7 The Burnt District. In our remarks a few days ago on the Burnt District, we are sorry that we ' should h, ,irn nn.. v Wntim. 7: c thought the structure and its adjoin mg 0.1 main street, lair subjects ot ed soldiers followed. Davis seated him criticism as they are in the most promi-i self upon the' grassy elope of the rampart ncnt s.'erioti of the city. They will at- j and gazed inward, to the disgust of the tract more attention than Stewart's mar 1 assembled crowd, who were anxior.a tor . !!- !i;'!ac:c, Xuw York, or the Cathedral a distant glimpse of his feature. That "atJtl.i t". Their Btyle of architecture is curiously important topic,. t'Jeff. Davis' so !i: Kjiif uiid the arabesque work on health," was satisfactorily discnesed by the ii.M.e .tjiiilding will rival the tin est the assemblage, and after twenty minutes pn.uu ,:'.,!, of m-iderri or ancietit artists, patient gazing the crowd was relieved ' VVh t; iid, i(ve'cr, as wiiat we say from duty by Jeff, rising and walking to now, j.i .nimr.l lv ooil feelinir and to a more remote portion of the ramparts hui.'jou:, ,i)i w-'iitijt... that the first thing irJnlVVI'ke TiloDorip f the Australi r:.ir...i the hand tii at: : threw" it ur Paper. There w e s'il a l'ev j-ersons in the city who o i tv.kv the paper. We bone '!.'. . 1 .,-,!, will end us their. nam . a e. 0 Monday we will is sue .'.- A-.-kiv Banner, a ml on every suetveili Aloiulav Tmom nfimr eout try I'rit i. !.- wh-' tJio Weekly should at ouce n-'i I ns their suioci iption, as in a few da v.-. the mai's iil !- re establish- .darnl . o,v will Ik. able to get it regn- larly. ' v -v teim-i, fAeihe .1 lospjsctus, : i(Ul!iS!!el in a 1 1 1 1 1 v r column. "('lasting the Record.'; l.rt .mith wmpIt. Fkvi rnmiidtiifanf ' P j the 12Sth Indiana will ruma'n here nti der c niniaiid of Col. Packard. Capt. 13. F. 1 J i ivcoe, the efHcient inustei'iti o.tHccr ' lias muttered out. at this post about seven tboiisand and live hundred' officers and men. The records have been closed at headquarters.-'. The flaj; has been folded aud carefully and sacredly placed away; the fla stall' has been '.committed nto iiruwood and, in plain words "the re cords i.av been closed." Gen. Cooper. Brig. Gen. Cooper, of Tennessee, our first military . commander at this Post, says the Raleigh Progress, has been elec ted to Congress, "without opposition. This wethink is a mistake. Mr. May nard is elected in General Cooper's Dis trict, and the latter was riot a candidate.. The Cooper elected is Ed. Cooper, of Shelbvville, Middle Tennessee and hence the mistake. Internal Revenue Laws. Those persons who wish a copy of the Internal Revenue Laws, can procure the same at McNeely, Young & Co's., Jen kins' Corner. , More Falsehood. It having been circulated in the coun try, by evil and mischievous persoiis, that Gov. llolden favored negro suffrage, a number of worthy, loyal citizens, be in;; in the citv yesterday, called on the Governor, as v,'e learn, to hear a denial of the malicious report from his own lips, which denial of corse he promptly made, 'Neither Gov. llolden or the Standard newspaper, bis ftntnediate organ, has ut-tered'-auy thing favoring or looking tone gro suffrage, but on the contrary both are unqualih'ediy -committed against it. These falsehoods are bur the continua tion ot thu persecutions of last summer, and are put in circulation by disloyal persons fur the bassest of purposes. We assure the loyal citizens of Wake, and of the entirn state, that no in North Carolina is, more unqualifiedly opposed to the ex tension of the right of suffrage to tljo blacks than Gov. Hofden. It isstrange that loyal men should listen to such falsehoods when uttered against gentle men who have proven themselves so true in the past. Progress. i. I'roia Fortress Monroe. A Fortress Monroe letter of the 9th instant, says: Quite a little flatter of excitement was occasioned yesterday evening by Jeff. Davis'appearing on the rampart of the fort next to the main road of Old Point, lie was plainly visible from this much- frequented highway, and little knots collected all along the wooden footway which ekim the road. All stared with open eyes on the groy-clad figure that was tne observed of all observers. Major vrenurai Miles was a mtle in advance of " . 1 ! ' . I ... 1 . - iv;iai xuwca way a niuo in auvauce or prisoner, the officer of the guard for hi prisoner, the officer of the gu; the day, was at Jeff's, side, and tw two arm beyond tlie reach of outside .in cs. BOUGHToF EE AT." . TAHMERS desiring 'this whea( for seed will ap- - 1. ply ai once, or leav the money .and bucks wilh Messrs. Lrawtord anil Laurens, where a sample can be seen. Price $4 per bushel. JOHN WASHINGTON. Salislmrv. Anr. IS. 9uH7.19i Charlotte Democrat two insertions, and send bill 10 u,,s umc' . CONDEMNED GOV'T, STORES N TUESDAY morning the 22 J inst I will ex- pose at Public Sale at in v .Warehouse, Thirty-four Hundred Pounds Hard Bread. - Sale to take place at 11 o'clock. Terms Cash. J. F. IIUBElt, Capt. & C. S. Salisbury, Aug. 17, 1805. lt-72 W jSEL, JT rEO ED o 100 BUSHEL IRISH POTATOES rIO BE ENT IN HAGS OR JJARRELS and JL delivered to me here. DAVID WHITAKER. Ilowertou House. Aug. 18, 4112 PRBSBYTERIAL .NOTICE. SALISBURY, N. C, ) August -16th 1665. i THE PRESBYTERY OFCONCORD, will hold its ne$t regular rneetinij in Statesvillo, N. C. Com. mencemg1 the 13ti of'September next, at 11 o'clock A.M. ' , J. RUM PL El Slated Clerk. . tf-72 - Bacon and Corn Wanted. 1ClSH to purchase at once a hirge amount of Bacon and Ccrn tor the North Carolina R. li. Company, for which I will pay the highest market price in Cash. . Apply to me, or in iny absence to IVlcCubbins, Foster Co. THOS.J. FOSTER' Purchasing Agent. Salisbury. August 12,1805. Jin-65 Good News ! Good feews ! ! WH0LE8ALE& RETAIL monbblyTyotng & -CO. i'RE at their old fta'id Jenkin's corner. Old times hav come ujiui.. , and they would inviio City and Country Merchants to call and examine their stock of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats and Caps, ' and a larae and general variety of GOODS of every kind and description. We receive from the Northern Markets the latest styjes of goods ' WEEKLY BY EXPRESS. U PRODUCE taken in exchange for gopdst market prices. , ' McNEELY.1 YOUNG & CO. 3vvd70 ' Jenkin's Corner,. McOubbins, Foster and Co. 'ARE opening a store at the ofd stand of Mur phy & Co., arid are receiving consignments to sell on Commission. They intend by the 20l1i Spt. to have a large and general aasortment of goods direct Oom New York. - lru. Aug. 12 1865. DR. WESBITT. s TILL PRACTICE MEDICINE, SURGERY and Midwifery. ,Ql.r n Salistury N.'C.. . June 22,1865 M- PI! Mil! SALE "MAJOR TOBIIER'S NEW STORE." jusTarrived. Hardware, ... flutter u. Y ' Crockett , I have also a grl aiHortrnent ofladie's and rai, tleman's weariHJ "PpareU 8 rt"d ge"" Ms and Cap Mr and Gaiters, Handkerchiefs Gloves, Linens, Domestics, , . And other ancles for Use and oruaraent. They, were all needfd by rny-wlf, from the first mar ket of tha Eatrt. J. C. TURNER, V . Oowau'i Drick Row Main Hi. August 8, 1JV; . tf-63 IMPORTANT TO .HIRERS OF FREKDJIEX. 7 Notice. WHEREA'- Alarge numlier of Fanners arp tu mg avvay their colored help without any re muneration for teir !ahorsiu raising (he clop of the present seuson, thus leaving them without homes or subsistence du i itiJ1'1 coining winter. 1 lake this method to inform all interesied, thai as the croprais ed has been dons by the haru labor of the colored people, they am entitled to a support from the same through the coming winu r. The Government will not permit you (the farmers) to harvest anik sell the lalior of the colored help, and make no provisions f n their support. It id expected that the Planters wilr make a full distribution of their crops, with t how; who assited to raise and "enough to support them rfnroiigh the comjng winter, without help troiii thf Government. Any Planter or Farmer who mayor have turned aval' their colored help, without com plying with thealive, will He charged for their sup- trict. for subsisttite. Colored helnviB be held Resnonsilile for tliH ful filment of their.oltracts. CUAS. EMERY. Capt. A Al ist. Supt. of Freedmensi Uureati. Salisbury, NC Au. JSi, !Bb5. tf-70 HE Greesbori'iigh series of School Rooks, em bracing Tuiers. Spelling Rooks, F-iNt, Second and Third Uo;tr8, Pr'inary and School Ariihineiics, Primary Gru'- atii) Grammar, itc, J" for sale at the "jrNNK" Printing Office, These boo'J have received the hearty approval and adopt UiM) the ablesV and most successful-Teachers in this Stae and liavi the additional cominenda tion of being wrks of home 'production But inde pendent of thl, tiiey are truly meritorious, aud therefore desei.e extensive patronage. Salisbury, Ag. 12. . tf-Cl) . Main Street next to tin. H0SRT0NH0USE. MRS J. C.'RNCnOSS announce? tr th ladies and Pub4 (1f S.ihslmry that she has opened a store as abov, cnulaininsr an assortment of iVli'li nery and othervdils Pa'jisols, Hats, Capes, Hut tons, trimminn, head dresses &c. of llie latest styles and fashins. . 32 tf- CHMGS OF -TIME. I . Comi'anv Shops, ) Au'uslOth lG. ON AND -AFTER 0 25 p. in Sunday August 13th 1865. Ttrains will run until further orders as follows : I loWQ ' MAIL f GOING WEST ACCOMODATION. Leave Raleigh ;.4() p. m Leave Ralei-jh f'.l'O a. in. Gre'iisbVi.2.l7um " Cre'nsb'ro 12..r0p m ...4 i: i; . l , ft iiil ' Salisl.utiti45 " Salisbury 5.00. Arrive CharloiU 1110" Arrive Charlotte 7.00. "n C'IG EAST. Leave Chariot t Salisbury Gre'nsb'n Arrive Ralei Mail Train c. eih and Gastoi and with the U Newbern, M on- Pt!)nm T.PMve Charlotte 5 35 am S3'"' - Salisbury 9,00 " . KM")" ' it Gre'nsb'ro 1.05pm 531 am .Arrive Raleigh-7.30 ai':ts East and West with the Ral- l'm tor V elersburg and tne ioriu, 5 M il'turv Railroad lor Goidesboro, Ff'1 City and VVilininsrtou. Freight Tram lotte 6.UU a. in t The mail Trai rrpps are notified "ives .Ualeifrh at 11. 00 a. m. Char- i'l'piiiff at Shoos over nisht. 1 wily will run on Sunday. Passen- Procure tinl?Bf'. hnforp ellteiillfr the Train as M . .' -..w....., - - a j'tiunal fare will be. collected. E, WILKES. Eng. fc fc?up't. (tf-67) IlE.ll) QURS. 1st DIV. 23d A. C. j Saiifurp, N. C. Au2 16th 18C5. S J Special Ordes No., 15. extract V i v . n iflra C ..l.I.l.t.i In kpII nr i. eive osotr articles of citizens clotltins. All violations ot iii''r win oe pri-mpuy punu. By Command of . COL. PARISH. Henry A. H. Capt. & A- A. G . CONCORD FEMALE THE EXERCISES of THIS In stitution will be resumed on the first Monday o September. . Tt-tK PDTOP f riAinn ... "JWjao ouaku wn be 15,00 net ?i0 no Ttpr Ce Tukion wiU b at ratePo l '" ui Jxtra-charges will bo made for Music! Freucl and Drawing. ' n i . x-acu boarder will famish her own-lights am towels, am . kr a na; c i n n- rm ' ' f" wi.ouccus mm pitiow eases 1 he greatest possible indulgence will be nven patrons. Address j. M. CALD1VELL. Salisbury July 24, pd-lm-GL 'li I - COMMISSION MERCHANT 3L J-J Dealer In Merchandise. TT"OULD infom his friends and the public, t 5; t ? he is now receiving the foKowiuv art; ''e, which will, be sold low for cash, or exchangee ;r produce. - spun Cotton assorted, No. 8, 9, 10, 1 1 & 12. Brown and Bleached shir'ing. -Calicofes. Linen, silk, & Cotton Handkerchief!'. Shoes, Ladie's &, Gents. Hosiery, Hats Black & Drab. Suspenders. Irish Linen, x (Shirt Collars & JJosoms. Coats-Spool Thread . Flax do. "-LmonFaTsoTtecn llonp Skirts. Black Braid . Imn. Nails. " ' Tobacco, Siiu'r& Cigars. Flour in Barrels o Sucks &c.-itc. Salisbury, July 2.j, 18C5. Iy-(i3 . IHTH OABQU.NA R. Rn S TATusviLLE, N. C. , July. 23. 18G5. rPIIE Annual Meetiuj of the Stockholders of the 1, u estern JNoriri Carolina Railroad Company wjl.L be held i n the town of Newton, on Thursday 'the Slsidayof August next . All Stockholders, unless belonsriner to the "exeeot- ed classes," who take the amnesty oath required by the Presi lent of the. United Stires. can vote and take parlin the meetiiifr." . F. Sl.MONTON, Secretary aud Treasury. Jn!v3l, 18G5-S01-G3 IlPIJISt- KOPKIMS, : HULL & ATCHIS0M. Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic M). 258 BALTIMORE St. Oposite Hanover St. 5a.ltim.oro, ; A SK their old friends and Merchants generally lo callJind examine ineir siociv. . ...... .1. July 9, 18B5. lmp.a-1.4 The Daily Raleigli Progress F 17011 sale at the POST OFFICE, by . .MOStiS A.S.Mli u Salisbury. July 1, 1805 , ' .STILES KENNEDY, M. D. OFFICE NO. 5, MANSION HOUSE, SALISBURY SOUTH CAROLINA. June 15, 1865. GREEK, LAT12T, FRENCH AND ENGLISH. .. .1 a o.irl wishes to - The advertiser teacpes .me uuo - - - - cation at Marion. rs.C., hr ne any pa,V In w.-l of his service m ad Meroney, Esq. Salisbury, who wmexmui. n,a)8 and arrange terms. . G j.qjq PADISON August '65. " liihlUI BROWS W58TEBJ1 Hi

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