SALISBURY DAILY SUN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) j JOE X. ROUECHE. CLINT, N. BROWN. Proprietors. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, - - - - " - Six Months, - - - - Three - - - - - - . One Month, - - - - - , One Week, - - - - ; - Delivered by Carriers to any part of the city witnout extra cost. $4.00 2.00 1.00 i.35 1 .10 Ifor advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street Entered at postoffice s secona-class matter Salisbury, N. Cm June 7, 1898. TOO SLOW. j It is Dot inappropriate to again call attention, to the fact that there is not enough activity in Salisbury in the way of city improvement. The war, as we have before stated, appears to be the overshadowing subject. This should not be the rase, . Salisbury is a good town and with proper energy ; can be made a leading city. The citizens are too slow. I Indeed there have been several marked and favorable improve ments in Salisbury recently. The sanitorium of Drs. Whitehead and Long, -which is nearing comple tion: the new Bell block and the building of Mr. Horah adjoining it, which are now being erected, and a street sprinkler are the most important that may be named. There are room for others. j There is, it appears, a prolong ed stampede in the matter of elec tric lights. The citizens were led to hope that they would have these lights for the city during jthis year. They should come, but it would seem that the city is as far from the lights now as ever. This is to be regretted. ,. Salisbury certainly needs better lights , and it is to be trusted that the time wilJ not be very much longer de layed when the city will have elec tric lights. These should come first now, and this should be fol lowed quickly by improving the macadam on the main streets of the town if none others. i We repeat, the citizens are too slow. There must be. more push and more vim displayed in im proving the town. If Salisbury is to grow into greater importance the people must work for it. AVe would be glad to see all take a leading interest in the city. ! i The St. James Gazette says that an American war loan of $00,000,000 isto be issued during tne coming week, and it adds that tne hope iJ expressed there that "a good portion of it will be of fered in London, where it is confi dently anticipated ;that the bonds, wi l be partially taken up. Cervera has Ability. 31 Admiral has been weeks past the United States, 3'ears of age. His Cervera, whose name aniiearinp; daily for in every newspaper in is sixty-five father was a ndbleman, possessing large es tates, and was one of the richest ne merchants in Spain. His mother was remotely connected with the royal family. i r . He graduated from the Naval Academy jat San Fernando in 18 51. In 1S59 he participated in the expedition Jagainst Morocco, next he served' in Chinese and Peruvian w;aters, and was sent to Cuba when the ten-years' war be gaa. onortly alter ne was re ca led to Madrid and entered the Spanish cabinet as secretary- of the navy. . . The Pelavo,- the first and only firlt-class battle ship in the Span ish j navy, was contracted under his j supervision, and he assumed ! 1 n 1 "W T command or Jier as admiral, lie has been adjutant to the Queen Referent, and wTas the head of the Spanish naval commission sent' to London. He has ' fifteen medals of honor and is accounted the fore mast' naval Officer of Spain. His i ability is unquestioned, but he is insolent and overbearing:' hard L . . . . ant dis cruel to his men iked by theml and much for eraxion ; Th& Petersburg Iron Works Company, which has a large con tract for furnishing the United States government with munitions of war, has just shipped to Fort Hamilton, N. Y, and Key West, Fla., twelve carloads of projectiles weighing each from eight hundred to one thousand pounds. This iron works company' is pushing ahead with the work it has on hand for the government, and in orjler to complete its .contract at the earliest possible moment day and night forces are being worked.. Representative Hartman, of Montana, has introduced a joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Navy to have prepared and delivered suitable medals of honor to Lieutenant Hobson and each, member of his crew, for -the gal lant, heroic and patriotic services rendered to the United States at Santiago. It appropriates $500 for the purpose. j Senator Tillman has an, older brother, George Tillman, who is a candidate for"' governor of South Carolina. A correspondent says he "never wore an overcoat nor donned underwear." A private in one of the com pa nies of the Fifth Ohio is serving under a captain who washis;oach- man formerly. changing and we do not know from of ins j up nm sec ter but Costly Cork. Baltimore Sun. .1 . (forking bottles has not hereto- p been considered a warlike op- the science of war is " " r .. . : to day what to expect. One he modern niethods of dispos- of a hos and afte pt be cor ns to be than the1 ile fleet is to bottle it it is bottled up it ced up, and corking a more expensive mat- bottling. much easier to pour cider or champagne into a bottle than it is to put in a i that wjui keep it there. 'The cor Spjj in Santiago nisb a Commodore Schley nothing Jo do to apply the cork. The cork buti use mat, which I was miral bottled harbor and himself left t. the old steamer Merri- cost the government a large sum, variously stated from one! nun urea thousand to three I sixty thousand dol- lardJ That a cork of such a costly nature was used gives, us a hint of the ex pensi ve character of a war. And we can; and heroes with gen who dea for cents tl not estimate. in dollars e value of the eight Which the old vessel wad freighted as she went into the necK oi tne Dottle, .ihere is sucn bral joy that the brave , men seemed to be going to certain h escaped with their lives that other , matters are overlooked. One of these matters is the price paid the Merrimac. It Js freely statsd that this vessel was only an old 'jhulk', with worn-out machin ery land was only fit for this use to t e sunk ks an obstacle to navi gation. In cork it may addition to this costly be estimated that the con: bined feet of Sampson and Sch ey in front of Santiago costs several hundred thousand dollars a w 3ek in a ldition. War is glo rioi s, but it comes high. T lie rneac est burglar ' 6n record has been at work in Montreal. He Droke ir to a baker's shop and finding only 32 cents as plunder, tool: a single . bite . Out of every pie and cake in the place,' thus rendering them unsalable. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tlie. best salve in the world for Cuts ,r Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, ; Salt Rhe im, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eru jtions, and positively cures Piles, or n pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refuided. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kluttz & Co., druggists. NEWS OF THE DAY. Telegraphic News Condensed for. the Conven lence of Hasty Readers. A seVere hail-storm passed lover a portion of Essex county, j Va., yesterday doing much damage, llobert D. Fussell, of Washing ton, committed suicide in i the Alexandria, Va., hotel yesterday by inhaling gas. .-: The superintendent of a hospi tal for consumptive negroes at Southern Pines, N. (X, is seeking aid in New York. ' Kev. Dr. II. M. Wharton, of Baltimore, in a sermon said - the very shadow of the Mason & Dixon's line has gone. The Russian Goverrior ,of Fer ghana has been removed for allow ing an insurgent uprising to take place in his district. At Cape fiavtien there ! are m. i rumors that President Heureaux, pf Santo, Domingo, has ' been assassinated and tnat tne msur- gents have triumphed. It is stated in dispatches from Panama that a revolution is gain ing headway iin Venezula, several reverses having been suffered by the government forces. . . . . . . A dispatch which the Spanish ii i i ! censor allowed to come iroin Madrid says that a squadron . of Spanish warshipis passed Mada gascar recently, headinsr. for Manila. ' ! General Merritt expects to start the second expedition - to jthc Philippines this week, with about 5,000 troops, on five transports. W.J. Bryan's Nebraska regiment Will go with a later expedition.! Advices from Manila say it is officially declared there that four armed cruisers, with colliers and torpedo boats and transport ships, carrying 10,000 troops, have left Spain, proceeding for eastern wa ters. " . . ' j Little Jessie Scott, daughter of J. V. Scott, was outraged by a colored man named 4 'Bud'' Hay den, near Fair view, Texas. The negro was arrested and lodged in jail. Later a committee of seven took Haden to the young girl, who identified him. He was hansred and shot to death. ! According to private advices from Cadiz, the preparation for active service of Ihe Spanish crusier Carlos V. the battleship Pelayo and the auxiliary cruiser Patriota Kapido ; is proeeding slowly, and these vessels are not" nearly ready to proceeed to sea. Admiral Dewey reports that the insurgents have been actively- engaged in the province of Cavite during the past week. They have. won several victories, -taken prisoners about 18,000 men, and 50 officers, of the Spanish, not native. The arsenal of Cavite has been for occupation by the United Spates troops upon the arrival of the transports. News from ancev county' tells of a tragedy Friday night in which Thomas Ballew shot and killed his' wife. The cause is not known. It is thought that Ballew believed hi& Wife unfaithful. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys- ville, Tex., has found a more val uable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike- For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison vvith this marvelous cure; would have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, .Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections 'are positively cured by . Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at T. F. Kluttz & Co's drug store. Regular ize 50c. and $1. Guaranteed to c'ure or price refunded. A Peculiar Spot. The "State x)f Wilkes" comes to the front with another freak. A white ground squirrel was recently captured on a spot which1 is pecu 1 mi ' -m - m . m uar. ne unronicle says it. is. -a graveyard spot, and it is an actual fact that the blackberries that grow thereon are all White. The trees are all white oak and white pine. A few years ago a white rabbit was found there, and there are white rats there. The spot seems to possess peculiar qualities. .W inston Sentinel. - The Board of Education. The county board of education met in regular session yesterday at the court house. C. D. Over- cash" was appointed sqhool com mitteeman in the Atwell district, in place of J. M. Freeze who failed to qualify. Most of the time was taken up with looking: over the books of the county treasurer. It was. found that the supervisor had approved, claims and the treasurer had paid .out over $14,000 of school money since the first of January. PEEBY LIME. LE CLAIR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladies as a periodical regulator without an equal, successful when Cotton Root. Pennyroyal. Ergot, etc.. have proven worthless. 25 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical ol their won derful properties. Send 41 cents in stamps for pamphlet, containing valuable information for ladies. ' Address LkClair Pill Co.. U. S. Agents, Boston. Mass.. N. B. All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. For Sale in Sultsbtu-y by Jets I'lumiw- For $20 the Standard Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Offers the MOST EQUITABLE $5,000 Accident Insur ance Policy EVEJt.ISSUED, which nays for PA R- TIAL is well as TOTAL DISABIL ITY. 52 weeks indemnity $25 per week. , Loss both hands, both feet, hand and foot or both eyes, $5,000. Right hand or either leg above knee, $2,500. Left hand or either leg above ankle, $1,000. One eye $050. , BENEFITS DOUBLED ifiinjured in a wreck of public conveyance propell ed by steam or electricity. W. H. CRAWFORD & BRO., General Agents for North and South Carolina, i 5Local Agents Wanted. The fi nest Boys and Jo utli s ooeoeooeoeso nn p n fFU Ever brouglit Patent Leathers to Salisbury; Yici Elds, Silk; Vesting Top Tans. In all the Latest Toes. BISCUIT BAKING : CONTEST, FOR GIRLS UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE. i ! ' ....... To encourage the little girls in learn ing how to cook, we offer a '. BUCK'S JUNIOR RANGE ' to the girl under 14 years of age who can make the best pan of biscuits to be baked in our store on" a BUCK'S STEEL RANGE. In order to intro duce these Stoves and Ranges to your favorable consideration, and to dem onstrate the simplicity of their opera tion the public is invited to see the children bake biscuits in the contest to be held at our store on . JUNE 17th. AND 18th, 1898. '. 5MITHDEAL HARDWARE CO,, ; . Salisbury, N. C. Shave at the Climax. No Doubt About this Explosion ' i . . ;- V . ; being from the outside, when Uncle -Sam throws his bomb of interven . vention, any more than there is o?" your linen being laundered in' the most artistic manner when we put .our ex--quisite handiwork on it in a beauti- , ful color and fine dome- : . . tic finish. ; - SALISBURY STU.1 LAUNDRY. Co fUl nn in n of new and stylish goods at prices to suit the times. Press Fabrics From the CHEAPEST LAWNS to the FINEST SILKS and SATINS. For everybody. SHIRTS the largest stock in town. HATS for . j i ' ii i i i men ana ooys; an kiikis, at prices irorn i cents up. At rock, bottom prices. OVIERALS a big assortment. CARPETS and. ATTIHO A brand new stock. Our JOB COUNTER is loaded with goods that will be sold regardless of costi Come and sec and. we will j ; please you with pany bargains. 4 : Mluttm & Rendleman, Mammoth Furniture Emporium. V Jf m Words fail to describe the beauty of our Furniture ; in design, up holstery or perfect finish. 1 Our Library Tables, j Book Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well xis durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are w hat the collectors of specimens need. , j iselect from, and while his goods date in every particular, his j Has the largest stock in the city to are New, Stylish and up to AEE THE LOWE r- " -St". ".' ! A Specialty. He has a line of CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES, Etc , . unsurpassed m the State. Personal attention given to I EEIBALEIIHG AND DIRECTION OF FUNERALS dmme Shoe otto e a a , Our selling price's sell our Shoes. The small'proft helps us by helping you. Our ads. are not given the lie in our store. ' Great values joined to low prices become eiegam. New line of Black and Tan Vici, Kid Shoes jusx in. . WW. H. M. Brown.

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