i f -: VOL. III. NO. 149. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1898. 10 Cents Per Week WASHOUTS OW SOUTHERN. Freight Train Goes Into One at Gas tonia There Were Others. There was a' washout on the Southern at Gaston ia Friday night and as a result traffic was somewhat delayed Saturday. No. 36, the north boun1 fast mail, was several hours' late. No. 74, fast freight coming north went.into the. washout, about thirteen cars iroing down. We learn that a white ramp on the train was hurt hut no one killed. The second section of the South ern's fast freight train, No. 73, on its way south ran into a washout at a branch two miles from Con cord early " yesterday morning. . The engine and two 'cars cleared the washout, when the track swayed down, breaking the coupling be tween the second and third cars from the engine and dividing the .train into two parts. As the col ored fireman felt the track giving away, he jumped from the engine, and escaped unhurt. The engi neer held on to the throttle and was knocked against the side Of his cab, sustaining slight bruises about the head. , . , Neither the engine nor the cars composing the train went down. This morning's Charlotte Observer says the injury to the track proved, upon examination to be such that it could be easily and quickly re paired and the cars all put back on the track in running condition. So the wrecking train, which was making its way from Gastonia, was telegraphed for, and started immediately to the scene of the trouble. The wrecking train proceeded cautiously from Charlotte toward Concord and met with no serious obstruction until it reached a long till near Coddle Creek, about three miles south of Concord, and one mile from the washout mentioned above when another washout was discovered which , proved to be about 80 feet long and GO feet deep. Rocks weighing more than a ton were carried down the ravine some 200 yards. This washout, being much more serious than the one nearer Concord, was (set to work on first. As a result of these washouts, all passenger trains over the Southern, both from the North and the South, have been running by way of Statesville since yester day morning. An extra passen ger and mail train was operated between Salisbury and Concord yesterday and today. It was thought that the track would be repaired so trains could be running between Salisbury and Charlotte this afternoon.- Miss Johnson Married. ' Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss S. Alice Johnson to Mr. Henry Clay Pstep which was solemnized on Thursday ISth. Miss- Johnson is a sister of Mr. H. I vey Johnson, of the Southern, and has a number ofi friends in. Salisbury. She has for the past two years been iu a train ing school for nurses in Philadel phia. Her husband was once a patient under her care. , The marriage was solemnized at the, home of P. W. Ziegler, at Clifton Heights, a suburb of Phil adelphia. Dr. W. II. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. C, will be in Salisbury, at the Cen tral Hotel, on Friday, Sept. 2nd, for this one day. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Red Star Nursery Clotli is antisep tic, absorbent and durable. You can get it at the Carolina Racket. iJyou want nice slaughtered meats golto Jackson's market. If you don't want to be. slaughtered shave at the Climax. OBPEIP. RESOLUTIONS. - PASSED. Executive Committee Named John M. -Julian County Chairman' 1 Magistrates Nominated Large Gathering. ' l Tlie Democratic county corven- I- I ' v tion held Saturday,' on account of lack of time and"snace was report- ed only in part, by the Suk Satur- day bein ifterrjoon, the main features t rrlv.n T'hn fnrttipri Tir- ceedings of the business ione is given to t ay: TB e fol owing are the executive committee appointed'' for the dif ferent precincts in the. county and the different wards in. the: city: Sfilisbuj-y North Ward: I). A. Atw bll, M. C. Quinn, Thos..,Van- derfbrd r., Jas. Moyle. South T. Brown, M. F. Ran- WarRl: C. die, I). ML Miller, M. C. ' RuftV, J. 0 I McCanless, J, -M Julian. Wajd: J. C. Low, S. C. ie, G; H. Shaver, F. K. L. Ketd ShaqfJer, i'G. A. J ackson. AVest Wartl: II. C. Corriher,' W. A. Brandon, L. K. Heilig, C. A. Mon gomery, R. L. Shaver. , Frank I i i Jas. C. Miller, H. A. Fish jr, II C Lenlz, A.M. Cruse, J. A, Hue son. . UilityJ .11. L. Uice, B. W. Freeze, G. 1. Wetmore, ;J. H. Mingus, li. L. Elliott. - Scbtch fish U C. Kerns, W. A, Steele, 1). J. Fleming, T. N. Rem ha w T. C. Cli-k. Clbvelli id--rijol." lloliard, R. B. I arris s, J. :l 7 T. L. Thorn son, J. H. V. Lyerly. a Jno. K. Goodman, Iav M A. 1 F. J :. UU f. She1 rrill; J anics II. White, laiii, C. C. Miller. Gra Stbale Sam Baker, Joe Hall, LeRby Kibe, Burt Harrison, bcott Krider. L. M. Lippard, D. A. Silidi-d,-J N. Cress, E. H. Henly E. M. Sifferd. Bradshaw R. L. Weddington, P. A Sloop, J. A: Sloop, J. S. Lipdj J. F. Goodinan. Enoch ville J. W. Deal . C. A. Smith, E. C. Lentz, C. P. Valler, .1 A!1 Tvnrrikfr China Grove C. A: L inn, l. L. . loss, C. G. Blackwelder, J L. l eal, Dr. Kamseur. j; Hnlig's Mill G. ai. Page, A. W. . lusher, G. M. Misenheimer, E. I;. Koers, J. A.,Sloo. Bcstian's X Roads H. T. Grae- ber, John L. Kendleinan, . M. A. J. K6seman, C. M. Kimball, J. A. Edd einan. ' Gold Hill John W. Noe, W. T. R Jenkins, W. R. Misenheimer, F. I: . Mauney, L. II. Roth rock. Be nj haijdt's Mill J . L. Shup- ing, A. W. Kluttz, A. L. Hol shouier, Jrjhh Foil, David Lyerly. M irgan Sam uel Bame, James Wyatt, I. C. Shaver,' W. C. Lisk, 'J. At Miller. Hitter Shops P. D. Linn, J. A. Heid, Ervin Pool, G. L. Lyer ly, (5. W. Bringlo. K Rmvan ' Academv L. It ' Lin- rr le, Tobiak Lyerly, Julius Frick, A. M. Ilolshoiiser, Augustus Johnson. THe lollbwitig'.are ihc nanies of the liiagistrates nominated for the different wards in the city and for the different precincts in the coun SlisburV North Ward: D. M. Milli'r, P Waiii: A. P. Meroney. i South M. Brown, M. F. Ran- FL RTMR REPORT. " i : ' ' le. v East Ward: S. C. Ketchey; R. Ai B rd. : West Ward: IV M. Tarrh, Antfrew Mufphy. At Large: John Horah, O.. W. Spencer. ' Franklin J. C. Miller, . H, C. Lentz, J. A. Thomason : ; Unity W. A. Tbomason, j. M. 1 C. Penninger, A. 1. Rice; j i Scotch Irish J. L. Moore, -C Js Fleming, T. C. Bkker. j Cleveland Willie Barb: Ed ward A. Barber, T. L. Thompson! Mt. Ulla R. C. Knox, A. E. Shenill, D..E. Overcash, , .4 S Steele S. F. Baker, J. S.'Hallj D. C. 'White. I I Locke W. j L. .Harris, J. B Lingle, R. H. Cowan. Bradshaw's S. A. Carrigan, R. L. Weddington, Henderson Over cash. ' '.''' ' - " " I China Grove 0. A. Linn, J. L. Sifferd, George H. Lipe. j j Litaker George II. Page, M. A. Roseman, R. A. Rainey. i Gold Hill W. T. R. Jenkins, A.tW. Kluttz, J. L. Shu ping. AI organ Leroy Linn, ' James NWyatts Joseph Miller. V Providence George W. -Brin-gle, Joe A. Pool, II. L. Lyerly. . The , followrng resolution was passed, after, discussign, byj vote of the city wards and by. the county townships: , j f VResolyed, first, That it is the sense of the Democrats of Rowan county, in convention" assembled, that hereafter no person oug hold any office for more three terms consecutively. it to than 'Resolved, second, That this resolution shall take effect from and after this election." I After the nomination of candi dates was ? completed Mr. L. E. Heilig- presented the following resolutions which were unanimous ly adopted: . 4 t Resolved first, That the Demo crats of Rowan, in convention as sembled, re-affirm their allegiance to the established and iiiiuiortal principles of the grand old Demo cratic party. ' 1 1 ' ". ''Resolved, second, That in or der to insure the triumph of these glorious principles, we do, collec tively and imliyidually, ; pledge our most earnest and active port to the noniiuees of this sup-coh- yen tion,' and also to the talented, polished, rind brilliant nominee of our Democratic congressional con vention, the Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, who will add honor and dignity to the high office of Representative of the seventh once again. We also pledge our support to the Democratic State nominees-f our t-ewardin their election being a redeemed State and white supre macy.'' .- r - , . j '. The convention .was a large and enthusiastic gathering of pemo cjats truly representative! of Rowan's Democracy. . ! r After adjournment the execu tive conimittees of the various v oting precincts met and elected Mr. John M. Julian county chair-man-quite a compliment to Row an's young Democracy. ! .!; , Mr. Krider Brought Home. 1 s " Mr Wood Krider was:' brought to Salisbury from Chicaniauga yesterday and is now at the iiome of Mr. J. M. Brown. Mr, Krider, it is remembered, recently became insane. He was color bearer of the First S. C. Regiment at Chica mauga when he tried to commit suicide. He is still suffering from t tut ; attempt he having cut his throat from ear to ear.. 5 Lost Between Salisbury and Spencer Pearl handle, 32-calibre, nickle plated Smith & Wesson pis tol. Finder rewarded if returned to this office. ! Red Star Nursery Cloth is finished by an Improved process and is non-ir-ritant. Go to the Carolina Racket for it. ON WAR VESSELS. SHIPS AT NORFOLK. SIGSBEE'S PROMOTION. McKinley Rewards Him for Hero ismRelatives of Sailors - i Eager to See Them. SPECIAli DESPATCH TO SUN. THE SOI.D1EKS AT MONTAUK. Montauk, Aug. 22. The new hospital annex erected yesterday gives ample room for all the" sick and wounded. Transports arriv ing since Saturday brought three hundred anil tifty-four sick who are not yet landed although there is plenty of room, for them. Colonel Fore wood lelieves he will have al the troops in quarters in ffood condition before night fall. r An order has been received by l?)rewood to send the Olivette with one hundred and ninety-four sick aboard to Boston. Addition? al stores of fresh food have been loaded and will probably start for Boston thisaftexnoon. Large quantities of fruit and delicacies are being received "by the troops. . All are in gjaod hunior :and are rapidly recovering, from the ef fects of the Santiago campaign. AT HONOLULU. San Francisco, Aug. 22. -Tniris- porls now here are the Scandia, Australia and City ;of .-"Sydney. The City of Peking is due to far- rive from Manila. Troops w in be sent to llonolu avr station in case lu as a half-w they should.be needed- by Gen. Menitt in t troops will lej Philippines. These be made up of two brigades, The tirst brigade under Gen. M iller consistsof the Seventh and Eighth California, third bat talion of heavy artillery, " troop A, of Nevada, cavalry detachment and a hospital corps. The second brigade under Col. Funston is composed of the Twen tieth Kansas 'First 1 Tennessee, Fifty-tirst lpwa and a detachment of Oregon recruits. ,; . 1 Troops under Gen. King who sailed on the Arizona will be held at Honolulu under Mariani. King will be second in command in the new camp mobilization; at Hono lulu.. , u ' Mariam has instructions to spend thirty-five thousand dollars for a hospital with the site at Honolulu. Barracks for at least thirteen hundred troops will also be im mediately erected, Mariam hav ing been authorized to expend a hundred and ninety thousand dol lars for the erection of the same. Officers' quar also be built. ers at Honolulu will TO 1JE SEEN AT NORFOLK. Norfolk, Aug. 22, -The cruiser Detroit towing the torpedo iboat destroyer Yankton and gunboats Uncas and Jones, arrived at Hampton Roads this morning. The place presents a lively scene the crjaisersewark and Sah Fran cisco gunboats .Stranger and Tecum seh, Torpedo boat Talbot and several loaded Colliers being at anchor, n In the port are the Hudson, Ma ple, Hamilton, Merrill and torpe do boat Ericsson. AH revenue cutters are to have their armament taken off and they will then return to peace stations. Over two hundred Virginia and Buffalo naval "reserves that have been on the receiving ship Frank lin were , discharged as first-class to-day." RELATIVES OF . SAILORS. ' New York, Aug. 22. The man-of-war landing at Tompkinsville was crowded as early as 8 o'clock this morning with persons eagerly awaiting the time that visitors would be admitted aboard the warships. The early crowd was made up mostly of friends and relatives of the sailors, many of whom came a longdistance. ' Sampson has decided that the freedom of the ships will be ex tended every one between the hours of 10 in the morning and 5 in the evening until further notice. TO OVERHAUL THE OREGON. - ,New lrork, Aug. 22. The bat tleship Oregon left her anchorage at Tompkinsville; shortly after 10 o'clock this morning for i.the Brooklyn navy yard for over hauling and repairs.. ' CA1T. SIGSIi EE PROMOTED. Washington, Aug. .22. Presi dent McKinley has advanced Cap tain Sigsbee, of the cruiser St. Paul, three numbers on the ground of extraordinary heroism. FIGHT AT GOLD HILL. A Pistol, a Knife and a vPlank Used Several Hart. There wts a tight at Gold Hill Saturday evening which was par ticipated in by several prominent citizens. , . . '. A friend .sends us particulars . of the affair. Those participating in one way or another were .F. H. Mauney, Sid Mauney, W. L. Shaver and, Dr. Shimpock. . The trouble arose about the tel ephone line from the depot to Dr. Shimpock's house. . ! Among the weapons used were a; pistol, a knife and a plank. Sidney Mauney was cut across the bowels but the wound was not a very serious one. The Dr. was struck over the head with a plank. F. IL jMauney received two stabs in the arm from the Dr's knife. Mr. Shaver had his nose bruised. Two or threepf the participating parties came to Salisbury this morning. . ' ' Ten-hour System. . A bulletin was posted at the Spencer shops Saturday stating that all men would work ten hours a day. Some time since an order reduced a number of the employes to anine-hour system. Another Heavy Rain. ' - Salisbury and vricinity were visited again Saturday night by a heavy rain, as heavy but not of the duration of the one that visited us last Saturday. Streams were swollen considerably and places in the city were badly washed. The rain was heavier south of this place, the centre of the storm being at Concord. Resigned. Mr. Willis has resigned his po sition with the Salisbury Steam Laundry and goes to Ashe ville to take up the position he left five years ago when he caine to take charge" of the laundry at this place. '. - . Mr. Willis is an excellent laun dry man and understands his busi ness thoroughly. He and Mrs. WTillis willsoon leave for Ashe ville. Don't fail o put in one of Barkley's Terra Cotta Cemented. Wells; also good linePiimps. Reference: R. Lee Wrightf Kerr Graige, Dr. Trantham, P. D. Roueche. SIX KILLED. IN REAR END COLLISION V LAST NIGHT. Twenty-six Seriously Injured Two of Them Have Died. Since - . uiners are expect ed to Die. special dispatch to the sun. Sharon, Mass.; August 22 The latest reports show that six : per sons were killed outright and twenty -six seriously injured in a rear-end collision here last niht. The dead are: Franklin M. Waters, of Somer ville.. Mrs. William J. Fitzpatrick and her two grandchildren of Boston. Mrs. Watson, of Westerly, R. I. Mrs. C. 1. Briscomb: C. B: Frey. Revere Frey. j The two last named died after reaching, the hospital in this city. POWDER PLANT BLOWN UP. Two Men Killed, Six Wounded Mill j Burned. special, dispatch to the sun. Chattanooga, Aug. 22. The ex plosion of the plant of the Chat tanooga" . Powder. Company just outside of the. city, killed two men and . seriously wounded six others. , . ' The plant was afterwards de- I t ; . - 1 stroyed by fire. , i INSURED JOR S50,000. auu x, xs xiiuugiib rv ts . Aaiieu uy Her Husband. ! SPECIAL, DISPATCH TO THE SUN. Rome, Aug. 22. Much sus picion has been aroused by the death of the wife of Ernest Pqssol, ajerman,.whose body was found beneath the cliffs near Florence. Her; maiden name was Eleanora Beckett and she was either an American or English. ? Both have been staying in Flor ence sine e.July 1st. Possol re turned home alone after a long drive and the woman's body was found shortly afterwards. Authorities ordered the body exhumed. The husband is under bail.. . j According to reports the woman is insured for $50,000. . ! Ships Collide. 1 I' SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN. I . ' ' " ; London, Aug. 22; British steamer Ransea and the Gloamin collided during a thick fog in Gotham sound. The Ransea was partially sunk but her crew es: caped. , j Algiers, Aug. j22. The British steamer Pectan was sunk on the 18th near Cape Teneze from col lison with the French steamer Pruenthia. The crew was saved. Eighty Drowned. SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE SUN. London, Aug. 22. A dispatch from Budapest says yesterday while a regiment was crossing a j6ntoon bridge over the river Marets near Hoad the bridge' col lapsed and 300 men were 'j im mersed Eighty are believed to be drowned. Populist Convention, meets here Saturday. Capt. Beard said this morning that: the convention would only appoint a conference committee to confer ' " j with the Republicans. "We must do anything to beat the Deoip- crats" says the Captain.

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