t$ fr,t . r. I VOL. III. NO. 83. SALISBURY, N.C. MO N D AY EVEN I ko, J UNE 6, 1898. 10 Cenia Per 7eek BO WAN EIFLES ACCEPTED. First Company in the Battalion Kow Being Equipped. . Ko wan county is to be congatu lated on having the first company fully organized that has been ten dered and accepted by the Gover nor and Adujutant General. Of ficers and nien are accepted. " It is. probable that' the Rowan Rifles will be called for service this week. A recruting office has been - es tablished over , Davis & Wiley bank. : An officer will be on hand at all times to enlist men. Meetings- v The county commissioners are niet in regular monthly session at the court' house to-day- , ; The county board of education is also in session to-day.. "Proceedings of these" meetings will Je given in the Sun to-mor row. - J A Bailroad Change. - This week Capt. Thos. Murphy takes charge of the passenger train run from Asheville to Mor ristown. ' '.'.This train is run during the summer. Capt. Murphy was in charge of it last year. During his absence from his regular run Capt. Ferron Haughton will run between Salisbury and Chatta nooga. Church Notes-' - Children's Day was observed by the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian "church yesterday afternoon. There were exercises by the children after which Dr. J.? G. Ramsay delivered an address. A collection was taken for foreign -missions.' - Last night at the Baptist church a candidate was baptized. During the absence of Miss Bettie Stal lings Mr. F. G. Wade will be organist at the Baptist church. . Funeral of Capt. Wm. Cheely. The funeral services over the re mains of the late William Cheely were conducted from the Aietho dist church in this.-cify yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The services were most impressive, be ing participated in by bodies of four different orders of which Cant; Cheelv was a member the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Order of Railway Conductors, and the Brotherhood of Railway Train men. Representatives of the dif ferent orders read their respective funeral services at the grave after the regular Alethodist ceremony which was conducted by Rev. T. F. Alarr. Alany railroad men and friends of the deceased were pros ent. There were many floral of ferings, some of them very beau tiful. One was a railroad car made of flowers and , another was a larjze car wheel with one section out. The interment was made in Oak Grove cemetery. A committee consisting of mem bers of the Knoxville and Ashe ville divisions of the Order of Railway Conductors and the Broth erhood of Railway Trainmen es corted the remains from Knoxville to Salisbury, wThich shows the de votion of railroad men to the mem ory of their dead. - Air. Cheely had $1,000 insur ance in the Order of Railway Con ductors and $500 in the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen. Be sides this he had $2,000 accident insurance and it is learned he had other life insurance. A large line of Duck Shirts received to-'ay at the Carolina llacket. Lost A straight, silver liandlo'd . p' arl inlaiu umbrella on i rida; i. i . lit. i Reward for its return to this office. SOUTHEEN'S PICNIC On the 25 th of June Committees at Work. .The1 annual picnicxof the South ern employes vill take place at Con- nelly'H Spring on the 25th of this month. .The; committee on ar rangement consisting of Messrs. Tom Carrell;iM. S. Belk . and R. L. Julian went up to the springs yeste day to' perfect arrangements for ne en Lertamment of the crowd. Mr, Hilton Rufty, while not oh the committee, spent yes terday at the springs. i Another committee of two went to Cqarlotte yesterday to make ar rangements for the music. This corn l ittee consists of JL. Al Pasrehhardt and J ; S. Beck. A Thfeft: Thursday night some one entered Air. J. N. . Maxwell's house and stole several dollars from Mr. Lon nie Maxwell! s pocket. V Thfe thief entered throujrh a window. Camj Name Changed. The name of the camp at Jack sonvtlle, Fla., where the -North Carolina boyjs are located has been changed from Camp Springfield to Camp Cuba Libre. The change was made Saturxlay by Gen. Lee. Miss onary Meeting. i There will be a public mission ary meeting: at Union church ori the third Sunday in June. Rev. H. X. Aliller, Ph.-D., will be present and at li jaJ ui. o'clock Rev. will deliver an address In the afternoon .at 2 L. E. Busby will de li veil an address. During the day there will be an mga heringrJof the nickel funds. Will Live ir. Salisbury. IM'rs; -T T)i. lVftiisi finl fnmilvr r j , of (Uharlott., are visiting Airs. AI. S. Hoffijian, of the city, j Air. Pettjus is an engineer on the South ern, ami runs vfrom Salisbury to Greenville, S. C- His lay-over is at Salisbury, and the Sun is- glad to learn that Ali Pettus contem plates moving his family to this citv as soon as a suitable house can be secured. Reel tal. Tliere will be pupils' recital to morrow forenoon at 10 o'clock, in -the Neave Alusic School -Au- ditoh ium of 'purely pianistic work, witn one vocal chorus added by the Juveniles. The school closing: concert will be given on next Friday night, lOtn inst, which will, be mainly ensemble work of much diversity. Death, at Cleveland. i . I I. . Alr.AT. B. Rosebrough, of Alad isony Rockir gham county died at the home of j his son-in-lay, Air. D. B. Rosebrough, in Cleveland June the 5th, at twelve o'clock, -in his Gth year. Mr. Roseborousrh was likqd bV all who had formed his acquaintance in Cleveland, he haying lived tliere only for the past three years. He was a devo ted Christian being an elder in the i . - Prej by teriari church in Aladison. He vas borri in Rowan county, and moved to Aladison about 50 years ago. The interment was made in Cleveland cemetery this afternoon atl o'clock. The Army, and Navy Buntings. ! The National Colors in ; Dress i: - i Goods for American mothers and daughters at Lichtenstein's. Wanted to purchase a large size ice box 6r refrigerator. Give description to R. M. Eames. FOR RENT. A nice six room cot- tage conveniept to Main street and dopor to prompt payment 1 and accep- t..: 141-i n t Ron r ';t nnble. THE o- ALL ON BOARD DISTRESS IS J:?tEASING IN HAVANA. . SAMPSON! DOES SOME MORE HEAVY SHELLING. LONDON PRAISES HOBSON Twenty American Warships Appeared Borrow " Money The Monitor Dewey, at Manila Alger - Prisoners of War ! O (Special Dispatch to the Sun.) 4 .y V SPANISH KOAT SUNK. 4 3 Vd 1 ' Kingston, June 6. ;A Spanish torpedo boat was sunk by the Oregon. Port Antonio advices are uncertain whether .the Span ish torpedo boat sunk by the Ore gon was the Terror or the Furor. The Oregon sighted the torpedo boat sneaking toward the harbor and signaled her to stop ' and wan improperly answered. -The Ore ron tired, a thirteen-inch shell, striking the i torpedo bOat amid ship. The torpedo boat sank and all hands w.ere drowned. Advices from Fort De France say the Ter- ror is still tnere ttisa.bleu. it so the torpedo boat was probably the Fjiror of Camara's fleet. Kingston I June 6. The sinking 5 of the Spanish torpedo boat Ter ror or Furor, is confirmed from Port Antonio. , EXCHANGE 01r -PRISONERS.. i ., i , I 1 Washington, June 0. Secre tary Alger has prepared' a list of Spanish prisoners at Atlanta for an exchange th rough Ihe navy de partment for Hobson and his men. As soon as approved by Secretary Long? an exchange will occur. ; TROOPS EMBARKING. i Washington, June B7: It is ex pected that the landing of troops at Santiago will be reported in a day or two. According to the best information of the time the ad vance detachment left the Florida coast the first military forces consisting mostly of engineers should arrive at Cuba to-day. S The War department still guards the plans of occupation at Santia go with great secrecy. . Nothing can be learned in Washington, to day regarding the time the troops will embark. The fact is well established that conditions at San tiago demand the Immediate land ing of troops. Little time will be lost in embarking twelve thousand. DISTRESS INCREASING. Havana, June 6. Uncensored--The city is longing for the coming of the Spanish warships. j Fortifi cations are greatly strengthened and cultivation is increased. Prices of food continue constantly rising and distress is increasing ; among the unemployed. The automnist government is daily proving to be a greater failure. AMERICANS LANDED. . New York, June 6. A special to the Journal from Cape Haytien says at daybreak this , morning Americans landed at Aguadores, a BPS loli. WERE FOR HIS DARING DEED. O- Off Santiago Spain Attempting to Monterey Has Sailed to Join Preparing to Exchange About the Troops. : ; 1 few miles east of the entrance Santiago ! harbor under' cover of of Sampson's guns, batteries having first been silenced by heavy bom bardment. At 7:55 the cannona ding was increasing. WORKING SLOW. London, June (. A . Central News dispatch from Vienna says information received by private sources from Cadiz are; that the equipment of Cardos V and Patri ots Rapido is proceeding in the slowest manner and -'that .the ships are far from being ready'., for sea service. The news of their de parture is incorrect. WANT A LOAN. London, June 6,7 The Spanish cabinet has instructed Senor Leon y Castillo, the Spanish ambassa dor in France to negotiate for the loan of half a billion pestas. The security is railway concessions. TOO old. '. Washington, June 6. -Indications are general that Lew Wal lace will not be nominated Major General on account of his which is seventy-one. age, PRAISING HOBSON. . ; London, June 6. Every even ing newspaper- echoes the morn ing papers' praise of Hobson's ex ploit with the Merrimac at San tiago. It was a gallant deed, ably planned and pluckily executed. ' ' SHIPS AND IMITATIONS ? London, June 0. A Star cor respond en t in ' Madrid says the Heraldo states as a theory that a part of the Cape Verde fleet has gone to the Philippines. It anw nounces that the Cristobal Colon, a torpedo boat destroyer and three' auxiliary cruisers painted and rig ged in imitation of the Almirante Oquenda, Riena Maria, Terese and the Vizcaya are at Sautiago, but the real battleships have reached Madagascar, under in structions from Madrid to proceed via Good Hope to the Philippines. TO CONFEREES. Washington, j June 8. The House this afternoon voted the war revenue bill in conference. L T 1 The conferees are. Dingley, Payne and Bailey. "1 THE. MONITOR SAILS. 1 t San Francisco, June 6. The Monitor Monterey and Collier Brutz sailed this morning for Manila. They will join the Mo- hian at Honolulu. TWENTY AMERICAN WARSHIPsL Madrid, June 6. A despatch to the Tmparicial from Santiago says at 10 o'clock Saturday night twenty American warships hotly attacked Santiago, but they were so far distance that shot didn't reach the forts, ij Spaniards made no reply, awaiting the near approach of the ships which continued to remain at a distince. j' c The bombardment continued forty-five minutes and was uhre- sumed. '" j Sunday sixteen American war ships were still moored in sight of Santiago; - ANOTHER SHOOTING. One Negro Hits Another-A Sunday Affair. Yesterday afternoon at 15. II. Hardaway's camp on the Mocks- ville-Mooresville road in Unity township one negro shot and per haps fatally injured another. The negro who did the shooting was Richmond Gray and the in jured man is Thomas Hall. 1 : Hall was shot three times in the body and it is thought the wounds will Drove latal. Ijrrav was brought to Salisbury last night by Mr. J. H. L. Rice and lodged in jail. He claims, that Hall ad vane ed on him cursing and with a drawn knife and that he then (shot him. A hearing was given before iustice of peace W. A.' Thorn ason r m. yestefday afternoon. PHILLIP AVIRETT ARRESTED. Charged With Forging StocKs Taken to Philadelphia. and Philip W. Avirett, Governor Russel's attorney in the prosecu tion of the Southern who kicked out of harness in Salisbury.j one day and thereby gained consid erable notoriety, has been arrested in Richmond on a charge of fraud. The Richmond Dispatch gives a long account of his arrest. That paper says:' '"'What; he is wanted in Philadelphia now for is to plain, if he can, where he got tain stock alleged to have ex-cer- ueen issued by the National Bank, of Waterville, N. Y., which he sold a Mr. Wayne, in Philadelphia, for.2,500. : Detectives who caused Avir arrest say they have a strong against him. ett's case Lieut'. Hobson's Kin. The name of Lieut. Hobson, the young officer who,' with seven men, sunk the Merrimac in! the !- .. .... ' "... .. 1 j Santiago passage last week, heed ing not the terrific fire of the Spanish guns, is now in all the papers of the land and on .almost every tongue. This Lieutenant is a descendant of North Carolina and she lays a claim to him . . j He has a number of relatives in the State, several of them living in Salisbury. His father, James Hobstfnviwas born and reared in Davie county. He moved to Alabama, and is now a judge of the Superior Court in that State. The young man's mother is a daughter of the late Chief Justice Pearson, of I this State, who prior to her marriage to Mr. Hobson, was Miss Sallie Pearson, of Richmond Hill, tad kin county. Mrs. Hayne Davis, of Statesville, is Mr. Hobson's aunt, and is a daughter of Pon gressman Pearson. Hobson's relatives, mostt)f them cousins, in Davie county, are numerous in Salisbury, Mr. A. II. Price and first Mrs. Wm. Blackmer are his cousins; Mr. Samuel Hobson, of Cleveland, is his uncle, as is Mr. Henry Hobson, of Davie. His grandmother is Mrs. Ann Hobson, of Davie, who is a sister of the late Governor J ohn M. More head. 1 : LOCAL NEWS. J ." R. C. Brown has a change oif ad in to-day's paper. j Smoot Bros, and Rogers have a change of ad in the paper today. C. M. and II. M. Brown will have a new ad in the Sun to-mor row. - The Brown Clothing Company have something new in their space in the Sun t6-day. Surveying was done to-day pre paratory to the improvements to be made at the gas house. C. M. and H. M. Brown are showing a new line of Mens Fine Black and Tan Vici Kid Shoes. W. F.' Burton and family re turned to -Atlanta last night'aftera short visit to relatives here.r Miss Bettie Staltings left this morningfor Charlottesville," Va., to visit her sister, MrsL Dr. Lam beth. "... 1 - Mr. Bi'ad Beverly, of Winches ter, Va., his . wifo and his I niece, Miss Fannie Gray, are at Mrs. M. C. Quinn's for a more. month or, Yesterday was children's day at Gold Hill. A number of; Salis burians went down to' attend the exercises. ' . W. L. Henderson, the former smallpox patient, resumes his run as mail agent on the Yestern North Carolina Railroad this week. Miss Webb, of Statesville, who has been visitiiig friends in the city returned home this morning, accompanied by Miss Grace West. Those who havn't seen our new line of boys and. youths lino shoes don't know how fine a boys shoe can be bought ;in Salisbury. Burt Shoe Co. . I. Lichtenstein, of the Ladies Bazar, Jias just returned from a purchasing trip north and lias lots of new goods on the way. He has a new ad, in to-day's paper, j . On, consififnmcnt two I ladies bicycles one black and one ma-, roone. They are beautiful wheels, high grade and will be sold at a bargain. K. W Burt & Co. Rev. C. Plyler has received a letter from his son, Roy, stating that he is in the army and J is sta tioned at Tampa. He went in with the Nebraska volunteers. By a recently changed schedule the Western train reaches j here a few minutes sooner in the even ing. This gives passengers going through a longer time to get sup per here. Vt ;, Summer dress goods are spoken of in a new ad of V. Wallace to day in the Sun. Mr. Wallace is a new advertiser in this paper and he cordially invites all our readers to call at his store. ) Miss Margie Overman returned Saturday evening from Chapel Hill, where she attended the com mencement of the University. She was accompanied home by Miss Gregory, who will visit her. 40 bolts of Matting received to-day at the Carolina Racket. Price 10c. P-..' ";- ! s ! " Umbrellas and parasols are going very fast, U. R. nextJ Ilarry Bros. Iam again prepared to make the best window and door screens on the market, fly and and mosquito proof. Edgar S. SnuMAN. Plenty of mutton and other nice meats at Jackson's. j Get a Fitz-IIugh Lee hat, just re ceived at Harry Bros. j A CARD. ! By the advice of my physician my office will be closed till about the middle of June. Will give notice of my return. ! j Jas. F. Griffith, B, D. S. May 24th, 18U3. I