VOL. II. NO. 125. SUN BEAMS. Fosus3ed and Transmitted Into Print "' by a Sun Reporter. IjEROY smith, city editor. TELEPHONE NUMBER A. LOCAL NEWS. Mr. J. Alien Brown, insurance agent, has a new ad in today's pa per. The Eurydiee Club will meet with. -Mrs. A. . Frazier Thursday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. A young lady down on East Inniss street lost her pet dog sev eral days ago. Weather Forecast: Fair tonight and Th u rsday . Col de r Th u rsday morning. Mr. Philo Hall, father of Lieut. C. G. Hall, arrived in the city last night to be present- at the marriage of his son to-night. Mr. 4 4 Buzz" Gritfin, an employe of the Southern shop, while at work yesterday got something in his left eye. He is off duty for a few das on account of it. 'W' Mr. R. J. Holmes, Jr., we un derstand, is now stocking a chick en farm to be run in connection with his famous Meadow Stock Farm near town. Mr. E. W. Hobbs, of Danville, Va., came over 4ast night and went out to the granite quarries in the neighborhood of Faith this morning. He wants to procure 1)00 feet of coping to be used for so mtf purpose. A message the first sent over Sthe.new telephone Hnernuv Zeb watTreceived by thp Sun yester day evening. ThiiA line is now connected with the city exchange and may be used by al subscribers on the list. Solicitor Jlolton was it the city last night on his way . home from Statesville where court has been in session. He left this morning for home and will return Saturday night so as to be on hand when Rowan's court convenes Monday morning. The King's Daughter's supper given last night? was liberally pat ronized in spite of the wind and dust, the receipts amounting to about 40. This demonstrated the liberality of the citizens of Salis bury to all charitable and benevo lent enterprises. Mr. W. R. Smith, who was called to Rowan county a week 1 ago last Friday by news of the S serious illness of his brother, Mr. Ed. Smith returned home Satur day. He left his brother, who is suffering from pneumonia, im proving. The latter lives ' near Watson ville postoffice, six miles from Salisbury. Statesville Land mark. ' Mr. J. J. Feather, a black smith of the Southern shops, gave up his position yesterday and will leave Thursday for Newport News, Va,., where he accepts a place as blacksmith in the ship yard. Mr. Feather gave the Southern notice of the intended change ten days ago. His family will follow,, him in about thirty days. Mr. Feather tells us he is much pleased with his treatment by the Southern while in its em ploy here and wishes it much suc cess. He has been here now about one year and has made many friends who will regret to see him and his family leave. To Begin a Series of Meetings. Rev. Thomas Needham arrived in the city last night and will be gin a series of meetirigs in the liapiist church tonight at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. citIzens' meeting. THEY DISCUSS STREET SPRINKLING Representative Body of Business Hen Present Committee Appointed to Draw Up a Petition Met this Morning. The citizens' meeting called to be hel l at the city hall at 4 o'clock yester lay afternoon for the pur- pose of discussing waj's and means of ind icing the board of aldermen to have the streets sprinkled came off on good time. A representa tive body of the merchants and business men of the city were prjesei t. ; Mr. W. L. I Kluttz called the meeting to order and was made presiding officer. ,Mr. W. T. Raine was requested to act as secret; ivy. The object of the meeting as explained by Messrs. Theo. B. Brown and Theo. Buer- bam was to pray the, Honorable Boards of City Aldermen to have the streets in the principal parts of the town sprinkled at the ex of the town. Mr. Buer ; stated that other towns, i they have water works, pense baum where furnis ti this service. ' i On a com notion df Mr. Theo. Brown - -' ... : , f nittee of five was appointed to draw i p a petition and present same :o the merchants and citi? zens for signatures after which to preser t it to 't tie mayor and ask that h 3 cajl a meeting of the al dermen to corfsider the petition. ..; Chairman Kjuttz appointed the f ol la wing. com mi t tee : , : Th cjj. Buerbaum,chairman;T. B. Brown, 1. Lie itensteiri W. L. Kluttz and W. T; ! The Rainey. -committee was notified to t Whitlock & Rainey's store liieet at 7:30 o'clock last night to draw up the petition. On account! however," of the the committee - did wind and dust not meet. The meeting was ; held this liJ orning 4nd the petition was drawn one of up. Tpe Sun has it from the aldermen that he is r , " - willing to do any way. to satisfy the people. Several others are reported as favoring the move ment. It is highly probable that some- thing day's definite u .- . will come of yester and that the streets ed when needed and meeting will be sprink perhaps at the! town's expense. Thd petition is as follows: A Pe: iTioi FiioM the Inhabitants ; . O ' THE ToW'N OF SALISBURY i to the Honorable Board of ! Aldermen : s - 1 We ,i the undersigned inhabitants of th( town, respectfully petition the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the town to sprinkle, when necessary, thle following blocks of the town, viz. : Main street from the court house to Bank street crossi ig, Fisher street, from Lee to Church streets (one block each way f roni Main street), In niss from Lee 4 Church' streets (cne Llock each way from Main street for the following reasons: j 1st, It is very disagreeable to our people and strangers in the town ;o be foqed to go through blindi ig clouds of dust. A stran ger in the town with a view to locating would be very unfavora bly impressed as our streets now are. 2nd Medical authorities tell lis that dust blown through the streets is a giieat breeder of dis eases. L 3rd for th The merchants ;do not ask b sprinkling from a selfish motive, but claim that the same is due tnein, as well as the public, as the space to be sprinkled is SALISBURY, N. C., WEDNESDAY used more or less by every one of the town. With few exceptions no merchants live within the ter ritory asked to be sprinkled. ! The merchants being the largest tax payers, claim that they are entitled to some protection along this line as they sustain a very serious loss to stock. ' 4th, We claim that sprinkling won Id also be a great p r otect ion to the macadam. FIRES LAST 1IIGHT. Conflagrations in a Number of Places. Considerable' Losses. ! Quite a number of fires are re ported as occurring last ,f night. The woods between Spencer ' and the Yadkin river were on fire dur ing the early, part of the night. A lot of cord wood within the range of the fire; was burned. The light of the fires was seen from Salis bury. The wood, we understand, is burning today. A severe fire is also reported in Stanly county. A good t portion of country was burned over. Miv C. F. Floyd livingabout six miles from Richfield had his barn burned, about 200 bushels of wheat aria other things being destroyed. The fire ori ginated from bu rning brush. The day previous was fine and the farmers had fired brush heaps leaving them, and the wind yesterday fanned and blew the em bers into a blaze, starting the con tlagration. ' ; The woods in the neighborhood of Mr. N. H. Park's were, on fire last night, t The fire reached near his house. The origin was not ascertained. Air. Parks fought the fire until 1, o'clock last night. ' The damage from the fires were considerable WIRES ALL DOWN. Yesterdays Windstorm Plays Havoc With the Telegraph Service. Yesterday's ami last night's windstorm played havoc with the telegraph wires. Manager Cas tella, when he opened his office this morning, found that all the wires were down both north and south. He could reach as far as .Greensboro but could not get Charlotte. The wind,, it appears, was heaviest between Charlotte and Danville. A telegram was re ceived late this morning from Manager Barns saying that the. wires were all down between Greensboro and Charlotte and be tween Greensboro and Danville. The work of repairing the lines was biigun early today and the wires have probably by this after noon been straightened up and put in good condition. -'The wind was very; heavy here. Married Last Night. I Mr. David V. Mauney, of the firm of the Burt Shoe Company, and Miss Delia Caudle were mar ried, last night at the home of the bride at Wingate, N. C. The couple arrived here on train 36 this morning and drove around to the home of Mr E. W. Burt, on Fulton street, where they spent a sjiort while. Mr. Mauney and bride left on the Yadkin train for Yadkin Falls, the former home of Mi Mauney. They will be gone several days when they will return to Salisbury, their future home. TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY- s Tatfe Laxative Bromd Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if It fails to Cure. 25c. ' - t 1 have just bought a car load of Steers from Mack Harrison, of Mill Bridge, I think the best lot of cattle 1 ever handled. Try a nice Roast or Steak. M. L. Jackson. WANTED Four nice boarders. Comfortable rooms and lire furnished at $12.50 per month. Apply to Mrs. W. C. Fraley, Inniss Street. EVENING, FEBRUARY 16, ' . : : : ; : MAINE" BLOWN UF. THE GREAT BATTLESHIP J DESTROYED. One Hundred of the Crew Killed All Were Asleep When the Ex ; plosion Occurred Intense ' ' Excitement Prevails. Havana, Feb. 15. At. a quar ter ot 10 this evening a terrible explosion took place on board the United States cruiser Maitfe, in Havana harbor Many are killed or woundeu. AW the boats of the Spanish cruiser Alphonso XIlI.are assisting." As yet the causq of the explosion is not ap parent. . The wounded sailors of the Maine are unable to explain it It. is .'believed that the cruiser" is totally destroyed. The explosion shook the whole city. ; The windows .were broken in all the houses. OVER - ONE HUNDRED KILLED. The wildest consternation pre vails in Havana. The wharves are crowded with thousands of people. It is believed that the ex plosion occurred in a small pow der, magazine.' Capt. Sigsbeo and the other of ficers have. been saved. It is es timated. that over 100 of the crew were killed, but; it is impossible as yet to give exact details. Admiral Manterola has ordered that boats of all kinds should go to the assistance of the Maine and her wounded.; The Havana fire men are giving aid, . tending care ful lyto the wounded as they are 4 brought on shore It isAtcrriblcs sight. General Solano and the other generals have been ordered by Captain Blanco to take steps to help the Maine's crew in every way possible! The correspondent of the Associated Press has been near the Maine in one of the cruiser AlfonsoVXIII, and seen others of the wounded who cor roberate the statement of those first interviewed that they were already asleep when the explosion occurred. j Captain Sigsbee says the ex plosion occurred in the bow of the vessel. He received a wound in the head.i Orders were given to the other officers to save them selves as best they could. The latter, who were literally thrown rffrom their bunks in their night clothes, gave the necessary Orders with great bravery. The Secretary of the Navy re ceived the following from Capt. Sigsbee: ; "The Maine was blown up in Havana harbor at 9:40 and destroyed. Many were wounded and doubtless many were drowned. The wounded and others -are on board the Spanish man of war and Ward Line steamer. Send light . house j tenders from Key West for crew and few pieces of equipment still above ' water. No one had other clothes than those upon him. Public opinion should be suspended till further, report. Officers believed to be saved. Jenkins and ! Merritt not yet ac counted for.! Many Spanish offi cers, including ; representatives of General Blanco, now with me and express sympathy. " The officers referred to in the above dispatch are Engineers Darwin and Merritt. From the wording of the dispatch the Navy department jthinks it is possible that they were on shore at the time. The Secretary of the Navy received another dispatch from Key; West, but its contents were not made public. The orders for the light house tenders were at once sent to' Key West in plain language, thus avoiding the de- 1898.' lay that would have arisen from the use of . cipher. r Admiral Manterola believes that the first explosion was of a gren ade shell' that was llurled over the navy yard. j The Maine is a battleship of the second class, and is regarded as one of the best ships in the new navy. She was built at ;the Brooklyn navy yard, and is 318 feet long, 57 feet broad, il.O mean draughty and 6,682 tons dis placement. She carried four 10 inch and six 6-inch! breech-loading guns in her main battery and seven 6-pounder and eight j 1 pounder rapid fire guns, and four Gatlings in her secondary battery, k n f AKrAl I kAD i. The Maine was j built in New York Int .90, at a cost $2,588, 000. Sho had a steel hull and a complement of 874 men. T0 JAIL WITHOUT BOND. Young Girl Firebug Sent UpThe ' Evidence Against Her- - ' Eliza Alexander,' (not Kaox as ::. ' 'j. x .... . 1 V.' 1! '. reported . yesterday) the young negro girl, who was given a hear ing before the niayor i yesterday afternoon, was bound over j to court and sent to jail without bond. '-X'-'':'::V: ::: ':'.' - The charge was the burning last Saturday night of the housej in Dixonville which was occupied I by Charlio Bernhardt,! ah old. colored man, and his little , girl, Dora. No one was at home when the hoifse was burned. : . j A number of witnesses were examined at the hearing yester day and the evidence pointed strongly ta the accused girl being the incendiary, i I I From the evidence itwis shown that Bernhardt and his daughter left home at noon Saturday and had hot returned until the house was nearly burned down. They covered up what little i fire there was in the fire place at noon. I . Late in the evening j Eliza was seen sitting on the j door-step and looking under the house. She was seen later leaving the house with a white sack, filled with something, under jher arm. . No ra Lord, a -witness, saw her and at 'the same time noticed smoke coming from a window in the house. She askeil the girl .the cause of the smoke and was told that Dora was getting supper f in the house. Sometime afterwards the fire was discovered -at that time both doors being shut and the entire inside o the house be ing ablaze. I it The white sack and its contents were taken to Mr Page's, ; in Brooklyn, where, the girl was staying. The contents were after wards found to be dresses and other articles of clothing which had belonged to old man Bern- ... I i hardt's girl, and which, it is claimed were in house that was bu a chest ned. in the The young firebug I was very sullen arid refused! to testify when offered a chance to do so. She would not answer questions, and when being handled by the officers before and after fought like a cat. the trial !she NO CURENO PAY That islhe way aU.Drug'Klsis'sell G HO, TASTELESS CHILL TONIUfor Chills VES and Fever and all Forms of i Malaria. It is sim ply Iron and Quinine I in., a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. lrce ouc.. : FAT MOUNTAIN CATTLE have purchased three car loads of choice Mountain Cattle, and have others engaged. The market will have my personal attention. 1 guar antee to please or money refunded. J. S. MAR ABLE. Come at once and large stock. Our pr eyes. look throughjour ces will open your ItEID & IlARBY. r . .v:..--.t-.. Shave at the Climax. 10 Cents Per 7eck TROUBLE EXEECTEI) POLICE AND DEPUTIES ON DUTY. The. Southern and Narrow Gauge at Dagger's Points at Hickory -A Clash Anticipated Officers of Both Roads at the Scene- The Southern and the Narrow; Gauge railroads, the latter known" as the Chester & Lenoir railroad, and which has, since its comple tion some ten or fifteen years ago, used one of the rails of the South- em between Hickory and Newton, are at dagger's points. The narrow, gauge has been paying 8500 per month for the use of the track be tween these two points and re cently decided to build a separate track, to curtail expenses. The work has already begun. The Southern, it is understood, forbid -the. company owning the narrow, gauge crossing its track unless it goes under or over its line. The parrow gauge w.as going ahead grading. Some time, during night before, last, a gentleman from Hickory tells us, the Southern put a force of hands to laying several side tracks upon the new gnide to mills near the road' This precipitated the troub le. Superintendept Nichols,of the ;' narrow gauge, waA in Hickory yes terday and was making- an effort 'to restrain the Southern from laying the side tracks. k - News of this trouble was first made public here! this morning. ! The move ments of the Southern early this morning guvc it r,urr"rv.,y.. Th".. regular freight going west was an nulled last night and before day this morning a train and crew were sent j to the seat of the trouble. . Many, if not all of the employes, between Salisbury' and Asheville have! been ordered there. Train 11 took a number from here. The full import and intent of the Southern has not yet been made manifest. Special to The Sun. . Connelly SrniNus, Feb. 10.- The Southern, in trying to cross the Narrow Gauge track to reach Hickory , Manufacturing Com pany?s plant, meets with resist ance from the Narrow Gauge peo ple. The police and deputies with guns are. out. . The Narrow Gauge track is torn i' up and trains can not pass. All the officials of the Narrow Gauge r and part 'of the Southern are there.. It looks like trouble. ! Marriage To-night. The marriage of Miss Margaret McNeely, one of Salisbury's love ly young ladies and Lieut. C. G. ' Hall of the United States Army, and stationed at Fort Ringgold, Texas, will be celebrated in the Episcopal church at 6:30 o'clock to-night. Mr. George W. Hall, brother of the groom, of Hickory, arrived last night and will be best manl The couple will leave on train No. 35 to-night for New Orleans where they will attend the Mordi Gras. They will visit other Southern cities and expect to reach Fort Ringgold, their fu- tiire The unal home in about two weeks. Sun in advance wis them oyed happiness. LpST OR STOLEN". A young black-spotted and speckled female hound. A liberal reward will be paid for t ic return of the animal to' W.'It. Mcroncy. A jiig line of boys' knee pant suits received to-day. For Iwjys aged K$, 14, 15 and 16. At popular prices. BROWN CLOTHING CO. 0 o i A

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