T r I V . ) J- 7 jrij . J I-31 ' , . r ' I- 't . - ' - " , "": : . i - - - v , ' '- " 1 - ". is certainly an item ing. Our line of SHOES has in it some of the ibest makes known to tlie trade- in Mies'. Uew' We can at present In order to make room ror stock of DRY GOODS we will close out our sto ck of Shoes If possible we want March 1st. Come in Bear in mind they all out reserve. ! J. R. C. Brown One Priced Dryj Under Meroney 's Opera House. Good Drinks. I am offering my trade, in the line of TEA and COFFEE, the best the market affords. The brands are: FOEMOSA-OOLOONG and IN DIA CEYLON TEA. MORNING JOY and MOUNTAIN JAVA COFFEE. Satisfaction guaranteed the above or money refunded ' Have also just received my Garden Seeds ! CLOVER SEEDS AND ONION SETS 1. handle Landreth's. They are re liable. No old Seeds offered. ''. ; . Don't Be Too Late! The gardening season is at hand. T. EL H'CULLOH, Groceries, Feed and Grain. ONE WEEK, ) wprtn investigat it N fit almost any one. our Spring and NOTIONS to do this by and see them. go at COST, with Jr. & Cos Gpods Store. SBURY, IV. ft No SDrinsr Over coat bad all. ' coat . ! , - is just about as " l' ' ' ': :V as no overcoat at iThe winter over- is too heavy, no over tTh coat. is too light. , s no excuse i I - . - for oing without a Spri Overcoat when j , " . -x : ; we are offering "such exce ptional bargains. Clothing Co. On. j 11 1 . -1 I : 1 . ' 1 mm Brown TENNESSEE ftTJARRANTINES. Ticket Agent Meroney Received a Telegram in Regard to It. Tennessee has quarrantined again. Last year it quarrantined against yellow fever, - This time it quar ran tines against small pox and other infectious diseases. Ticket Agent W. 'R. Meroney, of this place, received a telegram last night notifying him to warn all persons entering Tennessee to have a certificate of vaccination with them. On failure, theji would be stopped. Knox ville J Morristown, Bristol and a num ber of other towns were named in the telegram as having the quar ran tine regulation. 1 j A gentleman going west this morning! and having to pass through Tennessee after purchas ing his ticket was informed of the law; returned it and procured another bv the northern route, j Agent Wr. B. Strachan, of the depot, tells us he has also received a circular in regard to the matter. The railroad company will not sell tickets to parties going into Tennessee without telling them of the regulation. If they persist in buying the same, they will do so at their own risk. Mr. John Rymer Dead. . News has been received here of the death of Mr. John A. Rymer, who formerly lived in Salisbury. At the time j of his death Mr, Rymer and his family, a wife and five children, were at Alexander City, Ala., coming toward Salis bury. For the past year they have been in the West and South, having traveled over Illinois, Mis souri, Mississippi and Alabama. Mr. Rymer died last Saturday of congestion of( the. lungs, and was buried Sunday. . -His body will, however, be taWen up within the next tif teen days arid sent to China Grove for final interment. Mrs. Rymer and the children will come on to China Grove, at once. Mrs. Rymer is a sister of Mr. J. N. Maxwell, of this city. The deceased was years of age and had many friends in this county. Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of the Salisbury High School taught by Miss Cbit. Charlie Rendleman. Frank McCubbins. j Hargrave Brown. Sadie Kluttz. Sadie Davis. Janet Crump. Rosa Bernhardt. Mary Murphy. Sophie Kluttz. Roll of Merit: . Clara Hay worth. ' Alex Gregg. Margaret Murdoch,. Alice Rendleman. ; Willie Swicegood. Home School Honor Roll. Walter McCanless. Mary Linn. . Annie Laurie Ramsay. Ada Viele. Roll of Merit: Joseph White. if , ' Lucile Bernhardt, j Rosalind Rendleman. Officers of the United States cruiser Montgomery, report that 14,000 people in the city of Ma tanzas arQ absolutely without food and clothing; the death rate aver ages! forty-six per day; and the number of deaths from starvation in the province so far, is 59,000. Miss Bessie Hutchinson, of Char lotte, who has been visiting the Misses McNeely, returned home th tis morning. Miss Lin wood Bost and Miss Lena Swann, of Statesvilre, are visitin or Mrs. M. S. Hoffman. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no nav reauired. It " is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded; Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists. Profitable Farming. . From 68 acres of cotton, corn, fodder, oats, hay and pdrk, Mr. Fletcher, of Marlboro, S. Ci, cleared last year $1,738.60, or an average net profit of 825.56 per acre? not counting the proceeds froni the dairy, poultry yard, gar den, orchard and other minor sources. Each acre in other words, yielded enough profit in one season to buy outright from two to ten acres like it. Thirteen acres of cotton cleared . $472. Thirty-five acres of corn and peas cleared him $692. Twenty acres of oats and grass cleared $352. The net profit on the cotton per acre was $36.61; oh the corn and peas was $19.77; on the oats and hay was $17.60. After cutting $320 worth of oats from a twenty-acre lot it was plowed once and treated to $26 worth of fertilizer and yielded $200 worth of hay extra. All Negotiations Off. Kaleigh Tost. The negotiations are off for a lease, of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad by Governor Russell, on behalf of the State, to the Southern Railway. Unless the order reducing pas senger fares is rescinded, the Southern, so it is said, does not desire to acquire control of the property. - The Southern had under con sideration the proposition sub mitted by the .Governor for the lease of the road and a compro mise of the fight against . the lease of the North Carolina Railroad which was told in the Post last Sunday, but the action of the commission in reducing the pas senger fares has brought all ne gotiations to a close. The Governor is still very de sirous of leasing the road to the Southern; Whether -'lie- will sub mit another proposition to the Southern. is not known. T0.CURE A C0LGIH ONE DAY- Take r.axatlvf Bromo Quinine Tablets. AIL Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25e. o y- 3 cv o- CORYRIOMT toac Food for Why does the coal supplied by us always burn clear and. free, give out more heat, burn longer and need re plenishing less often than the other ccal you can buy. We won't charge you anything for telling you that it is because it is carefully selected, high-grade and carefully screened, and we don't ask any more for it than yciu will pay for inferior grades. J. ALLEN BROWN. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS are respectfully invited to call and get prices on our builders' and Ilouse Hardware. AVe carry a complete stock of NAILS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, BOLTS, LOCKS, PAINTS OILS, and everything needed in that line.' Our prices are at the bottom. Your patronage solicited and satis faction guaranteed. Be sure and see us and get prices. . . ' Salistar; Hardvors & Furnitura Co. ; - . i ' ' . j : . . . , " 1- - - This is the last week of our n nif in and if you have not taken advantage of some of offered it is time We will close the first part of next week to take stock, so do not put , off coming until too late. J n urn a if e On loi 1 " ' " - -1 if you expect to secure any of the rare bargains that we are selling our luits and Overcoats . t . - - - You will have to do some tall hustling to secure a' suit or overcoat at such sacri fice prices, as (there are but a very few of them left. Our Spring stock has ar rived,, and we must have room. ' ; SM00T BROS. & ROGERS. John Whitehead. M. D. JWesley Loos. M. D. DRS. WHITEHEAD & LONG Having associated themselves togeth er for the purpose of practising med icine and surgery offer their services to the citizens of Salisbury and I sur rounding country. 5; Office over Kluttz & Co's drugstore. FOR SALE. A line two-year! old horse. Apply at the Sun office or to . . . A. J. Kerns; " -Albemarle, N. C,;: i r LziLzi j A- the mm you were doing so. - FOKSALE. One 6-room cottage on East Mam Street, two 4-room cottages on Liberty Street, and several vacant lots. Also two houses, two stories high, with 6 rooms; It would be advisable to see me beforerenting store rooms or dwel lings: H. L. SIIAVEll. Do you want some Dresden floss and Filo'silk? You can get it at eid & Harry's. V. . - is (9