miscellaneous! . A, t , An English peeress lest, the other day, fifty thousand florins at . the mmourg .gapiDiiDg hell. - i- --- VALUABLE Property for Public Distri- Duxion. London is to beat Boston. At ; the Crysr COME ONE AND ALL! tal Palace, Ihe any U chorus is tp bje sung by 8000. Are you sick, nervous, or debilitated ? Are A LARGE BRICK STORW. 100 feet voices. 1 r you suffering from any form of SCROFULA, 2 stories high, filled with - I DUSPEPSIA. RHEUMATISM. LIVER XT A TJTlW A T?T? have amounted to eicrhtv million rttTtvnns prostr ATTnr A ? TP rt you can be restored to health, and vigor by us- inrr T)r T.awwnw's eplehra1pd " KOSrvf H " France b making 600,000 flower P.ts for Itcures the most tnvcafe forms of Chronic the Viceroy. They are to be used at the buez Diseases when aU other remedks fail! It is Canal opening gates. - - - j - . N0T a secret quack medicine ; the Formula is At Soralossa Senor Capillar addressed an around each bottle, and it is a standard reme- 5 on nnn nno r,n,ii,tVl, iv of recognized merit' Prescribed by the ntannft nfma4rchv . ! t st Pic,ans' and "commended by many long and For sate at low prices to consumers, and at New York jobbing prices to Mercha ts, WE GIVE A FEW QUOTATIONS. Nails 6 cents per pound or $5.50 per Keg. - Hammered and Rolled Irou 6 cts. per pound. Shovel Moulds 7 44 Mill and Machine Belting 30 to 45 cts. per foot, a and 3 ply. I y cinn ith ivrn tit i nn nictir thousands of our best citizens. Prepared only KjtUIJ ItliMX iMAVLi JLJflkJ I Tn , hivnrha fWl at Tendon, on the 18th by J. J. Lawrence, M. D., office and Labratory, ult., tl.erd were one hundred and seveniy-f'our Iron Froot Building, corner. Market and Main cases entered for hearing. L- 'i. streets, Norfolk, Va. For sale by all respecta- j ble drujrgists in the United States and the The Ru3ians have opened a large museum at British Province. For testimonials of cures Sebastopdl, which contains-all the. relics; possi- j&see l Koskoo " Almanac fo'rthi9 year. blc to getf of the Cnemean war. ' I From April 1, to July 1, 1869, . there came to the pot of New York: Cocoantits, 2,064,- zvz ; pine apples, z,oy,n ; oananas, duqcq es, 15ot48. .- . , - v- , A special dispatch from Liverpool says that j two million of specie is known to; have been shipped to New York within the past; three The Mississippi Valley Telegraph Company have sol4 their lines to the Atlantic; an d;Pacific Railroadlfor two hundred and sixty thjousand dollars id shares. t THE EXAMINER, PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY and WEEKLY- We have a large lot of Rubber Mops for scouring which will do more work in half the time ith cold water alone, than any other, and dry the floor when done. Price for Wood frame 75 cts. " Tin Sl.oOcts. BLACKBERIES We want to buy a large lot of dried Blackberries, send oat your reserves and gather the plentiful harvest. i CRAWFORD & HEILIQ, Main Street, Salisbury N4 C. 7-:m W.M. ROWZE. J. O. WUITE. MANSION HOUSE, SALISBURY N. C. BY J. O. II. NUTTALL k J. J. STEWART EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, AT Til E UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES OF, cOR TRI-WEEKLY, $5 FER ANNUM ; MEDICINE H V h r fih ) ALWATliT T0U' rt V Li4 $ Wmcieae4 T -wVlV) (By DEEUS' PILLS J Asanetirne Englishman proposes to explore Mount Ararat, bring home the ark, and place it in the postal Palace grounds as a receptacle for the rmains of extinct animals, f 1 - . . i. j A mati living near the Pontiac, Mich.k swap ped bis wife, for; a horse, and was afterwards surprised and grieved at being informed that the sale Was void. ': ' l - " i- .-. One hundred and twenty five thousand En field and) 225,000 Springfield rifles, purchased of the United States Government for the Porte, have lately gone out of New York.! 1 Thousands of our American ladies suffer and die every year from diseases peculiar to their sex- in fact this form of disease is the scourge of American females. Very many of them go - . A i . . i .1 i . I Kill ilUUI YMI IU V Ctti nilUUUi! UC1U itliU WILUUUt want to hear his wile scold him. be can do as 1 k .m r ? j it all men Should do -Shut hlg mOUth, i fnrfnnatpW fh i ft S AUR nnrl IJT?.r.TAT.V. A man in Green Co., Ky., has no ears, and lie IS; propabiy a When heidoesn't hears through his mouth. success sis "a domestic man. The Avondale relief fund is likejy to reach r?? 200,000. It is to be. intrusted to an assooia- RFSTORED TO PERFECT HEALTH 3E XT. Z OS Reduced to $2.50 Per Day. ffHIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL is located near JL the Denots of the North Carolina Hail Road and Western North Carolina Rail Ho t 1, and in the centre of the town, wtiu good accommodations for the Traveling Public. Pet eons trareling by private conveyance will find GOOD STABLES- . For their Stock, connected with the House. SOT, is supplied with the BEST 1 IQUORS which can be had at all hours. t-tf ROWZE & WHITE WATERS' FIRST PREMUM PIANOS. With Iron Frame, Overttrung Bat $ Agraffe Bridge. MELODEONS, PARLOR, CHURCH AND CABI 4Al ORGANS, 'ar ran ted for Six FOR WEEKLY, $2 PER ANNUM. IF OTHER REMEDIES FAIL for Bronchial and Liter Diseases read the I following : Thomas II. Raiaey. Eq., Granville co., 27. C, says: "i ooa pur tins io ue me lamuy medicine I have ever used. Ihey nave proved very beneficial in my own case. I have been very much afflicted for fifteen yen ra. and have tried every kind of medicine that I could get. but bar found more relief from your Pills than all others. My disease i bronchial aQution, and a complete i.roMratiou oi the utrvoub ?Tbt-ci. l nave usm them in ten or ntli u, .aes in my lamuy, ana nna them to be the vry meJicinc for neaaly all I ami I y diseases." THE CURE IS THOROUGH. Kenneth Haynes, Eq., Clrk of Columbus cocnty Court, writes (April 2, 18C3): I uriccrtbe latter part of the year 1862, 1 was severely afflicted with diseased liver, and many n!ght while in bed the pain would become so excrutiating that 1 was compelled to get out of bed and sit, up until the pain would subside. I procured a tew boxes or of the SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS, and the first dose 1 took gave me great relief. 1 continued ! to use the Pills for two wctks. and have not suffered I from liver disease since I have recommended them accordiugly, and several persons are in want of them." All disease is an enemy to the human system. THE EXAMINER takes the place of the and is at war witloin and will conquer it, unless nature, with all the essi.-tance it can receive irotn strengthening medicines and suitable nourishments. rj i T TCDTTT)T7" K TYr"V7T can conquer tne enemy ; wnu-n woum ce ofti, io SAJjI&JLS U 11 JL JL3.LMMliii take medicine before y u get sick, to prevent sick- i oiss, or to tawe njcaicine auer you get sick to cure AND " 1 mi.'. a. J i n T I . i i I -r- . -m r , . tion composed pf prominent citizens of Ply mouth, xJXfZ merest lUanuiacturea ; m Scrantol and Wilkesbarre. I ! WN'S EP . .ItB rm?nt.18 Years. .nkA'1A n.Kf,J a 1UtAAM T,a natnrA and usefulness is heerrniW TnrMilnr in A I If 1 riAXilia. AlilUU.UAd ana UUUAfto 01 obtained! their ice from Alaska. talk of - making artificial ponds at home from which t6 supply themselves with I thci article named. THE INDEPENDENT PRESS, Formerly published at Coneord, N. C, these pa pers having bren consolidated sickness t"A word to the wise is cneugh.-ca Exercise vour own judnrment in the means of deff use ; with the the enemy will come, be ye Uo ready The Bumber of threshing machines! in the United States is estimated at about 229,000, and they save five per cent more of the grain than th6 fljait.' The saving of grain by them annually is about ten million bushels, i. ttaam 1itta nature and usefulness is heenTnino nnnnlar in a nn pianos. T""D K w..v. IB it 1 i y . JThey Dow ever, part of the country, .,r X'&Z'Z Monthly or quarterly installments. Second-hand Instruments great bargains Illustrated catalogues mailed. (Mr. Waters is the author of Six Sunday School Music Books; Heavenly Echoet" and Keio S. S. Belt," just issued.) Warerooms, 481 Broadway, New York. HORACE WATERS & CO. A map in Albany recently rescued his runa way wife from her paramour, by force,: and in spite ah her vehement declaration "that she loved her lover better than her. husband," thrust her into a hack and abducted her to his home. J - v . ' ! ; i- AN UNHEALTHY OFFICE. i - J A gentleman of Sweetwater, Wyoming Ter ritory, tells a good story of his experience on has arrival at the mines in the mountains : , It was 'nearly dark as he alighted from the stage at a hotel. As he entered the public room he was of course marked at once a new! comer. He " hadr scarcely seated himself comfortably when an amiable gentleman approached him, and with evident intention of doing the stranger a favor, ijuietly asked if, as he had just arrived, he did jaot want a "job' Of course, (money was the object of our friend's visit to the moun - taios and -he at-once responded in the ajfnrmaL tive. He would be very much obliged, indeed, if he could be put in the way of a good thing. " "Wlell,' said the amiable gentleman, " there is a vacancy in the office of Deputy Sheriff, and I can secure you the appointmentif you will accept ;1 the position pays eight dollars a day," Our friend concluded this was a fine opening, and intimated his willingness to accept the ap? pointment. Just then an idea struck him j . " By thb way," said he, " how happens there to be a vacancy in the office of Deputy Sheriff V . Well, you see, stranger said the amiable gen tleman,!" our Deputy died last night." j " Ah! indeed ; how happened it ?" " Well, he had a : slight misunderstanding with another gentle man, and was shot." " When was he appoint ed ?" " Day before yesterday." " What be came of his predecessor ?" "He, was shot, too." : y How long does a Deputy Sheriff live in these? parts ?" " O, about twenty-four hours." Our freind concluded to go to work Sin the mines, and declined to accept the appointment. On account of the great number of wonder ul CURES of obstinate and -inveterate cases of SC ROFULA, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER DIS EASE, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, GENER AL BAD HEALTH, &c, made by the cele brated " KOSKOO," it has won the enviable reputation of being the best and most popular medicine ever discovered. It is daily prescribed by physicians and recommended by many thousands of our best citizens. For; sale by Druggists and Merchants everywhere." r A Fact for Fabmers. It may not be sren erally known that the seed of the sunflower is the most inafallible remedy yet discovered for the speedy, cure of founder in horses. jThe di rections, which we glean from a brief article upon the subject m the Essex Banneri are : f Immediately ton discovering that your horse is foundered, mix about a pint of the whole seed in his food, and it will pertect a curel Sun flowers are easily grown alongside of fences and in outof-thesway places, wherethey.take up put, little room. The seed, when led an smal '; 'quantities-,' to the horse, is very healthy, giving to the hair a peculiar gloss. It is a diuretic in , its tendency. Fowls like it much, and thrive on it. v ' ; ; Osage Hedges. W, H. Mann ; says: Though a hedge may be grown by usiog any number of plants, from 16 to 50 per rod, a Jong series of experiments in hedging, in which the plants have ceea set from four to sixteen inches apart j have convinced me that about eight inches apart, or twenty-five plants to the rod, is the desired distance at which to set them in order to secure the most reliable fence. Prof, JiB. Turner recommends from 2 to 16 thousand plants per mile." j , i j. Gardener's Monthly, Ladies spffering from rany disease pe culiar to their sex, can be restored to health by using Dr. Lawrence's "WOMAN'S FRIEND." It purifies the secretions, and restores the sys tem to a healthy condition."tB9j aug30-37tf TESTIMONIALS. The Waters Pianos are known as among the very best. N. Y." Evangelist. We can speak of the merits of the Waters Piano? from personal knowledge, as being of the very best quality. Christian Intelligencer. Musical Doings. Since Mr. Horace Waters gave up publishing sheet music, he has devoted his whole capital and attention to tbe manufacture and sale of Piano's and Melodcons. He bus issued a Catalogue o his New Instruments, g'vicg a new Scale of Prices which show a marked reduction from former rates, and his Pianos have recently been awarded the First Premium at several Fairs. Many people of the present day, who are attracted if not confused, with the flaming advertisements of rival piano houses probably overlook a modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters ; but we happen to know that his instruments earned him a good re putation long before Expositions, and the 'honors connected therewith, were ever thought of; in deed, we have one of Mr. Waters Pianos now in our residence (where it has stood fur years), of wbicn any manuiacturer in rne world mirht well g" proud We have always been delighted with it as a sweet toned and powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its durability; more than this, some of the best amateur players in the city, 03 well as several celebrated pianists, have performed on 6aid piano, and all pronounce it a superior and first-class instrument. Stronger endorsement we could not cive. Home Journal. WAREUOOMS, iSTo. 481 Broadway, New York. UOttACE WATERS & CO. aprll GET THE BEST READY ROOFING, Suitable for all Buildings, Dwellings, Barns, Churches, Factories, tc, and for all climates; equally adapted to flat or steep roofs, and can be applied by any ordinary workman. THE READY ROOFING 1 8 more durable than tin. and does not cost one half as much. It is cheaper than shingles far more durable, and fire-proof. It is made of the heaviest fabric ever used for the purpose, and is put up in rpolls ready fr shipment to any part of the world. Send for Circular and Sampl a (sent free.) We also Maxcfactuee GRANITE CEMENT, For repairing all kinds of leaky roofs, chimneys bKyuguis. ate. iuis noonng uement torms a per manent adhesive eoatiiig over he whole surface of all roofs, whether tin, shingle or composition, completely closing up leaknges, and being compos ed largely oi ground Granite, which sets and bard ens, and soon becomes an artificial Slate or Stone covering. ROOF PAINT. For coating tin and all kinds of metal and com position roots. It will not run, crack, or peal cn but form a permanent and pefect protection wher ever placed. It is furnished at half the ooet, and possesses, twice the durability of the common oi paints used for such purposes. County rights for sale. For Circulars and all particulars. Address READY ROOFING COMPANY, 81 Mai Jen Lane, N. Y. -r NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENT, That old, long Inoicn, and veil tried remedy for all Billious Diseases, caused ly a DISEASED LIVER. TO ALL EMIGRANTS. You are about to make a home for yourself and family in a climate which you or they have not been accustomed to; you will, of course, be exposed to all the diseases peculiar to that ciimnte, you sbou'd be careful to use such. Medicines as are adapted to the die&cies of that climate; you will find the prearcet cccuritv in the use of DEEMb'1 SOUTHERN IlErATIC PILLS. They c ml! sent to any point in the United States by Kxr-3- Pbick For one box, 25 cent TKx. $2..'0 Haif Gross. One Gr , $18 Three Gross $50 Hvc Gro."s. 573. The cah must cithrr accompany the order fur the Mcdiciniue or it will be sent C O. D. Orders should bo addre?ed to G. W. DEEMS. No 28. South Calhoun St., Baltimore, Ma., where they will be promptly attenJed tv. For these Medicines call on all respectable Druggiets everywhere. T. F. ANDERSON & CO , DrujrgHts, Special Agent?, j-2S-lMy Weldon. N. t Jn the conduct of tho EXAMINER, we shall spare no pains to pleae iis readers, and make it a welcoma visitor tj every family. We blieve that the farming interest needs relief, and we shall be unwavering in our support of such measures as shall be regarded best calculated t promote.il. In our selections, care and a'tcnlion will be given to Buch leading matter as shall, in our judgment, inculcate a who'esorae influence upon societ, encourage industry and lead to a firmer reliance on our own resources, NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL, Q 4,500,000. Chartered, July, 1862. nAS MET WITH UNPARALELLED SUCCESS 20,000 POLICIES ISSUED IN FIRST SIX YEARS ! "The first Company to offer Insurance FKJEE from all tho odious rcLtriotions imposed by all oth er Companies, rUR POLICIES being frit from J there can be no contesting payment ia ease XiCcal and State Items. Under proper heads will be found all'euitalle State. County, and Municipal news items of inter est, market reports, &c. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. TnE UNDERSIGNED being so situated as to be unable to give his attention to it, desires to dispose of his one-half interest in the Mill formerly belonging to R. M. Lanier and Jas. S. Turner. This -VALUABLE MILL is situated on the Pee Dee river, in Stanly County in a fine grain-growing section. Persons wishing to purchase such property, will do well to call on the subscriber, in Salisbury N. C. P. N. HEILIG. ne 2l-twlt&w2m TO ADVERTISERS. Enjoying as we do a favorable location at the junction of the Wtstern N. C. with the Central N. C. Railroad, and Stage line connection with the principal town, and villages in ht interior, the EXAMINER offers unequalled advantag ts as ft advertising mediu restrictions. of death, no matter how it tray occur. Once insured you run no rik. You may change your business, yonr location, may die ly your otm hand, in a duel, by intemperance, in war, &c. We pay on simpU rpof of death THIRTY DAYS GRACE GIVEN ON ALL RE NEWAL PAYMENT., whilst other Companies re quire you to pay the very hour it is due, or forfeit your Insurance. This advantage is worth twenty ve per cent, to he Policy holder. Tbe first Company to otfer 8tate security. Set our Registered Policy Sytem, making Insuranci in the "NORTH AMERICA" perfectly secure, even if the United States should repudiate. The great State of New York eecures your Policies. AN Nil A I BtVlBSflDS Ordinary Life P' licies paid up in 17 years. Af ter that time, a source of income during life, tb( best investment ever ofiVied tbe Insuring pur lie. InTeMigate these advantages for yourself. D not r trd the mere say-so of an interested Agtut Look t our Policy. That la the contract. Don' insure in any Company without firat examininj their Policy. If the Agent wont let yon see one o: his Policies, don't insure in his Company some thing wrong. Income for I&6$$2.SG9.000. losses paid $217,000 our gofd receipt in California last year, $215,000 For further information apply to our numerous Policy holders in this section, to Wm. II. Holder nees, General Traveling A?ent. or to WM. M. WITHERS, 1L D. General Agent for Vft. L N. C. Richmond. Vft, July 23, 18 P 22-lm APPLE BRANDY I WILL STILL FRIUIT ON SHARKS AT J place near Dr. F. N. Luckey's house, and but ; hort distance from AtwelFs. Persons havioi Fruit to diapoae of in this way will do well to tax. it to this place, or oall and ee Mr. H. Pnryear a Dr. Lackey's, who will give all infjrmatjon vast as to terms, Ac. Bandy made from Cider, if desired, on the oi Nash plan. . Best of satisfaction guaranteed. P. 8, I wUl Still at my plant atioqon the same .arms as last year. W. Q. McNEELY. iJulr 14, 1&G$ tw&w-tf

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