LITTLE ONES PERISH. DEATH IS AH INCENDIARY FIEE Five Children Dead and Six Others Fatally Hurt. TRYIIfi TO MOTHER BIG WRECK. New York, Oct. 17. An incen diary fire in a big five story double decker tenement on Moore street in Walliambug ghetto early this mormon caused the death of five children and onn woman, fatally injuring six other little ones and painfully injured six more. A number of persons are missing but may turn ; p all ri'jrht. The fire started for the purpose of revenue or to cover robbery. There were a number of narrow escapes. The loss financially is not large. DRAW BLOOD. BADS ARE AFTER GASH 250 HOUSES WRECKED HUBBICADE IN MEXICAN TOWN. No Definite News Received as to the Loss of Lite. A PERSONAL CANVASS IS MADE. An Effort Made to Induce A 11 the Salis bury Distillers and Bar Men to Pay Tribute to Blackburn's Influence With the Government. Chairman Boy don Says He Does Not Fear the Game. PASSEJfGfR AND FREIGHT COLLIDE Two Trains Collide on Bio Grande and Denver Road Today. Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 15 The California limited east bound train on the Denver and Rio Grande was in a collision with a freight train near Florence early this morning. It is reported that many were killed. QUIET HOME WEDDING THE SDBBEES KESLER WEDDING. BROOKS MOORE KILLED FofelEB SAUSBUHIiN 18 DEAD San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 15. The town of San Bias, Mexico, has been partially destroyed by a hur- ricane, accoiding to information brought here by a steamer from that point. Nearly 250 houses were blown down and while there i8 no definite news as to the loss of life it is believed many were killed. ELECTION PROSPECTS. Taggart Makes No Forecasts, But Re publican Managers Do. New York, Oct. IT. "I could not be better satisfied with the prospects for Judge Parker's elec tion," siid Chairman Taggart at Democratic national headquarters today. When asked if he could give any Bgures or namo the States which ho depended upon 'to elect his candidate be said: I have never in all my life given out figures before election. I do not believe it is good policy. The national committee will doubt less discuss the advisability of such a course this campaign, but it is quite doubtful if we shall make public any estimates. "If we do give out any they will be Mr. Talari's own figures and no bluster." If a local Republican a man well knosvn and occupying a posi tion of resposibility here--is not attempting to exact tribute from the distilleries and saloon keepers in Salisbury it is because the word exaction is too mild to fit the case. This statement is made advisedly and with full knowledge of all the circumstancea attending a canvass for funds for the Republican party which has been conducted here for several days. For a month or more it has been an open boast in Salisbury that the Hon. E. Spencer Black burn, the Republican nominee for congress, would have all the mo ney needed to defeat his Demo cratic opponent, W. C. Newland. But little if any of the pile has been received in Salisbury and this week the party referred to resort ed to heroic methods. A list con taining the names of eevery whole sale and retail dealer of whiskey who could be approached with safety, was made cut. The first party approached was a Republi can. The solicitor for funds states thai one party made a subscrip tion of $500. No amounts were put down, however, as it was the purpose of the manager of this SAFE BLOWER ARRESTED Parties Who Identified Safe Blower Are in Spencer. Correspondence of Sdn. Spencer, N. C, Ot. 14 T. R. Harding and a party from Yad kinville returned to this place yes terday afternoon from Charleston, S. C, where they had been sum moned to identify one Frank, alias "Billy" Williams, who ba been arrested in that city under the charge of blowing open and rob bing the vault of County Treasurer J. A. Logan, of Yadkin county, on the night of Sept. 7th, and also robbing the postoffice at Yadkin ville of about $500. The amount stolen from the county treasurer approximated f 8,000. Williams was positively identified by mem bers of the North Carolina party as the man wanted for the deed and for whm a reward had been offered by the authorities at Yad kinville. He was given a hearing yesterday before a United States commissioner and bound over to the next term of federal court at Greenbsboro. LIVED 91 TEARS. Ms. Leonard Hoffner, of Pooltown, Dies at a Bipe Old Age. Correspondence of Sun Faith, N. C, Oct. 15th, 1904. Mr. Leonard Hoffner died at his home near Pooltown, Friday and was buried today at St. Mat thews church. He was 91 years 4 months and 8 days old and was a good citizen. He was a member of St. Mathews church for many fund to protect every subscriber years. He naci many menus an from every other contributor, over the county and all who knew Just what amount has been raised ! him eay be was one of the best Mrs. Lula Summers and Mr. John W, Kesler Married latt Night. At 8 o'clock last night at the home of the bride on Eist Inniss street Mrs. Lula Summers and Mr. John W. Kesler were married, Rev. W. R Ware officiating. There were but few witnesses to the ceremony, for the contracting parties had not even advised im mediate members of the family. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kesler are well known and much esteemed in Salisbury, the former beinga mem ber of the hardware firm of Kesler and Company. The announcement of this marriage will be received with extreme interest by the many acquaintances of both parties. A COLLIERY CATCHES FIRE. One Man Instantly Killed and it is Feared Others Will Die. Shamokin, Pa., Oct , 15. -The Eaterprise Colliery, employing seven hundred men and boys, caught fire this morning and the j assistant pump runner was f moth ered to death. It is feared (iters lo-t their lives but it is impossible to say at present, as the rapid spread of the tUrn - '.- v-nted the exploration of i'-j j.jn. Tbe fire leaped f- m i outh of the slope, ind'c . c ntlagration of serious r ir . . is not known but if the solicitor for fends is to be believed the ag gregate will be as much as the Democrats of Rowan spend in three campaigns. The manner in which the vic tims are approached is after this fashion: "I am making a canvas3 for funds," states the solicitor. "What I say to you is in confidence. We expect every distiller and saloon j keeper in Salisbury to contribute to this fund. Oae man has al ready given me $500. Blackburn will be of service to you if you neip U3 to raise tnis campaign fund needed. Of course, you are! towns and sections in the States of citizens in our county, and never known to have an enemy. He was always kind to every one. He leaves four children, all of whom were with him at the time of his death. Mr. George H finer, of Faith, is oae ci u is sons. ARE IMPORTING NEGRO VOTERS. The Republicans Are Colonising New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. New York, Out. 14 The negro national Democratic bureau says : "We have letters from various MILES SEES VICTORY. SAYS PARKER WILL WIN OUT. Thinks it is a Matter of Individual Conscience. New York. Oct. 18. General Nelson A. Miles was an early call er on Judge Parker at the Seville Hotel this morning. He remain ed about twenty minutes. When he came from the Judge's room he said, "I believe Parker is going to be elected. When the honest voters of the country get into a booth alone with conscience ul good they are going to cast thafr ballots for Parker and Davis."., Other callers included E. J. Bowe, a member of congress from MisBis sippi. E is Brother Received a Telegram To day Announcing His Death. 'apt. James P Moore, travel inengineer for the Southern, re ceived a telegram this morning which' conveyed the news that his brother, Mr. Brooks Moore, was killed last night. No particulars weua given in the message Mr. Moore was an engineer on Atlanta, Ktoxville and Northern Railroad, and it is supposed that he was killed in a wreck. He was for several years a resident of Sal isbury and an engineer on the Western North Carolina road, but left Salisbury a few years ago. He was about 35 years old and is sur vived by a son, Mrs. Moore died about two weeks ago. Capt. Moore left this morning for Knoxville, where it is expected the remains will be taken. RMES LI.IT. NEWLAND IS COMING. TO DEDICATE CHURCH. RUSSIA ENCOURAGED. BETTER REPORTS IN TODAY. The Two Main Armies are Now Face to Face With Only a River Between Them. WILL SPEAK HEKE ON" THE 29TH Mr. Blackburn Will Be Given Time if it is Desired. . DEDICATORY SERMON SUNDAY. - East Salisbury Methodist Charch to be Dedicated Sunday Morning. E Salisbury Methodist church will bo dedicated next Sunday 50 FILIPINOS KILLED. They Were Defeated by the American Forces. Manila, Oct. 18. A force under Lieutenant Pogge, of the constab ulary, has defeated a large num ber of Pulsjines in the mountains of eastern Samar, killing the no tori jus outlaw, Oyomo, and fifty of Lis followers. MB. EDCSOrS BIG SPEECH. 3 KILLED IN WRECK. ANOTHER REAR END COLLISION Firemen, Messenger and Brakeman go to Their Death. Wellsville, O., Oct. 19. In a rear end collision on the Cleveland and' Pittsburg railroad near Al Jiae this morning a fireman, messenger and brakeman were killed. Twelve cars were wreck ed. One other brakeman was injured. MR. CASPER CONVICTED. The Government Takes up the Case of x Advertisers. A Democratic Club Organized at Green wood School House. Correspondence of SL'n. Cleveland, Oct. A Derncc.atie club was organized at Greenwood SalisburianS. who came down from Statatesvillejast night re ported that just as Federal Court vena nrflnarincr to adiourn vfcster- 1 t ... 1 l. I in Iko rtusioT"irQfd aay anernoou me juijr iu mo of the Caeper Company returned a verdict of guilty. The individuals indicted were Mr. John Casper, a native of China Grove, now of Winston, and John Smitbdeal, a distiller of Advance, Davie coun ty- The case is a most interesting one, and it was generally believed that the defendants would be ac quitted. For months the Casper Company advertised in some of the leading papers of the South a high grade whiskey at a low price and proposed with orders to a cer tain amount to throw in extra London, Oct. 19. The St. Petersburg correspondent of tbe Exchange Telegraph Company says word has been received at the Russian capital that the Japanese fire at at Shahke river was weak ening, owing to insufficient supply of projectiles. He adds that it iH stated that the Jaoanese ni-a burning large supplies of stores. Tokio, Oct. 19. A dispatch was received in tffi cial quarters this morning tnat states mat ield Marshall Oyama's army is stil face to face with that of Kuropat kin. lne Japanese were on one side of the Shahke river and the Russians cn the other. St. Petersburg, Oct. 19. In of ficial circles it is believed tnat tbe . .. i ; a. i Japanese have reac&ea tne uiuh 01 their advance and that the J t l latest actions have assurea me safety of Mukden. Under date of Oct. 18th Kuropatkin telegraphs: "Daring the night the Japanese attacked our advanced positions at L me Tree hill but were repulsed. There are no reports of any en gagements up to 10 o'clock this morning. Everything is quiet at all our positions. Riin fell last night and much effected the W. C. Newland, Esq , the Dem ocratic nominee for Congress, will speak in Salisbury on Saturday morning at H o'clock and either night, 29th inst. Chairman BoyJfiev. Dr. G. H. Detwiler or Key. den stated this mornir-cr that fie W. R. Ware will preach the'dedi- catory sermon. No services will be held at the First Methodist church on this day, both congre gations worshiping at the East Salisbury church. The pastor, Rev. R. G. Barrett, has labored unceasingly and most effectively in building this church and strengthening his congregation and the edifico will be a lasting tribute to his energy and zeal. bad made this appointmen! fur Newland apart from tic r-istrict appointments. O; Ihe afternoon of the 2Sth Mr. Newiand and Mr. Blackburn meet in joint discussion at Enocbviii'o. and on Saturday, 2!Hb, (.t 2 p. m , at Chir.a Grove, Mr. Blackburn will be accorded a division of time in Salisbury if he desires to meet Mr. Newiand here. Mr. Boyden will take the matter up with Mr. Stuart, chairman oJ the county executive committee, this week" PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT. of President Names Business Man Manitoba to High Position. Washington, D. C , Oct. 19 The President today appointed Ira Harris as supervising inspector of steamships at the port of New York, to eucctd IaBpector removed a the re cuw commission reports, narrie Mr. EYE BALL LAID OPEN. James H. Weant Loses His Left Eye in Accident. i has been engaged in the immigra tion service at Manitoba for sev eral years. He graduated at An napolis and had reached the grade of lieutenant commander at tho time of his retirement to engage in private business. , v.. , .1 l , Mn,liT nicrbr fWnW iquariB. v nen me gUWlS vvbib 10 PRESIDENT i "TENDS A WEDDING. The Daughter of Senator Knox Became a Bride Today. Washington, Oct. 15 . The President and Mrs. Roosevelt, ac companied bj Secretary Loeb and . , f. u , crat in Rowan county should fear two secret service men left today ... - not forced to subscribe but natur urally you could not expect any favors from Blackburn or his friends should you antagonize him." In substance the foregoing is the burden of the plea. Since a good proportion of the saloon men of Salisbury are and have been Demo crats the proposition met with re sentment in at least one particu lar case. Chairman Rjyden said this morning when advised of the mat ter: "That's'all right. No Damo- New York, New Jersey and Con necticut, stating that the Repubfi cane, seeing that they are losing the negro vote in those States, are importing hundreds of negroes from Virginia, the Carolinas and from Philadelphia into Camden, Newark and Jersy City., N. J., into New York City and Brooklyn, and into Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford, Conn. These men are to be registered as legal voters." here, IT. T. Frank Hudson, of Spen cer, was present and delivered an address to the large and enthusi astic crowd. A large number of ladies were present. Mr. Hud sons's fine and impressive bearing never fails to send his words of elccpience to the heart. The people listened attentively, and nearty applause was extended the speaker. After the address '25 enrolled their names as members of the club. ceived the buyers almost invaria bly found that when they expected quart packages only pints were received. The government agents took the matter up and the two men were indicted for using the mails for fraudulent purposes. . -r . t..l RomerUit- l w repuncu here that tbeRssiarecelved re inforcements of twentythOtiBand men from Kirin. to the north of Mukden, and that the Japanese have been reinforced by a brigade from New Chung. St. Petersburg, Oct. 19. -Lieut. Genl. Sakhoff reports as follows under t( di's date: "The Japan ese are concentrating on the centre front near Linshipn. We captur ed two Japanese guns sustaining no loss ourselves. Barbecuo on the 29th. A barbecue wili be held at L f tin's store near Dunn's Mountain on Saturday, 29 :h in,t. Befo e the dinner speeches will be made by Messrs. Walter Murphy and Jno. M. Julian. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. L'nder and by virtue c-f authority contained in the last will and testa estator. David ri. wanupp- sa e at the Court Monday, the Mr. James H. Weant, who has been working at Old Fort, suffer ed an accident Monday night in which ho lost bis left eye and on account of the injury returned Salisbury lar rSfnall. pf)lTuinr it square- tt J . ' r.i' y. There is no hope oi saving iue eyo. GO TO THE NARROWS. The Whitney Party Taken Down on a Special Yesterday. i CTho Whitney party which came to Salisbury Monday, morning, went to tbe Narrows yesterday af ternoon on a special train and will spend several days at that point. In tho party are Mr. Whitney, president; Mr. Stephenson, secre tary and treasurer, and Capt. E. 13. C. Iiambley, manager of the company. 1 will offer a.fT House door in Sails hu the L21st day of Novembei :ate foil owl dct described lands, all sitter in Franklin township, Rowan couafSvtt between th3 Wilkesb ro and States- ville public roads, about tix milts west of Salisbury, tc- witt : No. 1. A tract containing 8J acres, more or less, made up o! two tracts, one of 2 acres, de-cr';hed in deed irom Tilman Cranford to D. S. Caoup, reg istered in book 75, pae 2.'S3: the other bing the 6 acre tract described in deed from Martha E Cranford to D. (S. Kanupp, registered in book i, page 322 This tia:t contains a good dwel- Oar left made ling house, barn, we:l, etc , and is well watered. No. 2. A tract containii g 22 acres To the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ramsay Miss Julia Allea Kameay, Mrs. J. D. McNeely, Miss Fan McNeely, Jos It. McNeely, Joseph Kesler, Mrs J. H. L. Rice and Miss Clif ford have gone to St. Louis to ttend the exposition. jvninistrators Notice. a slight advance." , . . adjoining No. 1, made up of three Paris, Oct. A telegram from tracts, containing 8 acres, 10 acres Mnkflnn savH Virerov Alexieff ar- aud ;i4 acre9' rully aescnted !u one Mukden says viceroy Aiexieu ar degd fjom R Mer t0 D g rived there to confer with Genl. Kanupp, registered in book 95 page 294, etc, rcigsters office of Rowan Kuropatkin. county. This lot has two dwelling TWO ORPHANS PERISH. on the regular 10 o'clock train over tho Pennsylvaniafor Valley Forge, Pa , for the purpose of attending the wedding of the daughter of Senator Knx, at his country home this afternoon. The presidential party occupied a private car. The President will return to Washing ton tonight. a Republican campaign.f und. J. M. CDLP PROMOTED. LOYAL WIFE WITH GRORB. Mrs. Grubb Spends the Day in Jail Near Husband. A Salisburian who came in from Lpxington yesterday siad Mr. Clay Grubb, who has been in the Lex ington jail since he shot and killed his brother-in-law, Obe Davis, Sunday, is attended almost con stantly by his wife, the dead man's The Southern Gives a Veteran Em- j sister. Mrs. Grubb spends much ploye a Promotion. j of her time at the jail with her I husband tnd has implicit faith in his acquittal. Mr. Davis was buried yesterday anu fully 1,000 peoi le attended the funeral. ROWAN BOT SELLS PATENT. Capt. B C. Hambley Buys Patent From Frank Woodward. Capt. E. B. C. Hambley has bought from Mr. Frank E Wood ward, son of Mr. M. M. Woodward, the right to a patent cold air press ure pump which is of exceptional merit. Mr. Woodward has been experimenting with this pump for a loDg time and agreed to make a test, promising to throw the wate r 1 i T f V . -T 1 7 wasningion, v. , wet. Moo feet. The txoeriment more The Supreme Circle of thd great than substantiated his claim, the brotherhood ot the Union, a pat- throwing the water a i it f i I " riouc, iraiernai ana Dentnciai or- distance cf 280 feet ganization founded in 1874 by George Lippard, the Philadelphia novelist, began its annual conven TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION This is One of the Aims of the Union Brotherhood Convention. WORDROUSLY GLASSY. the Sides tion in Washington today and will The New shops Have 1900 Panes on remain in session until Friday. Delegates are present from a num ber of states. Measures locking! to the restriction of foreign immi gration will be a prominent feature of the discussions. R. DIED OF OLD AGE. L Surratt, an Aged Citizen Passes Away. Washington, D. C , Oct. 16. J. M. Culp, the fourth vico presi dent (.f tbe Southern Railway, has been elected to the office of third vice president. His headquarters will be located in Washington. Mr. Culp ha3 been in the railway service since the 70s. Since in j Mr lK'.il he has been traffic manssei i II and fourth vice president, re- j spectively, of the Southern, tbe Mr. R. L. Surratt died this latter position having been fi led j morning at the home of his son by him tbe past four years. Mr. j Mr. J. W. Surratt, of Spencer. Gulp's successor hus not yet been i The funeral services will be held selected. j tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the lesidecce, Rev. J. E. Tr;e bulletin of the Stato Board Gay officiating, and the remains of llaith reports for the month of will be interred in Chestnut Hill August smallpox in 13 coun tie s, cemetery. loo ses being in Jackson county, j Mr. Surratt. was S3 years old , j and his life went out as a flickering A man mus. look before he i wick dies by slow and easy de-Iwp-1, if he wan'-, t ge there with ! grces. He is survived by several NELSON TAYLOR HONORED. Salisbury Boy Appointed Assistant In structor at Cornell. The Southern's new shfops at Spencer have 10,800 panes f glass on the sides and at the endfc, to say nothing of the glass aft other points. This interesting bit of information was arrived at' Sunday afternoon by a SalisburJan who visited at Spencer and (waB im pressed with the numerous glasses in tho building. AN EXPENSIVE ORGANIZATION. Dolly Varden Comes to Salisbury Fri day AiglrV F. C. Whitney's opera company preoenting"Dolly Varden" Strange & Edwards' most successful comic opera is utcjue6tionably the most expensive musical organ5 ztion that will be seen here this season, as the cast is composed entirely of artists cf international reputation. Miss Maud Holiins, who appears in the title role is both favorably known in New York and London and has heretofore refused to ac cept engagements in any other cities. She was especially engaged for Francis Wilson' production of "The Monks of Malabar" at the Knickerbocker Theatres, New York, three seasons ago, returning to London to fid previous contracts immediately after the termination of this engagement. The remain der of the cast is practically the same as last season. This com pany will be in Salisbury Friday night. houses, good meadow, coiisiderable timber and is well watered. All the above desenbt d lands lie ad joining each other, and adjoining tbe. Two Are Dead and Others Injured m Kanup.JacobA. Klutt .Peter Ritchie, T?irAt Ornhanafre and others. 1 will l,e glad to snow irire at urpnanage fc. lanfls to anv nfie so dea rini?. and deeds and full description may he Shelbyville, 111., Oat. 19.-The seen at e lomoe or my attorney, t. admlnistra 1, A. Lenta lioldlni resent th be Wocdworth orphan asylum was destroyed by fire today. Two children are kdown to have per ished, and others are injured by jumping from windows. The two children suffocated I were Alfred and Charles Pe- tersou. The hre started in ciom ing which was left near a stove in the bovs' dormitory. There were a number of narrow escapes. W T. GIIEEN, Executor of D S. Kanupp. This Oct. 15, 1804. North Carolina li, ,w:Lti Count v. H fLvintr tills dV oua tor of tiie estate of the notice is hereby given to all p claims aaainst t he said estate same to me for uavment on or 1 it h tin v of O.'t . HtOfi. or this notice nlead iu liar of t neir recovery. Persons debt id to the said estate please make prompt payment Dated this the Hth day of Oct. 1904. A. W. LENT', V. F. LENTZ, Admrs. W. A. LENT.. A. HEILIG. Atty. Administratrix Notice. Having qualified as administratrix of the estaie of Lucien E Stlrewalt lata of Kowan county. North Caro lina, I hereby notify all creditors ot siad Lucien B. Stirewalt to present their claUi s to me for payment on or before the Hth day of October 1905, or this noiice will be pleaa in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement Oct Hth. 11)04 JOSEPH 1 NE STIREWALT, Ad ni'x, L. E. Stlrewalt. A. S. HEILIG, Atty. dlw5 WEDDING DAY FOR SISTERS. Mr. Nelson Taylor, of Salis bury, who returned last week to Cornell, where he has been prosecuting his chosen work, Two Misses Brown Married Sunday at has been appointed assistant in- st. Peter's Lutheran Church, structor in chemistry -analyti- cal and organic-for the university At Peter's Lutheran church year at Cornell. This is an ex- a double wedding was celebrated ceptional compliment and Mr. iast Sunday morning, tbe brides Taylor, who is a son of Capt. and bemcr sisters. Miss Daisy Brown Mrs. w.&. laylor, is to ba con became -the bride of Mr. Henry A WRECK IR GEORGIA. A Passenger Train Wrecked But No Details Received. Scottsdale. Ga., October 19. A passenger train on the Georgia railroad has been wrecked near here. No details have been re ceived. Only two were injured. They are Mrs. Baker, of Augusta, and Mail Clerk Parks, of Atlanta. Traffic was blocked for an hour. 2,200 REPORTED DROWNED. The Rumor is Denied by tho Cunard ! Liner Company. London, Ua. 19. Ihe rumor from Vienna that a Cunard liner with 2,200 immigrants aboard1 sunk off the coast of Spain in a storm is given no credence here. The Cunard liner officials have no news of any disaster to any of their vessels and the reports is character z d as a canard. A story to the i tfect thtt a large liner with over two thousand aboard had been lost was current a week ago but received no credence at the time as no details were obtain able nor have been obtained since. It is believed this latest rumor is tbe same unfounded one current last week. INJUNCTION AGAINST REMOVAL. A lfovelty in Candy. The Presbyterian University Stays at CI arks ville for While Longer. gratulated on this recognition of his splendid talent both feet. children. A Chicago man killed his wife because she refused to attend church. This thing of shooting religion into peop'e it carrying strenuosity too far. W. Bernhardt and Miss Flora Brown was married to Mr. George A. Lyerly. The bridas are daugh ters of the lat9 Joseph A. Brown. The wind may be tempered to the shorn lamb, but not in the stock market. A. huge block of Damascus silk candy, something new and most delicious in confectionaries, is in Salfceby'e window this afternoon. Mr4 Saleeby la turning out some- tbirjjg novel in his line every week. A man never makes a name for himelf writing anonymous com munications. r Clarksville, Tenn., Oct. 18. Chancellor Stout today granted an injunction to prevent the removal of the Southwestern Presbyterian University from Cl-srksville to Atlanta, Gi. The cae will go to the State Supreme Court. It's far better to be bent on pconomy than broke on extrava gance. BRITTAINS! Brittain's is the store where you will find all the newest things that comes out. Nothing is too new for us. You should see our new line of combs. The white comb is having a-greats run just now in the large cities, we have them at 10, 15 and 25c. The swellest line of Belts and Hand Bags to be found. The greatest line of Ladies Neck wear ever shown in Salisbury. And one of our p et lines is Dress Trimmings, Buttons &c. This Lne is the greatest we ever car ried and we believe that we have trimmings to match al most any kind of goods from the very cheapest to the finest. We have the very swellest things in Ladies Tourist Coats. The newest things out in Ladies Top Coats. Our line of Skirts made by the best tailors and designed by the best artists in the business. See us before buyini 120 South Main st. BRITTAIN'S. PHONE 318. I

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