NOSHAL COLLEGE. "We have just returned from a flying Irish to this College. It is located in Randolph County, sixteen miles east of Lexington and in a healthy, rich and populous neigh borhood. The President, the Rev.' B. Craven informed us that tlie Institution was in a flourishing condition numbering at this time about a hundred students. . ..: . j; f We were pleased to see that the large brick College edifice and tbe other necessa tj buildings will be soon completed,1 and thea we hope Normal will stand side by aide with the best Colleges in our land! Success to Normal and all other institu tions of learning in our country. School Houses and Colleges are' the best preventives "for Poor Houses and Penitentiaries. ! 1 For the Whig and Advocate. ' : A CARD. ! ' ,: - To the Citizen of Concord and Vicinity. ' Mr old friends and patrons in Concord will see from an advertisement in another column that I have removed to the Town of. Salisbury.' .1 sin cerely regret on account of personal and j local Attachments, the necessity! of my removal, and ahall ever entertain for the citizens of Concord and vicinity the warmest feelings of gratitude -for past favors. j ' I shall occasionally be axnong yon, and be ready to attend to all professional calls'. . . f -V '" . - - : - R. P. BESSENT. Salisbury, Oct 26, 1854. - J T Q T taVt fTiid rrxtthrul in Jnfni-mlbn itjlns of Salisbury, that I shall be absent for. a few -weeks.' RAIL ROAD MEETING IN IREDEL I. - ' . - ' ;- . T tmrsuance of a notice previously eiven. meeting was held on this day, Saturday tjie 21st of October. W. P. Caldwell was called to the Chair, and Charles L. Summers requested to act as Secretary. - ' j - The chairman explained the object of the meet- ' ing to be to appoint delegates to represent Ire dell County in a Rail Road Convention to pe held at Salisbury, on the 2d day of November; next, L. Q. Sharpe, Esq., offered the! following pre- amble and resolution, accompanied with a? few appropriate remarks : ! Whereat, We, the people of Iredell, are deci dedly in favor of a liberal and judicious, system of Rail Roads in North Carolina ; and whereas, we feel deeply interested in the extension of the Central Rail Road through our County, there fore ; - ' i -t-i : ' ' .. 1 - - ' - Resolved, That the chairman of this (meeting appoint thirty delegates to represent this Coun- iy in me svu vonv,enuou. This resolution, after having been amended so as to authorize any citilen of Iredell who may be present to. act as. a delegate, ws pissed. The chair then appointed as delegates the fol lowing; viz: David Waddell, Thos. A. Burke, P. B. Chambers, R. R. White, 'John Davidson, Da id Ramsay, GeoF. Davidson, Jacob Fraley, J II. Dalton, Wilfred Turner, A. B. F. Gaither, Dr. J. R. B. Adams, W. F. Cowan, II.! R. jlall, J W. Williams. II. E. Allen. A. R. Laurence, Dr. R. S. Campbell, Dr. John A. McLelland, John Young, Otho Gillespie, S. R. Bell, R. F Simon Ion, W. B. Grant, Dr. J. K. Nesbitt, Col. A. M Walker. Silas D. Sharpe, Col. M. Campbell, 1 C. Hargrave, L. Q. Sharpe, Esq. v:V j . j r It was resolved, on motion of Col. J ohn Mur- doch, that .the proceedings of this meeting be ' published In the Salisbury papers. " ' On motion, the meetin? adjourned, .j ! W. P. CALDWELL, -Ch'n K). Li. summers, oec y. n n ct 5 .'--' - - - f - 'For the Whig and Advocate, j RAIL ROAD MEETING. ! ! At a meeting of the Citizens of Lincoln County, on Thursday the 19th Oct", 1851, . On motion, of C. C, Hendersotf, peneral .Darnel Seagle was appointed Chairman and B. S. Guion was requested to-aet as Secre tary of the meeting. ; .-. -t; L. E. Thompson was called upou' to ad- dress and explain the object of th? meet ing, after which the fallowing resolutions were-offered and unanimously adopted Resolved, That this meeting approve of the General Internal Improvement Conven tion to be held at Salisbury on the2rid of November, next. I f - . Resolved, That for the purpose of mani festing our approval, and of co-operating with said Convention, the chairinanappoint twenty delegates. " 1 . In compliance with the resolution to that effect,-the chairman appointed the following delegates, viz : C. C. Henderson, J. Hoke, W. B. Withers, It Burch, ;5 Robert Brerard, C. A. L. N. Meller, Dr..Wml Mc Jjain, James A; Caldwell, James Johnston, B. S. Guion, Jacob Ramsour, M. Wj, L. E. Thompson, Henry Cansler, Benj. Sumner, H. W. Guion, B. T. Johnston, V.iA: Mc- Bee, W.J. Hoke, Dr. J. A. Caldwell, R. . R. Templetonj , - j . ..' On motion ihe Chairman was added the list of delegates. "t l-iif The thanks of this meeting havio; been. ' tendered to'its officers It was moved - end t carried, that the proceedings be published - ia the newspapers friendly to its object. ) On motion the meeting was adjourned. DANIEL SEAGLE, Ch'n. ! JB.S. Guion, Sec'y. Remember that the great Internal Im provement Convention , will be held here on next Thursday, the 2d of November. AFRICA ARRIVED. THREE i DATS LATER FROM EUROPE. . EXTRAORDINARY NEWS! : ' All Previous War News False ! ; r New York, October 20. The royal mail steamship Africa has arrived, bringing three days later iatelligence from Europe! j . The news by this arrival 13 of an! extra ordinary character, and has created: great sensation throughout Europe. Sebastopol is not taken. The statement of the destruction of the Russian fleet is false. The report of the explosion of Fort Constantine is false; the re port of Mnchi koflTs surrender is false : 0.merachaf'8 dis patch is a forgery. , ' : v The fighting" still continues uninterrup ted and Sebastopol has been formally in Tcstcd. ; r I Extract from a letter from a friend-' Newton, Catawha County, dated, Oct. 14. 1854. - " - .:, - Messrs Editors Catawba Court week is just over! Nothing occurred daring the time, of much interest, except the address of Judge Saunders, on the subject of,In ternal improvements. It was one of the ablest addresses of the kind,; that has been delivered in the State. All were: highly pleased and interested, y Our people are alive to the "building of railroads. We had a meeting to-day, in the Court House, largely attended and ably addressed by J. H. Crawford, in which it was resolved that Catawba County can and will in her cor porate capacity subscribe 100,000 to the building f the Central extension ; provided it runs through our County. Twenty delegates appointed to attend the railroad convention in Salisbury, on 1st and 2d. I , think our county, individual and corporate, will go 8125,000 to this road. It is too late to give you the min utes in full. ' "' Yours -&c. 31. L. M- Godey's Lady's Book The November number of Godey is on our table. Godey has )een praised. -bo much that if he was any other maxihewould Jae vain;2 .The last ieatner it is saia oreass me cameis back, we shall therefore only say tbatnr this number of the Book is equal to any "of , its predecessors.- Price $3 Address L: A. Gor dey 113 Chestnut St. Philadelphia: j - THE STATE FAIR, i As we anticipated, Raleigh, is overflow- ing wild strangers, rrom eyery quarter of the State they are in attendance bring ing with them varied specimens of, their industry'; skill and" enterprise. . A nobler gathering, for .a nobler purpose, has never been seen within our. borders. f Amid the confusion and excitement-incident to the occasion, we have been entire ly unable to procure a list of the . articles on exhibition, or the premiums awarded. It shall appear in our next. We present, however, by dint of extraordinary labor, the eloquent and instructive address of the lion. Kenneth Kayner, delivered on yes terdays (Thursday,) before an' immense concourse. ' It is a produ'etion every way worthy its, distinguished author, and will be perused with' great gratification by fall who love North Carolina, and have her true interests at heart. Ral, Ret inter. ' j COLLISION ON THE CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. : We'-are -pained to state .that a dangerous collision took place on the Eastern wing of the Central Rail Road, about ten miles from this place, on Tuesday j last. The passenger train from Goldsbord, heavily loaded with persons on their way to the Fair, came into contact with a burthen tram and locomotive.. The train had been Employ ed in the construction of the road and was proceeding towards Uie station for the pur pose of making way for the passenger train; Its. water gave out and it was forced; to stop in a short curve. The engineer sent. a negro on to warn the other tranlpf the ob struction of the way, but the negro sat down and fell asleep. The engineer of the passenger trajn did not perceive the other, until it was so near that it was impossible to prevent a : collision.- He and . the Con ductor dic( alt they could, .and just as the two trains came together, the1 former jump ed off and saved his life. . ' r Several gentlemen,' and two negroes, were much-injured, though none of them seriously so. Ral Register. ; -. OHIO ELECTION. We learn from the Ohio, papers of both parties,! that there is not a single Adminis tration candidate elected to Congress from that State. The opposition ticket has suc ceeded' inevery district, ; the majorities in most casses being unusually and unexpect edly large.,. The following are the names of the Representatives elected : 1 Timothy C: Day, 12 Samuel Galloway, 2 J. Scott Harrison, i" 13 John Sherman, 3 Lewis D. CampbeH, 14 Philemon Bliss, 4 M. H. Nicholap,V 15 Wm. R. Sapp, 5 Richard Mott, 1 ." 16 Edward Ball, 6 Jonas R. Emrie,1, . 17 Chas. J, Albright 7 Aarpn Harlan, 18 Benj. P. Leiter, : v 8 Benj., Stanton, . 19 Edward Wade, 9 Cooper JK, Watson, UU J. K. Uiddings, 10 Oscar W. jjoore, 21 J. A. Bingham. -.! 11 Qi.f&fWxvf:!:.: ' Itth present Congress, there are 12 democratic representatives from Ohio. .Chere has been a good deal of discussion tKliCeadecture at various times as to- why editors use the first. person plural in. their J lucubrationSi mostly beginning their par agraphs with "-Ire" f. borne people think it is a mark of ostentation princes and ed itors using tne we. oome thiuK one thing and some another.,. OurDiabolus has explained the matter satisfactorily, we think. He says that the Editor merely the Senior partner in a firm, and that writing in the name of the firm in fact its mouth-piece- he uses the plural pronoun correctly. The little rascal says the editor and the devil that is, himself the printing office devils are always supposed to be, in partnership. Did you ever! The impudent little good-for-nothing d-d-dog! Fayettcville Argus. - FROM BRAZIL. ; , The Brazillian Government was consider ing a bill for the opening of the Amazon to all nations, and itias bought back the ex clusive right to navigate it which it grant Jed some years ago to some of its citizens. It pays $55,000 per year for. twenty years to get it back: It ia now . thought itvill pass before the session closes. . A curious insurrectionary movement has -taken place at Rio Janeiro, growing out of the passage of a law by the Chamber of Deputies depriving the officers of the army below colonel and the corresponding officers in the navy .of the right of marriage with out the consent of Government. - Tiiis caused a defection among some of the troops, and ten of the officers were arrested, and imprisoned. ; The women were active in getting up the'excitement by the reproach es, with whichthey assailed th officers when ever they appeared in public. . The mem ber who introduced the obnoxious bill would iiave been mobbed but for the protection afforded by the police. Baltimore Ameri can ,IS - - Sir John Tranklin's Remains Discovered. Montreal, October 20. i " t An official desDatch has been received in this city from Sir George Simpson, Crov ernor of HudsonTs Bay Territory, gmbg a full and melancholly narration of the par ticulars relative to the discovery by Indians of tbe reniains of Sir John Franklin and the company under his command, , who, from the facts ascertained, it appears were starved to death in . the Spring of; 1850, near Fox River. Indeed, there is little doubt of the correctness of the rstateaent, as the Indians who brought the intelligence have shown various articles belonging to the expedition, some of which have Sir John's name engraved thereon, and, also, a written narrative of their sufferings left by the last survivor. ' The ships were crush ed by the ice. . r . . . ADDITIONAL per AFRICA. ( New York, Oct. 21. It was rumored that Gen. Luders, wit forty battalions and the garrison of Odessa, entered tbe Crimea to relieve SebastopoL Constantinople was illuminated in honor. of the battle of Alma: - J - i r? ; ADDITIONAL BY THE AFBICA. ' ; New TorJcy OctZtM? The latest accounts from the seat of war. brought by the Fury at Marseilles state that the second line of defence" was arrived on the 29th nit.,, and IVIenchikoff .driven outside Sebastbpol, .where he awaited. re mforcements.;' r'"M:: TAT:?': Duel at Hoboken. f " . , ; J New TorV Oct. 19v A duel took place at Hoboken yesterday, between Peter Thompson, of outh Caro lina, and Norton, of New York... They fought with pistols at fifteen paces.' Thomp son was shot in the arm at the second fire New York, Oct. SO. Cotton was firm td-dav. . Good Ohio Flour ruled at from S8.43fS8.75 bbl Rio Coffee was sold at auction at from 9 11 1 cents "33 lb- : Spirits of Turpentine was quoted at from 51$ (3)52 cents per gal lon. There was a limited demand for rice at previous rates. : j ; . NATIONAL CATTLE SHOW IN OHIO. The United States Agricultural Society will hold a National Show of Cattlel 'open to general competition, on the 25tb, 26th, and 2?th days of this month, at Springfield, in the btate ot Uhio. bixl thousand dot lars" will be awarded in premiums, severa of .which are larger than have ever been of fered in; this country. Among these we notice the followinf; : Five hundred dollars for the best bull and five cows or heifers of one year or upwards, from any one herd; three hundred dollars for,the best Durham bull 3 two hundred dollars for ; the best Durham cow. Other large premiums are offered in the respective breeds. The judges in various classes have been selected with great care. Extensive preparations have been made at Springfield for the accommo dation of strangers. The principal rail roads have also arranged tb the stock: fre of charge and passengers at half price. Oo -Stock the- freigb t must be paid on the passage out, and on thi certificate of the secretary of the show that the aniraals have been . exbiluted. and mava . xiot. beeo - sold or exchanged, the money paid for transporta will be refunded and they returned free to the point from which they started. ; The Iowa Legislature. It Is already known -that the; Anti-Nebraska members are largely in the majority in the lower house of the Iowa Legislature, but it has been asserted that the Senate is ;tied, or has one Locofoco majority. Late Iowa papers correct this last error. The iftibu que Observer states that the Whig candi date in the Polk Senatorial districi has the certificate, which gives an Anti-Nebraska majority of one ; and the Burlington Hawk Eye mentions the return of a Whig Senator from California who it was! supposed wotrW be absent. So, that the majority will be on the Whig side. " -j ! ' L Liberia. Late accounts from this Af rican Republic say that the culture and manufacture of sugar on the St. Paul's river was rapidly increasing. Fine, ;large cane fields were to be seen1 in every direc tion, and during the current season it was thought that fifty sugar farms ; Would be laid out. Some of the new sugary already landed at Monrovia is said to be' ofs finei quality. Beef was very scarce at Monrovia, ' m consequence of the cattle trains from the .interior having been intercepted by native chiefs and the cattle stolen. This having attracted the attention of the Government, measures were being adopted to protect the trade and punish tbe robbers., I f The late venerated Dr. Sharp , (himself an inglishmanj was reported to have made the following remark, during his last and only visit to his native country, to ' some one who spoke slightingly of, thel'sta teaman- ship oi America " It you can point me to a succession of) as talentedand virtuous Soyereigns of'cti;Bu in th eleven men who have filled consecutively thePresidential chair of the United States,! tnen x-wiii yieia. ; l nere was no reply to this. - , - - (William Richards, one of the -Mormon saints, lately deceased in Utah, leaves twen- ty widows emancipated by his death, v DK. M LAKE S VERMIFUGE. . DURING A, practice of more than twenty years, Dr. McLane had attended innumerable patiencs afflicted with every form of worm disease, ;and was induced to apply all the energies of his mind to the discov ery of a vermifuge, or worm destroyer, certain in its effects ; the result of his labors is the Amep, ican Worm Specific, now before the public, which is perfectly safej and may be given alike tochil dren of the most tender age, or to the aged adult;, it purges mildly and subdues fever, and destroys worms with invariable success. It l is- easy - of" administration, and as if does not Contain mercury in any form whatever, no restrictions are neces sary with regard to drinking cold water, nor. is it capable of doing the least injury to the tender--est infant - An incredible number of, worms have been expelled by this great vermifuge J8 Purchasers will please be careful to ask for DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRAXED VERMI FUGE, and take none else. - All other Vermi fuges, in comparison, are worthless. . Dr.,M' Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all ; respectable DrugjStores in the United States and Canada. For sale at MURPHY, McRORIE & " CO'S.l SILL & SILL'S, Salisbury, Q. ; - ' V . - - 4 -; " ' . Sept 29.21 HORSES FOR SALE.T A No., 1 Saddle and Harness mare 7 years f - old perfectly sound and kind in - harness; also one good wagon horse 8 years old. J :' Call at C. S. Browns Livery and Sale Stablel Oct. 27th. !2t51: Tvn?YV.Tt TtaviA LINDA, daughter 6-Chaffin, agd 3 years." In Catawba uounw, "uronjf . gDrin the 4th Sept. last,. JA ALICE, daughter of Thos. T. jjocne, j months. tfBY,.Oct., 27, 1854. " Apples, (dried) Bacon, -Cotton, . ! Cotton Yarn, Coffee, Corn,, , 1" Beeswax -Batter, i i Flour; bbL"- lijoata, ... - 4050 Potatoes, oweet i "; Sugar, brown," Do. lftf 75 50 ' 7a 12 ; $3 : I2i 75 a $1 salt,ner najV Wheat, Feathers, lb. 5 Iron, - j 5E?p tu Mola8ses 354ffiLarlJ 10 a 12J Oct 23. 1854. FAYESTvrrLI'E, Bacon, r. j JO MiOj ather, sole, II a 12 : 20 a 23 26 a 40 . 5 a 6 .55 a 8 11 a 12 $2 00 Cotton, ; .1 ' i a -""ses, Corn, I ., 000 a fcOG . cut, . Coffe'e,,. ,.-lSlJj4g-. Flonr - - $ 6.25 4 ?:?hrown, Feathers,' " 404 Flaxseed, - l 00 0 ' 11 a 12 Do. EngUsh,,, M "V ?l a Jl -10 ; .1 "ItirH IstorTE: Oct" 24. a9&l:a Bacon,'Hains; 10 a 1 2 J ,Mckerel bbl $10 a 16 Bagging, V 415 fll (Oats, j." :. V. -85., Butter s?12Jlfea. v '871 a 100 Beeswax, "VH'20 vWY -ptatoe j,irishr VtM Beaks. r5 !&P- & wee 50 a 60i Brahdypplei 6T . -XZt r.eai:hJ7fratVt3r,vai, juaii Cotton, . i if! -. JO :f Z J.j" . 1.- K ij.' . '-. . - j6 -" brown, ' 5 a 9 Coffee,.'..:- I24 1 ssa, sack - $3 a 00 Corn, ' 70 a 75 Tea, lb. r: 75 a $2 Flonr, bhl. a . 65 Feathers, ,80 asS5 Lard, j ' ailO. Wheat,; $1 a$l 25 Whiskey, ' . 45 a 50 Wool, washed, 27 a 2 unwashed 22 a 23 Yarn, Bale,- 80 a 85 Molasses,' -181 a40 Meal, i f75i a 7" DRSl.PiBESSENT, A Graduate of a Baltimore College of . i4 - : Dcfttal Science, "T'XT'Ol'l'D inforntthe citizens of 1 t R",an an4 tle public gen erally; hat he has removed to the Town of; Salisbury jad n,aJ be found at Col,' H. L. Robards Hotel acept when professionally absent.1; - - " t -. . :. I . JBCommunicatioiis by., mail or otherwise, promptly attended. i , . "j. Oct. 27, 1854.1 V'.". ' 51. Kotiee. T engine ana ooiiers, iu,tui"i"M3 - jruuMiiig oraerj and appurtenances Conveniently adapted to the milling business 10 mules, 3 wagons and gears and all other property leld in copartnership by B. S, tluion and J. 15, Joke will be sold, at Pubj lie Sale, I at the fmifl situated on the Western Plank lload 3 J miles east of Lincolnton. . A credit of six" ntontls wjll be given pn al amounts over twenty fta dollars. - Li. S. GUION, I' T JOHN F. HOKE. Oct. 27.' 3t51 NOTICE A LL persons! indbtd to the Estate of Robert f BradshawJ "deed are hereby notified to come lorwara ana maki payment, as tne estate must be closed Jup it November Court. I will attend in Salisbury 4nvery Tuesday until Court so that persona, pan aaw no apology for not set tling up. . . r This ia the last notlctj attend .jo' it if you wish to save cost. . ' --Wr: ;." '.KOKKT ELLIS. Adm'rs. - . si . - - - Gramte Building. f .- - m t - y FALL IaNI winter S! mHE subscriber is bow Jlaily . receivine his I Stock of Fall asdlTliiter Goods ; -" AM) Fancy Articles, which, when complete', will comprise the great est variety he tas ever befori offered, consisting in part of . ,J: ,. .- . 1 , LADIES DRIS GOODS ! ' -of alnjost Teiydealription, Needle Worked Cvllqv, &esves, Jlandker- erief$ylnjaiit& Roheils and Ladies i Skirts,' at mpvees , .. ; CEO TH ANI) TftlWT CLOAKS, ' "at prices from,&& $i00. j , Ribbons, Gloves and '.- Emeries, a fine as sortment; Mohair Sklrh and Corsets, !. Men and Bo? Oofhty. UH CLOTHS, i CASSIMEIIES, VESTING S, ! ; KENTUCKY JE AXSsSS ATINETS, ! ' KERSEYS, XTNSEYS, BLANKETS, j tBOOTS, shoksJuats, - TRUNK?CARPTIIQS, &c:, j He jnost! earnestly solicits n lamination of his Stock, as he feels assnreli fifl tie fact of(hi3 purchases havine been made4nc the great de-i dine in Prices of Goods'tirati'lw offering greater inducements thdk ever, dooit "otpet the store 'of -.- K; i U MYERS, 46 - I' rt-ipranite-Buildinff. WEKMBaOKSi npHIAI, OSlBIAT F. TAX JO,-ra fnll I and authentic report he testimony on the trial of Matt. Pt Ward, tU the epeechea of Gov. Crittenden, GoV; Heftl'bb; Marshall, and ', Nathaniel j Wolfe.- Esots- Jand the reply j of Alfred Allen, (Attorney General for thfe Common- Price.l50 cts.-5md Oftfled to any point - Tlie Carawan Tri4l.-TTrial of the Rev. -jSeorge. ;4'aiasl8F'fo the murder of Clement H: .tasatr, Schoolmaster, together with a sketclrof the iiprderer's life, and tbe Jraffical termination of tfe trial," his attempt in presence of !;theVCou'rto Shoot oheiof tiie JState's Counsel and thn kgliife himself. Price 60 ctsmailed free f. I - . r -ILlfe and ladventiiriG of John A. i Murrell, the; great Westempand Pirate with cents. . Pictorial WAfe andad ventnres of JJavy CrocKett wntteni oy. himself, and embellished wift spirited engravings. Price 50 cents. ; '- 1 --f M Jk' i l r : - r ; u tv SalemAlinaiiac for 1855. i J 'A' very large irpply oiSalenf: Almanack for looo ior Baie wnoiesaie ana rtwui at - J. H; ENNISS ?f -.; "Book Store,. Salisbury and Charlotte. "Sept 22, 1854.- - ? 46 i- NOTICE. TXAVENG taken .out Letters f Administration M on the Es&te of Jehn A LiHineton. dee'd. t August Sessions 1854, of Davie County Court all - i i . j i -. : ,7 -a. c . ' . jjensoua inueuieu w :oiu ; csiotc, arc, requested to come forward and make payment without dehtv. j. uiB uk lug ciiiiuia pgwuov iu siaie, are nouueu to present them for payme"ntwiin the scribed by law,, or this notice will be ' plead in bar of their recovery, c ''rr-' ? ZrT'rk- f E;K.-LrLErGTQXy,Adm'i: Sept 26. 1854ii SALESMAN 7A2mm VSTE OR TWO GOOD .AtE3MES . wanted. f Appl to , . '5 -K.4 A. MURPHY. 10 i (i 13 a1 4 f00 a, I .: 22 a ! QO0 r- Oct 6 SELLING OFF AT COST ! Extraordinary Inducements to : CASH BUYERS!! THE undersigned having determined to close their Mercantile Business in this place, now uuer uiexr large ana aesiraoie . stock of nnnns at COST FOR CASH. Onr stock is well assorts ed, and comprises a great Variety of. ' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. ' CARPETING, HAKDWARE, CTJTLE- lYt SADDLES,. CROCKERY," BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, 7 Blankets, Kerseys, &c. These Goods were purchased for cash, exclasive ly, ana we invite COWTRY MERCHANTS and PEDLARS, and all persons tradine in this mar-' , ket, to give us a call before baying, as such an opportunity for purchasing i; t. ' goodst nm soJbesimble a stoci at COST, happens bu seldom. CHAMBERS & CHAMBERS; -o r j?- - erson who would purchase the entire stocK of lUoods as above mentioned, can reht the btore Building to be used for any business ex cent that of retailing fepirits. The store room is near one; hundred 'feet-long, with cood cellars f about the same length! A portion of the build i ing can be used as a dwelling for a small family. .. There are two rooms! below and two orithree : above as the person occupying the house might prefer, litis considered the. most desirable lo cation for trade in the place, beinc situated on the corner of the Public .Square, and much the largest part of the predirce that will be brought here, will nass by tneldoor in order to reach the Rail Road Depot. j ! J, F. CHAMBERS. !; GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! Salisbury, Oct 5, 1854. Ready-Made Clothing ! TIIE subscriber has just opened one of tlie most varied stocks of . I ' s f i ! READY-MADE CLOTHING 5 ever brought to this market. His assortment is now complete, comprising almost every style and TRUNKS, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. He; solicits all persons in want to call and exam ine his stock, as greater inducements' will be offered thanevej:. " E. MYERS, Oct. 6, j (48( ' 1 No. 4, Granite Building. IW FALL STOCK DRY GOODS! No. 3. G-ranite How. " .- S-0 - ;' i .'.'!.'.. . : j mHE SUBSCRIBERS ARE -.sfc. t I now receivine direct from Iriff the Northern tlities, a very large ' and varied j - j STOCK of STAPLE and FANCY DRVf GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bonnets. Cloaks ana Talmas. A very, large .ind fine assortment of inn Worsted and Cotton Damask for 1 CURTAINS, v! j ; CARPETKG. RUGS, kt. 1 ! t It being their design to devote their attention to the sale of the above articles exclusively, they feel a perfect confidence in saying that they can hold out substantial inducemsnts to wholesale and retail buyers. " I - ; J.: D. BROWN & LEMLY. . Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1854. 47 RUFUS BARRINGER, I , :"?-. (ATTORNEY AT LAW " . "TTTILLlattend to any business entrusted jto his care' in the Counties of Rowan, Cabarrus, Stanly and Mecklenburg. , Omce, at tne Mansion iioiei. . -Salisbury, Sept. 29, 154. v 3m47 j FALL and WINTER FASHIONS s FOR 1S54-5. New supply of Cloths, Casslmeres, Ready Made 1 KHUIn?, &c. 1 r h hTbeard j 1 TTAS the pleasure of informing the cimens of fl Salisbury and the public in general,- that : he has iast received a large assortment of the finest 1 ana mosi lasnionaoie i ( ! . :. " t ;" Cloths, Cassimereis, Testings, Rcady-Maufu Clothing, &e., for the Snmmer Wear. Alwavs on band. Readv-Made 4;lotninff o r aisowa jnanuiacxure, : Alsi-Pine HATS and CAPS. which cannot be excelled for neatness a nd durability Among his stock may ibe found gentlesmen's iDress and frock Coats, Pants and vests, together with an assortment of Boy's and Children s Clothing, His Stock of Cloths, Cassimeres ajid Vest- Injrs, will be sold as low as they can be purchased in this part of the country, and made up in the best style of toe art, and with the best trimmings-which the North ern-markets can supply. - . . ; , j. Fall and Winer; Fashions for 1854-5. ' 'JUST RECEIVED.. '-A. "Tailors' Shears Points, Thimbles, and;Needles, always on handibr sale. - - xie respeeuuiiy invites me emzensn i, caiisDnry and the public lo call and examine for .themselves. Every effort made to please both in price and qnair- ty. ; . . : . - j". ' x -; Salisbury, Bentl, lo4.- l uzu SALES OF L AIM D. TN "obedience to a decree of the. Honorable the X Court of Equity, for Stanly County, made at Septembei1 Term,, 1854, I shall 6ell on the prem ises on Friday the 10th day of November next, at 3 o clock, about i - . - 420 Acres of Land, in Stanly Qounty,; on the waters of Ryall's and Curl-Tail Creeks, adjoining the lands of Marvel Kirk, Richard Arey, el al. s i I ALSO ; Another TRACT OF LAND, on the same day at 11 o'clock", on the premises, in the County of Rowan, containing about .. V , - 1240 ACRES, on" the waters of second Dutch Creek; adjoining the lands of Daniel Hoffman, et al. -1 i I Terms-4A credit of twelve months, the pur chaser eiving bond and approved. security, s , - - - EBEN HEARNE, CM.E. ! By P. W. WOOLEY, Deputy. -Sept 11 7t46 Printers fee $6 00 ; ADMINISTRATOES NOTICE. vfiio liAroltv iriven that the Sale of ,- the T,T-rrtv ftT the late Wm. B. Wood, dec d was 'due the 28th September last All those indebt Aa w5ii Utiv nUiM me and favor themselves bv finmino- forward and makinsr immediate pay ment I wish to settle the business attheear- All persons having claims agaiusv uic affe for the lust time eafled upon to present them I h Made lotli leeallT autnenucajea ior paymeuw . 6 ; U, i D. B. WOOD, Adm'r. Oct' 10 1854. . I ' 4t.49. FAEU& WINTER, 1854. & -55 ! . Bargains ! Bargains ! ! - ' ' TS ALL KINDS OF .1- R. & a; MUItPHY A RE NOW RECEIVING THEIR STOCK OF J: FALLAND WINTER GOODS, - Which is large and handsome ! We do not think it necessary, and will not attempt to enumerate every article which is kept in an es tablishment like ours, but feel justified in. saying that a visit from all those desirous of purchasing any and all kinds of GOODS, would be amply re paid by examining our stock before buying else where.-. " i B.4 A. MURPHY. ..Salisbury, Oct. 13, 1854. . tf49 ' N. B. Ail kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods, and for which the highest market price will be paid. f t -. , " NEW STORK THE subscriber informs the public that the mer cantile business, at Mount Monroe, Iredell Ce.. (formerly by Kufus Reid.) will hereafter be conduc- teajjy mm,- lie is now receiving, and will soon have on hand ; .:.-f " -'"4, A fine assortment of NEW GOODS, which will bo sold on the most liberal terms. Old customers, and all ; others, are invited to calf and judge for themselves. . , "- WILLU5I.J. BRAWLBf. Oct. 13, 1854 - .; , ,'. -,: :M9 - - . State of North Carolina, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AngSsi Term, John H. McKee, and Richard M. Allison, - V TS - j Andrew Murdoch and others. S Petition for partion of land It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John P. Murdoch, James S. Murdoch, John Mor- ton Murdoch, Charles M. Murdoch, James H. Mur doch, John Mitchell Murdoch, James Dowde, and the heirs at Law of Margaret A. Dowde, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this State i It is there fore ordered and decreed by tl e Court,! that publi cation be made for the space of six weeks in the "Rowan Whig and Western Advocate," a newspa per published in the Town of Salisbury, notifying the above named non-resident defendants to appear at the next Court of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions, to he held for the County of Iredell, at the Courthouse in Statesrille, on the 3d Monday of November next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to plain tiff's petition in our said Court filed, or it will be heard ex parte, and judgment pro confesso taken against them.. . j - Witness, M. P. Freeland, Clerk of our said Court at Omce, in Statesrille, the third Monday of August A.D. 1854, and in the 79th year of our independ ence. M. F. FREELAND, Clerk. 6t49 W . Printer's Fee $5 -50 State of North Carolina, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, - i . '1854. ' : - . " . i Polly Ross vs. heirs at law of Woodson Ross. Petition for Dower. It appearing to the" satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Woodson Ross, is not an inhabitant of this state : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks -in "Ho wan VTiig and Western Advocate," a newspaper publish ed in tne lown of Salisbury, notifying said non-re sident defendant oi the filing of this petition requir ing him to appear, at the nflxt term of this Court, to be held at the Courthouse in the Town Of Albemarle, on the second Monday in November next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to this petition : In default whereof, judgment pfo confess wilj be ta- iteii us to mm. ; . !3. . Witness, Richard ! Harris, Clerk of our said Court, at oflice, in Albemarle, the second Mondav in Au gust, AD. 1854, and of American independence the 78th year. R. HARRIS. C.C.C. Printer's Fee $ 50 , : Valuable Land for Sale. FER for sale FIVE HUNDRED ANI ACRES of Land lying in Iredell County, on the waters of Fourth Creek, dioininir the. la.nd of Da vid Waddell, Dr. V. B. Wood and others. ; There is on the- Plantation a good dwelling house and. all ne cessary out houses. About .two hundred and fifty arcres of the land is cleared. For further particu lars, call on the subscriber, at his residence near Graham's Store, in Rowan County. Terms easy. Oct. 13-5149 : JOHN HxRV. NEW SUPPLY . OF FALL & GOODS! eicewine & Harrison 1 I ARE now receiving at their store opposite Mur phy's Granite Buildings, an -assortment of DRY GOODS, j A large lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Also on hand lot of Crockery, Hardware; and Cut lery, which they will sell at very reduced prices. In fact, all the above named goods shall be old ve ry low for Cash or to punctual dealers. 4-'- All they ask is a call to give satisfaction; They are thankful fcr past favors, and hope by strict at tention to business, to merit an increase. I , Salisbury, Oct 6, 1854 48 . Important Announcement ! : No. 4, Granite Building! Glass Ware I Glass Ware, &cl, &c. E. MYERS is now in receipt 'of the most magnificent lot of Glass Ware both cut and pressed, ever offered in this section, consisting in part of - ", r ' BOWLES, SALVERS, PITCHERS, . DECAN TERS, SUGAR and PRESERVE DISH- f ES, CELERY STANDS. WINE j -vi JELLY and CUAMPAIGNE GLAS&- r ES, GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, &b., 4c. ' ALSO . -1- CHINA FRUIT DISHES, CUPS and SAUCERS, and CHINA FANCY ARTICLES in great irariety. The public are invited to call. . . j 1 . -.- -E. MYERS, : - Oct 6' f (48) No. 4, Granite Building - I i List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Salisbury Oct. 2, 1864. " 'AiiG.-Allen, John VBrinilei Jatn'es J). BrowiSf Miss Sarah E. Brown, W. Braa- i . . . . T t T ' w ty W 1 snaw,. jrewsr.JU. w(u,v v""; 2 ; Tbomas Barber,- Misa E. H. ?Brown, James Brown. J ames B.. Brown j John Bayne, Mrs. 1 L. Brown, E. C. Bangblr Jane Bradshaw, W. Conner, J.i Clark, John: Carson,8 Mary 15. Canor, C. T, Cole man. Henry Crefs, MrS- Xj. Correll, Mrs Polly Cauble, Margaret , Caable, Phillip Caster, K..L. P. Cutting, A. 11.- Correll, Henrv Cosbv.: John Canded, James ,w Clark, Miss K. Donglas, Miss SA. Elliott, David Eaerle, Samuel. Elliott, John VV. Pisher,2: E. Fepperman, 3IissS. A. Freizer, 2 : Daniel Fowler, R. F. Graham, 0. Gib- son, James Uoodman, Junes Aieen, J. t Goodman, Henry J. Hess, W. A. j Hood, H, H. Hudeen, Wm. Heathnian, Miss "A, H. Holesowser, B. F. Houston, A. W. Holesowser, M: A. Hart, -Martin s Josey, MarCTet Jacobs, A. J. Kmcaid," Thomas Kincaid, Elizabeth Klutts, S. Klutts, J. L. Lyerly, J. J. Lippit, 2 ; S. Lee, b. Lira paogh, Jacob Lingle, Mis A. Lyerly, J. Lyerly, Henry Moore, Mrs. u. xr. Mankin, M L. Mckay, 2: A. Magee, A. l. Man kin. Miss Nancy Page, 2: A Parker, Mo ses Powls, Jacob Phillips, Wm. Parris, J, S. Parson,1 Job n Rice, J M. Kidenbour, Thomas Robison, C. Robison, James Rus sell, Mrs. Mary A. Red wine, Margret Red- wine, E. Rufty, Miss C. Ked wine, Ubpen cer; G. F. Smith, Moses Safret,' Stoker I Kirk, 3 ; C. Stiwalt, Mrs. E- Fowler' James Wood. R. Wyat, J. A. ri. Watts;) 2; F, M. Warren, Wm. Walton, Mrs. 8. A; Wat tson,- Wiss jvate O i Y uson, xeorge Y it Deim iy, h. Wiseman, L,, Woodrow, J. A. Williams. , r 3t.48. J. A. WEIRMAN, P. M., WINTER Valuable Plantatioii ; r ' and : 20 LIKELY NEGROES FOR SALE ! ON TUESDAY the 14th day of iTorembefaexty I will proceed to sell at PUBLIC SALE, mf PLANTATION, lying one mile North of 8alisburyi" on the main road leading to Mocksville, containing 260 ACHES, r One hundred of which are cleared and in a good stats of cultivation, the balance, is .' Very Heavily Timbered. TheNEARNESS of this place to MARKET the PRODUCTIVENESS OF THE SOIL, and the Im mense QUANTITY OF TIMBER on it. render it : one of the most DESIRABLE TRACTS of LAND in the vicinity of 'Salisbury. There is on the pre mises a DWELLING and all necessary out-houses. Also, a BRICK YARD, which might be made very, profitable. I will also sell at the." same time, ' 15 or 20 UKELY vIEGBOES, consisting of MEN, WOMEKiunl CHILDREN. Among these are two COOKS and two good aarse tervant. -- ..,5-';.'--- .-'-v -v" i-.-.t.-r Also, my WAGON HORSES and MULES FAKMING.UTENSILS of everji description. . . Terms jnade known on the day of sale. Bale to commence at ten o'clock. .w r - : ; JOHN H. COFFMAN. Sept. 29, . 1854. - .. -; , . . . . 7U7 VALUABLE LAND "TT7TLL be abld nn Saturday the 21st day of Oc T T tober next, at theiate residence of Tennison Cheshire deceased, a valuable , . . TEACT OF LAND, f A ! i known as' the" Hunter Place., The land is well wa tered and very productive. There is a good -;. Dwelling Honsc and other ncccssiryBnildinx. Also one other TRACT near Hour Gold Mine, ad joining Denton Ijames, A. M. Booe and others, con taining about . r . ; One Hundred Acres, mostly woods land, which is considered valuable Messrs. Robert BlackwelL J. W. Cheshire or the subscriber; will be pleased to show the Lands to any " persons desirous to see them. :-- . ' Terms made known on the day of sale. .'- . ! ;. , B. BAILEY, V Adm'r with the Will annexed. Sept. 20; 1854, 1 , 4t47 ' t V Fair Notice. V LL persons indebted to the Estate of Tennison jCjL Cheshire, dee'd, are requested to make imme diate payment, as further indulgence cannot be giv en. And those having claims are requested to pre sent them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ! - B. BAILEY, Adm'r, Sept. 20, 1854 Printer's fee $5 00 1 ' State of North- Carolina, i .'- ROWAN COUNTY. John Foard and others,") -v . - ' ; I '. Ts- " f Original-Bill in Equity; ' j Augustus Jay. . J ' In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction -of the Court, that the defendant, Augustus Jay, ia not a, citiien'-of this State : iie is hereby notified to be and appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salis buryon the eighth Monday after the 4th Monday in September, A. D. 1854; then and there to plead, answer or demur to complainants Bill of Complaint, or judgment will bs taken against him pro confesso, and the cause heard exparte.- - -Witness," L. Blackmer, Clerk and Master of our said ! , Court of Equity- at ofilce, in Salisbury, the 23d : day of September, A. D. 1854,. and in the 79th year of the independence of the United States of America, i t. BLACKMER, C.M.E. 6t47 Printers Eee $5 50 ; : FOR SALE At fhm JACTOaiiaiirpVact,r" 600 HEAVY GUNNY COTTOU SACKS, in arood order, suitable for balinff Cotton in airaln. ' ! J. G. CAIRNS. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1854. " ,3t47 WHOLESALE Al RETAIL Hardware House, ' SALKBTTEY, N. C. THE undersigned have located in j this place for the purpose of conducting a general - Wholesale and Retail ' ' . HARDWARE BUSINESS, : " and are now opening a large assortment of goods direct from the manufacturers, embracing : 15L1XDIXG MATEItlAlJS 1 v f . in great variety, ;: . Carriage and Buggy materials a complete as 'i ' sortment : Carpenter's and Millwright's Tools of all kinds, Saddler's and Harness maker's materials, a full i assortment, - Shoe. Maker's:, V " Cabinet Maker's' ' : . " Blacksmith's Tools and articles for contractors. Wooden WareY Brooms, Brushes, Twine, &c, 1 : A full assortment of '. German and American j Fancy - Goods, Guns, Pistols, Bowie -s . : :, Knives &c, &c. . j;-- -v 1 iTheir STOCKwhen complete, will be found the most VARIED and EXTENSIVE of any in the upper country ; and as they have opened withl the view of buildine up a laree and permanent trade, they .'are determined to sell at the small-i est remunerative profits, and to sparse no trouble or attention to advance the interest of their pa-f v TO inCHAOTS they would resptfully saythj.t as their good nave been oougnt, direct -;of the; nianiuacturers-v . 'upon the best terms,' they can . assure them of;'.: their ability Sum! determinaUoatb-give Uie closer; est buyers entire -satisfaction .' . '- ' : -! : - G ? M. & A. T. JONES. U July 28, 1854, ;H ; - 89 V f Stoves ! Stoves ! I fTlHE subecriber has just received a nne aetort-! jLment or uuu&XiNU BXUVlSS,;wbish be will sell low ror vAoJi. . . - wiluams brown: Salisbury Jaly 28, 1854, ,- , t39. . RHUTT & ROBSON, '" - Vt ' AND - Co: mission Merchants .Z-ir Charleston, S. C. : ! Liberal advances made.on lCoBiIsBme'nts. j !Special attention given to the sale of Flour,' Corn, Ac, and from our long experience in the bu- sine8s, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. Reference M. Bkows & Sox. ; - ' July 28, 1854. ' . 6m29p4 Honses and lot for solo. I NOW offer for sale my Shops and Lot. in the south square of the-Town of Salisbury. f I will sell all my Tools, Timber, Lumber and ' Stock to any one who wishes to purchase it with the' lot if desired. ' . . ; ... . f' -1 will reserve one forge three months possession given the 1st of Aagnet. ... Title undisputed. The main building is three eteries high, 24 by 55: feet with a dry first rate cellaf under it, 48, by 22 i 'feet, 7 deep, the lot is 150 by 68 feet. Call and ex-; amine, as I am determined to sell and eloke up all f my old business. ( . . . ' . Terms Cash or good notes bearing interest, : ' ' J. S. JOHNSTON. , Salisbury, July U," 1854. . j , ,-. . - I.-,