THE Weekly Son IS ONLY $t PEB YEAR. r- strictly in Adva NO FARMER SHOULD BE WITB OUT IT. BATTLE RAGES. HOW THE BATTLE GOES BOTH SIDES ARE MAKII6 CLAIMS St. Petersburg- Gets News That The Russians Are Winning Fresh Vic tories While the Reverse is Re ported at Tokio. Tokio, Oil. 13. -Field Marshal Oyama telegraphing from the field yesterday, says that operations are progressing favorably. London, Oct. 13. The Paris correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company, sends a re port that five Japanese cruisers have been sighted off Vladivostok A dispatch from Gen. Oka's head quarters via. Fusan, dated Oct. 11, says that at night the Japanese occupied bills held by the Russians, the Russians retreating a distance of three miles. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Co. from nome states that a message was received there which says that during a tiht in the vicinity of Yentai Tuesday, the Russian loss was five thousand. Japanese rein forcemeats are being rushed north ward, especially toward Kuroki, who is in danger of being sur rounded by an overwhelming force of R i-iiaca. 'Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 13. The Russian ship G.'enard, just arrived from San Francisco, claims to have been overhauled two hundred miles outside the Golden Gate by a Jap anese cruiser. After an examina tion it was permitted to proceed. St. Petersburg, Oct. 13.--The Bourse GtZittc says that at 10 o'clock yesterday morning the Jap anese retired from two lines near Yentai and evacuated Yentai Bta tion, while the Japanese right wing, considerably weakened, bad to withdraw during the nigh-, leav ing the Russians to occupy Pan siho without fighting. Having thus turned the Japanese flank the Rus sians attacked a p 11 i i n of great stragetic value, which was occu pied after a fi c fight in the Yentai hilU T j Japanese stub bornly ic Vcd. The following dispatch w r.ceived today from Lieut. Ot... A Sakaroff giving a description cf the fight Monday and Tuesday south of Mukden : "The Japanese took the offensive on both sides of the railway and at -North Yentai mines. A hot battle was fought all day. The position at Haulin Pass, East Yentai, was for the most part taken by us bat the highest point was not occupied up to five p. m. During Tuesday our outpost troops retained the advance positions except at a few points, where they were obliged to retreat to the main position." Berlin, Oct. 13 The Tokio cor respondent of Ljkal Anzeiger wires that as the result of three days continuous bombardment a greater part of Port Arthur is in flames. Numerous Russians un der the wh te flag have surrendered. The Japanese have captured two more forts. Tokio, Oct. 13. -Field Marshal Oyama under date of yesterday, -reports that the battle so far to the north of Mukden has been in favor of the Japanese with the ex ception of the left army, which is trying to envelop the enemy, but has not yet succeeded. The fight in 2 hae been terrific. Cleveland People Expecting Big Time. Mr. J; J. Kincaid, one of the Democratic nominees for county commusioner, who was in Salis bury Thursday says the Democrats ot tnat vicinity are expecting a great time on the occasion of the rally and barbecue at Cleveland on the 27th inst. The country for miles around will be present, VOL. VIII-NO, 32. AN OCTOBER WEDDING INVITATIONS ARE SEIT OUT. Hiss Lucv Brown and Mr. Walter Goodman to Be Married. Cards have been sent out an marriage on the Bouncing toe evening of October 26th ot muw Lacy Brown to Mr. waiter a. Goodman. The ceremony Will take place at the home of Mrs. Joseph Horah at 7:45 o'clock and will be attended only by close riends of the contracting parties. Miss Brown is a young woman of most attractive disposition and her popularity is only limited by the number of her acquaintances. Mr. Goodman, who is now cashier of the Southern at its freight office here, was formerly engaged in educational work and for Be vera' years taught in the Salisbury graded school. He is one of Salis bury's worthiest and most highly esteemed young men. HURT IH 1 GIN. Young Man Narrowly Escapes With His Life. Henry Almond, of Salisbury, who has been working in a Cabar rus county cotton gin met with an accident yesterday that nearly cost him his life. His right arm was caught in the machinery and brok en and fearfully larcerated. It is believed, however, that it will be saved. The young man is at home and will remain here until the wounded limb is healed. SCHOOL NEARS COMPLETION The New School Building Will be Finished Within Two Weeks. Secretary H. J. Overman, of the school board, says that the new school building will be completed within the next two weeks. This school is one of the completest in the State. The enrollment is steadi ly increasing. Father and Son Both Veterans. Capt Thomas B. Beall's inquiry with reference to the survmg fath ers of living ex Confederates ap pears to have started an endless chain. A remarkable case, how ever, is that of Mr. John Pethel and his son, Mr. A. J. Pethel, of Landis, China Grove township. Both father and son were brave Confederate soldiers. Another question is now raised, viz: Hew many Rowan fathers who with their sons did service for the Con federacy are surviving? Another case of. a surviving father of a veteran is found in the person of Mr. W. A. Karriker, father of Mr. J. W. Karriker. A Chicken Eating Fox Killed. Says the Lumberton Robeson i- an: For six months past, chickens have been mysteriously disappear ing from the hen coop of Mr. R. G. Reynolds. Friday evening about dusk he saw a well grown fox stealthily making his way to th coop. Picking up a brick, he hastily threw it at the fox, killing him instantly. Such boldness in an animal of so sly a nature is sel dom seen. Engineer Wingate's Shoulder Not Im proved Engineer John Wingate, whose left shoulder was dislocated several weeks ago, is still suffering great ly. The shoulder was Bet imme diately but yesterday afternoon was again dislocated and it became necessary to have it re set today. Horses Ran Away. A team driven by Mr. Calvin Holshouser ran away Thursday near the covered bridge and Mr. Holshouser was slightly bruised by being thrown out. The team was stopped before any damage bad occurred either to horses or wagon. Better Than Pills. The question has been asked In what way are Chamberlain's Sto mach and Liver Tablets superior to tbe ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Oar answer is They are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine. Then they not only move tbe bow els but improve the appetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 25 cents per bottle by Jas. Plummer. Jl. Family Newspaper, iDe--oted. to OFFICIALS INVOLVED THE GOEBEL CASE TO COME DP Detectives Have Been Working on the Case All the 'While- Lexington, Ky., Get. 13.-It IB reported that the Franklin county grand jury at a special session called for next month will take up the conspiracy to assassinate Wil liam Goebel. It is learned tha the commonwealth's attorney B Franklin will submit additional evidence which, it is said, involves Federal officials. This caused consternation among well known politicians here. It is known that detectives are still working on the case and sensational developments are expected. WEALTHY WOMAN PEBI8HES. Mrs. Nellie Furguson Burned te Death in New York Today. New York, Oct. 13. -Mrs. Nel lie Ferguson was burned to death in her home at 163 West 54th St, and seven others injured in the blaze which destroyed the house which is a four story brown stone mansion. Oae of those injured gave his name as John Smith, but the name is fictitious. He is said to be one of the most prominent club men in New York and very wealthy. His real name cannot be obtained, as he refuses to give it. He jumped from a fourth story window and broke both knee capa and if he survives will be a cripple for life. Mrs. Ferguson is the wife of a wealthy Baltimore man. WHOLE TO? THREATENED. The Business" Block of an Indiana , Town Doomed. Ligonir. Lid , Oit 13 -This town of four ihovi3and people is on fire, the whole business section be ing already, doomed. The fire broke out in the Fair store at 3 o'clock this morning and gained great headway and is still burning briskly. A call for help has been sent to surrounding towns. The origin of the fire is unknown. CHILD TRAIN WRECKER. He Was Flogged for Partly Derailing - An Engine at Willis, W Va. Roanoke, Va , Oct. 11. A third attempt by children to wreck Nor folk and Western trains occurred yesterday at Willis, W. Va., a station about eighty miles west of Boanoke. Willie Cleburne, an 8 year old boy, placed a piece of iron on the track in front of pas senger train No. 4 and the pony trucks of the engine were derailed. The boy was considered too young to be arrested, but he was given a sound flogging by his parents in the presence of Norfolk and Western detectives. This is the third attempt by children at wrecking trains on the Norfolk and Western within wo months, two ot which were successful, one at Dunlow last week and the other at Oakvale, seven weeks ago. VOTE AGAINST A DNION. Presbytery of the A. R. P. Synod Votes Against Union. Yesterday's Charlotte News says: Today at the meeting of the First Presbytery of the A. B. P. Synod South, held at Steele Creek, after a spirited debate of eome three hours, a vote was taken on the question of union with the United Presbyterian Church North. The vote stood 34 for Union, and 36 against. Capt Wiley on Board of Governors. Capt. W. Murdoch Wiley has been nominated a member of the board of governors of the Nerth Carolina Society of New York. Among other members of the board is Judge Augustus Van Wyck. A woman of experience says it's easier to acquire husbands than it is to get rid of them. SALISBURY, N. 0., WED WORK AT 1EETIM IS SALISBURY 1011Y TO ARRANGE FOR WILL it THE 8T1TE8 GREATEST President Whitney of the Here for Ten Days. Came to Salisbury last Monday With Mr. Stephenson, the Secretary and Treasurer. President G. L Whitney, and Whitney Company, arrived in Salisbury Monday morning with a party of contractors and engineers manager, will go to the Narrows, where the company is developing the greatest water power in the South. It will be finally ascertained what machinery and other material necessary to the completion ci Stephenson will be here ten days. The operations of this company sition of the kind ever contemplated in North Carolina. The harness ing of the Yadkin at the Narrows and the consummation of other plans in connection means an outlay of 15,000,000. Capt. Hambley thinks that all the preparatory work will at, when full forces will be put on power plant to early completion. Capt. Hambley has called a offices in Salisbury. DRIVE NEGROES ODT. DAHO W01T TOLERATE THEM. All Negroes Driven Out of an Idaho Town. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 14. Because negro families at Moun tain Home, Idaho, sent their child- en to the public school, twenty- five masked men last night drove alll the colored people from the town. The colored people will appeal to the governor for pro tection. SOLICITOR HAMMER APPEALS. ERlTPI Indicted a Number of Storekeepers and Gangers in Davie. The Winston Sentinel Bays : "In Davie Superior court this week Solicitor Hammer indicted the storekeepers and gangers of the distilleries at Advance, the charge being irregularities and a violation of the Watts law. Judge Cook, who is presiding, dismissed the indictments on the ground that sufficient evidence bad not been in troduced to make out a case. So- icitor Hammer thereupon gave notice of appeal to tbe Supreme court. A citiz 3n of Davie county tells The Sentinel that tbe dis tilleries at Advance have had high ences built around their plant and no outsider is- allowed to enter. On this account it is claimed that it is difficult for the officers to secure evidence against the dis tillers." J. W. Smith, of Spray, N. C , was beaten and robbed at Greens boro Tuesday night by toughs at the fair with whom he had made acqaintance. He was robbed of 174 and was knocked senselss in a back street. His injuries are not permanent. No clue to tbe rob bers has yet been found. A Love Letter Would not intest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of .fonder, Mo., writes: "I suf fered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at all Druggists. The most revolting connection of church and State is the alliance of Mormon hierarchy in Utah with the Republican party. But when a few electoral votes are to be gathered the party of moral ideas does not stick at political connec tion with the Mormon?. It would people the Senate with Smoots if it were possible and necessary for carrying the Presidential election. Philadelphia Becord. Broke Into His House. S. Le Quinn of Cavendish. Vt.. was robbed ) f his customary health by invasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arretted and now he's entirely cured. 1 hey re guaranteed to cure, 25c at all druggists. ymm intreta of County. tue k , . . AY, OCTOBER 19, 1904. NA ALL THE SUPPLIES. W1TEB POWER VIES COMPLETED Whitney Company Will be Secretary F. L. Stepheneon, of the and wit j Capt. E. B. C. Ham b ley, and the number of mechanics are the work. Messrs. Whitney and exceed in magnitude any propo have been completed by January in every department to push the meeting for Monday at their main OVER DOUBLE TRACK. U8 BEEH POT MVS 85 MILES. The Link Between Greensboro and Spencer Comes Next Tbe Southern Bailway began to day the operation of the firBt link of its double track, which will soon connect Washington and Atlanta, says the Washington correspond ent of the Raleigh Post. The new section opened for traffic today ex tends frdta Washington to Orange, a distance of 85 miles. It is tbe most heavily used part of tbe en tire system, as the Chesapeake and Ohio also makes use of this section between Washington and the west. It was between Orange and Wash ington that there has been the greatest congestion of traffic for several years past. With a double track in operation between the two points, which is declared by ex perts to be as fine as any two line roadbed in the United States, there will be better connections and prompter schedules on passenger trains between the north and the south. Ic was learned today from an authoritative source that the South ern will not retume the work of double tracking until early spring. Officials of the road are now con sidering what point will be taken up next for laying tbe additional track. The congested points along the system where traffic is heaviest will be doubled first, and it is pos sible that the section between Greensboro and Spencer may be the scene of extensive operations when the Southern resumes its work of improvement in the spring. ' PLAINTIFF 01 A SPREE. And Judge Allen Ordered Him to Jail for Ten Days. Charlotte, Oct. 13 The sense tion of the present term of superior oourt occurred, this morning when kludge Allen ordered S. A. Quantz confined in jail for ten days for contempt of court. Quantz, who is the Plaintiff in a damage suit against me aouinern runway, many drinks before he went on the witness stand.: He is suing for $1,900 for damages alleged to have io- siauuu iu mis. ciiy iwu may. While looking rnfter his baggage at the station he fell down a stairway, sustaining painiful itiiaries about the back, arms and legs. Do you thliBk your father would object tfc your marrying me?" J She "If he tihinks as I do. be certainly would I and, if you don't get King's Catarrh Cure, and take it for bad breatfnvou've ierot to sit farther away." I No man has aA excuse for Bad Breath when SVpl. Purcell sells a positive cure guaranteed, for $1. MOWS. SYNOD IN SESSION. SB. WESSENGER 18 PRESIDENT. The Tennessee Synod Moots Moriah Church. at Mt. The 84th annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennes see by nod met in Mt. Moriah church, Bev. Dr. D. I. Offmar, pastor, near China Grove, Wednes day morning, October 12, at 10 o'clock, says a China Grove special to tbe Charlotte Observer. The synodical sermon was preached by the retiring president, Rev. B. H. Cline, of Henry, from Joel2:12 13. The sermon was followed by tbe synodical communion, after con fession and absolution. Synod was formally opened by the president, according: to the form laid down in tbe Church book. The elections of officers then ensued, resulting, after several ballots, in tbe election of Bev. E. L. Wessinger, pastor of Emanuel church, Newmarket, Va., presi dent, and, by motion, Bev. W. L Darr was instructed to cast Syn od's vote for Bev. I. F. Deal, (present incumbent), of Concord, for recording secretary, and Am brose L Henkel, of Newmarket, Va., corresponding secretary. The unanimous vote of Synod was giv en in favor of the re-election of Bjv. Dr. B. A. Yoder,of Newton, as treasurer. A bountiful dinner was then served to the large congregation present in the adjoining grove. AFTERNOON SESSION. At the afternoon session exer cises were conducted by Bev. W. O. Deaton. Bev. E. H. Kobn, of Cherry ville, late of Natrona, Pa., was received as an advisory mem ber. The president announced the following committees: Letters and PetLions Rev. B. A. Yoder, D. D., J. A. Cromer, Mr. J. S. Lipe. Church Institutions Bevs. O. B. Shearouse, W. L Darr, Mr. A. L Henkel. Unfinished Business Bey. J. N. Stirewalt, J. P. Price, Dr. J. W. Eagle. Treasurer Beport Bevs. E. L. Lybrantd and Messrs. G. A. Kaminei-ard, Junius Bhyne. Excuses Bevs. B. H. Cline, and B. D. Wessinger, Mr. Luther Grimes. Examination Bevs. Dr. J. C. Moser, E L. Yy brand, O. B. Shearouse, B. A. Yoder, D. D., J. L. Deaton. President's Report Bevs. H. J. Mathias, John Hall and Mr. H. Frank Wheeler. Appointment Bevs. W. A. Darr, O. B. Shearouse and J. L. Deaton. Bevs. E H. Kohn and A. R. Beck respectively of the Pittsburg and North Carolina Synods, were received as members of this organi zation. The treasurer's report was read showing a surplus of $549.92 cash from last year. The total receipts for the year were: ueneral fund, 91,583.03; Lenoir College, f 1,852. 33; United Synod, $198.38; Orphans' Home, $86 40; expense for General Con ference, $9.55; total, $3,259.69. This does not include some funds which did not come into the treasu- rear's hands, and some that has am -. . 1 . t been paid since Synod has been in session MISS LEE UNDER ARREST. She Claims to be a Member of the Vir ginia Family. Chicago, Oct. 12. A young woman who says she is Gertrude d68Cendftntj of General Robert E. n . r . . with . . m - m Mrfl RnKftrfa JoUe lll of twQ taining $3,000 worth of jewelry The Election These conditions determine the trouble. The cure is certain thorough course of Dr. King's Blood and Liiver fills (they puriiy the blood and energiza the liver) is as a spring house-cleaning thoroughly renovates and cleans the system and if followed by Dr. King's Sirsaptrilla you are ready for the Bummer work and fitted for it. The price of these best of all Pills is 25s. There is none so good as King's. Get from Pur cell. Price, $1 Per Year FATAL PIMGE. BOY'S FEARFUL FILL. DOWI A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET. Young Harvey Atwell Meets With Injuries at the Southern Shops That Resulted Fatally. Shortly after 12 o'clock Friday Harvey Atwell, a young white man 19 years old, an employe of the Southern shops at Spencer, sustained iijaries from which he died two hours later. A 'phone message from Spencer stated that it was reported that the young man's back was broken, both shoulders dislccated and that he had suffered concussion of the brain. No hope was entertained for hie survival by the physicians who attended bim immediately after the accident. Young Atwell was in tbe top of the new shop building when he fell a distance of 50 feet or more to the ground. When parties who were near by rushed to bim be was unconscious. The unfortunate boy was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Atwell, of Salisbury, and his correct habits won mm general iavor. lie was the oldest child in the family and the manner of his death rendered it all the more distressing to the bereaved parents. The remains were brought to his home ac Salis bury Friday afternoon. ANOTHER RURAL ROUTE. Mr. Kluttz Secures Another Rural Route in Rowan. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz has re- ceived the following letter: 'Washington, Oct. II, 1904. Hon. T. F. Kluttz, Salisbury, N. C. Sir: I have the honor to advise you that rural free delivery serv ice has this day been ordered es tablished from Mount Ulla, Row an county, N. C. , with two car riers, to commenoe November 15. 1904. Very Bespectfolly. J. L. BRI8TOW, Fourth Asst. P. M. Gen'l. Mr. Kluttz has during his serv ice in tbe Mouse been the most energetic congressman from North Carolina in the matter of securing free deliverv routes. His record when he will have retired from congress will be one of which he and his constituents may well be proud. MR. CODT ROBBED. Mr. Adam Cody Loses Parse Contain ing $55. Mr. Adam Cody reported to the officers this morning the loss of a purse containing $55. Mr. Cody says that last night his purse was stolen from him by a negro woman whom he did not know. The wo man gave the empty pocket book to a young white man who turned it over to Mr. Cody this morning Mr. Cody refused to make a com- plaint against the man this morn- mi- V 1 1 -I inr I no rnhhaPD AAiiifPAn mhila Mr. Cody was coming from Spen- cer to Salisbury. THE REPUBLICAN CANVASS. Esquire Earnhardt Will Start Cam- . - paign on the 24th In reply to an enquiry Esquire S. A. Earnhardt, the Republican nominee for the Senate, stated this morning that be would begin a canvass of the county on the 24th inst. at Alpha. The Republican campaign will be closed at Trading Ford on the night before election. An exchange says the railroads of America killed more men last vear than have been killed so far in the Japanese Russian war. What Is the Size of Your Hat ? When you've been with the boys All nicht and have a dark brown tftste and vour head feels too big for vonr hat. call at Purcell's and get a 10c. package Uaptura. it will make vour hat fit better. Con . . T venient to carry in the pocket. j no genuine nas name pur wen Dunn Co. VIIX BE DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF THE FARMERS OF ROWAN OOUNTT, Subscribe at Once. SiM ARE SOWED DOW! RUSSIAN DISASTERS. THEY SUFFER AT EVERT POUT. General Oyama Eoports That Fighting is Proceeding Along the Whole Lino and That the Japanese are Making Satisfactory Progress. Thirty-Seven Large Seige Guns are Landed for the Next General Attack on Port Arthur The News at St. Petersburg Par takes of the Optimistic Sentiment of the Japanese Commander. St. Petersburg, Oct. 14. A dis patch from Karopatkin containing news of the fighting at Yen Tai np to Wednesday at 1 p. m., says the fighting was terrific. He admits that sixteen guns were captured by the Japanese from a brigade on the Russian right A nk and says a new front is being prepared on the Shake river. London, October 14. Baron Hayasbi, the Japanese, minister this morning issued a report from Field Marshal Oyama received in Tokio confirming many of the press reports of Russian reverses about Yen Tai. The report reads: "Near Pensihu the enemy's coun ter attacks were repulsed on all sides. The centre and left columns and light army were vigorously pursuing the enemy. The central army captured the heights a few miles east of Yen Tai, taking two field guns and eight ammunition wagons while pursuing the enemy. They also captured the fiold guns and ammunition wagons number ing eleven at Sankuaishishan, be- sides one hundred and fifty pris oners. On Wednesday the ene my's detachment with artillery while being enveloped was panio stiicken twelve miles east of Yen Tai, while tbe rest were retreating northward in disorder. The left since Tuesday night has been con tinuously, attacking the enemy at post near the railway, within ten miles north of Yen Tai. The central column of tho left army after repulsing the enemy's strong force occupied Lantzeshicb, five miles northwest of Yen Tai, cap turing sixteen guns. Thereupon it immediately pursued the enemy, who retreated in disorder and captured four more guns. The right column of the left army, while pursuing the enemy near Sehili river captured five guns and ammunition wagons. A dispatch to tho Central News from Borne states the Agenzia Liberia has a dispatch from Cnee aa . ... WnMJk w. 1 A.' W DO J VUMV V"V VS-fWUWW M CBPlureu lue 1Ml lurtB fc Arthur. Tokio, Oct 14. Field Marshal Oyama reports that fighting is proceeding today along almost tha entire front. Tbe Japanese, he ' t i says, are maxing sausiaciory progress. Borne, Oct. 14. -A message f r0m Cheefoo states that Admiral Togo has landed thirty-seven large Beige guns to be used in the next eeneral attack on Port Arthur. a dispatch from Tokio to Gier- Da!e Dieroma reports that the Russian losses in four days' battl is calculated at 37,165. It's what a woman doesn't Bay that puzzles a man. He Knows How. T. H. Barber, a large cotton planter of boutn Uaiolina, said: "hoi ten years 1 suffered wttn severe headache, regular splitting. m . . m - i A unntting me ior Dusiaess ana puv ting me in bed. I find only Lee's Headache and Neuralgia Rt medy m uevm in w mio wo yiuiupwj. A scientific cure. Sold by furceu, i I