THE EXAMINER. SALISBURY, MONDAY, SEPT. 27. I for wider liberty, and to enthrall them more ef fectually under the yoke of imperial power preparatory to his own death and the passing of sceptre into less skillful hands. But in fact he j is taking precisely the opposite course. , He is himself taking the initiative in remodeling and popularizing the French Constitution, thus j placing himself at the head of the party of lib erty, and signalizing the close of his reign by inaugurating in France a free parliamentary TEEi SOUTH HER DUTY. f -- r " ' ' We find in the Wadesboro Argus the fol- lowing staiemeiiu : " The official figures of the Treasury De partment flace agriculture products of the Smith at sir hundred and fifty millions of dollars, and show that1 she has. more money, government. He proposes that hi3 dynasty shall at the present' time, than any other agricul- guarantee this free Constitution to his country ' . i il TT!i..J Oi.l.- AT fL . . J turai portion oi tne umieu ouuu "i.u, . -n . thus hnki be Ubede of Frince Castor West. ' I . . ..... A I ail- wc Baiviy ui uis uyu am y lnuissuiuuiy io- This goes to sbow what our condition would tb e r . .1 44 i i T . .1 ll. . '. -f " r be, il tne Ljemocrauc party, nau me puwei ui The wIsJom of thig fitroke of state:,manship controling he legislation of the Government ig patent to every mind. There are several as. and the States. pirants to the French throne, besides the Prince With a JarifF according to the provisions imperial. But this movement puts them all of the ' Constitution and an economical and at a disadvantage; for the traditions of their honest administration of the government, respective families are mainly those of unlimit- prosperityjwill rise again, and the citizen of ed De8potigin and tneir accession would be the the Southep States would realize the. benefit gignal for a return tQ that form of g0vernmeat. of this vas andboundless source of wealth : But by the shrewd tactics of the Emperor, the As it is the. .thieving, plundering legislation 8ucc.ssion of Ae Bonaparte h a guarantec of 01 tne government au v aauiugtuu uuci- f reedom . g0 that every aspiration for free gov- ring tne wneaitn oi tne oouxnern orates iu iue Northern lection of the Union, is the main keep their livestock well enclosed," regarding the money and well expended in the additional safety of their property. When we add to this tha enormous saving in fences, we are compell ed to believe that this matter should he lul!y investigated, and reformation begun. Our farmers require now more that every resource should be husbanded and strict and proper economy be exercised in every branch of their business. Expensessbould and must be cu: tailed and receipts increased. The prosperity of the whole country depends upon the suc cess of our agriculturalists, and it behooves all to lend them such aid and give them such ad vice as may be in their cower. With this view we have called this subject to their at tention and published the views of the practi cal planters who edit the Reconstructed Far mer. cause of 'our depressed condition ; and hence , it is the duty of every true friend of the South to 4ar against such unjust and iniqui tous legislation, and the corrupt, -: profligate, unprincipled party that now controls the government. Otherwise, the remark of a ernment among the French will be enlisted in behalf of the maintenance of that family in power. . We have not time, nor does it serve our pur pose now, to pursue this subject further. No enlightened or philanthropic man can fail to wish success to plans devised .with' such con summate sagacity, and whose intended result is great Statesman wilt be fully realized, that to seeure liberal institutions to a nn1ft nf nn. - r--r the contest is between tax . payers ana tax bie and generous instincts, who have long sigh consiimersj For who can doubt, that with a ed for liberty while yet apparently incapable tarifisimry fbrjrevenue with incidental pro- 0frealizing or maintaining it. tectidn, the Southern States will enjoy wealth Our purpose, in this brief article, was to andf power, greater than has fallen to the lot point out what Statesmanship can do for nations of any othjer Nation. And the fact set forth in timcs 0f emergency, that men might see by inthe abdve statement, is a sufficient vindi- comparison how little it is1 doing for us. This cation of the statement in the above para- country's creat need is a Statesman I graph. . ; Every ; Consideration of duty, honor j and lTfrtfof bViVvnlrl Qflfnafo ffnnfViovn men io nrf. lUVVlVOU CfcWUUttUXS WWUVUV1U .v. wvw i ... . r. . 1 , 1 -r-f -I '. i I Wa hftVA Alton t rT af in t iia yit a -t a i i n c uav u viuvu au va. ill iiic Jl-jJLUI wo MISCELLANIOTJS. PROGRESSIVE. WASHINGTON. Washington, Sept. 23 Revenue 8357,000 to-day. L. F. Ward has been appointed special agent at large for the Post Office Department. The Supreme Court meets on the 1st Octo ber. Mrs. Lucy Moorhead Porter has been ap pointed Postmistress at Louisville. Judge Chase is here. The steamer, 44 Sabine," was at Lisbon, Sept Shureman, charged while a messenger of the Treasury, of taking national note3 and forging signatures to them, and in whose transactions Turner, ex-Postmaster of Macon, Ga. was im plicated, las been found guilty. There were hree negroes on the jury. Washington, Sept. 24 It is stated that Gen. Cauby recommends the re-establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau in Virginia. The reason given for this action is, that the drougfh producing such a scarcity, and threatening much suffering anions the negroes. Cuban partisans here have startling news! Desertions lave compelled a re organization of the army. President Cespcdes has assumed the supreme command with Jordan as chief of staff. Cubans' assassinated two Cuban Generals before re-onrariization. Koopmaoschaf the Chinese importer, visited Boutwell vn the Revenue question in regard to rice, mcidently the Chinese immigration ques tion was discussed. Boutwell said it would not San Francisco wants seamen. . Emigrants are flocking into Arkansas. Silver has been discovered in Arkansas. The Master of the English Mint is dead. The silk women of France are on a strike Prussia is about to annex the Grand Duchy ol iidden. The principal theatre in Florence is still lighted by oil laps. Blaine will most probably succeed Fcssen-. den. i i ucn. AicLiiciian nas been presented witn a sou. Senator Cole has left Washington for California. Gov. Senter, of Tennessee, is but thirty six years old. John Morrison proposes to build a Saratoga club house. Norristown, Pa., has erected a monument to her dead soldiers. Uncle Sam own3 424 acres in Illinois, 500 in Ohio, and 1.920 in Indiana. Anna Dickinson makes $2,000 a night in San rrancisco. A William Wallace monument is talked of in Louisville. ' Longfellow is more popular than Tennyson in Germany. Annua Dickinson and S. B. Anthony are en gaged to lecture. Motley is not dissatisfied with his Alabama claims instructions. Extensive coal beds have been discovered MA.LTBY HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD. G . B . H OCAN, rrorEirfoa. riUL ABOVE HOTEL, both in locaUan and prU . JL co. has &1J8 ben the qmI desirable of any in the chj for business men. It his daring th past season, been thorough! renovated and reMur nied throughout, with the addition of several new . lloomr, gmng ample AccommotUliODi lor Three Hundred GueU. Uu sttictlj modern mall us internal arrangf inentB, furpaasirg, in many re . spects. anj Itottl in the city. ttpt-i 47-Cca BINGHA31 &.CO., WUOLBSALB ASD KSTAIL PKALBRS IV GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND LIQUORS, MAIS ST., SALISBURY, XVC. MOLASSES ! MOLASSES! T IIE BEST AND CHEAPEST IS TOWN. BINGHAM A CO. SUGARS! SUGARS! FULL LINE. For salo by UINGIIAM & CO. COFFEE! COFFEE! JAVA. LAGUIRA, AND IUO. A large lot, very cheap, at BINGHAM & COS. RICE! RICE! RICE! GOO LBS. FRESH CAROLINA, at 12J cents. At BINGHAM & CO.'3. SPEARS' PRESERVING SOLUTION. DOZ. Just received, al Ai BINGHAM & CO.'S. A VE RY SYRUP, at SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF GOLDEN BINOIIAM t CC.-3. -pURE -tf CLARIFIED CIDER VINEGAR. At BINGHAM & CO.'S. be interfered witb. unless tbo laws were viola- toe tp.d ; Tnorm anschat insictpd thnt his onrations at Cbrnda. in Central India. tenuency oi mu xuiuiuai lueas to aesiroy. an are w thin the law's restrictions. Koopmans- with tKe qnly party that will so operations! of the government as to secure to that is substantial in religion, stability and chaf goes to Memphis, thence to'the Louisville Gomuiercial Convention, and thence to (Jhina A LARGE LOT OF SUPERIOR CIGARS VERY cbeap. BINGHAM & CO.'S. the Southern people the benefit of this vast good order. Every week or two men of this rtnnJiflM nfwMltV J class make public proclamation of their doc- , t A -. -i : , -r, i trmes, and very recently the following turns As matters stand now, the present Repub- up from the pen of Mr. Henry C. Wright, lican party ' in power, and its corrupt, un- who writes a letter to the Chicago Universe, principled Legislature, the people of the dated " Cape Cod Camp Meeting," which he tWn i Rfow. will rorriain i thxr bfl.vA describes as a. great gathering ot self forget , 1 , 1 Jtmg, progressive men and women, met to hnd miiii inr r i u tiiwi iihi i' vm-j r-w i h i- i n iii w iiiiiii t 11 i i t 11 another go there." These " self forgetting, progressive men and women subscribe to the following : ' " Resolved, The religion of Fact, which is and drawiers of water for their Northern allies. I NAPOLEON III. j The wlrld has seen few more notable men, or more sagacious rulers, than the present French Emperor With less military genius, but a more chatenjed ambition and better balanced facultics,'(tban the First Napoleon, his reign promises. Imore permanent benefits to France, while his personal history is equally surprising and romantn. To the minds of the supersti- U : . tious, there might agpear in his antecedents and present elevation a striking example of Provi dential interference to countervail the efforts an 1 designs of human power and wisdom un righteously directed. Certainly history affords no more remarkable instance bf the Nemesis which attends wrong doing thin this : Napoleon the Great selfiishly repudiated his Empress Josephine, in order that he ibiight, by another wife, have an heir to sit upbn the throne-after him. But the son born to tuni by his second marriage died young, and no lineal descendant of the Divorcer remains. By a wonderful train of events, however, the grandson: of the Divorced Empress no wfills the throne of the Great Emperor. Well might Josephine' have said to Napoleon, as she is re ported tJ have sometimes done, that Fate had linked the sceptre to her rather than to him. If his great purpose of perpetuating the Bona parte Dynasty is accomplished, it will 1 3 through her decendants. v The son of ber daughter Hortense has now wielded ibat . sceptre for nearly twenty years, with a vigor and success which has astonished mankind, and with the most fortunate results to the wayward people over whom he bears rule Ilia empire has as be predicted, secured peace ana prosperity to x ranee, uut 01 tne unaos o revolution he has evoked the Cosmos of regular and stable government. JTe haa beca called a despot and bis measures of internal administra tion criticised s tyrannical ;,but it is now clear to everybody, except superficial theorists and bights, that only a strong hand and will like his could have held in check the elements of discord land disorder, so prevalent in France and vouensated to that nation two hannv de : to De tne religion 01 tne luture, recognizes and inculcates the great truth that is before and above all outside Gods ire an obiect-of thought, love and. worship,; and that human beings, as husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and in all rela tions, do and ought to bestow their thoughts and anections.on one another, rather than on what is recognized and worshipped as God by Christendom, and by all the religions of the world. r ITT -Till -1 1 Mr. w rignt tnen proceeds to give some account of " a truly great and noble woman" a hierophani at the altar raised bv the pro gressive men and women at Cape Cod. Her husband asked this noble creature, " Who has 1 n 1 1 i . !- most 01 your.tnougnts, plans, interests your husband, or an outside God r She replied by letter and said : " I do not know who, nor what, nor where God is outside of my husband. ' My. hus band is my manifest God. Is God, - out side of my husband, a personal Being? with heart, mind, thought and feeling? Does he pour upon me his boundless, infinite love, day by day, hour by hour?' Does he. care for me, as he cares for all, with a tender, patient, iatneny love r feucn a uod, so iar as ne is true and right, according to my ideas of truth and righteousness, no father, I can admire and love ; but I cannot give my thoughts and interests to Him before my husband ?" These are the uoble men and women to whom invitations are daily extended to come down and make the South prosperous and happy. This is the " noo" civilization that these immigrants will spread broadest to sur plant plain honest morality for which, our people are laughed at. North Carolina has vast resources, and the ." Cape Cod Camp Meeting any number oi progressive men to fill contracts that he may make. Northern California Indians are becoming hostile. They gave the commander of Fort Bidwell ten days to release several prisoners that are held there otherwise they would assail tho Fort. The Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell, to-morrow, four millions ot gold aad buy four millions of bonds. A full Cabinet meeting to-dav : the first for several months. MISSOURI. It costs about $80,000 annually to support an ordinary British club house. Egland has a society calling itself the Iloyal AutcdiluYian Order ot Bullalo. ' The Fenians. not only want to liberate Ire land, but to break up the British Empire. The Archbishop of New York is in Paris on his way to Home. Railroad men are looking with astonish ment at a trunk marked " lhvorth, Kansas." Catacazy, the new Russian Minister baa ar rived xn Iiew lork. rrillE CELEBRATED COBB" BRAND OF A VIRGINIA CHEWING TOBACCO at BINGHAM & CO.'S F. II. SPItAGUE, 13 IKT 32 Sr. Eouis, Sept. 23 Gen. Sheridan and Senator Thurman, of Ohio, with party are here en route for Vera Cruz. A horse race judge public appearance. is BreckinriJge'a last INDIAN OUTRAGES. Omaha, Sept. 23 Reports from FortBufort represent the Indians as hostile. Large num bers are there ; outrages continue in the moun tains. , PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 23. Capt. Leonard, the fatuous counterfeiter, has been arrested. A large amount of well executed bills were found on his person and premises. GEORGIA. Augusta, Sept. 23 A difficulty occurred in Columbia coucty on Sunday, between a planter named Baker and a party of negroes, in which William Jones a negro, was killed. The pub lished account represents Baker as acting in self defence. FOREIGN. Paris, Sept.'23 Burlingames embassy and he French Minister have arranged for improv ed relations between France and China, on a basis of mutual conciliation. Vote os the Town SuBSonir-TiON. On Thursday last the people of Fayetteville voted British residents in New York have invi'.cd Priuce Arthur to visit that city. Paper is being made in Mobile from the okra plant. Texas negroes are to form a colony in New Jersey. Nearly 2,000,000 bushels of coil will leave Pittsburg, Pa., on the present rise. Eight brickyards at Rome, Georgia, are una ble to supply the deinuud for buck. The Louisiana sugar crop this season is esti mated, will yield 100,000 hogshead. The preparations for the International Indus trial Exhibition are nearly completed. The American steamer Fung Shoey has been totally wrecked in the harbor of Hong Cong. A rattlesnake 5 feet long and having 28 rattles was killed in Wayne county, Virginia, a lew days ago. Tho next meeting of the Social Science As sociation i3 to be held in New York on the 2Gth, 27th, and 2Sth of October. In Delaware they are very imprudently SALISBURY, X. C, ?EALS IN EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS. JL GOLD and SILVER, BULLION ana BANK NOTES. Collections at any point attended to promptly. OFFICE HOUHS : from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. junell 4-Cm J. E. MOOSE, AY IT II STUDWELL BRO'S & WEST, WHOLESALE PElLKKft, AXU MA3CFACTVKEB S Of BOOTS & SHOES, 17 MURRAY STRHET, NEW YOK. "fTE KEEP constantly on band a larpe an.l t f complete rtock of SeweJ and Pcsrrei Work. Al?o, a full line of Lauies, Mifses' and Children's han-l-tn&deGAiters, Balmorals and Lace and Buiton Poltrh, of our ovu manufacture. Orders solicite 1 and cart-fully filled. iuljl2-tnoTl DR. R. P. BESSENT, DENTIST. 4 HAS removed to the Office formerly ocsupicl by Dr. W. F. Bason, on the corner of and Inuiss Streets, irhere he. is business. now ready for julyS 14 tf 11 SMALL - FRUIT. INSTRUCTOR. ii yii and women" to develop them. These are not upon the proposstion from the town authorities trying to repeal a lav which requires a man xne oniy people at tne iNortn tna, are " pro gressive" but societies in every neighborhood exist whose tenets and. actions are about' on a pair with these. It is true the Yankees may brinjor with them much, cuninincr and some mo- I ney, but gold can be purchased, at too high a price. Uhxr. Times cades of power and splendor. Some hjjue imagined, in the last few years, that they could see symptoms that his genius was waning! But recent events in France, and the course do is pursuing at this time, show pretty satisfactorily that he has lost none of his old sagacity- and forecast and statesmanlike quali ties. - The Emperor is now growing old, and his son is only fourteen years : of age. Of late the French have manifested an unmistakable desire for an extension of their popular privileges. This naturally gives Napoleon intense anxiety," in view pf his own approaching demise and the extreme f youth and inexperience of his succes sor, so little fitted to deal with the rising tide of j evolution. If the Emperor were a despot at heart, or a narrow-minded bigot in State craft, like James II of 'Britain was in his day. he would probably seek to repress and over whelm the patriotic aspirations of the French" FENCES. We direct attention to the well-considered article upon the subject of fences, whieh we copy from the last number of Reconstructed Farmer. It does seem to us that this matter is one which should arrest the serious atten tion of our farmers. "We must confess that we are surprised at the enormous cost entailed up on the farmers of country by laws requiring them to keep up enclosure around their planta tions. The question has frequently formed the subject of debate previous to the war, and pos sibly the " fence law" was abolished in certatn neighborhoods in this State previous to the war, by special legislation, but we do not be lieve it was tried sufficiently to say that it was a success. But in Virginia it was ttied in the sections of country bordering on the James and York rivers, and we believe its success was es tablished to the satisfaction of all the planters. There were well founded objections then to compelling stock raisers to fence their cattle sluepand hogs within theij own enclosure, but all must admit that lately many of the objec tions give way Deiore tne danger to which this class of property is subjectad from the thieves who make it almost impossible in many parts .t . .. ot tne country to raist any stock without care ful watching. In fact, many . of our farmers to subscribe 875,000 to the Fayetteville and Florence "Railroad. The result was all that the warmest friend? of the project could have hop ed. Out of 410 -votes cast, 414 wer far thm subscription ; and one of the two votes cast against it was by a cohucd man, and through mistake. He says it was his purpose to vote for it, bmtdidnot discover the error he commit ted until too late. It is with much pleasure we announce this substantially unanimous vote. While we be lieved that a large majority of the qualified voters of the town would be in favor of the sub scription, we had not expected such unanimity. It certainly speaks well lor our people and their determination not to be left behind in the ma terial progress and prosperity of our good old commonwealth. It is believed that the parties proposing to build this lload to Shoe Heel will be speedily on the ground, prepared to push forward the work rapidly. No doubt steps will be taken soon to secure the building of the Road from Shoe Heel to Florence, where we will be in direct communication with Charles ton and all other points South and Southwest. Fay. Presbyterian: belore marrying to give bonds in $200 lor good behaviour. Ei3t companies of cavallv and three, of SCOUls, under tommanA- ( in Duncan; have left Fort Mcl'herson alter some Indians. to cral look Koskoo, the great Liver Invigorator, Blood Purifier, and Renovator, prepared by Dr. J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated Physician and Chem ist, is a safe, pleasant, and reliable rem edy, for the prevention and cure of all dis eases caused by the Torpid Liver, Impure Blood, Disorders of the Kidneys, or De bility of the Nervous System. It regulates the secretions, eradicates all humors or taints restores lost or wasted nervous power, and at the same time InilJs vp and imparts tone and rigor to- the xcludc sgstan, July lw-Gmo. The Catholic Priest in New Ulm, Minn., hfi.3 brought a suit against some members of his congregation lor slander, laying his dam ages at 20,000. A white woman created a sensation in Tuscaloosa, Ala., the other day, by parading the streets in male attire, with a pistol buc kled at her waist. The New York Republic is not afraid of the Amazons," for it designates the meetings of woman's rights and suifrage associations as " the wars of the wild women." Louisiana claims to be drawing numbers o" colonists States. from Indiana and other Westeru The receita for the' past five days at the Me chanics' Institute Fair, in San Francisco, was $20,000. The Pacific railway is said to be already sho w ing its effects in the increased prosperity of the Pacific State. The President assisted the good citizens of Washington, Pa., to lay the corner stone of the Town Hall. Brigham Young, having found the Turkish marriage system a success is going to try a Turkish bath. J AT MAKES IT. -VALUABLE Id Be cause il contains o much rr&ciical. original matter in euch a small space." John J, Thob)&4. The directions fyr growiog Strawberries and Raspberries are the best I hare erer een.' Henry Ward Beecher. We could give hundreds of jott f och testimo nial, showing the value of Ihia little work. It should be in the hands of eferj person, whe'her the owner of a rod square of ground or a hundred acres. Tree agent should hate a copy. It con-tain-i 40 pages. Trice 10 cent. Fall 'price list wholesale ani retail, and alo terms to agents and those dciring to get up a club for plants sent ntxs tn all ftpjwicanLa. Parlies al the south or on Pa cific Coast should order plants in the fall. AdJres, 1'UKIjY fc JOHNSTON, Palmyra, N. Y. eptl-wS-uia - . , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. KALE IG II & GASTON RAILROAD CO., ScrtRiXTEtDEjcr'a Orrica, Raleigb, K. C, April 1C, 1W5. On and after April lGih. 1869, Trains will run on the Kaleih & Gston Railroad, as follows : Mil Train leares Raleigh 6.60 A. M. Arrives at Weldon 2,00 P. 31, Mail Train leaves Weldoo 10,10 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh 4,45 P. M. Freight Train leaves Raleigh 11,35 P. M. arrives at 9,45 A. M. The Mail Trains make thro tan connections with all points North and South. A. B. ANDREWS. gSQ-'f . Superintendent. J. B. HUNTER & CO. GENERAL PRODUCE Commission Merchants, . PORTSMOUTH, VA. W1 Consignments Solicited. Agricultural Lime, 7 50 per Ton. ' je5-w3m' WM. M. BOBBINS, ATTORNEY 1 AT LAW. SALISBURY,; N.C, 1JRACTICE3 in the Courti of Rowao, Davie, Davidson, aad Cabarrus, aad in the Federal Courts of the State. - , Otiice at his residence on Council t., opposite the Episcopal Church, and one square weit of the Court House. ... , T aog2o3Jtw&vl7 . ' '

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