SALISBURY DAILY SUN. . (DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAY.) JOE X. ROUECHE. t CLINT. N. BROWN, f Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, - - - - - Six Months, Three - - - . - - -One Month, - - - - One Week, - - " - - Dollvered by Carriers to any part of the city witnouT. extra cosi. ! 14.00 2.00 1.00 .35 .10 Vor advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street. Entered at postofflce s seconu-elass matter. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 25, 1898 DEMOCRATIC TICKET "iTor Congress Seventh District : THEO. F. KLUTTZ, i of Rowan. i For Solicitor Eighth District: ! WILEY RUSH, . . of Randolph. I i For the Legislature: LEE S. OVERMAN, D. R. JULIAN. - For Clerk of Superior Court: W. G. WATSON, For Register of Deeds: v II. N. WOODSON, For Sheriff: J. M. MONROE. For Treasurer: J. SAM'L McCUBBlNS, JR. For Cotton Weigher: G. II. JPAGE. For Coroner:. E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Surveyor: C. M. MILLER. For County Commissioners: J. FRANK McCUBBlNS, SAN FORD IIENLY, P. D. LINN. SHOULD BE BUILT. j Seeking the best interest of Sal-! isb u r y w e call attcn tion again to -J drlv to the need of a street railwav in the city. Certainly a st ret t rail vaT line should be built. It is , " ' 1 -The tenth statistical report of the interstate! commerce ,commis sior shows a total railway mileage in t lis country in the year ended J uiie 30, 1897, of 184,428 miles, over use an ncrease bfv 1,651 miles 1896. The locomotives in werte 35,986, passenger cars freight iars 1,221, 730 926 198 investment in railways was 10, 635j008,074, of which $5,365,612,- 255 was stock and $5,270,365,819 i ' ' wasl funded, debt. The number of passengers carried was 489,445,- tons of freight, 741,705,946. iThe Madrid corresjkmdent of the London Times says: "One pa per here declares boldly on au-j thoiity of an anonymous French" diplomatist that owing to MJ Hon taux's exertions, a treaty of alli ance' has been signed between Spain, France and RussiaV with the signed object of counteracting the Anglo-German influence itf Mor rocqi Other papers mentioned the matter, but without affirming thati the treaty has been actually "Eole" Piearsell, a well-known New? York gambler, ; won $35,000 in a poker gatne at the club house in Saratoga the other night. The othd Tho upsun and John Kelly of New Paring a popular appeal to the York and Tod Sloane, the jockey. The peripnce. mea had New 4EWS OF THE.DAT. Telegraphic News Condensed for the Conveo lence of Hasty Renders. : Business is booming. at Manila ami the city continues quiet. I J. A. P. Fisk, who weighed 560 pounds, died Yesterday in New York. , The Navy . Department opened bids for sixteen torpedo boat de stroyers and; twelve torpedo boats. I All the Madrid newspapers an nounce that the Cortes will as semble between September 6 and 10. i . , : j Leading Spanish 'residents, of Cuba have recently been receiving threatening letters from insur gents. The steamer which was sunk at h the entrance of San Juan harbor has been partly removed and ves sels may now enter. - i f Middleton Thompson, a "freight conductor, wasruaover and killed at Winchester, Wa.., yesterday while coupling cars. Adjutant-General Cor bin Ex pects to make public to-day the list of regiments that vvill be mus tered out of service, i r jdayers . were latter got "Butch" Residents of Jamaica are pre- $3,100 worth of ex- jLieutenaiit Peter Javanowics, wh(J won rank and decorations ga lore in the Sef-vi-in army, came to America to' help tight Spain, , but i.L t". as hp had only $10 and no visible hs of support, under the law he o be pre York.- ventel from entering T 'cent i nas ler fetarf lead us ri The Ilobson-kissed girl has declined an offer to appear at a Kan'sas fair. Doubtless she would have thrown the prize vegetables and other exhibits into the shade. W ashingtori Post. The Recent Outrage. Wnjiiington Star. l " indi nation of eve'rv de white iian in Wilmington houses of their order, in Balti Iv 5irrnorl iw Up more, to nurse sick soldiers 'and ?rial which appeared sailors in this country and Cuba. recent isfeue of the negro pa- Henry Iabouchere, in Lyndon Lallel I hti Daily Record. Ihe Truth, savs that if the United trusts-, hb We ver, that it will States embarks on a spirited poli i of violence. Let ie Uritish Parliament in ravor ot an nexation to the United States. j Mrs. Kate Morgan, while de spondent over her husbands drinking habits, killed herself and her two children in New York. I i The London Lancet, referring to the Prince of V ales' injured knee, discourages the fear that he will be permanently lame. Nearly the whole Anglo-Egyp tian army, under General Kitchen er, is encamped at Wadhamid, 55 miles from Khartoum, in the Sou- dan. ! A t'phoid epidemic at Belfast, is gnwmg rapiu.'y. oix nunureu cases have been reported in I three weeks and every hospital is tilled to overflowing., " J Ninety-four Sisters of .Charity have been senti from the branch Who can understand ' the Em- peror or trie iiermans f une mo ment doing something crazy; the next acting with commendable san ity. It is said that he intends to ride into Jerusalem this fall sitting - A ft r upon an ass. And now all ; Ger many is wondering at a speech he recently made at Mayence in which he called his hearers umy fellow- citizens." lhink of a believer in he divine right of Kings doing such a sane and republican thing as that.- Charlotte Observer. The formal; transfer of the Knoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville Railroad to the South- ern Railway, wTas executed yester day. The consideration was $901 ,- T10. The road: runs from Knox ville, Tenn.,4o Middlesboro, Ky., a distance or u nines, ine saie of the Knoxville Belt line to the Southern .-Rail way was also con firmed yesterday. ' ' to no act Nor the bearable; but great host that will the last negro vestige Butlerism ana w cutaway ton iwill be j..tii.iCi:,.i I I, cer be connected by a choap i and jn a easy transportation, and at oncei Spencer, is building up, nipkllyj More stores will soon be estab- lished there when it will 'not be . i necessary for people to.-make pur-j chases in Salisbury. Once this occurs we will lose Spencers i trade. The merchant's and busi: - - ness men of Salisbury . should see that the line is built. They are standing in their own light to re; main indifferent in the matter and let the .business which they could hold slip from them, merely through a lack of energy. The enterprise would pay them well, j s The real estate men and citizens generally of the town, also, should take up the question of a street railway line to Spencer. It would be of much value to the town. An investment in the road would pay almost all classes of our citizens. Property would be enhanced in vaiue, besides strangers would be much more impressed with the town if we had the street railway. By all means- let us have the . road.' The matter should be dis cussed. Talk of it to your neigh bor. Agitate the question at every opportunity. Keep talking until something is done. J The railway would be a great benefit to Salisbury. I 1 ecn' jus pjui viuieuue. Mt3t Cy ot annexation an autocrat is ot weaken the strong position likely to take die reins of power! we now occupy. Such dastardly attacks on the white women of kh Carolina as that made by I- A letter has been received in Washington from Admiral Cer- vera stating that the kind treat- 7L ... . , ,i ment of the Spauish prisoaers in they will help swell lT .A , 0t . ... .v 'u mi u 4. the United States will be appreci- organ are aknost . un- x l Lll. .l! U UZ. O me puns uuiiei tut; wuiw uicu s banner in November, when the put be prodent. The of Russellism and Negroism will be It is unde rstood that . t h p , - h ier- archy of Porto Rico will be at once attached to the Catholic church in America. The admin istration of the church in Cuba Be brave, I time may come in the near future will, be supervised from the United wh4u the white men of Wilining- States. called on to defend themselves and their homes, nd i i for this they will be prepared. Bui let us not be the aggressors. Remember lina who are ble Bu selfi that , there are men Ii in authqritr in North Caro- for sue i committed 1 indirectly responsi- outrages as that .i y tne , negro organ. for men j ike Daniel L. Rus- The London Mail's Copenha gen correspondent reports that Ja compromise has been arrived at between England and Russia, . the latter getting her way in the rail way question in China,' and Eng land securing concessions in other directions. In any must pay for it all. case, China Marlon Butler and Oliver H. Dockery, there would have been cl.. Wilmington would not now be un- deij Republican negro rule, and nave been no; negro organ here to defame our women. Sclf:control is one of the highest courageous manhood. white men of Wil attributes of Arfe not the mihgton equal to the occasion it is no uncommon tmng now hnar mn ivhn formerlv MftiiiflLtill completely used 4ip. 5 Electric r: r , ' ; I nrn - . 1 1 . - i . . . h the Populists saving that m. remedy mat A , horrible accident occurred yesterday on the Atlantic Coatt Line Railroad at a crossing known as Grossman's, a short distance from Petersburg, Va. Mr. J. P. Condery, a prosperous farmer, was returning home with his wife and little ion 'in a buggy, and wheu he reached the crossing the . -tot i : young horse he was driving be came unmanageable and carried the party upon the track m front of a train. All the occupants of the buggy were instantly killed. No Uncommon Thing. The Sure La Grippe Care. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your. liver is out of order, you have no appetite, no life or Huioiiiuu, uuvo a, oaa co id, in iact to wi they, have had enough of that par ty! j that thej see te leaders are simply working for places for themselves, and that hereafter lh3y will vote with the Demo cr its. We heard jnen talking so Saturday. Louisburg Tiuies. will give you promut ami sure fe- ief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone in me whole system and make vou feel like a, new being. They u.irauieeu 10 cure .pr price reiunded. x or sale at' T. F. Kluttz & Co's drug store, oiily 50 cents per oouie. Day before yesterday two ne groes, living near Reaver's View, neither of whose Dames' could be learned becanie involved in a row, which may result in the death of one. it seems that a vounof necro named Walter had planned to elope with the (wife of one Dave. Wednesday evening ' he went to the house, and finding the husband waiting for him in the! door, he supposed the wife had betrayed him, and commenced to shoot through the door at her. The husband used his pistol to defend his better half and numerous shots were exchanged. In the scuffle which ensued, i the husband shot in tho ieg, the ball up into his body. The wound was dressed by Dr. J. T. Sevier, who thinks it to be of a dangerous nature. The man who did the shooting escaped. Asheville Citi zen. ' j'; was ranging ffpl'P f 1 fTi fR m (3 m WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS OF AMOUS AFE URE PEEDY HE. LE CLAIR'S FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Of ladies as a periodical regulator without an equal, successful when Cotton Root. Pennyroyal. Ergot, etc.. have proven worthless, 23 two-cent stamps brings trial package, and convinces the most skeptical of their won derful properties. Send 4 centsin stamps for pamphlet, containing valuable information for ladies., ' Address Lk Clair Pill Co., U. S. Agents, Boston, Mass. N. B. All correspondence confidential and returned with trial package. i . j Far Sale in Salisbury by Jos Plumnier Foi Yeai's STIEFF pianos have leen recognized and used by the greatest musicians the world over. Alter years ot use the Stieff retains its original tone in spite of age. It is the only world- renowned piano so I iV direct from factory and buyers are beginning to realize what they save in the middleman's margm on the high est grade piano. We also sell a medium grade piano for 200 to 250 that retailers sell for $275 and $325. Our Charlotte wareroom stock is elegant and complete. It will pay you to write for cata logues and prices, lerms to suit. Chas. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer. - i . - CHARLOTTE BRANCH: Wareroom, 213 N. Try on St. THE SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL . .- '' , , AMD UNDERWRITERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GREENSBORO. Pays a dividend to policy holders of 20 per cent, and In cases of loss SETTLES their claims PROMPTLY - i What other companies do as much for you i . ' T- S- MARSH, "" . . Agknt. Office between Link & Ragland and G. W WriKhfc. , : ; i. M BUS :BS ml III Including this goods shown close at some of the finest season, that we will 65c. on the dollar of the regular price. riie sizes in ladies are mostly 3, 3, 4 and some few large sizrs. These goods are slightlv damaged in appearance from handling, but are lust as good as those usually sold at almost twice the prices we ask for these. ' ! XJSIT SALISBURY, N. C. SMI Sale Slioes & HENDLEMAN', , L A DIES SHOES, (small sizes) at 10, 25, 50 and 75c. per pair. MISSES SHOES, 10, 25, 40, 50 and 75c. per pair. ; CI1ILDKENS SHOES, fa big assortment) at 10, 25, and 50c. ner pair. . i j.-. - i . -. . r ;; v - "... . T, ; The above sroods must be stld tn nruikp. rnnm fnr nur birr etrir'lr nf inter Shoo. i: We are receiving new Winter goods, itumany lines. Big Assortment of Shirts. Hats. Carnets and Ru trs. ennucrh fur everybody. . ! . ew Stock of Nice Trunks suitable for school boys and girls. Table, Tin and Wood wares. Last but not least. Eatables. II Well we have so nuinv rrnnfl lhfnrrK jt is. useless to try to tell about them, but if you will come we will oow you inejDestironi .. manxJaJs JimLjal-o tho AowmrmlowD. 1 ours to Serve, 1 ' . - . . . . . (SIM W iwifffnilirinr . ;IId U d I UMiJiilL p : Mammoth Furniture Emporium. Clmroli High School, FOR BOYS. Next Session Begins Sept, 5, 1898 : DRAIICII CRAIGE, Pkikcu al. Klutf as & Meixdileiaia Words fail to describe the beauty of our Furniture in design, up holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Cases Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich -and ornamental, as well as" durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are what tho collectors of specimens need. Has the largest stock in the city to select from, and while his, goods are New, Stylish and up to date in jevery particular, his PRICES AKE THE LOWEST. A Specialty. He has a line'of CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES, Etc., unsurpassed-the State. Personal attention given to ' EHBALHING AND DIRECTION OF FUNERALS oinriie Sihide ESilostoes a D Our selling prices sell our Shoes. The small proft helps us by helping you. ads. are not given the lie in our sinm Our Great values joined to low prices become elegant. . - NeA line of Black and Tan Vici Kid Shoe just in. s 0. M. H. M. Brown.

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