f ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION AND AD-i-S VjERTISINC, Oil" paper 'will ,be published daily .t Aiie follow ing rates ja federal .currency f Daily, X year, . .. ... ...... . $10 00 5 00 1 00 It Xf montos, . . . . ? . . . . . (i 1 DQrUJ?, $3 GO 2 0C ' 50 months,'.. . . . V..V., 1 montK . Cash in advance. i' of Advertising. r feWWl- & ADVANCE.) Teh lines ?r less, , small type, or pne jtach space, to conayiy,!, a uar.e. 1 U . O If , ... v a :,J f i. roontn, ....... i u 2 ;r" ... y 3 v:;..:::..,..... i oo 3 50 6 00 8. 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 -To Ifttitisfin la Detail.. 'the .rates wriiL bs as rowwsi (Quarter Column. u u 1 month,., 2 " ., $20 00 30 00 ' 40 00 30 Of 42 00 50 00 50 00 75 Od 100 0d Half. Qolamn a ' . "u One Column 2 3 1 2 11 u (i IC 3 " Special Notices will be charged by the square pge dorjor each inSiertion, for one week; and seventy -five "pent for each irsertion, for 1 month;" No iwlyerjLjsement inserte4 uuless paid for in advance. ThA name of no subscriber enured on our book.- unless paid for in advance. No one is authorized to receive and receipt for money for subscription or other work done at this Office, except the Publisher and the Proprie tor. Jp 4-11 etjtjers concerning business of the office must be addressed to J.J.STEWART, 7 Editor fe Publisher. RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. DTy ORIDGFORD, of Haskitts A Bndg J3 JlJ ford, and late of Bridgeford ando., Rid) nj tu d .y irgi ni a. A. MYERS and W. MYERS, late of N.C. . BRIDGFORD& MYEUS, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, Dock fttreef, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, i Where they are prepared to di a General Auction and Commission. Storage and Forwarding Business, and (rust, by strjct attention to business, to merit a fiiare of public patronage. All orders entrusted tp us will be. promptly filled at llie lowest make rates. REFERENCES. Me,rchanls pf lyynchburg, Petersburg, Norfolk, Richmond atid Danville. New York Connelly and Co., Merrelt, Walet and Co , G. Lawon, Power and Acker, Swepson. Mendenhal and Co., Williams, Noble and Odtes. Boston-rClark aiyj Woodward, Thomas J. Jones and i, R. A. Howes and Co., Willjam M. Stead pian and Co., Z. Snow end Co. Rockland, Maine F. Cobb, A J Bird. fiaifaxj Nova Scotia Benjamin Weir and Co., A Allison. ' Philadelphia Buckner, McCammand apd Pp., J Rinaldo, Sank and Co , Dohau and Tate. - Baltimore Thomas R Matthews and Sons, R H Jleslfif.1, W jfiunahan and Sons, Moore N Falls, P.fsi flenl Palfimore Seani Pack Company, A W Shaw, Superint.enrfjen. New Line Sipawprsr. Raleigh, North Carolina George W Stepson, FresicJpt Raltish, National Bank, J Deyereux- Oreensborot I'lrl parptim- Jates Sloanv Lexington, IVorth Garpliua B B Rpber, C F Jjowe and J P Stimpson. Salibbury, Forth Carolina Burtrn praise, John I Shaver and J C Punier- Concord. North Carolina A J Yorke. Slaleeville, North Carolina RF imonton, Trea surer W N C R 11. H C E cles and J S Miller. Morganjnn, North Carolina T R Caldwell, Presi dent W N Q R R., and R C Pearson. Charlotte, North Carolina Johp Wjljtes", Presi dent First National Bank, H B Williams. Wilminsrton. fiorth Carolina T E Roberts.- Anhevilje, iyorh Carolina A T Summey and N V Woodfin. ' Charleston, South Carolina Beujamin Mordecai. November 8th.'63. 3m J 42 Spotswood Hotel, - RICHMOND, Va., August, 865. IT having been reported that the Syotiwood-Hotel had beencounscated and closed, the proprietors deem t proper to assure the Public that such is not the case The Houe is open for f he apcpmmodatioii of ... " ' ' t : t V . T . yiiior, as i qas uppii ironi if.? qpeuiug uay m oep teinber, t8pQ. " The I)ope has been remodeled, renovated, refur nished, and put ip perfect order throughout, and the f raveling pubjip rpay rest assured of finding as com fortable hcrornniaiionB wttn as pai) ouua la any firpt class IJptel, North or South. . Our friends, patrons, and the travelling public gen erally, visiiin Richmond," are pordiallv invited t make their home with us, and uo pains will be spared to make trern couiftrj.ab!e, ag we arp pledged to sustain the well known reputation of the House. Our former patrons will find the old employee? of he House still n fur service, were they wil! be pleas ed to welcome them aj tormeriv. " CQRKRy & MJLL'WOOD,. Proprietors. Oct. 14- d3mol22 JOHN DOOLY, Bat GAP aiid FUR Dealer, RICHMOND. VA. HAS constantly on hand an extensive stock of ev .ry article in his line. His goods shU be sold to Mer phants from North Carolina, Tennessee and Virzinia, at as low prices as I hey can be had at the Jobbing .fat houses jn Neiy York, Philadelphia or 'Baltimore laviug the same facilities fur getting goods from trst pl.iss ManufactorjeR as any House in any city Pur phase'rt. ate invited to call and ekinipe my 6tock. Oct- 14s- d3m v pd ' m 1 1 . John F F.card (Jo?n mission , Auction and JForwardpig MeratQndAge7itfo,n SELLING OR LEASING REAL ESTATE SEAR OLD COP XT Y W B A R f s EWBERN, Is. G. flEFEKENCES-AT T. if erk i n a, Tres' t ?ank of Commerqe lewberpj Dr. W. J. Ilawkin ate Pres't of R & ft B R; 'Hon. N. Boy'deri, Bres'u of N.CRR Salisbury; C5ol. Wm. JohD.ston,Tres, Charfotte &S.C.RR. Charlotte: Hon. J. M. More- head, Greensboro; Rev. Dr. Ems, Raleigh ami iiev. vv. i!.. Fell, editor oi Sentinel at Raleigh. . Nov. 13,th 865. tf-I46. cQMiyimtw- a uoTiojy fORWARDINQ HOUSE OF J F, FOARD. Til HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to furnish JL Fih, Guano, anj4sh O;il to, Farmers and Tan ner. This guapo it s .id, to be nearly equal io the best Peruvian and'mucb cheaper. Price $30 cash per ton. pf 2Q0O lbs, mmisstoqy and freigh from gcean ao ded. , Qrderf isoIicUed. v ' ' Vv T JNO. F. FOARD, ; GommisBioq Meichant.Kewbern, N.C I(ot. 13 1665. l' - 0. .11.1.1!:! JAfi-Ji,; UlWviI.;'Biilll '. H.Li.U. Cs - ' - ... , : , . T . ' - - ' - ' ' ' .. : ...... .. .ji : , : - : ; : " i ( '. - c : . - . . -j j it..- - . ' ,- ... . 1 vol, i, RAILROADS. GREATS 0njHER3DT MAIL OJD TXT TZCVEES " - CARRYING. UNITED STATES MAIL AND ADAM'S, EXPRESS THROUGH ENTIRE LY BY RAIL TO WASHINGTON CITY. , BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA, , ' NRY.YORK AND - ' LYNCHBURG vta THE ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA : AND VII1GINI A CENTBAL RAILROADS. 411 MILES CONTINUOUS 'RAIL N O STAG ING TRAINS RUN TO BALTIMORE AND OHIO D3POT AT WASHINGTON CITY, TWICE DAILY. The Orange and Alexandria Railroad having been put in complete repair, are now running two trains daily between Washington City and Lynchburg. con necting with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at Washington, the Virginia and Tenneese railroad at Lynchburg, and at Gordonsville with the Virginia Central railroad for Staunton and Richmond. Passengers t king this fine pass jn full view of the various battle fields along the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, between Richmond and Gordons ville,and the famous battle fields of Manassas, Brjs aoe and Qedar Mountain, on the Orange and Alex andria Railroad, and may ry upon making close and regular connections with the lines indicated Elegant cars are run npon this line, and every accom moddtion furnished to make the passengers comfqft ab!e. Tkrough passengers arriving in Richmond by the Virginia Central, Richmond and Danville1, and Rich mond and Petersburg Jtailroads, will find Garbers & Co's omnibuses to transport them between dxits Passengers have ample time Iodine and sup at'Gor dousv!le, and breakfast and sup at Virginia Central depot. Trains leave Richmond, daily, (except Sunday) at 7:15 a. m. and 7:1 J p. pv; on Sundays, at 7:15 p m., only, making close and sure connections at Washing, city wijh the Baltimore and Ohio railroad for the fol in g points: ' Baltimore, Philaoelplia, New York, Burlington, Iowa, Bloominglon, III., Columbus. Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio, Cairo. I'l., Chicago, ill., Cleveland, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, Depatur, 1 1) , Dayton, Ohio, Davenport, Iowa, Dubuque, Iowa, Eynsyille, Ind, Pqn d,u Lac, Wis , Galena. Iowa City, Iowa, Indianapolis, Ind Jam'esville, Aliiiu., Lngansport, Ohio, Lou'sville, Ky , L Crosse. Wis., Lafayette, Ind., Milwaukee, Wis., Madisrn, Ind., Muscatine, Lwa, Newark. Ohio, Prarie du Chien, Parkersburg. Va., Quincey, III., Rit:l)inon', Ind.., Sandusky. Ohio. Springfield, 111., St. Joseph, Mo'.,.'' St. Louis, Mo-, St. Paul, Minn., tedo, Ohio. - --"' -T,erfe Haute. Ind-, Vincennps, Ind., Wheeling. Va., Xenia, Ind., J Lynchburg, Va., ZanesviMe, Ohio. This fine carries the through mail, consequently makes first ponnections. Tickets 'at offiee. tio.-2.QI Main street, and Virgin ia Central Bailroad depot. Richmond AV. B. RICHARDS, Jr., Agent." Oct. 17, 'G5 d3ino ii.-- i ijj- i-V',p -y. ,,i . MOST EXPED1TJ 0 US & COMFORT ABLE ROUTE FROM CHARLOTTE TO THE , NORTHERN CITIES, 1 VIA NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD Petersburg & Weldon Railroad AND THEIR s -VARIOUS CONNECTIONS. PASSENGERS by this line will leave Charlotte at 3 o'clock p. m , arrive at Raleigh 4.30 a. m. Leave Raleigh 5 o'clock a m, arrive at Gaston 12 a m, and leave Gaston 1pm ariive at Petersburg 6,30 p m, and leave that night for Richmond and the North, ot stay in Pe'ersbyjrg, get a good night's rst and take rhe cars for City Point, connecting w ill the James Rivr steamers for northern points. Passengers for western or southern poi.its wjll leave Petersburg at 5 30 o'clock a at, arrive at Qnston 1 1 a m, Lwaye Gastou 11am, arrive at Raleigh 7 p. m. Leave Raleigh at 7.40 p m, and 6 atn. Passengers are respectfully requected to gel tick ets before entering the cars. No trains on the Petersburg Rail Road on Sunday E WILKES, Eng, and Sup't N G R R. A. JOHNSON, . Sup'i Raleigh $ Gastou R R. Ii. M.pUNLOF dlfl0 Sup't Petersburg and v' . 0. W. ROSE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Wines, Liquors Teas, Coffee, Sugar, as sorted Groceries. Fish and FRO VISIONS, ' CIMV EN, STREET, . (bstwen somii rR-T and eouok.5 NEWBEKN, N. C. 03" Merchants and Traders sending orders vo, be shipped by express, will have them promptly filled at a slight advance on New York prices. ' ' ' ' C C. Thomas, with C. W. R &Co. September 29, I860 3mosdl SPRAGUE BROTHERS GROCERY MERCHANTS, OLD STAND, SALISBURY, N. C Oct.3 1865-tno.dpdlH ' ' SALISBURY, K C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1865. -new YpRi(MVRtisEmf Blossomfc JBrotKers. (SUCCES90R8 TO fiEJ. BLOSSOM fe SON,) Commissicix Mercliaiits Cottoi), Naval Stores,, prain, Tobacco, Yarns, :V. ..; ' .Sbekjngs, &c, ,r! - ' - 15 9 0 Street, Chas. AV. Blossom, V J ' " . . ' ', James B. Blossom, V -' ' - JJgW YORK. J osi ah B. Blossom, j .. . V 0 -Liberal advances made 01 consiguroents,on receipt of Billof Lading: - - Referencesrh Bank of N.C, arid oJ,her Banks at Wilmington, Ne wbern, Vrarhington,Tarboro, Fay et. tyiije, Raleigh, Salisbury, Charlotte and Wade s boro. '', 10 ! . Jb;t.! ,;.tJ ; ti Mi M-rAUPHEETE Rajeigh LMCU-sv : -Will forward to us, through that pface, (free of forwarding commission,) paying railroad freight, to a v shipping port. J R BLOSSOM & CO , Wilmington, N. C GEO. 11. BKOWN & CO,, Washington, N. C, S. T. JONES & CO., Newbern. N. C, HENRY GHISELIN, Norfolk, -Va., i Will forward produce to us, free of forwarding commission, except on naval stores and grain, by steamer or sailing vessel, as shippers may direct; and, when des?red, will pay taxes, &c,, at the shipping ports, j N. B.--Consiig-iment3 to us are covered by Fire aud Marine Insurance, as soon as freighted, fioni all pla ces on all Railroads and R;yers in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, and from all shipping Ports, thiough to New York, whether advice of ship ment is received or not, pd 109 3mod&w7 SAYEPSON, MENMNHALL & CO., - GENERAL COMMISSIONMERCHANT ...7 Pearl Street, JVew York, Particular attention gtveii to the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Cotton Cloth, Naval "StoreSi Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco, &c. Liberal advances niade pu consignments iu hand. ' Orders Solicited for the Purchase qf , UQods, : r v : ; ; Lr AH Consignments tp us are covered by Insur ance as soon as shipped, n all Rail Roads, and from all Shipping Ports, through to New Y"rk whether advice of fShipment i received or not. lET CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. o THUS. J.SpilSEE, - Daniel Worth, S. G. Murphy, ..... Robert U. SyErsoN, Q. W. Sh epon, C. P. Si E.NUEN'UALLi November 2nd, '65. Dr. J- R. G. Faucktte, Of Greensboro, N- C, Charlotte, N.C. Company Shops, ff ?jew York City, Haw River, Greensboro, tf-13 J. C. FAIfCETTE. Of Alamance, N. C. --' "' tf Nov. 1st. lbb'-V Eletrdpolitaii72nterprise. GRE AT GIFT SALE OF THE KEY YORK & rilOYIDENCE JFWFUlRS association, Capital, ..,,.,.,. $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway. An immense stock pf Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Faiu-y Goods all to be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what vou will receive, " . CERTIFICATES, naming each article and Us value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be seu by mail to any ad dress on receipt of 25 cents; five for $1 ; eleven for thirty for 5 ; sixty-five for $11) ; and one hun dred for 15. On receipt of the. Certificate you will see what you are going t have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, a Pjan , Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our li ft, for $ ; and in np page can they get less than One Dollars worth, as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town-in life country ; every person can make $10 a day. selling our certifi cates in the greatest ale nf Jewelry ever known - Send 25 cents, for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can pbuin forgl At the same time get our circular, containing full Ijsj, and particulars also, Terms'to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., 197 Broadway. N. Y. November 11th, 'C5. , , . 2ml45 New Skirt For 1866, The Great Invention cf the 4ge in H OOP SKIPwTS. BRApLEY'S New Patent DUILEX ELLIPTIC J. w. for double) SPCHG SKIRT. THIS INVENTION' consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingf niouslr braided lightly and firmly lojether, edge to edge, mak ing the toughest, mot flexible, elastic and durable Spiiixg ver used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Spring, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape more than twice &s lonjj as any single fpring skirl .hat eyer Las or can be made. - " ' The woudarful flexibility and great comfoft expv riencedparticularly iu all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carnages, Railroad Cars, Chu-ch Pews, Arm Chairs, for Protnonade and Douse Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as Silk or Mupliti Dress. A Lady haying Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Great convenience of wearing1 the Duplex lliptip Steel Spring Shirt for a tingle day wil never 'after wards willingly dispense with ibeir use. For Children,-.Misses and Young Ladies they are superior 11 others. " .' , . , ' . ' . . ; . The Hoops are covered with 2-pJy double twisted thread and will wear twice 45 long as the single yam covering which is used on all Single Hoop Skins. The three hotlom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and iwice prdbub'e covered to prevent the cov ering fnm wearing I'fFthe rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps etc , etc, which they are constantly subject to when in ase. , ? - All are made of the rew and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality iu, every part, giving tpthe wearer the most graceful and perfect Shape possible, and are unquesuoaably the lightest; mcst desirable, comfortahla an J economical . Skirl ever WWEST BEADLEY & CARY,PKOPRIETOIl5 pf the Invention, andSOLE MANUFACTURERS, 7 CHAMBERS, 7Ii & 81 liEADE STREETS fiew York .-.!-,' Foisalein all first -da,ss sprea. in this City, and throughout the United States and Cauada, Hayaua de Cuba, exico, Sou,! h America $nd the VVest Indies. . ' - ' ' ' " XT Inqaire for he Duplex EUlptie (or doable) gprlnj; "Sskl A V, mdrJ5a vAim v 1 y erti THE NEW YORK ALWON r Tbe fltldest Literary and Foreign Weekly in AmeriGft is published at Xo. 39 Fark ltovv, New" Yprk. ' ' ' " ' Terrri 6 pc r Annum. New Subscribers for 1806, remitting direct to the office by P, Office Order, Will be entitled to a choice from the J,wenty.fiv annual Albion Engravings, free, Address ' iYOUNG & MORRELL, Proprietors. 250,000 WATCHES, CII4INS, DIAMOND RINGS, &c, u WORTH OVER $1,000,000. . AH la be sold for opa. dollar each, without regard to iae. Not XobAjjJjErraotU you know what you are to receive. . ' This is one of the largest firms in the city of New Yuik, ,nil are doing a very extensive business, and have on hand the largest stock that aa he) fouod in that city." Oceana Times, Pent Water, Michigan, Oct. 21, 1864. . "Their stoek large, and buyers may rely on articles purchased from them just as rep reseated Their long continuance in business enaMes them to offer better iuducemeuts than acy other house in the city." Loyal American, Anderson, Indiana, Oct..20,J864. :4 Their Watches are admitted by competent judges, and those who have used them, to be the'liest iu use. They are all they are advertised to he.'N Independent, Warren, III., Oct. 20, 1664. "They are large dealers, and their stock is manufac tured in the best style, and of pure materials." Telegraph, Sangertjes, N. Y-, Oct 24,1864. "All goods furn'shed tre-what they are represented to be." Times, WaterviMe, N. Y , Oct.. 10, 1864. "Wor thy of confidence. Wyoming Democrat, Warsaw, T. Y., Oct 18, 1864. "Honorable and fair dealing reo"-'CumberIand Valley Journal, Mecliauiceburg, iaOot,20, 1864 I Spleudia List of Articles. AH to be Bold for $1 each. 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets $75 to $300 . 50 to 200 50 to 300 75 to 250 50 to 200 75 to 950 50 to 200 35 to 100 25 to 50 fOlo J00 510 Silver Salvers and Urns Solid Silver Tea Sets complete Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 aira Mahogany Musical Boes, 24 airs Gold Hunting Watches 2 jO Ladies' Enamelled God Watches 5qQ Gents' Hunting Silver Watches 500 Open-face Silver Watches 251 Diamond Rings 50)0 Photo. Albums, all sizes 2,0W Gold Vest and Neck Chains 3.00 Gold Oval Band Bracelets 5,0rt0 Chased Gold Bracelets 2,tJ(p Chatelaipe and Guard Chains ?,0tjp Solitaire and Revplving Brooches m 2,0Cf) Lava and Florentine Brooches 5,0(0 Cpral, Opal and Emerald do 5,0(0 Mosaic, jet and Lava Eardrops 7,5(1) Coral and Emerald Eardrops 5.0C0 California Diamond Pius 5,0()0 California Cluster Diamond Pins 3,0(0 sets Solitaire Buttons and Studs 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &c 10,000 pockets, double-glas3 5,000 Jjockets for ilinjatures ' 3,000 Gold Toothpicks, Grosses, &o. 5,000 Plain Gold Rings 5,000 Chased Gold Rings 10,000 Shield and Signet Eitlgs . ifQl)fl flnlifhrma. Diamond Rings f.SOO sets Ladies' Jevf elry, jef 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, poral 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, laya i,500 sets Indies' Jetyelry, mosaic 10,000 Gold Pens with silver holders 5,000 Gold Pens with Gold holders 5,000 Gold Pens and holders, superior 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 3,000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets Messrs. T. and H. GAUGH AN and CO 15 to 30 5 to 50 5 to 10 6 to 13 5 to 20 5 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 4 to 10 3 to 8 5 to 20 3 to J 0 3 to 10 3 to 8 3 to 5 5 to 1q 3 to 8 4 to 1() 4 to 10 3 to 10 5 to Jo 8 to 12 10 to 15 12 to 20 20 to 30 5 to lo Q to 12 10 to 15 8 lo 10 15 to 50 20 td 50 , No. 116 Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of all the leading and most fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, dei-ii'ng to increase their beiness to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regu lations following : Certificates naming each article and ittg value, are placed jn Sealed Envelopes and wel mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on 1 receipt or t ppty five cents. All Articles sold at One Dollar each without regard to value. On receiptof the certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to seud the dollar and take the article or not. rufcha- srs may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any 6et of Jewelry on odr list for O ne Dollar, an I in no case can they get less than one dollar s worth. The price of Certificates is as follows . One for 25 cents; fle for 1 ; eleven tor ?a ; thirty lor ." ; nx ty five for $10 one hundred for $15. Agents wanted every wherp, Jo whom special terms are offered, . T & H. GAUGH AN & CO., No. 116, Broadway, New York. Oct.2G, 1865. 2m-dpdNol3J Grovesteen & Co. PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. THE attention of the Public and the trade is in vited to our New Scale 7 OCTAVE ROSE WOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled, by any hitherto of fered in this market. Thr-y contain all the modern improvements, French, tirand Action, IJarp Pedal, Iron Frame, overstrung Buss, eto., and each instru ment being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J, D. Grovesteen, who has had a practical ex perience of over 35 years in their manufacture, is fully warranteq in. every parncuiar. The "Grovesteen Pmna Fortes" receiv ed the awarcj of merit over others at the eelebrateel Wood's Fair, Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris, Germauy, Philadelphia, Baliimre, Boston and New York and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals frou, both, which can be seen at our ware-room. Bjr the tnrpduction of impmvements we make a 6tll more perfect Pianq Porte, anby manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instruments at a price which wiHpreclu.de all competiMjn.. Pces-No. 1, Sev-en Octave, round, cqrnefa Rosewood plain ease 27.4. No, 2, Seyeq OlctaYe, round corners. Rosewood heavy moulding 300. No, 3., Seyeq Octave, rqund corners, Rosewood Lpu'ts IV style $325. Terms : Net Cash in Current Funds DESCRIPTIVE CIRCLES SENT FREE. A. tf: C- d6m 158 Late Papers, LATE Richmond au3 New York, papers keDt for sale at the post-office. Salisbury Dec 11th 1S65. tfd-lG9. ire NO. 175 Jo "the Citizens of North-Carolina.. The termination ot a sanguirjary contest, which for the past four years has presented an impassable barrier to all social or commercial intercourse be tween the two great sections of our country, leav ing at length happily cleared away all obstacles to a removal of those relatious which formerly bound us together in a ftaternal union, I take the earliest opportunity aftbred me by tlus auspicious er,enr, to greet my Southern frieuds, and to solicit from tlu?tn a renewal of that extensive Business . connection which for a quarter of a century has been uninter rupted save by the great public calamity to which I have adverted. v It is scarcely necessary, on the threshold of a business re-union, I should repeat the ivaruiug so often given to my friends, to beware of all those spurious and deleterious compounds which, under the specious and false titles of Imported Wines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Liquors, &c., have been equally destructive to the health of orr citizens as prejudicial to the interests of the legitimate Impor ter. Many year3 of my past life hare been ex ponded in an open and candid attempt te'expos these wholesale frauds; no time nor expense has been spared to accomplish this salutary purpose, and to place before my fiiends and the public generally, at the lowest possible market price, -and in such quantities as might suit their convenience, a truly genuine imported article. Twenty-five years' business transaction with the largest and most respectable ojcportin houses in France and Great Britian have afl'orJed me unsur passed facilities for supplying our home market with Wines, Liquors, and Liqmui es of the best and most approved brands in Europe, 111 addition to my own distillery in Holland for the manufacture of the "Schiedam Schnapps." The latter, so long tested and approved by the medical Faculties of tbe United States, West Indies and South America as an invaluable Therapeutic, a wholesome, pleasant, and perfectly safe beverage in all climates and during all seasons, quickly exci ted the cupidity of the home manufacturers and venders of a spurious article under the same name." , I trust that I have, lifter mudi toil and expense, surrounded all my fmportations with safeguards and directions which with ordinary circumspection f "ri11 i,lsnure thelr delivery, as I receive them from Europe, to all my customers, I would however, recommend in all cases where it is possible, that orders be sent direct to my Depot. 22 Beaver Street, New York, jr that purchases be made of my accredited agents, In addition to ajarge stock of Wines, Brandies, &c. in wood, I have a. considerable supply pf old tried foreign wines, erobraceing vintages of many past years, bottled up before the commeucement of the war, which I can especialy recommended to all connaissenrs of thesu rare luxuries. . In conclusion, I wotld especially call the eatley attention of my Southern eustomersj to the advan tage to be derivt-d by transmitting their orders without los3 of time, of time, or calling personally at the Depot, in order to inshure the fulfilment of their fuvors from the present Jarje ar,d well select-I iA n ci'Art mom f- 22 Beaver Street, New York Dec 11, No. 169-3mo. 250.000. Watches, Cfiains, Diamond Rius, &c. WORTH OVER ONE -MILLION' DOLLARS J ARE TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, WITHOUT RETJARD TO VALUE!! ?Cottobe paid for until you Know what you are to Receive! . Splendid List of Articles All to be Sold for $1 Each. 250 Solid Silver" Cininsr Sets.... 500 Silver Salverg and Urns , 500 Solid Silver Tea Sets Complete 150 Hosewood Musical Boxes 32 airs.... 2o0 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 aits.. 250 Gold Hunting Watches 250 Ladies' Enameled Gold Watchei.,,. 600 Gents' Hunting Silver Watches.. .. . 500 Open-face Silver AVatches.... ..... 500 Ivory Opera Glasses 500 Mother of Penii Lorgnettes .$75 to 3i0 50 to 2.V) Art to 8f0 75 to 2."( ...m to 2ih) 75 to 250 t 50 to 200 85 to Km 25 to 50 25 to Km) 50 to 10.) 300 hixBarrel Revolvers .15 to 50 .10 to 50 .50 to loo .50 to 2oo, .50 to 100 ..5 to 70 500 Single and Double Shooters 300 Klegant Oli Paintinps , 25J Marble Statutes, Busts, 4c 250 Diamond Itings , 5,000 Photo. Albnins, all sises 2,000 Gold Vest & Neck Chains , 3,0l0 Gold Oval Band Bracelets... 5,000 Chased Gold Bracelets 2,000 Chatelaine A Guard Chains 7,oi)0 Solitaire k Revolving Brooches 2,ohn Lava k Florentine do 5,rton Coral, Opal k En eraJd do. 5,000 Mosaic, jet A lava Eardrops .,,.,.,,, .15 to ..5 to ..fi.to ..5 to ..5 to ,.i to 80 10 12 2o 10 10 10 4 to , 4 to 10 T.OiH) Coral s. Emerald Kararops.... 5,000 California Diamond Pins 5,000 Cat. Cluster Diamond Pin?..,. 3,000 Sets Sr.litajre Buttons Studs.. 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, 4c.... 10,000 Lockets, double-glass 5.000 Lockets for Miniatures ...3 to ,..5 to ...3 to' ..r3 tO ...3 to to 5 to 20 10 10 8 10 8.000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac... ..8 to 8 5,000 Plain Gold Rinps 4 to 5,000 Chased Gold Rings 4 to 10,fKM Shield A Signet Rings ...,..,,3 to 10,0o0 California, Diamond Rings .,,,,..,,.,,.4 to 7,500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet. .,, ,..,,5 to 5,000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral.. .. .... ,,3 to 5,'H)0 Sets Lidies' Jewelry, on vx. ,10 to 8,oo0 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava..,, ..,.12 0 2,500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosaio ....,,..20 to 1 0,000 Gold Pens with Silver Holders 5 to 5,000 Gold Pens with Gold Holders..., .... 6 to 5.000 Gold Pens A Holders, superior. .., ....10 to lo 10 10 10 19 U la 20 80 10 12 15 10 50 5 5.000 Silver Goblets A Drinking Cups, to.tHiO Silver 0 istors A Wine Holders . a 1 tO 2,;00 Silver Fruit A Cake Baskets ... .....20 to Messrs. PARKINSON A CO., No, 20a Broadway, New York, Extensive Manufacturers and Importers ot many of the leading and most fashionable 9tyles of Watches and ,'ewelry, desiring to increase their business to an unlimited extent, have jesolved cpon a Great Gift Sale, subject to the regulations following: Certificate naming each article and iu value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. Oneof these en velopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of twenty five cents All Articles Sold at S Each, without regard to Yaluc, On receipt of the certificate yon will see what you arc going to have and then It is to your option to send the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our list for Oue Dollar, and in no case can they get less than one dollnra worth, s there are no uncertainties. The price of certificates is as follows; One for 2." cent; five for fl; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; with elegant premium; sixty five for f 10, with bonus; ane hundred for f 15, and handsome present to the getter np of the club. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, to whom, special induce ment are offerred. Address, PARKINSON A CO., Importors, 20i Broadway, Xew-York. Dee. 13, 'C5 . 8rao-t71 " JRBLOSSim, "WILMINGTON, N.C, "Will promptly forward. Cotton aud other produce consigned to BLOSSOM, BROTHERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - NEW YORK. . November II lh. 65. pd 3mM5 O- i T 'P To. exchange FLAXSEED 1 9 COTTON or DEKSWAX, en quire of BURBANK, GALLAGHEB& MORRIS tf5w Wjatts olstand.p PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLIAM U. BAILEY, iVtTORJYEY and Counselor ( LW ttd SoUdtori in Chancery, practices in the Military Courts, an agists a ditingtiikhed Law Firm at WaahinjtBt preparing cUhns against th Gcvernmaot for vet tlemenl. Ofike Registers Room in Court-Uouse. " DR. R, P.BESSENT. r 1 T S-NOW AT THE DOYDEN UOUSE.WIIERE llie wL'l remain for a short ti hi. Room No. 8X i4dit-bury. Aug. 22, 18G5.7fi-tf - DR, M, WHITEHEAD, OFFICE AT 1IIS RESIDENT WHERE he em be fouud at all hourspnleM , Piofessionally Engagei Salisbury June 15, 18G5. - . lm. C. A. HENDERSON, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PUBLIC! that he in still eajrnjed ju ike orotic of Mdi cine. Oihce up stairs at HENDERSON t& SCIIAFER'S Dtug Stora, Salisbury North Carolina. DR. PJESBITT. s TILL PRACTICES MEDICINE, SURGERY, am .Midwifery. i Salisbury K. O., June 22. 18C5 If STILES KENNEDY, M. D. n 4 t t.-'Dnnir xTkl'PlT n DAT IT i June 15, 18G5. DENTISTRY. H. L. Coleman D. D. S. (Suaccppor to Dr. W. F. Bason,) RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS PKOFEg. siona! Services to the citizens of Salisbury sad vicia ' ity. - I)r. C. feels assured with the experience of four tee u (11) years practice he can give general satisfao lion lie can be found at his office, formerly occu pied by Dr W. F. Bason, at all hour. When money cannot be paid for operations od th - . .il . ! . Ml I f 1. I 1 . leetu, provisions wiii ue receiyeu; kucu as oacoa bums, uo. lffaur, chickeis, butter, egg; &o.t at market prices. rnj'30tf - MEETING OF PHYSICIANS. " ' At a meeting of the Physicians of . l.nLl r following resolutions were adopted J - 1. Resolved, That as every branch of business is now conducted exclusively on the cash system, it becomes nacuasary for us to require 'of our patrona prompt cash payment of our bills. That we will as -soon as the services are rendered present our bills aud expect and require the money. ' 2. Resolved, That to prevent any,, misunder standinjr, these resolutions be published in the To v& papers, together with our Tariff of fees, to con mence January 1st, 1SGG. ' TaTifT Fees. Visit in Town during the day, do. do. "do. do. rlo. ntsrrtt. : " - 2 09 Consultation fee, including visit, $10 00 Visit in the. country-3 miles and under, $3 00 Over 3 miles one dollar a mile in the day. Double) these rates at night. Extra charges for Medicine. Consultation fee ten dollars exclusive of visit. Midwifery 25 to 50 dollars mileage additional. Office Prescription $2. CASH, Surgical cases, fees in proportion. lies rived, That all bills standihf? on our book, unsettled January 1st, 18GG, will be mado out in accordance with the above Tariff of Fees. M. WHITEHEAD, II. D. . I. W. JONES, M. D. C. A. HENDERSON, f. D. STILES KENNEDY, M. D, J, J. SUMMERELL, M. D. -J. A. CALDWELL, M. D, . , W. n. COLE, M. D OLIVER HICKS. M. a Dec. 9 'G5-d. Ira. " ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. Xew Yolnme begins Janisry, 1865. rn nn nii nnfin H n i 71 l U I Ii. - . JL iiidicdtcs. a selection from other maasins and -periodicals. These selections are carefully jnad each inonlh, from the entire range nf foreign Periodi cals. In this respect il is entirely unlike other month lies, and has no rival. The followiug are some of the works from a liicli selections are made t London Quarterly, Revue de Deux Mondef, Hritish Quarterly, Ijondorr Society, Norih British Review, Bentley's Mifcellany, ropuiar science ueriew, .-ornniii magazinsj Saturday Keview, leisure Hour, Westminster Review. Frasera Magazine, Temple Dar, Chambers' Journal, Dublin Universitv Masazine Edinbnrch Review, Art Journal, London flattonal Review. We have also arranged to secure choioe seleoliooi from thn French, German, a.vd othrr Continektai, and it is hoped this new feature will add greatly to iliu vnrictv Bud vhIiih nf the work. EMBELLISHMENTS, ? Each number is emhelliahad with one or more Fiji Steeu Esqravings -portrait f eminent men oril luftrative of important historical event. Volumes commence in January and July of each year; sub.-icripiions can commence with any month. TKRJIS: $5 per Year ; .Single Aimbtri. 50 eeats, Five Copies, $?0. The Trade, Clergymen, Teaohers. and Clubs sop. nlied on favorahle terms, Address, -1 W. II. CIDWELL. $ BeekmaQ S; New-York. tH'I50f - -. D. q. W'otTH. WORTH & DANIEL, COMMISSION "AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, T. C, and B G. Worth old stand Sooth Water SL, . WILMINGTON. N, C Will give! strict personal attention to tsaie or nip ment of Cjkon. Naval Stores and General Prodoce, A Jsq, to reviving and forwarding Goods. 1 r .. r-., r'.r l ine of Kiver Steamers to rayettevillej and sen iflea delphtn - ' . Dealers in Cotloji, BagffPjr, Hope, Ljm, Hwter, Guano, lord's Fertilizer, SaU, and Goal. November. Ut. 1665. pdlmdl36 n ... ! , XJ r. ra. VniV mrA Philn- THE MOUNTAIN HOTEL MOUGAyTQX, .V. 0. - . IS offered farRENTrfar further particulars, an ply to i J-M.HAPhOLrT. Morganton, N. C, Oct. 3d, 1865 ' "