- f A is ce Buy the IijLlfllt Standard jVItvcliiiie at T. P. Young's, i W. Mj. Ruth. Salesman. VOL. II. NO, 33. SUN BEAMS. ' - 1 , - ' 1 r" Pocussed and Transmitted Into Print by a San Reporter. LKROY. SMITH, CITY EDITOR. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4. LOCAL fNEWS. Mr. Tom Cowan, has secured a position with Pearsall, a wholesale grocer, in Washington, D. C. . i Yesterday evening officer Mow erv shot twice at a dog in the south ward. The animal was not illed. The new seats for the Sunday school room at the; First Presbyte- '. rian church have arrived and are leing placed this week. The force of convicts are doing good wprk on north Main , street now. The macadamizing is being put down in good; order. i The- regular quarterly meeting "of thtr Rowan Ckmiity Medical So cictv will be held in the .city hall on Monday next, the 11th inst.,;at J 1 o'clock a. in. 4 Mr. L. iA'. Peeler, who; moved to the country .some time since, has for several Aveeks; been wrestling, with malarial "fever. He was in the city today for the, first time in a month. Uey. Lee. passed through this morning fan his way to, Charlotte where he begins a meeting Sunday. He stated that he would be here with his tent on the .24th fo-thc purpose of conducting a series of meetings. j,. Rev R. Ix. Bame, .of Woodside; T " . t - . r . ii T" j i I I .111 IlO.rllll I IMISSHJSVLUU IUHI SeV' - 86 V fral weeks, returned home thiTcTnrr T T ' ..... . .'..4 . . ... . m-t'ttfA-ic-ltn n? nrt1 I T .Tie reports uu iim3icouug- profitable stay witlv the people of the mission. " ! Sixteen bales of Rowan cotton were, sold in Concord yesterday. But Mecklenburg farmers beat that by selling 177 bales on the same market. L The Salisbury buyers are getting nearly all of Rowan's cotton. - ' . John H. Pearson and L. C. Caldwell were both in the city last niht returning home from Ralr eio-h where they -had been to (see the Governor. There, are no 'new developments iir tbe rail way com mission business. r . Mrs. AV. II. Hudson and child ren, who have been in Atlanta the Hast month or six weeks, is ex- . ,. .. t- -- . ' ., pected home tonight. Mr.-Hudson left last night via Ashevjlle for Spartanburg to met them and accompany them to thss city. Louis Cauble, wlio was called " to Cabarrus by the fatal accident which happened to his father-in-law, A. J.-Wineuolf,. bus fnot yet . returned. Nothing later than the I repqrt of Mr. W in eco f Fs death ''which appeared in yesterday's lias been received. . A widower anl widow in Kan sas were married the other day J" within four minutes from the -time they met for the first time. Thai's doing pretty well,' but we knOw a widow in , Salisbury who ,' ' would marry a certain widower, in a minute and a half, or less time, if it was jiQcessar'y to hurry up the matter a little. J. L. GrahanT spent last night in the city and left this morning for Long Island, Catawba county. He has recently come ii from Tennessee and will soon return to that State. He says he has noth ing to do now but travel -about and have a good time. His case, which was appealed to the Su preme Court, has not yetXeen reached ,by. that court. Aline of nice Cloaks at Ileid &;Har- 1 tisifi A HOG PEN LIMIT. The Commissioners Make One- The Fireworks Ordinance: At n meetmsr or me ooa-ru- or . ' ' A ' At II 1 Jt citv aldermen last nisrht the hog . pen question was brought up and some (action taken. A .limit was fixed lind that liuiit is four blocks from the foiintain. For four block each Wav there shall be no hog, so saith the ordinance decided upon limit ast night; Outside "of this he pens must be situated a certain distance' from any house, street or well, according to the former ordinance bearing upon this subject. . As noted last week the city at torney had been asked to draw up an or f 500 ( linance imposing a tax of n any person who deals in fireworks. This ordinance was drawn up . and was passed last Only the amount of the nisrht. tax wits fixed at 200 instead of j Any one shooting fireworks cmring me vnnsimas nouuavs wni violate the oh'l ordinance and will be subject to the fine ' imposed by that ordinance. J Thd electric light (juestion was also discussed but no action wa takenJ Eye Hurt. i I Mr. C. F. Piper, of the black- smith his ay department at Spencer, had p burned. quite badly y ester - day Kenincr bv a scale from a piece )f hot iron. Joshua Smpkins. ager. "Marsh of the.' opera i : Mai liouso kins."" tells,ns that (bJushua. Simp- it he greatest- of all rural plays, is w;fiwJ1i6 coini$iy y carries tvo. bands and r. v 1 AUI TI'TTWlLi . Rev. Stnoot Brought Home. L; Rev J. F. Smoot, who was in by being thrown from a recently, was brought to jured horse his home . in this city yesterday evening; I He is resting as well as could he cxbect ed. It is thoujrb.t no boi es were b roken . i .. i . - - s Challenge Accepted. , : : ! I Toriy Tador has accepted the challehge of Mri Springs, Iexing ton's rack bicycle rider, and will race 4ith him some time in the near future, the date and place to be decided upon later. .; - Both.of these riders are good ones dhd the race .will be an ex- ceediri ly interesting4 one. An Invitation. We understand that the South iil way Company, has extend invitation to tlie New Eng Cotton Mamifactuiers Asso i, to visit the cotton mill cen ern R ed an hind 1 ciatio tres that f the, South located along iy stem of railway, and it is expedted ' a large number of the meml ers of the association will ac cept the invitation. About 25C Cotton nulls are located on the line oi tjie Southern railway! apt the nuniber is increasing. Tomorrow Night at the Opera. j The ! Manhattan Stock Company is one of the largest and most com plete popular priced attractions traveling. The scenic effects and access- ories are all bright and new, while the stage settings show the handiwork of ,the master hand. The i lays are standard successes, for which the management pay very heavy royalty fees. The com pany numbers IS, well known playe fs ana will . appear at the operau house in this city tomorrow t Reserved seats can be se at the usual place. night cured Try that, tine Sausage 'made on Jack- son's H team mill today. j For the best and finest Fish in town call oe II. M. Brown, at. the 1 Wash ington building. SALISBURY, N. C.,' FRIDAY E V MOEE BUILDINGS. Contracts 4?iven and to be Given' in ; ' ; ; ; ' the City, v' j Messrs. Lefler and Earnhardt have the contract to build Mr. John Movie's handsome houn west Jnniss street. . It will built where the old red house next to Sheriff Monroe's now stands. The old house is to be moved back from its present site.' - j These contractors also have the contract to build a house for Ir. Henry Shu ping in the north ward beyond the railroad. , : The foundation for Mr. J. Sam McCubbins' new bouse has been laid and the work on the building will be pushed 'to completion as rapidly as possible. Several of qui contractors are expected to sequre a number of contracts withing the next few days, i . . - ' To Maine. , C. (i. Viele and wife and little son, Murray,, left last night for Portland, Maine. They will stop on the way at New York and Bos ton.and will be gone tUo weeks or more. The Hayseeder. The first issue of the Hayseed er, S. Otho . Wilson's paper, hs been received. It is a warm ariti Russell, anti-Rbtler sheet.- ' ; Otho jiromiscs to. make: son.e startling developments in the pul -lication. . A Golden Wedding xMrs. S r Hari y left fojrter, S. C. NeV s 1 morninrr T" J-, rrrsu-'. t ' golden wedding, they having niarried fifty years. On the Siipie day MissrKatie Cassels. a- grand- Ulaughter of the aged- couple: will be married to Dr. Providence. Services Tonight. . -At the Luther League meeting 1! tonight the subject will be "tem perance,": and the leader is Mr. George Seyffert. I The time of meeting of the Bap tist Union has been changed from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. The time w as" ; recently changed from Sunday to Friday night. The usual weekly devotional meeting will be , held by the Epr worth Ieague tonight. Every body is invited to attend the meet ing- Insane 'Persons- , An insane man from Rocking ham county was in the city this morning. He was securely tied and bandcuffed and was being tak en to the State hospital at Mor gan ton. Another insane person, a young man, from Moore county was also here this morning being taken -to the State hospital. He was of a very nervous disposition and per sisted in playing a banjo or mouth orofan. '; " : , -yy A Big Corn Shucking. t Mr. A. M. Glover gave W corn shucking yy eanesuay cisiiAA Thirty hands were present and t pe corn was divided a.t-S o'clock "by John W. Glover and' Will Tol bert, the latter being the winner. At 9 o'clock the corn was shucked and a proposition was made that if they" would put up the shocks they could have all the wine they could drink Supper was called and some of the boys didn't know a knife from a fork. A good crowd went out from town on wheels but their wheplw woidd . ...... " V I .1 not stay in the road coming - backTfl your; blankets home.. . . . . Shave at the Climax." VJ lv. -M v. E N I N GyO C TO B E R : 8 , 1 897 BISH0B POTTER GOES THROUGH Accompanied by a Party of Englkh .r -r'i Bishops. The delayed vestibule this morn ing contained a party of distin- gaisber4Qiyines: f Bishop Potter Bral English bishops were TL went west On train 11 their destiildn bei'ig Seannee Tenn. , the sxofae; University of Ten neslfej l After a stay at this city they,?h ll proceed via Cincinnatlto Buffau, N. Y.J, to attend the an nual, ileeting of the brotherhood o'v St Andrew. i kD RAILROAD RUMOR. . . It if Said that ! Nos. 7 and 8 Will be, J) . ; Taken Off. ' 4'ailroad rumor is to the effect thaliNos. 7 and 8, the local trains betvveen Danville and Charlotte, arf to be taken off before the first of November. K jVheii these trains are taken off the Chattanooga-Norfolk train will' aijpyef in Salisbury from the west laSer in thoanorning, just in time tc make4- connection with No. 36. The sleeper will be attached to tlmt train? but the bther coaches v ill" remain here and return to 0 iiattAnooga at night, : getting the peeper Jf rom the south-bound fast iail. lack Prom Marshall. Capt, John A. - Ramsay came in last nijiht on:tho Western. He had been to Marshall yvhere Sena- litor Prjtchard is "resting up," but lie bad no hqw news to tell 'Urns Returns. . , Y .inftUJUS I fry rrn nt last niirht froto - Rd-" - f VJ : uccii iiieio several Hcclv .... .. ; ii.... i biuildiug a large cotton platform arM has finished that work. The Sanatorium. Mr. Kluttz; architect, of Knox ville, is in the city today, he hav ing been em ployed by Drs. 'White head and Long to draw plans for their proposed, sanatorium. The site of the building was staked off today. . . ';'. Wanted-A Side Track. The quarrymen who do business pear. Woodside, have been after the railroad company tor -some to get a side track place. Capt- Ryder, time trying built at that of the Southern, was here this morning and went to Woodside io seethe 4 4 lay of the land." Relatives 111. i i j 'Mr."-. Litten,. of the Spencer force, left this morning with his fjimily for Char lotto. The go to sde jI r. Litten's sister, who is quite low. l? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones left today for. Khoxville in answer to V ' I - At ' ' a message announcing the serious il ness of Mr. Jones' motlier. Evangelist Lee Coming Here. Rev. J. W.,Lee, the Irish evan- JrTetibt'Si?11 probably begin a series meeting m inis citv about the Qih of this?Btii: 7 He has expressed bis willingness to come here and at their meeting yestei .aj " " church, was also here (Christian Temperance v unioiro . ' : . . . , unanimously decided to extend fr him an invitation to come here on the 24th. - : The evangelist has recently been in Winston and his meetings there are said to have been well attend ee and much interest was 'shown by-iis large congregations. -- '.. aro. soilpH Kpnd eifi to the Salisbury Steam Laundry. T-htf y wiU just Hke uew)nes when yonf get them back. . I ' . ' . - . . .. I: - : - " . -'.'.... ! .-.... k ' . - . - , V 7 I M : X Vt M 11 III I -11 III IS Jt A r ... . I - "I , ' - .-: , i ' ; . ' i .-.-. - INSURANCE DIRECTORS MEET At outh River to Settle a Claim of Uap. Stewart; ' A mrectors meeting of the Farmers Mutual Benefit Insurance Company, of Rowan and Davie counties, was held at South River yesterday. ; .The object of the meeting was to adjust acclaim of Cap. Stewart, whose burned some time affo. barn was Capt. . Stewart, it appears, claiir s his barnr was insured .... but has o papers to show that it was. He up the pa - states that the rats cut pers. ) There was.a quorum of the ( rectors present which is necessary t M 1 . U . "-it co taRino; action, ana arter a care-. ful consideration a vote was taken . The result we learn was not favor , - - . able to Mr. Stewart. The insur ance agent was not present at the meeting, hence no definite decis ..-...: - - , i - ion was made. It is not believed, however, from the temper of the directors yesterday .that they wi 1 give him anything. As soon as beard from the matter tied. For the present it statuo quo and it may the agent is will be set- remains in take one or to finally more other meetings decide.it. After theBall. - The colored folks had a bisr srer- man in the west end last night. They had a grand time and thic morning the policemen were busy summoning them to appear at the the mayor's court. w About - twelve of the festive dancers will ha ve .a hearing to - night." KJlW "Here "uavV recei vea j vno f instructions about handling WaljaQeRrothers' circus and it is. probable' that the show will not - come through, .here. Robinson Franklin .Bros,". will be here next week, howeveixand will furnish amusement for a large crowd of people. The M. P. Church. Rev. J . S. Dunn, pastor Of -West Lexington ; Methodistj Protestant church left this morning for the purpose of . protracting a special meeting at Lexington next Sun- da v. -: He tells us the North Carolina Conference of the Protestant church w Methodist ill meet at Hiffh Point November the 24tb; Mrs- My rick Bead. Mrs. Ems My rick home on Chestnut Hi died at her 1 this , inorn: ing at 4 o'clock. Death iwas caused by a complication of diseases, j , The, body will be taken to Ran dleman tomorrow morning for burial. Mrs. My rick's old home was at that place. Sne was about 45 years old and Heav es a husband but no children, il Committee Meeting. Dr. Stevens, of (J oncord, and Rev. Miller, of Mt. Pleasant, came up on the early train this morning to attend a meeting of the execu i i tive committee of the N. C. Synod. Rev. Stickley, of Enqchville, came in last night to attend the meeting, of Organ Rev. Geo. H. Cox to attend the meeting. Miss Carrie Welfare, of Salem, who has been visiting in the city for some time, returned home this morning much to the regret of her many friends. Magnificent display, of fall and win ter Hats at Misses McCoy and Beard's, Thursday and Friday. ! One furnished room .for rent. Apply to Miss E. Hutchinson, Council street, opposite Baptist parsonage. T3XC DTJJf visits the home of nearly every fam ily in OaHshury And Spencer every day. .Advertisers will please note this fact if they de uire the best results :Erom their "ads." ! 10 Cents Per "Weet OLDEST DAVIDSON GRADUATE. Two of the Class if Forty are Still Living Rev. SherriU's Class. Mr. Editor: In the issue of the Sun of the 6th inst., quoting from, the States ville Landmark, it is said, in reference to the Rey. R. E. Sherrill, who died recently in Texas, that he was. the oldest grad uate of Davidson College at the time of his death. This is a mis take. ; The Re James Knox, born in Rowan in 1811, and a graduate in the first class in 1840 a year be 'fore Mr. Sherrill, who graduated in 1841', in the second class, is still living in Texas, or was quite re cently. II. II. Kimmons, of Ox ford, Miss. , of the class of '40 is also still living, if I mistake not. Mr. Sherrill graduated with first honor in f a class of twelve members Two only of these remain Doctors D. B. Wood and J. G. Ramsay, both of Rowan. He was an excellent uian, and doubtless now enjoys that" rest his arduous labors denied him on .... earth. v , J. .G. R. The Subject was Love. ' Rey. . Coburn - preached at the . Chestnut Hill church last night xh the subject of "love," taking for" his text the 13th. verse of the 15th chapter of John. - A large congre5gation was pre sent and enjoyed the sermon very much. There were two penitents at the altar and others were inter ested. ; ' Annual Eeport of the Southern. The annual report. of the South ern Railway makes a remarkable showing.aVcan be seen by the-f1- OTfing the'past y?ff no pasbeur J ger was killed or seriously injured while traveling on the ; trains of the company. The niimber of passengers handled -by the com pany .during the year was 4,057,-" 327. v ;Itris safe tp. say. that this re cord is almost uuparralleled. ; The Southern, which is one of . tKe safest and inost progressive of the big lines, always looks but -for its passengers, -j V. Mr. Ol in Mast on and Avife and Mrs. M. C. Call" of Wilkesboro, and Miss Mary Qowan, of Cleve land, who have been visiting Mrs. M. E. Owen and daughter, Miss Mairiie, left this morning for Ashe yille. Mr. Maston goes on official business, being deputy collector in the 5th district, Internal Revenue service. - 1 Yesterday's Concord Standard says: Miss' Maud Brown left for Salisbury this morning, and will assist in the preparations for the Wiley Bernhardt wedding on next Thursday night. v A young man was seen running down Fulton street last night with his hat) in his hand. In . passing a friend he remarked that he was not scared but. he didnt want to be hurt. Seme one hail been rocking him. s l- ; Marshall Sams arrived in the city last night from Asheville. He was formerly conncted with the Spencer force but has recently been inKnoxvilJe and Asheville. ' Mr. H. C. Trott is on the sick list. He has not been at his place of business for several days. The executive committee of the .North Carolina Lutheran Synod is in session in this city today. Rooms for rent, furnished or- unfur nished, in a desirable locality. Call at this "office. V Some beautiful Bedford cord at Reid & Harry's. . - '.' ' ' , - - . " ' - BIG BARGAIN Wil 1 sell my en tire lot of fancy pigeons, 35 or 40, at a reduced price. Next door to W. C. Fralejv ' J. J. Feather. K V 1. ' ' " : ' v .

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