Seasonal fin J JUST RECEIVED .it. 9 - Ms AT HE j u iyj u iyj e, for $kirts and Outing t ; des. Fancy Lawns, at cts. per yard. Illuminated Crash nobby and durab Dresses. i Block Pattern Percales in popular sh Solid Lawns in light colors. " Another lot of those full standard fast colored. Calicoes at 4 cts yd Shirts and Shirt Waists. We invite inspection. The proof of the pudding is chewing the string. This second shipment of Waists and Skirts shaws what the people think of our stock. , Especial attention is jjmid to the make,i stvle and fit of these ?oods. Prices from 50 cts to.S5.00 for SkirtsJ Shirt Waists from 25 cts to 85 for wash fabrics. James Young as David Garrick. -The audience at the opera house last night was well pleased with James Youngf who presented David Garrick. It was the first time Mr. Young ever, appeared in comedy here. (He has visited the city three times.) i In presenting the comedy Mr. Young brings before the mind the actor David Gar rick as he '.-9. . really Jived and moved among his contemporaries. Some of i the scenes were very funny and ap proached the farce, but were kept within the bounds of delicate high comedy by the artistic touches and consummate acting of Mr. Young and his excellent company. J . Attention! Sir Knights. ' There will be a meeting of the Uniform Rank, K. tf P. at the CastleVHall to-night Pat 8 o'clock. All" members will come in full dress uniform and fatigue "caps. i W. II. Overman, v Captain. OUIS LlCHTENSTEIN, ! Guard. i Children's Apron Dresses at 20 cts each. " Chambray Dresses, Hamburg trimmed, 40 cts. Girls' Percale Dresses, beautiful patterns and running i years of age, for 50 cts. TUFF up to .10 The second shipment of Laundried Fancy Shirts, more and pret tier styles Stunners at 25, 50, 75 and &1.00. Examine our 1.00 Shirts and see if tliey are not as fine and well made as you are asked 1.25 to $1.50 for. An excellent collar for 10 cts. New style Ties at attractive prices. Half Hose in fancies and black, nice Qualities that will please you. PATTERN We take pleasure in recommending McCall's Patterns. We have sold more of them than we ever sold of any pattern. We have ban died Buttericks Patterns and find McCain much lower in price. For one month we tions to the MeCaH Fashion Magazine at per year, and give you any pattern you may select FREE with the I Undei Meroneys Opera House, j Main St, STORE CLDSES AT 7 magazine. J p equally las satisfactory and are going to take subscript he very low price of 30 cts Salisbury, :N. C :30 P. M. "STOW, --IiXTTLB . v y f4&M. 1 A 3T I'll see what I can do for you, 9 5 MAST Uncle Sam says to Cuba. If you want to confer a favor on anyone, the best thing to do is to give them an order on us for Tone, of our natty styles in DERBYS or FEDORAS. Our stock of Spring styles in HATS are inj the newest shades, finest quality, ard most becoming and swell shapes. SMOOT BROS. & ROGERS. There is Nothing "Just as Good" as Tailor - Made Mom 1 ' t Common Clothes have their manufc cturers, their students, who study to see how cheaply they can do it. i Their product Appeals to Nothing but the Sense of Price, it is my pro vince to appeal to those who have taste, L desire for dress, a love of appearance, that can appreciate the superior skill and workmanship contained in nothing but ; - j - i I -; :. esq; " 'v;n';'ja:.-it-'..' i i tncuy i auor-Maae Garments. LOUIS LlCHTENSTEIN, Tailor, Odd Bits of Information. A folding bed mit'st be pulled down before it can be done up. The man that makes the lqast noise is often the most dangerous. The man who kicks for justice sometimes sets 'more of it than he wants. i Married men always have more buttons on their clothes than bachelors. ! Whatever Noah's shortcomings were, he knew enough to go in when it rained. A cow may have many good qualities, but she is too modest ? to blow her own horn. The wise father al ways tries to bring up his children in the way he should have gone. A woman can get a shiftless husband in about five minutes, but sometimes takes a lifetime to get rid of him. The man who goes iishirig and sits in a cramped position all day and calls it fun is the chap who never groes to church because the pews are uncomfortable. I No wonder the stars are so bright when the astronomers are continually scouring the heavens. Philosophers take things as they come, but ragpickers and pick pockets take them as they go. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Called for May 21st by the County Executive Committee. As chairman of the Democratic Committee of Rowan county and in pursuance of a resolution adopt ed by the Executive Committee I hereby call a massmeeting of . the Democrats of Rowan county to meet in convention at the court house in Salisbury on Saturday; the 21st day of May,--1898, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State, Judicial and Congres sional conventions and for the transaction of such other business as may come before it. All persons, without regard to their previous party affiliation, andi who favor white supremacy, who desire good government and 'will vote for the nominees of the Democratic party in the com ing election, are cordially invited to come together in this conven tion and help save the State from misrule and corruption in office. Lee S. Overman, " Ch'm Dem. Ex. Com. April 16, 1898. Correct SSSSS8SSSS The first, the most essential, j and ' : ; ' "... .'-v--"v H",".-' the greatest element of success in buy ing1 is a correct knowledge of the stores and merchants of your town. We pay for this space in order that we may improve your knowledge as to our store and its contents. tie lies' lil wanaiff 14, We carry a full line of Armorside and F. P. Corsets. We guarantee every one of them, and if they break on the sides you get another corset, or your money back. We have a line of Summer Corsets also, and would like for you to try one of these. They are comfortable for hot weather and do not hurt your pocket book. y W " AvX LU1M j What a multitude of wants and must-haves crop up. Your underwear und your linen suddenly becomes unsuitable, and, you discover that your neckwear and your socks and your gloves are not much better than hone at all. It takes quite a bit of money to buy a SPUING OUTFIT of all these things, but if you come here you'll find that you can tit your self out for what you expected to pay for ;the "MUST-HAVES" alone. Brown (Mil Co. Vfllrnitfifirfifl 'L 0 -c- Peatherbone Corsets. - : (''...! V' We are closinfir out our line of Feather- bone Corsets at and below cost. $1.00 grade at 69c; 50c. grade at 38c. This is.a bargain if you can strike your size. i i J. 11. C. Brown, Jr., has added some new lines to his stock. Read his ad. , BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. Desirable building lots, or for nianu f acturing plants, on either side of Long street, on Railroad, half way between Salisbury and Spencer. J For cash or on terms. Apply to Jnq Beard or McCubbins & Jordan. i Shave at the Climax. : If you wear a Warner's Corset, you i may find it here also. Improve your knowledge by pay- ing a visit to the n m . .. - i Li Remember our motto, "Honest Goods for Honest Money." IHTo 1EL EES Proprietor: FRANK BROWN, Gen'l Mgr. The volunteered testimony of the crowds that have thronged our store since we opened is that ' WALKER & SCARBORO'S 0ARGAII1 STORE HAS THE LOWEST PRICED STORE III SALISBURY. We are" adding hew attractions to our stock daily. Have Just received some hot shot from bankrupt stocks. Ladies plain black Hose, worth 20c, going at 10c. while they last. 25c. tans and blacks at 18c. The best 4c. and. 5c. Hose on the markets.! Sox 3 cents and up. Ladies Guaze Vests 4c, 5c, 10c to 18c. each. Gents Gauze 15c. to 48c. k Mens' 25c working Shirt going at 18c 50c Shirt going at 27c to 33c. Laundered Percale Shirt 20c. up. Whi te dress Shirts at wholesale prices. Boys' Suspenders 3c Mens' 5c' up. Neckties 10c doz. up. 25c. Ties and Scarfs for 18c Mens' Working Suits wear like leather $1.75. Big values in Mens' Pants. Boys' Knee Pants 10c up. Sample stock of Mens' Fine Hats. Bucket's Cutlery Russell's Rouble blade Barlows 21c. single blade 14c, and others in proportion while they last. ' ; Whips and Lap Robes. 2 cakes good Laundry Soap for 5c 1 bunch Hair Pins lc , 25 Needles lc 1 Paper Pins lc. 1 Cake Toilet Soap lc. 1 Thimble lc. No. 0 and Lamp Burners 5c. to 27c The above are only a few of the many attractions we have in store. Join the crowds that are marching to the music of LOW PRICES, and go direct to 2nd door from stand pipe, on Fisher street. ? ; t i i mi i n ii i';isf. Ual;;or ft Sccrijoro