A So come at once and get some of the : : ' ' : K,. ' ; bargains we now, offer in SUMMER GOODS, and make your pocket-book grow fat. j To give you 25c goods now go 16Hc " " $1.25 waists " 98c Straw Hats " "We must have room for our FALL " j STOCK, which will soon come, so make these moving prices. nji U'U Groceries Do you want to buy groceries? If you do you should not fail to call and see me. 1 carry a full line. j- 1 . I hare also the best shad, &c, brought to this market. I Fish Pays FHIDAY and SATUR DAY. Call and see me. 1 1 Yours truly, C. H. SVINK. Cheeks Like the Mountain Pink are rewards for using Madame Ai Kuppert's Face - Bleach. There may be a well-founded prejudice against specif ics' of a cer tain kind, but do not let the fault of harmful- nostrums be visited up on such a su perb prepara tion as this. Give it a trial and you will find that it is not on y positively harmless, but a thor ough health promoter. Mme. Jluppert'sT preparations - are all .guaranteed to be beneficial, and have proven so in thousands of well attested cases. Face Bleach, &2 per bottle; Egyptian Balm, $1; Hair Tonic, 1; Gray Hair Resto rative, $2.50; Depilatory $1. j i'! & Complete Line of Building. Miteria! MOBILIZED. ! s 0 ' ! "I When you want a. house you will find everything necessary to its j completion within our . j Fortifications. very necessary adjuncts to our FLEET is the Famous Linieton . (Va.) lime wood-burnt and the j best on the market, now on i sale. Also the exclu- j sive sale of the j CELEBRATED ASBESTOS TAINT manufactured by II. W. JohnAs Mf. Co., New York; which is now in stock. GIVE US A CAI.Z.. j ' jCordially, j C. J3L. RICE. polW fete n la OiiiyJlJJJ an Idea at 12ic. : 7ic. 75c. 25c. mm mm CblE3 mwm. o o o o Somethinfr All Desire, but do nol Always Achieve. My stock is guaranteed BEST ALITY. Prir.f rwti trw Imw to pnnsist- E with SUPERIOR VALUE. an Respectfully, M. M'CULLOH. T. P. S. Agent for Flieschmaun's Compressedj Yeast. - JrtOne door above postoflice. For $20 the j tandard Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Offers the MOST EQUITABLE $5,000 Accident Insur : "ance Policy E T VER ISSUED, which pays for PA R- ALi as well as TOTAL. UISABIL 1 Y. 52 weeks indemnity $25 per week. iOSS both hands, both feet, hand ana root or ootn eyes, o,uoo.. tugn& hand or either leg above knee, $2,500. lAft hand or either leg above ankle, $1 000. Ohej eye $650. : -1 ENEFITS DOUBLED if injured in wreck of public conveyance propell ed by steam, or electricity. I XL H. CRAWFORD & BRO., General Agfnts for Not;th and South i Carolina. SSTLocal Agents Wanted. ' i HIND1PO restores VITALITY Made a ? Well Man THE '-or. of Me. REAT RFNCH REMEDY produces the above resplt ! Ill 30 day$. ICrc tvenuui jjcuuiijr . impute "1 Varicocele, Failing Memory. Stops all drains and lofcses caused by errcrs 01 youm. u wares on i, salnitv and Consumption. Young Men regain Man. gilves vigor and size to shrunken organs, nd fits a knan lor business or marriage. Easily carried i ihV vest nocket. Price Cfl PTC 6 Boxes $2.5 r, ; T r I - .. Phferar-hHl J ft JGnms8 Druggist James Roebuck, , a young un married man from near Everett's, was killed in the planing mills at Parmele Saturday evening." lie was putting a large belt . on the drive wheel under the planing de partment, when he was caught by the belt and mangled to death be fore, the machinery could be stopped. One arm was torn off and thrown some distance and one leg was also torn off, The belt had to be cut to get his body out, and he breathed one time after- - - . - i wards Greenville Weekly. j" While boring a well Thursday afternoon on the' farm of E. B. 4 I Borden, near thiscity, the work men were delighted to find the water gushing forth from the pipe and spouting in a bold streaui five feet above the ground. This, is the first artesian well ever bored in this section, and many of our citizens have decided, to try their luck in boring deep wells. Golds boro Headlight- . "Dear Harry," wrote his chutiif who was in camp at Key West, 4I have had only one letter from my girl since I came down here. Are you looking after her, as you promised ?" , 'Dear Jerry," wrote his friend in response, . "I am six evenings in thq week." Chicago Tribune. Democratic Senatorial Convention The Democratic Convention for the 20th Senatorial District, com posed of the counties of Rowan, Davidson and Forsythe will be held at the court house in Ixx i iigton , Day ktson co un ty , on . Sat urday the .17th day of September, 1S9J5, at. 12 - o'clock for the pur posy of nominating two candidates to represent said district in the next (Jeneral Assembly and tor the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. By order of the Committee. Fv C RoimitNs, Ch'm. Aug 22, 1808. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. .1.. Ii 1 In t( nltfn " Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated in Con sumption. Four doctors gave rue up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My: husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and jColds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a5 well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at T. F. Kluttz & Co's drusr store. Regular size 50c. and 1. Guaranteed or price refunded. Southern IN PfKEtrr AUGUST 7, 1WW. j This VM(l(if'st'1 schedule is putllshed as 8:45 1 m No 35. dlly iF AtluijJ uqd phrr Trains leavt? SSsilislmry. N V Jotje AJr llne tuvxsloil UMO ill! plHf5 SfHUU mid southwest; carries tl wiuli Pullmuu (tjiwiiig room buffet sleepers between j New York, Washington, Atlanta, ana .ew Or leans. Charlotte and Kirminghani. Pullman imrist cir for San Francisco Wednesdays via New Orleans and imthern Pacific, j , H',17 p m No 37, daily, Washington! and Southwestern Limited for Atlanta, Birming New Orleans Hid New York to Memphis: dining car. vestUmled coacfr between W'ash jngum ana Atlanta. 7:10 a m-N'o 8. dailv' for Richmond i! con nects at Greensboro for Kaleigh, Goldsboro, Morehcad Citv. Norfolk and W inston points South : solid trains Itichmond to At lanta : Pullman sleeping car Richmond to 10:30 a m No 11. dailv lor Atlanta and all Greensboro; connects at Spartanburg for Ashevllie. i 10:47 , a m No m daily for Wasjilngton. Kiehmona. uaieigo ana an points XNortn : car ries through Pullnan drawing room buffet sleeper New Orleans to New ork; Jackson ville to rsew ork: uirmingnam tounariotte: Pullman tourist car from San Francisco Mondays via New Orleans and South Pacific; close connections at Greensboro for Raleigh, Goldsboro ana Morehead ity. flJiU n m No 3S. dailv. Wash in irtori and Southwestern Limited for Washington and all points North ; Pullman sleeper Charlotte to Richmond ; close con neeti.on at G reensboro with through sleeper for rsorfolk. ! 00pm No 12, daily for ' Richmond Ral eigh, Goldsl)oi-o and all points North i con nects lit Salisbury for Asheville, Kpoxvlle, Chattanooga ana . Nashville : connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car ior iiunoiK, , 10:05 a m No 11. W N C, leaves for Ashe ville ami points West. 8:50 p mNo 15, W NJ C, leaves for all points West. i 12:30 p m Y'adkin train leaves for Nor- First sections of all scheduled freight trains carry passengers between points at w jik ii nicy are ijeneOiUiea to stop. j : Frank S Gannon, 3d V P and Gen. Mgr. Washington, D John M Culp, Traffic Manager. W A Turk. Gen. Passeneer Aet.. S H Hardwick, Ass't Gen. Pass. Agt Atlanta, Ga. i R L Vernon. Travelling Pass. Agt.,i ; fcouth Tryon Street, Charlotte. Railway. ham, Jiiemphis, Montgomery, aiooue i ana New Orleans and all points South and South west : through Pullman sleeper New York to s Mother Krugerrrjann,., Berlin's senior artist's model, vis dead at the age of 92 years.' Her hus-. band fought in, the battle of Leip zig against Napoleon L This country is doing its best to keep other countries clean. ; Last year we shipped to them 24,002,- 178 pounds of soap. Mrs. Stykes 74 'One characteris tic about my husband I like; he always vcalls a j spade a spade." Mrs. Laugh uI!suppose he's like all-husbands, however, he calls a club a lod ire. "Boston Traveler. The population of the earth could be placed in the United States and then not lie as crowded as Belgium, with its 548 people to the square mile. '" The Hawaii newspapers are be ginning to put on' airs and feel at home. One of them exclaims: "Cuba must be ours." ' DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between' David Haneline and L. A, Pee.hles is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebt ed to them will please make immedi ate payment to either one of the un dersigned. . DAVID HANELINE, L. A. PEEBLES. ThU August 18( h, 1898. I WANT TO CUSTOMER OF MINE FOR THE CELEBRATED ,.! EL LI CO which excells all other. It is free of slate and slack, burns up clean and leaves nothing but a white ash. Send in your order at once and take advan tage of the j SUMMER RATES. JOS: II. McNEELY, Olllcc at T. F. Young's store. FOR SALE. One 6-room cottage on East Main Street, two 4-room cottages on Monroe Street, and several vacant lots. Also two houses, two stories high, with 6 rooms. It would be advisable to see me before renting store rooms or d wel linars. R. L. SHAVER.- HOME - SCHOOL. Miis. W. H. Coit, , Miss Grace Tyson. Terms $2 per school month. OPENS SEPT. 1st. SALISBURY Migfi ScjiiQal. MISS JOSEPHINE COIT, MISS MERLE DUPUY. Terms 2, 2.50. Languages e- tra. Contingent fee $1. SESSION OPENS SEPT. 1st. r Ice Cream Soto, hocolate Soda, And all the popular drinks now on sale at . Cuthrell's Drug Store. FOR SALE. Two dwelling houses in East Salisbu ry, near G. W. Wright's. One is known as the Foust house, has nine rooms. The other is known as the Fries house and has seven noms. Good well of water on each lot. j. Both bouses compar atively new. Terms easy. Ap ply at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . GOAL Pine Apple Snow, Crea 11 nnn n 'ill Reductions MM - : -- ; ' ; . - P n!i k I'll k V r ' Entire stock ! More goods for less money than you 1 have ever gotten. . . - i Remember the leader in Dry Goods, the leader in LOW PRICES, for first- class goods, McCUBBINS! Real Insurance Collecting and Dealers in Lime, J. S. McCubbins, Jr. This space belongs to l the SALISBURY HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY. Watch It. To All Bread Eaters Beginning, August 22, 1898, I will sell 1 1 SALISBURY 404 Loaves Bread for $1 until further notice.' Look out for wagon, or j call and get your tickets early and avoid the rush. . i . Respectfully, . - ' T. L. SWINK. n nrm 1 Throughout the Sale i Eesoi. t . ' . ... . & JORDAN, Cement, Hair, Sec. Chas. B. Jordan. , N. 0. . i THE VERY BEST THING TQ . TAKE FOR ' DIARRHOEA . IS THE Family Ten Cent Diarrhoea Remedy, Prepared and for sale only by T. F. Kluttz & Co. Hey, There! this Is the place you want We have all kinds of MEATS, PORK, MUTTON SAU- - SAGE and BOLOGNA. r All our meats will he found rich and tender, and being in the primest condition when dressed contains great nutritive qualities. Our prices are less than such meat is sold for else where. .