t r SALISBURY DAILY! SDN t (DA IL.Y EXCEPT 8UNDA Y. ) JOE X. ROUECHE. i CLINT. N. BKOWN. f Proprietors -t. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year, Six Months, Three One Month, One Week, -A - $4.00 K.OO i.oo .10 Delivered by Carriers to any part of the iity witnout extra cost: Jfor advertising rates apply to the publishers Office over Burt's shoe store, on Main street Entered at postoffice s secona-class rhattjer Sai isnuRT, K C, Aug. 26, 1898. DEMOCRATIC TIG KEF For Congress Seventh District T1IEO. F. KLUTTZ, of Rowan For Solicitor Eighth District WILEY RUSH, of Randolph. For the. Legislature:' LEE; S. OVERMAN, D. R. JULIAN ' j For Clerk of Superior Court: W. G. WATSON For Register of Deeds: H. N. WOODSON,! For Sheriff: , i - I J. M. MONROE. For Treasurer: - . i J. SAM'L McCUBBINS,'JR. For Cotton Weigher: j G. H. PAGE, j For Coroner: ) E. ROSE DORSETTJ For County Surveyor: C M. MILLER. 1 For County Commissioners: J. FRANK JUcCUBBINS, SANFORD JIENLY, P. D. LINN. TRE RECORD DENOUNCED ! Cyrus P. Lockey says the Re publican Executive Committee ofl New Hanover county has met and denounced the infamous editorial of the Daily Record that has cap- ped the climax of all insults to the white race. Mr. Lockey says the paper will suspend. One Hill E. King, a clerk in the Agricultural Department, puts on the finishing touch by denouncing this editorial and very sagaciously .concludes that it sounds like the work jof a Democrat and ventures the opinion that a Democrat wrote or inspired it and got this negro to. publish it. Could any thing be more like j But ler's Rocky Mount speech '( j And is it not wonderful that for want of something bad to say.of Democracy the things too outra geous to bc3 condoned are transf er red by such geniuses to the debtor column againstDemocrats 'I Con cord Standard. ! Our readers will notice that a part of the editorial referred to was published in the Sun several days ago. The article reeked j with revenge and hatred at the white race. It was also an unwarranted misrepresentation of the condi tions existing between the negro men and the poor white women of - (."' the State. The language was so shameful and disgraceful that the decent and intelligent negroes in this . Section of the State could not but feel a sense of revolt and con demnation at tfe editor. Down with such characters. The St. Louis Republic thinks that the South will profit most from new markets with the acqui: sition of Cuba, Porto Rico j and ports in the far east. It estimates that the new markets for cotton alone will be worth to this country 'incalculably more than the cosi of the war," j ' Klondike enthusiasm is suf fering from a severe cold. Ship going to Alaska carry few passen gers; those returning are 'crowded -There is a precinct in the Sixth Cohgrojssional district in which 15 Populist votes were cast in 1886. Now, before the campaign has fairly opened, 11 of the 15 Popu lists have openly i declared their determination to vote the Demo cratic ticket. The Star, can give the names of these 11 voters who cannot stand Dockery - and negro f usion a ny longer, but we are not calling names just now.' Wilming ton Stay. ''..:,.-!'. . j Notwithstandini the " wave' of prosperity" that swept over the country after MtKinley's election, the shrinkage, in tbe -taxable value of real estate in Georgia this year compared with hist was 'about $3, 000,000, and this in the face of an increase of $3,000,000 in Fulton county, which includes the city of Atlanta-.! Outside of that county the decrease would be about $6, 000,000. -L ; Alabama has set a good ex ample to the other States of the South.1 The Democrats carried thes5tate in the recent election by sixty the usancT majority. White supremacy was the is.sue there as here. It is not to be supposed for a minute that when 'the roll of those States enjoying a white man's government is called, North Carolina will be found in the rear ranks.' England's purchase of 70,000 tons of coal at Newport News, Va., wherewith to stock up her naval stations may be merely a transient bit of traide. It is worth while, lowever, to remember, in the craze to get coaling stations around the globe, that we are something of a coaling station ourselves, and have not asyet fairly begun to de velop our! capacity in that line.1 Last Saturday after the Re publican convention adjourned, says the Carthage Blade, we heard a prominent -Populist' say: "My party may fuse with that gang if they want to, but I will vote a Democratic ticket from' now on, and don't vou forget it." An exchange remarks that he 1 1 FT t 1 I 1 . 'a isa incKiV JvionaiKer wno gets ! back with $5,000' -to- $10,000. A good many qf them may consider themselves lucky if they get back with their skin and bones. The Seaboard! Air Line and the Southern Railway this week paid into the State treasury their State taxe s for 1898- $15,134 and $26,414 respectively. Ohio Democrats declare for Bryan in lUOO on the Chicago plat form. Resent Such Gross Libel. Poor white farmers' 'wives are charged b y the negro j editor of the Republican organ at Wilming ton with with negh farmer in gross libel "clandestine meetings men. Will not every the State resent such upon the .women of our State? Poverty is no crime, though it may be a misfortune, but this misfortune should protect its innocent victims from such vicious slanders. Raleigh Post. 1 he Army of China. The regular army of China 1 is kaid to coiisist. of 323,000. Be sides this, the Emperor's army, here is a national army of 650,000 men, who are paid aboijt five shil- ings a month. The cavalry re- ' m I m i9 . " ceives aoout iitteen sniiiinars a month, feeid their own horses, and if they are lost or killed are re- juired to replace them out of heir pay. The present plan is. to begin j uniting through trains between iVinston and Mooresville on or Lbout Septemler 15th. The delay :s caused by the trestles, some ol vhich are not completed. Win NEWS OF THE DAY. Telerraphlc News Condensed for the Conveo leoce of Hasty Readers. The Postoffice Department is making plans for the establish ment of a mail service in Porto Rico. - ; , ' ; A serious insurrection has broken out at Nadoa, jn the inte rior of Hainon Island, in the Chi na sea. v " ! Thomas M. Adams, Democratic nominee for the Georgia Legisla ture was killed at a political gathering. ' Merchants in Santiago 'say , the Cuban army should be disbanded on the ground that it is a menace to business. Theljuban leaders in this coun try are making strong efforts to secure the disbandment of the it - Cuban army. j r The Spaniards are bitterly pp- nosed to the cession of the i island of Luzon, in the Philippines, to - . the United Stales. . 'i i Theoddr Lorner has returned to Hammerfest with no news of An- dree, th , missing aeronaut, but will start, on another voyage. Genera Wilson has closed the saloons'in Ponce," Porto RicO, with a view of quieting the disorders which have prevailed there. General. Rios has sent dispatches to Madrid staling that the insur gents in the Viscayas Islands, a group of the- Philippines,", have been fighting his troops. ,The American and Canadian commissioners at Quebec announce that no general hearings will be granted to persons or delegations on the questions tQ be considered. The arrival of negroes at Pana, 111., to take the places of white miners threatens serious trouble; the strikers are being reinforced by union miners from all parts of the State. Senator Davis, who has been se lected as one of 'the peace commis sioners, is in Washington and will remaiq there several days confer ring with the President and Secre tary of State Day. Dead Again! Atlanta Constitution. The burial of the silver question goes merrily on. There has hard ly been a day during the past three years that we have not been totd by the esteemed gold organs of the east and their cuckoos in other parts of the country) that "silver is dead." 'Every turn in the affairs of the government for eigner domestic, and every eyent that can be construed as having any political bearing . vvhatsoever, has been, hailed us another! evi -dence of the great fact the death of silver. That the issue, jwith the lusty vigor of youth, persisted in kicking out of its ready-made,' gold-plated coffin, made no differ ence' with the esteemed doctors charged with editing the Wall street newspapers. They had said it was dead, and dead it must be, if they have to keep on killing it every day. J Henderson ville Hustler; J The Transylvania Democracy held their county convention last Mon day nnd put a strong ticket in the field. Perfect harmony pre- vailed and: prospects for success are very flattering. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use sufferino- from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You ire having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, you have no appetite, no life or im bit ion, have a bad cold, in! fact are completely usel up.0 ? Electric liitters'is the only remedy ithat yill give you prompt and sure re lief. They act ' directly on your Liver, .Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system anil make vou feel like a new being. They ire guaranteed to cure or ririce refunded. For sale at T.j F. Kltittz & Co's drug store, only 50 White Folks Will "Not Stand These -Things, -y In his speech at Monro e on Tuesday, f Mr. John D. Bellamy stated that in Robeson county, Miss Britt, a white lady teacher, had to walk seven miles to : get a negro' school committeeman to sign her voucher for the money she bad earned. ' This is not all the indignities to which white peo ple are subjected for Mr, Bellamy added: ; : ': "Another white lady in Robe son county had to stand an exami nation before seven buck negroes and not one of them' ever offered her a seat. In another "township ! j .. - . 1 a negro committeeman took the cnair m a white lady's school and bossed it. We will not stand this, and I warn the negro, for man of them do not want this, I warn him if he continues we will put it down. ; Russell is vile. He select ed, not a quiet and inoffensive ne gro, to put forward, but a mean one, Jim Yopng, whom he himself had publicly, prosecuted in Wil mington for perjury. This 'man he put on the board that controls the deaf: dumb and blind insti- i - - tutes, he made him fertilizer in spector, and . then, turning- down competent spectable white men and two re negrbes, he made him a negro regimentj all colonel of because Young has influence with the negroes and will use it for Russell." I We do not expect these things o excite indignation in the breasts of those white men ' who are get ting big salaries through negro support. They have already sold their birthright for a mess of pot- age, and would see every white teacher in the State further humil iated in order to keep their jobs. They are even now running over he State apologizing for such of fences as Mr. Bellamy' mentioned and keeping silent upon the great er outrages that have made the white women of the country dis- rict af raid I to leave their homes without protection, Our appeal is to white men with. white hearts, who love their race ettcr than jthey love pic. They compose II19 rank and file of-. the white men of all parties. They want decen government. ..They the scandals, the ele are tired of vation of the negro, and the out rdges that characterize the present rule. They are laying aside the party ties aid coming together1 to restore White Supremacy in their oved State. Raleigh News and Observer. FpiyoO Years j STIEFF pianos have been recognized and used by the greatest! musicians the world lover. After years of use the oueu retains its original tone in jspite of age.' It is' the only world- renowned piano sold direct irom factory anil buyers are beginning to realize what they save in the middleman's! margin on the high est grade piano. We; also sell a medium grade piano for $200 to $250 that retailers sell for $275 and $325. ' Our Charlotte Warerooni stock is elegant and complete. It win pay you to write : lor caia- ogues and prices. lerms to suit. Chas. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer. CHARLOTTE5 BRANCH: Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon St. THE SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL I AND UNDERWRITERS s FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GREENSBORO. Pare tt rllirlrlonrl tr -rrMrxr Virvlrlot-o rf n per cent, and in cases of loss ETTLES-their claims PROMPTLY What other or you ? j I companies do as much . T- MAHSH, .j I ; i. .' .--';. Agent. Office between Link & Rasland and OW WrUht. ! , Ghurch High School, ! FOR BOYS. Next Session Begins Sept. 5, 1898. 01 mm WE HAVE.: JUST .HUNDRED Including some of the this season, that 65c. on the regular The izes in ladies are mostly .3 These 'floods are slightly damaged are just jas good as those usually ask for SAOSBUKY, LUTTZ & -.r- 1 : LADIES SHOES, (small sizes) iuiopro iu, 5, 4U, CI1ILDKENS SHOES, fa big pair. . - - I IIP. ii.rirvf cmrn tnnct -Ka o11 w:4.' ci.:.- ' . - v b auiu We are receiving- new Winter everybody. . ! these. ' '- Slanglil K '1-1 -v. v A killl J.AaLk7. 1ICLS ;L I 1 1 J 1V.UU.N. t'lllll I'll I . 1 1 iSewjbtock of IS ice Trunks suitable for school boys and girls. TableL Tin and WoodvvaiW i Last but not least Eatables. it is useless to try to tell about them, but if you will come ngs will show you the best from man lands andat prices the lowest in town. Maiiiiiioth Furniture Emporium . ,b4? ' Has the largest stock in the ci y to , arq New, Stylish and up to ARE l A Specialty. Tie has a line ...ofj CASKETS, ; BURIAL "-'ROBES, Etc., V unsurssed in the Slate. Personal attenticm given to ' : EMBALMING AHD DIRECTIOH DFl FDI1ERALS ODTlG Our selling prices Slh The small proft helps us by helping you. Our ads. are not fyi o - Great values joined elegant; . ' - -::-' . -: . II- . -New line of Black jusi in, n n tm 11 Q U RECEIVED SEVERAL PAIRS OF finest goods- shown we will close at dollar of the price. ci, 4 and 4, t-c'mc few hrpc urc. - in appearance from handling,' .hut- sold at almost twice the prices we N. C - - - i - - - t ' ' t ? , " : ; : I r - at 10, 5, 50 and 75c. pcr'pair. 5U and 75c. per pair. assortment) at 10, 25, and 50c. per - ' . sl tn-imaXra. vnnm -f ,v u:,. ..i.'.Vrf i M ii j I ri f I I I 1111 I 1 1 1111 ' . . H in k . 't-mr jroods in mnnv linA i - , Well VVP. hftVfi sn mnnv-irnrwl ilInnrt: I Yours to Serve, Words fail to describe the beauty ui our r urnitute in design, up holstery or perfect finish. Our Library Tables, Book Cases, Leather Couches and Leather Chairs are rich and ornamental, as well as durable and eminently useful. Our Curio Cabinets are what the roUxrtors of specimens need. '. - select from and whilo his date in every particular, his THE LOWEST. O D sell our Shoes! won tu : w uc in uur biui c. to low prices become x ,-" . : , -! : . ' - and Tan Vici Kid Shoes j 0 -7 V p. M.I M. Brown. The bubble has frozen. ton Sentinel. cents per oottle. BRANCH CRAIGE, Principal. !-:

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