SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT- SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE, CUNT, ti. BfOWN, Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, -Stx Months, Three One Month, One Week, $4.00 1.00 .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city witnout extra cost.. . ITor advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Entered at postofflce s seconu-class matter, Railroad Guide Below is a conoensea scnedule of the departure of passenger trains from Salisbury by tbe snueduie which went Into effect July 4tn. 2nd DIVISION. NOKTIIBOUxD. No 6, Norfolk, jeaves 7:10 a m No 36, Fast Mail, leaves 10:47 a m No 12, Local, leaves, 8:15 p m No 38, Vestibule, leaves , 9:35 p m . 2nd division. . ' southbound. No 37, Vestibule, leaves , 8:17 a m No ll, Local, leaves 9:37 a m No 7, Charlotte, leaves . 8:15 p m No 35, Fast Mail, 'eaves 8:50 p m 3rd division. westbound. No 11 Local, leaves y:55 a m No 15 Chattanooga, leaves 8:55 p m No 12 Local arrives 7:40 pm No 16 Chatanooga.arrives 7:00 a m ' ; YADKIN. V" . No 48. (Ex. Sund iy) arrives 9:30 a m No 47. (Ex. Sunday) leaves 12:30 p m All freight trains carry passengers. Satjsbuky, N. C., Feb. 21,1898. TO UPHOLD THE DIGNITY OF THE COUNTRY. From the dispatches it appears that President McKinley has de cided to uphold the dignity of the country. The position taken by the Spaniards in the Maine disas ter investigation has brought him out upon his metal. The Spanish insisted that they be allowed to conduct the investigation jointly with the United States, but the jrresiueni uas uecimeu. u a con ference with Secretary Long it was decided to make the investi gation independent of Spanish au thorities. This is the proper thing to do. To have stood by and let the Spaniards direct the investigation would have shown the United States to have been a weakling, not able to hold its own among the nations of the world. It would, indeed, have been pue rile in the extreme. The United Sfnfo ic birr onnncrh. rw1 sfrnnrr enough to demand almost anything of any country and to have been 'awed and dictated to by a little country j like Spain would have been a disgrace to civilization. What many of the people of the Gountry mostly want is war. They would 'like to see Spain wiped ilUUl luc liiuc ui i uc cux iu. Lino is about all that will give general satisfaction. It looks something like it will . nnaiiy result in declaration to that effect. Gratifying evidence of the fraterml feeling between religious bodies i .nd followers of the sever alrelig ons in this city, says' the Savannah News, have come into evidence since ihe Cathedral tire. Following the disaster, a Protest ant church proffered to the Cathe gregation the use of its nouse oi worsnip, ano in me usi of subscribers to the iund for the rebuilding of the burned Cathedral appear the names of Protestants and Jews sandwiched with thoseof Catholics. This broad and kindly spirit is one of the most gratifying signs oi the times. ; Governor Atkinson, of Geor- mn. - ia V tv verwhe those o want to enlist in the event brings a NEED TO HUSTLE. The citizens can hardly be told too often of the duty they owe to the town. The Sun has frequent ly urged them to arouse from their apparent lethargy and get to work to make a real town of Sal isbury. We desire to urge them again. The citizens need, to hus tle. They shonld go to work and make Salisbury a live, wide-awake town. We will hail the time when the town has electric lights. Thi is, perhaps, of" more importance flinn nn ri Vi?n ct alca iiiof nnnr There should be as little delay in this matter as possible. Nothing shows a town off so badly as poor jiuisi v 1,110 , vmieus jei a move on them. We insist upon this. hat the n a war med by offers from 4 'Maine" episode Ever since the suspicion of foul play began to be entertained, telegrams have begun tp' poun in to the executive'Jouice, and one of them isf rom the Adju tant General of the State, asking for an opportunity to serve under the United States Hag. in Cuba, or anywhere else, ihe viovernor is making the same repl3' to all these patriotic men: 4 'There will be plenty reach a pf time to fight, if matters crisis. A New York man claims to 3 - . have discovered a process of weld ing copper to steel, from which :eat results are antici pated by m and the money men who are trnishihg great him furnish plant. the he was era! W cases til pox w that the cash to put .up a A . short while ago the an nouncement was made that an ex perimenter had discovered the lost art of -tempering copper so it would feake ah edge like steel. i I . But these are days of discovery and indention. Dr Marine from Spartanb C. f Wertendaker, of the Hospital, has returned hrg, S. C.,' where by Surgeon Gen ascertaih if certain Osed to be small- genuine.. He reports brdered vman, to ere suppo ere disease is not smallpox. A Denver genius has invented a machine for easy, a trie . spl does th takes t He thinks it will be useful in tile State industrial schools where spanking is still in vogue. There will be no exodus of colored citizens from Georgia this year. The molon planters-are cal culating on planting a very large acreage, . seatless anker work le chair. making S)anking chair with an elec- attachment, which when the offender -Ex-Senatoi Hill was in Wash ington the other da v and when he was jol ed about his retirement to private life he answered good ; na turedly : 4 'I can only say with Mark Twain that the reports of my death have been greatly exag- geratec j Fi at wor A: full day on Terror and Wanslow. ready by AYedhesday. ' AWFUX: CB.IHE OF NEGROES. Set the 'Clothing -of a Toiing r White Girl dn Fire. - Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 19. A let ter has been received bv Governor Atkinson from Sheriff Patterson, of Decatur county, giving, the bare facts regarding the horrible Uefforts of three unkriowh negroes one day last week" to burn to death the daughter of Janies Alday, a prominent citizen of a district re mote from .telegraphic facilities in Decatur county. From all accounts it appears the girl,- who is about sixteen years of age,, had occasion to go to a spring about 200 yards from her father's - , :' ... V-.,.. . - nouse, ana on returning tnrougn a dense thicket she was seized up on by j three negroes.; whom she had never seen before, -t and when they discovered that she was the . i -. k-- . daughter of Alday two of them firmly j held her while the third ap plied matches to the skirts xf her clothing. She was detained until the flames were licking her face and , had eaten into her under garments, and then released and ordered her to fly for her life. She ran screaming to her fath er's door, where she arrived with not a shred of clothing on her body and -literally one huge blis ter. Immediate attention was given her and every effort made to' save her life, but the latest re ports from the place indicate that her death was hourly expected. The Sheriff is making every, ef fort to discover the fiends. The Governor is investigating the af fair, and it is very probable a large reward will be 'offered for the apprehension of - the three men. A LARGE SUM PAID. But Can't See Where the Tax Pay ers are Benefitted. . an m- of the has at taking of All evi- ; I Chuthatu Keeord. Kussell's burlesque 6f vestigation oi the leasQ North: Carolina railroad last ended so far as the testimony is concerned. dence j will now be reported to Judge Simonton for his decision. All disinterested and intelligent persons who have lept up with this evidince agree that no fraud has been proved in the execution of this lease, although they may not approve the policy of execu- ng it. A large sum has been paid to Russell's attorneys for this useless and farcical investiga tion and a much needed "relief" has been given them, but it is hard to see how the taxpayers have been benefitted. ty extra men have been put : in the Norfolk navv vard. force is jo work night ; and the monitors Puritan and ?and torpedo boats Foote The vessels will be Ex-Congressman Outhwaite, of Ohi ), has , been defeated for a place on the board of trustees of the Stute University by a combi- of anti-Hanna Republicans Democrats in the nation and free silver Ohio Legislature i Gpv. Russell proposes leasing the At & N. C. railroad to the Southern. Col.. Andrews is con sidering the matter. It is said the Governor promises to end the the Southern if a prosecution of lease ti made. British warship which ran aground near the entrance to . the Suez Canal, will have to, discharge her guns before she, can be floated. They shouldn't load their guns so heavvi or discharge them before they get into shallow water. I It dost Cook county, or Chicago, which' embraces most of Cook county, $8,000 to send Luetgert to the penitentiary. I The High Point Enterprise re ports a fatal accident which befell Mr. Apps Black, who lived two miles south of Thonoasville. He was putting up a small corn mill and had gotten the stone in place and was trying the speed of the mill, j The speed got too high when the stone flew to pieces, a part of it striking Mr. Black in the. stomach, making a fatal wound, he survived only two days after the accident. It is stated on German authori,-: ty that the astounding number of 2,000,000 glass eyes are jnade every year in Germany and Switz-1 erland, 'while one French house manufactures 300,000 of them an- jiually. : Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky, has declined the offered position of general secretary of the board of managers of the Domestic and Foreigh Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church. NEWS OF THE DAY. Telctraphlc News' Condensed for, 'the -Conven ience of Hasty' Readers. Pittsburg, Pa., has been visited by another disastrous fire, ihvolv- ing a loss oi tu,uuu. - The bankruptcy bill passiwi the House Saturday. - It contains both voluntary and involuntary fea tures. ' Testimony for the defense in the trial of Sheriff Martin and his deputies at Vilkesbarrei Pa., vas began to-day. . . ' . . - .'. . . . . a ooutnern cotton mill men op: pose action by Congress to regu late the hours of labor in the dif- ferent States. - Adj utant-General Appleton says in event of a war with Spain, West .Virginia could furnish 5,0Q0 men in a few days. ' A frightened horse dashed through a plate glass window at Madison avenue, Nevv York, caus ing a loss of $250. One hundred and ten bodies have been recovered from the col liery at Hamm, Westphalia, where an; explosion of tire-dam p oc curred. j ' . . ' After the adjournment Satur day, of the Zola trial, in Paris, a mob made a wild rush for Ml Zola, but was driven off by guards and policemen. . At Chicago Saturday', Judge Gary denied the motion of Luet- "gert's attorneys for a new trial and sentenced the sausage maker to life imprisonment. t V The British army estimates just received, propose to increase the numerical strength of the army by twenty-two thousand nieu at an increased cost of nine hundred thousand pounds. : , A violent storm swept over New Orleans Saturday, doing con siderable damage to property. One church and about forty hous es, occupied principally" bv ne- grpeswere blown down. f . Detective Boyd arrested Charles Brooks at Washington, D. C, and found in his possession the plush bag and opera glasses stolen from Miss Dingley, daughter of the Representative from Maine. The four-year-old son of Oscar Dodson, of Sperryville, W. Va., killed his two-year-old brother by shooting him with a revolver he had ; managed to get hold. of. Death was instantaneous. Mrs. : Ernestine Beloch, who, in connivance with her present hus band, Charles Selhdpen, gave her former husband poisoned pre serves and watched him die, ' was sentenced Saturday at Clinton, Ohio, to life imprisonment. Right Rev.' Thomas U. 'Dudley, D. 1 D. , bishop of Kentucky, who was; recently elected to the gener al secretaryship of the Domestic and Foreign missionary society of the Protestant Episcopal church, declined to assume the duties of the office. With her, skull crushed in and her throat terribly mutilated, Mrs. Ella Preston, aged 20, was found Tlead at Co Rug, Pa. Saturday. Near the body lay an axe and a butcher's knife, with which she had been hacked to death. The hiisband is, nowhere , to be 'found. The young people had ' been mar ried but seven months. - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ! The. best salve in the world for Cuts, ' Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, "Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin" Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.' It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists, j ; TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY- ; Take Laxative .Bromo - Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund tbe money if it fails to Cure. &c. Free Pills. Send your address to H. iE. Bucklen & Co., Chicago,' and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New-Life "Pills. - A 'trial will con vince you of their merits These pills are easy, in . action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liven trouble's they have been proven inyaluable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from every deleterious siilJstarice and to 6e purely "vege table. They " do not . " weaken by theifv action, but by giving tone to stomach , and bowels greatly in vigorate the , system. Regular size 25cper box. Sold by Theo. F. Klutti & Co. , druggists. Me-..timi Iknpws&nd;; knows i "i t- . a a 'a You cd.n b -so " pbsitiv when txuying Shoes nriaTked-"Burt,s "Own Make"--knowirig that you know their solidity is actual that you can tell your neighbors of the sober reality of our words and our Shoes. ' Own Make" line Ladies' Dongola, " Lace and Button $i.50 and $2.00. Ladies' Grain Button Patent Leather Tip $1.35. Ladies' Nubiam Galf Button Patent Misses Button and Lace $1.00 to $1.35 Ohildrens' sizes 8 1-2 to 11, 85c to $1.15 Childrens' sizes 5s to 8s, 65c to Sl.00 Every pair warranted all leather soles, neeis ana counters. Do Not Fall to Visit D 0, rT0-TTr?nTT7iD rvi Mammoth Furniture Emporium. "W 'Ik - .Mil. Fv2 - ... i C Wo n ds- fail to describe the beait of our Furniture in design, up , holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are what the collectors of, specimens need. He-has the largest stock in the city to seitjub iroiu, ana wmie nis gooas are new, stylish and up to date in every particular, his tiCES AJjtE THE TEJnni dLoztaL,k A Speci.altyj He has a line of Caskets, Burial rtoDes, etc., unsurpassed in the State. Personal attention given to EriBALLIIIJG AIJD DiREfiTIOlJ OF FDIIERALS M.fMk fill "n 7 i A'"' with ah elegant line of . fl4 &i fTh Wn Tkrs'"A See styles in our window, at $1.5 fz$ a : ""7r

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