Wit: 23. VRIDAY; JUNE 9; . 18C5. " SALISHUliY, VOL. 'OTHECARY & MUM 5 : . 1 i vttvrSPAPEB ESTiBL ' v ' - rT"" " , , . iKfthW where: they w I f devotmz . n w l"" u . v ii ; ii ei -.it it ; ill I iiituis" v" .I' u.i.t.uiH . .n mm xuih' . mhdied .MS ut . 1 k..iU, nna .iHirds jthey Mving. winch many,! UAVVt5 V j,rrv l . .I'W.e" Tinnot recall the X " nOf tolerated . , iyp.-62 :ln?JJoi& A U.H 1 .., 'in ' .A ,.. ' - tl.A wi. iney lunsw vras lion. wK .ppV-A -t H.f PJ. sTORB tit the okWLL rroRB, N w uuw . m annil UIIKL WAW m - !ier.rfhrior - remain in men yT- .v i i tpsteu uv no rewn; - Official lot- book nn tid lor V office iuust Ktnnta Gtftopany-) -:lt Ul-C a . . . 1 1 . ..1 i nut ce from ll iai- IB . U f3flteial lot paiunu ..- , - . - , that mv tcrs aiut report. , iorta as "-- j""o, , ' Uea.inCharlott,,. M 'J' M i-lct Lincoln, auaalt.r .tm Um'... . ,lf :r.tt.,.rc to Wlone it vvw tr fAmmhllitV.AVlH arc so vitallv intorcd in this great 1.-1: tii !;iiwr Hvstem, wo revolution . r thank Dr. French or his earnest, well considered opposite pro-scniatlm- .if tlio wliJf 0 to the blacks. II is eviitly ti-CHudM 1.. 1.- Iflwi intl'li;t Ot csntleman, vrio nf'u k for Stato reasons uv..-. . : - , .. iusum. "It ;uay e ino..gij Mahr of uie oaeru pu - a -ieauiaiu , no. amei , . .t; tr . reviMiiretul Ml.lUl- vno 1...,,., lwioiifcuH . ti ulilKrt the UucttH a tidier Hiiouiu j ., teehn, hy cot uu. t , careful to try Jo. rew - - - South and .ouuiun. r II, iqr . hr(.e VV ui.y.tfftll ililiul I ad .n-loriuU if all kinl- ' .' . M i m- ... 1... i..tivniir urA iln Ti. .-una Winled wu.l -""-"" : nrul. arid ini.il prod.U.S. LU work rfr.ilmdf.ll vf.wl-c.'' '"J' An iiiPdiMj"!PPV "T" " ". . , . - tuif T P'PI M ? FRO'R. DA1UK uv. i" '-'t Mayans ?i,vrr t: , now ln-ji Jhim 3. ' JOHN H. ENNISS. LG5 dtflS . . .. ... ,.aJtnvn t ie civu 1 . ,vii uii(ii)ie uuu lUe,m V. , a, 0nt; nml the ... ... i: i,m Suiroi Ii'is nower ot t ie vjovvii""-"- - v . , opposition iw . . ne u-fnl i.iiisdic.ion of tho federal l d d wl t!f y know,, tha hut it is UiRicun t,u-y t)U anlherii .oopie mm r t fact any just cause ot t rcsist 8UcU ttU int, . Un I'WI' .i..;..,wl .mi 1rio 1.' ? l.nlif'ri lias Ta' Ser aiKl injure others, they am, . , statemand tal.e re,N 'Vhen the proved ncP in tar, m re etiTlM ish od ieehng be- z: -. T,iiiV(r-PTvtc'e -ot eu 111 ooolation 111 wiping. ""'J, i- .1 Lnt.toiu ot a .1 . 'A..'-.fi 111V0 JL" oi.ou-htoirottothathotton. V . A wn."" l 11 .y ."! pMrtiiiiilv Mr bates iliit. it were wen""1". - . . ...!.. .i..rn ui other :tlt- -Tnrff this Dlace. that Mf.-w"-" . I 1, V'. ..i :T5c . .r.-.i... ,in. of the stweoli UeiiRO- -to an ..uinei. v , ,rt ;mrtsneeci. . orwem i.. .....i, u vc u;ti tucn t""1 t . . -.-. . .. i:. .,..;...,imMHiiL i"" . , - ..." .,,.1,. imiiii'diateiyon mrt..."- r. i. ,ooked at it; parked la n posv Avhen the p. Ufothecrowi. " SIr,DT .i.a n i.; np.p(-h nor tn:tk-tfm. r III taauer t - . , fKlftl.kboutitpttt,OMwehaes,,.ed ,wt; nordid 1h author th.. riJ.-njrol v ,;jt,t t.v nianv "t fttwa-iiH t nrPHKDL AVe know uott.u' about ' . what occurred alter Mr. Davis, went into Mr. . . ' .,,t w'c dokruw fbiit. i'i " Witrf statement of what took plane -on l.w Btepsorin fmnt of his " honw .ntneoyrect- ... ....... that Air. And we are tM uy niij t'"- wiJates was inn v wwreaJor when Mr. Davfa made sptech. Verepekti'wrtainly Mr:B;itCS' evidence ii correctly reported.- CAcirtou ' FromW Cliiirlotte Uom crat.f A DENIAL. ' Ralwgh, X. C. June 2, 18G5. Editor of Democrat: The servant boy who was with Jcflevsw. TWia when he was captured liaa retured to thi9 place (l says that Mr. A)avis vns nvt j- auttarel when he was cuy . ttrdthat he had on the. clothing he was . in the habit of wearing, and when the alarm WMgiven.and.asMr. Duvis Parted to leav the tent, Mrs. Davis threw her sluiwl over ' hisliead or alionlders. ' ' ; The name of the servant boy , I am r formed, Jim .Jones,. "and accoinpameu Air Davis from Charlotte until he was e:iptured and landedjit Fortivra Monroe. Ke is known here in Raleijjn to. be truthful and ot good sbw-WmFssion , HOOSE, . ' . ' ':.nt,nitiV.ri H AS OPENED JD A k-iMlumwn.,. . ,..!,,.. noifn c. th. llh ilaV f he' S ' U Wef, to l Ttok, and ... u:... ..wl Ki r.e nti shall ba gww all ca..e. a ppei.""-! - iip.nsON. , , JOHN H.ENNIS. jel'lm ' TO THE PUBLIC r-n tiv; FIRM OF HENDERSON & EN T i lhe ban will har.- hii fcHMortinent oi I "US"' : ' u ,K. inPt Muff-. Paint., Oil.. c.. to which they expect tio to mak. Ige addition!. . Th 'itl ba pleased to see , th-ir d Somer. t all lime., and will do Jf itTlo furnM, them with pare med.cne. at ,he lowest rate. P"8'. 'fjpfjpERSON. F.C SCHAFER. jl-Im i information' Wanted FW.ALEXANDER HOCK ADAJT. who O wa. U.tl,eHrd fronrin .S.r.?bory about tha vr wo :ni.ili(nnce con- irv iitouuce uwd. v j. ' v t,;: IfoWERTON . inSrVrT..ne 6;65 From the An-usta Oonstitutiona'iU. The ?'' p-tpMatio"' ot onr Clt-V and vicinitv iVssetwhle(l, yes .a n nhu.. iiTon the Tarade not presenr when theM,:! G,r(U;id t( U.ten t ul'lrCH f. on. Kev. Ur. rrencnr"i . y v - three .year, and a half, has been u- i ... .... ia Yrt;ir. ni L3iuii viii". iM a government ftgeui aiiu m.o- sionarv tor me neeu.. A hKndsome stana ub vi- hadow ?ot Jiiip - - - . - - v rtt tween the iwn swi "i ... nre that no brave Northern man, who- has rm t tlo smujucmi ' ... ...I. 1 nt,if ill-t lit MlRIl 11 ' battle. aj)pr'vonm persevereiice hortliern edltors lSl,wio take 4,cca- tAtto'iu. 1 ..... ..u...,;. vTinlt tw. So tar 61011 lO illivi - as onr knowU.d3y pxtendi. we iiave found the U. S. troops,.oiui meii,now.qoartreUsun.Miua4. lite, re?-)Octful, liberal and gent e-.-k-. thnv Kocin to earnestly d- iiinin ,i , ,iii i ....Ciiilil huhvironea. and that u l agati; become tr end, U is the politicians an shade-oiii-cers (or at least some of them) who are now abusing southern pc M)lc , ... A..tr i,fr depredation Lndrnin: For their benefit wopy I an extract noiu vicu. - . Iter dated " Cwnp near Alexandria, t ... io tci'A " as follows t iim. trt observe now "ilia i'"i"uo i i ..nrl firm some men became III VI U tnv - T , ,i,An nil da.orerisPHSt. I have no ticed on holds of battle brave ijten h -i Allele soJihKZZMAKE A . i4 l V r TAIL - MULE, ULAV vl nrenceH, think 1 .- ,hB lir,f,!ll"u Ml . 4jtj jq Richmond, ya. or r.b.rr-oaal'ii,r(.w,,rd tW reii.rmd to . of .forinwrma may get hei. 1 v a A COWAN. . .. . 1 ...... n - I--20 .1. J." AK ES P,u . eV-eived fhrn. New th. ' IJ '.. Prep--" 'o v...b i iHirii i . .... ii ...l... HCCia.n.Klte l'i " - -g i.iuv fitvor '" w'in m "", Gt jne..r0. lw ; nMmi a TnnpEN. I" B BIjS. I AeiB T'-lfe HUTCHISON. i- . . . rl" O A1 R Charlotte, June l, ico..- H. L. -Coleman D, D, S, (iccesaor to Dr. W. V. uason,; PPSPECTFULLY OFFERS HI3 PRO. SSu- theciuzen. of Salisbury "tcH- red with the experience of fourteen U) year, practice he can give g.M rat atiffaetion? He f.be '.office. formerly occupieuny - 30tf ho.rf. NOTICE : I . I. untter- i. .... r, . beantiful trees, covered wiu. u . i iiio- and-bean tfuHv decoratou w... . tlCed on ncw im x fcx-rs Mild evet-reens. Several nevcr r,w.t the raptured or mutilate Si illlgs were uspend.dabovel tl dead ; butcid V i t ii ..l...r,... 1 cannot now icu.iu mv lite spi'tuvei f iivc.v. r. , .t. ..I,,,! ?n ni dition to the .-.lirnva do. I cannot now recau i. I . u d.Wnrvm-ft records how Upon: the stand, in addition to the j act, but Shakespeare reco'ub ro, esen ativesotMheCJo J Kced Bishop Fierce, of tbejUd wits, rUinglrom ajignred death Afntltodist Episcopal Churvh booth, sUlbbed again the deaa e. -and Horn R. M. Ifay , Mayor of the j jfat car.se aMU m mnmph citv. ' - . '. ; itoWeJi vaW. bo no,.Ji character. ittkr fuom: gen. SUER- Camp near Alexander, Va., May Dear Bowman : I am just arrivect. II Ln ?n to-dav- I have been lost to 'tho world in the woods for soino jime, Yet on ar .ruing at the 4 sottlements" found I havemaac quite a sur, .uuuug .mo people at home, and that the most . ,'jinister motives have been ascribed- to me. j j I bayo nuuie frequent official re- nnc rinv nffifial action ill all Dtlb- UUUO VI ...j . - lie matters, x and all of them have city. . - ' V ..... The attendance was iar,n; uuu em braced all the various classes of our coloreil. people. Here was the .tmr-ly'black-visiged plantation - hand, and rue conieiy -"-5i - -sleek house servant good old Ann- tie who ejacniHwi . , and cried 'hallelujah' with all. the fervor of camp-meeting enthusiasm, sprnccmubtHodamesa.)ddetnoisells little- picanniuies jit . the arms ot raothersevcr phso aim co.u. u. 1: , !H,.!fiifAi onr once peculiar hki.u wr- ..J..i- r.,x Inohilitv to reDort tho address of Dr. French, as no ta tfrtfiWl roorters. It CUIllV. IHIIi (Hiu.v.. ,-r- .... .,,i;,-iilv ' tiuifilv. well V ilf illl . VAVyV.vniiijj.j ternperea,v: jusr am wiiji'i " l. .'TJ ." nn nnnetinh Hilt speectl aim -we imvu iiyuiiwjiw- . 1 that it will exercise tuy uappiwoK .. . . . I . i. 1. 'J ile announcea at.tne otusei . r . ii-.. . : land 5 dead. the reueiuou m oiu - . ii i . . t . .Mwtni1 Til ill iniirii many rawraua app'; -.. ..:.t.,o. ftiinir valor and stele tiie cv luijuw "M""" ----- ' .. onfl anoropriate to, win, ui'i'iivii'v, -ii . i bonors for the deeds that never were done." Charlotte Democrat. . ' r, r u.r A O M. at Lexington, N.i.'. Maior Dnnbar A. "Wl. be an m? .7: ; K d mules at Leg.nffton,XN.y.: ; m;, Me J85 fS5v e eve.olhe nouce in df ires tnat piibiicny i . . ...... take . i...v MitfZMiiH aiia - order ma ,1 .re whatever ndaalaia i" - . uk they may need. Xour.o. nuiUBKBS. '" tu.i A.A.Q. M Mvui - 22d Div.J23 A. C White Sulpher Springs, (mtjwrj COUNTY. N C Rumor has it that there is a pros w.tnf nn'ftaflv addition tothefiunily i mv..,, TliniriL It. i also of Uenerai , said that Commodore Nntt aud Miss Minnie VVarrou arc aw;- 7 married. Th, undersienea nirvinjt asemrntof olhe Dubic, that on tabl.Hl.meni, u-. . " . ... open tho "d ur.ler:..lU!,"r:. nf hoarders to the um. name lor in. " r ..n,. bemf fifty. Tier. . . ;v .r. for i-irteHtea .coiiaee on i" - l-mT.. r uKl. pernon-. VUh the v.ew of SnX t" the preo.t financial condition hoard hua been of the cnuniry u p. " . .it n, 11 Iikb tune per fixed at ?J; per "." ". " . day, corrent . una'.. .., p,ac,ice ; ?S.;. Phv.icl.n. will inture o, ine "-r-."-- . tue w,teri(0f Cataw- NEW DRUCr STORE ! T. IK ENNISS, formerly , of the firm of Henderson and Bnnw;, reciiu-j i.i: i..,t hi. is now OPeillliS n new let ine umuiii; in...- - ,v s r l' ln vhe brick -buildinR Wmerly occupied by Dr ," v . . 1. ai- ii nKgortinenl ih Sill, where ne hb i. - - Drugs, Paints, Dyes, dtv., and will be pleased to see hi. friends and ca- ji: -' . 10 ! ...... r..printlonicarefuy compound ed at all h.nr. of day and night. Drugs sold .. 1 ' 1 1 low cam. topK M, Salisbury, May au, 1000 - . Western N. C- Kail Road. . Tassenger Trains will run as follows : Mon. davs, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Salisbury ai t . Arrive at Head of Road at 12 M. Leave Head of Road at 121 M. Arrive at Salisbury at 8 P. M. . Fare 5 cents per mile. , J. v. WJ.LSON, Eng. & Sup. May 26, 1S65 tfli ' I BUTCHERING. ' . .. V .rt Inmb and 1 WILL deliver in mm -ax Mr. Buis' ahop. M. HOFFLIN. May 2.1, 1865 dtf8 -i v lie matters, "and all of them have jhev were free, and the enunciation 'been carefully suppressed, while the, , was greeted with the liveliest dem most ridiculous nonsense has, been . onstrations 01 apptause. s.iC-n.;rt,,clvr urniid n.hmad throii'di nrocoftdod to enforce the duties and lllUUSkl ivuaij t' - o ir . . . . ... tit 11 i r .1. :.. .1.;,. haw inQQStnousiy epituu 1hiv(w i,iiiv"B.. Willi vnii VilfW what importance I attach to .such matters, and that I have been i too long fighting with tho real Rebels "with niuskets in their- bauds to be cared by mero .non-combatants, no i.rt.ir fiin-L tb.dr cirit rank or maud iiw.i iio" ttUion. t . . Itis atnusio;; to observe howbtavc aid firm sotvs men become when all tie nniiouuceu m mo "w"( . - ihev were free, and the enunciation inrd.map. . Rut he Ll m;VJCVlUl iu CllU'ii'" "m . c ..I. . il. iianr requirements 01 inem 111 men i;uiivaiii'.'ii 110 11 .1.111 - m.ii. - n them. by all possible considerations of Christian and personal liberty not 4.. 4t-.M, t...n.t tins rviinn f I.An irlllP.b ,J llll u V , il i vj 1110 iciu uvun A 1 ! t. ... flA 1,A,I l,,..!,.!',.!! tn ZVlllUglliy VJUVA llttli V UUCHOi-WCvi them. " Their primary and chief duty, said he, was to slick bv their former STOLEN, N THE NlbllT OE THE ith JUNE. J A Horse, 16 haixl" high, white grey, red .rot 00 the left siV of the neck, shod before, a lively Hdiac "orae, bad a racking lopeiug ait ' He whs last heard of in Salisbury. Any inlij-niatiou left with the subscriber, two miles ,n' U 1.1... Vrrv. ..r Wm Sni'llh ill Sa It- hurv. will be suitably rewarded. buposed to be stolen by rebel wld.eror ca.ieii. jiinrv. Juve 8, '65. 3t-2'2 nrinffTAfilil. The tone experinivc . ui t VTHl 'III Y U j.iii1'- . ,,,Bbest I MICHAEL BROWN FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ba for the.r meatc- VT R, will beat elaborte me.r " "6-" " . hi. personal 1 S 1 fuunht'i in ilia 1 " ln U"T::,. tll the let of November.- win oc r- , ... th. .n-dical pro- There are seven., v. . - - pergonB perl... or wmcn . .vanwlre WISI....E . .j- the Pronnetor C.l..b. CcrtJ. n- j.- ... t off M.rg.lHo.Ki.4 IVa-... otiiaRT. vvm. r uriiiiivii ' ' , v., a uek ano Charlotte Buiieun, pj .... ... 1. y .end bill to uie auuscr.-.-.. 211-21 May Moth, iouj tf-2I For Sale at Dr. Sill's . . h.t,i cTfinii'. I nnwrafi. "Iluai 0L1U UllUU 'i3i". r Snuff, Ac Apply HEK1,1Ss Salisbury. May 31.1. 1865.' 1Tlf May 25, .1865. vf TIOFFLIN. . tno oj T, Q.1d A. C. ; KTcT,,i.i . Gbneral Orders ) 1 r:.:havin2in their possession Ua.ted Aiip..-- - t procuret irom a States hor P w,.(cll QuartermdB . - c g p(1 at the lmie ?r, or any property 0f Genl. Johnston nnr.ftrmil8tpr Jiepart- f lhe Vr.r::i1,d Confederate G.,vernme.,t. me-nt 01 ine -y - - deav to the pro- will report me i.cl lh. .nle lo rre"dl"'- . HniG. gen: coopkk C. A. ClLLEV. Asi. Adjl. General. 2 . . . 1 musters 'o icin iit'i on the phmta- ' Salisbury, N C- Ju' 1.