rpTTI7T?V - A JUT-TV I?."R i jSALIjliUllY, FiUDAY, OJT. 4J9, D . Tie Wilmington V t in gpeakmtr oi tne late ttieetinir of the Directors ot the Wdmim; ton--hTKnte & Rutherford Kailroad7jsr-4 "The. position taken by Dr. Sloan, he new Prcniib- of ) the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford R:Uroadt in regard to J . hesale of boivisTwiil be sustained by every true friend of thatfgreat- woVk lie hts -expressed adeter mvtiJt.juu .not . to sell the bonds uutil he cn re a'izvjj a sum approximating their value, even though that cour.se shall result in a temporary eu-jpension o4'ctive uperatiuus iu the work of construction. The above is all goqd enough as far as it gwf. Bui. in view of the preset t down tendency of the Bonds.-we would like to know when Dr .Sloop will have Fan opportunity of selling the bonds go as to realise a sum approximating their vale. Not jo b1 day and time not ia this 'generation The State Bonds are now ranging from $08 to (greenbacks) in the hundred. This is their maximum ; tor doe3 not Dr. Sloan know thatthew bonds will continue to go down- loi- down, as the inevitable day of Ilepudia. un jap proa en es T Tpal the people will at n day net very distant Repudiate all these miserable bond-s as so many forged uotnSy 'iA as certain as there is a Great Spirit who rules this universe gpealsini r.. Tiieir Animus. Passing a squad of the Governor's newly enrolled militia, yesterday, "weiieard one. 'ayv " all we've got to do is to g oip dar and burn de houses and planta tions of some o' dem. dam Ku Klux, and dat ".will bring em to da senses." A ladv heard part of a conversation of. two of them, as they .passed her. residence. Monday afternoon, in "wlftcji the expression we'll give them hell when we go to Orange;" occurred. .We have teen told of many similar expressions that liav"f been used by them, which go to "show thdiii animus, and the course likely to be pur sued; by them when sent off " to hunt Ku JXlui as we heard one of them express it ; . and vo know .what restraint their command er il ' likejy to exercise over them,' by his great success in that line, in Goldsboro', on the return of the Jones county expedition. Sentinel. - Holden has his ageuts out recruiting and 'enrolling the invincible militia, the lowest type 'of negroes and scalawags, to do his bid ding in Orange, Chatham and other counties. The above 'extract from, the Sentiuel 'shows wtiati their idea of the. duties they aretoper ' (forml is'., , ' . ' . . . . ' So h .seems, that Holden is determined - to He is gath- Wonder if brin on a conflict of the races. : ering his hirelings for the onset. he has properly counted the cost? This is a fearful matter one that requires great deliberation- the utmost caution. , i one article per weeic, and: in" this wav we feel confident that we shall be able to convince them that our cause is just, and that they are iu duty bound to join5 us on the issue of Re- J.. i 1 pudiation. .i . ; i - . . ' 2 .... ' We do not think that merely because the people have already met the-enormous de mands of the tax gatherer for this year, they will grow luke wnrta on the subject of the great State- and burdensome" taxes, as one of our correspondents ieeins to think. The peo ple's taxes were enormously high this year, but they wi!h be much greater next year. They cannot be ignorant of the fact that, with a debt of forty millions dollars hanging over them, interest accruing, the government to keep up. public ofiicers to .pay, and a thous and other iucidental expenses to meet, taxes mu?t increase annually, and not decrease. To ay nothing of the interest on, this large sum, the school fund to be raised, the annual expenses of the State government the Feder al taxes that are annually exacted from us, the cost of collection, and the many oilier duties imposed for the' privilege of living, to pay the Debt from the present, estimated property of the State, would requiie a 'little over twenty percent, of the entire aggregate. This is easily calculated. The estimated tax able property of the State is two hundred milliona of dollars ; the Debt is forty millions. It will require then twenty per cent, of all the property of the State to pay the State Debt, exclusive of the cost of collection. Add the cost of collection, the losses in frauds and peculation, which would be a change on proper ty as really as the debt itself, and. the amount could not be less than thirty or thirty-five per cent, of all the realized Wealth of the State. - Now is there any one so moon struck as to be willing to sell out what little, he has gotten by hard labor and give one third to the govern ment just to avoid the charge or the imagined crime of repudiation ? Suppose A has a plat of land (all he has in the world) worth, say $300, think you he would be fool enough to sell that land and give $100 to the State, just to avoid being called a Reputia tionist ? We dou't think so. He w.m'd hoi 1 on to all the money, aod wait for the sheriff to sell hiinout. But the Sheriff will do it erelong, if the people resolve to pay the Debt, so it would be just as well, perhaps better, for him and all others to sell cut and pay up the monstrous swindle, and save interest.- - The fact is the Debt can not be paid without making slaves of the people. The great ques tion for them to decide, then, is, shall we repu diate and live free men or shall we pay the debt, and become slaves to the few money sharks who hold the bonds. The people are told that - " Tf these money . sharks and-swindlers must be made"!n two compartment 3." TftfoiffsTdeXrrar9" ber surrounding the Cylinder cofcldf hivearhi or coi'J wuer po-ired in to reflate tree ingot the butter" jr,,ir ! arbi!'g the c The lid av.is tcrewd o, an thelsf atinnnry. Com- ' the cream. IASitiNdToDct. -,.-Adncs rtteiW ! f te Fcdefala ini the' Southera 22,000 Jied. at the Agricultural Department iodicatq I lull ing off of the tobaccoxrop of enc third in Vir- Staad on wmeli tii wuuH, was tnriiea lu-iBALlii wo easy and rapid. But wl ile over s.xty cows are daily uVwk.-.J, ;nd a- marjy more are out grazing, ! bacco. r- . - 7 v .i' ik V..-J. .,.!' AAA loci lf l-jf ti TTntv irinia and Marvland, one tenth in- Kentucky. . . t, . l - - ' .i, artflt. nrt adlibe estimated ialm- n in Aha Vcst be l ... .. 4. . . . o rtt , largely inx.eased by tha fearly ktlliuifrosta lt, ji,a,JaJt--W tre which have badly damaged the uncarred to- .i x- .i the South hejd ; 50,000 more prisoners than The Northern the'Toval n-uily ar.i TnorSTlhaaiSaahdpTThe Democrats of Clir.rnia IiaveeFevted'H' we? take Ihe iLdical logic av to III tho"rinfaaij " appear ? r.- n o m n,tm npn fit hf "in. or.doucrs more thai iis-iaii'fu,l vto ee the of -tbo l-l District Ju'ii'es. rolls ot gi'Jt?ii hd-'r ;nji C4!ist -'ere fin sokl 1 Tl: papers publh.h a reported interview be irom thu ui i 1 fanu uitmtiv Jrihert iweeu the -Prolieut autd Uttuntluttr-TkmyrfuA. Q:ieen ! I kn j.r tlo; . tauter is sold, lor we Nebraska,, on the subject of . tlQ. 31kaWiippi breakfased on it tins mo;nint and wo paid tor it, n it a- a bi '.b V, but a regular in ir.it bar gain at the dairy, .' electiutis, from which it appears that the Frcsi- dcnt'ufpirt8 Alcorn.: . I: "iJiiv'l lobaccj is now payiug the bulk if internal revenue. " ' 3 : Ncts ocrtisemcnts. 1 L DEA Til OF THE EA RL OF DERB Y. - ' ' . - T , . , I England Lis loct one pi her "briglxtest intel-1 itjuis. iiie oi xeryy js ae.ul. Ile was born March 123, 1709. ;He entered Parlia ment in 1S:21, ithr-a Mr. Stanley,') and took rank in tho house of, the. ablu.t. deleters and promni.-n. ii.av'"'.a o; the A Li' Dpi-o.-ition to the Minist: r .i. . v.... , r . l :.. t.. 107 v r i ' ' iT. i c : r two witnesses, eliciting nothing ;ot nnpor- io ne. took oince as Under becretarv ior ., ' ,. ., -r n r, r ' ' i tauce. tue court auj.ournea until to-morrow.. trie Liolon.es in George Cunning s adiuinistra- ' J Vion. This office he held rintil 1S23. He Washington, Oct. 24 Revenue to day made himself prominent in Parliament during 8280,1)00. ' the three years of the Wellington, Govern- George Rutler, nephew of the Genera has ment wmcli lollowed In lboU fjord i been appuinted Consul Ueneral to Jintish In- MWjLMiXGTO.,Oct. 2G. The case of the or tietrs of the Cuba was resumed before , the U, S. Co uimUsio tiers today. Mr. Davis, for .the defence, wanted to introduce some of the oih ccrs as witnesses. Mr. Phelps, lor the Govern tnent, objected.. ,x Tier some discussion the ConiUiis.-iouer decided that the cCicers f were. I competent vnmtscs Alter the csaminaiion Grey completed his reform Cabinet, and Mr Stanley was appointed Chief Secretary for dia, with his headquarters' at Calcutta. Commissioner Delano dt eidesi that vintners Irehmd, which appointment conferred the telling their own products at the place of man ufacture .are' not subject to the special liquor tax. : r The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers in the United States and Canada, with nearly every S'ate and Province represented Jately in session in Baltimore, visited President G rant; who said in reply toaspeech: s " Gentlemen, I am very glad to meet you as the representative class of one of the branches of industry of our country, which does more to-' wards its development than any other. With out the aid of railroads the interior of so vast a country as we have could bo of very : little use. You have my best wishes, gentlemen', for your success and prosperity. " '- The Supreme Couit took no action in the lerger case to day, the Attorney General and Yergcr's Counsel not having agreed Upon the manner of proceedure. ' n unusual honor of a seat in the Cabinet. In the great Parliamentary, struggle of lS32-'3, which resulted iu the passage of the tlelorui bill, the Church temporalities bill, and the the bill to' establish national education in Ire land, he took a brilliant part. Assaulted by Daniel O'Connell and Richard Lalor hiel, he retorted in speeches which are yet citeil as splendid efforts of parliamentary elo quence. ' . In 1S33 he became Secretary of State for the Colonies, and under his auspices the- abo lition of slavery was elfected in the West In dies. In 1831 his father succeeded to the Earldom of Derby, and he became, by. courte sy, Lord Stanley. In 1S44 he was summon ed by writ to tho House of Peers' and assum ed the leadership of the 'Conservative party in that body. In 1 8-15 j Sir Robert Peel re solved to adopt a free trade policy, and Lord Stanley withdrew from the Cabinet and be came the leader of the protectionist opposi tion. He succeeded to the'Earldoia in 1S51. lie twice declined the premiership., previous and up to 1S51, but in 1S52 he was called by the Queen to construct a Cabinet. (Lord Johrv Russell having sustained a defeat on the mi litia bill,) and obeyed. He did not ljold the post very long, but reoccupied it on the re signation of Lord Palmerston. He conduct ed the British Government during -our late civil war, and his leanings were decidedly to- wards the Southern Contederacy. But for the liberals he would no doubt have acceded to the overtures of Louis Napoleon :to join France in a recognition of the South. y His last great act was his speech oa the . disestab lishment of the Irish Church. , ,-r' ...... . TflE 0SLY : v.. u; MEDICINE THAT CURES ALL PA18.S. C3 . TJ5 Bdd as Holden is, we will not allow ourself to believe that he will take this fatal andirre- paidj yea, they: must have the hard earnings of your lab r, and their usuriou-rate of interest. Tht 'PritratA r1fhf. nf fhft nponlp mnv cm nn- inevauie step. ;ne puonc minu is too mucn -i j v i.i i- v-i'. V. ' ; paid and thier children may suffer the pmchings excitieo, to mane sucn a venture now. xie is in a position to .properly estimate it;, and if ihe; Really desires peace desires to prevent bloodshed civil war in North Carolina, he will .purely not insist upon farcing his pitch And turpentine brigade upon the good people of cold" and -hunger j but Stockjobbers and money Rings, must not be deprive 1 ot a cent' i Ohio and Pennsylvania' Elections. Wendell. Phillips does not seem to think much of Orange or . Chatham at this unseasonable of the resent Radical victories in Ohio and time.f . Should he persist in so doing, let him Pennsylvania; In this week's Anti-Slaver! prep4re for the . consequences. .With every I Standard says, very pointedly : isquau oi nis iiiyincune muit.a ne senas into MoonwhilR the strength of the or,nosition Orawge or Chatham, let him send an equal vote shows that the adorn istratioi has nor'sat- number of meclianics, prepared to make boxes isfied the country. ' Its friends have rallied and i h t . . i cann rod anar nor i r-jr rT rrra o .fiuitn2)le lor interment. His nne-sided nrf. - ov'" . - eople for the worst, if it must come to .8an f oclamation has prepared the minds -of i the j .that. Bd all re1 t there- is time yet for consideration. It sts with Holden. The eood men of the Slatoj will assist him in preserving the peace majorities, after almost incn-dible effort, we hai -and enforcing the the laws, if he will but lay Just s:lved th two ZT-X States Pent-.sylvan . i ' J i al: . . . i- I. i 1 . i .... The elections of 1870 will turn more directly on the issue Whether the Republican arty has f ulfilled the national expectation. In our opinion, unless the administration files a better record during the coming year than that of the past, there will bea very even struggle aetween it and its foe, perhaps-an iiinonjinous defeat. By sma 1 ave ia OUR NATIONAL DEBT REPORTED OFEER OF; TUE R O THSCHILDS. A report comes through a Washington tele grom that the Rothschilds are about to offer ta loan toour government to any amount it may desire at four per cent, interest, and that, M. Friguet, an agent of these great capitalists, will arrive shortly to mike the proposition.. It is further said that this proposed action on the p;rt ot the itothschiMs has been prumpfed by the discovery that certain Genua n capitalists were contemplating a similar proposition. .Now we do not know what truth there may be in this report. It may not only be a bull operation on the part of those holding largely U States securities for the purpose of sending up the prices in the markets ; and if. we cansider that tne ltotnsciuias wou.u.not tie likely to make known in advance any groat financial operation of this sort, such would be a remarkable view of the character and object of the telegram; -Slill it is nt improbable that either, the Roths childs or the capitalists alluded to, or bnth, may contemplate such a grand financial movement. ' A lr. World. New York, Oct. 1C The celebrated . cot , ton case4 Uuittd Suites v. Vernon K. Stevenson, was decided in favor cf Stevenson, the judge holding that the cotton in question never be longed to the Confederate Government,, and in.-tcad of bring shirptd to New York in viola tion of ah act of Congns-s, was'thijptd fnm a Confederate port to a foreign countiy in viola tion of the blockade of Wilmington, but could iot change" the title' or work a forfeiture to the United States, unless seized as a prize of war. i .... . BuFFALO,,.Oct, 26 - A severe snowstorm is prevailing,; two inches deep at Torronto. Two feet have ft lien at points north and west. Havavna, Oct. 28-A decree of the con stituent Co'rres Establishing unrestricted liberty pf religion in Cuba and Porfo Rico was "proruuh gotea ana nas onc into cnect. as a jaw ui tne land! ' ' ' I Three principal parties in the Cortesc have I each -'appoinfed seven deputies to hold' a con ference and try to come to some 'agreement id - . 1 . . 1 ' 1 . ' 1 T " - .' . . . reeara 10 tne t-eiecuon oi lvins:. , Serrano threatens to resign ii dnse of a rup ture between the Unionists and Progressionists. 9S .ID ' n A t UJ J CQ UI a Z t H CO CO H H 0 0 u o A : HI cC D Q. I CO ill cC Ll C2) i i H rr W Tt t WT zf. izZ 1 pc "8H I Vd :TI V SaHilO. 1YI1X riKlOlfll-IK A1SO 3111 . .4 f I I INCORPORATED 1859. J Jiu. :-.' i jp ana unio : any s ague unx.ow-.ru acciuont, even, 11 ' ll 1 1 1 . 1 t uisanq ms Darn burners,-thieves, and assas- would have lost them. It is a poor dependence lor a great party. W e have drifted thus far sin? nov prganizing to brow-beat and torment I on the strength of our soldier-President's re- (the white men of Orange and Chatham. Will lie aci wisely and stay the shedding of 'blood ? We shaR:see, nutation. future. lie and his Cabinet must earn the ,-'f ANSWERS. From the Rural American, A ROYAL FARM THE DAIRY OF - QUEEN VICTORIA. Situated about a mile from Windsor, it is probably the most peifect, as it is the most ex pensive thins cf the kind in the world. Its Gr?at Storms in the 'Last Cektury. The gi eat storms of the past times far exceed any or those of the .present century." The, storm jwhieh occurred in England November 1:0 and 1!7. 1703. was called the " trreat GENERAL MAG RUDER AND THE ' ; LATE WAR. ' At the annual dinner of a military compa-. nv in Boston last weelc, General J. B. ilagru- der being present by invitation, made an in- ' teresting address, in the course of which he' said : . . ; f - 1 ... ' " I am now going to give an account, which can be made public if it mar be considered desirable, and which is the first time I have ever alluded td itbfthe circumstances under which 'I k'ft the fhig. ; "During the drk day in Washington ''Mr. Lincoln sent for me, I then being cither WrA or second in command in the 'defenses of Washington. Mr.;Linodji said to me, 'The government of your State (Virginia) refuses to scud her quota of the 75,000 men called for." Imagining that he would like tdknow in case the State went out (.what. I would do, I paid to him, ' Of.one thing j rest assured,! Mr. Lincoln, so long as I am "in (command you and your' family may rest ittr j perfect safety m the White House, and if I ... . " ,4- ... f il. - 1. A IT J a . , vo U4 musinwuHJ iuii , nd.mv rcwiguatiou, you shall be apprised of ever raged there The devastation on landjitat jfhe .ie that it lJ Q t, was immense, and on the coast und. in the AJjutantGeiieral, arid I promise to remain harbor the loss ot shippmg and in lives still jin the city twelve hours -terward,' adding, greater The s loss in London one was esti rlaughinp.-t I wish to be well olfvith the old mated at b2,000,000. Light thousand per-; invti rt i : !1TI1 nn i.i, tia Ar CAPITAL, 350,000! J. F. BOZKMAN, lWt. D. F. WILLCOX, Scc'y; Continues to furnish perfect tcevrity ajunl loss or dartvtie ly fire on all kinds of insurable property at a 'equate rates AgCUlS.C'in be found at every prominent point in the Southern S.ates, to whom applications for insurance may be made. Apply to . WN k BERNHARDT, Ag'ts. Salisbury, N. O . sons were thought to be drowned in the od? , Lincoin laughingWid, I will help you to In answev i-o ik-e nniuerous enquiries made of us as to whet'hex w-e have "forsaken" the policy' ' of Repudiation ; whether we have "sold put to the .Ring" 'and " concluded to dairy department is thus described : Ween- cease to advocate it,'" &a. &c. we will sav tered a beautiiul cottage and were shown by . . 1 .t i. . I rnn i T t h A I luAPn c favrritf sprxrfl n t c intn ft T-nnm fu ! j re c i . -about thirty ieet square, the root supported by wr-ttAr Auiuiuw uumi ixuaauie xvipg ; , mac it six octagonal columns ot white marble, with woUldf take a pretty .stung sum to buy us; richlycarved capitals. The floors were ol that We-do not feel " alarmed for the success white pot celain tiles, the windows stained glass, . i" .- c 1 bordered with may blossomp, daises, butter- ui.wmjtauoc, biiab uuuu(.iy uas inter ierrea , . ..- mi i- i Tit. -i - " -i f 11 . I K""' w - uiuu op purpose, ana anadiy, tfiat we ex- with tiles of norcelain of a delicate blue tint. pect to write, talk, and vote for Repudiation with rich medallions inserted of the- Queen, until j shall have become aa accomplished Pnnce Consort, and each of the children. Shields monograms or the royal family, and has reliefs of agricultural designs representing fact,' 4 V;.' ' . Vei-y tmiei: we have not said much on the fiubjectj of repudiation for some two or three weejes, tyet this should not bo CDostrued as a pur'posl on our part to back down from the stand we have taken. . With those who seem, to think we should have f'ian article in every issue on the sub ject of .Repudiation," we beg leave to differ, because? we do "not think it necessary! and for this reason : So far as we are able to ascertain the seasons, com Dieted the ornamentation of this equisite model dairy. All around the walls rau a marble table, and through the centre two long ones, supported by marble posts resting on basins, through which runs a perpetual stream of spring water. By this means the table, slabs are always cold, and the temperature of the dairy is chill, while the I-while and gilt china milk and butter dishes testingi on the tables are never placed in water. We drauk the delicious milk' just I brought in bright metal buckets, un j-miiaii incis iinu on 1 ne tuasis. xwcive men of war, with more than, 1;S00 men on board were lost within sight of land. In the county of Kent 17,000 trees were torn up. Multitudes of cattle were destroyed ; in one. level which was flooded 15,000 sheep . were drowned. It was during this terrific gale that the Eddystone lighthouse was carried away and its ingenious inventor and his as sociates perished. i Tiiur.-ii aI ill t f t ue weii on wim me om love. 1 aid remain thirteen hours after my resignationand tten mad.e. my . way to ' Long Bridge. When 'I reached the draw if was three minutes, past 9 o'clock at night, and the draw-bridge ha4 been raised three minutes. The Lieutenant in command j of the company stationed there was Lieutenant Baird, now a Major General of the U. S. Army," and his command being in my regiment, all the men knew me: 'I said to Lieutenant Baird, I have this favor to .1 - -iLli. 1 'I. ... -II I.i . ' ll . 1 Wnr v,D,Tfo'o t .r. tt tu uiac vou win let me pas.s tne araw. farmer first fails to instill into the mind of the I The Lieutenant s reply, was in substance, I child that he is working for kindness in other! nio mQ e re1u?st nd words tp please his father. There are few . v4 V , r - " r know ! ' "P. - .. K 5 uZ- children who will not love to work if they it T" l. 1 'i. ..I- i uenerai lagruaer saia tne struggle in nis BIXGIIAM &CO.'S NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED 55 Bacrs Coff c 25 1i1s ugar 2 hluh SiiLcar . 20 Mils "Mol sses GOO Sacks of Salt 22 sacks Marshall's . , . fine SaTt." -4 ' . 75 Boxes CanJhs. 20 Boxes Soap. . u ;p : - 20 loxes Gaudy. - . ;il5 Bxes Soda. . . ' , : . T 5 Boxes Starch. . 40 Gro. Gail & Ax's Snperior Scotch SnutT. also, cprr,nt TTo f jiij fnin.r,, h i,;, .i. e mind was between a sense of his ' duty, to the ;,rtf nA su .1,; :n itlug ol his country, on the one hand, and all iiuiiiuiv.uiv.iii, uuu ou.u uiiii-i H7 illlUita i ,1 3 11- . . , . ' , - j hm nA fix- ,tiMt;nnn a .those ideas and feelings which were bred ml , r- ' V i him as a Virginian on the other " I nlaceJ ' limaraon; 1 easi anuiO 'ana. DlaQ : stqucntly he fads to awaken his interest in be- , l P 1 ou Lkt' e ; ' . -i'j i i Pi i r . half of the farm. He forgets to tca.'h him the ! 01 tutnes ? thKC ba-rk' and after along der, bye and:A OH1 VVlnsky, CotUm Pepper, Spice, Ginger Cloves t umaraon; leasj andigo 'and. t. . . ; Madrr immense advantages and benefits of the farm.' , . n'Qu" lUL.? L0'-1' save m no.nor-.! 41' as compared with other calling, and; lasfH, fails lhe? ,Paa a butG oS respf t to othem pfhis to show him pnnnrrh nf thP worM inat mxr Companions in atms who had embraced the understand these things for himself. - ' ' viuae iwv2.iiuut oeiievin in its nent ana juti-t-, aiiuuiujuie' ucLi sucn men were actu ated by W uri worthy principles. In cohctu- lined with porcelein, the Queen's monogram and crrst cMif teriinr nn tho' hfass rlatos on the everybody is for -Repudiation any way, and CoveraV': In the "room where the butter was mlr ?f. npcwi rxr frv nc f rv Ia tn I mai'' tnillr" iLimniArl o rwl otr'.inod ta -I'nacfrl tinhallytalk'ingabout what nil hareWeady ,iur eVe8 on the rows of rueta porcelain-lined 7,'Vi(t'i fri.'iJ'i' ''v..''-"-y- vvi. cans of every sizK made td'lock, and eent to ftC?pa.IPn our- jnqiusitive .fnend will. , c ? A ( .$ tl . ftIC 7 i ... i T .if f thA'tVkvMl ffimilv fvpn As fr as' Scotland : so procure'-a, number.of, subscribers who are f.thev always have good miik and butter. The opposed to repudiation, we will promise at least churn was of metal, also, lined with porcelain, London Fun has a "tcHinjr cart03n opropoirYuXS- fe55u-i683 a"? .aDX11et7 r,f !r. ,tj. rr, . L ! to o..a" in bis power to heal up the woUhds co:o,fa. s..,ue of the poet, toW lik Itvman. I ?;'f une . he. sun der c'd' tic?, arid to "cherish afl. that waa'. le(( oV.the4frateniaT feeling w hich5 must form th'e batfs'of 'rlie true. Union' for which he earnest- Senator, resting on a massive pedestal. ,: Aunt Harriet in drawled tkirt, frayed shawl, aqd V....,l f.... -1.:u 1 ii:.. l . 1 iiuuu, uuiu ttuii.il escape ucr eiuu lUCky, ijii-jt . . ' :. temptinir to reach the poet'p shoulder to get.j ? -i : , astride, u.utt!e;s and, iu ctHuuiDhM Jell her dirl' shoe marks on r-d(&tal and fctatae,- A UgLT .RkgobDi TOTti TUE North Th Police constable taIidin; by f,in.ut : .j -Now ' number ofiwar prisoners i the Narthern Prw- then, old if you want to makQ;yQirclf cvi- ons ?urin. the loo -fjuuc jera; enfiict' with spicuou ymi h;id better go e!sew.utr and not the South is: ofhcially Elated to be 222r000 ; of Icivc xur dirty marks there." j Federal in Southern prisons 270,000 ; of the isainsr Wooden , Hope amf Ties, Castings, Ware, Grindstones. Ci6ck ery and Glass Ware, Horse Shoes and Nails, Hemlock Leatlier, French Calf and Lining Skins, Shoe Lasts and Per?. Sh c Thread, ttc, &c We return oor.tranks to'a gener ous jublic nor tlmV(eryv-Hberal pa-trnn.-ifriT 'KpfeloTore lies I. owed. ahiT h"pe by f dr dealing and loA'.pnce to merit a continuance of theame; . 4 1 'BINGHAM 'is Co.. i. , .., ... . .. .. - , , t : lilljfcil UIAJU! 1111!;! FRESH CAKULINA, at L cerj I OUU At CINGIIAM & CO.'d-

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