SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. CLINT. N. IROWN, 1 Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, Six Months, Three ! -One Month, One Week, $4.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city witnout extra cost. For advertising rates apply to the publishers Office oyer Burfs shoe store, on Main street, Entered at postofflce secoiiu-class matter, Railroad Guide Below . is a conoensea scnedule o the departure of passenger trains from Salisbury by tbe smeduie which went into effect July 4th. 2nd DIVISION. NORTHBOUND. No 6, Norfolk, leaves 7:10 a m No 36, Fast Mail, leaves 10:47 a m No 12 Local, leaves " 8:15 p m No 38, Vestibule, leaves 9:35 p m 2nd division. SOUTHBOUND. No 37. Vestibule, leaves 8:17 am No 11, Local, leaves 9:37 a m No 7, Charlotte, leaves 8:15 p m No 35, Fast Mail, leaves 8:5(j p m - i. 3rd DIVISION. ' WESTBOUND. No 11 Local, leaves . y:55 a in No 15 Chattanooga, leaves 8:55 p m No 22. Local arrives 7:40 pm No 16 Chatanoosra.arrives 7:00 a m YADKIN. No 48. (Ex. Sund ay) arrives 9:30 a m No 47. (Ex. Sunday) leaves 12:30 p m All freight trains carry passengers. Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 25, 1898. FOR A STRAIGHT FIGHT. As will be seen on our local page to-day a friend from Alpha, of. the county, and who is also one of our good subscribers, sends us a subscription .to the Weekly Sun and admonishes us to "stand square for a straight Democratic fight in our State campaign this year. Straight ' Democrats or nothing for me. State issues to the front." Such a communication does the heart of ye editor good, and en courages him to greater efforts in his work. The Sun has heretofore contended for a straight fight on State issues and will continue to do so until the finish until the State convention has spoken, the highest tribunal of the State Dem- a' ..a HT 1 1 iU. ocrauc party. iVLemuers 01 me State executive committee who met in Raleigh, on Tuesday ; last, and passed a resolution to call the 26tb, next, say there were no in dications of a desire for fusion, hence it is to, be understood that the convention will advise and di rect a straight fight; So mote it be. A straight Democratic fight and on State issues is the hope of the party's success this year. A straight fight should be the battle cry. , RUSSELL HANCOCK. . The Russell-Hancock comedy is now the livest thing on the State board. The matter is interesting and is likely to develop into some thing sensational. It might pos sibly lead to something serious. Hancock writes an open letter to Russell taking him to task for precipitately effecting his re- ninvnl from nffinp.. knhwino that, it would be prejudicial to him in his suit with the Misses Abbott's, now fact that the Governor badexpress ed confidence in his innocence and after taking the census of seven watc If deny i the truthfulness of them wbenh he willJproduce the testi monv The result of i this matter will be hed with interest. can sustain his have the governor. The next legisla- some p-ood timber i Hancock i -, - ' " - charges he will bad hole. may have in a ture to wc may rk upon in a question of im peachment. . Hancock, however tfail to sustain his charges. the New xorK journal 01 Commerce in discussing the spread of trusts and monopolies, says that 11 these organizations ' have grown to an extent that few per sons are prepared to imagine. A computation, i says, of the va rious "combinations created with a view to controling- production and prices in one way or another, made Yeari-Book, enumerates 200 of - : I J ,, ' -J:. -I ... ,. , - thesd organizations, with a total of capital stock and bonds aggregat 000. This total is cent, of the entire ing $3,662,000, equal to 56 per tuxes of the United census of 1890. capital credited to the manufac- States in the An important appeal was is sued yesterday! by the council of cotton mill strikers at New Bed whether s will retu Mass., and upon the nature p response, it is said, will de- or not the mill rn to work under ford, of th pend hand the recent reduction of T i , i j- The appeal is address "To the Men and Women of New England," and i main wages. sks for financial-assistance to ;ain the strike. It sets forth hat dbout 400 ing 2,000 meri dren and unless families, compris , women, and chil- are slowly starving to death, aid is forth coming within a short time the strike will to be abandoned. nave The rush, of gold seekers to Alaska is calling into service all the vessels thaj; can be found on the Northern Pacific coast or that can reach theri in time to take share of the tr are qiu and in a ivel. Many of these bad condition, and some are in cnarge oi men wno are not amiliar with the dangerous waters they must navigate or the terrible storms tnat sweep over themi Alrea r three d two seaworthiness and more. he prospj sweep have been rl no tr n r y there I A . isasiurs or incompetency, ct is good for many A special from Winston this morning tells that Senator Butler udge Ewart beaten for contir- bn. we nave tne same mior- well informed, pri- i our correspondent Ewart is doomed." i . . should turn out so it would be Perhaps - Mr. an ideal J udge few nien are ; buj: if he is tias mati matibn from a vate j source, , it 1 IbllJii LliclL If it a matter to regret. Ewart is not cut out for beaten the district is not apt to get a be ottd was bing bor mm ter one in the shuffle. Char ! Observer. j Some widows set their caps or lei lows they want to eaten, but a Missouri widow set a trap for he fellow she caught. The trap set for the thief who was rob ber smokehouse, but a.neigh- fvvalked into it, and she relieved of his embarrassment by h i in . I Perhaps she ght he waisn't punished enough smokehouse. SET OFF BY A IANATIC Naval Experts Believe the Maine Was Blowi 'Up. 'r" The New York World's special correspondent cables from Havana: " The situation to-night is more grave than at any time since the Maine explosion one week ago to night. Although the officers of the Naval Board of y- inquiry pre serve an impenetrable reserve. The World correspondent leafns that some of the best naval tx- perts now believe that the exv jb- sion was the result of treachery They do not believe that Spanish officials were part , of the con spiracy. i r rom evidence now in their possession they believe jthe Spanish government, Gen. Blan co and all his military subordi nates were guiltless alike ! of knowledge of or participation ,in the crime. It is believed to have been set off by a fanatic. ; Naval officers fear " that when the facts are known it may be impossible to restrain public sentiment. Presi dent McKinley and Secretary Long are said, f ran kly , by ofB eidls who have wired directly from Washington, to be strenu ously for peace. Both, hope that the Naval Board of inquiry "will be able to prove that no crime nas oeen committed even by a Spanish fanatic. But the Ameri can officers fear trouble when all the i facts are known. They do not expect any public revelations, or any radical, change in the situa tion for a week. NEWS OF THE DAY. Tcieeraphic News Condensed for fhe Conven lence of Hasty Readers. V Greater Use of Corn. j A cprn convention held! in Chicago last week developed" sev eral schemes for extending the use of thegreat American grain. ' It iWas resolved to- make elabor ate exhibitions of corn and the many forms in which it is pre pared for food uses at the , )maha exposition, the Buffalo exposition and the Paris exposition of 1900. The present high price of wheat has done much to improve the prospect of corn as a food pro Already a large proportion of he flour used in this country is madB largely of corn. This ilour is cheaper than -pure wheat flour and quite as nutritious. "More corn is being consumed as food in this country han ever be fore and the quantity will increase. Our corn is also; becoming more popular in Europe. The preju dice against it amoung the masses of Europe is being destroyed. They are learning by actual ex perience that corn is good as well as cheap; that it may be prepared in many palatable forms and that t has excellent qualities as a food substance. This is the mam rea son why our exports of corn have increased so rapidly Corn is already; our greatest crop both in size and value, and will continue o hold the supremacy. The movement to extend its use - in foreign countries is timely, and will conduce to the interest pf nearly every section of the cpun- Miss Martha Culver, who lives near St. Paul, is said to have killed more wolves than any woman in the northeast. marrying n i Lhoii tor fooling with her directors at opinion of one time found the his innocence was unanimous a statement already denied by these gentlemen. J j He says he was instrumental upon the demands of the Governor in promoting certain criminal acts which his better judgment told him that by so doing he was un faithful to the interest of the road and the people. He makes other claims and dares the Governor to Mr. Hess, of Chicago, has struck on a grand idea to recruit the wary army and navy in the event of He proposes to enlist all the 'original McKinley merT." has the -The Illinois Supreme Court handed down an opinion that breaking- into a hen act of glai-y. house and stealing chickens'is bur- At this teason there are about two hours oi daylight in the Klon dike, and that is mostly in the af ternoon. . Free Pills. " Send your address to H. E. Bucklen 5c Co7, Chicago, ancl get a free sample .box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will con vince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and, are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proven inyaluable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from every deleterious substance and to be; purely vege table. They do, not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly in vigorate the system . Regular size 25c. per box. bold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Co., druggists. A nice line of Dresden floss and Filo silk received to-day a tReid& Harry's. General John B. Gordon is crit ically ill at Toledo, O. ' The twin battleships Kearsage ana Kentucky will be launched at Newport 28th. News, Va., on March The Virginia Legislature passec the bill requiring all executions to take place in the State peniten tiary. Nearly! one thousand letters were blown to pieces by the burst ing of cylinders in the pneumatic mail tubes in New York. Senator Allen yesterday with drew his Cuban resolutions, be cause he thought , they had no chance of passing either house. Special dispatches from Havana state that the finding of the court i of inquiry will be unanimous as to the cause of the Maine disaster. Three of the twenty-one per sons who were on the British ship Asia, which was wrecked off Nan tucket,: Mass., were rescued.' The others were lost. Burglars blew open, the safe in the postoffice at Courtland, South ampton county, Va., last night, and robbed it of $440. One man was arrested on suspicion. -The contract with the wreckers binds the latter to expediate the work-oh the Maine; they have re ported to Captain Sigsbee and will act under his orders. Governor Eller be, of South Car olina, has offered $500 reward for the apprenension and conviction of the parties unknown; who com mitted the double murder at Lake City. 1 ' , - The Postmaster General has bf- fered rewards, for the arrest and i . conviction : of the persons who burned the pdstbffice and murder ed the postmaster at Lake City, S. C ; the office has been discontinued. . I : - The strike of the employes of the steel and iron works at Ben- wood, WJ Va. , ended yesterday with a settlement which the em ployes consider a victory. In short it gives them what they ask for. They resumed worts: to-day. The la si ri ites over the body of Frances Ej Wiljard,; president of were performed yesterday at Evanston, III. The city was in ourning, the schools and busi ness houses being closed and flags at half mast. M. Zola, , on trial in Paris for slandering was found government, officials, guilty and sentenced to one year's imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 francs. The ver- received with frantic cheers. The manager of Aurore, he newspaper in which the letter was published, was condemed to four months' imprisonment and fined 3,000 Coroner francs. . Schumm yesterday be gan an investigation into the ai- esale poisoning of the family of Joseph Dem co, a farmer of Cromwell townshlpSRa. Mrs Demco and her youngest child died suddenly from what the at tending physician declared to be convulsions caused by an irritant poison. Demco and the two re maining Children, suffering with the same alive. syinptos, are barely A bloody duel - was fought at Little Rock, Ark., Wednesday, the principals being Dr. J. H. Hartzell and William Elliott. Physicians pronounce both men mortally wounded. V The trag edy grew" out of family affairs, in which Mrs. Hartzell was in volved, and which, it is said, led to her suicide about a ago. Elliott is alleged to have made improper advances to Mrs. Hart zell jduring the doctor's absence, some time ago, and a tragedy was narrowly averted at that time. The Hartzells finally . separated and later! Mrs. Hartzell committed suicide on account of her trouble. , Birtliday ' .' ' ' i! ". YmmmW Lttfown the prices ZTJlI 1 'i ! Is now principally as the birth day of an hon est man a man who never told a lie. We fully realize that this is the highest praise that can be given anyone and we never allow even . a misleading word used in our ad- yertising. When we say prices are cut way down we mean it. jA We are offering along with our many bar- samples and narrow toed Shoes on which the prices are cut almost one half. Come and see them.;' gains, some Into ooDpaoDyD iT? rTI rlA m Do Not Kail ?to Visit v -1 mi wMiilLii -S Mammoth Furniture Emporium. 1 . - Words fail to describe the beauty of our Furnituie in design, up holstery or- perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are v. - what the collectors oi. specimens need. i :' He has the largest stock in the qity to seieci irom, ana wniie nis goods are new, stylish and up to date in every particular, his rtooes, etc., unsurpassed in the State. Personal attention given to EHBALHIN6 AND DIRECTION OF FUNERALS with an elegant line of -- f - I - - - - bagain sale all the year round bee styles in our window, at $1.50. Go Ka I & 2Sn &5?ei&7Xr,