7. - nn DAILY TfT H SEPTEMBER 4, 1865. . NO. 86 VOL. I. SALISBURY. N. C, i a K w n a w ,i n IV : A N lN rbK , TEFMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND. ADVERTISING. TO THE PUBLIC - William H. Bailey, ; Attorney and (JfmnxMsiv at. Lam and. Sn Or-rer will be nnhlishetl daily at the fellow-! ' ' - j . ' -y 1 if. . " I ColUction DUtrict,Salbur, N. C., Jicitar Chancery., - j)!,:., i tw ... .$10 00 ; 1805. . jl I pi'rPls professorial services to the public. .4 V mnnthV fi 00 I I HAVE divided this collection district into divis- j y Claims .gamst the Governments-adjustment S i 00 ' Union codnties : 2d do Staujy uiid Cabarrus ; Jd I do uou Wdebu receive prompt attention. mce nours a. m., lo i p. m-i o 10 o p. m af ' proposes to establish a . " I month,. . . Weekly, 1 yent. ., 44 fi months, 11 I month, Cash-in advance. 'o wt I Howhiii 4th do. Davidson; 5th do. Davie and Yad rr I kin ; b'lh do. F Rtef Advfrtlsdnp. (PAYABLK IN AllVANCK.) i. . T or I-.v.wimiJI ,OW V ieinchnace, tft"irrVt,lt 1 Square, 1 day, orsythe and - Slopes ; 7tb do. Surry. Atleirai.y and Ash ; fill do. Wilkes ; lh do. Iredell ; lOtfTdo. Meckleuburorj 11th do.Gastou and Lincoln; J 32 th do. Catawba aud Alexander; J3th do. Cleave- lai.d; Utli do -KntheTfiird-r-rolk and JViouoweJi ; 15ih do. Burke and Caldwell; Jtn do. vv auiauja, Viiiicv mid Mitch'ill; 17th do. Buucombe and MadiJ ' .. " Ai. Haywood and Jackidtl ;'20rt Jo. MacoB. Chero- H ; . -"y I week, . , : " . . 1 month, o it 3 50 ( 00 8 00 10 00 lo 00 Quarter Column T AdTri Users in Detail. W1LI- HE AS rOI,LU. month...... 20 .00 IK ItATKS Half Column Que Column 1 2 3 I o 3 1 2 3 kee und Chtv X will consider the appli 'uiion of anv loyal, ener petic, busiuee man, wli. m reside inside the se veral divisions indiciitiil iibove f. r .Viistant ssessor of the same: nrovioVd lie can ike and subscribe the 20 oo i )i,,l"win oal, Pre8Clibed 1y acU,f Consres8 iayu ioo : I, .... of County of and Stale of do .solemnly that 1 have never voluntarily borne arms against the Uni ted States since I have been'a citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily (liven no aid, countenance 'oun sel or enr-oii.uceme'nl to persons er.ijfd inarmed hostility thereto; that 1 have neither sought, imr ac cepted, nor attempted lo exercise the fuclions ofuny office whatever, under any uuthoiily, or prttendtd . . . .1-. . .k it. w.... .: . .i.... t authority,, nr nosuuiy.io me uiiueu oiaic , mai x 7o 00 I have not yielded a voluntary support lo any preleud 100 00 I ed government,- anihoriiy, power, or constitutioii, withi.i the United tetntt-s. Jii-stue i r iiiiuncal tliereio. And I do further .that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I will Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domesuc ; that I will bear true faii'h und ; allegiance to the same ; lhat I will lake this obliga tion fieelvi without any mental rexervaiion or pur- unWs pfiitl for in advance.. . . i pose of evasion; and that I will well and taiihluHy Ninne'is authorized to receive and receipt 01' ; dipcharge the duties of the office on which I am - - - , i ,w ...t. ... . i , for subscription or other woriv uouu .n about to enter : So neip me u . School in Salisbwy, iV. C. "hout thirteen years experieoce ai Uw Teacher ; he proposes to prepare, young gen- Bif" loruje liar. 30 00 40 00 30 00 42 00 :o oo jlo 00 one Special Notices will be charged by the square dollar tor entu inscriioii, ivi v evenfvnverety lor curti rnenu.i:r uu Ma lulvertiseinenst inserted unless paid lor in advance. Tlni name Vf ivcersigued wil give his attention, if desired to tbeii-chase und sale of real estate. Vv.'H. BAILEY. ister room in the Court House. , ' tf-76 IfFlCE Register Viry,22, 18fi5. 30UGHT0N WHEAT, desiring this wheat for seed wilUap y fcY once, or leave I ha money and sacks with M erst Crawford and Laurefls, where a sample can be Km Trice 4 per luhel. "i .IUIIN WASHINGTON SsKiiry, Aug. ..18. ' 2wd-73-2tw-l (irjolte Democrat two insertions, and send bill to t Dl'icM. ' of no subscriber entered on our book U'lllli lllllKV at I . I. ..I I . .. holii Kin (.nl this Olfice execnt-the Publisher and the Propric- j and subscribed before me, !. tins .day of A..D. !Hi4. S ' J2f" All letters coneernui? business ot the o(Iice must beadaie.sed to Editor & Pcbusuer. THE WEEKLY BANNER. FAMILY NEWSPAPAE! -o- J. J. STEWART, EDITOR AND PUBLISHEK. OF THE All applicants must write their christian name or nam. s in full, otherwise-they will not receive noiice. All persons who' were doing. any business in this district on the 30th day of May, lPb.r, for which a license is required, will be assessed from the 1st day i f .Mav, 1805. All persons tvho have, commenced I ji u y business for which a license is required since the I dale ol iho establishment of the di.-incl. tft wit: the i .'10th dav of .Mav, IbTio, will be lss'eu frmn the j dale of commencement of said luiWnes.". " . . f a ui i.r.n fir-ii. i iiinv. or r.tiruorulion, desiring 1 lo eiirngH in, proecte, or carry on ahy iraiif. ihim- ness, or profession - in this district must first obtain a ; license therefore provided by law. f Especial attention is directed to section 53 lo 70, lo 71 lo 7H, and lib to IX.i, inclusive, ol H,e internal PJESBYTERIAL NOTICE. P SALISBURY, N. C, - . , ' I August lGth 18G5. S HPliKSBYTERY OFCONCORD, will hold its lxtjiegular ineeting in Statesville, N C. Com. nicviuf die 13th of .September next, at 41 o'clock J. RUMPLE, Stated Clerk. revenue a2t approved June 30tli, 18(J4, as amended by the act of March 3 I&65, relative .to., spints, ale, beer and porter, and licenses. The iifcessarv blank applicalious prescribed by the . 1 a..' ...I 1? i... it ii . T.ip li. nni'd -ril 11 . A JOURNAL OF THE Xl 7 VY j .-c;: ' -i WKWSi Politics, Literature, Alar- j t manulactured tobacco, snuff, or cigars, nor ".r. I?.,r... .... oi.l -.tliii- T?tiiiri'fc i iliKiillrd sniriis. brandv or wiue. can fe shiii)ed out v i . . urt r ir n mi imiiv,i iui . , , . , , I iBW COMMISSION HOUSE, i -. mmm" SALISHVRYs'-N. C. TIB UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A Commission House in Salisbury N. C and soli cilsiff'igunieiit8 of merchandize, country produce, rt W. II. IfOWERTON. Sisbury, Tune (),?C5 tf 20 CHANGE OF TIME. DENTISTRY. H. L. Coleman D, D, S. (Successor to Dr. W. F. Bason,) m RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS PROFES-" sional Services to the citizens of Salisbury und vicin ity. Dr. C feels assured wilh the experience of four teen (14) years practice he can give general satisfac lion He can be found at his office, formerly occu pied by Dr W. F. Bason, at all hours. When money cannot be paid for operations on the leeth, provisions will be received: such as bacon thani, nrrJ floury - ehlekftslucK'sgea. 'At". market prices. myJOtf WALTON HOUSE, MORGANION, N. C. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED the above Hotel for a number of years, are now refitting it and puting it in good order for I he accom modation of the public, and those" who wish to visit AI organ ton and enjoy the fresh Mountain breeze, will find at lha Walton House a good, comfortable Room and the best furnished table in the State. HUNTjfcV ALTON. . August 7th, 1865. . 3ino-62. SWEPSON, M5NDENHALL & CO. '"'"'' -"' : ;' G E N E II A L Coinmksiou Mcrchaiits, FOR THE SALE OF TOBACCO, RAW COTTON, COTTON, YARNS, CLOTHS, & NAVAL STORES, 121 Front St., New York. T. J. SUMNER, Company Shops, N. C. Rabert R. Swepson, Sara'l. G. Murphy, New York City. Cyrus P. Mendenhall, President Farmer's Bank, Green sboro t N.C. Dan'l. Worth, CompHny Shops, X. C. 6 "iN AND AFTER Vl3ih 15S05. Company Shops, August 10th lHti. S (J 25 p. iii Sunday August rtraiiiswilt run until further orders GO INC AV K ST 40 i). m Leave -0- The Great Pojfer of Middle North Ca rolina, Will be published on Monday of .every week. Tlie BANNER will contain more reading matter than any other Paper in the State, and shall be'thoroughly de voted to the jnterest of our whole people. We desire to circulate it extensively in Western North Carolina, and would earnestly request our friends to aid ns in procuring subscribers. Tkkms jingle copy one -year, - $3.00 Six. Months, - - - - - - - 2,00 One Month, - - -' - - - - 50 Payments in advance. Address . J. J. STEWART, Banner Office, Sah'ebur3 N. C. II'd Q'rs Post Salisbury, Salisbiuy, Aug. 28, 18G5. eeral Orders, . No. 3. S TH promiscuous discharging of fire-arms by gol '8ier or citizens, within the limits of the town of Salisbury, must be discontinued at once. The Police Guard will progipily arrest all wlo vici Jale thisorder. ' ' By cunir.tand of JASPER PACKARD, ' . (Vi. Joni'dg Post H EMIT C. LcNG, 1st Lieut and Act'g Post Ad'jt, . 6td81. GPEEK, LATIN FRENCH AND ENGLISH.. Tim advertiser leaches the above and wishes to obtain employment in that way, any lime after the middle of fepiemher next. Having i.o mail communi cation n't Marion. N. C, where he is now engaged. any party in want of his services may addrees 1 . -.1 Meroney, Esq. Salibury, who will exhibit testimo nials and arrange terms. GEORGE PADISQN. Ananst 12th. '65. 61-67 i- . i .j i ol II e HlSiriCl Illness ill Hc;t:iiruani:i- won iuv. The income lax for 18ti4 will be assessed in this district. II. II. HELPER, , dif82 , Assessor. 1EW SKIRT FOR 1865 HOOP - SKIRTS. T W. BRADLEY'S NEW PATENT DUPLEX O ELLIPTIC, (OR, DOUBLE) PRING SKI RT. This invention consists of Duplex (or two; Elliptic, -Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tighlly and firmly together, edge ly edge, making the toughest, most flexibl, elasiic and dura bl Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like Ihehnigle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and be utiful shape more than twice as long as any single spiiiff skiit lhat ever has or -can b v made. The wonderful flexibility und great comfort anil phasure ro any lady wearing ihe Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particul irly in nil crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, chnrcb news, arm chairs, for promenade and house diets, as the itkirt can be folded when fn use 10 occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enj-tyed the' pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the- Duplex Elliptic mrci oiiuii omri lura single uay win never alter wards willingly dispense wilh their use. For chil dren, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to anoiners. The Hoops are covered with 2 plv; double twisted j-tbread and will wear twice as long as the siiifrle vara covering which Is used on all single sleel hoop skirts. i ne uiree Dotiom rods on every skm are also Dou ble Steel, and twice or'double covered to prevent ihe covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, fcc., &c, which they are constantly subject to when in use. " All are made of the new and elegant corded tajvs. and are the best quality in every part," giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shaDe "possible, and unquestionably tne lightest, most desirable comfortable and economical skirt ever made t . t T ff WEST'S BRADLEY & GARY, Late J. I. & J. O. VVes, Proprietors of the Inven tion and sole manufactu rs, 97 Chambers and 71) 81 Reada Streets, Nev ork. For sale.in all first -.ass stores tm this cuy, and throughout the UnHel States and Canadas, Havana u; "v' i"ico, ' "Ulh America, and tbe West ln- aies. inquire to the Spring SkirU as jIIows : M.ui. five Raleigh i 4i p. m Gre'nsb'ro2.l? a m' " . Salisbury ti 4'i " Arrive Charlotte 1U.10" (iOl!G Lave Charlotte 3 (10 p m .Si.lisburv 25 " Gre'nsb'ro 10 151 Arriv Rajeigh 4 3d a m ACCOMO DA TlON. Raleigh ''UK) a. m. tire'nsb'ro 1'2.50 p m Salisbury 5.00. -Anive Charlotte 7.00. " EAST. Leave Charlotte 5 95 u m " Selisbnry 9,00 ' ' Gre'nsb'ro 1.115 pm Arrive Kalei"" ,.iu SOUTHERN BOOKS. . .' .i .1. . i ..i Mail Train connects lOast anil Uesiwun ine ia, U and Gaston Train for Peleisburg and the North, tA with theU. S. Mil,tary Railroad for Goideboro, .Npvcbeni, Motehea.l City and Wilmington. Freight Troin leaves Raleigh at I1.H0 a. m.Char Iciie fi."0 a. in 'stopping, at Shops over night. . The uii.il Train onlv will run on Sunday. Fassen rps are notified lopmcurj tickels, before entering ihe Train as additional fare will be collecled. E. ILKKS. Eng- oz Sup't. (tf-G7) " Sterling Campbell and Albright, PULISUERRS, . A l dealer, hi Bools, Stationery, ' dr. , GREENSBORO, N. C, C CONTINUE TO PUBLISH "Oli: Own" Skrie J of School B.K)ks. consisling of Primers.' Spelling Books, Readers, A riihnieiicsHnd English Grammer also Binoham's Laiin Grammer and Cresar Wb ofrer our Bodl-s to I eacher3 aiul KooKseiieis oji as moderate tetms as are oll'ered by pnb ishers in any part f the United States. IT For, specimen copies or lists of prices udderess as above. Aug. I Oil) ''5 dnio. THE Underwriters' Agency j Of New York, ) CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ARE ISSUED BY THIS, ASSOCIATION. JOHN D. BROWN. Agent. Salisbury, N.C., Aug. 25, 1865. tfdTT Webster's 'Spelling Books PRINTING Readers, T?(,R SALE AT THE BANNER I Office. AIi nnr '.ivvii series Spellers, Duplex Elliptic or double l!ranimers, Arithmetic. c, Jc. ' 59 dtf 1 r-13 Good New! Good News!! WHOLE'SALKfc RETAIL ioneelyTyoung & CO. A R E at their old sta-fd Jenkin's corner. Old times have come agai , and they would invite City and Osnntry Merchants to call and examine their stock of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats and Caps, and a large and general variety of GOODS of every kind and description. .. . , i . , We receive from the Northern Market the latest styles of goods , WEEKLY BY EXPRESS. T PRODUCE taken in exchange for fioods at market prices " -.2 rn .lenkin's Corner. 3wd70 Home Intelligence Office. N ORDER t. meet a want in the community at I hr-e, the undersigned has .ipened an office- as is .."ersons in pr).curi..g g.-.I setvants. ad senant f , p firing Jo, homes, fi.r the preset, or ensomg ve. r. Those wishing emptoymet.t v, ,11 find .t gr. al ly lo .heir in.ereM to rati h.hI have tlo.r names le istered, wilh ce.tificates of re'onm.-nd .Ko.,. Office-Register office in the Court House. Officers, to 12 A. M.. Forreference-Jas. II Enniss, M-Vjr m II. IIoeiton.