' """" .. . - "" ' '.- '- ........... . ... ..... , -17" , - ... .... r . J . . 1 ' . 'I . ' i i ' . i ' , ' r . . . . -... v. . - - - . . . ...1 ; , . . i . ...... I I 4 SALISBURY. N. C WEDNESDAY, TERMS OF ;aily, 1 year " 6 months,. ... , " 1 month,.... ,...t'.. etkly, 1 year, ; 6 months, " 1 month. Cash in advance. r- Wwi rirat,t an the Wld, and repent E?7fM,! Wcy? VVi.o', I fay l i'?1'1 Nobody but a durned sneak. t- .. . . jm t SUBSCRIPTION AND' AD- , freedom I The fakf i. np Rlrmn'i o jand his caterpillers made such a -ckirn Or- paper will beipublished. daily at the -follow-! sweep-of everything,' I don't see much to t ; ratin Federal -currenoy:: . - i rekonstrukt. 'Hipv tm.lr Cn Ilhpr .io 00 fies immnd here that there's narv liber- KAi r 'hans antl '""'Jto WMurerd f 00 ty iJetlt; I ,Cfnid jiarj rekonsrruktfd atci 4&jte5rt.wlikto '.j-00 ,,",,SH,I skjIj States before this. Arfv 2 oc whki. anere was nt nuthin K do ... 0 butjjest logo off and let nsalone. We've f. yhmty of Staestoen .uleiitrof men Wor GrovemAr. - 7 , Joe firewn int dead kpW XT sfandin at the door with JiTWAVJb'offioHi . 7 .. T-e m-i Mtm --nL. 7 looo.. NO ' 148 m , , Kates f JdrerfMUff. r nr iwiff orowlnclinft ',",,u,r f i0 uoor WHJi Ju W v- jiiare Square," 1 ly, " V wrek, , ... 2 4. O U o " 1 nionfih, . " 2 " " 3 " . a- i i ' T liwrtlsers la Detail. TIIE KATES WBUL IB AS FOLLOWS': iii ter Column 1 niwnth, . . . ........ . " 2 '" Half Column ti . i a One Column it it 50 00 00 ... 30 00 ... 40 m ... 3 00 ..... 2 00 ... 50 00 . . . 50 00 . . . 75 00 . . . io oo S;(;ih1 Notice will be chared by the sqnar ; tiollar lor eacn 'Kisepswn, lor we wet-K am i -ctity five cents for eadk insertion, for 1 monlh. No adverttseineiiKt nwwted uwtvss Mtid tor in Jvan:e. Tlic nume of no subscriber entered on mi r books Jfs paid for in advanoe. N( one is anth iied to receiTe and receipt tfor ner for sobwiiirftien r dther wrTc dotie at Jirs Office, eztmt itibe "Publisher and rle xr. . KF" Altl letters conwrnmjr busines ifice must 'be addressed to 3 1 2 3 I 2 3 J.'J.TEWART. Editor fe Pcbi cblisher 1"'00 ;ood are they doin wt)0 wants 'o see 3 50 m any longen. Evcrvbody is tired of 00 tlie war and we dour wiffct io see any 0Q i more signs of it. iiggr-vfliit want ie 00 1 'e, and tle whittten don't Want '-em. aird as for the witne -wtu-oe ! Igollyl Well, there 's use talkiirg when tlie stai fall agirmaybe the winien wiW be harmoiiizeiri That male business that oath -iibotifg ttin letters ! Geo-tigerl -They always wa-s jealous abont the males anyhow, and that order jest broke the eanefs bacHc. Well, I must confess that it Vau a .powerful small concern. wmd try o sorter sukkhIi it over if I knowed Xhat to say, 4t Iwi't. If they was 'a.fwed (if th' wi'nen .wih'-dint they say s. dt they wa n't lat do they make 'em s-WKrfbTf Jest to aggravate 'tMiii Didn't rti ey kTiow that the best way to harm-Hnize a inan, was to liarmotiioe his wife ddr t ? What Jajtrni can the wimen do by recpmM.'.tMr-ie'irei-g oath free? They cau 'vwte, imv they 'u't pieafch, air iold ottis, noi play soldier, nor mus er, nor wear breeches, nor ride straddle, nor cu s, nor chaw tob-rfeeh, nor do nu- tlnri hardly hut talk and lire fetters, i MhZJ "u,ua,,"s ow". t'Conntry asafe, pro f 2SVe,'V,,s. Wljl kl M md-'W Prop me of tfhe BX'1 ANOTHER LETTER FROM BILL u li!11 An,"A-lK lat-eiy made a very happy hit, in4 'letter to Aitemus Ward, lias writtenflie following an the same strain on ic -stat of the cmintrv : From tine Rome Courier. BILL ART ON TOE ETATKOF THE COUNT UV. Sweet land of Lfberty, f tlice I sing " Jsot much I dont, not at tlais time. If there's any thing sweet about 5iierty m this iwii't ot the vineyard, 1 can t ee it. The lan-d's good einsf and I would nt mind heariu a hyine or two about the d'rt I live on, bur, as torfindiw sngar.and liberty in (teorgy soil, its al" a mistake, ilowsuinever, l't hopeful. I'm ittwch calmer and sereener tlian I was a . ktw months ago. Ibeg?Mto feel kindly to wards all people, except some I'm now tvleaverln to be a grett national man, ve taken up a mottoe of no Korth, no nth, no East, no West; but let me 1 you, my friend, I'll bet on Dixie as g as I've got a d4Jar. If 6 no use to i both sked u(es. in fakt its wuo pujred.torjrjeat to dode builitts or aave uro Pj V mf nowliu about for offiswatrt ereriM or, and t&ey ain't a go- utviro -ptc lur 'em tb&n 1 Uvts. Vv wnt IJy hokey.we 11 uive two of 'em e cqnitePhead, and ax nothiu to boot. Let jAlinny'uii their own side, and frit orer amnnr th fob who don't wkhUis reoonstrukted. There's tnwa iswspaper scribblers who slip down to the e(fee o-Dixey every 24 hours, and pnep orer at us on tip lie. I hen they run back a puffin arid 'blow- inrwiti .-a bright coat tail, and holler odt, '"Pie aio t ded he ain't dead look out everybody. I'm jestlroin thiir seed his toe move 'heard him gMtfrt'j le'sgorn to' rise ain. Don't withdraw the sojei's. bt send down more troops immegeatelyi" An44ier'sybiir Uaroer' Weekly a headin all fnch 'afeassVUies and slanders in evt-ry ihisue makin insnhin JfCters in every sheet breedih evw!rin disced, aid chawin bigger than ever since Hve got likf Wh old Stonewall had cotch 'Shese Marp ersftlheirj Ferry, nd we boys had fenoud they wasoing b keitp 'op this devilment so )ong. We'd a mdebarjiists of'tliem-sertam, payroll or no pay roll, i hiriMv for a -brave soldier,' I.say, reb or no rebj yars or no yark:; hurraW for a mtfnjy foe and a fyfteros Hutor hmraw for 6r s"ide;too, T fjolly excuse . i.ej but sish expres.io-ns will work tlx ir wa out Sfnetime, brakes or to bmkes. ut I'nfor Mr. Johnson. I'iri for all the lohi mjh-iti k bully name. There's our Governor., who aint jin at a discount.; and there Andy who nsdoin fivMful well ainsiderinp, and theres the 'hero of -Sh;.)h. peaCR to his noble allies. An flag's Joe my buhy Joe -wouldn"'t I walk ten.nrles fot mi,y nj,t to see them hael eyes andleel thifrrm of his si.ldier hand. Didn't. mJ T xJster ahiys d'ap his wirtjfs and crew whenever a-nd the poor grl fell morta wonndei 'tier nnnnnnv hncKoJrvA fi fcju t. o j iTiai Hue ieit cer tain he dfd wot'fcnoe t "rifle as load Tbe recent snWdehce of tiW fitters of the Serfie, rraffCe. has Maled a tinm. berof cnVr3eirte lyg: initsmwddy bed. rUet.tings, ft 0oft Welaeed eeal. WJ?;e tli the arm. ef Catberine de j was tbntid a arge bafchet iAaok. tool- - isneu stone, ot a singular mako. The most curious discovery was, however, a small copper case, containing a portrait Mdlle. de la Vallire, painted in oil on nieral. This work of art, whioh had re gained for a century and a ha-lf at the bottom of the river, has undergone but ilitte alterarion tlte oarmiwe owily had turned black. nearn ifoat a vaUt tertiel made a wim-! W?use,i fr quarters ? " Instinct told him that nt was me true prince, and it would make anv 7 V U'KW.AKto. 'sTOt.TfiN ON NIGHT I 't IV 29ih, Oct. a b V Stud Mnl. vnr Uruf limbs tfiid.rj.inin, mriliain th about j earmold, iiiiio we.rK ejira. vv wilivT!. dnllarn. reward for iht .Vl'ule, and $S0 wartl Tor tlie Thief. WtSROiNV & BROTHER. Nov. 94th, m5. 2wdl47 i a uiir tumir Sweet land of ol.... f If1.. I I ...1 I l .. i Vlll" 4 1 JUL 11 IS , .uiu iy uauie cry are Ui.xie a tue , tjul uivselt nnonious to cb sex. I'm higlilv a irood Unin non. en pwt feer fan -becawse it had a pikter lua- nized, i H'eckon. Now ibe trotibJe of all sich is that after these bayonets leav e lere ana uo -UotRe, twese . tvettveoat tv- lants 'caiw't come baelt any inoie. Some Qeorgj' fv?A will i-wash the juice out of Vm sertini, and that wouldn't' be neither harmoniows -or healthy. JJetter let tiae wimen alone. ' Then tlicre is anotlher thing I'm waitin for. Why don't they rekonstrukt the niggers if til y a eevergoin tot They've give 'em a powerful site of freedom, and very little else. Here's the big freed Men's buro, and the little bums all over the country, and the papers are full of grand orders and special orders, and'par agrafs, but I'll beta possum some of 'em steals my wihkI tins winter or treezes to death. Freedinan's buroJ freidman's humbug I say. Jest when the corn need ed plcnvin the worst, the buro rung tlie beli and tolled all the niggers to town, and the farmers lost the crop, and now the freedman 1s getliti cidd and hungiy, and wants to ir- back, and there ahit to, lint freedom is for freedom's buro I libertvvof thee I don't all right. I in for free-' Nobody wants any ;oie txWtftm'f to be nigh him. I like all the Johnsons wants to r i bat nuthin for 'em to ;o CD biir 1 1 i ii r- Hurra 'Hut you see, my friend, we are gettin stless about tome things.' The war had kum miry heavy on u, and after the g collapse, we thought it was over for nd. We had killed . I I 1 I ' 1 - I 11 slavery. Jt tlic auoiiistitniists Nad let us aione we w.-uld have tixed it up riglr a long time ago, and we can fix it tip now. The buro aint iixed it, .and aiut goin to It don t know anvtuiiiir aeout it. ooun gnd it. For twenj yers me and Sam have been work in torther in the justice court. I was an iverlastin defendaut, and 8am the Consta t)le, but be TieVeT sold my property nor skeeied Mrs. Arp. Hurrew for -the Jolinsonsi Well, en the whole, there's a 'heap of thinjrs to be thankful for. I'm tliairfiful tire war is over--that'i the big thing. Then I'm thankful I in't a black republican. I'm thankful that Thad Stevens and Sumner and Phillips, nor nope of 'their 'kin ain't no kin to me. I'm thankful for tike faigh priv ilege of hatin all such. I'm thankful Iliwin Dfxey in the State of Georgy ; atad our Governor's iwuie ain't Brownlew. Poor Tennessee I I goHy, didn't she utchfe Andy .Johnston's p.nrdon's won't do rehtsrriiichfliad there. They better git 5ne from' the devil if tlwy ex ekt it to .pass-. Wewder what ade Proviiienw iifflikt 'em with such a cuss. "Hut I cant dwell on siuh a sulg'ekt. Its highly dejijoralizin and unpio!? table. ("Sweet jr.Tid ol Liberty, of thee," j 1. could iMl'sing -in Tennessee. Hut then we've had a circus onccmore and seen thedlowb pliiv 'round, and that makes up tor a hep of tfuuble. I" fact, its tlie' best singn of rekonstruc tion' I have yet obseived. You ii i, hopin, ' !3ill An?. P. S. And they bawled Grant's cabin a thous and miles. Well,' Sherman's war horse stayed in nriy stiiiilo one night. I want to seH the stall to some Yankee. State fair As our.' people ain't the sort that runs alter big folk's things, the stall ain't no more .tlian any other -Stall to ?n State Fairs, "is lor aie. I suppose that farpc.'S Weekly or Frank Le.-ly -will paint a piktevtw it soon, by 'draw ia mi iljr.-ii- jutagitiation. It. A. rAtrOETTBaBRO., C0 t MISSION A N O FORWARMNS ME R O ti A K T S, A KB N"EUAL PUCWIE tALKRS, NEW IflEUNE, N. O. Kovenyber 3rd, 18b5. Jm lJt. Roberts, Hutohison &. Ffrter BUR WE&i B. nOBERTif, K. NYE HtJTCHISON, JEHU FOSTER, ALISliUIiY, N. CAROLINA, EXCHANGE mzOKEHS, Buy and til Gold bilvrr Coin, Bullion Bonds and Bank Notes. A Tragic Wedding. The town of Ivaschus, in Hungary, has just been the sceno oi a tragic event. A gentleman of the environs was ; to be -married to a young lady ,.f the town, and on the day iixed for die wedding the bridegroom and his friends 4-..VK, 1 i 'o Iks until the novelty of the thinir had ! V,lr'1leo,, ,mve- ,u Iiro1!e1e! M rii off unA w . -i. . . ! tor the oooiMiiirr -r than any abulishiu- t all over. Children were iucreasin kJ vittels diminishin. By a close cal dashun it was jMtrsevcd liiat we did'nt 1 our enemies us last nc tli- rted. and about t U'ra ti... t ti,rtni. ra,ter KOIH round tor J wee .vas a i,itv that on, nC rZ 1 tbw'n christians raised thirty seven dol-1 Y. Mong. Uunng the repast, .. 1 . . " iielVj 1,. I...-i.l . . .1 I o i WHICH WHS CPI-vpH a Iqk H.a r.isi;i xt l ot cut ott the breed of funinerssomc ' s u ' "uuu 11 '"ggl cutircu in oaviui- - - , ? tmf rhn li t nun.- iney are oowarrtii on meory uiu. w jvdicu. hu uiu uih- mighty scace on practice ut its no use talkin. waitin .who's been foold 1 1st. We are as poor as 'Job,- but I'll bet I o flsllott ll'k itnil HtllJlt Itl.ll'.t Illitllilt 111 i VI '.7 1 I til V Ullll IcilOVj IIIWI I.' IHVIHUJ " Rome to build u nijrfer fbiireli than ihev did in JJostovvn, 't he -papers say that ! went in. procession to Ivaschus, preceded " it IlllH . 1' - ! 1 oidc -.. the lios-! j "i"vi oi music, ana nrin nnes as .it. .... ' .1 ' "I T . ' which was served utter t ho INSURANCE FIRE, Lift and Marine, Repr vnting a Capital of more tlran $w,ooo,ooo. Commissron Merchants fur thepurchas or Salewf Coiitu, Tobirtjeo foe N. H, Orders .from a distance respectfully solici ted. rroKurt attention given to collection of claims. Hefrrencefc riven whaa required. Office No. 1 Covns 6rick I'ow. ' Novemtrr 8'h '85., AI49 t. c. worth. N . SAN WflBTH TIAIYTTP COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, T. C. and B. G. Worth' old stand outh Water St., WILMINGT03SVN. C. , Will giro strict persoiml attention to Sale or Ship ment of Coiton. Naval Storesaiid General Produce A Ipo, to receiving and forwarding Giwuif. Agents fur Cpw Fear lilie ot itiver Stemners m Fayettrville, aud Scil Line's to New York utid PlnU delphit. s Dealers in Cotton,-Bagging; Rope, Lim, Plaster, Guhiki, l ord's Feriiliier, Salt, and Coal, November I A, Iba. pdlmdlSC Winter Fdshioiis. LATEST STYLES UcFARLAND. Mr. or 20 e seed a far fight. veara ago. llien you would General Sherman itld nt have walked over the track, i Ulyses would have killed more men n he did of hut own side. I hav al ys thot that a General ought to be rtiklerwhich eide le was gacritisin, Vell, if the war is over, what's the j of hllin up our towns and cities with fliers any longer. -groom on .thvsutrden disappearance of Jiveipboirwill know by who nau gone io uer niomei Mr. Johnson says hes i m tat kitchen. , The husband went to HTWltie to pvnfi imf ti t tlisif'a nil tl.-il lw nnn iln nnW- 41rtA Illc mil'. 1 i .1. - J ii ',' ' , " iiu, anu, seeing ner m tne miusi its all anybody can do. Mr: John Ws heaos- i-A o.,.n. ,. n . i A , fevel. Pn, tor him, and every bouV ou,d,t to be , 0tt' U1 ,ot ?me"' requested he to rorhim only he's powerful slow about some things.' re , 10 the dining room, bile play 1 ain't a worsbinm.. i,i. ll i fully reiuseri nnrl run ow-nv. 1m.ii jhitlc jis lenn hunaw for Andy Johnson, slie ent.Uor vnnnor hnl:inri t ion took hear folks hoik ill It I lilt rOlm-n 1. ; T 1 T 11 . L. A he's our nw, v m V ,' - . K 7 1 fle' ftl,(b aiming at her,' cried, ne s our tieiid. ell, ppose he is, hadn't he ought ,t)ine J T ' P -u rVuL to be? Didyou expekthimtobeadog. Bekause . T? ,e171Inna J ... lhe ee.arv to be d avin " 1 ..r'ft'u, anu repneu. rue, n yuu 11TI v n ere s vour re- strtiktion that the papers say is soin .a rn.Vidlv? Wh,Vc thn UK.-to, 7"'". 4ua,!Pn. us 13 .x....v .. ..w .v v oipocru around the fltst0ol of poweP and makin lbe rifle went olfthat instant, Man sit n IToum. tlAVimjii?t returned irom ine norm witti e. chice STOCK Latent styles of Bonnets. Hats, Veils, tiibbons, Feathers, Fl iwers, Silk belts, faney Berkles, Imir Netis, fancy head Drestta, old ladiea ."ape &r., dte. ALSO, ia peparea1 to cut and make ladies dresses, cloaks aa elmdrrn's cloth, in the latest fashions would ko pteased to see her former customers aud the public general! -. Price reasosatle aud prompt aile nuou to Orders. ' Oei. J, 18o5 dlyl96 FOBS ALE, A number of well rooted Grapevi ie, cousistingof fitie varieties, tor further ialornatioa apply at this of fice. . November 8th '65. if 149 'PRAGUE BROTHERS GROCERY MERCHANTS, pLI) STAND, SALISBURY, N. Ooi. 3 l66S-!inodpai!l Z r I I V