A Numerous Progeny. In the village of Springfield, near Gretna Green, there jesides a respectable old woman, named Janet llolthart, of Johnston, who has lived to see her offspirng (n their fourth veneration. Since Janet was dandled on her mother's knee the' world lias seen some strange mutations.. More than one kingdom has begun; and eoded, and. dis tance has heen annihilated by the steam engine und electric telegraph. Janet had entered her teens before Bonaparte com menced to play his brilliant part in the world's history, and ere Waterloo was f night she hack well-nigh reached the inidt die of life Journey.. Though now many years -past the allotted swan of three score years and ten, she still retains pos session of all her faculties and enjoys good health. She has, as we- have said, been spared to 6ee hen children and he children's childred unto the fourth gen eration. She is mother to ten grand mother to forty-nine great grandmother to forty, aad great-great grandmother to one, making in all the very respectable number f 100. Peebles Advertiser. PRO BOP PUBLICO. THE JUST' SUBSCIBER HAS OPENED A Ccmmissicn House and is. how prepared to, receive ALL kinds -of Produce and Merchandise, on consignment mid Commit'", for which prompt returns will be made, on tales. His former acquanlances in the mer aniile uoinumnity, and now especially, the public irpnerullvi is sufficient guarantee. (without reference.) 3 jj FRANK FORD. Oct. Uth, 18fi5. dlmopdl26 -JWOOD BELL. WM S- REED. BELL & REED CMM1SSI0N BROKERS. . 0VE8; FIRST NATIOML BANK OF YIG1NU, Governor Street, Richmond, Va., Buy and sell on Commission Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco, andproduce of all kinds. General Forwarding' Agents, AUend lo arranging the Internal Revenue Tax upon Manufactured Tobacco- Refer to : Hill, Warren Co., Petersburg, Va., Rogers, Adams &, Co., Richmond;. S. C. White, Liberty, Va.; Gen-Duff Green, Washington, D. C. BELL & REED. RICHMOND, Va., Agents for BUCON, C LARDY- & CO. Manufactured and Leaf Tobacco, and General Gam iuisioii Merchants. . . No. 181, Pearl corner Cedar St., N. X Oct. 17, '65. dlmo. JOHN DOOLY, That CAP and FUJI Dealer. RICHMOND, VA. II AS conslantl v on hand an extensive stuck of ev ery article in his line. His goods shall be sold to Mer chants from North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, at as low prices as.they can be had. at the Jobbing llat houses in New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. Haviug the same facilities for getting goods from. first class Manufactories as any House in any city. Pur chasers are invited to call and examine my stock. Oct. 14. d3mosl22 T). B. BRIUG FORI). A. MTRA. wm. m;i8 v . RICHMOND, Fa., Augutt, 1865. ' IT having been reported that the Syotswood Hotel had been confiscated and closed, the proprietors deem t proper to assure the Public that such is not the case. The House ia-oyeii for the accommodation of visitors, as it has beon from its- opening day in Sep tember,. 18G0. , . ' The Ilonse has been remodeled, renovated, refur nished, and put in perfect order throughout, and the traveling public may rest assured of finding as com fortable acr-Minmalions with us as can be found 111 any first class- Hotel, North or South. , , Our friends, patrons, and the travelling public gen erally, wishing Richmond, are cordially invited to make their home with us. and no pains will be spared to mak them comfortable, as we are- judged to sustain the well known reputaticu of the- House. Oar fwTtnej patronsjwill fiud the oldi employee of the House, still in our service, were lhay will be pleas ed to welcome them as formerly. CORKERY & MILLWOOD. Proprietors. Oct. M. d3mol22 Fall and Winter Fashions. LATEST S'UYLES. Mrs. McFARLAND. . Mantian Houte. HAVING just returnedi from ths North with a ehoieo STOGK. Latest styles of Bonnets.-Ha if, VeiJ. Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Sil'i belts, farrcy Buckles, hair Netls, fancy head Dresses, old ladies' Cans, &c, fec ALSO, is, prepared to cut and make ladies dresses, cloaka and children's cloths, in the latest fashivafc would be pleased to see her former customers ahd the public nerallv- Prices reasonable and prompt attention to lorders. Oct. 1!), ie(J5-diyl26. NEW GO NDSI THE subscriber has just returned from the North, where his extensive acquaintance has enabled him to purchase at the lowest figures, a large and el egant assortment of STAPLE and FANCY MY GOODS, T J 17 i GROCERIES &c. which h ii enabled to sell at IoW prices' far IJii Stock selected with reference to taste, neat- 'V . .. .. , ness aid1 durability, consists of every variety f ARRIfflGDilLY; "MAJOfr TURNERT NEW STORF." A LARGE and BEAUTIFUL collection of LADIES' WATS and TRIMMINGS, MO'URNING GOODS, Lawn, Calicoes, Shoes and' Gaiter... A large asoortmentof ' .-' ' I have also pa hand a choica rriety of ' t :pjiT goods; D YE STUFFS PAINTS & GLASS Crockery, !vs 'Cutlery, , Dardware, Glass Ware, &c. All selected from ths best markets of the East. This is one of tJia finest assortments ever brought to thia.wTarkl3t. ' Gold for Bant Notes. IVoTES of various North Carolina Banks wanted for which GOLD will be paid. Apply to M VV.JARVIS, . st the office of the Br.N Salisbury, Oct tf, 15 7tdl21-4tw9 G. Ladies Dress Goods; 6- August 8 1865. J. C. TURNER, Cowan's Brick Row Main St. tf-63. Hatd AT AUCTION, Large Sale off Land and PersonU Pro perty ; HAVING returneduo my home in Virginia. Lwill sell al Auction on the premises, on Wednesday, the 25th ist my frm, sailed "Graham plafcontam ing abonl 86(1 acres. It is located in the Scotch Irish settlement in Rowan, county, on Third Creek, ex. tending across the same, within three miles of tin rd creek depot, has from 60 lo 75 acres ofi rich bottom land, s-uai'ble to both grain and grasses two comfort able dwelling houses, and all necessary out buildings, several pea'oli and apple orchards, well! watered with asteain in each field, and numerous spriugs, abun dance of wood and limber. It was originally two farms, and can be advantageously dividedi At the same time and place will be sold the crp of corn and fodde -. liay and straw. 4 good Mules, 2 good horses. 45 he-ad f fatted hogs, 50 head of stock hogs, cattle, wagons, ploughs and all the fanning imple ments. Will be sold on Wednesday the 1st day of November, on my pl.toe near .Salisbury, .the cr p of curn, fodder hay, shucks, xa , -'U head tatted hogs, Jo .head slock hogs, 20 liead cattle, including several fine MILCH COWS 20 head sheep,, horses, wagous, ploughs and all the farming implements. ,jALSO all the household and kitchen furniture, embracing beds, mutratses, steads, bureaus, tables, &c. Terms, for personal, cash. F,.r land. S1500 cash, balance in three annual equal ' instalments, interest from date, title relainet until paid. JOHN WASHINGTON. .Samei. Reev9 Sr. Uuciioneer. P. S. Wagons will meet the 'Western- train at Third Creek depot ou the 25th.insU and convey iren tlemen lo and from sale, free of charge. J. W. Oct. Hi, 18G5. - ''tsl22 LARGE SALE OF PERSONAL Hose, Handkerohiefs t . HooprSkirts Oomba and - ' Brushed and in fi.ct everything needea about a. ' LADTS TOILET;. Gents Dress Goods, t Ready-made Clothing, Congress Gaiters, and Blank Books, Paper Valises, Crock, em of all deoenptums, Hardware,. French M USTAJW, oMCo$- nan . Brand il Plantation M titers, a lot of ntnes for,-Medical purposes, GOOD Biurets, Shoe Bftisehst. ISo&Jcing Gla&ei. Slabs and Pencils, Browns aud Brush'es-, Ladies Shawls miAl)SlLlW15UOWJS'&C0 No 2. Granite Row .. . . , . . j v ti-i ii"r;;-, ,"r Respectfully invite the attention of Ifcii 'public ni their friends, to their'tihlire hew Blocker ' ' , v ' Comprising the latest and most fashionable styles of DRY QUODS, Moots and Shoes, Hea dy made GlotJiing, Groceries,. Hard ware and Crookery. Jn part the following articles: Black Bombazine, BVk and colored Me irifioes, bVh Alpacas, bVk and' coVd1 Muslin de Laines, printed do. Ginghams assorted, bVk & fancy PRINTS, fancy Poplins, Irish, Linen,. Birdi tyt Diaper, table Linen, Towels blo'hd and brouxi Domestic. Jackonets and Cambrics, white, red ' , gray Flannel sPlaid Llannels. Ladies and Gents Linen Rocket handkerchiefs. d0 do Shawls and Cloaks, do do Hats and Caps, assorted.' rl,, do. Boots and Shoes-assorted.' Also a good supply of Sole Leather and Calf Skins Shoe findings assorted. CofrVe-, Sugar and Tea.. No. 1 Mackerel, kits, half barrels and barrels. Bacon, Flour and Gheee, best in the market, and many other ariicles 'loo numerous l' mention. No charges for showing goods give us a call he ft;r tuning elsewhere. Our business will, be done exclusively for cash, or ibtarte', wa will I ruJe all kind of produce. ! Be mr and gire us a cmII at Murphy'? Brick Row. i JOHN A. BRADSIJAW.. JOUN,Dj BROWN, TIM. E. BROWN,. and a lot of t 1 AND A CARD. BRIDGFORD & MYERS, AUCTIONEERS, .General CommissioB & Forwarding Mrrthants Dock and" 17th Streets, Richmond, Va. Oct. 17. 1865. ' , dStno. AGENTS WANTED ron oun ' GREAT NATIONAL WQRK; THK Standard' DISTOR T of the- War. Containing a full, authentic and reliable acoount of the " great conflict," from its commencement to its ekise. Complete in one very large vol u ma, of over 1,000 pages : containing reading; matter equal to three large royal octano volumes-splendidly illuslra ted with over 125 fine portraits of Generalanibattla aceneR. This is justithe book the people want. It pjre-sents rare chance for Agents. Teachers, energetic llv rtariitHiid disabled ofit- J"S ...v-.., -J J ne,rs and soldiers, in want of prcftt&Ue emptyinenl, will find it particularly adapted to their condition. This work ha no rival as a candid, lucid, . enb,lete. authentic' ard reliable., history of lite. war. Se,nLfor irculars arJ see aar "terms. Addreas. JONBSB30 THER?S &CO., 18 West.FonrtrWtreet, Cipoihna " , t)!. dja120-12tpd3.w. P Rfl PERT I. II AN ING. determined to close up my- farm ope rations in Rownn. I will Fell at Auction, on Wt-d-nelay the . 15th NOVEMBER next, at my Yad kin river Farm, 5 miles East of Salisbury, the crop of Between 2H00 a nd 250d bushels W HEAT. A larg quantity of OATS, FODDER, HAY; SHUCKS $ STRAW 2 MULES, 7 head of HORSES, 82 Aead. Cl TTIjE, nearly full blooded, DE VON, including 8 t r 10 very fine MILCH CO ir c& GAL VES; GO head of HOGS, stock and fattening, SHEEP, &.O., &c. ALSO tw four horse wagfins, and one I horse cart, all of mv FARMING, IMPLEMENTS. WAGONS and PLOUGH GAERING, set of BLACK-SMITH TOOLS,. one, large Kettle and Wooden Molasses . Mill, two Wheat Fans, rf . , At the same lime and rdace, I will also rent for nr. lyear the FERRY,, on the premises. 1 Terms made kown on the day of sale. . P. B. CHAMBERS Oct. 19, 1865. dwt ' - , i - SPRAGiUE! BROTHERS GROCERY MERSHAJSTS,. i QZD STAND; StfLZSM UMT, C. I Oct. 3.. 166 5 3jaodpd J tl .CQNFECTI()NERiES. : A(iiyt tb haif has n.thsen t.W. COME AND SEE it will " )n syss gwo, costs ntning, ind if jo say it will cest nsxt to .thing. COWN TRY BARTER and rfODUCKsf every kind ukea.ia exchange for GOOfS , SPIICIE and BANK NOTES takea at arket - ' - - - - - rate' ft,xchsBge for Goods. I have formwr s.new ropartiMnhip with the ahov named gentlemen, for lite purpose of rfoing a Mer-- r irTT v T7 )7 0 Y T) J TPi ! wiandiiing busines in this place, and hope that mv ASKFJi -jOllUlYdi (sSLUSl JO exlt,rienci, j the huinM both as buver uvd seller, will b some advnntHge to my old customers, if they will givo me a call. Very respectfully, JOHN D. BROWN.' Salisbury. Oct. 11, JtyPS. tfn!19 THE S ACHED DEAD. Daring the Warthe Graves of many have been unmarked owing to the impossibili ty of pncurjri. pnper Country Merchants t ' Will W aapplied with stocksof goods at a modete, advffc.,an New Ykkprices. ' vy. ii;, HOWERTON,, ; . mtssi MWti rrtv. THE SUBSBKIOERS KING WHITLOW & CO. On he Burnt Block on macnder's old stand. Fayetevills St. Raleigh, N. C. JfOW anaoce to the Public they have opened Marble and Stone Works at he abore place, and would respectfully solicit or ders from Western North Carolina and other por tions of the State. Parties by writing (o us can have their wishes supplied. - We. we prepared t fur--njh MONUMENTS, VAULTS, HEAD STONES SLABS and MARBLE MANTDES, fcc vasoheap. a any firm in tht country. We have the services of an Accomplished Carver,-. and can, execute the most beautiful and' tpirittullt dssigns v We will also contra for all kinds of , ' Sim i? Wbtft; and Mans&rtri): 1 ! ' t H Rrtin-w-Ui. W. Mordict,.HaU!gkf; liit.. Heck, da.; Editor UnUu &lntr, tJisbnijrv Qat. 5, 1864, ' - "' - dAnollf .