V. ' XT . PAGE TWO SALISBURY BVENl$CPOST,'gALISBUftY.l,N. C JANUARY j), 1917. t ' I sv ,J fc J 11-.' A ' - t 1: , 1 IT' ,IT-Tf-' I J "' lT f tij '' ' 1 ' V jw 'S V . lit ' A 1 JlllOffll mm fmcim placed SecreW L&fo and Tumul-MtA TEfCOATlAH IMmrmSDMmi?VlJIilPlWSJNT ty Entirely Above suspicion. U1U .liCJOttHllli llVlJUU I ULilVLl UM f LfUUi Ml4ll Oklahoma .Tornado f Carried Off School Bufliftng a Toil oi :"Eteveii ves. FOUR OTHERS AEE TO BBlEATAfcE ytSrtey"GnS"ls'.' 'Today Lay-lfeiH'yirihvye rLeakr ing; Plans for Criminal and kn,ame he,issued.a .formal statement 4 TRADE COMMISSION Resumed Before tne House Bides Committee Today. REPORT TO CONGRESS HARBISON SCORES JWOOPS FOR TSTOT IN VESTT0ATING SchoolHpuge ; Blown Away; . Were Uninjured. . - '. . ' (By AssdaJid'Rress.-. Muskogee, ;0kla., Jan.' '5. A total of eleven dead 'and the injury of a number of "ethers -who are not ex pected to livens the report t6day..frbm. the district swept byf-a tornado on yesterday.- All the dead are school children ranging in age from 6 to 18 years President "Wilson is Reported to Says the Indiana Representative be Actively Interested in the Critical Situation. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. '5. Attorney General Gregory has in his hands to day the bruits of the federal trade commission's investigation into the news print industry with the inten ton of instituting civil and criminal' action against the paiper combine as Tumulty Immediately Demands And Apology. . Washington,! Jen. 5. When Secre tary Tumulty learned that Repre sentative Wood had mentioned his Baltimore, Jan. 5.-nTniig the holiday season there was scarcely, any cessation of announcing' plans for Tpbration'has befetm developments for an additional mine with a .daily ca pacity of 3500 tons of coal about J $300,000 to fce- the cost of otpemng ana ariaainr:a-ptMic: apblbgy ande-1 Southern devalopmental entenprises. Kqr,ippmg this plant. At Buchanan, nyingflatly that - even -knew :of i l-ntoaghout . tne -entire ooutnern the President's peace note hefore it was miaBe public. ' States, from Maryland to Texas, manufacturers aiid capitalists told of nlans for new loreanizationB, as well in a year, .neverlfalked about peace ! as .fox adding to thetactiyities of thse with Mr. ' Baruch "before flor after .the ' already esta-blhed. Today's ."Mami- The loss of life and. the .property i fme,d damage occurred' m 'Vireton, Oklaho ma. Preparations "were ibein ? made to dismiss the sfchool for the noon I know, of course," wrote the at torney general to the Federal trade commission, "that a serious condition hour when the tornado struck the vil- ifxists e and m , " -m.. iaA (to remedy it the law must be applied off it's foundation, and screaming children and timbers were hurled through the air fry the .wir.i'. The bodies were pidked up a hundred yards away from where " the school house stood, having been blown across a "ravine and well upon the side of a hillside. . Of the persons inthe louse on ly two escaped in jury and of the"m jured it is believed that .four may die. " Muskogee Okla., Jan. 4. Eievssn school children were 'killed, four pi-o-bably fatall-jrvhurt and eight serious ly injured' when .a tornado wrecked the Vireton rural sfchoo1 hou&?, known as the : LeevBddwn iSchoal', hear Blacker, Okla.-, today. ' : The school t uilding, a Baptist In dian "mission a quarter of a 1 mile away, and four farm houses ' are in ruins anda half dozen other arm Souses ware lifted from their foun dations ,by the storm, which sept a narrow path for 'distance of six ' ThP sWin -Rtruftk first at Richville. I September, seven miles southwest of Vireton,-tbut &id.not "further damage " until' w'ithin a ciuarter of a mils of the .school building. v- . . mile the storm then ripped the school building from its founi ration arid hurl ed the children down the hillside. And cross the ravine, 'some of them being picfoed up 100 -yards from the Site of the building. . . 'J Only two children 28; ..in the building, escaped uninjured. .. Should Have Made Effort to Learn Something. of Curtis. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jai. 6. Representa tive Chipper field", of Illinois, a mem ber of the rules committee in the House, declared today v1aefore the. "leak" investigation hearing that Thomas W. Lawson, of Boston, had been the chief benfidary .of the market decline which followed the peace note and that his earnings ag gregated $300,000. Harrison Closely Questions Wood. Washington, Jan. 6. At the be ginning of today's nearing Represen tative Wood, of Indiana, author of the leak inquiry resolution, was o-e: called to the stand. Representative Harrison, Democrat, asked him why he had not satisfied himself, as to the identity of "A. Curtis" who-wrote the letter giving alleged information. Mr. Chipplefield objected to this line j of questioning. "Representative Wood "is not the author 6f the charges under inquiry here," sajd Mr. Chrppiefteid, "and his motive cannot be impugned. I think 1 wa Axe losing sisht .of, the fact that " j these scandalous chsxges were made -Cofefcrfestnan ull, "vtho ; Framed j sy Thomas W. Larson, of Boston, "Law, Declares it WiirBrihg $250,- j and it is my understanding that Law 900,000 Into treasury Will Double 1 son was the chief beneficiary of this ' Last 2Year Collecliona.' - -fall of the market. His transactions, WashinfftojiV : Jan. .. 4.'Repres2nta-j I am tol:, aggregated $300,000 on tivfe Cordeli Hull, of f enhessee. who ! this market. I think that Representa frameff the. tax law. todav tive Wood would have heenf derelict in peace" note was -sent, and never lunched with him in my life," Mr. Tumulty " declared. "I think 1 Mr, Wood owes me a public apology for mentioning my jaame at all merely on hearsay and rumor." at once." PresM-ent "Wilson is said to be ac tively inierested in the paper situa tion. The'. -fedWal commission ex-j pects to "report itO Congress within a a f ew days' the esu1t' of it's inquiry. IB WifEN iiit SfflENT House of Representatives at Raleigh Pass tlesoliifion fielative to Bond ilatter Getting Down to Legisla tive Business at the State Capital. 10'redicted that ' $230,006 ,000 will belbis duty if he had . not hrousfht this colMctd tht -Federal government 'Tstter to the attention ot the House. fxomkaxesV&divii -ual. incomes and. Mr Wood is not the father of these corporations, this Jrear under -the new charges. If anylbody is it is Lawson." rate nrovided -in " the Emergency rev- 1 RET-resehtafive. Harrisfin replied enus measure passed hy Congress last ; that Wood's first resolution was intro i Sebtember .'The.hiW income lax law i ducad before Mr. Lawson made any statement. The committee by a party vote sus tained the decision of Chairman Hen ry that Henderson's line of questio:a- Self Destruction of Bernard W.'" Lew is, of Pittsbiirg, in Atlantic City, - Satisfies Detectives He Murdered the Woman. - Philadelphia, Jan. 5. Dete2tives"at police headquarters here announced today that the suicide of Bernard W. Lewis, i6f Pittsburg, in Atlantic Gty last night solves the mystery sur ronding the nfiurder -of r Maizie Col bert, whose body was foumv in her apartments here last Saturday night. The only thing remaining to i-e done was to find the motive. "Lewis' suicide fits in Well with all of the circumstances connected with the case," said Captain of Dectectives " Tate, "and there is no question but that Lewis is the man who: did the killing."" ' Thepolice "do not believe the crime wasjremeaiated. They say the tragedy probably was the result of a quarrel either "bver jewelry or money or jealously , aroused by the attentions of other men. The;iiew income tax law became effective Monday and will ap ply to individual and . corporation in comes for, the year 19j.5i Approximately '$125,000,000 was collects last year under the income 1 was proper. tak law. vhe new income, tax rate is Representative . Woo: explained just double - the old rate, arav while ! that there was nothing in the letter the natidn in 1915 enioyed a oeriod from "A.Curtis" to .indicate his ad dress and he answered by addressing the letter to "A. Curtis, Wall Street, of unpret3ierited prosperity, Repre sentative Hull does not believe the returns will exceed "$250,000,000. a sum doii&le-the amount collected last year. Under the -ew tax laws, effec tive yesterday, it is estimated that approximately : SOiOOO.OOO will be the amount i of hernal revenue re ceipts forthe current fiscal year, the greatest amount evsr collected f:y Uncle Sam under his "direct tax'' system. The tax ' on war munitions will bring in about : $50,00(5,000, an,: the inheritance tax is expected to yield $60,000,000.; The total internal revenue collec tions for the last fiscal year were $12;06o,00O, whicji stands as a rec ord to date. New York." He did not. know wheth er Curtis had received it. "Don't you think that after mak ing the charges which you did in your resolution" asked Mr. Harri son. "I have made no charges," Woo: interrulpted. "Well, we may have a different op inion about that." Harrison replied, "but don't you think after you intro duced your first resolution in insist ed upon it in a-second resolution "that you should have made an effort to ascertain who this mn 'A. Curtis' was and the soundness or genuineness of his standing in New York or wher- j ever he lives?" Representative Wood explainer ARE YOfU REAL tnat he questioned several Con?ress- ItEXD OF FAMILY? j men and had been informed that there was a stock broker in New York nam- WHAT "WILL REPS. DO.? Senators of This Faflh Hold Caucus to Decide on Course in Peiace 'Note 'Endorsement. ... Washington, Jan. . 6. Senate Re publicans caucused today on .whether to take partx action in relation to the endorsement of the sending of Pres ident Wilson's peace note or whether to further oppose he adofft'ion pi the Hitchcock resolution and jprevent .sub stituting 'representation of ttepuibli caps' iviews. The conference adjourn ed without taking definite action. THREE FIUPtNOS ' ASPHYXIATEp IN IRONS. WashihgtpnJan. 3. Axe you the head of arfamily"? If in 'doubt con sult the fdljorsftng official e'efinition of whom constitutes the head of a family, prepared by the ponderous advice cf gcernment counsel to en a'ble income tax collectors to know just who is entitled to income exemp tion up. to $4,000. "The head of a (family is held to be a person who actually supports and maintains one" or more individuals who are closely connected with him by iblood'Tslationship, -relationship txy marriage or ' by adoption and whose right to exercise family control and provide for these dependent individ uals is based upon some moral or legal obligation." Does it fit? ; Manila, Jan. 4. Three, FHipino firemen from the : naval collier A jax which is moored at Oaylle, wfere as phyxfetcd following .connament in irons for . several 1 ; hours : in. a room above the bdikrs ' f vths ship, ; T5iey were being punished; TfOr-- mutinous conduct. LieuEenht . Commander Paul'Foley has assumed . exclusive jurisdiction in the-' cae ;feut ? an ;in yesigatijn. is being contacted (by . the civil- autnbfitjs'.' ! . J-.. Curtis l)id Not Write Letter. . " Sbston,, Masfs., :fJan.'35.-Allen" Cur tis, of, the ,all Street jfttm'of Qdi and Sanders, who; is In .Boston, said he had wtitten ro letter ito Wooasand lse ?on. the subject under rihvesliga- tion. ' ',' ' -. ' v'v.' BEST I NOT VIDUA L RECRUITSnR. Washington, Jan. 5. Vina C. Mil linix, postmaster at Wilder, Tenn., wa 4he army's - best individual re cruiting agent n DecerrJ'r.sr. Under the section of the National Defense Act appointing postmasters as re cruiting agents he obtained six re cfuits'for the regular service from a town of 500 -population. The govern ment pays $-3 per 'itip. 'If one -twelftli of the number oi postmasters a'yailable ' as. recruiting agents 'ha i 'done likewise," a war da- p;9rtmen statement says, "the regu lar' army Would now be considerably in excess of its authorized strength." Belgian Chief of Staff Bead. Havre,1 Ftahce, Jan. . iGeneral Maximillian Wielemans, chief of the Belgian staff,1 is dead with '.pneumo nia which J- ' he contracted in the trenches." " "; 1 ed A. Curtis. (Representative Hanison declared that in his oipinion Representative Wood should have made further in quiry and stated that the identity of Curtis had not yet beon disclosed. "rlhe committee has been led to be lieve," said. Harrison, "that Wood had information fending to show that some high official of the government had 'leaked.' " "His first resolution was introduced before -he ever heard of Curtis," said Harmon. Woods stated that his second reso lution was entirely separate from the first nne and was based on new in formation and statements made 'by Thomas W. Lawson. Trend of Investigation Turns. Washington, Jan. 6. At today's "leak" investigation the trend turn ed to the investigation of Wall Street ticket service which supplies news tips to brokerage houses. Seven man employed by "Wall Street Journal: an; Central American which furnishes service to another Wall street finan cial newspaper were sunpoenaed and ordered-to bring their records with them. The .managers of the two pa pers were also summoned and to bring all dispatches sent the two pa pers by ' their Washington correspon dents on December 20th, the day of the market crash. itepreseiitati ve Harrison declared he believed 'tlje so-called leak was through representatives of those pub lications who with seven newspaper J men had been informed conldenjally by Secretary Lasing that a note had teen dispatched to Europe. Secre tary Lansing, however, at that time, Raleigh, Jan. 6. The legislature is getting organized and ready for business, with a numoer or local 'bills being poured into the hopper hasty baking. Upon- receipt of a message (from the G O'vern or . conveying the infor mation that the President of Cuba had advisai Senator Overman that the repudiated band suit was being dropped ,the House passed suitatbls resolutions which approved of the course taken, by Senator Overman in this matter. Senator Brenizer's liesolution. Raleigh, Jan. 5. Senator Brenizer of Mecklenburg contributed to 1 the legislative hopper today one of the most significant and important reso lutions yet offered at this session, in volving the State's financail policy as to the amendment of its institu tions. It would be supplemental to the Oates L.soltion passed yester c ay for a special committee to inves tigate as to the advisability of creat ing a central state purchasing agent or board. Mr. Brenizer would have this com mittee to al3o investigate and report as to the advisability of "the creation and establishment of a special board of appropriations to which all apfpli- I cations for appropriations by the in stitutions and departments of state shall be made and which shall make suh recommendations in regard to such-applications as it may deem pro per. And tiso upon the advisability of the fMron, and establishment of a State-Ward of control with powers to supervise all Stats institutions. If this committee, deckles to report fa vorably upon the advisability cf such fcilla Vfor such (purpose and report them to this seseion." The Brenizer resolution passed all its readings in the Senate without opposition and was sent to the Hou. Lieutenant Governor-elect Gardner, who is selecting the Senate commit tees, has named James A. Gray, Jr., of Winston-Salem, as chairman of the finance committee and ne is or ganizing for a careful ai "'ministration of the committee work, the most im portant of the Assembly. Others of this committee are: Scales, Holder ness, Matheson, Warren, Jlue, Ever ett, McCoin, McNider, Gough, John son, Person, Tucker, Pollock and LDeweese. factarfers Reeorcl presents interesting and timely data . regarding these Southern protpositions, together with considerable o&er Hnf ormation , re garding Southern resources and their development. All the varied avenues of business life are represented in the news mentioned, and attention is call ed to the most important, 'both as to character and -extant of investment, among the numerous reports made Public. In Arkansas the commissioners of a crainage district decided upon .JbuiMmg a drainage system which will cost several million dollars. This dis trict intends to reclaim 280,000 acres of land, and engineers have"be en en gaged who are now preparing iplans and specifications for the 300 miles of canals -and other s construction which will be required. At Baltimore there will be approximately $5,000,- for ! 000 expended for an extensive lanO development to bring into, existence an industrial residential city for em ployes of the Bethlehem Steel Cor poration, now investing from $30, 000,000 to $40,000,000 for additions to the steel .plants, shipyards, etc., at Sn&rrows Point, near Baltimore. At Norfolk there will be a $300,000 to $500,000 investment lor building and equipping a chain-manufacturing plant by a New England corporation, which osns various large iplants in different cities. Hear Birmingham, Ala., a well-known coal and coke cor- Wr Va., a $250,000 company has been incorporated todevelojp coal lands in West Virginia and Ohio. At Wheel ing: an estalblihsd Jtfle company has added, $2Q0',OOO to ts- capital and will build -a Jdant f orr hiaViuf acturing elec trical Jpcelain ' products. At 'Macoa there will be a large, pv.nt built by a $100,000 company, which , will install r electrk-driven in'kchihery for a 'daily capacity of 60 tons of fireorick, hol--j low blocks, sio 0 Macks am 1 tile. Just a few of" the other announce ments are included in the following brief items: Empire Graphite Co., -Ashland, Ala, incorporated with $100,000 cap ital 'to Mevelop graphite detposits. Electric "Smelting Corporations, Baltimore, incorporated with $100,000 capital to manufacture electric fur-: naces for melting copper, brass and other metals, Sedalia-Lefo&non-Nowata Lead and Zinc Co.. bfowata. Okla., chartered with $100,000 capital to develop lead and zinc .property. Harrisosn 'Bros., MobOe, Ala., plan to buili' $75,000 marine ways with ca pacity of 1500 tons. . McCorkle Lumber Co., Nora, Va:; incorporated with "$50,000 capital to manufacture lumber. Charleston Coopeu'ibge Go., Charles? ton, Miss., incorporated with capital for manufacturing" cooperage. Lindsey Lead and Zinc Co. 'Jbiplin, Mo., incorporated with $5000 capital to mine lead and zinc. Tifton Packing Co" Tif ton, Ga., or dered plans and specificationsifor con struction of plant with daily capacity for killing and packing 350 hogs and 50 cattle. AIM tTdnrrestnS6dd' "of "Indiana Says That JBewrt Coupled Tu - multy's JtJame With Broker. A WJHIGTOSF FIRM ALSO PIU5FITED BY THE FLUES Y The Coxigtessliiaxi, However, Said '':bk'sm Was On ly'SerSay1 Evidence. . Washiitcn,; . 7ah -j6 Wrhen Secretary Tamulty-learned that Representative 'Woods had link ed his name with the "leak" ntatter'he issiied a formal state ment demanding a public apol ogy and denying flatly he even ..knew of 4he peace note before . itwas made public. TANLY0FF1CERS 10 GATEA SI! LL Mtttl OBSWENEiBlN Get the Still and Later Get the Beer in a Bam Ready for the Making of the Illegal Article iMasons Invited to Norwocd. ..: Albemarle, Jan. 5. Officer J. B. Love and Sheriff G. D. Blalock made a raid on yesterday into what was thought to be a blinvl tiger section about eight miles west, of Albemarle. From information which they had the officers expected to locate , a still in full running order; but when they. goc to the spot where' they -expected to find this equipment it did not seem to be. there, but they found the" if urnacai' ing 'its functions it may he possible, showing that a run had been mjtdjfik according to the scietnists, to control only a few days ago. They ware , the statue -of human beings, about to return to Albemarle when j Announcement cf the discovery was one of the officers suggested that they made by Dr. T. B. Bobefison, prqges m&ke a little more careful hives tiga- i sor of biochemistry in the university. tion. Thereupon they went into ? nearby abandoned house standing in a field nartlv filkii' with hay -an straw which looked rather of a su picious character, digging down about Cause of Growth in the Human Body Is Located by Scientists at University of Califhrnla ."Tethe lin" I3 Its Name afld'it" is Located in the Pituitary Bddywr" (By Associated Press.) Barlda, California, Jan:. Scien tists at 'the University of California have discovered a substance that pro duces growth in. the human body, it was announced today. Tgthelin is what they call it and it is located in the pituitary hody -at 1 the base of the brain and by retarding or accelerat- d J!H0 W lltl llfflWX D DIET MUD declared the nbte did not concert; j far." Spartanburg, S. C, Jan. 4. Dr. Joseph Goldenberger, surgeon of the United States health service, and rec ognized all over -dhe country as the greatest living authority on pellagra, was in Spartanburg this week on a visit to the United States Pellagra Hospital, located in this city. While here Dr. Goldenberger was asked what be had to say in regard to the statement recently made by the Postgraduate Medical School of New York in which the claim was made that pellagra is caused by a lack of sanitation, and his roply was: "I have -nothing to say concerning that, but I dare say positively and emphatically that pellagra is caused entirely by an unbalanced diet." He said that a ia'ck of sanitation had caused many diseases, and would con tinue to for years to come, but that it would never cause a case of pella gra. . Dr. Goldberger's formula for- pre vention or cure of pellagra is as fol lows: "Eat plenty of beans and peas daily, plenty of eggs, and meat if possible, and as much milk as one can get. Do this and the chance is you will never have pellagra, and a diet like this will cure you, provided the disease has not progressed too THE BONO SUIT Senator Overman's Resolution in the Senate is Largely Kesponsible for the Action Taken by the Republic Further Light Viil Come Out of the Transaction. five feet under this hay they found .several barrels of beer ready to te used in the manufacture cif whiskey. Further search was made but no still was found. The furnace discovered was on the land of Neil Burleyson and the house in which the beer was stor- j ed under the hay was also on Mr. Bur ley son's lane. What developed from the discovery is not yet known, but deputy Marshall M-cKenzie, of Salisbury came into Albemarle and is en the scene cf the discovery at this writing, and it is expected th4t some- Lill-Utti Will liaUL'vll 111 !L, WUiiWUVU 1 j 1 1 .1 1 if Munftv in a dv or so unless had voked the decree allowing, cer r - ,v,.i,0 tarn people m Cuba to sue the state that Stanly county is not big enough Noh 'aro!ma ?e was to have been heard in the United Washington, Jan. 5. The .names of Joseph P. Tumulty, the President';; private secretary and Bernard Bar uch, a . New York stock broker vera linked together today by Representa tive -Wood, of Indiana, author of the resolution providing for an investi gation into -the reported "leak" of the President's peiace nofe. .'II -am informed," Mr. Wood testi fied, "that Baruch had information about the Lansing note to the Euro pean nations "two or three days be- lore it was-vsent ana tnat ne was in conference . with Mr. Tumulty about that time at the Biltmore hotel in New York. ' Wo'sd qualified his statement by statirg that hjs information was only hearsay. Haruch's office, he stated, was fitted vith private wires run ning to "various - sections of. the, coun try. '' . Wood also said that a Washington firm of brokers, CoUnerly & Co., of whieh Mr. Boiling, a Or other-in-law of the President is a member, had pro fited by stock transactions during tha fbjrv. Wood offered strenuous objection to testifying. in. public, what informa tion he had regarding the socallecl "leak," , he said, being only hearsay, he f elt thai the. making of it 'public would interfere with getting witness es to testify.- A Sensational Session. "Wash-ingtbn, Jam' S.- tSmouIderin-? . rumors that somsfbody made money in. the stock market with "leak" infor mation about-he sending of President Wi'.lson's peace note blazed up ,at a sensational session of the House rules committee today at ifne first hearing on Representative 'Wood's resolution fcr an investigation. SpeeificHydeclaring.that he mads fto changes1 against any" ohe and was "presenting tmljr information comina: to hinj, Mr., Wood brought in the name of .Secretary Tunulty; a "Mr. Boiling," ; a brother cf President Wil son's wife, whom he "id hot further identify; ' Bernard Baruch, a New York stock operator; Otto H. Xahn, of Kahn, Loei'i & Co.; Thonrpson & MclCillon, and Lamscn Bros. & Co., Chicago brokers; F. A. Connelly & Co., local broJcerage house in which Woods said the Mr. Boiling referred to was a partner, and E. F. Hutton, cf P: utton & CoM New York brokers. "Much information, Mr. Woods said, had come in abetter . from Arthur Curtis, .independent New York stoclk' operator. Woods disclaimed any intention of giving the impression that he believed "Secretary Ttrmult5ror any one else fcr that matter prafite:' cy the socalled "leak," but was merely stating what had come to him; that ris realized the danger of making such statement in to hold him. The local Masonic Lodge has re ceived an invitatJon to attend an oyster supper to be given 'by Norwood Lodge on next Thursday night and corfcr the third degree on a candi date. Stanly Lodge No. SIS has an excellent degTee team and no doubt most of them will attend the Norwood meeting. peace but would not disclose its contents. Indianapolis lost out in the lamii Representative Gardner of iVlissa- bank distributidn, ; .and of course will h chusetts put in the records, today the attrafute kit to, the recent polictical! dispatch sent over the Dow Jones .upheaval in the Herald. . " . ; Hioosier State.- jiiM'Wfflii:tis:Wi H fine Bcauee.o(.ift3 tonic and JakaUve effect. LAXfi. .rtV-BM0ieUn?NEis better thatirtiraiy Quinine, and doee not. cause nervousness jior riazing'in'Mi Risntmber th full name an' 3ook"for Uieviigaature 0 E. W. G2.0Vli. ticker forecasting a peace note ten hours bdfore it was published. He declare j that 'the reaction in the stock market fluctuations at the same time when the ticker dispatch was received through proved there was' a leak. 'Representative Gardner said he He says that the increased cost of foods tuffs,, will probably cause an in crease of the disease. H. B. Huston, editor -of the Cheto pa, 'Kansas, Advance, received a whis key circular urging him to buy "4 full quarts for Thanksgiving'' and get a pocketbook as a premium. Huston wrote back that the Ifellb'ws who -invested in booze wouldn't have any use for a pocketbook. Only Two Previous Years Exceeded the One Jest Past in the Building of Vessels Here Exceeded Only by Great Britain. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 6. American ship yards in 1916 put out tonnage exceeding but twice before. A bu reau statement shows the construc tion of 1,183 merchant vessels with a tonnage of 520,847 and 50 vessels $of 40,000 tons for foreign flags. In 1908 the tonnage was ol4,iJ00 and in 1855, when the American mer chant marine -was the Iangest in the world, American yards turned out 580,000 tons of wooden ships. Reports show - that the United states is leadiftg all the worlv jn'ghip ibuilding except Great Britain and American yards arc c:ose behind Britain. ' - 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ramsay have returned from a short -bridal trip to Lynchburg an?i Washington, and hsre apartments in the " Kress" building. Washington, Jan. o. Or.' Charles Manuel Cespedes, Cuban minister to4 Washington, formally notified Sena tor T,PP R. DvpimsTi nf Mnvrt Pota. I lina. todav that th ralio of I PuMic' aIld 0T that Teason .preferred to mah.e ine statement in a secret session which the committee denied. At the conclusion of today's session Chairman Henry announced that Sec retary Tumulty would appear without subpoena and that suibpoeiras had ieen ordered for Curtis'and Baruch. Representative Gardner, of Massa chusetts, who joined Renresentative Woods n an agitation for investi gation, will be heard tomorrow and Thomas W. Lawson on Mnday. Only One Curtis Known. New York, Jan. -g. The only "A. Curtis' 'known to the New Yorlc Stock Exchange is Allen Curtis, of the firm of Curtis and Saunders of New York and Boston. v States Supreme court Monday will be stricken from the records drcppeO for once and all times. Credit is given senator Overman, of North Carolina, if or settling this great suit. -But for the senator's res olution calling for an investigation, and his forceful spee.h, delivered in the senate this wqpk, the suit would probably have been pressed and had the court decided against the state, other suits would have followed which wouli haVe aggregated somathing like $43,000,000 and interest. Wihen ministei- Osipedes read what Senator Overman said about the suit, he asked the North Carolina senator to, call at his residence. He said the republic of Cuba had been gross ly imposed upon and urged him to de lay action on his resolution until he could cable his.-government. Senator "Overman was. willing to- do this and today Minister . Cespaces received a cable from Cuba advising him that the decree had been, reprised and that the suit would be dropped. Tha cablegram from the Cuban government, whiclTby the way is a long one, is now being, translated by clerks in the Cuban legation,, and a full and complete copy will be deliv ered to Senator Overman tomorrow or Mcnday. At the same time it is expected, that Dr. Cespenes will give Senator Overman information, indeed if not the name or names of the gen tlemen who have been peddling the bonds. L GOBA SUIT apolis News. Reported That the Bonds Were Do nated to Cuban Hospital Doubt Regarding Authority Given to At torneys to Bring Suit. .1 (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 5. Negotiations are in progress here looking" to the dismissal . ofthe ' Cuban suit in the Supreme Couttaainst North. Caro lina, to collect upon the' $2,186,000 of faiirbad ibonds issued by State officers during reconstruction days and re pudiated, aSj. fraudulent. , The borids are reported , to -; have been donated to a" Cuban "hospital and there is doubt regarding authority having- been giyen to attorneys to brings" suit. . - Tnere s some difference between the Spain of 1898 and the Spain which last weeK induced Germany to re-..1 vror drugWsfcrwlH Irefnnd anpney U VKZO turn 300 deported Belgians. Indian-fSHTto cure -encase oTStchin. PUes in; 6 to 14 Days 42nBWrogojfPtotr-d5gPie9inetp-14dars. I T1 i- A ....... .fcll.Aii - ' . V. . - T us i ayiJuwaLiua gives ivase ana .esi. ouc.

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