. . , rfiil m I: I iTIii ILU SALISBURY, N. C , FRIDAY VOL. 1. 24, 1865. NO.- - 156 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND'iAD VERTISINC. . Otr paper will be published daily at the follow ing rates in Federal currency: ' Daily,.! year 00 " ..-'C months, .-. & J .''I month........ J Weekly, 1 year " G months, z " I month, .......... 1 U Cash in advance.. .''"' Catessf AdTertlslng. (PAYABLE is advance.) Ten lines or less, small type, or one inch space, to constitute a square. 1 00 ; 3 " 00 :: -:::::::: 1SS J. u 3 '.'.', 20 00 To Advertisers in Detail. THE KATES WTLL BR AS FOLLOWS! Quarter Column 1 month,. -0 Jj" u u 2 " 30 00 3 40 00 Half Column 1 " . ". 30 00 t. 2 " 42 00 u " 3 50 00 Ono 'Column 1 u "9 , n o (U uu " 3 " ..... 100 00 Sp-viaV Notices' will be charged by the square oi, ,i,llar for ea.ih insertion, for one week; and sever ty.-live cents lor each insertion, for 1 month. No advertisement kiserted unless paid for in L Yhnaine of no subscriber entered on our books ' s unless paid for in advance. -- J0 one is authorized to receive and receipt lor nwney for sutciTption or other work done nt this Office, except the Publisher and the IYoprie- t0'V All letters concerning business of the officenui-t be addressed to ,,-.' J.J.STEWART, Editor k Publisher. GENERAL NEWS- American for the work. Foreign cotton is dull with a rWlina of one auarter. to half pence on Surats for the week : Orleans middling has ad- vanced a penny. London, Nov. 12 Consols closed at 82 a 82 ; five twenties C3 a 63f. The Confederate toarrter Shenandoah has been delivered to the American Consul and will be sent to New York. Captain Waddell, his officers and crew have been unconditionally dis charged. . , i-T7.,ri Tf naaM attended the Lord Mayor's ban- : j4Ci i .wvwv- quet on the 5th instant, aDd paid a tribute in u;. cr,o.h frt the memory of Lord Palmerston. over, and hoped that the Ke p u of i c,freecrf rom-j the sin of slavery, wouia prosper tor centuries to come. The commission for the tml of the Fenians opens on Wednesday, the 27lu instant. illNEMEADOW ( FOES ALE. I ltVE boul25' aerei of fine meadow lying 4 miles0 Salisbury, in tight of the Sherrifs Foard foaJd, jiich r produces aunually atat forty or fifty balei excilleot hay,leare' of kroom sage fcc, which' c'e,i e at a reasonable price. At!0(la 1 '8hin(f to see or hear from the said mead oWC8jdoit by calling on Hotl. B. Craige at Salis- bur?,' j01P" ulacKwell near the meadow. ti t !. S4ttrJfNov 24, 1865. WM. F. WATSON. 6id-ltw.l56 Verelatelv, as to create alarm, and citizens are Wiously 'contemplating the formation ot vjgi lance committees, two men i.vc . -... in encounters "with highway robbers, and peo ple are nightly robbed on the street and houses b oken into by burglars. About noon yesterday, the collecting mes senger of the United Stales Saving Dank. hav. ina5,000 in his pouch, was knocked t.own ou&one of the moot frequented streets and his money seized. The collector, however, fired his revolver at the robber, who dropped the money, but escaped. . ' Beruoistct Co.'s bank was a s robbed, yes terday, of 7,000. No clue io the robbetb has been obtained. San Francisco, Nov. 14. Letters from Aca pulco to the 6th inst. state that the French ar- j rison there had been strengthened by. the am- j val-ff 500 men from Mazatlau. 1 ' Late news from Mechoacan states lint the French have collected cousidt-rable forces, and scattered the Juarist forces, CHpluring five Lib . eral Generals, named Ortega, raraparas, Dios, Zalazeanand Trourzo, who were subseqireiilly shot. This angned General Alvarez, who had proclaimed the life of Eveiy captured, French or Imperial Geueral as forfeited. ' New York, Nov. 18. The N. Orleans Times says, in relation te the rumors of naval and mil itary preparations : " We have inforination that we are not at liberty to disclose, giving positive corrobaratibn to these rumors, and we hesitate not to predict that uules the French troops are withdrawn from Mexico before Christinas, tnere will be active intervention on behalf of tltp liber- als. and the traditional policy of the - UfStatw will be vindicated." Biigham YoungTias had a new " rerelation." He says it is " the. will of God that the sisters should make their own bonnets andi hats for themstlves and their families, from straw and other materials raised in the Utah mountains." The next " revelatiou" will probably dictate the style in which they are to be made aud worn. It is said that brigham Youug has h large la vi rye straw u for sale in lots to suit purchasers," which perhaps accounts for the straw hat reve lation. Halifax, November '20.---The rteamship Chr na has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 12th. The cotton market opened dull aud closed firmer, with an advance ot one quarter penny on Tom Savers, the pugilist, is dead. Liverpool, Nov. 12 Cotton Sales to day of 8,000 baies ; market 1-ss firm ; quotations' unchanged breadstuff:' unchanged, revis ions limit:!'. London, Nov. 42. Consols 89 a 89; five twenties 03 a 04. FKOM WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. 21. Mr. Trescott, the agent of South Carolina, had an interview with the Secretary of War to-day, and received from him a copy of the order addressed to the tax commissioners, saying that the immediate postponement of the sale of the lands for di rect taxes in the insurrectionary districts is in tended to" embrace all lands of whatever char acter and description, and therefore dilecting the commissioners to postpone indefinitely such sales iu beaufort, South Carolina. .COMMERCIAL BANQUET. Toronto, Nov. 21. A grand commercial batP r . . ) I .1 I I. I.I in . i . ti t A ItMrrrm numW of hutiine&s men from the U. State are expected to be present, ine opicsoi oipcussion will be the Reciprocity tieaty, enlargemeut of the canals and building the Huron ami Outaria b'nip canal. HEAVY RAINS IN THE NORTH. Boston, Nov. 21. A violent ijun storm pre feor ' Line of Staamers. JJaitimdre, rhiladelphia, New York and Boston, via Albemarle and Chesa peake Canal HIE COMMODIOUS STEAMERS fJONEER AND COMMODORE ADAMS, Will leave New fttne for iVorfelk on -TJKSUAY of each wek at 8 o'clock, A rtESSSESSSfS H connpciing with, the different lines of steamers fir thabove-H!iiitj(i points. Shippers of Goods will revive everye fuciliiy and kcconimodalioil for the tr importation of tlie same, us drrungements have ban niarfe with the different companies to forward gods m this line at low rates and without delay. Ef-liof thRe K(eaers are capable f carrying T) 0 HUNDRED AND - FIFTY TONS OF FREIGHT tlfough the canal without difficulty, as they were hilt upresslv for the trader They are titled up wih STATE "R U and BERTH S capable of nc cjiiiiodaiinjr thirty-five passengers'. Every utten- i., ...:n i ir cdint'iirt of af8 Hirers, who Wll not bo subit-ct 1.. the inconvenience of transfer tiother vessels, but wifl De lancn wiruMSn ' tUt.ut change. , ' ' ' ... Ti,.i!.hlHSf the steamers are liberally supplied vU the be.t the market affords. Kainiliea travell- r will find it t-tlu ir interest lo taKe ' :y xviH thereby cseape the danger and discomfort ...me.iii.d the Idtisue .t railread travel. ' .1. . . i.l. IJ.,)r next, if lll business of nil r iji " .... . wiMu iii i i line narran.sit, the steamer WILLIAMS will be. ,lt o ,.wnd tri-wtkly trip, w.l be mude. ' frefhl pans a go mpply to W 111 1 1'OUD, y'ML. - . N B-,. N. C DAVID WIL.LIAMH, Pmprlttur. 110V 2'i, tf-I55 SALISBURY DAILY GAZETTE. I. WUITFOKD, GEO. W. DILI., W. C. WH1TFOKD. VTIUTFORD, DILL & CO., SHIPPING, RECEIVING, FORWARDING GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEWBERN,N., N, C. -Personal atteBtien paid to the sale f Prodnce AGENTS FOR Murray's NokTh Carolina. Steamship Livis -Between Newbern and New -York. ' GENERAL VESSEL AGENTS. dtf!5g ! ' -ILL ' ' HAVING qualified as Executrix on the EWi of JmihusA. Fox, deceased, on the 2d day of De cember AVD. J86$, t the Auciien House of , .' I. , . .....' , ", ". ' . 1 will expose to pnblic vendue, portion of be per sonal property of said deceased, consisting of the fol lowing property, to wit : Thrte'elegmit Arm-chairs, one Beatstead.bed and matress, one elegant Bureau seciefary. one fine Wardrobe. Clock. Guo, Rnfle, Pictures, Crockery, Tubles and SaJdle, and other ar ticles unnecessary to meution. Terms made known on the day of sale. a ii nnvu..nc: inHKioH in the Estate of said deceased fill JltlOVilO lli.u.v . are hereby notified to make immediate payment and settlement, as longer indulgence cannot be giveu ; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them lor paymeni wiium mc im.c pi0n,.. bv law. or this notice will be plead in bar of their r. cn fry. Tins tne auin uay oi rwivcmuer . W. 11. Bailey Esq , is fully empowered to wiud op said estate as y Attorney. tf-152 Executrix. I NOTICE. vails It is severe ou the coast. No disinters reported. New York, Nov. 21 Very high tides to-day. flooding the lower portion of the city and causing considerable-damage to merchandise. GENEMAL PALMER. t ..ml, . va.. oi ftpnoral T'almar has been indicted by the Grand Jury of this couuty J pd BituaUd I t , ' ... i l.' .... ....1, ., d.l i (,;rn lllll. 1' for enticing slaves to leave m-nun,. The Columbia (South Carolina) PhoJnix of the 17th, says: ' ' . ' We are informed of a most painful and lata! occurrence one of the hacks from Alston. About one and a" half miles this side of Hope Station the hack or ambulance was precipitated into a 11.. ..1. .if f-l ( l iHj 11 innt Avon. i lie I vjSUlL WHS i That four passengH-s were killed outright and three severely wounded. ; . Among the passengers killed was the Key. Dr. James Cohen, so long known as professor in the Theological Seminary in this city ; Mrs. Van Winkle, of Charleston ; "an English h.dy, (name not known,) a resident in the family of Mr. Pe- ronneaux, of Charleston ; and a colored servant or nurse. There is great blame to be attached somewhere. Uu Jer our present information we forbear comment unlii to morrow. NEW YORK MARKETT--. New York, Nov. 21. Flour has declined 3 cents. Wheat has declined 1 a 2 cents. Corn declined 1 cent. Beel quiet. Pork heavy. Whis ky dull. Cotton quiet sales 2,000 bales at 52 a 53. Naval stores dull. Freights quiet. Gold 1471. . Tlit; undersigned will publish in Salisbury', N. C on or about Thursday, November 23d, 18tl r)'a Duly Newspaper, tinker the title of -V THE DAILY GAZETTE. It wi!l he devoted to Nkvvs, Politics, Litera-Tt'ii-' Commercial Reports, etc. ts columns will never contain abuse of the liv;tr or del' tm-tioii of the dead. I'alf.ntei, Contributors Lave been engaged, the Centre ot Y estern North Carolina, i' will present THE UES1 MEDIUM rUll AIM hKi iM.t in the Slate, South of Raleigb. SHALL offer forsale on Tuesday 28th instant at mv Farm near Chiua Grove Depot, known as th Partee place, allot' chattel Estate, consisting in part, of Stock, Hogs,. Mules, Cattle and some 50 or 60 fine tat Hosts, 1,21)0 Bushels Corn, Oats, Fodder and hay, one Four Horse Waguii and harness, Carts and Buggy, and harness, Fannin implements, one new Fan Mill, Household and Kitchen furniture, snmt good' Beds and Clothing, Twenty Bales of good Cot ton, with many other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms made known on iay of sale- BEN. D. LOPE. JVov. 18, 1865. J 6td-152 $8.00. TERMS OF SUiSRIPTlON : Per Year - " " tekms ok 'advertising : O,l0 C.lnmii, three months, - - . - 1 00.00. One uare, three ...onths, - - - ,15.00. One ?:tiHre,-on weeK, - - - -- d.OO. Qne Suare,siile insertion, - . - - '1.00. A ,wl others in the same proportion. jYillN S. HAMPTON & CO., Pl-blisiieks. Dr. V7. IL C0LE' EuIT0t- WILLIAM 'II.' BAILEr, A TTOIwYIiY and Counselor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, practices in ilie Military Couits, ad assists a distinguished Law Firm at Washington, m preparing claims ajrainst the GrvernmsiH for set tlement. Office Registers Uoom in Court-House. t-l52 A)A IT) F.WARD. Strayed or Stolen from t$mJ XV the Subscriber, on the 8th Novem ber, a Chesnut Sorrel Mare, about 9 years old. Said mare, has a white fuce and the left hind foot bus some white on .t, and is about five feet nine inches high. The above Reward, will be paid for ber delivery t me at m v residence, two miles south west tifttold HiliN.C, CATHARINE TROUTMAN. November 15 1), 1 8G5. 4tl48. D. O. WORTH. N. G. DANIEL. TM CP rjfO-tiT) notes tpul accounts against many of my ,,d patrons, thai were made durm? the late war, 1jniany that have been made since the war. I am neciing money, and 1 will taUe i.t as a special favor i ..ii such will come forward and settle up at once. dl . V AVM.C. UAJVPY. 3td-152J . Bureau of Relief, To' relieve Clerical distress, 'especially in the Southern Diocescx.) Uuder the advic5 of Bishops Talbot, Atkinson and Lay- Address contributions of any sort, and appli cations, to, the Rev. W. E. Doane, Secretary, Hart ford, Connecticut. November, 11 151-tf 0Southerii papers aire asked to copy this till fcrb marble monuments and tomp ' stones. ; JlfA' ARRIVED at lbs Salisbury Marble Ya A STOCK OF MARBLK W'ui'jfhe subscriber wil be f O UXD A T A LL TIMES. To will upon any that may want Monuments, iomo stonesft, of every description. All sorts of coun try nofJeo received in payment'. lr.V I I ... r U Hoi,, .?lr..l OiTJifite the L-utheran ciuuen, . 1 I M. KELLOGG. I ' .. . , if r Sa'iiry, Nov. 21, 1SC5. jma-i WORTH & DANIEL. , COMMISSION AND FORWAUDIiNG MERCHANTS. T. (". and B.'C Worth' obi stand South Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give strict personal attention to. Sale or Ship ment of Cttoit, Naval SlorcR and Ceneral Produce. A Iso, to reeiviug and Itirwarding Ciood;. Agents for Cape Fear Line of'RiVer Steamers to Fayetteville, and Sail Lines to New York and Phila delphia. - , Dealers in Cotton, Bagging, Hope, Lime, Plaster, Guano, Ford's Fertilizer, Salt, and Coal. November 1st, 1865. - pdlnidl3fi Fall and Winter Fashions. LATEST' STYLES. Mrs. McIARLANI). Mansion House. HAVING just returned from theiVortli w;tb a choice STOCK. Latest styles of Bonnets, Hats, Veils, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silk belts, fancy Buckles, hair Nells, fancv bend DresseB, old laditV Caps, &c, ike. ALSO, is prepared lo cut and make ladies dresses, cloaks and children's clolhs, in the latest fashions would be pleased to see her former customers and the publie ire ne i"i lly - Prices reasonable and prompt attention lu, Orders. Oct. IS, 186S dlyl26 notice.: EL aVTVi deteimiodto remove to the citv of Balli- more, 1 would e urnestly request all those indebted to me to come forward and settle without delay. - .1 A. CALDWELL, M.D. Office. Vo. 2 in Brick Row, opposite the Court UollF" , i'tv.21,l"65. ltd&w-154

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