J Put it in the y V4 TOUR EYES ON MY " And ths ?eopl( . AVILL SEE IT. Show .Windows. E. H. HARSH 10 Cents Per Week VOL. II. NO. 91. SALISBURY, N. C.TUESD AY EVENING, DECEMBER 25, 1897. ' i ; : - 1 ' ' ' ; . , t , , i i ...t . r ' - SUN BEAMS. Focussed and Transmitted Into Print by a Son Reporter. LEROY SMITH, CITY KDITOJR. TELEPHONE NUMBER A. LOGAI, NEWS. - . ... ., . Santa Claus at Buerbaum's. t , E. H. Marsh has a change, of ad in the Sun toda'. '--Ar.'-: XWiie JxyelL has accepted a were a rrested as uspiiiidus char sitionin the shops at Spen&fi? vt et'St tJMiekw position . critically ill at Spencer, is iny- proving. , Santa Claus .at Buerbaum's. 1 Mr. C. S. Carter is confined to his home by sickness. He has in flammatory rheumatism. : This is a warm store full of warm shoes, and lots of Christmas slippers. Burt Shoe Co. Santa Claus at Buerbaum's. Clifton, the little son of Mr. W. H. Burton, is worse today than yesterday. His condition is very critical. vr Mr. It. II. Milton, of China Grove, was in the city this inorn inT. While here he subscribed for the Daily Sun. The funeral service over the remains of Mrs Jemima Pinkston will Ube conducted at Franklin . i tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Santa Claus at Buerbaum's. y This store is your op. We are spinning it for you, and making it I hum merrily. Burt Shoe Co. "A number of students of the University passed through the city last night going home to spend the Christmas holidays. Keed & Harry, the Carolina llacket menhave a new ad in this issue. They suggest Christmas j)resents for all your relatives and friends. Santa Claus at Buerbaum's. Tomorrow 'is the birthday of Rev. Trexler, pastor of Salem church, and his congregation has arranged to give him a surprise birthday party. The Sun is in receipt of a card from Rev. A. L. Coburn, ordering the paper sent to him at Wood leaf. He and his family are well pleased with their new home and surroundings. One of the contractors on the granite belt, Mr. J. T. Wyatt, on Monday paid $83 to his hands. The granite business is bringing into Rowan a large amount of money, more now than ever be fore. . Sloan & Gillean, grocerymen, have an ad in the Sun now. Their store is on Fisher street, near the, standpipe and they would be pleas ed to wait on old friends and new ones too. They should be given a call by those wanting Christ mas groceries. Two drunken men, one white and one colored, were run in this afternoon. They were disturbing the peace in the neighborhood of the Mt. Vernon when a telephone message was sent for officers and the disturbers were arrested. Santa Claus at Buerbaum's. , - Dr. M. Sugarman, eye special ist, of New York,v will again be at the Central Hotel, Wednesday, December 22nd, and remain about ten days. Dr. Sugarman treats the eyes optically only, and there- lore is enameu 10 ni your eyes with glasses, withouC your taking any chances. Consultation free. Santa Claus at Buerbaum's, . MB.'. UNITS COTJErr. Cases Being Disposed of Daily at the City Kali. The young man, Whittington who was arrested for drinking on Sunday and who failed to raise the as sent to . the county chain gang yesterday evening.- , - Joe Nelson, whi.. was tried for the same offence was sent to the raids but later in the evening a friend raised the necessary amount $7.15, and he paid out. ; ? Ir4 tThe k wo China Grpvelboys who on whose persops two. pistols dndJ a pair oi KnucKswerojtouna secured bond in the afternoon and Avere released. They were to appear for - i - - trial lest night, but preferred to forfeit their security money rather than b 3 bound over to court so they didn't show up. ; A drunken colored man who was it Cussing a blue streak" was run in or rather dragged in by Officeri Torrence last night. A DruAken "Baby." 1 It id not a very uncommon thing to see pesro men staggering on the streets of this city, or white men, eitner.but an unusual signt was seen this mornins:. It was a little colored boy , a mere baby, , not ten years 6ld, so f ull of corn juice that ne co uldn't walk straiffht. He could hardly stay on his feet at all. TheJi tie fellow tried to tell where he srot the AvhisKev but he was too to talk. ! drunk Subscription List Growing. The j subscription list of the Sun . is growing .rapidly Daily these days. A dozen new names vere ajctded today to the city cj riers' lists, and besides this a mi ir-m- lier wt re put on the mailing Jist. The Spencer list has grown con sidera le this week and the Sun now visits nearly every house in that errowinjr suburb. A'dvtertisers should take notice and pi ace an ad in the Sun if they want aood results. Shooting on the Hill. j The ! noise wnicn came irom Chestii ut Hill late yesterday eve ning a most made one believe that Christmas had struck that part of the country. Firecrackers were fiet off rapidly for some time, and the boys were ho doubt having a bisr time. The ordinance resrard- ihg firecrackers has no effect on on Chestnut Hill as it is out of the limit, ind the boys out there thus have t le advantage oyer the town bo vs. We learn that a number of explosives are being sold by mer- chanta on the Hill. Mrs. Pinkston Dead. . i , ' After a long illness Mrs. Jemima Pinkston, of this county, died last night. I Mrs. Pinkston was quite old ana a widow, her husband hay ing lest his life in the civil war. She li red with one of her children, Mr. Tom : Pin kston , six miles from Salisbiirv on the old Mocksville road, j IFor some time it had been known that she was growing worse, get tiner feebler each day, and t her death was not unexpected. ; Relatives , elsewhere have been notifie d of M r s. Pihkston's death and the funeral will probably be conducted tomorrow, if the: rela tives arrive . j I ? NO CURE-NO PAY That is the way all Drueeists sell GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONtUfor Chills and Fever and all Forms of -Malaria. It is sim ply Iron? and Quinine In a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer .it to bitter nauseating Tonics. 1'rice, jjOc. - , j j HERE'S YOUR CHANGE Fresh Oysters and Fish every day this week I at thd i Washington Building- ; Oys ters from 25 cents per, quart up. ; II. M. BROWN. SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. The Places to Make Your Holiday I Purchases It will Pay You. There are now only a few. days before Christmas. Making - pur chases for the holidays are .the eading topics of the people. In starting out oh this mission they should go intelligently and; know about what they want andy where to get it. ' To do so, ouriadviee to them is to see the advertisements in the Sun. By this means they will see what the ( merchants havp to sell. Thia-Tvill - dlrec Lithein t 6 4,h&Uestplacea, to.do'tbeir trading. Salisbury merchants have a fbeau- tiful stock of Christmas goods suit dble fprthe holiday .season They can supply, you witti anything you neel for yourself or - with nice things for presents or gifts. f 'Don't fail to see -the Sun's ad vertisers before purchasinsr. It will pay you to do so. Clear and Colder. 'The weather forecast for the next twenty -four hours is as fpl lows: Rain tonight, probably clearing and colder, Wednesdajv Salisbury High School Entertainment Curtain rises at 7:30 sharp, on Thursday evenipg, in the hall over H. (j. Tyson s store. Tickets 15 cents, on sale at H. G. Tyson'. Proceeds to be used for school li brary. Needs Repairing. Citizens living on east Fi&her street, below the rail road bridge, complain of the condition of the street at the bridge. There is no sidewalk at all and pedestrians are compelled to walk in :thi-imudd street in order to reach the bridge. This should be looked after. . Good Business. J A gentleman, of Faith, writes as follows concerninjx the crranite business on the 4belt"." i rjvervoouy woo can .raise a ? l l i i hammer to cut uranito or who can drill is now employed in the quar ries and there is room for a great many more. ; The orders are com inr in from all sides and there are not enough men to do the work. Salisbury granite is spreading out into new markets every year and we are all glad to see it. Hands are badly wanted here now." Mr.. Thomas Lee Talbert to Marry. ! The following iard announcing the marriage of Mr. Thomas Lee Talbert was received here this morning: ' ' ' Mrs. J. W. Wilson requests the pleasure of your company at the marriage of her daughter, A .; - Eloise, ... : - I ' : tO :- - ;' , Mr. Thomas Lee TalbeH, on Thursday evening, January sixth, at half after eight o'clock, j Tryon Street Baptist Church, i i Charlotte, North Carolina. l Mr. Talbert was a former Sal is- bury boy and has many friends here who will wish him much pleasure. in advance of the happy event. T ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. &c. - Anyone wishing fruit cakes baked must get them in Tuesday or Thurs day. A. Parker. .A paper duster would be a nice Xmas present. Reid & Harry. j WANTED 6 nice boarders. Ar ply, to S. E. Sloan at Sloan & Gilleans store near stand pipe. j M. L. Jackson is now at' his new stand in the mansion house and would be pleased to see his customers there He has on hand fresh meats, and sau sages of all kinds. A STJMPTTJOTJS BANQUET. Three Persons Exalted to the Royal Arch Degree Then the Banquet. Last night was one long to be TeinemberedNby the members of Salisbury -Lodge ; (f Royal Arch Masons. At the regular meeting of the lodsre last eveninsr three - ..... V.V 1 . persons were exalted to the Royal Arch Degree and as this is a cause for much reioicinor amonsr the Masons, a . banquet j followed. Those exalted were Rev. p. P. Tate, Mr. . W. B. Strachan and Mr. P. D. Linn. : U - The banquet which followed at the Mt. Vernon hotel was -.a sump tuous one. i Thirty-four Masons. several of them visiting brethren, partook of the repast. - The Flag of the Fourth. The correspondent of the Char lotte Observer from Salisbury has this in his letter this morning: "Some of the Rowan survivors of the Fourth Regiment are skep tical in regard to identity of a flag fff their regiment, which is said to be in the possession of Mrs. Per- sis F. Chase, of New Hampshire, leaving been captured by her hus band, f One veteran says the Fourth clung to its colors" dike ras to add that it never lost a flag." A Successful Operation. f , Ir. C. B. McNoiry, of Faith, is confined to a room in -Mrs. Gra- ain's boarding house on Main street. 1 esterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Dr Whitehead assisted by Dr. Long performed a very pain ful operation upon the doctor for fistula. The operation was very fiSiiecessf uL Dr. McNairy has been affected for several months with the dis ease and finally decided upon an op eration. He is sufferino- consider ably today,! but says he feels' uiuch better than he expected. Ills doc tor thinks a permanent cure will be effected. His brother, Mr. John R. Mc Nairy and his mother are with him at Mrs. Graham's. Dr; JNIcNairv hopes to be out in about" two weeks. . A Most Praiseworthy Effort." The Salisbury High School pro pose giving an entertainment for the purpose of raising funds for much needed additions to their school library. It is hoped that all the friepds and patrons of the school will lend their aid by being present on i Thursday night, Dec. 23rd; in the hal hover H. G. Ty son's store. Tickets 15cts, on sale at II. G. Tyson's. Hour ear Be sure to come. Christmas Holiday Excursion Rates. The Southern Railway has au thorized a ! rate of 4 cents per mile One WayIOITOUUQtrlj tih.rH during the holidays. Tickets on sale December 22, 23, 24, 25, and also December 30 and 31, 1897, and January 1, 1898, with final limit to January 4th, 1898, inclusive. Tickets will be sold to students upon presentation of certificates signed by superintendent, princi pal or president of schools and colleges' on December 16th to 25th inclusive, with final limit to Jan- uary 4th, 1898. We manufacture our own ' stick candy. It is slmon pure. . - A. Parker. ; Oysters, Fish, Liver Pudding,- Head Cheese, Souse, Meat, All Porkj Win nie, Mixed and all other kinds of sau sages at Jackson's. j ' ' Did you see all .those people going in A. Parker's store Saturday? What was the matter? They were buying 1 Santa Claus. Give your wife a nice cape. Reip & Harry. EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE. To Be Held at St. Luke's Next Month The Program. The forty-second; meeting of the Church Conference ; will be held in St. Luke's church, Salisbury, on the Epiphany, January, 6th. beinsr printed The program is now. It is as follows: 11 a. m. Celebration of the Holy Communion. Reports. Discussion of Book" of Common Prayer. I First, as a missionary' agency Mr. Thos. Trott. 1 Second, as a manual of private devotion Mr. S. F. Lord. Third, as identical with the ser- vice books used befpre - the Refor mationRev. F. JL Murdoch. Fourth, as a commentary on the Bible Rev. E. A. Osborne. Fifth, as a book which is pre paring the way for the reunion .of Christendom Re vl R. B. Owens. Lunch in Chapter House. 7 p. m. Evening Prayer. Discussions continued. Sixth, as a guide to the obser vance of the church year. Rev, S. J. M. Brown. Seventh, as a, result of a con tinuous growth. Hon. John, S Henderson. j Eighth, as the only real book Of common prayer in Rey. S. S. Bost. Christendom Moving. Capt. Ld. Patteison went o Charlotte last, night to ' pack lip his furniture preparatory to mov- T J.' il "J- -ITT 11 1 T " mg 10 mis city, ne win ormg his family up this week but they will board some time before groins: Lto housekeeping. Not Out Yet. - i - - . Mr. M. W. Wyilick, who lives ! t 4 at the Salisbury Cotton Mills and who iwasliurt at the public fouh tain several weekj ago by being run against by a Horse driven by Mr. Ed. Fraley, his knee crushed and left shoulder severely bruised, is improving, but is still unable to be out. Shortest Day. i - - - f Today, December 21 st, is - the shortest day in the at this juncture enters the winter solstic, and with this astrinoniical occurrence the season of winter begins. The sun cl id not rise un til 7:23 this morning, and will set at 4:48, makjng a day of eight hours and twenty-nye minutes. Quite a Convenience. The local passen io-fr- trains are proving quite a convenience for the Spencerites This morning a large number came in on No. 11, ana numoers riae tne local every day. ; No tickets are sold and all are carried free between Spencer rami oausuury Cornerstone. Dr. J. F. Griffith, of this city, who is an officer of the grand lodge of Masons ,of North Caroli na, which is to ay the corner stone of the monument to Zebulon B. Vance on W7ednlesday, has been notified to be present and assist in the ceremonies of the occasion. He will probably be present. LOST A liver colored setter dog. Return to W. J. T. Robinson's barber shop and get reward. Mrs. Bradshaw can accommodate 4 Gentlemen boarders. .Apply at Sloan &Gillean's store. . CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR THE CHILDREN-Shetland . Pony with Harness and Cart for sale. DR. J. M. EAMES. Baby carriages, rockers and picture for Christmas presents, at G. W. Wright's. WORK ON THE NEW ROAD. Rails Soon to be Laid Other Inter esting Items I"rom Cleveland. Mr. E. : R. Graham and son, Irvin, . of Saunders, Cabarrus county, are visiting relatives at Cleveland. " - Prof. Garrison and sister will spend Christmas with their mother.--: ' ' ' Miss Smith, who is Assisting Prof. Garrison in his school at Cleveland, will leave for her home in Concord Thursday to spend Christmas. .She will be accom panied by Miss Maggie Steel. Mr. John Troutman, Sr., of this place leaves for Harrison, Ark., the first of January. He goes to visit his son who is in business as that place. Mr.. Frank Gray, of Harrison, Ark., who has been on a visit in this county for the first time in 30 years will leave for his home the first of January in company with Mr. Troutman. - Owing to the inclemancyof the weather there was no service at Christ church Sunday. Messrs. Gibbs & rHemphill, the railroad contractors at the "Y" are progressing finely. They tell the writer; they will be ready to lay track in about a week. . Mrs. and Miss ;H all, who were reported sick last week, are rap idly recovering, we are glad to learn. The McKinley prosperity has failed to strike Cleveland yet, and 1 think the majority of his sup porters at this place have given up all hopes of it ever coming. They ought to Have known this before now. : . . Mr. G. M. Gheeh, who got shot accidentally while bird hunt ing some time ago has. about re covered. Mr. D. L. Barber has a very bad leg caused by being kicked by a mule. . ? -Cleveland has a cheap J ohn storer owing to the JMcKinley prosperi ty. Sambo. Rev. Owens Leaves. : - Rey. R. B. Owens left . this morning for Oxford to take up his new work as rector of theEpis copaV church at that place. He wTas accompanied as far as Greens boro by his f riend, Rev. S. S. Bost. , Rev. Bost will return tonight w ith his sister, Miss Fannie Bost who is attending St. Mary's school at Ral--eigh. Miss Fannie comes home to spend the Christmas holidays, Father Joseph to See the Wiffr Mur derer: j Rev. Father Joseph, O. S. B., who is missionary priest to the Roman Catholic churches at Wins ton, Greensboro, Salisbury and Concord j left here yesterday niay minister the hopes and conso lations of religion to the wife-murderer, Sonly Ryan, who will ex piate his crime upon the scaffold Thursday. Ryan was baptized in the faith of the Methodist church, but since his imprisonment, await ing the hour ol: his doom, he has been visited by Father Joseph and will die in the Catholic faith. Ry an did not regard his wif e as a good - woman, ? and he recently asked Father Joseph this question; "How can I get to heaven, when I have sent my wife to hell ?" Jim Ketchie and George Badgley are two as light-handed tousorial. artists as are to be foun d in town. They are at W. J. T. Robinson's barber shop on I Dniss street. OX HAND AND MORE COMING: Bananas, Florida Oranges, Fine Ap ples, Malaga and Catawba Grapes. See me before you place your Christ mas order and you will be pleased in price and quality. Yours to please, T. M. McCULLOII.

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