4 ,. 'A ON nn ;' SALISBURY, K C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1865. NO. 87 VOL. I. DAILY ON SUBSCRIPTION VERTISINC. AND. AD- Otr paper will be published daily at the fellow ,ng rates in f ederal currency . . Jajly, 1 year. " G months,. . . . " 1. month, ........ . . . .Feekly, 1 year, , . . ' " G months,-" . . " " 1 month,' Cash in advance. , Rates of Advertising. .$10 5 00 1 00 $3 00 2 0C 50 'V , (PArABLE IS ADVANCE.) a constitute n square. Square, 1 ilay, 11 1 week, . . . ''. 3 " ... " 1 month, . 1 00 50 00 00 00 3 G 8 10 15 00 3 20 00 Tu Advtrtisers In Detail. THE RATES VTLL DE A3 FOLLOWS '. ,rt ftilnmn 1 month. 2Q 00 'UVl 11 v , 2 30 00 3 1 2 3 1 2 . 40 00 . ' . ........ 30 00 " ........ 42 00 " " ...... 50 00 . 50 00 ' 75 00 a ' 100 00 -.Half Column One Column 'u it 3 Special Notices will be charged by the square m dollar for each insertion, for one week; and entv-five tents for each insertion, for 1 month. No advertiaemenst inserted unless paid for m vauce. . - , , , The name of no subscriber entered on our dooks less paid for in advance. . " . t No one is authorized to receive and receipt lor ,ney for subscription or other work done at is Office, except the Publisher1 and the Propne- W" All letters concerning business of the ice mus. be addressed to gTEWAETi Editor fe Publisher. "WlSE Th TEVKfi STBA r, '.CoMVBOm&E- -Last summer a bank clerk in New oik stole $100,000, - lie lost the money v "fighting the Tiger." He then called on a lawyer and informed him that he as a ruined man and thought of suicide, ais led to the following dialogue: "How much, does your defalcation uonut to V "One hundred thousand dollars. "Got any of it left ?" . ".Not a cent." "That's bad; you have left nothing to ork with. . . "What must be done V "You must return to your desk and stract another luindred thousand." "What must I do that for ?" "To preserve your character and save n from gg to the State prison. ,Tith the hundred thousand dollars you e to steal to-morrow, I intend to com romise with the hank. Your stealings "ter to-morrow will amount to $200,000. will call at the bank and confess your fense; I will represent myself as your eart-hroken uncle,4 "honest but poor;" will offer, the bank $50,000 to hush up ie matter. The bank will accept. This ill leave $50,000 to divide between you mc that is $25,000 apiece. With lis sum you can retire from business." The young mail listened and took on visdom. lie doubled his defalcation md compromised as the lawyer said he hould. He is now worth $250,000, and counted "one ot tlje most i;espectaoie ntlemen in the city of New York." ren The sensational story about a minister from '.laximilian to President Johnson, presenting him elf to the secretary of State with a letter of cot lolence on the death of President Lincoln, and be hg politely bowed out, conveys at least as much nformation to the State department as to the pub - ic. Nothing is known in Washington of any such elter, or any such interview. ' H'd Q'rs Post Salisbury, ) , Salisbury, Au. 28, 1865. S General Orders, ) , . No. 3. . , , THE promiscuous discharging of fire-arms by tol- "iiers or citizens, within the- limits of the town of fcalifbury, muist be discontiuued at once. L The Police Gpard will promptly arrest all who vio late this order. t By command of JASPER PACKARD, Coi. Jom'dg Post Henit C.Lcno, . 1st Lieut tnd Act'g Post Ad'jt, 6td8J. TERMS OF TO THOUBLIC, 3rd Collection District, Salisbury N. C, Sept. 1st, 1865. -J. I HAVE divided this collection district into divis ions as follows : 1st division to includ Anson and Union counties; 2d do Stanly and Cabarrus ; 3d do Rowan ; 4lh do..Davidson ;. 5 tli do. llavie and Yad kin; Gth do. Forsythe and Stokes; 7lh do. Surry, Allegany and Ash ; 8th do. Wilkes ; 9ih do. I redo 11;. 10th do. iV'sckleuburtf ; lllh do. Guftu and Eincoln; jui io. t aiawDu ana Alexander ; I Jin do. I leave- land; ltlh do iiulherford Polk Anf McDuWrUf IJUIiUOiiiuc tiui iiiaui Hon nin nt. iipi imiMm anu ijaiioiifmiia. wi do. Haywood and Jackson ; 2Uth do. Macon, Chero kee and Clay. I will consider the application of anv 'loyal, ener getic, business man, who may reside inside the se veral divisions indicated above for' Assistant ' ssesr of the same : provided he can mke and subscribe the following oath prescribed by act of Congress, July1 1862: I, . .... .... of . .... County of and State of do solemnly t have never voluntarily borne urms against the Uni ted States since 1 have been a citizen thereof ; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, roun sel, or encouragement to persons engaged inarmed hostility thereto; that I have neither sought, nor ac cepted, nor attempted to exercise the fuctions of any office whatever, under any authoihyyor pretended authority, in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded voluntary support to any pretend ed government, amhoriiy, power, or constitution, wilhin the United States, hostile or inimical thereto. And I do fnrther that, to the best of myr knowledge and abiUtyi I wi" suppw1 uud defend the Constitution of theftjuited States against all enemies, foreign and dometfic ; that I will bear true faiih and allegiance to the lame ; that I will take this obliga tion fieely, wlthoul any mental reservatiort or pur pose of evasion ; and that I will Well nud faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter : So help me God. and subscribed before me, ) this ...... day of ....... A. p. I8fi4, S All applicants must write their christian name or namvs in full, otherwise they will not receive notice. All persons who were doing any busintss in this district on the 30th day of May, 1865, for which a license is required, will be assessed from the 1st day of May, 1865. All persons who have commenced any buniness for which a license is required since the date t tfe (bliabirtent of. tha dtricl. to WiL: tit 30th day of May, lbGa, will be aseeei from the date of commencement of said business. Any person, firm, company, or corporation, desiring to engage in, prosecute, or carry ou ahy trade, busi ness, or profession in this district must first obtain a license therefore provided by law. Especial attention is directed to section 53 to 70, to 71 to 78, and 116 to 123, inclusive, of the internal revenue act approved June 30th, 4864, as amended by the act of March 3 1865, relative to. spirits,' ale, beer and porter,-and licenses. . The necessary blank applications prescribed by the Commissioner of 1 nternal Revenue for Licences can be had at my office. , No manufactured tobacco, snuff, or cigars, nor distilled spirits, brandy or wine, can be t-hiped out of the district unless in accordance with law. The income tax for 1864 will be assessed in this district. 11. II. HELPER, dif82 ' Assessor. NEW SKIRT FOR 1865 HOOP SKIRTS. JW. BRADLEY'S NEW PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC, (OR DOUBLE) SPRING SKI RT. This invention consists of Duplex (or two; Elliptic. Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexibl-, elastic and dura ble Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and bcutiful shape more than twice as ' long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can j be made. ; The wonderful flexibility .and great comf rt and pleasure to any lady ' wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirl 'will be experienced particularly hi all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church, pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house diess, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy .a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. . A lady having enjbye,d the' pleasure', comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For chil dren, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. i , . - - The Hoopare covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the tingle yarn covering which Is used on all single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also Dou ble Steel, and twiceror double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, &c, &c, which they are constantly subject to when in use. . All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part, ging to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and ate unquestionably the lightest, most desirable comfortable and economical skirt ever made. WEST'S BRADLEY & GARY, Late J. I: & J. O. Wes. Proprietors of the Inven tion and sole manufactu rs, 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Reade Streets, Nev ork. For sale in all firsf'c ass 'stores this city, and throughout the Unie J States and Ca;iadus, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, nuth America, and tbe West In dies. Inquire fo- the Duplex Elliptic or double Spring Skirt. 59 dtf t William H. Bailfiv. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and So- "' licitor in Chancery. PFERS his professional services to the public. I'lttlS ujfalnpt thn f4rivr.ru mpnt nHi usl mp nt 0 of coDfiieations ee l t!e m n t of contracts and collec tion of debts receive prompt attention. , Office hours 9 a. m., to 1 p. m-. 3 to 6 p. in Hf "') propose s to establish a 1 h. School in Salisbury y N. C. rrW.4 lJa iitwint fhirtAAti v'eara exDwrieuee asm I .lVahf ' hU' i.rotjoii.a',lu r rtmir6 vouilil-JieU: i i ; Real Estate Agency. The undesigned wil give his attention, if desired to lje pucnase and sale of real estate. " VV. ti. UMLVjX. plCE Register room in the Court House. iUnrtr. 22. IRKS. tf-76 ByUGHTON, WHEAT. TAI MERS desiring this wheat for seed will ap ply at once, or leave the money and sacks with M"rs Crawford and Laurens, where a sample can be sen Price. $4 per bushel. JOHN WASHINGTON Sulis ury, Aug. 18. 2wd-73-2tw-l Chtriotte Democrat two insertions, and send bill t this Office. PRBSBYTERIAL NOTICE, I SALISBURY, N. C, ) . August 16th 1865. J THSiPRESBYTERY ,OF CONCORD, will hold its next regular meeting in Statesville, N . C. Com. mencia the loth of September next, at lloqJck A.M. 7 4 J. RUMPLE, Stated Clerk. COMMISSION HOUSE, "SAliSBUtif: jv. c. THE UNDERSIGNED .HAS OPENED A vnmitisiou House iHUWr-N. i. mi oU citsconFignments of merchandize, country pni-luee, etc. Liberal cash advances made. W. II. HOWERTON. Salisbury, Tune 6, 65 tf-2Q "change of time. Comtantj Shops, August 10th lSG. . S OV'aND AFTER 6 25 p. m. Sunday August I3tli'l865. Ttrains,will run until further orders as follows: mail going west accomodation. T i?leif?h 7 40 p. m Leave Raleigh U0 a. m. LT Wro2.l7amx Gre'i.b'ro 1250 P m SsLy X - Salisbury 5.00. AtAHcMgl Arrive Charlotte 7.00. (illl.NO EAST. T rh.rlotte 3.00 p in Leave Charlotte 55am . i'b 6 " Salisbury 9,00 . S.10.IV - " Gre'nsb'ro 1.05 pm Arrive Raleigh 4.30 a m Arrive Raleigh 7.30 ' , Tnin connects East and West with the Ral li j fiastnii Train for Petersburg and the North, an i'luhel" M.l'lary Railroad for Goide.boro, NewVrn Morehea'l C4ty and Wilmington. F - It Train leaves Raleigh t 11.00 a. m. Char lotte G?iO ' Pia8 al ,SI,PS over "ight p TI mail Trail only will run on feunday. Passen- rersr notified toprocure tickets, before entering fhe Kin as additional fare will Eng. & Sup't. (tf-6") ' ' . " ' - r ' THE Underwriters' Agency I ; .Of New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, " ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable "in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ARK IIIUID IT THII ASSOCUTION. JOHN D. BROWN, Agent. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 25, 1865. If d77 Webster's Spelling Books FOR SALE AT THE BANNER PRINTING Office. Also, our own aeries Spellers, Readers, Gran1111"!, Arithmetics. fc, dc. tMI ' DENTISTRY. - ..A-. H. 1, Coleman D. D, S. (Successor to Dr. F. Bason',) RESPECTFULLY OFFK.1S HIS PROFES sional Services .to the citizens of Salisbury and vicin ity. . '- ... Dr, C. feels assured with the experience of four teen (14) years practice hi can give general satisfac tion He cmi ba found nt hia office, fornoerly oocli," pied by tr W4 F. Basom at en hours. " Teetfi, provisions will b received; sucFi as bacon hanS, no. 1 flour, chickezs, butter, eggs, &c, at market prices. my3()tf WALTON HOUSE, M0RGANT0N, N. C. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED the above Hotel for a number of years, are now refitting it and puting it in good order for the accom modation of the public, and those who wish to visit Morganton and enjoy the fresh Mountain breeze, will find al tha Walton House a good, comfortable Room and the best furnished table iu the State. HUNT & WALTON. August 7th, 1865. 3mo-62. SWEPSOM, MENDENHALL, & CO. G E N E R A L Commission Merchants. FOR THE SALE OF TOBAdcO, RAW COTTON, COTTON YARNS, CLOTHS, & NAVAL STORES, 121 Front St., New York. T. J. 8UMNIR, Company Shops, N. C. Robert R. 8wepon, 'Bam'l. Gt. Murphy, New York City. Cyrus P. Mendenhatl, Preaident Farmer's Bank, G reeneboro M.o." --. i--:.- Dun'I. Worth, Company Shopi, X. C. Geo. W. Swepson, Haw River, N. C. juy 5-6m SOUTHERN BOOKS. Sterling Campbell ami, Albright, PUBLISHERRS, A.iid dealers in Books, Stationery, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C, G CONTINUE TO PUBLISH "Ouit Own" Serii Mihool Books, -consisting of Primers. Spelling Books. Readers, Arilhmelic8and English Grammer aso Bingham's ' Latin Graminer and Cocsar. ,W oTer our Boots to Teachers iind Booksellers on as iiiodernie lei ins as are offered by publishers in any part if the United States. O" For spt-cimen copies or lists of prices adderesa as above. V Aug. 1 0th - (5 3mo. THE WEEKLY BANNER. -o- jfiL S1.3SSJ5."3r?, FAMILY IEWSPAPAR! -o- J. J. STEWART, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. - . - . 4 JOURNAL - OF THE LATEST A JVEWS, Politics, Literatnre, Mar kets, Revennb and other Reports. . o The Great Paper, of Middle North Ca- . roiina, Will be pirblished on Monday of every week. The BANKER will contain more reading matter than any other Paper in the State, and shall be thoroughly de voted to the interest of onr whole people. We desire to circulate it extensively in Western North Carolina, and : would earnestly request our friends to aialis4n; -procuring subscribers. ' . Tkrms Si ngle copy on e year, - $3,00 Six Months, - - - - ' 240O One Month, - - - - - ; - Pavments in advance. Address J. J. STEWART, ' Banner Office, Salisbury, N. C. 4