T i V- -t- . ' - . . i "V " A. wJ.,J- ' ' I'Tf ITHJIl" f- 1 - V Tflfi:IINION'.B0NEE SALISUUUV, N. C, DECEMBER -:0,-1885 J. J, STEWART. Editor COMPOSITORS-. WANTED. Two good compositors can get permanent (employment at lliin office, if apulication is made immediiitely.. Tbeliighest prices paid for labor. I ac : :xts' foh; tih: la:;:.eb. j Jl . . Abbott, Cz Go., Now Yotl:. J. M. Goodman,- Esq., Baltimore. Mr. H. D.Gelson " Mi: C. . McDaniel, Wilmington, N. O. - , Rev. R. L. Aberneihy, Happy Homo, WE. Gibbons-,' Eon:, Sionjr Point, Alx.Co, X C. THE LEGISLATURE. This body has elected five out of the eight circuit Judges and four-Solicitors, besides lluce Judges of the Supreme Court. The various cleciions to bo hf.d by this body afford ample scope for - proscrip tion. Proscription is the order of the day ; but it is aimed at those who believed in the right of secession as a principle. To matter how lionest, or sincere, or con scientious was the belief no matter how cDmpe'ent to fill any. office for which Jiis name is proposed, it is sufficient for such latter day saints as Mr. "John Pool to say, stand aside forever ; you may em ploy your high talents n tho private pursuits of life," bii'tyon can never veacli tl.nlnrvl, nn,RfS1l nf nfiiVinl r.nnu-n Thid ' ir ' tj 1 1 T-k t " ' ' ca' column Oi ihe bidisonry Union JJan- satne John. Pool who was a Davis elector, ' .1. o ,a ' m ' ner, ot ihe 2nd msi., the udlowiiK as- and voted tor him for President of, the -tounding announcement : Don't forget so-called Confederate States! ;Svei7laOb'e sale "of' Mrs. Fox takes placolo Judge, and we believe that every Solici-fdax at 10 o'clock, at Elackwood & Co's tor elected were opposed to the clocirine ' Auction .Store." Now, we should like . , ., , to know why Mrs. Pox was to be sold, of secess.on, whde most of them, if wei and lf she actually puirnp ,t auc;ioli; are not mistaken, were of lhat s;ripe, ' at the hour-speciiicd. known as Vance-war men. Judjxc Uarnes ; acted as one of Gov. Vance's aids a i We fess up. Mrs. F. was not sold, but niosLconfideniiai i elation. Judge War-j we are. Come up Mi'. Standa. d ami i '. v. ,',-,. t i i f , - i Hill piOJ UWUf U' ilt:ut:LllJ IU tilt! VjUIIt fedcrale constitution, o assert in doing jO. : O'.ii ticrlit ot' Bccesion. Judare- Fowle was Giipt;i: i ant.1 Colonel, in tlife Confed- craie servicPj and Adjutant Gcnd'al un der. Gov. "Vance'.. - " We have never understood that any of the four . circuit Judges elect, , were j aajm.ea.ana.Clas8meU. as lMU'aiins nn- . - lesb perhaps, ii might be Judge .'Warren.;, TI,o,i ov nil nortnnnllr Wfi hn "Vf nndor. 1 '-'-. . 1 . . . . - Blood, estntiaole .gentlemen, but qnife moderate in point of taloni or hidl learniiisr with a siiile exception.' If lho;p cn.lemen luul iven j-noaid. conn i-enr.nce.-cumisei- or. enconraL,erneot io tlin Kr.:ithp.-n' mnvo,iipni'. .w'fl m.i Id . : nr rt y iv,. trt .virra- hA!nr.. - Hie spoils, me "s. r.Mu is assisteu tt-C U. fa. Loveitinient ..ah tney couiu ccnsis- tenily vidi immmii'y iVom Rrhst und . i"" ',vV-ui- i,- trial o ti'i..bon ana liiey mi- tit niere- . . , . J . , lore, 10. a CMin;ire.ien$ive ant.. oTOiiu-csst view of tho vt' uieci, be freshed as 0 a v i in- fnt-mr il n i- slnd l.irr-.el of ;tlio 'fnr'fAV5U 1 . I , V' . ..... - I m . " ' V W Ot ine cout-neroi'. j ney can .iueeiO!-e .1 rill ,1 n - claim Ul I the honorV, a ad' all tlie; offices as ttcii- ja.l of ihe spoils; utit we e.t;- lieslly protest ainsi those gentlemen . r. i. , who t.irew up tliei?papa over ontecie; a'Q victories, audi aided Gov. auce ,3 heartily, being allowed to "shuck and sUick' aud put on other clothes so quick. Jv. P.oceed. iienll&nan, if von thin! tcihere is no Iierearter.y ''-!Du-we tell yp; sooner! . or- later you iriust now, show yor.v Uitice &hee Jo '. the people They have I rushed you at a day r.nd- iime lien thev were told tha it was exped! - !!- " . . ... ... dit- so to do:, ihey will hold yon to i . , . ,.1 . ' . s.iict aecountaoil.ty; they will .ec of vou ;:t 6 la'd day,, wherefore. ' men who were Southern uien in princiole are to be set abide, trampled under foot, put unae me uan .uiu u, tns same lime men, i .i .i . i i . who were fully as much practically ;iin tlie mnd of iccesion ixs ilic former in Un ' onl .1 tiie mire, ana wuo mve ot evep no ,. , ' ' CXCUSQ -.1UJI HtfiU uiOt'ftu !t V.as rio-h, to go over as lie ''originals" have a.e elected to the highest oftlcesjo-the land. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN-A. HEAL FAIRY i : ; " If.notj now is thejine to grainy a nat ural curiosity in regard to this famous el fin jace. - . .. , ; . On nest Tuesdiy or Wednesday, the town of Salisbury will be visited b j a kkal.Fai-y, in size at feast; and she will appear under such circumsflr'nces as tv!ll omoMd nil -ft-.firm (v firfi!inJiit'-iirn "Ml VIMIUIlJ Ull (V IV'ti iiu .iiitiitii.iiuvi jSmail bill-, circulated mouit6tHit$, givo pavticulii.s, She is in her seventeenth yea?; cweifys abont twenty three pounds? iid is about thirtythree inches tall, Ueig the :sciaU' est ; worn eii, perhaps, in the - worlds :-f"A native ; of old ' Ho warty' 'she respectfully asks every body to, call and see her be fore she starts on'a.''-cbntemblated excur sion, from which she expects shortly toj return aud tell i.'te fortune of every one who may apply to her. By the way, it is hinted lhat she is inspired with" the gift of divination to as high a, degree as any that ever peered into the future. - The Western Mail. f Many of our subscribers, along the Western Rail-road, complain that " they do not get tha "Banner regularly some times get no , paper for several days. How is this? r- Who is to blame in "this matte. We maiMlie papers regularly anu.alwaya.bave iheiUija .the . post of4ce at this place in time for the trains going West; so there 'must be some loose man-; sgement elsewhere. , -Will some one iat'onn us who is responsible for this neg' licence ? ' . RECOITSTRCC1 TON. , The Government turning oyer: the tele graphic '-lines, and releasing- all ; citizen prisoners on bail to appear before the civil - tribunal' for trial, book's a little' like the work of re-constrnction had com menced in earnest. '-These are gratify ing changes for the Southern people and if they will but sustain the mag iianimous policy of President Johnson, there is nothing to fear for the future weal of our lately distracted country. 'IMPORTANT TO PUBLISHERS. According to an act relating to the Post Office " Department approved 3d March 1S60; we see that publishers are not allowed to send any papers through the mail as specimen copies or otherwise, (unless to regular subscribers.) without the -postage is prepaid, under a penal iyof iilly. dollars. - IlJ TOETAJST S E. We read. in tho lo- , Ilalzia'U JS-'anclai'd. , w.;,.. ... , - itilvo tl.uuui Ul Willi, North Carolina Lesrisla oure. senate; i " Saturday Dec. 2, 1805. Senate called to older. Ptaye; by too Ptev. Mr. ilaidie qF the TVesby-.eriao c'uercb.. ri !i hill in extend ihp. c.hni ii- nf i lia IvVnt- ---- - " .-"-.t v "t VI lhe State .oUSfltOi CarpJinalbetriQii U second reading, 'was, op mptioo ofiMi-. Leitcb, h.1dv3 ' table. ' i , A message was received Torj ,tie j Commons, proposing iogointoaQ election r0: ! Jtul-yc of the third Judicial circuit- brthwitti. ouse Oi On motion or-Mr. I itchfoid. the p ooiiion was laid on the ' l able. " ' dr. J. M. Leach" introduced: a te-olut'on :o! send a message to the Mouse or Vommons iv-o nosino- ioo inlo an. eleclioD on Monday ae"?' iai 10 o'clock, tor two Ubited Sta es Seniors .n 'till an.,um .' ho LrToa. niimNfl:.ni'w.,:,.ft t ! O TT UU 7 UC.i VV-1 uv 'n w. litllJi LC VI V VICO Co be declared ejected :b the Ion Lei m, and be : uhosbal) recsrve thesmalteb. u umber to bade- eJ )01 tbeshoii Lettu. ; , . .- : i On motion o Mr. Eure, the esolution was , ., ., , uu , V w- i Uh5 on the table; .:--. v. i message was theo ead toe? the House of ; Commons proposing. to' vote oa Monday lor two UiMted.-.Stalesbeoatoi, ;-.na ujat lue .vrsv elected , , , ) ( . A'-TlIHII AM I,V tu V-. "J, m.uv iuy JUVIH' tlCvl i ed ror he sho: term. - : - ' Af e. some 'uebaie oc the P'ooosiiion, was concurred 7u A mege wa. received f-om the Toase of Common's P'oponng. to vote : tort uvvi to 6. a , a- bf lhe ;boVth Judicial circuiu Corcu. ted tn, tind ihe Seuate proceeded to .voi'e. ildu. 11. liVGiRiatn received all. the votes .cas., xo one ele beins i nomination On motion of Mr. Faison, a message wasseut io Uie House of Commons proposing to go into an election fo, r, solicitor of the fourth j udieial circuj and thai the name of the Hon. Thomas Pi ch.bid iuoveti that the esolurion nro- posin io r-o Into ;.n, election for a Jude of the , third Judicial district be taken up and ..ciedonj a . t... i.. it, UAn. r . a" DU - P'9Ph'" lu'"u' Wl ,,1J- mens oncumng. On motion ot fJr Tool, ac- rc ',,e)eo. ? ;i0btDoned to ?. o'cloc!: todav. The House hav'-n bv mesao-e concurred in :i" ppoaition to vo:e ibr solicl'oi ot the fourth tiiiuiciai circuit, tue oeunte ptuueeuso io volc, Nn nn flse hein-r tn nomination, the Hon. Iho- raat, Seille received all the votes ca.t. ' A message was .leceived from the Ilouse of Commons proposing to go foitbwith into an elect iou for (Uudv o.ihe rifth Judicial circuit, i ! it - ,. i,r n and that the names of Messrs. Lurtoa, iloimes, . K.'pnnl. u.iU Wtiolit werei'in jominaUOn. Co.i- enrred io, and the Senate proceeded-lo vote : Burton received 2C vole?, uoluie is i , French 11. Wright C. ' - -'';' : message was received from die Housft of Commons proposing to go forthwith into an election for oficl tor o the dftb Judicial ciicui;., Concurred io, ted the Senate proceeded io yo e as fol lows : rLeuch received -SS. volts, AlcKav J4, McDonald 4, Waddell 2i;;Cameiou 2, Mc torkle?, Duncau 5. A messaga-wfts sent to the. House of Com raons proposing logo lorthwilli into an eieetion for a Judge of the third Judicial circuit. v Mr. Ferrebee-gaVe. notice that he would enter his protest on the journals against the second i Vun 8 appreciauon ana truer Knowieoge or clause of the amendatnt toll.; consdlulioo of?,!!! l ,UL,' . -. ,r - . . in the Speakers' bation.... Messrs.-Faison. Cowper and' Sanders gave similar reasons. . Hr'. J. M. Leach" was cfearly of the opinion that the. vole on- the amendment, was unanim ous. The journals were aDpealed lo and reid. and it did not appear that there were any d is-, senting vot.; The journals report aimply that the bill passed. TheSennte now proceeded to vote for a Judge of the third Judical circuit, as follows : Eaton v.. . a i ..... w j received 19 votes, Fowle 25. The Senate then adjourned till Monday-morn iv iD, ai 11 o'clock. - i : - - r . r HOUSE OF, COMMONS. M - r. da,Aav naamt,Vo , 0 , n1" December 2. - The Speaker-called the Uouse to order. - rrater bv . tne : lA.ev::iienrv" Hardier of Presbyterian church. ' , The bill concerning tax collectore in the coao - iy of BoHic was taken up on its second readinn ' Mr. Heniy explained the nature of the bHI . i . .1.- -u -j... . io oe 10 reio.e iu cuhuou t loe.iaxes ul lieitie to me. .open jv wmcn, Dy, ther acl ot 4 a ! J .1.. . J . jE i '. . i - 4 ijsuu- oi, was mauc iue uuiy or speciat collec t lor. ...... Ths bill passed? Ihe second reading. Then, on motion of Mr. Henry, the rules were suspended,-the bill passed., the third reading, and was ordered to. be engrossed. ; Mr.: Mailer introduced a bill in regard to put lie records iu Buike county, which passed ihe rirsi reading and was refeired to judiciary com mi. tee. By Mr. Webb, a bill to incorporate the Dur ham Academy, in the county of Orange. Ee fei red to judiciary committee. t I Mr. Smith of .Hertford, oTeiod a resolution to send a raessage lb the Senate proposing tgo info the election on Monday next, at 1 o'cock, j w., of two United Stales Senators, orst, bne io fill the unexpired term beginning th March,, 1 S61 , and immediately thereafter for one lo the" f unexpired term, commencing March 4ih, 13o5, anil the resolution was adopted. ! Mr. Sliaipe introduced a resolution requiiing the judiciary committee lo enquire and repori a . plan i")1 qualifying the recently elected clerks of the superior four.s. Mr. Caldwell moved io end a messnge to ;he Senate, proposing to go forthwith it; to the election oi Judge of the third -judicial circuit, and the ttiotion prevailed. Mr. Waugh Dominated Hou. Daniel G. Fowle of Wake. ' - Mr. Luke nominated Hon. Wm, Eaton, ji., of Warron. By llr. Harper, 'evolution inouiring of the Governor, what infoimation he h-.d received un dei an o dinance of -the Convention, in regard to govei nraent horses, and nudes in the posses sion o.' citizens. A message was received from the -Sen. ;e re fusing to go 'nto the election of Judge of third judicial district. On motion of Mr. Jenkins, of Granville, mes sage was sent to die Senate proposing to go in to the election of Judge ot the fouiili judicial circui,', and nominaang Hon. Robt. B. Gilliam, of Granville. - , A mes. ve was received from the Senate con curring in the. proposition to elec Senaioro on Monday next. Al-o, to go .-immediately into i lie eiecLiuu ui J UULJO pi lue IOIW in lUUlCU! en - cui:. . T'!e Iious'2 lhQll P'Oceedet! .o vo e ar.de. the , .uoe iniende-ite o. Me 's. Moore, pt" Alatti ince, and Jeukin. ol Granville. '-Hon. R B Gilliam eceiveJ loo fotcs, aud-vv?.s elected wjthou; op pOc1110n. -.. .-.";'v--V;;; : -i-' .---";. A me' age wa' ieceiy?d f t orn tire Senaie, anvt 'concur. ed in, ptopoin id go ihto'the elecUob ot Solici o- ib thef'-S"a1&JadK'1a!-' distii aad oomhi; iin ''on. Thomas Settle. '. :.;';"'"' c ; The Hooie voted rude t the superiiiietit'ence o- Mess-rs Bu 'ou r-.ht" Daibyl- The conimiitee . eorleu o, li v. ?eud 1 0 votes,, aud he was d.erelbie-elected. ? molion otXi,-, Psel' ihe Sen. He ) 00,in , iO MieSre w; s ent :o, into ihe election hub ui tie uuj ;-:u:.ciii.cicai ant- iiomi naJng IIo.i. P liu .lon. : " . M . Mukpliy ' nominal ed Hon: 'II S Fien?b ; M .v tvereit nomiflaie iWii. i A Wiio-h . it, ant hi. iioke-upratrtal E,(;, Me st Ruel! ind,E?eti were appointedjlo taenuienu tiie eiecuoii Yj ?s '.v ' -Writer iDtroduued a bill irt favor oT Jese ! j C Lee, iaie SueiiofGurtickiro I'lSCl i 1ft tl '. VP.MrmO' J t , , O A mc sh;c was - receive from the Senate, areeiii, Lo go' - nto the election of Judge of j.he 3 'til ciiCidt, ar.d ilia' So'iVseV proceeded io vote. The lollowing re-i!i -w-w -liter wards raporied by t'hecommtiee ;For Buv?oii i0' votejj. '-rencii 27 ; W.i-X 18, aud Ilol..ie.s 0. Eusion hn-s in leceived ;n:'jor'uy ol the otes cr.s wade- cuuec eiecteu.7 On mo'.ion of Mr. Sim mom '. me?fge (was seut to dje:Sen;;te piooos n logo "tito the ejec tion oi' Solic;Lo: of the iifth circuit. .--.'Messrs! VV S Dcvane, A M ; Wr,!dell, Neill McK y, .job a W: Cn-.neron, Giles LerJi, James M. McCoikfe, ant- A McDonald, were severally pu.. 'u nom ination. The Senate concurred in the proposi tion iiiici '.he Hote proceeded to vote node! (he siiper'nieiideiice of Meis. McNaii and Kenrn. The commiite" reported, the whole nunibe- of vo e& 140 ; iecesuary l i an election 74. De ane eceied S, Wodell :A, 'McKay .74, Cam eron I5j Leitfh 20, McCoi k!e 13, and McDon aid 12. - M'-IIay having. received a majority of li the votes Crs, was &eLl red elected.. "A -je-se reteiveo ;oiu iiie Senate a ro pxis'tig Lo :,o into the election oi'.Jiuie of;lie ihitd ci cui 1, i.ud oomina'iu'.i Wm -Eatno, Jr., L(u,or Werren, l ad tln. Daniel G Oowie oi' Wake. The proppsUop wao ccncuired iu aud ue iionse nice edecrio vote ue';' toe -ooei'it- I eedeuce o . le-s- . -'ei.-Liu c.ud Enssell, ' . ; chi.ou inuod, ce ' bil io aadio.ive " ; . o y v.v... vmui.t w y - !" i'.'-e pu.pose oi' ueepio the public oans, ruici Wi-. reifciieu to the j-'uic 1 1 .om mi'tee. ' -' . ;. '" ; Ou oioliot) of ilr. Moore, or ilnmance, dje uou-e . diotuued uin ' 10 o'clock Monday moMiii-. BY U. S. TELEGRAMPH LINE. ' P'lilatielph'r, Dec. 3d. Forney's Pre3j . lo-day asserts positively. euiJorially. that Coliax will 0e icrelecied S ieake- , end, UcPhersbn. ClerU of the House. He etrys the ac -ion of Mr. McPherson .n refusing io place uporj tis initial roll the names of members elected from Saies in Rebellion, has met 5 he commendation of the National MJnion. Paity. The firm , aud noble course of .these gentlemen, du rini? our oolitica? iraubles. hi5Sf,rinwrn whnt thw ar-p antl iheir re-noroiaation to these "unoortant and re- 'fiposiole othces is the best. and truest appreciation j M the worth aud standing io which ibey are held, ' Mr- Co,fax wil1 raturn to the duties of Speaker I tutu auusa iuc vuuuucin, vouptcu wiuruit? cjl chair. Mr. McPherson, too, whose record: ia so fa vorably knowq to every ennsylvanian, will again be the efficient Clerk of, the House of SRepresenta dves. The policy of the Government will be then assured, and all will be'well. Some prominent ua tional Pennsylvanian politicians who appear to be in the confidence of the President, assert equally puijuvf, witu x'uiuey, iuau we rresiueni uoes uoi endorse , the action. of Mr. McPherson, por desiitjj; . .. the rerelection of Colfax : "thevsav that he wLcsd ajW3outhern members," with proper credeQtial "Miteu io mcir scats, GENERAL YEWS- ' y - a ' Washington, December 3The Eepublicarr cau- CDS re-nominated Hon. Schuyler Colfax for Speak- r anJ Ur Mcrhenon for clerk by acclamation, i Un the other incumbents were re-nominated ex- thetT-cenVmcr the no3tniaster , ; No Southern members were admitted to the 1, caucus- , i'A resolution was unanimously adopted, to be of- I fered -in bothr ??,,sea' for th PPintn3e" ; . of af I committee of fifteen to consider the condition ot ,be Confederate States, and report wheth- ter of tliem are entitled to renreseutation. No member will . . . be admitted until such report be made and acted upon by Congrees. . Washington, Nov. 3. Senator Wilson has pre pared a bill, and will press it to an early vote, re pealling all laws in the South which recognizj un--equalities in civil rights and immunities in conse quence of distinction or difference of colorj race or descent. REDUCTION OF VHg FRENCH ARMY. It is asserted that an imperial decree has been signed, effecting great reductions in the army. Se ven battalions of the Guard are to be disbanded ; i one Hundred regiments of the line will each be re- duced by three companies ; two regiments of car- bineeisaie to be incorporated with the cuirassiers of, the Guai d ;' fifty regiments of cavalry, now consist ing of six squadrons each, will be reduced to five squadrons, and forty, batteries of artillery will be abolished. . The reductions will, altogether, com prise about eighteen hundred officers and forty-two thousand men. , . The El Dorado has arrived at Toulon from Civi iaYecchia with one thousand and eighty-nine sol uievs. Yesieiuay afternoon, about five o'clock, while Hon. .Geo. W. Julian was waiting in the Iady:s room of the denot ai Richmond; Ind., he was approached by Sol. Meredith, Esq., who after speaking a few wo;d?, sliuck iiim (Julian) and partially knocked him dowa. Meredith then drew cowhide from under bis coat and proceeded io apply it to Mr. Julian, continuing until by-standers tnierferred. The iTnmeijiiite cause of ihe difficulty we have not learned. Cin. Gasteuo, 27. " , Mr. McPhe.ison, the CleiL of ihe Uouse, has de finitely decided to omit ihe Tames of all the mem be. s elect from ihe State of Vhgmia, as in his opin ioneven were no rxu?siion of law involved with . espect o i.he iesi oath act, .lie cteden ials issued by Gov. Piermont, which they uave respeclively pieseuted. a;e inegulu 'a loim. Nat. lnt, 30th. A ?ede: J ppymas'er who fJd with $35,000 in to Mesic-o was lately killed by some gueriillas. It l said 'lia. ihe ninesly proposed by Maxi milian lias been accepted by some of Juates officers. ' . Senaic. Doolitile, of Wisconsin, Senato Trum bull, of iiliuois. and lion. Thaudeus Stevens we.-e amonj? tliote wao obiained President .he29ui iust. nlei views wi. a the Knoviile, Nov. 27.-The U iited Sir:?? Dit'cl CAmt "Jcdse Cou.ieily N. T. ;r nvcsiuiOj?, be"-an ' session lo-dar. rJ'he s'ree-s r.nu hoiels Jve crowd- rT 4.-i:!vr.itizcns. The i:.;ntl iftrv aave found ''a- tticimenis'iumbei bp; over ii'neer? huad.ed, for reason and siT'?S"-d ani'- coajfoi-l' o the energy. Pavtieis v.l - jSve Cyneain ca-es, who. iwc y ars ago io-day, yeiejil ibe d :ftruc(.'ve ::-ajlt oa Fo:t ndeis. A''1 Coat t 'will coaunue. Tor some iron Uis. WhetjJani?:-&-epht'a , !ti Fenian leade- was comu2""-t?'J foi: iV -aop 4 1 Dublin,- or? he 171 ul-.. je v23 s'iid by the rf;2ii?:a-'e :f a?.ad anything Lo ';?y o be eha rre. -.xi '-rno'i-idsd. as follows,:'! ":)c view to a?y bwa i en'T :c'.?,-.'!C . I nrve empioycf io a torn?y or Uryt-- if'ih.i cc-e. ac" . r 'ti.ec to c-Tp!oy noae., Iec. uue" ip m; .inj c pier ci defence of nv iviad ! :honld be iSicoa'gog' Br,."b bw nl elanu. NoW X delibera;ely oeay :he e:;is euee of iiia. -law-inlr?li(4fisvjgat'oreven livexU-ence. I epa- die'ihe of-i'exis'ence jn Irehmd, and de y any! run?ohment, h&i can be "nQ'.c ed oa ine. I uave. spoken.;' ! Hoc. Vvrn. A. Grahan?, -.v.t, t.ec'eu U.-.-S.'.Sena-iO .o. ie lonr, 'erm -on . .ic -coac .''..llo-'. Pool, o' Beitie, ?a..l-:ec1 one vote o e! -cdou. t J. A. Yas !10r 4inei, oieu sud-'ealy, hi Pli-IulYjnyon the 27-h. Littleton Tu-ewel' oi Virginia, ,;s dead. Q'h'2 Freed ulna's Bu.ct u - Picbmond have Vep o?dsi-?d '.'o'ref-'-in from exercising jurLuic ior 'n cri uii.ua! ensos. ! . Gen. : low. rd, of ihe Pt-eedmen's 'Bu rout to-day C'rcula. i-ppliet-ble -o .io. e o," die Sou heu ?oole w hose -"rope; :y hr? been esi.oic't- tO.benj, wu'Cii .ie Tte1? tbt'-nui"re-oti cas" . .iave beou -?ro. i w-C of ibe5. um air. y ex ml "oa of eumen ano .eiuef. f.o.r thev- nerreu's on .he pi. n .uions thus -.t 'oreu, aC orders '.hat Iiern'te. till officers cnu-.geiji.o. i ho Bureau will preveiic- the' iecm- e'nee of uclr ejec'men -'n fuiu.e. Ic cases of doabt die A i .n. Commissione- of the 'Siaie ;s oiieced io I'orwa.d tiib ooioion io the Commiion er of be Bur ar before an ci".3 of icstoraiior s is aou. ' r STAND FliOl tiNDER SELLING OFF Java Coi'fee 30 cents, Calico 25 cents, Hoop Skirts $125, Boots, Suoes and Hats WAY DOWN, CALL AND SEE AT Jeukius' Old Corner. Gold taken at $1,50 Bank Money 40 cts. Ueo.b, Idbb. lmd-165 LIST Ot LETTERS ; "r Kemainirg ic the Post Office in Salisbury, to date. JSi. Averrw Mrs. C. A;e,y K'.'sa P Jacobs, Eaa torn - . Jinken, Miss Duty ! . ' Johnsoo, Sidney A Ingram, Wm S Klutts, A L Kurwelt, Noah Kimball, Rex W Kane, AnnirO Umb, Elisabeth A Lyety.JL Iirken, Rorare Lye rly, Gtorge M Lentz, Henrr Llppjrd. CW r-f bs, jm Brot-Vett, Mrs Gilbert R Rullea, Mrs Maris j Brown, Mrs LnTin I Bvmour , Sampson BUtinj, Mi" Julia E Cinham , Henry ' Bcnne.t, John 2 Bouger, Davii Browntr Miss X7 Ball, E W Kaley, 5Hs Francis A trie, Henry EoyJ, Jo':m Correil, Mrs a A Culf, C Correll, H A Cooper, & J A Carter James Curry, Mary C Cowa a liin ry Cunning0iii, Miss Lucie Carter, A C CorreJ, iiis IHiza Chavers, William Canup. (ine Deek, X P Dowell, Saralt Davis, HA Lester, William J Miner, David A " Moyer, Miss Polly ' Murcliison, Mm M C May, WO 4 NcNeely, CK2 -WoCorkhitl, William S " 4.V ! Morehead, JumMi ' Monroe, Peter I - V Miller, WilliataC i Stiller, Polly, JcCoytlH TcCleAer, J H McGee, N H . Mm phy, Miss Cilia .Marsh, Kbeneser H May, Sarah Mco'c'-inel, tenry F Murphy, Miss Locind " Nelson, Mrs R ti Newman, Mi?!! Lottie T 2 Peeler, Solomon Preatiss, MO Price, M iss Fanny Peeler, Mjrgaret, Pinkston, Geiirge W Riggn, Margaret Reaves, Abraham Reiidleman, George Rumieson, Thomas Roba'ds, A J Roso , P VtT Rossipnol, Dr Henry Roseboro, Adolihuj Rufly, Wily Rymer, S ! !. Echafer, T C 2 Pwink, Lu.iUa 2 S"nip' n, WlUiajc Shuford. J - E Scales, NE, . Small, Ma' liia A Solomon, William T Smith, J.me B Kmiih, Mrs Henoersoi' tholtoh, Vil!iam Thomas, V P . Thomas, Mi-s Lalistft Fries, Mirs Margaet r..V.y'or, J A Vail, A-a Vileto 1-t.ic 2 Wyalt.Meri. ft VPaon, William VVooUside, Min ilatilo P Wilson, Jm'9 . ' , Wiseman, (Mrs,' V'i; eman, Mir-g Am: ati V.:.llae,E . ---v. W- Ihl, .lames & Co -WaM, M i s Jjne L Yilsoa, iilir,m L t( on. David Kvans, . lary t ; son, John v,Ua Miles llynt, wnu&T Forrest, Andrew (col'd) Foil,j :Si Ferperman, J H Forney,, --'oard, John W 2 Gray, Cupt j 2, Goodman, .i.-jmcs Si Goodmrui, Daiel- i rj y, o Xi Goodman, .Toh1". i? Gonjrer, F e.f i trf-en . -?r , Kcieltaa Giles.JS Hailheock, Rnfus Henderson, El'clc Hernebcrry. 1 footer, .". I olt. Her, A :.i lltdric" , .Tolin '. iiess, Henry -i Ilush'v, i li Hall, John I endei-'on, Krs Sirai" Ann" Hulin, Jlathew Kenciry.Rohe .-J 2 ' He.i-'erson, .Ta:ns'v howerton, iif Emilie li lTru-er, vOiin S . Haniiiion?, l'roton Hem.ei on, V S Hess, Ales. .U.ij.iret H t i ," .-i'Ha Hni itiiai), B i-n C . -v.:r.-ion, .j.-r i .'3 F . o j , .jeuie m Persons catling for the above letters, will please say they are auvei tieo. . ; --i-.5-v ' ' . A. BENCINI, r. M PRICES CURRENT, SALISBURY, Dec. 6, 1865. " C0RRCCTED WEEKLY BY SPRAGUEB k 103.. A nples, g' seu, per bush. Beans. " . " ..$1.25 .. 1.00 .. 25 .. 20 20 18 .. 35 .. 75 .. 80 .. 10 . . 25 .'. dO .. .0 ... o.:o ... 15 . . 40 io 1.75 to 1.50 to 30 ', Beeswax, per lb. ' Bacon, hog ound, I do hams & sides. " to, to io io io O to to to to 22 23 20 40 80 85 10 30 50 45 Co bhoulders, " ' Co"?ee, " , 'Corn, per bosh, of 56 " i do. Meal, " of 46 Comer Candle, Tr.llow, do Adimaniine, Co- on. do Ya; n, per bunch. IS;, per dozen, Feather;., per lb. F!ou' " ': Tji:4i, AlaclvC-al, No. L ;' Co " lit to 4.50 io 20 Io 5 50 Gl io . . .0 . .. Jo ... to 7 to-21- o 16 Jo 7 1..,,. Ur do . "Ill V-, d.i-d, App'??. olu t i, .11 . 3' " j IS 10 tio a.'-ii u. ''- ': IV..fiiies, ,l'u, :l do jnpl'd. Lr.Mbrf, nnnei, per lb. 8 .0 ;o . . . vo ... io . to ... Jo ... to 50 to 1.00 to l.oO to l.oO ',o 1.00 -io 1.00 io 25 ti I o'l, bnr, u c;:s'iiigs, X..:is. cut, it u (( 11 llok.Cje. i'oigom, per gal. iS West India, : " '' Syr.in, :t i: Onlous, per budi. Po r'o?3, I' isi:, per bu.b. ! , Sweet, 'k " -10 75 1.00 1.00 75 75 20 28 So Saga", Brown, " CltviRed. " C.ushad'Pulv'd. Salt, Coast. ' '' Liverpool, " Table, Tobacco. Leaf, 4 . . to o io io So io to 30 3" Manuaciured, 20 90 Smnl.-inn 50 fio 1.50 . . . io 1.45 ioJ.4:i Gold, Silver, viJjyuiM for sale; T -WIT..L sella pu'nli'i i.nu ion, a,aiy plan auo t o.i J. he Yaci.iin River. otiTI'i'cFd.'y .the tt't of Oe cetiihe insiaui, i!ie 'ollowioji property, to wii : , 1,0U0 bushels corn, call le, .'tnomg ;fe'tfh aree. e al choice Milch Cows, Hogs, Funiiitig todkof ever, deserio ion. M first rale 'J'hieshing .VlacliTue, Wiudy siiill. 4' 'o of riunki-ud Sc.utling, tScc- Ate. JAMES E.KRRC. Dc Is 186i. 2ifl-163 - LA IlGE SALE ; ; - - of Valuable Property. r WILL SELL TPul;( Aac io.i .; myTl.n.ii. lioii i D 1 i ie county, known as .lie Point, on t lie 12ili oi" December. Twenly-nve bead ol CatlTe. Sixty beat! oi tlog, a Huobei- of wbi':.'i ;tre well falle.l.One TIious-nti bcfbelsof Corn, Fifty bus-iieh of VVaeiil, Eigh; bartelsof iSor'iUm Molasses :iu! otbet- .Tticle- no itere mentioned. Tet tns nade kuowo on da of S&le. " LET IT t A ll. WALKER. Doc 5.1865.- S.drx'-lGa A D MINIS TR TOWS NOTICE. A. LL pet sous having claims aga'ost the estate ol' Adam Trtxler, deceased, are notified io preseu: them duly authenticated within the iime prescribes by. law, ortlierwife this notic will be plead iu bur of their recovery. O Those indebted io 'id estate will please .nake immediate paymeal. W. R. FRALE Y, Ada' . MILLS TO RENT. On Tuesday, the 25t!i day of .Decetuber, ai the Iaie residence of Adam Trexler dee'd, I will, real the Grist aud Saw Mills to tht, highest bidder, for a term of twelve months. The reniigg will take place pe cisely at 12 o'clock, M. . - - W.R.FRALEY, AiA'rt r Dec. 2, 1S63 - , IU163-wtl7 VALUABLE PROPERTY. AT AUCTION. s , , ' v ' . , . SATURDAY; COME AND SEE. ALSO: - ' -t i . ; , j. .- 2 Fine Buggies, . 1 Ilorsei, and o.her good things BLACKWOOD Ji CO. Dec. 1, '65 , 2t 152 National Tbakiring Day. - Proclamation by President Johnson- By the President of the United States of America. . A ' I'RQCLAM ATIOX. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God during the year which is now coming to an eud, to re lieve our beloved country from the fearful scourge of civil war, and to permit us to secure the bless ings of peace, unity and harmany with a great enlargement of civil liberty : And Whereas our Heavenly Father has. also during the present year graciously averted from us the calamities ot toreigo war, pestilence ana lainine, wune our granaries are full of the fruits of an abundant ason : And Whereas righteousness exalteth a naiioo, while sin is a reproach to any people: Now, therefore, bo it kuown. that I Andrew Johnson, President ef -the United Slates, do hereby recommend to lhe people thereof that thev do set apart and observe the 6 rst Thursday of December next as a day of National Thanks given lo the Crentor of the Universe for theso deliverences and blessings. And I do further recommend, that .otf the occasiou the whole peo ple make confession of ournalional sins against His inGnile goodness, and with one heait and one mind implore the Divine, guidance in the wavs of national virtue and holiness. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand,, and caused the seal of the United States lo be affixed. ' Done at the city of Washington, this twenty, eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six l.s. ly five, and of the Independence of the U. States of America the nineteenth. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President : Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. - CtiAWFORD&CO., "-At R. & A. MurpJufa Old Stand, TEAS. ' WIS II the people to know, in tewn and country, that there can be found, at the above place, a large and well, selec ted Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ''... f - AND CROCKERY. And they wish them to know that they are determined to sell them as cheap as the same class of Goods caw he houaht. They wish the people td examine their slock, and give Uiem a chance to meet their wants. If they fail to please, it shall not be for a wish on Iheir part to 00 so. Hiey Inive all Kinds of -Ladies," and Gentlemen's : , DllEhS GOODS. ; nshally kept in this market.: A superior lot of Table and Pocket Cut lery; a large und .varied.-' assortment of Tiiblc Ware Sione China, ind Delpli Milk and Butler PANS. A lar-re lot of Giocei ics Suiii. CotTee, Molasses aud Tea. DYE STUFFS, STARCH and SPICES. If the )eople have no money io buy they Ci'n baiter Flour, Coin, Corn Mcal,.l?acon; Lard, Rntter. Eggs, Leeswax, Dried Fruit, and Colion. , Now on hand a lot offgood Flock for sa'c. K. K. CKAW1 OUD. ) j;b. lauri.n, ' V CRAWFORD & CO. AV. IT. CUAWFOKD. ) Salisbury. N. C, Nov. 13, '05. '3m UC. MANSION HOUSE, COPvNGR OF MIAS ASO roaier Si's, Salisbury N. C. , .5 . . --. . - . f E ARE -emodeli(ns? ''efurois'iitig ano' putting ? in tieifeci o--der ihrouohotH lhitold and time Honored Hotel ; uud ihe iravltug public may test asureti o" fi.uli ns comfortable eccoinmodalioii. KliEVMS & LOUUIIENNOUR, Proprietors. HjV.-a y, Nov. 27th J865. tfd-159 C. W. ROSE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Winc. Liquors Teas, Coffee Sugar, as- -boried Groceries. Fish and PRO VISIONS, CRAVEN feTREET, (OETWEEN SOU1H FRONT AND TULLOK,) EWUEUN, N. C. O" Mevchan-s and Traders sending orders to bs shipped by exprew, will have them promptly filled at a slight advance oa New York prices. CC. Thomas, with ) C. W. R. & Co. 3mosdl September 29. 1865 . 8 MARBLE MONUMENTS AND TOMB ' -. V- '.: - STONES, : r f - ... 4 - - - ' ,. O UST ARRIVED at ih Salisbury Maible Ya f '-,-,- ...... A STOOK OF MA RBLE. Ybere the. subscriber wibe- . f ' IOUNIATLLiTIME&S To wait opon auy lhat mar waul Monument s,. Tomb stones &c, of every description. All Hrls of cooq try p oduce received iu payment. ' . j, Opposite the Lutheran Church, Main Street. M. KELLOGG. Salisbury, Tov. 21, 1865. 3md-l52 AVILLUM. H. BAILEY, A- TTORiYEY and Counselor al Law and Solicitor W in Cttancery, practices in the Military Courts, aad "-w assists a iiitiuguiaaed Law I irm at Waslnnjton, in , preparin '..claims' against the Governmsnl for set- r tlemenu Office Regisleis Room in Courl-House. , tfd-152 - O A T rp To exchange for FLAXSEED Oil LJ I m COTTON or BEESWAX, en-. qoireof BURBANK, GALLAGHEB& MORRIS ' tfow Vyatton)8 p;at Jf 1 ! " - ( T n1 V r 1 X V

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