' " - r. ,' .... - .. , ; .. ; f ., . . J . T" ; 1 r : ' - r , . ' .. .. 5fc ROWERS COLLikiii A i f ! i , . I 1 . ! i . . VOL. II.-NO. 126. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. SUN BEAMS. Focussed and Transmitted Into. Print V by a Son Reporter. LEROY SMITH, CIT.Y EDITOR. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4. LOCAL NEWS. Weather forecast: v Liit rain to-night and Jriday. Clearing Friday evening. Warmer. J . H. Rcid, of Mt. Muurne, meiii ber of the firm ' of lleid & llarry, is in the -city for a few days on business. W. 15. Smoot, of the firm of Smoot Bros. & Rogers, has been in the country the past few days visiting. Mr. Warren Kluttz, of this city, has been re-elected manager of the Chapel Hill foot ball team for the , season. . The inside of the )ostoflice is being painted to-day. When fin ished the office will present a very neat appearance. Miss Wrennie Saylor has moved 4ier school from the Nicholas store room to a room to the rear of Mrs. " -Rich wine's house. The sun is almost obscured to day by smoke from the large . forest- tires which have raged throughout the State this week. A regular meeting of the Luther League in the Lutheran church at 7:30 o'clock tormorrow niirht. A full attendance of the members is desired. A pine tree was sawed into lum ber by the Craven Milling Com pany, of this county, which made ; sixty-11 ve-fecrofitsrii'Tmnrnr 1 limb. A. C. Peacock, the clever iost matiter at Craven, is hauling the lumber for his new residence r which he will Luild in the near future. K. L. Metries, of Hickory, who was here lo attend the Ilall-Mc-neely marriage last night j returned home this morning. Geo. W. Hallvof Hickory .broth er of Lieutenant C. G. Hall, and who was best man ; at Mr. Hall's marriage to Miss McNeely last night, returned home to-day. Do you drink cider? Ed. II. Marsh has on draught ihe best that was ever made, the 'famous " Albemare Pippin." We are in- debted to bim for a uset up." Sheriff .Monroe will soon 'start on a round of the county, collect ing taxes. He begins at Zeb on the 7th of March and finishes; up at Salisbury on the ltth. Several places will be visited each day. Mr. Walter L. Earnhardt has .accepted a sub-agency of the Southern Fire Insurance Compa ny under Mr. Marsh. He will wait on those who wish to see him at his place 1 of business in Southern City. , The large pulley for the Salis bury Cotton Mills arrived last night and was met at the depot by a large, -'number., of mill men. The pulley weighs 1,400 pounds. It was taken immediately to the mill to le placed in position. Capt. Dodson, of the Southern, came down the Western in his private car last night. lie bad been in 'Hickory yesterday where the Southern and the Narrow Gauge were having some trouble kboint crossing tracks with sidings. Yt Rev. S. S. ISost is having a tele ' phone nut in his home near South i River to-day. His friends will be 1 able to hello, him now. The Sun this afternoon received a message from Mr. Best, . the phono having 7 just been placed in his house. , i $2 lO Cents Per Week Lieutenant Hall and Kiss McNeely United in Wedlock. A beautifu brated 1)1 30 o tractid ATTTIFUL MARRIAGE. j, in the marriage was cele- Hall, former but now of Army J Texas, Neely, McNeely, pf The by Rei of the j The Many Episcopal church at clock last nis:ht. The con- g parties were Lieut. C. G. y of. Hickory, N. C. , the United States stationed at Ringgold, Miss Margaret ' Mc- bf Mrs. j. D. this city. : ceremony was performed . Dr. k J. Murdoch , rector church. 1 was u sea. bride and and daughter ffriends firroom vows. (The refifula States some. (The ivory seline place valley. the Va lets. The tulle o with ceremonv of the witnessed the orrnrmi marriage was dressed in the Lion uniform of the United Army and was very hand- bride's dress was heavy satin, trimmed with mous- lesoiej a tulle veil held in with- natural lillies of the Her by Mril F. followihof ort boquet was lillies of ey and double white vio- i - . pride's maids dresses were -'cr whte tatfeta, trimmed vhite violets and carried white" carnations, except the maid of honor who carried yellow roses. The bridalj party reached the 1 I I ' 1 I A . I 1 I cnurcui at aoout tnc exact nour and came into the church to the , wedding march played . Murdoch, in the er: j. came iMiss oallie omilli, d by Misses Louise Nor- bf Kiioxville, Tenn, Sand ! Mite.hcll Rankin, Misses 1 Henderson and Fannv urA-l, r irsU followo wood, Jennie Bessie tiOdwUlL-W and 1 Irdie Neely, D. L. Caldwdll, WJ Gaithef. iThed i advanced honor, Miss. Smith. ' i Then came the usWers, T- C. and J. H. Mc- Gaskill and A. H. H. White and Jas. the maid ate McNeely. .of The ffrootu .1 with his best man, ir- n J itr..'TTn ji T1 1 iur. ureorge tv . xxaii, oi xaicivor v , entered from the vestry room, meeting his bride w ho was leaning oh the arm of her brother, Mr. Thos. Ji McNeely. )etrotnal service took place at the loot advranc were exchanged and the benedic- ng to- 4 receivea. the chancel, then the alter, the vows tion mony t the bride's home at sjan Antonio they will o his post, Fort Ring- After the cere- le bridal party repaired to where - a recep tion was heldj ' ' I ; ' -. - ,The happy couple left pn train 35 for New Orleans. After a stop f -; - : there and procCetl to gold, Texas, their future home. Mr. lall is a young man of ex ception il worth and has already made h s mar s in the US. army. Miss V cNeelj- is deservedly one of s Salisbury's most charming and popular! younjg ladies and was a great fi voritejamong her friends.- The Sun along with friends ex tends congratulations to the bride and groom and wishes them much success Satisfied With Mr: through life. V. M. and examined Results. Cooper, of States- ville, who is largely interested at Spencer came down this morning his property and No. 11. He was returned on highly delighted with the results at that )lace. 2' hvay ss cm orr: iui ...A ics tiauseatinr Tun NO CURE NO PAY 11 DruSKlstssoll GUOVES ,L TON I C for Cliills aiul That is 1 TASTKLK Ftivcr aiuljall Forrtis of. Malaria. It is sinv- nlv Iron lind Ouiiiiiu; in a, tasteless form, Children Ihve it. Adults prefer it to bitter, Trice 50c. FAT CVIOUMTAIN have purchased! choice others have my antee to CATT1E. I three car loads of Cattle, and have The market will personal attention. 1 guar blease or money refunded. J. S. MAEABLE. Mountain -9 engagea ALL.UUIET AT HICKORY, 1 . The Southern Places Its Siding Bui v by a Compromise. " The Sun yesterday told of a clash between the Southern's peo ple and the Chester '& Lenoir Narrow Gauge road at Hickory. The, trouble as stated was the re sult of the Southern laying sev eral side tracks to the mills near the main line of the Western. The side tracks crossed the line of the Narrow Gauge road. This, the narrow gauge people protested against, but the Southern went ahead with the work. As a re sult a disturbance arose and many of the employes of the Southern were sent to Hickory Tuesday night an d yesterday to protect its interest. Matters . were quite warm for awhile as was indicated in a special to the Sun from Con nelly's Springs yestrdaj'- after noon. But the trouble took a turn for the better. Inquiry last night and this morn ing elicits the fact that all is quiet at Hickory. Parties who came down the road last night say the matter is ended. The Southern, by a compro mise, will finish the . disputed tracks. By the compromise the Southern will put in the crossings at its own expense and w ill flag the Narrow Gauge trains when using the siding. It appears that, the trouble was not about the Narrow Gauge building its own line from Hickory to Newton, but about the cross ings of the side tracks. The Narrow Gauge people re sisted the Southern, we under stand, because hey feared the sidings would hurt their business. Mrs. Smoot in Baltimor Mrs. D. V.. Smoot, of this city, accompanied by her son, Dr. J. E. Smoot, of Concern, 1 eft Tuesday night for Baltimore where she went for treatment in the Johns Hopkins hospital. Prof. A. L. Smoot, another of her sons, 'received a postal this morning from Dr. Smoot stating that they reached Baltimore O.' K. A physician had examined Mrs. Smoot and said that w hat ever he would have to do for her, it woiild not be serious. We are glad to know that her condition is favor-able. Mrs. J. A. Rusher Dead. News w7as received here this morning that Mrs. j Jacob A', Rusher was dead. She had been sick only a shcrt while. and her death was a shock to her many friends. ; jMrs. Rusher is well-known here having lived in Salisbury for more than a year. Upon her ur gent request Mr. Rusher moved back to the country last Thanks giving .day. Mr. Rusher con ducted a meat market , here up to a few Weeks ago, Mvs, Rusher was about 28 years old and has been Jmarriedi about eight years. Her death was caused by heart disease. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her death. - The' funeral service will, take place from St. Paul's church at 10 o'clock tomorrow conducted by Rev. C, A. Rose and the inter ment will be in the ; grave yard at that place, 7 r' The Sun extends sympathy to the bereaved husband and family, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY- 'Take Laxative IJromo Quinine Tablets-. All I ru?j;ists refund the money if It fails to Cure. 20c. . ' i I have just bought a car load of Steers from Mack Harrison, of Mill Bridge, I think the best lot of cattle 1 ever handled v. Try' a nice .Roast or Steak. , - M. L. Jackson. mm frail CAPT. SIGSBEE MAKES STARTLING REPORT. DIVERS FOUND I! INCH PERCUSSION HOLE. PRESIDENT M'KINLEY AB SOLU ELY REFUSES TO talk; EXPLOSION HOT : DUE TO NEGLIGENCE, Belief in Havana is that a Secret Emissary of the Spanish Govern ment Floated a Torpedo Tin- der Water Line Against the Maine's Magazine. A juessage reeeived by the" Sun this afternoon at 2:45 from Char lotte,, says: D;6patches to the News today state that Capt. Sigsbee, of the Maine, has made a startling report to the Navy Department at Wash ington regarding the destruetion of his ship. What the report is has not been madepublie. Divers ths, morning folmd an eight-ineh pereussion hole in the T)late of the! ship. A later dispateh states'that -Capt. Simpson, of; the Battleship Iowa, has been appointed ehairman of a ftJtiujtiitttf -rinvesticration i hat will proceed! at once to HaVana to make a thorough examination. So far only 21 bodies have been recovered. ! . ; The report that divers found an eigbt-ineh hole has created intense excitement at Washington." McKinley! refuses absolutely to speak about the matter. V Dispatches so far received, indi cate that the explosion was not due to negligence, but on the other hand, Spanish treachery. Admiral Monterola has, sum moned Capt. Sigsbee, of; the Maine, to appear before a military judge to make depositions. Capt. Sigsbee was notified that a joint committee of American Spanish naval officers would be ap pointed to investigate the cause of the explosion. ' Whan the Ivey Westbulletin regarding the hole in the Maine's plate was shown President Mc Kinley, the only comment he made was that it was the first he had heard of it. He doesnt wish to make any statement, but said the administration had no advice confirming the report. It is believed in Havana that a Spanish fanatic or secret emissary of the government floated a ,t6r pedo under j t he water line against the Maine's! forward magazine, et with detonating device, giving him time to escape. It is stated that this is"Capti Sigsbee's belief which he communicated to the' Navy De- partment. sillv received A nice line of Dresden floss and Filo to-day at Reid & Harry's. WANTED Four nice boarders. Comfortable rooms and fire furnished at $12.50 per W. C. Fraley Shave at the Climax. months .Apply to Mrs. Inniss Street. v THE BELL Work to Begin on BUILDING. it by April 1st- Mr. Brown Here Yesterday. Mr. K. A. Brown, of Concord, Who has the contract to do the 1 1 1 . . I. . : oncK woruon the'liell building to be erected on the arid Fisher streets, was here yes terday and returned home last All Pork Sausage, Liver Pudding, Head'Cheesej Winnie and Balogna at Jackson's market. - . night. corner of Main Mr. D. Ij. Gaskill, who has the management , of. the building, tells us that the work of erecting the building will be commenced April 1st , . Mr. Brown, while here yester day, looked around for a site for his brick machinery. He has in view three v locations, each of which he visited yesterday ! and examined the clay, but we under stand he is favorable to the Davis brick -yard, near town creek, on the new Concord road. This point is probably the nearest to the rail road of either of the loca tions. Bricks that he desires to ship could be hauled over a good road only a short f distance and loaded at the ice factory. , I It is not ascertained whether Mr. Brown will rent or property here or hot. ease Meeting Began Last Night. Rev. Thomas Need ham, evainge list, of Philadelphia, began a series of meeting in the Baptist church last night. Quite a large crowd of people were in attendance ! and an interesting sermon was deliv ered. The meeting will probably EXPLOSION IN ROAN. A Boy With a Bottle of Powder Got Too Near the Fire., Rowan had an explosion this week but it was not so much of a disaster as the blowing up of the "Maine." However, one little felloW Was made to suffer ' consid erably. A friend of the Sun at ' Craven sends us the following account of the blow-up: The twelve-year-old son of L. A. Troutman, livins: near Garfield, was holding a bottle of powder in ijis hand, when, on; coming too neap the fire the powder caught and a terrible explosion followed. . The neighbors say the explosion -wa something like a dynamite. The boy's hand was torn and lacerated badly and a piece of glass struck him in the forehead just over the left eye, inflicting a serious wound. Dr. Poole was called and he dressed the wounds. He hopes to be able to save the hand without amputating any por tion of it. be continued unti Joint Meeting. i There will be a joint meeting of the three Junior Order councils ofthe city Satu rjdayriTghr."TTriic meeting will be held in the Royal Arcanum hall at 7:30 o'clock, ami next week. will be for the purpose of fecting arrangements for meetiug of the State Council the grand demonstration to place on the 22nd; per the and take grand Book Reception. In connection with the rally at the cityr graded school next Tuesday there will be a book reception. All persons attending the exercises are requested! to bring a book suitable for a pro posed, library for the school. This is not a aemanq out a request wThich it, is hoped a liberal response the citizens. The school wishes to permanent library the scholars. A .books have already been prom ised. Public acknowledgement will meet "with oh the part of i establish a for the iise of number I of will be ceived. made of all books re- The Sick. Mr. P. A. Carroll, of the Spen cer force, is on the sick list. He has pqeuuionia. ' Miss Nealie Capps, who has been sick the past week, we are glad to learn, is tnuch improved today. She contracted a . severe eold, which resulted in bronchial pneumonia, but subsided. his has about Little Jessie Evans, the four year old daughter of Mr. Jesse Kvaris, who has been ill with ma larial fever, is better today. Mrs. M. C. Quinn,- who has been critically ill for time, is im- Her physician up awhile! to- proved to-day. says she can sit morrow. Little Katheriue, daughter of Mr. E. W. Burt, is better to-day. The physicians decided last night to perform an operation this morn ing, but there was a turn" for the better, and now it is hoped the operation will not be necessary. MORMON CONVERT, Two) Men of Phanuel Church Neigh borhood Accept the Faith. A! report reaches the Sun that RoVan now has several Mormon converts. Two men, in the neigh borhood of Phanuel church, near the plowan and Cabarrus line, just across the line in Rowan, and who were members of. Phanuel, a Bap tist congregation, the report says have united with the Mormon faith. Several Mormon elders had been at work in the neighborhood Joir imaJiinewjtbJt . reported. - The congregation at Phanuel has had quite a variation in religious ,worship the last few years. Some eight or ten years ago the church was of the Lutheran faith, and worshiped accdrding to the Luth eran discipline. Later the Meth odist went inland held services for awhile, but did little, ;'. Still later, the liaptists made their appearance ano a large majority . of the con gregation became converted , to that faith. The Baptist minister from Concord held services there for some time and great , interest was manifested. . More recently this service has been allowed to lag until now it seems the Mormons have a good field. Whether they will succeed is not ascertained. The history of this church in the last (ten years is, to say the least, interesting. LJ PEESONAL. C. Caldwell was here last night going to Raleigh. Mr. John Har key is ill at his home on Chestnut Hill. Dr.:C. WJ Corriher, of China. Grove, was in the city to-day. Gus Hall went to Gold Hill this afternoon on a short visit. Thos. McBee went to Morgan ton this! morning to spend a short time with his wife and child. -.-. .1 . , G. IL Beaver came over last nignt from I Greensboro and will spend a wTeek or more with his family. Mrs. W. G. Watson left this morning for Concord on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. E. Smoot, and son, Jas. Li Watson. Messrs. J. G. and P. C. Hall, of. Hickory, who were here in atten dance upon the marriage of Lieu tenant Hall and Miss McNeely, re turned home last night. Dp you want some Dresden lloss and Filo! silk? . You can get it at Heid & Harry's. I - A1 A

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