.Yrtvfr.tl. Dnrin p tbiv vi-Hrs lHiSl-2 they were introduce in tJermany,' Austria, Prus" s ; and England, and one year since, introduced and i patented by the TJnifed States Government, i : , MostastoMshingX'uresof Rheumaitisw, painful and ; swelled Joints, Newi-algie of the : face, Deafness, Blindness, Hysterics Dyspepsia, St Titus Dance, ' Palpitations ;6f the Heart, - Periodical Headache, Pains from Indigestion, tTlteric Pains. Every dis- j ease, called A ervous,; is quickly aba rapjdlv cured, een using your Liverwort and Tar very extensive- iif uij jiuKjiice iur turee years past and, it is With jtleasure I state my belief in its superiority overall mother articles with which I am acquainted, for which is recommended." , . ...... . Messrs F.tzgerald & Benners, writing from i aynesville,.I. C. says s The Livewort and Tar is A ecoming daily more popular in' this unntr. ty to reoue i thin k,W S- ' A ha- in ty to request jvommeudaUe terms of it, and say it i8 very benefi-' e ill at their ;n alleviating the complaints for which it is re. ' , Our agent in Pickens District; S. C. Mr. S. R. Me k "II, assures us 'that he uses it with .i . f .Lis own family, and recommends it to his neighbors . ' J ,ucululc ul negro woman, in his vicin- uy, Ttuv uau oeea sunenng witli disease of the lungs mr years, attended, with severe cough, who was re lieved by the Liverwort and Tar. ; a; "i Such are the good report we hear of tb.fi mi ' Lane from all parU of the South.' , For a renort ?tie surprising cures it has performed in the Wettem 'm A-.o.iu-ru -nun intern orates, we would invite the suffering patient thread the pamphlet which ac ompajuea each bottle. To all. we snv. I,..-, i.. tave hope. , t . . ' . . 1 ' TrJ the medicine ! Tt --t-ir..M t mkmS L beglel-t pt. that cough which is daily weakening -.your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, jj. nd inviting on that dread diseascconiumptlon.wheB i Jo soothing and healing a remedv can h chants and other professional men. Beware .of Counterfeits and base imitations ! The 8r The general character of the timber and - genuine article is sigfed Andrew Rogers on the en soil in different parts of the county. . . graved wrapped around each bottle. .: ; . To those who have so promptly responded to g Pripe, $1 per-bottle," or six bottles for $5. Sold ' the request, the subscriber returns his sincere vtwh6lesale and Retail by; - SCO VIL A. MEAD, thanks, and hopes that many others will com- Ul Chartres st bet Conti and St. Louis, N.'o.' municate as much valuable information as they ?JT,,e aSits for the Southern States, to whom all or, ii... - .a- ai.- x- : fillers and applieations for u(.ni.i jj can coueci, on ail or any 01 me iiutvuiue uu- r-, . o u t , , jects of enquiry. . W". D. COOK. ; Raleigh, August, 1854. , that persons in any part of the State earliest possible convenience, furnish hint in de tail as much information as thej' possess or can obtain on the following points viz:' l-.f The names of the Post Offices in your coun ty, and the distance and direction from the Coun ty To wn. V "'' - " 2.1 The names of the Rivers arid Creeks, giv ing the general direction in which they run, and where they empty. .!- , 3.1 The name and locatiori of ilills, Factories, Founderies, &c, &c. . ' : - - 4 J The Schools aud Colleges, with the number of Teachers and Pupils. ; 51 The Churches, designating' the denomina--toii of eacb . " ' r . 6. ' The character and -i productiveness of the- Mines, and Fisheries and the principle article of export. . ' . - ; m - i . The number ot Lawyers, Physicians, Ater- 'iik r 1 ' r".H?BJt cKte Co., Sill A Sill, Saliibury; Murphy 4 Blacjt, Concord ; Barnh.rdti rA Sullivan Gold Hill; Marshall & Parker, Albe- Opposite Murphy's Granite RoWi WILLIAMS BROWN ""AKES this method of informing the citizens'! of the "surrounding country, that he is carry-' ing jon in "Salisbury," theabove named business"; 1 inj in all its different branches, and will always keepjf ; S now put up in the largest size bottles, and isme- on hand an assortment ot Tin, Japan, Copper j air.wieagef to De'tne and Sheet Iron Ware. company . This company Deing locateu in the lj rPHE undersigned having purchased the ; Western jlart of, the State, consequently much fast 1 above named Hotel, of; J. F. Harbin j thejlarge portion of the risks are in the West, would inform .the Public, (that they are mer YADKIN HOTEL, BY i . W. LONG, . , YADKINVILLE, N. C. TITHE Proprietor having completed his block I of buildings in the Town of YADKINVILLE, would respectfully inform his numerous friends and the travelling public that he its now prepar ed to accommodate in the most hospitable man ner, all who may give him a calLJ-j . , Members of the Bar may find unusual accom modations at this House, as a number of Offices have been fitted up for their special benefit. In addition to tbe above, the Proprietor has good STABLES and an attentive set of OST LERS. No pains will be spared to enhance the comfort of both man and beast.. May 19, 1854, j ?9tf now prepared to receive and accommodate boards ers and travellers No exertions will be spared to satisfy those who may favor us with their patronage. 1 ! t ' JAMES A. SCROGGS, A. M. WALKER, s March Nth 1853-21. i . JAMES-W. DICK, Forwarding arid Commission ": " ,-ittl5RCIIAJKT.i-t,. uX-J- FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan. 27, 1854. 13 YGIIKE'S . Illustrative and Constructive. GRAIrlltlAR. 1 riHIS new aind taluble work is now ready for I sale, and may be had by applying to Rey J, W. Pewett, ; Morgan ton ; W. M.I Pewtt, and James Harper, Esqrs.,; Lenoir; Spencer Eaves and Rev. A. Hamby Rutherfordton ; Col. Har per, Putterton, Long and Oxford, Little; River; Flower3 & Smith, Rocky Springs ; Gaither & Co., Eagle Mills ; Gen. Jones, Williamsburg; Graham, Weaver & Co., Snow Creek ; James & Vestal, and Watts, Tomlin & Co., and the Author at New Institute. rr. !:' t Price, 50 cents, sent free of postage to : any Post Office, by addressing the Auther," at New Institute, or James H. EnnisS, Salisbury, N. C. Liberal deduction made to wholesale purchasers. The superior excellence of this work consists in very many of which are in the country. The Company is entirely free from debt ; bave made no jassessments, and have a Very large amount iu cash and good bonds, and is therefore confidently recommended to the public. At the last Annual Meeting, the following Of ficers wenje elected for the ensuing year: i James Sloan, President.' ; S. G. CpFFix, Vice President, I C. P. Mendenhaxl, Attorney.- Peter sJVdams, Secretary and Treasurer, j :i DIRECTORS. James Sloan, J; A. Mcbane, C. P. Mendenhall, W.lS. llnrikin? liev-ii- F r Iktem, J-.M. GarretC Jed. II. Ipndsav, W.-SJ". 3IcConnel, of.Greense b3r,o'; E.F. Lilly, 'Wadcsboro'; W. P. Moor, Newbern ; H. H. Burwell, ' Henderson ; J. L; Bridges, Tjarboro'; Dr. S. (T. Cofiin, Jamestown . W.j A. Wright, Wilmington; Dr. C. Watkins, Carolina Female College ; John I. Shaver, Salis bury; JohnH. Cook, Fayctteville ; J. J. Biggs, Raleigh ; iiRobert E.-Troy, Lumberton; Dr. Bo.; H.tbcalesi Lenox Castle. , ; ! j -, PETER ADaMS, Secretary. : , Wi II. CTJiMMING, General Agent. : 1 May 10, 1853. ly.pd. i; DETERMINED TO PLEASE ! j NEW; ARMXSEM FOR 184 I ! ! :! I SMITH & HOLDER, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, ! &c.,i&c. Main Street. Salisbury. . NNOUNCE to the public, that having made !' A : ( J an arrangement with Mr. WILLIAM OVERh i MAN, whereby he becomes Foreman and Sales-; its being based upon the Philosophical and ton- : nmn in tneir iarnage JistaDiisnment, tney are. structive principles of the English Language; ,. now prepared to guaranty greater satisfaction in also in presenting an illustrtion of some of the . their work, and greater bargains than ever to all most dllficult nrinciidcs of tho-scieuce of Lan-. in want of Carriages of the very finest make and guage. i ; style, Buggies; Sulkies, or any description of July 7,1 8o4. s tf37. - i V chicle m their hne of business, which shall not , be surpassed by any establishment in Western r. 1. S. PARKER vNorth Carolina. They trust from their efforts to HAVING permanently located in Moeksville.of ' please and gratify the wishes of the public both fers his professional services to the public-- in prices and styles, that they will receive the Can be found at the Davie Hotel. . Office justopposite Hotel in Brick-house. ' March 18, 1853 :tf20 encouragement' -of thosd desirous of purchasing ' carnages of any kind. AUJ kinds of repairing w : i ,a..; i.U ru. ; ,., i, S- ,.v. f t.erin(T"xciit.(d Tiromntlv. He would esnncinllv UJT 1 111 ' ' J Tt7.IlIlij litV. ViUOJU ill. d 1 A " llVTtli I. O V II j j 1 t . m day. The Chains wre jfirst introduced into New ; call attention to his sheet iron STOVES with cu Xork, where they wereeihihitedto-r'rot s Mott, v an i iron tops ana bottoms lor parlors or ainmg rooms Biiren, Post, Curnochn, who readily discovered that j For beauty , comfort and cheapness, they are un theypossessedstrangeaqdsingula'r.powerofinstsint- I surpassed. - ly relieving pains, wuenever appueu, uu ity intiir i recommendation, and ihfluenceithey were introduc- j ed into .the' different Hospitals of New York, and are j now in daily use in those institutions, in the treat- I ment and cure of theiaboveamed diseases. " No other: medical agent in the world can pro duce so many .well authenticated certificates of cure, from scientific Phvsiriiaiis and intelusrent Patients i as may be found in ech pamphlet, which may be obtained (gratis) at Hie Drug Store of SILL fc SILL, best Sarsanarilla made u ia House Roofing-andGutO l'K1"tltlea "y the wonderful Cures it has performed,. aid esT)eciallva ttie on?inal topics vf which are in the possession of the proprietor.; Kemember this is the only true and original article. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial com-" plaint; canc-ei, gangrene, rheumatism, and. vast variety-of other diseases are speedily and perfectly tur4jby the use of thismedieine. Head the follow- . ing certificate. . TaHapoosa; Ala., Jan. 2,' 185?. Dear Sir: I send you this to certify to you that1 "your Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla haa performed one of the most wonderful cures on m mai nas ever Deen etlected on man. STILLS Of all sizes kept for sale, and made t order at the lowest . prices. Merchants, Peck:.! lars and othersare invited to give him a call nib he is determined to sell the above articlescheap-S cr than any other house m tlie State. - 'ill T f 1 in;A-J . v ... - '. : Couiitry produceold pewter and old copper 1 ""Y J, 7, years wua enP'"' taken in exchange for work. , " 6 " ri .' , ey got 80 bad at 11 S'llisburv N "C Dec 2 1833 ' tf4 V to, go on crutches, and in'-1849 I had one leg; balisbUi-v.IN. C., Vec. 1, I8o.i. tt 4 amputated above the knee. In about 8 months af- who are the isole agents for Salisbury and vicinity, and who will explain the manner of use to. any one who may apply. ' j j ; ! ; . In the city of New York, at the General Office, 568, Broadway there' are daily being sold, from for ty to sixty Chains, and the sale and demand in Bos ton is as great in proportion to the-population, al though they;bave only been introduced 3 months. The Chains are easily worn, land are equally, ap plicable to all classesrof personp, the child as well as the adult, and are alays readjr for use never get out of repair and as; much an article of lornamcnt, as they arq a. valuable nieans of cure. The priced of the Chains are $3 and $5, 18 and 3t links, ami n be iet bylniil, to any part of the State, by addressing SILL fc SILL, only agent in Salisbury. I. STEINERT, 58 Broadway, Jf. Y,, Gen. Agent j Jan. 6, 1854 lyio ' 5 Dr. R. P. Bessetit, RESIDENT jSURGEON. DENTIST, COIVcjoRI,'lV.:. . T) ESPECTFULLY informs the 'f surrounding country, that he may be found at Harris' Hotels at all jtimes, except when professionally engaged, and will be pleased to re ceive, the calls of all those who may require his professional services. i j -i Communications hy mail oi! otherwise, promptly attended to.; in ! Feb. 10, 1853 ly. i : j i FRENCH, CHINA s AND , GLASS WARE!! JLANB LOOM ! S, C. Mendenhall & King'4 EXCELSIOR J HAND LOOM!! ; Patented JVovember 9, 1852. - ' - .- . v flIIIS important labor saving machine, for d$-i I mestic manufacturing, is destined, to super cede and drive out of use, all other hand loonfs, ; that have their treaddles operated by the actii of the f eet, and the shuttle thrown by the ban;-; The construction ia ' " " ' Simple, Cheap and Durable ! v FromJls great simplicity it is not subject to get out of order ; and the entire machine complete, can be made by any ordipary carpenter. Tlw advantages it possesses over the old fashioned loom, consists in all its parts being A Sclf-cliangin?, ; x requiring no skill to weave, the treaddles bei& operated and the shuttle thrown, both at t; same instant, by the direct action of the lay,. witfe;j out the use of earns or gear wheels ' On the of loom, it requires five awkward motions to ps't one weft thread through on this but two simple motions. It is neat and convenient, onlyocc-i pying one half the srjace of the old clumsy looifo On this loom, the weaver may make three tinuggj ter my other leg broke out in larire eatino- an., run. ning sores from my knee to my foot, and discharged. a great deal of liffensive matter. .My groin also. ' broke out in large biles, which discharged much of fensive matter, and at the same time my left hand broke out in large running sores nearly to my elbow. The misery -that I have suffered for the last two . years I cannot describe to you. I was in such ago ny that I never rested day or night , - In-October .last my son brought me one of yor bottle wrappers; ireadit,audloundaree.ordfaome wonderful cures performed by vour 'Extract of Yet.. low pock and Sarsaparilla I sent and got two bot-" ties pf it and commenced taking H- In two weeks to my great astonishment aiy sore Q Itwune easy, and I could sleep all night'a thing I had not dam for two years. When I had taken six bottles, my sores hsjd nearly all healed. , My gores got well a if by enchantment 1 have now used u all eight bot tles of your ' Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapril-. Ja,' and 1 now consider my self well. : . I entreat all of the afflicted to try this medicine, for I believe it will cure any known disease in the" world. Lay aside all prejudice and just try it, audi proclaim its great worth to ; suffering mankind and entreat them to take it, for it will cure them. ' My case is well known in a larce nortion of Routt Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should) doubt the above cure, I invite them to call on me," and I will show them the scars. I can be found in Tallapoosa co., Ala., 1 mile from S toe's ferry, ' ? ' : ; REN A J AH HUGHES. The Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla ia peculiarly adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from irregmaniy ei menstrual aiscnarges, and other du os much cloth with less labor. Any one that cmil cases peculiar to their sex- The proprietor haa in his a .. , ; iu. ..1 .3 1 A ai'TSB . - . . . DRJSWAN ( VFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of Salisbury. ; fiHis Office t opposite the Mansion Hote and adjoining Drs. Sill & Sill's Drug Store, wher he can be found unless professionally engage J. March! 853. 4, . tfl8 Land Deeds and Deeds of Trust, Mariage License, 'Writs of Ejectment, Witness Tickets, &c., f ne at this office, done neatly and quickly. ? ' Salisbury, Jan. 20, 1854: lyl2 'E A CAalS.The undersigned having taken the position of Foreman and Salesman, as meutionedJn the above advertisement, respect fully invites his old friends and customers to caR aud see him again. ; 5e feela assured, that from an experience of 20 years, he can make it ad vantageo"uiS to them to do so. He is prepared to offer great bargains in Carriages, Buggies, &c. JfegrCall at the new Brick establishment. WM. OVERMAN. 1 Salisbury, April 20,1854. THE subscribe is inreceipt'of a most magnificent lot of French China, consisting in part of Flower Vaees, Toilet Bottles, Card and Jew el Baskets, Candle Sticks, Coffee Cups and t'ruit Stands, ! ALSO-i- CUT MD PRESSED GLASS PITCHERS,1 Decanters, Celery Stands, Bowls, Sugar and Preserve Dishes Goblets, Tumblers, , Wine, JeUy and Cbampaigue Glasses, -. &e., Ssc. - Don't forget to Call at the SALISBURY EMPORI UM. , . ' E. MYERS, ' 25 So. 4 Granite Building LEATHER BELTING or BAIO)S OF difTerent widths; made from the best Nor thern Leather,! stretched piece by piece- by powerful machines, cfemented and rivetted, kept for sale at the Factory in this place, at New York prices. J. G. CAIRNS. Salisbury,; Jan. 25,!1854. 1 tf!3 - . put a warp in the old loom can put one in thfeqf without instruction. The cost is no more thg the old, and is equally adapted to all kinds of d3 mestic weaving. . j-' .iTTnis Machine supplies a long felt want in the "West and South, where farmers grow their wool,:: hemp, flax and cotton, and where factories are scarce, weave their own cloth, bagging, linen, BTbe undersigned havingboughtthe right fori Tf riw.tn Tlavi-P Trpdpll an1 f enli-lonKiii'r AnnnfiA I. II UI' t . L.! JI1A.I U.II UJ.VJU. I 1 A. X. 1 Ll.V. AI J 1 UUft, that he will, just as soon as he can put up loomis,' establish an agency in Salisbury, Mocksvirfj Statesvills and .Charlotte, and keep, pn handj supply for sale V As this loom is just the ve& thing for"plantation use, and has been so highR? recommended wherever introduced, he.fecls thht it will be greatly to the advantage of the pubktv s to supply themselves. a 'All ordera addressed me at. Amity Hill, Iredell county, will be promp ly attended to. . Jan. 27, 1854 A. W. McHENRY. Iyl3 POLISHED SEED, CORAL i OR Necklaces, with or without clasps, nej and beautiful, just received by ' AY.R. WILSON, - ; March 10 20' One door above Granite RoiJ. ' ' . - . . " . . SSI pofcgessiop a great number of certificates of cures, performed of the above, description; We assure the afflicted, that a bottle or two, of Dr. Guy sett's. Extraet of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla wRl at ones regulate those dimeultieg and renew the natural en ergies. ; Put up in quart bottles. Price $1 per bot-; tle.l . Sold wholesale and retail by 1; -ew - I i SCOVIL 4MEAD, - III Chartres street, New Orleans, general Agents for the Southern States, to whom all Orders must be addressed ;and by Murphy, McRorie A C04 Sill k SilU Salisbury; Murphy t Black, Concord; Barn hardt A Sullivan, Gold Hill : Marshall A Parker, Albemarle; Rose & Crefishaw. Mocksville; R. T?. Simonton A Co., Statesville ; King A Hege, Lex ington. : "f May Id, 1S54 -6m29 ' WORTH & BLIiIOTT. f successors to J. D. Williams, " , FORWARDING t C030JISSIOa T MERCHANTS, : -: J. A. WORTH. Eebruary 4, 1853. T w. ir.-mAturrr WITNESS TICKETS For KIe at this Ofilf f?t ! I