SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAIJjY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) . . : - JOE X. ROUECHE. CLiNT. ti. BROWN Proprietors. now SUBSCRIPTION RATES : $4.00 2.00 1.00 and THE CRUSADE AGAINST KISSING. The crusade against" kissing, einor waged in Atlanta, Ga., is demdedly one of the most unique povel features of the a,re. a- Just why the twar should; bemiade One Year, Six Months, Three One Month, One Week. - - - - - .10 i . I . . j' i t i . 'i 1 i ' Ti. Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city Ml iLliania aeponem sailll IIOL. XL witnout extrft cost. . I . . , I is ceiLiiiui nut iiiuigcinms iu uuj Ifnr n.fl vrt.iIniy i-i.t nnnlvfnthA Tiiihlk)ipr I . I ' ; -.1 hannv! "wimet.hinor" --indulo-ed' in Entered at postofflce seconu-class matter. 1 J ' " by lovers without i;egard to con- Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Railroad Guide dition a or position. It may appear . Below is a ronnepsea scnedule of out 01 place vho has par to the demure -ld long since seen her So Collector Harkins has fired 68 office holders in a month more than two a day. It's a prettv hard month's work, considering that he had to trip up the Civil Service commission almost every time he chopped a head. One of the num ber, however, can't be charged to " Hesh"-r-Fearson having admitted that he V trim J. Wiley down. the departure of passenger trains from ma( Kalishnrv bv t,hn sriiHrtnlft whir.h wpnt. into effect July 4tu. " day may appear wrong' to 2nd division. northbotjWd. the stern N p 6, Norfolk, i eaves No 36, Fast Mail, leaves No 12, Local, leaves ents who fear for 7:10 a m their daughters' welfare, or again, 10:47 a m -1 ..! .,. , v v, snow up in oau.uisie to me 8:15 p m it ma f No 38, Vestibule, leaves 9:35 p m love-sick swain when some other mg miss 2nd division. southbound. No 37, Vestibule, leaves 8:17 a m No 11, Local, leaves, 9:37 a m No 7, Charlotte, leaves 8:15 pm No 35, Fast Mail, ayes 8:50 p m mature age,Jt does not look wrono-. 3rd DIVISION. WK8TBOUND. Thfi Vf liner mntrlpn will nnttm-J fellow the yo and sometimes is kissing his girl, but to of sweet sixteen. to others of. more No 11 Local, leaves No 15 Chattanooga, leaves No 1 2 Local arri ves No 16 Chatanooga,arrives . YADKIN, f No 48. (Ex. Sund iy) arrives No 47. (Ex. Sunday) leaves y:55 a m 8:55 p m 7:40 pm Strong 7!00 a m i . !,. a iL!. "L.L.v ot v." uciir uuiusi mo nauii. one this question. - - tain siich an idea, no matter how y matters are brought to 9:30 a m 12:30 p m is juaoie upon have sibmittec Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 16, 1898. ! NATIONAL DISASTER. Miss is visit Herald i Atlant The blowing up of the battle kissju, ship ' Maine, at Havana, at 0:40 oty o'clock last night, was a nationalvj : I. gei disaster. The ship had been se&t to the Cuban waters on a friendly visit, and was there in cases' of - an emergency, should wan , be declar ed between the Unite States and Spain. The occfrrence, aside from the loss of WfG and property, is anything JjKft pieasing. Capt. Sigsbee's (ofihe Maine) dispatch, statingtjgat "public opinion should be SU npnrlpfl until further rf.rnrf. " 10 mguiuvaui tutu ouojiv. umo iards. Another evidence is the fact that for several days the bill boards andvfences in Havana have been covered with cartoons repre senting a Spanish man-of-war sinking the whole Atlantic squad ron. There should be a thorough in- tigation of the matter and if s the, fanlts traced to Spain the Castillian government should be dealt with severe etyv TO HAVE THE STREETS The action taken by the mer chants and business people yester- Inv nffprnnrm lnnlrinrr tr hnvo flio streets sprinkled was commenda ble. The city aldermen should be oDDortuned to furnish this service. , 7 and, if in their wisdom, they find it to be too expensive for the town, or that they have no right to ex pend the town's money that way, let the business men see what can be done towards raising a fund for sprinkling. The. streets must be sprinkled some way or another. The public demands it. Yester day afternoon was a fair sample of dust in Salisbury. To speak of it in the most polite language possible it was simply "bad." The dust, it is argued, in addition to the discomforts occasioned by it, and other things,- contains microbes which are a menace to health; If this be true; and there is little doubt of it, then it is another rea soil for having the streets sprin kled. We hope to see this move ment materialize land that the town will soon have a - regular sprinkler: . ' The Japanese will cojonise a tract of 100,000 acres in Mexico, to be devoted to coffee growing. upon only We tha the habit is All freight trains carry passengers. not special to an.y given pointl Ida Ujvhuahart Ulenn, vho ng in New York, in the lf ends her lady friends ih t he charges x 'that a Spring, with her coy airs, is a tricky sprite. She wears a genial front and a. friendly mien; but her smiles lack the warmth of honesty and her breath, though' it smell of violets, is laden with infection. It is pleasant to bask in the sun shine of her glances, but it is wise at the same time to be up to her wile s. The Danville Register office has been struck by the wave of prosperity. It says: "The editor of the Register returns thanks to Mrs. Frank M. Hamlin for a pone of old-fashioned North Carolina crackling bread. It was delightful." For a short distance a lion or a tiger can out run a. man, and can equal the speed of a fast horse; but the animals lose their wind at the end of about half a mile. They have little ;ndurance,! and are re niarkably weak in lung power. g epidemic is raging in that 1 i iously, I think it is too late to lecture girls they a i! is tang awful need about kissing after e out in society. If a girl it from childhood about the sin or kissing she won t at pins, training schools for muscles and such things for her protection against bold men. If she is dignified and bus her po 'cupine quills up, even the most b ase man will hesitate about running up against them. But kissing girls tho world over 'will find opportunities for indulging in thei favorite pastime, and it is utterly useless for their mothers to preach or keep a weather eye upon them. They elude it every I don't know why it is, but here always think Southern e faster than those of the i I do not believe it. The time. people - ofiris ar North. Southe open rn jriri is in wnat W mak freer and she - does. .more The Northern girl is more guarded, but deeper." . The Whole tru th of the matter, t b a long stary short, appears to be that the Atlanta girls "knaw a good thing when they see it. " The contractor for 'the monu- ;iient to be erected at Asheville to i the memory' of her distinguished son, Zebufon Baird Vance, has in formed the committee in charge that thA monumem"vill be rea(ly for un veiling any timeafter the first of May next. A conimittee has been appoint 3d, to receive sitg gestions from the public and -formulate a plan for the unveiling ceremo lies and make report to a future :aled meeting of the cen tral committee. This committee, the As leville Citizen announces, will be glad to receive suggestions from persons in . ny part of North Carolin a concerning the way in which the unveiling of the monu ment shall be celebrated. Whetb- be the sons to gladly : Sa gusted er it shall be strictly a State affair, orwhe Norfh Carolinian in other States shall lie invited!. Whether the speakers for the occasion shall all be from North Carolina or other wise. Suggestions as to "who would host suitable person w per- deliver orationsyill also be I Philadelphia seems to hayc the cinch on railroad locomotive building. The Baldwin works have recently received orders for thirty-five new ones several of which go to Japan. . ! The town of Victor, in Califor nia, has bounced its whole police force for crookeducss, and now matters are running pretty straight. Bloody Fight in Kentucky. Louisville, Ky.v Feb. 14. -A desperate duel was fought yester day with knives and pistols be tween George Vogt and Arthur B. AValdrorTin this city. Fred Vogt, the son ofi George Vogt, was drawn into the encounter. As a result Waldron is at the City Hospital in a critical condi tion and is not expected to live. Fred Vogt is at the Grray Street Infirmary severely wemnded and the elder Vogt is in jail, charged with malicious shooting. The primary cause of the trouble was a murder case tried in Jeffer son County Court about eight years ago. The elder Vogt was charged with murder and the father of Arthur Waldron was one of thes principal witnesses for the prosecution. In consequence, abitter hatred has existed be tween the families- - NEWS OF THE DAY. Telegraphic News Condensed for tbe Conven ; lence of Hasty Readers. Carrying A Flattery Tob Far. The Doctor. It's twins, sir. . Young Husband. -I might have known it; it's my wife's hobby that two can live as cheaply as one. Tit-Bits. received. yannah is I with the thoroughly dis appointment of the negro Devereaux as the col- lector of that port, but will have and bear it. There is no I Democrats who voted for ey have, ppportunity to do to grin relief. McKin a i great deal of thinking these days.- Augusta Chronicle. A Clever Trick. , ' It S certainly looks like, it, but but there is really no trick about it. Anybody carr-try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This remedy tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a ; blood pu rifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melan choly. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle .worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. a bottle ; at T. F. Kluttz - & Co's drug store. 1 TO CURE A C0L0IN ONE DAY- Take Laxative Bromo " Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if It fails to (Jure. -S5c. : UP TO DATE. JEIavinj? secured tlie services of, a first class .TJlumber, in connection with my tin a nd slate roof ing business, I am prepared now to give you a more superior class 6f work than anything 1 have given in the past. . I can make it to your interest to gi ve me a trial. W. S. Nicolson. Spartanburg, S. C, had a f 10- 000 fire yesterday. Three persons were killed by elevators yesterday in New York The garrison of Paris has been reinf orcrd by troops f rqm Ver sailles. I The steamship St. Louis arrived at Newport News, where she will be overhauled. In Putman county, W. Va. , Mrs. Melissa Caruther was kicked to death by a co w. Peter Maher defeated 4 lThun derbolt" Smith at Philadelphia last night in the third round. The match was for six rounds. , Two United States marines were drowned while trying to i 5 . e 'a I. ' r swim asnore irom me cruiser Raleigh at Colombo, Ceylon. Miss Frances E. Willard, pres ident of the W. C. T. U., has been seriously ill in New York City for the last three weeks. B. Frank Haldeman, one of the most promineut business men of Columbia,' Pa., fell 'dead at the dinner table at his home yester day. ' Train robbers were scared from an. Iron Mountain train near Bismarck, Mo., by the passengers, after stealing valuables from one i map. After an idleness of . three months the Bethlehem Pa. , Iron Company's steel mill, giving em ployment to a thousand hands, started up yesterday. " ', A stormy meeting was hehl at Olathe, Kan. , yesterday . to de nounce ex-Gov. John P. St. John for signing a petition to allow, a drug store to sell liquor. . f Both houses of the Virginia Legislat u re have : passed a bil 1 prohibiting the use of trading stamps and checks. As amended by the Senatethe . bill goes .into effect July 1. .... i - r Joe Havey, a sporting, man, of San Francisco, backed by Charles Fair, has offered fifty thousand dollars for a. match between Cor- i . - bett and Fitzsimmons in July, west of the Missouri river. Watson Denny, a wealthy far mer, of St. Joseph, Mo., shot his wife in the head yesterday and hen fired a bullet through his own heart. It is . said that the deed was prompted by the wife's threat to sue for divorce. Mrs. Elizabeth Nobles, of Ma con, Ga., convicted of the murder of her husband, was taken to Twiggs county, and in the court house, at Jeffersonville was, sen fenced by Judge Smith for the fifth time to hang. Former Minister De Lome took his departure from Washington at four o'clock yesterday after noon on the Congressional Limit; ed. When asked if he had any thing to say on his final departure be said, "Good bye." Senator Marion Butler, Chair man of the Populist National Com mittee and ex-Senator DuBois attended the Populist meeting in Minneapolis to-day to induce the meeting to pronounce in favor of united action by all the silver forces in elections regardless of political affiliation of candidates. The walls of the surrounding ruins of the burned Union Storage Co's. building at Pittsburg, Pa. , fell j at 11:30 o'clock yesterday morning crushing to death ten persons. A later dispatch sa3rs that at least five were caught and buried in the debris. At least twenty people perished by the falling walls at the recent fire. , "He that knows and knows that lie knows, is wise E3 a Follbw M You can be so positive when buying Shoes marked "Burt's Ovvn Make5,-knowing that you know iheir solidity is actual that you can tell youir Neighbors of the sober rbality of our words and our Shoes1. Buiit's Own Make'2 Line Ladies' Niubiam Leather Tip $1 Patent Leather Ladies' Donffola, Lace and. Button $1,50 and $2.00; Ladies' Grain Button Tip $1.35. Calf Button Patent .75. - : Misses Button and Lace $1.00 to $1.35 Childrens sizes 8 1-2 to ll, 85c to $1.15 Childrens' sizes 5s to 8s, 65c to $1.00 Every pair warranted all leather soles, heels and coun ho ;ers. oinnipsLiniyi Dp Not lia n 0 Fail to Visit Mammotli Furniture ! Emporium. -i m Ud - ' I i ICHf 1897 I ids fail ,lo describe the beauty holstery or perfect finish. Our 'Library Tables, Book -Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, a& Well a's durable and eminently useful. f Our Curio Cabinets are what the collectors of specimens need. ' . He has the largest stock in the citv to seieci irom, ana-wniie nis goods are new, stylish and up to date in every particular, his ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ....... . v . The best salve in the ' world for Cuts, ,Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, tCorns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price .25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co-drugfeiste. PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. A Specialty. He has a line of Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc., unsurpassed in the State. Personal attention given to EHBALniKG. AND BlIRECIOIJ OF FDOERALS fibrin n c-p n nrp ' fr with an elegant line of Going ad $1.0 We 'me in saie aiixjae veaF potdii? a See styles in OMr'window, at $1.50.

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