I . i - - - , i - -1 If- I I ' I - - - - AITS mm You may-lose more You do not Buy Playing on Sunday. A well-attended trial was held at the court house Saturday even ing.- Esquires J. II., MeKenzie andiron Harris sat in judgment and the defendants were several country colored men who were charged with playing cards on Sunday. Two of them, were found guilty and were bound over to court. ' than that if ; - f I Carefully Open your eyes ! Goods c oming1 aim ost Think ! New every day. , j " s, and two armies Hark I The hucrl r.al are marching onward. One to Cuba and one to Harry Bros. The end of the first means 1 Ll. I I j i ' ' n til 1 It! i ueam ana uesxruction; ot tne latter, joy ana happiness, an armfull of goods and a fat pocketbook. Which way are pou going? 1 pair Pants for 25c 1 pair Knee Pants, 10c 1 Shirt for 18c 1 Collar for 5c 1 Tie for '-.-. lc 1 pair Suspenders, 5c i j- 25c 48c 5c i 5c 10c ndkerchief for 3c 1 Dtjess for 1 pair Shoes for 1 pair Hose for 1 Hat for 1 Beilt for 1 Ha You don't have to pay others' bills when you trade here, because we sell for CASH. I . Yours for business, EE YOUNG'S OLD STAND. MeCUBBIM eal state 91 jOedXn Insurance , . .i - - -I- ancj QollCtmg Dealers in Lime, dement, J. S. McCubbins, Jr. SALISBURY, r u V I Id N. Hair, &c. s. d Joraan. c. Helen of Troy's Beauty made all men worship her. No woman lives who can not render herself beauti ful in the eyes .f-t proper atten- tention to their complexion. Why not try MADAME A. RUPERT'S FACE BLEACH 3 This fine Rem edy for ALL SKIN BLEMISHES IS GUARANTEED HARMLESS, . is simple to apply, and is absolute in its ef fects, rendering the skin hard and firm, and as smooth as velvet. Thousands, whose beautiful Com plexions are the reward, grateful ly acknowledge its remarkable -efficiency. 1 Price 2.00 at Kluttz's Drug Store. . John Whitehead. M. D. J.Wesley Long. M. D. DRS. WHITEHEAD & LONG Having associated themselves togeth er for the purpose of practising med icine and surgery offer their services to the citizens of Salisbury and sur rounding country. Oltice over Kluttz & Co's drugstore. Call on me or 'phone No. 51 for a public cab. W. F. Kklsey. Brdceri 1 Do y you do see' nie. pu want to buy groceries? I kou should not fail to call and 1 carry a lull line. j F U ha b rough Fish DAY. OS iel also the best shad, &c. to this market. Days FRIDAY and SATUR- Call and see me I Yours truly, c. h. svinic: For a Select Line of 8 eoeocoooooooooooooocoooooo oococoocooocooooococcooo Call at the Drug Store of i E. KhitLz & Co. in The city sexton dug two graves the city cemeteries during April. Three people were buried n the Chestnut Hill cemetery. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to he needy , and suffer- ing. lne proprietors ot JJr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughsind Colis, have given away over tens. mil lion trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bron chitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and" Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Theo. F. Kluttz & Co., druggists, and get a trial bottle free. Regu lar size 50c. and $1. Iwery bottle guaranted, or price refunded. Town Marshal's Sale of Land for Taxes. i By virtue of levies made by me for default in payment of taxes due up to and including 1897, I will expose to public sale for cash, at the courthouse door in Salisbury, JN. C on . : MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1898, the various lots and parcel herein mentioned. The whole of each tract or contiguous body of land belonging to the delinquents will be put up for sale at the same time, and the bid will be struck off to him who will pay the amount of taxes with all expenses, for the smallest part of said land. The purchaser mustt pay the amount due on the spot or the land will be imnie diately re-sold. Each tract will be sold in the order named below.md the sale -will continue from day to day until all is disposed of : 1 " whites. . i iirs .uary js. tiiarauers, ior oo : 4 44 1807, i 273 Mrs Jack Hall, a u u W A West, a 'a a S J Chambers, J DFloid, 189i, 15) 55 181)7, 20 93 1896,! 8.",0 William Howard, heirs, Mrs C Kelly, R C Miller, Mrs Flora Mowery, John F Eagle, J 11 Graham, j John A Holt, Mrs Julia F Howell, Mrs J G Lipscomb, . Mrs M L Mclntyre, Mrs M E Owens, G Plyler, Salisbury Ice Co, W A Smith, M A Smith, J COLORED. II A Keisey, (bal) : 1897, i 1895, 1896, 1897, mm; 1897, 189(5, 1896, 1896, 1897, 1897, 9 10 4 r.c .1 V. : 68 a 41 7.: 4 10 1 04 2 30 1 05 7 57 6 37 1897, 17 93 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897,' 1897, 1897. 1897, Robt Lord, bal) 4 Alfred ShaJrick, it C G Summerville, n a A L Sumner, 1 1 i i W J Todd, John C Dancyt (bal) tt I I)ancy & Cobb, Pink C Hall, a . -tt Jennie Hall, B A Johnson, 20 25 I 3 64 I 4 5; I 5 46 i 8 19 18 20 I 7 61 6 3 i 2 6; 11 65 10 4 1 60 t 2 30 2 23 80 99 91 3 20 3 40 3 64 6 60 6 92 6 37 245 6 20 1897, 17 08 1895, 1890, 1897, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1895, 1896, 1897,- 1895, 1896, 1897, 1895, 1896, 189"; 4 55 5 31 7 28 91 0 Pleas Kent, ( . "u ii Julia Mears, (bal) Junius Mears, Jiles Pinks ton, H:il Frank Taylor, U it . Mrs. Hellen Taylor, Dora E. Wiseman, Wright & Blackwell, Caleb Black, Alice Brown, W II Brown, . Rev. Harry Cowan, Frank Bobbins, John Ellis, William Freeman, Baldy Haughton, Annie Holt, JohnS Hold, Jesse Howard, ' Ida Mebame; Mary- Mebane, Everljne Parker, R S Reives, i Margarel Smith, Mary Steele, William Sumner, (bal) Ren a Walker, Abram Hall, R L Wiseman, a a H. 1896, 1897, 189.7, -,189(), 1897, 1885, 1396, 1897, 189(5, 1897, 1897, 1896, 1897, 1896, 1897, ":. 1896, 1896, 1896, 11 05 1897, 11 83 189T, 1 82 1897, 1897, 1897, r -1879, 1897, "1897, 1897, 1897; 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1897, 1896, 1897, 1897, .1897, 1896, 1897, SHAVER; T T. C. If I 6 37 3 45 3 58 4 10 48 13 1 82 2 55 2 75 1 70 1 82 ! 81 3 40 2,28 4 78 1 82 4 01 2 02 5 48 3t82 2 53 3 17 137 5 46 1 37 1 82 5 46 2 28 1 82 98 3 2.3 91 2 05 3 15 3 64 It SI Goes On. TOE feEAT Jill III & ii u iyj u i 1 TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY $10.00 per month. : 1 i AT ALL HOURS I Zt) CCI11&. First class in Every Par- " "j" C 3 ssssssss The stock offered at this Sale islmmense and so are the inducements and savings of the purchasers. Our sales since inaugura tion of this Sale are greater than any in cor responding months for years, proving the judgment and appreciation of the public- All sales, are backed up 'with our old "guaran tee : "All goods warranted as represented or the money refunded." ? Its a goodj feeling to feel safe as to the getting the worth of your money. We take care of our trade. We - hold our trade. We daily gain new trade. Be cause ours is the PLACE, owing to experi ence and facilities, where your DOL LAR can be stretched to its ; - utmost limits. . LTGTTTEi'STjIlT'S EZaa VBD msk BB3BI1 R7 B ES83 BIBS 1 R7 Hew Restaurant ARABLE'S OLD STAND. MEALS 1 ticularl MRS. W. L. EARNHARDT, MANAGER. W. L. EARNHARDT, PROP. I apt 30 l mo. The only- Exclusive Dry Goods Store in the city. IS VERY DESTRUCTIVE BUT THE APPETITE FOR Good HAS NEVER BEEN i Things We guarantee to please you with the v FRESHEST and BEST , Assortment -of, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS and VEGETABLES The market affords. Yours to please, , T. E H'CULLOH. Ho! Every One that huncrer and thirst for come yq to gooct or watch for the WAGON that makes DAILY TRIPS in the city. Hey, There ! this is the place you want ! I We have all kinds of MEATS, PORK, MUTTON SAU : SAGE and BOLOGNA. All our meals will be found j rich and tender, and being in the primest' condition . when dressed contains great nutritive qualities, " - Our prices are less than .such meat is sold for else where. . They're Off ! The "trouble" has begun, and the haughty Dons will soon bid Adois to their blithing hold on the Pearl k)f the Antillies. ' Our building materials are off, too, not in quality but in moving prices, and no lower can be secured. Best quality in every instance posi tively guaranteed, and largest line to select from. . j . Look over materials, select what you want, get our prices and compare them with others for -goods of (equal grade and we're satisfied with the result.- ' j; Vv J. ALLEN BROWN, r Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts,. Bruises; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, happed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists. Spring Delights can best be enjoyed by a drive through our parks, boulevards-and country, in one of our handsome, comfortable and well" made RUNABOUTS, Surreys, Phaetons or Buggies, j We have in stock Columbus, Tyson & Jones, Rock Hill, Anchor, Columbia and other well known makes, that Ave are offer-, ing at low prices. It will be to your, advantage to see us and get prices when in need. We carry a complete stock of HARD . WAIiE, MACHINERY, FURNI TURE and JEWELRY, i ' i: We. can, and will please you both in prices and goods. j : Salisbury Hardware 8 Furniture Co. - Watchwords: j I - The PURITY if our drugs and hemicajs e The ACCURACY ' i -' . . ' ! Wjith Which our prescriptions are compounded j and The STABILITY of all our preparations are the sterling qualities that we pride ourselves are embodied in all goods we possess. Our exhaustive stock of chemicals together with our ASSORTED VARIETY of toilet articles and druggists' sun dries enable us to offer to the public prices that can be favorably compared with those of any drug establishment in the country ' We defy We invite competition. inspection. Call in and make our acquaintance. Cuthrell's Drug Store. On and after February 1st the Roctoell Park Dairy will sell Milk at 20c. per gallon, 5c. per quart. Pure Jersey, one-fourth Cream, best on trie market. Try it and be co vinced. Butter Milk 10c. per gallon. Cream 25c. per quart. Smere base Cheese 10c per pound; fresh every day. ; Leaveorders at T. F. Young's store Respectfully, JOS. II. McNEELY, Prop. Rockwell Park Dairy u u mmm Li j lj immJ L Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restord nAGNETIC lEBVLIIE tK" antee to t-ure. insomnia, Fits, uizziness, Hys fria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality.; Seminal LiRses, Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Vbrry, Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indu!ence. Price 60c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. v For quick positive and tasting' results inSexuai Weakness, Inlootencv. Nervous Debility ad Lot Vitality, use YELLOW LABEL SPEQWLf-double strength will give strength and tone to eery part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest nd best. ioo Pills $2; by mai. FREE A bottle of the famous Japanese Liver Pellets will be given with a,$i box or more of Mas. netic Nervine, free. Sold only by J 11 EnnisSi Druyyid ft t i

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