' . : - ' 1 I 1 ' " ' I I I - " "" ' '.' ' " ' " ' f - - ' 1 1 ' """ " I I .. I n I .1 ., I II III. , VOL. III. NO. 1 52. j j SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 25, 1898. 4? , - . ; '. 10 Cent, Per Week ; , , ;- . ..-r.-r .r.-wT QTYTWW TnnWWTJn ' 1' PART nTr P.HAH AnTKHS. I COURT PROCEEDS US- iwymunwaiMM, UfM ' M '.-".,-1 I ; ::.!.: ' ' , I L I I .11 J 1 J CAPT. CRAWFORD MARRIES. He and Miss Porter, of Franklin, Married Last Night. Capt. W. 11. Crawford, of this city; who is now a conductor on the Murphy branch of the South ern, was married last night o Miss Hallie Virginia Porter, of , Franklin. Capt. Crawford is one of the mpst popular conductors on the Southern. Miss Porter is an accom plished young lady and: is a grad uate of Salem Female Academy, 1. 4. . - srraduatinsr there during the ses sion of 'y6-'97. Her many friends and schoolmates will be somewhat snrrirised to hear of her marriage. The Sun extends congratula- tions to the young couple and wishes for them a happy hie. Cant. Crawford and bride wil arrive in Salisbury this evening to spend awhile with relatives o the groom. Two divorces Granted Citizenship Restored Other Cases. Thfe State locket of the Superior 1 . ' . t 1 1 . .. 1 court was n t finished' yesterday. The Jivil dodket will continue on into and perhaps through next week Thfe folloWins caes have been dispdsed of since noon yesterday: n. Brown, criminal trespass ros. n. Brown, larceny, six months ad. J I. II. red to t W not d W on rc Dd restq zenship. ' V V. IWitmn. assault and iota ilAfphdpnt nlead " sruiltv judgliient suspended upon pay ment! of the cost. A Jimrwla Lnmr Smith asrainst Foust was, by decree. ie lost rights of citi ObacliaU Sm The Troutman School. Prof. E. II. Miller- writes from Troutman: 1 We are getting along nicely With our school. The enrollment is good and prospect for more is flattering., j Election Day. 1 The election this year is on No vember 8th later than usual in fact as late as it is possible for it to be. The law says it shall be held on the first Tuesday after first Monday in November. The montn comes in on Tuesday this year, hence it is thrown late. A th ' for divorce. De cided in favor of plaintiff and di vorcp g-rantell. Dry against John M. 1 1 brce; decided in iavu 'and she allowed to Defendant not ai ry during -lifetime of hrtha E. j for div )laintiff y again (d to mai ilaintitf. ill Smi M Dry of mar I owe the found guilty h, false pretense Not sentenced. Attack Mr. Frank Miller at Grant's Creek This Morning. Mr. I Frank Miller, the clever salesman at Smoot Bios. & Rogers' had ari experience early this morn ing that he is not likely to forget soon. He had been to a watermelon feast at Mr. J. A. Hudson's, near the old Moeksvillo road, four or five miles from the city, and was returning home alone in his buggy. The hour was between 1 and 2 o'clock At Grant- eek he was accosted by- two , highwaymen who were standing in the shadow of a tree one of them saying to him, 4 'Captain, where are you going V Mr. Miller replied, ,"I am going to town." The highwayman said, "Well, we have got farther to go than you have, we will just take your buggy." Mr. Miller replied, 4 'take him," but kept on driving. The highwayman then fired a shot at 'Mr. Miller, the ball passing through the top of the buggy, the top being turned down, and dan gerously near him. The nnan snapped several other times but his pistol did. not go .off. ' j Mr. Miller drew jn his horse LEAVING. Fishing Schooner run Down and Sank on Grand Banks. For Pinafore, Which Will be Pre sented To-Night. TROOPS GO HOME. ALGER SURPRISED. HE VISITS MONTAUK. special, dispatch to" the sun. New York. August 25 The steamer Norge arrived this morn ipg and reports having run 'down and sunk the French fishing schooner Lacoquette, of . Bayonne, France, on Saturday last on Grand Banks. i The captain and seamen were saved. Sixteen 'of the crew were drowned. Captain Knudson, of the Norge, lays the blamt of the collision on j the captain of the fishing schooner. (4i eight of his FINDS CAMP IN BAD ORDER. Spanish Troops Reach Home From - Santiago Madrid Papers Say Santiago Surrendered Too Soon. . . Strikers Back at ' Work. special, dispatch to the sun.J; Hazelton, Aug, 25. Seven hun- dred coal miners and laborers em ployed by the Lehigh and W,i Ikes- bar re Coal Company, who went out on a" strike yesterday, returned to work this morning. All is quiet and no further ; trouble is expected. ' '., Pinafore" will be presented at he opera house to-night with the following cast: Sir Joseph Porter K. C. B., Tom McBee. - : I ' ' Captain Corcorain, J. W. Til- linghast. Ralph Rack staw, A. S. Heilig. Dick Deadeye, J. V. Hideout. Boatswain, Johrf Ramsay. Josephine, Miss J ulia Crouch. Little Buttercup, Miss Annie Kizer. Cousin Hebe, Miss Fannie Mc- Neely. .... ' . : The . chorus is strong and well trained, so that this popular opera will have a most creditable rendi- tion. Mr. Beard has kindly consented to hold a train for the accommo- ation of the Spencer people. LOCAL BRIEFS. special, dispatch to the sunJ rr Linoie,assault and battery, and also fired upon the men sever- continued. Gbo. F. K Binjrham. asro On n ess of burled leM . . ..1 ve, uea scvei at 1 es a husb a numljcr of h. has , i IHOIILLIO' Debate at z,eD Bv virtue of the executive cum- -r - " linmrxr . rjOCIC- . i 1 M . 1 - . ty, of Zcb, will meetKsaiuruay Anorust 2Tth, at 8 o'clock; nn?l discuss the (lucstion, Resolved that there is more pleasure in life .thnn sorrow. The speakers are as follows: Affirmative, T. F. Hudson, 11. j. Alillr W.1 W. Keneriy, P. E. Monroe and V. P. Lentz. Nega iiv T. L. Trott, W. T. Bost, Dr. I. W. Jones, R. L. Thomason nr1 Snm Jacobs. Everybody is cordially invited nnH .uir Patrick Henry of North Carolina, Mr. H. G. xMiller, who will preside, insists that every body be on time. al times. The last shot he , fired uttz, against (i. A. he said one ol ttie men leu, nm ne This case was up when does not know whether he was coutft adjourned at 1 till 3 .o'clock hit or not. j this afternoon. - N Mr. Miller could not ten, on ac- W. S. Brown: gambling, con- count of the darkness, whether bis I.' t I'.-. al t tinned. I assailants were white or oiacK. V. J Reed, who was found At any rate he made a narrow guilty of embezzling several days escape and might not have been Possel Suicides. spiSCrALj DISPATCH TO THE SUN; Paris, Aug. 25.- Ernest Joseph j Possel, the German Who had been trvinor to collect -a claim of ten been sentenced to rWT t77 rT- frit, .f China his weck after a sick- ul weeks, bhe was I arris clmpcl. She nid, live children and f it in Is to mourn her I TT .. ... . . 1 lii living to-day to tell ot tue attacK. . - artillery . batteries now The officers should bok up these. fellows, apprehend them, 11 possi ble: and 4 se that they are dealt with to the fullest extent ot too law." s . MUSTERING OUT. Chicamauga, Aug. 25. The rirst Illinois cavairy leu uiis , , . -n n - u-. morning for lort Sheridan. The , - .j 1. , One Hundred; aad r.fty-e.ghth tte Urbaine insurance Company, inaiana. rirsi w esi v irgiuia uuu , . , . , . . , . ., , . .1 which resisted the payment on the toixtn unio win leave mis eveumg , . Un . , -. ar - , r , .1 '111 UUUU LlJitL Lid UU.U Vlll W A "l lor rvnoxvuie wnere ioey wm ... . ; , J a cliff near Florence, committed await further orders. Prepara- . . , , , , Tv, u- . , . j 4. . suiuiue. last eveiiiug- iti i'uiuu ico- iions are oeing juuue lo ujuaici uut i t 1 ,iw i,r-r , , XT . 1 r i taurant. Possel yas under a heavy -'" , - i.n th nnthnr t fis havinor or- - 7 ' dered the exhumation of the body i of his wife. tlca No Plays Yet. Young Wife Dead. - "t Mrs. Jim Johnson died yester-j dayj evening after a short illness. The deceased was quite young. Her maiden name was Jenulie Watkins. the leaves a husband After the presentation of "Pin- and an infant. afore" to night Manager Marsh's season. slate will, be ..-clear. He has bookf Committee Meetitfg 1 1 1 ' - . . I 1 . 1 1 r x" a 1 rt - 1 - 1 m tin hinp so iar ior iub tuuiiui; T ,n rh no rimva hfMi mm. I - - r 1 i IJV VJ 111 IV V-J VW WHVV s r - I 4- - I rwfcj-' t - fctB y Wanted may be mittee met according to the call camp in his private car and was or Art LAjiuts m.-M-iLioiT. Madrid. Ailsr. i5.The news- papers and general public dis Tay f considerable disgust at the hasty surrender of Santiago, since hearing the stories with regard to the adequate defensive conditions prevailing there as told by the returned troops. Six more deaths have .occur red since the troops- from Santiago landed. AIXJER SURPISED AT CAMP. Montauk, August 25 Secretary - . Peace Jubilee. sriM2IAL DISPATCH.TO THE SUN.l Washington, Aug. 25. The board of directors of the Trans Mississippi exposition has passad a set of resolutions formally invit ing: the attendance of the President and his cabinet and other digni taries to the peace j libilee. .The invitations have been Vent out. herb on the 6th of next month. Firemen Meet. The fire company meets to-night at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is Dr. Byrd 111. His many friends in Salisbury, wW.fi he was pastor for several years, will be sorry to .learn that "h,. rhjui. Bvrd. now of Asheville, was critically ill and h still a i...k man. From the Asheville Citizen of Tuesday we clip this: Dr. Bvrd was suddenly seized with an attack of congestion of the. brain, . his condition being such as to greatly alarm those who were with him. 4 DrsJ Carl V. Reynolds and G. W. Purefoy were hastily summoned and" gave all possible aid to the stricken man. For several hours Dr. Byrd's condition was exceedingly critical, but hnallv he began to show siffns of improvement, and to-day lit, was, a rr eat deal better. It j w as expected that he would be so far improved as to be removed to his home this afternoon. Yesterday's Citizen says Dr. Bvrd's condition continues to - . "i show improvement, und it is hoped he will be up in a few days. Sent Up. The negro of the Chairman last Friday, up bright and early continuing tue Thorn nrt hinnr hut a fpiw atmli- invpstiorutinn of the rumors of in- Child Dead. I - 1 The little child of Mr. and Mrs. fL " f,r Irvine fnL,utM wxu mo.t nn KridaV. ilv showing the effect of his alter lonaiu cueo iqesuay urn y Ju: t.L.v. ur: J niU AoohTkW to titl viiff Whilo at the : camo of the was, buried yesterday at Union sen mi. iaM' o. '"ftp.j j r 1 no uvm piv : r - - . 1 j' u mi .... k :.. u. . ,-.. 1 . . . ! 1- . -mc 1 . i i i iJ? 1.. . .11.11111 II III lliU UUUU II V mayor, to be tried in to any business that may come up. &econa iviassacnusens oecicuny 1-11 - I t -i ' I ft I -1 4t-i si' I i rra I -- r - - ninc cVinlt: tharp irfl si hut prminpfATit niiinaorpment. IDG boy who was arrested little business done. The com- quartermaster department is al- . a..' ... ! . ? t .1 i . i ' "1 i . v. u;c to jail by the court. The a 6od chases turfed. He w his pursuers him. oy led his pursuers before being cap- Alger found many of the soldiers Weather forecast: Threatening weather to-night, thunder showers Friday. , Work of moving the house for- tnerly occupied by Capt. Thomas Murphy, has begun. This proper- y is now owned by Mr. P. 1 . Meroney. ' ' :. ' Dr. J. N. Stallings, wrjo is con ducting a series of meetings at China Grove, will preach next Sunday at 3 p. m. at Faith and at 8:30 p. m. at Spencer. A colored man drove one of Mr. J. F. Ludwig's horses to New London and back yesterday. Fif teen minutes after getting back to Salisbury the horse died. j - Misses Grace and Claud Fisher gave a tea Tuesday evening to a fvv.of their friends complimentary o Miss Myrtice Thompson of Salisbury, who is visiting the Misses Brown, says the Concord Standard. ' - Rev. J. P. Schmidt, of Cleve land, Ohio, has taken charge frf the Missouri Synod's mission work among the colored people at Con cord. Rev. N. I. Bakke will go to Charlotte. Both these gentle men were in the city this morning. Reuben McDonnell, colored and knovvn by a number of other names, was caught here, yesterday by the city officers. He stated that he was wanted in Statesville, for fighting and the officers at that place have been notified of his ar rest. ! ' as a fast runner bt.t TdflAone Exten.ion. were too much for The Concord Standard says: j There is a telephone line run- Thi School Building. rork on the replacing of the o-raded f-chool building has be- and the building will be fin- citf gun ished about t So the school kept from their books for a month an a half. bediin next Monday. jSchool was to have the centrai office. B. Frank Lond learne! with dedth of Mr Dr. W. H. Waketield, of - Charlotte, H. C., will be iu Salisbury, at the Cen tral Hotel, tu Friday, bept. 2nd, for this one day. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat. much sorrow .of the B. Frank Long, a young lawyer of Statesville, which occurred at Klon College, at Mr. t v.Urc fnthir's vcstcnlavi He )(on sick for several weeks. iitA ' Iefe .. . . u ;L11?r mnml-r if tKft hospital tram going to Fernandi- V n o, tiiuiin -. . ; 1 -l -i TOT UUU HUIHIUCU. pt- til fim of deceased was an active and enthu IC..'l.V, . j ' . 1 . r? L . . ! - re popular man in Statesville from the west bringing some jot Red Star Nursery Cloth is the best. It is, antiseptic, non-irritant, absorb- in ( Lo Mo Gi J. Ige. of Thi five, ant and durable.- Carolina Rackety V all ace and delay his departure until '1 to-mot rmv Af stations alnn tr the route Lnd Chancellor R. 11. Rickett, expected through to-day taking t N w Yovk he was given a rous. ing reception; Ai Brady Some beautiful patterns in light outing. Carolina Racket. " furi at Elon College. Icons' & Long. The no diers. county, was burned Sunday night. Tho' wuret but. few croods in the for New York. He will report l, -ujn,. ami U was imdoubtedlv i'n'inili'otal; (in cn lvt hjS fl.1 (T shin. I " . ! Z .1Z ' VrU j-' . - i t - - . . .. . . i. imuivuioiv.j y.m ' set on nre Dy an mceuuiury. mc Itic Pythiin, and there was no There was also a hospital train xhe.atlmiral contemplates going amount to only a few at once to vv asnmgiou, uuu iuvy nun(jre(i dollars. Only a year or loloir Vn'c lormrtnrp nnfil ' tn-mor- . i '1 z ML sc ago a store oeiouiu w iui. ie middle of October. children will only be sWninor on the around and-many Buyfi Property havinr no blankets. He express- Mr. L. Banks has purchased the ed surprise at the condition exist- house and lot on the east corner of - . - . ' 1 ri m a' J '11 in when several thousand cots Xnniss ana snaver street' aim wn 4!,.m Mi.rrtrl in Snliiahiirv KUi'olrc o'r' in h( stnrp.- soon OCCU1DV it. Je alSO tallvS 01 . I . . . . - . . . . . .i t j i t . a which is owned by Messrs. W . M. house and it was riot long betore building anotner nouse on mis 101, Ivev and Richard Fames, of New waffbn trains from the depot be- fronting lnniss street. -k t z,. a, 1 1 I ,i:,..:u..l -f : : lonuon, anu wnicu is uuvcuuueyi- gan a vvnoiesuie (usinuuuuu ui ed with any other 'pdone line, these much-needea articles wutn The Concord Telephone Co. will tons of straw for extra warmth as build a line from here to Salisbury well. Many of .the new patients soon and will ' connect with that atvthe hospital owe their illness, to line at Salisbury, giving Salisbury the fact that alter the last - storm Dead. His many f rienls in this city Extra Trains. ' I Thp.re were two extra trains south over the Southern last night. One was made up of empty coach- Pa i .U! L es going alter somiers wuu ai bein rushed back to their own States preparatory to be musterjed out.' The other was an empty had subsided they had to lie on the wet ground to sleep. The hospi taPsituation is now much more Taken to Morganton. Mr. W. W. Krider was taken to Morganton to-day to be placed in the State hospital. He was ac- companied by M r. Frank McCuh bins and Mr. J. M. Brown, Mr Krider is very weak and 1voo nnt imnrv nnv in hfnltb of .. . .1 1 .. I 1 li serious owing to tue prevalence i b()(ly ()r mmt '.i Af nn.r neinr fonts of" I pneumonia. : iunuj u uwo being at erectod the hospitals are hurriedly. SCHLKY WKI.I. AGAIN. Noryalk, Aug. 25. Schley has fnllv rnovercd from Uiis recent illness. He rested well last night and this mornint? boarded a train Store Burned. We learn from the Lexington Dispatch that the store of Mrs. Annie Swicegood, of Tyro Shops, across the Yadkin in Davidson J. C. Troy, who writes so inter- etinrly in the Charlotte Observer under the name of Trojan" has been in the city for a couple of days at the home of Dr. J.! W. Lone. He and wife and little daughter, Louise Caldwell, left to- day for Raleigh. First Bale From Cabarrus. . The first bale of new cotton from Cabarrus county was sold at Con cord yesterday. It was raisetl by R. W . Allison, the 61dest citizen of Concord. The cotton brought 6 cents. No one in Rowan reports any cotton being picked yet. s lodge sent a delega- the sick from Chicamauga. Past A lare-e number of extras were w. J. K. P. Phifer. S. soldiers north from Florida, ine Watts, to his trains left Tampa yesterday but Swicegood's husband, was burned at the same place. ; ! eral, whi.h took place to day" were held up at Greenville for a while. Miss Maggie Knox is visiting in V 1 -!.! .:'..: , lrginia. Mrs. H. T. Sprinkle is visiting at Cleveland. New Ads in To-day's Paper. . The Salisbury Steam Laundry. J. Allen Brown, coal. The Brown Clothing Company. i -I- Smoot Brothers and Rogers. Carolina Racket. Lexington Dispatch: Mrs. J. D. Heilig, of Salisbury, who has feen visitinff her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.- Thompson, has returned home. Mrs. K M. Thomp son, of Salisbury, visited Mrs. C M. Thompson a few days week. last 1 1 - -Or ' j: - , . ( . ., i - v-- j A i. .in i . . . i ii i j m . mams.iMf.