I ri - ' T -M SALISBURY, N. C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 18G9. NO 49 THI-WEEILY THE EXAMINER. PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY NUTTALL. Sl STEWART. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. TERMS CASH IN ADVANCE. Tri-Weekly 1 yearf - 6 months, -3 months, Weekly, 1 year, - - 6 months, - it $5 00 3 oo ! 2 00 - 2 00 I" 1 25 RATES OF ADVERTlrsih i. Ten lines, or one inch, space to constitute square. j ; ' ' ; One Square, first insertion, $1 00 Each subsequent insertion? 60 Liberal deductions made, by special contract, to large advertisers- . c : . Court advertisements will be charged 25 per cent, highey than the regular rates. THE GRIME AND FOLLY OF EMANCI- Ueman to lady, from mother to daughter, from PATIONi . . The Toledo Commercial comments thus on something which it saw in the Northwest : The pictures well illustrate the great fact of Emancipation, which marks so important an era iu our nation's history. Millions of poor bond men and bond women have under the invitation and guaranty of the the Gov ernment, thus turned their step3 toward the, genius of Liberty, and not in vain. They may Leas "pretty," in the sense meant by our exchange, but they constitute the grand est procession that the worlds ever saw. It may have no attraction for pro slavery eyes ; but it will long challenge the admiration and joy oi the mends oi freedom everywhere. father to son, and in the ears of all they pour black and bitter whispers of slander, and abue and at the same tune pretend to be the most sincere friends of those to whom they arc talk ing. 1 heir black and nauseous pills of slander are coated with smiles and professions of love. Tattlers are confined to no particular class of society. They belong to all classesand operate ll ITT n j " .1 i ' in an. c una mem anions me ncn ana anon" the poor, the " upper ten" and the " lower million," in the church and out of it. They are people who have, no no higher am- bition than to be well informed in regard to other people's business ; to retail scandal to the neighbors, and exult in the fiendish triumphs over the bruised heart and the wounded feel ings of a victim. Contempt of such miserable these duties and see these aspirations : can you contemplate the patient hopefulness of cheerful and contented, because fullv compen sated, industry and talk of cheap labor? La bor is too cheap now. Labor does not receive its just reward. This country needs skilled laborers, and honest, intelligent, undragging, zealous industry ; it needs that such' labor shall not be cheap, but it shall be most boun- titully rewarded. The relation of capital and 1.1 1 11 1 . 1 4 The time is approaching when the " great Lveatnres shnnld lrnnw nn WnHQ TU.rA fact of Emancipation" will be adjudged by a worse tnan tne lowest claj of thieves, and per cent. higher Special JNotices charged 50 than ordinary advertisements. " For advertisements inserted irregularly, 25 per cent, higher than usual rates "will be charged. Funeral fluUces will be charged as advertise ments. ;THe simple announcement of j a death or marriage will not be charged.- Address ill communications to t NUTTALL fc STEWART. OUR CLUB RATES. We offer the following inducements to those who will flake the pains to get up Glubs and send us the names'of Annual Subscribers, with the subscription price of the Tri-Weekly Examiner-i-$5,00, or the Weekly,: $2,00. CLB RATES FOR TRI-WEEKLY. For a Club of 7 subscribers to ' Tri-Weekly Examiner! a copy of the saime will be furnish ed for. one! year. ' j . For a Club of 10 subscribers we will pay $ 5,00 15 " r . " " 7,50 20 " " " 10,00 30 " 50 " in cash, " 1 15,00 25,00 . (JLUB RATES FCR WEEKLY. For a Club of 7 subscribers to Weekly Ex miner a copy of the same will be furnished for one year. ! For a, Club of 10 subscribers we will pay public mind grown impartial and candid in the light of the consequences which have flowed therefrom to both races. It will be seen that an inconsiderable people have sac rificed to a mere sentiment a whim, a fanta sy, an Hallucination the well being, nay, the very existence of four . millions of help less and dependent persons; Bellow "pro- slavery to .your heart's content. We tell you the truth; and we; abide the honest ver dict of mankind. r. i - iv -i-t . I " xou nave given tne ipoor negro liberty ttnn in th UVo f fir n.l hrimstnitA " to steal, to starve, to die out betore that lnev- should be despised by every lover of peace and quietness : but no words can express our ha tred for them- What punishment thev deserve we don't kuow, but God knows, and as sure as eternal justice reigns they "will receive retribu tion in proportion to the magnitude of their of fences against the law of God and the interest of injured humanity. Tattlers pouder and re fleet, and turn from your evil ways before it is too late, for the Scriptures tell us that " all li ars and mischief makers shall have their por itable extermination which has overtaken the Indian, and which awaits the black man with the certainty of fate. For the barbarities and cruelties of the ser vile relation we are no apologist, any more than lor the crimes which are sometimes perpetrated in the relations of husband and wife, parent and child. None abhorred a cruel slaveholder more than we ; but cru elty was the exception, and not the rule. The man who starves or tortures even a horse, or other dumb brute, is an exception. As a j whole, the negroes, were well clad, wen led, wen carea lor ; and- in their way INDIAN CRUELTIES IN ILLINOIS. From proof sheets of Parkman's Discovery of the Great West," soon to be published, we take the following : Meamwhile the hideous scene was enacted at the ruined village of the Illinois. Their savage fyes, balked of a living prey, wreaked their fury on the dead. Thov dur un the craves : thev threw down the scaffolds. Some of the bodies they burned, some they threw to the dogs the American slaves were as happy and con- souie.it is affirmed, they ate. Placing the skulls tented as any similar number of people on on stakes as trophies, they turned to pursue the ABROAD. HOV LIVE IN ENG- TUK POOR MAN WORKINGMEN LAND. The London correspondence of the New York Time gives a most deplorable picture of the poor of the Urge cities of EogUnd : "-Millions of people in England IWe amost labor is no a- badly adjusted. Idle money I r.le, is the war of life of" a sober, hard-workinff money which has no human wants or atfec- Knglishman, wbo earn 18i week ($4 50 gold hons, or sympathies earns more than labor, s andard,") and has a wife and aix children. with all its sweat and toil and suffering.. Mo- He neither drinks nor smokes, and hands over nev combines with money and seeks increase his whole wages to his wife. This is a commoa and immunity under acts of incorporation, practice in well ordered families. She oars 4s they arc in some of our States denounced by a week for rent; Is. for coals; candles, soap, the law, and everywhere looked upon with &c.,t)J.; a penny a week each for six children; suspicion. They should not antagonize They to a brutal club Gd ; on a doctor a bill, U should co-operate. Thev should be in har- IT- mony. I do not know that the full solution to eat. Now the bill of fare for those eight of this great prohlem has been discovered, persons : One pound of bread.a day fur ech but I believe great progress has been made the children scarcely taste anything else in late years to establish a iuster and better re- comes to 7s. a week ; twenty pounds of potatoes, lation. That progress will continue. It must 8d; one pound of butcher's meat on Sunday, command the efforts of advancing civilization and two pounds of salt perk for week days, Is: and the favor of a just God, until at last the one round sujrar. half pound butter, one ounce human intellect and hand and blood as they tea. 131 make up the week's account No milk, constitute the nobler, shall also be the better no fruit, no clothing. The only way they can Paid member in the great partnership of la- have that is for the children to jret work or bor and capital. j-ie . tncn something would come in from the barjai club. Thousands on thousands of men A SAD AFFAIR. A FATHER AT- work for two-thirds of these waes or less. TEMPTS SUICIDE AND SHOOTS HIS 1 ientJ een ln larSc town ic for 2i DAUGHTER. The Lynchburg. (Va.) Kewsot the 20thinst. has information through a gentleman of a mel week. Thousands cannot taste even the Sun day meet dinner. TT ancholy affair which was enacted near Rapidan . .rors of war. ihe Luba .1 Pabe Qf,; n, ir i Ion Nacional says: The internal work of d Station, Orange county, a. on I nday last.- vastation and rnin pursues its course in o in cash, 15 20 30 50 $ 2,50 3,75 5,00 7,50 12,50 ' These rates will be strictly adhered to, and the amount promptly paid to any one com plying wih them. Our XrVWeekly and Weekly Examiner contains nore reading matter" than any pa pers of th kind published in this part of the country, a;hd the subscription price is much - lower. ".: -,; I :. Good, active, enterprising canvassers can make monW by getting up clubs for the Ex aminer, &k well as do much for the good of the people and country, by aiding to circu late much! needed information, sound politi cal principles, and; well selected reading mat ' ter, caloul&ted and intended to excite enter prize, ehurage industry, and give tone and character to society. The field id open and a fair chancb is given to all. Who will furnish us the first Club ? " ' JB .The name of each subscriber should ' be given ip full, with Post Office, County and State. i Address, j' S-- NUTTALL & STEWART. I3R. GODDIN'S j COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTEES Cures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Colic, Sick Stomach, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &e. A UNIVERSAL TONICS r A sure sate, and reliable preventive and cure for U Ma'arial diseases, and all disebses requiring a eeneral tonic impression. Precared onlv by Da. N. A. II. GODDIN and for sale everywhere. j JAMES T. WIGGINS, (Sucses8ortto J. II. Baker & Co.) Proprietary Agent ana u noiesaie aeaier ia raieut lueaicmes, iNonuiiv earth : They were not fit for freedom ; but it was forced on them. - They now go out into the struggle of life, and in competition with the shrewdest, most energetic, most unscrupulous, ayarious ana remorseless race oi people on the globe. For this is the character of the Yankeeized Anglo Saxons. Their old mas ters, who might have given them compassion, if not charity, are impoverished ; and now as a race, the black are paupers. Without in dustry, save when constrained; without am bition : without skill : without . education destitute in a word of every capability for the new career assigned them, they are turned out to perish. Manila., no more falls from heaven .to succor the starving; alms-houses are not built for a whole race. Though das titution, disease, crime and suffering, the black man must follow the red man to ex tinction. ' You give him freedom; you purpose to give him the ballot. But these will not give him bread, nor give him shelter, nor give im clothing, nor give him brains." Had the negro been the white nan's equal, slavery could not have existed, or could not have been perpetrated for any considerable time. Honest Republicans have treated the question as they would have treated it had it been a question between two races in intel lect and in every sort; of capability. This was their fatal error. Who could emancipate all the children under ten years of age ? turn them out of doors, and forbid parental con trol under severe penalty? And yet such an act wTould not be so cruel and so. murderous as that we are considering ; for such of the children as survived would be able to take care of themselves when they arrived at ma ture years. For the negro there is no matu rity. However ferocious in passion, or bru tal in strength) he is and must indefinitely remain a child in intellect. Emancipation was an enormous crime ; a crime agaiust the country, for it destroyed its chief source of wealth ; but more than all it was crime against the simple, dependent confiding people whom it has destroyed. Illinois, who when the French withdrew, had abandoned their assylum and retreated down the river. The Iroquois, still, it seems, in awe of them, followed them along the opposite bank, each night encamping face to face with them ; and thus the adverse bands moved slowly south ward, till they were near the mouth of the river. Hitherto the compact array of the Illinois had held her enemies in check; but now, suffering from hunger and lulled into security by the as .surances of the Iroquois that their object was not to destroy them, but they rashly separated the Mississippi, some, more prudent, crossed to the western side. One of their principal tribes, the Tamaroas, more credulous than the rest, had the fatuity to remain near the mouth of the Illinois, where they were speedily assail ed by all the force of the Iroquois. The men fled, and very few of them were killed ; but the women and children were c.ip'ured to theum her, it is said, of sven hundred. Then follow ed that scene of torture, of which, some two weeks later. LaSalie saw the revolting traces. Sited, at length with horrors, the conquerors withdrew leading with them a host of captives, exulting in their triumphs over women, child ren and the dea 1 ot insaaity.onputtinzanendto hislite.and with this view provided himself a pistol and went to hQ torch ol,tlu3 infamous banditism has an uoDer room in his dwclliotr. His daughter. P1111 10 tne rural strict ot 1 ag a voun.-ladv int : frrnwn oWrvA.1 hU mftrp. in this junsdiction, and after reduciuc to The Cuba Ei Pabel- e The particulars are as follows : rich district, not from dav to dav. but from Mr. Wm. Walker, a farmer residing near hour to hour, threatening to submerge us in Rapidan, determined, while in a temporary fit the most frightful misery and discovering m been uaramas, ash- ments, and, suspecting his intention, followed ef the village of Charcas, burned Bagazal and him to the room, and entered it just at her UV uu "uai rcaiu ences auioimng it. As we father was cocking the pistol. Screaming out 0Drve m ine streeu oi our once active at the top of her voice, io order to alarm the and rr0sPer0U3 "ty the colnmns of smoke other inmates of the house and secure their as- FlsinS on the opposite of the bay m a wester- sistance, she threw herself upon her father.and, lY direction, as we listen to the sorrowful nar seizing the weapon, endeavored to wrench it rations of those whom such a nefarious crime from his grasn. Io the struggle that ensued reduces to the necessity of seekingan asylum the weapon was accidentally fired, the ball pass- ln Cienfuegos, we ask ourselves if Divine Pro ing throu-h the hand of Miss Walker and cn- videnceLaa turned away from us forever, and if tering her left breast, inflicting a mortal wound we are condemned to witness withont hope of The unfortunate young lady was not dead on Saturday morning, but her recovery was deem ed to be impossible. The sight of his daughter lying weltering in her blood recalled the father remedy a scourge as aQicting a3 it is terrible, consummating tne complete ruin of our coun try. Commenting on the above a Havana corres- to his senses, and ha made no other attcmnt at pondent of the New York Times says : "The self-destruction, but with the most agonizing abov.e picture is true to the life. Confla- cries threw himself upon her bleeding from and grat ion has swept oyer the country like a besought her to live. In this condition the huge gale of destruction, and the torch marks father and his dying daughter were found by the foot prints of the Cuban liberty seekers, other members of the family, who, alarmed bv whose alIy 13 devastion. Their motto is lib- the report of the pistol, hastened to ascertain its triJr or uunrutuon. cau.se. Physicians were promptly summoned to the wouudtd girl's assistance, and everything possi oie was aone ported -that the Vioeroy has countermanded , ' his'preperatioL! pie. Alexandria, Eotpt, Sept. 22. It is re- preperatioLs for his journey to Constantino- AN IMPORTANT MATTER. The Ashcville Ntvcs calls attention to the Dresden, Sept. 21. The Thrcatre caught imperfect manner in which sales of property fire during a rchearsel to-day, and was destroy- man's property may be levied upon and sold belore even his neighbors know anything about A Frnrlt fitr.Prtv.Tq rprontW frvi fr it, because the law only requires the Sheriff or J persuade a young ward to marry his daugh Constable to advertise it at the Court House ter, (Uie ward was very wealthy,) and he, said : For sale at Dr. TOUT-SON'S Drug Store Salibury, N. C. D,iT. GARRAWAY, . . . ,.- . AND DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS,! HARDWARE, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, &C. PUOMPT attention given o orders, and to the sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tobacco, Dried Fruit, &c, on Commission. Ooixx-t Souse SuUcUng arUly I , . NEWBERN. N. C L, D. Wilkie, of mule notoriety, was arrest- ed on Sunday night, on the charge of shooting with intent to kill Mr. David Green in Jones county, on Tuesday of last week. He was taken before Jud ,Tb ,-V.-Lbisr, t-. va or 510,000 to appear for examination on Mon day next. The Journal of Commirce says : " we undersand that the evidence against Wil kie is of the most positive and damning charac- door or at some INI ill or cross-roads. In justice to the creditor and debtor, such sales should be made known more extensivelv beforehand, and there ought to be a lav passed authorizing the Sheriff to do so. The Ashcville New3 cites a case where property was sacrificed because the sale was not known. That par cr savs: ter. MR. PENDLETON ON THE CHINESE. Hon. George H, Pendleton, in his speech at Clifton, Ohio, gave utterance to the follow ing very decided language on the subject of Chinese immigation : THE CHINESE. The opening of the Pacific Railroad, the demand for labor at the South, the desire for nimbler hands and less voracious appetites in the factories, have turned the attention of speculators to the, teeming populations of the East. TKey find these warm and fertile countries densely crowded with a patient, de graded and heathen race. " Their skilled la borers get $3 or $4 per month, and with this they seem content. 1 hey work trom daylight J in such sales whether debtor or creditor to sunset, and have but a biorIo- holiday in I and the following case, which occurred a few wicjcai. ineir iooa consists ot rice, salt, a tew vegetables, and sometime fish." The proposal is to bring immense numbers of these people here to supply the demand for labor in the fields and the factories and the shops. We in Uhio have not appreciated the impor DRTC. A. HENDERSON, ' ns? esoims Mum nna&d&v V-kFFICi! ON INNIS STREET, near Enniss j J)rug Store og20"trfewl jA . r "VN. gharris, f!TTTN A . GLASS. AND . QUEENSWA11E. Kerosepe Lamps and Shades, Kline's Patent Fruit Jar?, &c &c. gtore opposite Mansion House, Salisbury, N, A good story is told in Paris of a son of M. Rixio. This eminet man was for a short time incarcerated in the fortress of Vincennes after the coup V ettit. His wife, accompanied by one of her sons, went to see him. They dined to- f gether in uischamber. The son wasextremely " Sometime during last winter we suggested Uad and taciturn during the dinner, and at! last that a law be passed compelling the Sheriffs attracted his father's attention. " Why,' my and all other officers empowered to sell proper- dear boy what is the matter with you ty under Execution to advertise such property " Nothin g, father," replied the lad of eleven. in some newspaper within the county where the 14 Nonesense ; I see something u the matter property is located, or if, no paper is published with you. Come, tell me what it is." The boy in the county then in the one nearest to it. blubbered, " Why. pa, I am sd disappointed. Our object was to benefit all parties interested 1 1 made 6ure of seeing yoi'. in a dungeon, chain- dayi ago, proves oonclusivelj that our position is iisiht : ' TATLERS PLEASE NOTICE THIS. We have been requested to publish the fol lnwino-: and surely if the' tattler could se himself or herself as seen here, horror would take hold of him : Everv community is cursed with a class of people who make it their concern to a' tend to everybod's business but their own. These peo ple are the meanest, lowest ana viiest speci mens of humanity which Providence permits o live. It is known that a large class ot per sons are disposed to speak ill of others,' and tat tlinn- is a sin from which tew can claim to oe entirely exempt ; but there is a distinct class of tattlers whose chief aim is to make tale bear ing the constant pursuit of their lives. I hey pry into the private attairs ot every iamny iu the neighborhood. They know the exact state of a neighbor s feelings towards another, iney understand every body's faults : no blunder or lmnroDnetv escapes their igiiani waicniuine&a. They are particularly posted up in everything . - connected with courtsnip ana mainmony f know who are to marry and can guess the ex act time when it will tako place, They watch every movement ot parties suspected oi matri- A half interest in a superior body of land, known as the " Pink Red," containing 20,000 acres, lying mostly in Transylvania county, was sold by the Sheriff on Mondav last for S805. tance of this movement. I protest against it We know parties who would have willinglv now, in time, before it is carried out before given at least ten times that amount for it, but they come among us before we are confront- they knew nothing of the sale, as no publicity ed with duties, and obligations, and interests was given to it, except that of sticking written growing out of their presence. They are an posters up on the Cour' House door and two or alien, an inferior and idolatrous race. They thrte otner placc3, where, probablv. not fit'tv have not our tastes, or habits, or manners, or persons ever saw them. The present system of development, or religion. They are not fit advertising legal sales of pronertv. oneus the to become citizens, or to erijoy the right of door t the meanest kind of fraud, by enabling suhrage. Amalgamation would injure both the debtor and a tavorite creditor, or other their race and ours. Isolation will give rise party, to keep the sale unknown outside of cer so great troubles. ; England, Ireland, Germa- tain limits, so that no one else will be there to ny, Norway, France, have an overflowing bid. We do not accuse any one of such collu noDulation ot our own race, similar to us in sion. but we do know that much nmnoMv h blood, in manners, in habits and in religious J been sold at an outrageous sacrifice, just be laith an industrious, siuray, sen-renant, i cause tne law aia not compel the omccr to ad- self-respecting people, lhey are ht to become vertise legal sales in some newspaper." citizens. Thev will mix with us. and our commingling blood is purer for the associa-J Jack Whaly's wife one day chanced to find tion. Let us invite them with open arms to Ian elegant piece of white leather on the road come to us. Let us people our country with the J and she brought it home with her in great de best races of men. But the Chinese will give light to mend Jack's small clothes, which she us chean labor I Cheap human labor ! I des- did very neatly. Jack set off next day. little pise the word. It signifies squalor, degener- expecting what was in store for him ; but when ation, ignorance, vice. Are not laborers men? he bad trotted about five miles it was in the our fellow-men? They have bodies to clothe month of July he began to feel mighty uoea and stomachs to feed and mind3 to educate, sv, in the saddle a feeling that continued to A darkey in Xecbe, Mtmm.; tm twMtfnt to gar he had bought at a rival store. " Let me wein tne package, ea m . au&v.i ;ey assented, and it was iounu two pounas hort The colored gent looked perplexed for . .. i - t a moment, and tnen sua, - uacss ne uiun t cheat dis chile much, tor while ne was gcitin de sugar, I stole two pair of shoes. o There is racnny ways to find out how brave and . Va Vtnf tTiero ain't ifi how nonest a man ujy ;v"v- - - way to find the extent nis vanity. A lie is like a cat, it never cums to yu in a straight line. ... I think i had rather hear a man Drag about himelf than tew hear mm orag an me umc ot sum one else ; for i think i like vanity a leetle betur than i do ickolany. humbug is hke a bladder, good lor notn ing till it ix blowed, ana tnen ain k gooa ior nothing after it izpnc-ea. A bi" nose iz sed tew be a sign of genius ; if a in an 'genius lies in his nose i should aaj tho sin wusa good one. JothBUligt. . o A voung wife remonstrated with her hua- A.. "o. . i jfti'A. i,:- j . band'a dissipated Fpendthrift, on his conduct. " My love," said he, " I am only like tho Prodigal Son I will reform by-and-by."--" And I will be like the Prodig d Sou, too, sue and spirits to elevate, and old age to provide monial intentions, and if there is the, slightest , for. They have homes which they love and chance to create disturbance, they take imme- wives whom they cherish, and children whom diate advantage or it. They try to excite jeal- they hope to make worthy citizens the hon- ousy, if possible, and do all in their power to est fathers and the virtuous mothers of a suc- keep up a constant quarrel. They go from gen- ceeding generation. And can yon remember increase at every moment till at last he said : " It was like taking a canter on a beehive in swarming time," and well he might, for the niece of leather was no other than a blister that the apothecary's boy had dropped that morning on the road. . . . t replied, " for I will arise and goto my lather, and accordingly oil' she went. The first annual meeting of the Stockbold of the Western Division of tbeW. C. Railroad, will be held in Asheville on the 13th of Octo- Jber. 6r3m