THE UNION 11 AMIR SALISBURY, N. O, AUGUST; 26, 1865. J, J. STEWART. EDITOR Icard's Qualifications for Voters The ' Qualification M voters are that a .raid man of the Confederate' array and navv. under and including the rank of Colonel, " . . . " . . i v -.i u e ifl the one and under and including Uie ,u Lieutenant in the other, ball be permitted to vote and all other citizens, provided they at e not included in any of the fourteen excluded classes in the President's Amnesty Proclamation; also, n Tavern- Drowning Creek, an rf Station, to Morganton, setffen h eight miles, and back six titqes a tvef', aauy ' ii . lit fdQfl nor if cars so run,, at inu iue jii ? mile per annum. ; The-contract as we Lave flleady an nounced nave been given tJfl Nrtn Carolina It. It. to supply the Hue of that .road. ! , Now that tligse mails are ref-cs'tablish-ed we hopoour friends in tlje western section of the Siate will sefed us tlKsir subscriptions. W Weekly il published every Monday, is a paper of light pages 'a ,v.,t.,;.,o oil thft lntpst lews and a UIHI I'l 111 1 ll llil ILI t k,i.u m.w vv m Uli - ADVICE TO THE SOUTH- . The National Jntelligencsr gives the following advice to the South : . "You are beaten in attempt at revolu tion. It wa&afoolish and wicked attempt. Nothing- remained for you except sub mission or emigration. You have for mally, anrj as we think,. truly, submitted; and now your instant duty is to accept the new conditiun of things, and to go to. work actively and unanimously to restore our common country. The North will not accept any- conditioix.ofre8tt)ratQa which does not embrace the extinction' of slavery by positive constitutional law. " The patriotic and eminent President of - the United States-has informally declared the fact; and his lamented predecessor, emphatically avowed it-when he referred the ultimate question on his emancipa tion.proeiamation to the courts. Contra band of war, slavery has perished by the 6Word, and it is only a renewal of civil war to assert any claim to it. It has met the fate' to which, in the order of Provi- lirten to yotir longer. Jes sav rite strate out what vi're drivin at. It you mean gettin hitciieu, lm in !' I considered that air enuff for all '. .t iruriotv nf select readiuir mat ter. u...-i.-ttrV.; t.i t.hrt Inspectors acouy ot fo - . , . .P the Amnesty, oath signed by hinlself, aud certi fied to by at least two justices of the Peace, and fahjtmorehat they be citizen, as required by t laws inforce preceedingfay 20th, 1861, except thai the paymeut of a poll tax bMI not be required. -..' DT 1 ' . Tiio TaIIv - which a so contains '"" i n te 1 1 ige n co u all .q.M f ed at $10 a year, 6erip.tious. Send tLyour sub: . . 1 -. V OUR CANDIDATES Wo received a letter yesterday from Col. -Ham. Jones, jr.," consenting at the application of many citizens lobe a can didate for the Convention. 'The letter we regret to say, was recei ed too late for publication to-day. We will give it to-morrow. This makes ourlticket com plete: Hon. Nat. Hoyden add Ham. C. Jones, jr. J . MM-r QUALIFICATIONS AS CANDIDATES , FOR THE. CONVENTION.- The Italeigh Standard sayfe : - u wr XX viseTo u if friends" wymay be so unfortunate as not tq have laceivud a pardon before-the day of t Idion, and who niay desire to be in the C,iventioi, not- to -allowtheir-names to the run; for, if elected, they cannot take tmt seats.j T:ieseare our opinions, in wjiich wo are sustained by every one with whom we hv. conversed, and eonilnon sense teaches that it is the only opinion. There are several of our warli personal olitical friends whom vie would bo practical purpnsses, and ,we proceeded immejitely to.the parson's ah d was made 1 that nite." , GENERAL NliWS- ' THK WKttTZ TlillL. One 9'clock on Monday, the Military Com 'mission.. for the trial of Henry Wertz, lately cotnmrudant of the AuderonvilIe prison, met in the room of the Court of claims,' north of the. wes central entrance of the United States Capi tol, and was called to order by the president, M;iir Gen Lew Wallace; all the members b in"- present with the counsel for the accused McssraIItizhes, Denver, Peck, and 'Schacje. At twenly-fiva minutes past one the prisoner whs brought in, guarded 'by a sqoacl ol-V eteran Reserves, and was seated on a settee to me riht of the Commission, two of the soldiers with fixed bayonets remaining with him.. Col. Chipnian, the Judge Advocate,' stated the Commission was i'ormed for the trial of the accusedand asked the prisoner if he had an objection to any member of the Commission. Mr. Hughs, fr the prisoner, replied that he had not any personal objection, but at the pro per time he would ' object to the jurisdiction of the Commission and the manner of its constitu tion, and would also make some special objee lions.. If he the prisoner, was to be tried by any. military commission, he had no objection ,j t,wm i n lv . c Pray d'o not deceive, do not stultifv votir- w . t J J selves on this point. Whatever, absured politicians in the North may say or at tempt to the contrary, slavery is doomed by the people, arid those are only your . .-. T 7- - . . . . cuezata ai mc ivorii who seen ior party purposes,' to delude you tltat there is the slilitest hoje tor that institution, in fu-. ture. Just so long as any claim is set up tor the resuscitation of slavery by any thing .that can-be made to loVk like con spiracy to that effect 'among 'the politi cians North and South, just so hmg will the masses of the North j ustly insist that' - you shall be lie Id dovvn in"a terntorial condition, and that you shall-be denied equality as States within tlic'Uniom We beseech you, then, to have done with the few of such faUe guides, of pretend ed friends, . and of devlish prophets, as would hire yon to certain rum by piofes sions of friendship like these ! Whether in the North or in, the South, tliey are guides from the bottomless pit." Most of the above is very true; wo are much obliged to the 2 almial J ntellioen cer but the people of the South know very well tlat slavery. is" forever obliter ated, acdtlie. question : 'forever etrlecf. They will, never revive the question in any ehapo or form; all future? agitation will be found elsewhere. They submit patiently and quietly to the loss of this species of property with that same stoical calmness, that amounts to sublimity, as Cjesar displayed as he wrapt his mantle round him and fell at the1 base of Pom- pey'a Statue, which all the while ran blood. . THE MAILS. Postmaster Geueral Dennison on Mon day ordered the following : : Route No. 5302, Salisbury, N. C, to Morganton. Accept 'offer of Samuel McD. Tate, President of the Western N. Carolina Railroad' Company, to convey mails from Salisbury, by Rowan Mills, Enola, Statesville, Rock Cut, Catawba Station, Bunker Hill, Newton, Hickory, itioll. who dope it as nm-fn uasieu anu quuiiiy luemsevves, run anu no elected. On the other hand, anv perton, who is loyal, and who does not come vithin the excluded classes of the President's pro clamation, hut who, it he does, has re c e i v e d pa rd o i h e an t a k e-a srati ir t h e Convention, as it matters not how many other offices he may hold, either State or Nationals - t--::r- Artemus Ward's Account of his Courtship. Twas a carm night in Joon. Ail natur was bust and nary seffer disturbed the seren silens. 1 sot with Petsey Jane on the tense of her father's pas tmv AVe'd been romping threiv the woods, kullin' iloweiS; and drivirigthe wobdehuek fr.oiu -his Native La':i-f (so to to any meuibtr-of.lhis Commission The members of the court were then sworn by the Judge Advocate, who was in turn sworn by the President of the Court, General Wal lace. ' ' The official reporters, Messrs. Hays, and Brown, were also sworn as reporters. After the reading of the charges and specific cations, (which occupy two closely printed columns of the National Intelligencer,) the plea of he prisoner waas called for, when his con t . 1 , V-., j yy. tr uttSti. a -ai- had buly seen Hie charges 2-i hoiii;s betore, and that they had been altered he objected' to in formality. The objection was overruled, but the prisoner' was allowed until .12 o'clock the following day to tile his plea. Judge Hughes, the counsel for the accused, then tiled the fol lowing preliminarypleas : ' s eak) with loflg sticks. Wall,' .ve sot thar on the fense, a swinging two and fro, blush in' as read as Haldville skool house when it was first panted,: and lookin' very simple I make no.' doubt. My left arm was ockupied in ballansiu myself -on - the, fens, while my rit . was wounded lovingly round her waste. I cleared my throat and treinbliuly sed, 'Betsy, you're a gazelle.' It thought tli e air was putty line.. It evidently drclrr'e.-fetch iier, for she Up "ld aed, You're a sheep !' Sez I, 'Petsy,I think very muchly . of you ! 'I don't i'leeve a word you say so there now, cum !' witli which observation she hitched away from me.: 'I wish there was win-, dows to my sole,' sed 1, 'so that you con Id ROO. Rome, nt'niv ' tVrl?no 'rimm's' tire enutf in here,' sed I, strikingmvbuz zum with -my fist, "to bileallitlie" corn beef and turnips in ' the neighborhood.' 'Ah, could you know the sleeps nites I worry threw ou your account how vittles has seized to be attraction to me, and how my limbs lias shrunk up, you wouldn't dowt me. Gnse on this 's tin form and these 'ere suukon cheeks :. 1 should have contiuneijed 0n in Frit on the general jurisdiction of the Second, that the accused was captured un der a pledge of-safe conduwf on certain coudi lions, whicfi he fulfilled. . - Third, that he was included io the conven tion between Generals Johnson and SberniMi. The Commission hen held a short session with closed doors, and subsequently adjourned until 2 o'clock on the 22d. ' On the 22d the CommisMou met again. The motion to . quush the charges and speci tication against Captain Wirz, made by the defendant's counsel, was argued principally by Judge Hughes, who contended that they were too general and uncertain,' and that the offen ces 'chargou1 were cognizable, by the civil and not military courts, The Commission over ruled the' motion. The prisoner thou plead not guilty to the charges against him. Col Chapman, the Judge Advocate, to-day sutftf-J '( '? prisoner be reman Jed to the Old Critol mid that the Ooart wdjouro. hi ihis the court without a formal vote acquiesced Duriojr this colloquy the prisoner was re moved from the court Voom. by the military guard. ' - " The adjournment, without a day having ' been named for the re assembling of the court, took the councel and spectator by surprise. No reason is a yet known for this course, though there' is a suspicion merely that the charge of coii-spi racy .may be witndrawn. A Convention of the colored peode of this State is announced to meet at lialeigli iu Oc tober next . The President has appointed George W. -Brooks United States ' District Judge, Daniel It. Goodloe Unilod States Marshal,' and Darius II. Starbuck United States Attorney for" the District of the State of Ncrth Carolina. .. -.Gv-Po' AlwbwiVH" .linsi leposefl.,thQt Mayor of Mobile because heVefused to 'rectn-e the testimony of I'retdiiien. A new Maywr is to be- put in w ho will accept an agency of the . Freed me ns Huieau. , A conductor on the Erie rsilroad has abscond ed after robbing the company f of a large amount. 1 l.tuncan U". McKao and John Minoi iiolts were at the Presidential Mansion on the 18lh. The publication of the liighmoud Enquirer will be resumed at an early day. The venerable William and Henry College, of Williamsburg, Va., is about to bo reopened. Some of its buildings mid a portion of its fYnds have been saved. The entire naval force will be reduced to ten thousand men. ,'..' ""iSlTil Turn t li e f Taige efatcafiori irtrle1'ui' the;New York papers of tiia -22d. ' Maj. Gen. Wheeler was badly beaten on the 22d inst, at; Nashville by Colonel Blackburn and Captain (Juinn, it) consequence of a threat made during tUo .war Wheel-r that he would kill Blaeburn if ever he took him prisoner, a-i he was a "dd hume-made Yunkiu: Wheeler was in bed when attacked, find was severely beaten. ' The following is on the Atlantic cabh; : The cable wa.i longf th cll viy :',"'z, im iwy-it-wit -ey thct arjrc ; .- But one little cirouuiJ?tauoe turned out vron'? It wasn t practi-cuWe. ' ' More than half of the population of Mem phis are colored persons. Governor Ilolden has been on a short visit to Kiltrell's Springs. TLere.have been thirty four suicides of un successful gamblers at the Germati baths tl.nV season.", '". A destructive fire took phrce in New York on . the 21st desiroyiug .500,000 worth of property. The London Daily News says there is no prospect whatever' of any further payment .of dividends ur principal of the Confederate join. (ueen Yieloria is on a visit to Germany. A desperate-tight occurred afnong the ti.-t-UK-ii in New York on Sundiv morin-n, iu rhe sixth District, in which four m.'ii were shot, one killed and a number of others badly be.ileu. 1 l( ,1... oo i T :.. .i Judire iUujrhet wished to know what time the , ' u" u "l 'vrcn(J Court had adjourned. Colonel Chipman replied that he would noti fy counsel of the re-assembling of the court, and then requested the witnesses in attendance to give information as to where they reside, and instructed them not to leave city until heard Colonel Chipman replied that under p'arlia inentary law there could dovv be no debate. Major Gen. Wallace said the court stands ad iourned. conseauentlv there can h n nmn. this strane probly for some tiipe, but lament. . ' , uufortunitly lost my . ball unse .and fell.1 Judge IIughes-The prisoner bavin been film- mtn ! nnr.ti,., r jmuu buusu, teanii ar raided, we enter our nrotest; ain.t hrL-. ing up. the court or an indefiuite adjournment Gen. Joe. JohnstDn is on a visit to 1 vltiniore. A teniule storm visited liichuiou,; on the 22 d. . ; The following papers are now published in this State: News Ashville; Democrat, Char lotte ; Banner, Salisbury ; Patriot, Greensboro; Pretin, Sftlem ; Qecprder, Hillsboro' Herald, Wilmington; Times, Newbern ; News, ' Fftv etteviilu ; American, SutesviUw ; Sentinel, Jij- wrtJ, J'rosrrav Hit J SlauJard, Iialgj.. The ilag of rebellion si i It float6 on the pirate blienanuoah., llns vessel, when last .heard destroying American whalers. The Union State Committee of New .York mel on Thursday at the Astor House nn-1 pre pared a call for the Slate Convention. It will' be composed of three delegates frou each As sembly District, and Will meet at Syracuse on tue liUth ot September, ihe officirs to b.t.n,om- properly discharged. - ieatecl-are Secretary of State, Comptoller, En . Judge Hughes said that he would like to be gineer, Treasurer, Canal ' CoinraissioTwf; Prisoi my close and severelyvdamagiri niseelt" ginerally. lietsey J afil sprang. t ny assistance in double" quck tituG and dragged me 4th. Then, drayin hersol f up to her full bite, she Sed, I iW0J1't We aek either for the discharge of the prisoner or to proceed with trial. Major Gen. Wallace repeated that the court had adjourned. ' Inspector, two Judges of Appeals and Clerk o Appeals. 1 he call is addressed td the Unionf Erectors of the State who supported the Ad ministration of Abraham Lincoln in the prose cution of ihe war against treason, and wbo4 are favor of sustaining the Adminhtration of An dre Johusou and'lljubeu E. Feutun. ) An opportunity has b-en aflbrded by the gov ernineiit, to owners of farms upon which forts have been erected, to receive the buildings ami other properly left id dism'intling the works a cornpensation- for the occupation of the land. A iV.w j)tye already accepted, the 'offer, but s there fttill reiuttins a large amount of valuable

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