D.4IW VOL. I. SALISBURY, N. C FRIDAY, ; AUGUST 18; i65. NO. 72 the mm i ,vV. . -i : - f . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND AD VERTISINC. Or-paper will be published daily at' the fellow - iiir fates in Federal eurrencv Daily, 1 year, ' .$10 00 " G months, 500 " 1 month,. 1 00 Weekly, i year, ....... . $3 00 " G months. . 2 0C 1 month, 50 Cash in advance. Rates of .Advertising. ' . ' (payable in advance.) . Ten lines or less, small type, -or one inch spate, to constitute a square. 1 Sauare. 1 dav l wo 1 week, 3 50 6 00 3 -"" .. 1 month, 2 41 . 3 " 8 00 io oo 15 00 20 00 T Advertisers in Detail. THE RATES WI LL F.K AS FOLLOWS '. Quarter Column 1 month,'. . . $20 .00 " 2 " .. ... 30 00 . 3 " .... .. 40 00 Half Column 1 . "- 3000 . o " 42 00 3 " 50 00 One Column 1 ' 50 00 . ii . 2 " 75 00 i ' u 3 '.)... ... 100 00 Special Notices will be charged by the .square ote dollar for each insertion, for one week; and . seventv-five cent3 for each insertion, for 1 month. " No:verti! advance. ' The name of no subscriber entered on our books unless paid for in advance. . . No one is authorized to receive and receipt for mony fbr subscription or other work done at this Office, except the Publisher and theProprie- P "3F" AH letters concerning business of the Editor' t PuBLisnER. SAN FRANCISCO TRAGEDY. Fall Particulars of the Shooting of ffm. Malligan. From the San Francisco Mornihg Call, July 8. Anothkk chabter of BLOOD -THREE MEN KILL ED -TKAGltAL END OF THE NOTORIOUS BiLLV Mulligan. ; The events of yesterday furnish another of those revolting Ploclcl8t m",k ? ll,e lri"!. iVds inTire Tnyfour cHv wltrK'disgiistriijr r-v.utiiiity. A desperado, whose name figures inthe annals of the VigilauceJlomtniJi noted Billv Mulligan, shot down two men after having tired twice ineffectually at oiher persons and was at. last, while holding the force of the city at bay, himself killed by a member of. the police department, acting under orders. MULLIGAN ON THURSDAY-. I On Thursday, particularly during the latter part of the day, Mulligan exhibited symptoms of delirium t.emens, declaring, that the .Vig lance Committee Were going to hang him. lie went to the police office for protection, and turned exceedingly uervous, insisting that he was pursued. ' EVENT8 OF YEBTEROAV. He remained in the station house through :..i.. Un,t was sent out by Captain Doug- a88 at eiuht o'clock yest. rday morning. About . m shot was fired from an up- Zr window of the St. Frac.s Hotel corner of Clav and Dut ont streets, evidently a recieo VMJ W .i .,;,Aa thfl street. a Chinaman on uie upw-ie - l iL-4. 1 its niMl'k. and entered the we ther boarding of a house by which the China- c..Jnfin(r .and bein2 afterwards ex- tuau viaa ..-0, - i . I Ull t, acted Fved to a la,Se C"mC pl u . r...,o a enwerv keeDer close by, who wit- . ,i ti,a ,.irf.nm stance, immediately reported nor.t Ts. at the whee office, and omcer McMillan was sent up to tnvesligate the matter. AmVl , ihTnistol was fired by Billy Mul - liaan who had 6hut nimselr up in h.s room rmetl with h sell cocMug o...v., flectuallv haired the door agamst entrance by rchnaryVieans. Detective officer Chappelas i h McMUla", and th, two held a parley with I, lli.ran who warned them against forcing an . lulligan, who , .i nfrWr! .nance - A plan was fixeu b) the.se officers, h iheaid of officer McCormlck to capture Uh the auJ o demonsira- ;d the svcM1 J uQnntftfi bv the idea that ZZLo iere going to - . il.a nal eV With Uie OUICCiau he Ex utive Committee wonld come alter : ?a ,..nder himself toXbein; but ...... Oi ha mil inp.iii uiai t . r. .t ... .i.... 11IH lievouiu oiv y .""" MULLIGAN SHOOTS AT DETECTIVE OFFICER CHAPPEL. The inner door of . Miillirran'a room, which was on the 8ond floor of the building opened r-' into a wide hall, and another door led out on a balcony over Dujiont street. 1 lie ofhoers, while talking with Wn!ir-n, were in the hall ; and during the conxfivation Chappel learned that he had no favoi-; to expect horn the despe rate man, while toward McMil'xn h was more tractably disposed, ih. u:h ' slant death to any one wl room. Chappel, witli !! cretion, weut through tli- balc'Hiy, Hfld WHS irnil"l:..t iv i iian, the ball ffiaiint; pat his c". ;i i. atened in ,! enter the ; e than dis room to the . ,1 nl by Mulli .U. After this 'without arms i demonstration the otliceis. be'iiL I -4 ' to cope with the now exasjK'r;Ued madman, prudently retired , and as Uc.y went down me 6tairs Mulligan opened the dour. BilOOTJ.NO OF m'naBB. While descending the stairs the officers were met by one Joha McNabb, an old acquaintance and intimate friend of Bilk Mulligfb's, who was going up t( talk with the latter, in me nope that their mutual intimacy would enable him to exert a pacifying influence over Mulligan, and render him accessible u others. McMillan and Chappel had scarely reached the street when the leport of a pistol was heard within, and in a moment afterward McNabb was brought out mo'i tally wounded. The unfortunate man was conveyed to Dr. Murphy's office, in Clay street where' he received every attention his case de manded: but nothing could be done fbr him bevond stopping the woundjjQmsriiiw lit lie Dranuy in a isaspoou, cy vnny oi . omuu lant, and rubbing his limbs to keep up the cir culation. He apparently suffered but little pain; but it was evident that the current of life was fast ebbing out. The ball had entered just be neath the right shoulder, passing near the sub clavan artery, and severing a large vein, from which reat internal hemorrhage followed. He died in about a half hour after receiving the wound, at Dr. Murphy's office. The exciting and tragical turn in aftairs t the St. Francis Hotel was soon bruited abroad, and in a very short time a crowd of five, or six thousand per sons had garnered of McNabb . ccurred about half pastone o clock, p. m., and having now tasted blood, Mulligan seemed to have been suddenly transformed into a demon, and, with the cunning of the maniac, glided from room to room in the building, with the apparemV design of getting an opportunity lo secure another victim. His appearance at a door or window, armed with.a revolver, always settt-a panic -1 brought the crowd and caused them to fall back in confusion. Mulligan's po sition was now somewhat similar to that of BohTlitlircrtrmeof his capture. Armud as i. . .....o i,. .,-Mim;.V.ild Mverv avme4i to-the lie no wii " j . ' . i. it IIC nnc w--- J . . upper stories of the buiiding from below, and kept a constant inoiioi, at one time flitting past a window on one fl..r, and anon snowing mm defiantly in Another part of-the building. . vii i ivn t-o imiV It ART. At. ii little helore tl.tt - o'clock a window Jook- in'r aut on Clay stieet ('he, second from the cor- ner iu 'the upper tier,) was raised a tew incites and a hand thrust i.ut, preseiiimg a pisioi hi i crowd. As usual, the terrified crowd piled over each other to net out of, lh way ot the threat ening danger; but the work of death was done quickly. MulltgHii tired and instantly withdrew his liana. ine mioi mucu of Eureka Hose company, No. 4 the ball en tering his heart, producing instant death. The bodv was taken to Lelevnss drug store, corner of'Dupont and "Washington streets, and horn thence to the coffin wareiooms of Mr. Nathan iel Orav, Sacramento street.' Here vt was plac ed in a" coffin and conveyed to the house ot Eu reka Hose company, on Gary street, near Ma son, where it will he in state unhl .Sunday. The remains will then be interred.. Deceased was a native of New York, aged 26 years. H.s pa rents reside in the State of New ork. He lost his wife a few we"eks since, and leaves no fami ly Hart being an entire stranger to Mulligan, it is not probable that he was singled out as a sed bis death was doubt- less fired into the cr6wed at random and it was TIarl's misfortune to receive it. lie has resiueu in California about seven years. .v..TuirB attCMPT to capture mulligan. t utUunt from M nllio-aii's movements that he was watching his opportunity to throw another shot1 into the. crowd. The excitement had become intense, and various plans for se curing bis capture or putting a summary end to his career, was suggested. No one could tell from what window or door would speed the of death, or who would be the victim. Still the crowd swelled in numbers, and pressed upon the building with a strange infatuation. At length detective officer Ellis and officer Henderson, who were inside of the hotel on the lower floor, concluded to try wheth- er his tliirstbr Kqnor could not be made sub- 1 vuna uuiy oo IllctUO BUO- servlent toio.f .il. : . v" capturing mm. AC cordinjrlv lknri : i i ..n- . i ii-" , J uiiieu, auu caning to Mu hpfronj the foot of the stairs, they at tracted histtention And proffered the-drink. Mulligan eptedtb offer, but would allow no one but Indersoit o approach him with it. He peremjrjly waroe(j Kilis off, and kept his cocked rev-er drawp oil Henderson to accele. rate his moments When about three fourths of the wajp tb Itairs, Henderson stopped niiu afivevipiiigao ii ,e woman t come down and drink hnf Mulligan impatiently de clined, ftvlJ5eud with ao impuUi Lo 6boot tWr, and'tirgtd him to leave quick: Iv. HMa Ai ilia waiter at the bead of the stairs, ate(j wjth0ut delay on Mulli- .4. at 44 V-4 f i t 1,4 I - . A . n 444 . tl4 411 44 4. liitu a ! iaur never a uioiucni. luium Ii in nistoi ifroii iia Aim nn TTanrlAfnn until he , . ,va .lu ul, iVV44. - had got "tof eight. During this interview Mulligan kept rjimsetf in a position where he could see theotficer and command the approach without eepwing his own person. Capt. Lees learning of this attempt,, conceive'd the idea of admin stering drugged liquor to him in a similar manner as the first was given, and im mediately commenced peparations. ! DEATB OF MULLIGAN. In thejnieniiine the prospect of taking MuN ligan alije prtsenting itself only as a sequel to more mprdm by him, for which he was evi dently preparing, it was determined to shoot him down, and an' armed foice was immediately despatched for, and were soon on the ground. t hese coiuisiea ot a number ot lue rouce uuara wni"o7ereVosftnTn nositionfi commandinQf those i - o noitionsof the hotel where it was most likelv i Mullip;"H W0U'J appear. After Whiting for some tune, perhaps a halt hour after the men were nosipd with tbeir riflles. the. renorUof the nun r " jining the opposite side of Clay street, startled the crowd ; but Jt was at prst supposed that the tirin was either premature or misaimed, and the vast crowd were about to settle down on ibis conclusion, and to look out for more favors from Mulligan, when a member of the police corps pa-ddowruClay street, carrying his rifle and gave (be information that they had nothing IllellL CaUn i JUIICIrtl I U3U IUI K LIU IlOUb Ot,C7J of the hot Jl. Every one was anxious to see the dead m-Jiptr : but, as a necessitv tbe crowd exclulld only officers and some others was whom it V deemed proper to admit were al lowed accjs.to the scene of Mulligan's death. Ae..,.iidmltie brst niL'htot stairs, the bodv was O V v - - found strticied out. on the floor of the hall, the head frhll'lilly shattered, his .brains spattered on the wall ;nd poured out in the pool of blojd nr. the fl" where his head rested. Mulligan was sliOt she was iu the act of stepping for iii o-lass door orifliiiiiir on the Clav ward to street b O m-w wy to discharge his pistol again, ei ierowd. or at the ofti.er on the ODliO- ther at tl site side fixed hi f'tlie, street, on whom it is said he had mention. At all events the officer fired jus 'ttime. bevond all neradventu re, t o save eith fiiis own or the life of some citizen in the stree the deadly missile told with'uner- linfr nreP:orj. crashino through the ton of Mul- ligaii's lifri, enteiing high upon the forehead, "iioe with his nose, and pasingoul tea rii)!tr a frihtful hole and scat V . o - - t- tering htiients of his skull in every direction. Death twhave followed instantly. Mtillig- n never kw what hurt him. The ball that ai coinplisOulie work passed on at a small an rrle of elrltion- srorfd ih.q ceilinrr sonifl t fiirt.v feet bef . , " -".--v I ri luen glanced downw aru, periora- tins a t f 'at the extreme end ot the hall, lbe "ing was a necessary measure, though one ; yet it must be remembered act of s an extl that it 'an extreme case. Chief lsurke was conlinei on th)und the order to shoot would have beep Si earlier. MulligAn might have been takeniJejbut it is certain thai it would have been oql at the cost of one at least, and most probaWjio or three more lives, each one of whicbs iorth more than the lives of a hun dred stf a his. The bodies of McNabb and Mullii ;re taken q Mr. Ma's'sey'is coffin wareiicpij here the Coroner, made au exami nation I t lem. McNabb's . body was af tecwrhak ?n to the residence of his mother, on Kjr street between Greene and "Union. -Mulli remains were removed to McGinns coffinf grooms, on Market street. -The officer who po Mulligan dtserves credit ' for his reso lulioihperlbrming so disagreeable and yet so 3 ioipoj iti, a dutv. Even had Mulligan been takei le, no power under Heaven could have save $ n from the fury of the crowd. He voui..b,-e been hanged and limbecTon tbe spot, an J l&olice would have been powerless to re sist pel a crowd. Thus ends the career of a manfwtse name has been one of the synonyms for bjfoy, and whose existence has been a blot n ttis immunity. . ' " '. . DENTISTRY. EL. Colejnan D. D. S, (Saccessor to Dr. W. F. Bason,) HFi.sPRr.TPTrr.r.v nrunpa ma ponepc- -. 44 44. 44. w ugu X IV i.' EjJm sioaal Services to the citizens of Saiisbonr and vicin ity. Dr. C. feels aAured with the experience or four teen (14) years practice-he can give general satisfac tion Ha can h fonnri at his nmr.m. fnrmftriv nvn- n!t l.v lip VV J? Ruinn ot all dntH L When money cannot be Pi for oprtlom on (ha fl.(hi pm4V wilt Ve - hams, no. I Bear, cti.es v. g -.t market prices. my30tf . i. 1 FOR REIT A FARM of 425 acres near Salisbury good land fine water excellent houses productive meadows and fair fences. Apply lo T. G.HAUUH TUJN. Salisbury, August 9, 1865. lm-65 20 ACRESf LAND NEAR T0WN. TO BE SOLD ON THE 21st JAUG. INST. I will sell at public sale, on . the premises, Aug. 21st, the valuable property on which I reside, coin prisin? 2i acres of land, dwelling house, kitchen and other building. Also, her household and kitchen furniture, some farming tools, an excellent Wheat Fa,n, one-horse wagon &c. Ac. lET Terms of sale cash. MARY M.JAMES. Aug. 14, 1865 4t. WALTON HOUSE, MORGANTON, N. C. " THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING -LE A S"ED (he above Hotel for a number of years, are now refitting it and puling it in good order for the accorn modiftion of the public, and those who wish to visit Mnrgaiiton and enjoy ihe fresh Mountain "breeze, -will find at iha Walton Houi?e a good, comfortable Room and thebest turuished.table m the Mate. HUNT & WALTON. v August 7th, 1865. 3 mo-62. SWEPSON, MENDENHALL, & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, FOB THE SALE OF TOBACCO, RAW COTTON, COTTON YARNS, CLOTHS, & NAVAL STORES, 121 Front St., New York. T. J. SUMNER, Company Shops, N. C. Robert It. Swepson, Sm'l. G. Murphy, New York City. Cyrus P. Mendenhall, President Fiirnier's Bank, Greensboro', N.C. Dan'l. Worth, Company Shops, N. C. Geo. W. Swepson, Haw River, N. C. July 5-d6m SOUTHERN BOOKS. ,. : -' srlins: Campbell ami Albrighf, . PUBLISHERRS, And dealers in Books, Stationery t&c, : : GBEENSBORO, N. 67., CONTINUE TO PUBLISH "Our Own" Series oCScIkk)I Books, consisting of Prime re Spelling Books, Readers, Aril hrnelics and Eugli?li G rammers ; also Bingham's Latin Grammer and Cresar. We offer our Boots to Teachers and Booksellers on as moderate terms as are offered by publishers in any part of the United State. , , O For specimen copies or lists of prices adderesa as above. . ' - . Aug. 10th 15 3mo. DR. M. WHITEHEAD, OFFICE AT BI$ BESIDENCE, WHERE he can be found at all hours unless Professionally : Engaged. . . Salisbury June 15, 1865, LEASE 1 no otheis.

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